iiip7ripi 5ianjNW y3w3jptM'yr-T' r "nvv'TttiimL mw 5p7n 4Ktft?1rtfirtfrf$ n" "myfrnomH r EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2.1, 1910 27 "fwm NEW CITY FINANCE L Councils' Committee Must Get $100,000 .to Pay Bills Held Up by Walton PROVIPED FOR IN The failure of Controller Walton to approve. payment of lons.stnn'linjr bills from the .$2,000,000 loan plores Coun cils' finance committee In tlie position of huvlng to raise 'tintls in excess of $100,000 from current revenue items. With little or no balance in sight the members''of the committee next week will try to get together n fund to pay for the keep of fceble-mlntled anil In sane children nt n number of state Institutions. According In Director 'Kruscn, these bills aggregate over "aS."., O00, and must be met nn the institutions arc in elite necrl ot money. members of Council familiar with "II f tlie items rushed through in the $2,000,000 temporary loan believe thnt other payments will be held up in other departments on the ground ot their not being legal. The final nmount to be cut from the loan by the controller may not be ascertained for tome time to come. To still further complicate the troubles of the committee members. bureau chiefs and department heads nre necking money to pay the men on the loan fund payroll out of current, reve nues. Several thousand 'dollars will have to be raised for this purpose or cores of men will have to be dropped from the city employ until next year. Abolition of the grade, crossing on the Chestnut Hill branch of the I'liiln rielphla and Heading Railroad is pro yidod for in n bill to bo passed by Coun cils at 1U first meeting In ' December, ,At the same time it is expected Coun cils will authorize the city to extend. the old contract with five railroad com panies for a continuation of this work In South Philadelphia. ' In view of Mayor-elect Moore's de mand that adequate items be placed 'hi tho budget, members of tho finance committee will start work in a few days, going over the demands of the departments that come directly under the supervision of the Mayor. This will likely be Increased to include pro Tlslon for many Hems thnt were cut out 'when the budget was submitted by Mayor Smith. Increases, of course, will have to be provided for by an increase in we tax rate. . BANDIT TAUNTS RAILROAD Wyoming Train Robber Telegraphs His "Thanks" to Officials Cheyenne Wyo., Nov. 21. IwurIi Insly defiant. "Hill" Carlisle, train robber, is still nt liberty. Soldiers, trappers, sheriffs, detectives all nre Bcarrlilnc the emtntry around Casper for the bandit, tie emerged from his secret whereabouts long enough to send n tele gram from Casper to Union PneiHo officials taunting them for the failure f their detectives to capture him ufter he had, single-handed, robbed the T,os Angolci Limited Tuesday night. "Union Pacific. Cheyenne. Thanks for haul on your limited. Some detec tive forei'." the message, read. Carlisle was dressed In n soldier s uniform, according to Western Union officials. , A anrcinl train, on board which nip armed men. stands tinder a full bend of steam In the railway yards waiting to Trcspond to the momentarily expected re port that Carlisle again is "up to his old trifks." CAVALRY TO GET STABLES Attorney General Holds State Needs Are Pararrtount to Title Restrictions National guard ravalry officers have won their fight to build military stables nn restricted property in Philadelphia, according to a dispatch from Harris burg today. The attorney general's department Tiits ruled that the Board of Grounds and Buildings con condemn property liiri for use as Btables when the State Armory Board is unnble to purchase.j tno ground, owing in reairiuuuuB ngmuai the creption ot stables. It Is held that the net of 1010 gives the sta'tc power to tnko property for state purposes and that- this right is paramount to restrictions. The ownere of the ground desired for the" cavalry here nre said to be willing to sell. EDUCATIONAL Iloth Sexes School of Commerce 35th Year A special Evening Course in Federal Income and Profit Tax Accounting is now being organ ized. This course is intended for Accountants, Auditors, Bookkeepers and Business and Professional men and women. Ak us for information. i Phone, Diamond. ! TEMPLE UNIVERSITV Oroad St. lielotv llfrki rimaueipnia 3Q-J)JiY BUSINESS COLLEGE rarkww BnflWawt. ttri am Ckr Our graduates are In constant demand for good-paying positions. l.regc anormana. th" "aey. IP'fdy system. Complete business and secretariat courses. Day and Night Ufa'ses. tntensHo training, Enroll any time. Call or write lor full particulars and catalogue. rilll-A. IlL'MNKHS 1'OI.I.KOK 1WII Viflnnim bhi ..-n.v,K-"- Strayer's Business College fhll.dtlphla's Oreatsit Bustnesa BchooU Sit Chestnut St. Phone Walnut HK. y ,1 ORRECT ttSOUSH. also trench. Private 1 Ifasonai experienced woman teacher, . Ift--r.aa r. Phnn Ponlar 2r-U(l W. "KaoU CaleoUtloni and Problem Arithmetic taught Tuesday and Friday . BwoWJ xaj lout kward, jtudenta coi ed, CI Small lrla. lndtv.-a.lten.' l ssTTi - a-' t 7. Hn. rtootn aim., mt Clieatnut. Privato Lom lk,. Lanf Ja Uttie. PROB EM APPEARS wm I "WW!, V.eAr, JvWT li WITH FEW SHIPS AT HAND, TRAVEL BECOMES PROBLEM Transportation to U. S. From Some Ports Impossible, Others Difficult i At the present time thoro arc very I QAMQlfew passenger vessels that nre avail- 'able for transportation, according to the i . i home service section of the American Tied Cross, 1007 Walnut street. This is why some countries nre putting re strictions upon clvillnti travel. It has been virtually impossible to obtain transportation from any 'of (he Mediterranean ports. There is, how ever, a direct passenger kptvIcc from Syi'n to Italy, where transportation may be obtained from Naples to New York. This route is extremely difficult and tedious. A great, many inquiries are being i received fiom people wishing to bring relatives from 1'olnnd. There is an American consul stationed at Warsaw, but due to the unsettled conditions it; Is extremely difficult to Ur range even ; railroad transportation to a port. t ins makes it virtually impossible for people to leave the country. There n-e no American, consuls in Germany or In nny of the central powers nt the present time. Tho State Depart ment refuses to consider immigration cases of enemy subjects 'and no Ger mans, 'J urks. Austro-Hungarians or Hulgarians enn enter tJic'United States. IJy special concession" of the State Denartment. Armenians nossessine Tiritlsh or I'rnhdi "shfe-'roniliirts!" mnvJ be treated or neutrals. In the case of American citizens', however who have been In the territory of the central powers,' it is possible to take up with the State Department the question of transportation. Appointments to City Jobs' The Civil Service Commission today announced tin nrmolntment of .Tosenh ,.J. Smith, fiSfU Crittenden street, as art electrician in tnc mircrm ot Health nt S4 a dav. Other .annointlnents were! Florence: M. Corbctt, L'554 West Silver street, helper in . Ilurenlii ,ot 'l"ca!tli, (lllll n Vni ' AInrt' A rtlii-t-n 'SB ,... moiiut avenue, stepogrnpher, Highway lturcau, $S-10 n year, 'V WIKTICR RUSOKTS' ATLANTK) C1TV. X. .1. tXew!z2& ATLANTIC CITY.N.J. I An. American. Plaa Hotel I of DislmctimcjRealComtort i riRBPROOP GARAGK. I capacity eoo. WizlttrrJZBuzton Oa tKe Ocearx Flrorvt ElQreRsioriosofCbrnfcrt Special Fall Tormj IworfE.Qrostcup.7?xVt7 dte,&lv ' St.ChtrlMFKliMrOokrdwKlk. ltuodled, Ruanlag water. rri?t bitbi. Cap. SOO. 44b1 wtalas pit.a. riAitf Avvsr tjsvainlf lmijera'trM.Crbn.fotBierlyofTPriaesxi HOTEL JACKSON v Tlrcinla Aye,, first houi from Boirdvralfc nd steel Pitr, rireproof. private bntbii running water In rooms.'Kuropean ILB0 day up; American IS day up; eUv&tor to treat. No cabaret. R J. nnOQAN. HOTEL AUSTINE Purine and St. Jamex Plice. Open iur roundlnmi opposite L'athnllo and Protectant chiirchta. $3.00 dally, special weekly. Steam heat. J. It. J0NK3. THE WILTSHIRE Virginia aV. and Beach. Capacity SS. rrlv. batht, runnlni vrater, elv., etc. Amar, 6 Ian, t4 up d'ly, Bperlal vvkly. Hltlet, HAM 'Et. Et.1.18. ovrnen N. J. COLLINH. nurr. ' HOTEL CONTINENTAL Alwaia open. Alvi'aya rady. Terras mod erae. Phone or write M. Waldh Duncan. VVELLSBORO Kn&kf Avr! & ni-L,i-juuivv KuVo?plan Ifdsjr up; tn un wniy, Park Place, 0verlook)nit Ocean and . City Park: always open. J. Mcliwaln CbamDlon. Westminster .K),-.AV'' n,'r: .., water, an up Tkly. Elt.COup dally, C. Buhra HOTEL B0SC0BELKe",v,Lk' :& uy'"u all yeart 118 up weeKW; phone jinr E. MARION. V wri,mvoon.i n. J. . WILDWOOp . .nV-TIIE-BEA Delightful Fall climate. -Invlgoratlne aalt air. Reading trains leave Cheatnuf Htreet- wharf vveekdayi., SioO'A. il IS' 'JO and. fl P. M. Rundaya, 730 A. M. (I1.2S' ex cursion), skso A. ii. ana r i; m; Heated ;Hotel " Open for the winter. Coiy and homtr lllie. 'Splendid food,' 3opd.. aurvlce. THE DOUGLASS ROYAL INN WILLARD HALL -BRIGHTON NEW CENTRE HOUSE SEA CREST I.AKKWOOD. N. J. mURElrnjM PINES AKE WOOD- NEW JERSEY Ktiuable eitmatlc cotidl itanB. ,Golf, rldlnsf and sheltered walks. ' Dally' concert nnd danctnif, Branch office) OEO. A. IIVHN & CO., Broker. FItANK P. S1IUTK. Mar... AKItON. PA. MAPLE FARM HOME ,&. Tine home foe aged nennt. rtatea reaaonabte POCONO MOUNTAIN Mt. Poeano, I'aj. Tliii tDnHvnnrl Modern: elegant 1 oca t torn, fall ft winter rates. Bklt. H L.ftE-V.Artota. NCIIWKNKVILI.r". PA. Perlnnmen Inn 'deal modsrn resort! renaomen. inn higii ltwa.i tri. uatht soat'r. bsth'g. Bth'g. TennU. Bklt. O. M. Carl WAHHINfiTHN. D. O. Burlington Hotel American and European Plans 431 Rooms, 222 Baths, $2.50 to 5 H, T, M1LLF.R. Mr Waahlnrton. B. a Flv minutes from everything. TmOlNJA OLD POINT COMFORT HOTEL CHAMBERLIN FINB AUTUMN OOLr Kswlraumi Pool, Wood KX Cylilne. Evrr Butoptsn V Bath tact Tttttntnt. WtlwA v.4 sriJLSet5K!2.' aJ mm 1TRAYMORE AiuonxxnYi 1 IJRireGREAIESrHaiELSTOCISSl PARCEL POST vsorrawi; Ja. .M.oae ... uw a UP Men's Overcoats Walters' Pawn Shop 904 VINE STREET ;..- oRONDKD to TI1K C1TV. FULL DRES TUXEDO SUITS Prince Albert And Krock Coati BUck suits for all occnMorn to hire Also dinner dresses. en.ntr gowns and tr-.en.nf,- coats, IVllLiLiErflY nibort 42ti Open evenlnso. AUTO TOPS PAINTING Glass Winter Enclosures For All Model Cars seat covnns, curtains nonv cr- holsteiiino rui.i.ui.oit t"IO(.lT.? & PLATE UI.ABS pit is cuiu-aiao Damaged llodlca and Fenders REPAIRED Criterion Auto Paint Shop 2544-4B N. 4TH ST KENSINOTON Ifl-al Beattjs AM.EN Suddenly at Mt Holly. N .T Nov. SO. nARCIAV C A1,I,BT. aged 86 "uneral and Int. private. ANDERSON. Nov. 10. ntlTH W. ANDUR80M (ncc Fhavv) wife of Samuel K. Andereon. aged 22. Relatives nnd friends Invited to sen teen. Sat.. 2 p. m.. St. Georire'a Proteetont Kplecopal Church, 01st at. and llacel ave. Int. private. Arllnnton Cem. Krlende nirtv rail, at residence of father. Joseph Shaw,' 0183 Do Ijvncey at,. Frl. ove. BARKKR. Nov.-. 20. JAMES, husband ot late. Esther Uarker. aired fift. Relatives find frlendq. (Heard X.odae. No. 1(1. S. nf It.: Wool Sotters' llenefleial Assn. Cholten Neat, No. 1033, o. or u.. invited to runeral, Mon.. 2 p. m:. .1514 Royer ut , Oermantown. Tnt. private, N'orlhWc-od. Cem Friends may Lall Sun,, 7 to 0 p. m. riAUER Nov. 30. EMZAIIETH wife of Matthew Hauer (nee Miller), aged 07. Rela tives and friends, women of Holy Tamlly, Altar andlltosary Society of St. Boniface's Church. Invited to funerul. Mon., 7:30 a. m., LMOt N. 2d Bt. Requiem maas bt. Ilonlface'a Church It a. m. Int. New Cathedral Cem Remalna may bo viewed Sun., after 7 p. m. BEERS. Nov. 17, at Pottstown. Pa SARAH widow of Henry W. Ileera. Rela tlves and friends Invited to funerat services. Hat,, 2 p. m.. parlors ot Albert S. Reera A Son. 1501 N. 22d at. Int. private. Friends n:ay call Irl after 8 p. m BETZ.- Nov, 17. CKAIII.ES. husband of Paullnvj lletz nged 87. Relotlvcs and friends Invited to funeral services. Sat., 2 p. m , parents' residence, 3317 H st. Int Oakland Cem Remains may bo towed Frl. eve. RINSFELD. Nov. IS, . JOHN BAPTIST BINSFELD, native of Echternach, I.uiem bura, aaed 71, Relatives and friends Invited tn funeral, Sat , 8:30 a. m.. 229 Plant ave., Wayne. Pa Solemn high man St. Kath erlne's Church 10 a. m. Int. St. Monica's Cem. UI.AOIWEI.l. K, uM.nl., at Trenton. N .1 . on 19th Inst . JONATHAN HUNT BtACKWELL,, In tho 78th year of his ae. Funeral services at his late residence, 107 west State st,. Trenton. Saturday, morning at 11 o'clock. Interment at Hopewell, N, J., I at the convenience ot the family. ULISS Nov. IS, MARY It, wlfo of George w. Bliss. Relatives and friends ln- itea 10 lunerni services, Mai., j p. m., residence of husband. 3H2H N. Franklin st Int private. Friends may call Frl., 8 to 10 p. m noSIICR, Nov, 20. WILLIAM, husband of Mary J. O'Doud Rosher and son of late George and Mary Rosher. formerly of niH Chestnut st. Helatlwa and friends, mem bers of Second Ward Repub. Club, Invited to funenaL Mon., 8:30 a. m.. 0320 Larchwood ave. Solemn high mass of requiem Church of the Transfiguration 10 a. m. Int. Holy Cross Cem. Auto funerat. UOUHEAU. Nov. 10. MAnY A. I10U REAU, widow of Hurry W. Uoureau. Rela tives and friends Invited to funeral. Sat.. 2:30 p. m , 132 E. Central ave,. Mooreatown, N. J. Int. private Train Ivaves Market at. terry, Phlla,, 1:30 p. tn., for Moorestown. IlllOWN. Suddenly. Nov. 111. WILLIAM 171, LIS. son of James H. and late Ellza- oetn lirown. agea in. Hue notice ot iu neral from 2444 S. Garnet st. UURNETTE. At Laurel Hill. Reading. Pa. Nov 18. RERTHA S. UURNETTE (nid Valet), wife of H. E. Burnette. formerly of Philadelphia Relatives and friends invited to services, Mon.. 1 p. m., Oliver II. Balr Building, 18J0 Chestnut st . Philadelphia. Int private. Qreenmount Cem. . HUSH. Nov. 111. at Wlldvvood. N .T . HANNAH, wlfo of William D. Bush (nee Erdlcott), aged ST, Relatives and friends, members of Excelsior Chapter. No. 38. O. E. S . Invited to funeral services. Sat.. 2 p. m.. Steelmnn's Chapel. 8033 Kensington ave. Int. Oakland Cem CALLAHAN Suddenlv Nov. ID. DEN NIS, husbind of lste Margaret Callahan, formerly of County Cork. Ireland. Relatives and friends, Iloiy Namo Society of St. Agatha's Church, Llmerlclt Ouards, Invited to funeral, Mon . 8'30 a. mi residence of son-in-law, Frank Montaiue. J05 N, 80th jt,."W. Phlla. -Solemn high mas of re nufem St, Agthas Church 10 a. m. Int. New. Cathedral Genu Auto service VjAIUlULL,. .VOV. 'J. CATHARINE A,,. widow of Patrick Carroll, formerly of Atlan tic City, r.elatlvea and friends, St. Genevieve Council. C W. R. I... 'nn,l AUterlv Uv. Circle. No. 230. Companions of the. F. of A, invited to funeral, fivm residence of son-in-law, i nomas cauanan, 3841) N. Park a-ve. Sat , 8:30 n. m. Solemn high mass ot requiem at St. !Stephen'a Church 10 a. m. Int New rathedral Cen. CAitTEn. Km n r.rr.T.T i vr i. ,of Benjamin F. Carter. Relatives and 'iv-1'"1" .nviica io servicoa. axon., 'j p. m.. 2380 8. 07th at. Inu private. Friends may can Sun., B to 10 p. m. HCRAIO. Nov. 10 SAMUEL, husband of Caroline Crals (nee .llartman). aged 88. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral aerv Jfe. .Sat.. 11 a. m., David II, Schuler Bide., Broad and. Diamond sts. Int. private. Remains may be viewed Frl,, T to 0 p. m. t DICKEY. Nov- '10 at Tucson. " Arts.. JOHN, huatunri Of riva M. nlr.lfev ir,4 .ah t.r Ijyoulae and late John Dickey. Duo notice of -tunferal will be given. from0210 Hazol ave. -DONAHOU. Nov. ,10. feLLKN. daughter or jatu jonn ana Mary Donatioe. aged 08. Relatives and friends Invited tn funeral. Sat.. 8 a. m.. parlora nf John Crawford. 2637 Weatfleld ave . Camden. N. J. Solemn requiem mass St. Joseph's Church. 0 a. m. Int. Calvary Cem, Remains may be viewed Frl. eve. DUFF. Nov. 18, JOHN, husband of Elisabeth Duff (nee McMulllnV Relatives and friends members of Clan Cameron, Tam o'Shanter and Caledonian Clubs and mem ber f Onston Presbyterian Church, Invited to funeral services. Sat., 1 p. m . eon's residence. 2727 Sydenham st. Int. Trenton. N. J. Friends may call Frl. eve. DUNKELHEROEIt. Nov, 10, PETER 8.. husband of Clara E. Dunkelberger (nee itisnew, agea u.i, iteiatives land friends, members of Mepoken Tribe, No, 881. I. O. K. &!., and Bricklayers' Aspo., Invited to (.funeral terylces.Mate residence, Hothlshein piKe nna vveiss ave., fiourtown, ja.. Hat., .1 p. m, Int. Union Cem.. White Marsh. Pa, Tako'Allentown 'trolley from Chestnut Hill. EATON. Nov 10. ALBERT M. EATON, M, D;. at 2017 N, 18th at. Relatives and friends Invited tn funeral services, Sat,, 11 n., m.. Church of the Annunciation. 12th and Diamond sts. Int, private. Remains may bo viewed Frl., 7 to 0 P. m. Omit flowers. .ELLIS. Nov. 10. SARAH T., widow of Edwin Ellis aged 00. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral aervlces. Bat., 2 P. m,, Penn Widows' Home, 140t E. Susquehann ave Int. private, North Cedar Hill Cem. FETTERS, Nov, 10. ELIZABETH, widow of James Fettera (nee Donahue)., late nf 31.1 S, ath st. Relatives ana frienas Invited to funeral, Sat,. 7:30 a. m... apts. nf Andrew Ebert'a Sons. 238 S. 4th at, .Mass nr requiem at. jiacys unurcn a. m. Int, Holv Cross Cem, Remains may be viewed Frt . 7 to 10 p. m. Auto cortege. FLETCHER. At Detroit, Mich.. Nov, 18, EARL husband of Amy Fletcher (nee Webb) and son of Charles S, and, late Anna H. Fletcher,' aged 80. Relatives and friends Invited to iuneral aervlces. Sun,, 1 rh m, residence, of father-in-law, Charles 11. vv . Webb, 111S Klllrldge ave., Wt Colllngi rood. N, J. Int. private, Friends may alt St,. T to V p, m.- ' wooa FOIILK. Nov. IS. late ot 2033 N. SUA at. MARTHA A., wife of Robert T. Foulk tnee Marshall). Relative and friends in vited lo funeral services. Sat., 2 p. tn., residence ot sister. Mrs, Albert P. Jones, 2000 E. Ann st. Int. private, South Laurel HID Cem. Remains may be viewed Frl., after 7 n. rn FRIT14. Nov. 20 vA-NNIE. wife ot John G. Frit', aged 40, Relatives and friends In vited to funerat, Mon,, 8:30 a, in.. 2720 N. Grata st, High maas St. Columba's Church 10 a. m, Int. prlvte OE8T. Nov. SO. JOHN 'W.. husbind of Trnnah Geat (nea McGavl. arsd R7. at 1781 -Porter at. Due notice ot funeral will be HAt.l" Nov. IB. MARY ELIZABETH. widow of William J Hale, aged 7B. Hela- tlves.and friends. Class Nb. 18 of the North west Memorial Baptist Church. Invited to funeral. St-. 2 p., m from, slater' resi dence, Mr. M. Dola-i. 2181 N. Natrona st. Int. privgt. Norfnwproi cem IIAMaj. ov. u. 20. CATHARINE. Wife riua nallea nf funeral will Edward Jiamm. Wvt. U A?H HARRIS. pje given tram iiAnnio, KeiativeMand fretwu Invite u funeral. Bit., 10 W irVw.( rMw ;t M. Marsaxt i L I U J T WRATHS Dunn. 780 N. Olth at. Int. West laurel JIIII tig?- NOTICE IS IIF.RK.V IIVI ui.vi Cem. nematna may be Mewed Frl. 8 to 10'jFv n application will tie mail "' p.m. Otnernor of the Commonwealth of Penn- HKSREn Vnv m ANNtn V... widow of svlvsnla on llio 8th ilnr of Hctcmlier, A. II. George Hcsser, aged SO, Relatives ana friends Invited tn funeral services. Sb n. to.. .1721 Powelton ave Int. private. Wet I.nnrrl Hill Cem. ... HIM. At Prrkaste. 1 , Nov. 10. MAIIT. widow of Joseph F Hill, aged 70 Rela tives and friends tmlted to funeral. Hat., ! P. m.. parlor nf Mrs. llenrv Schneider . Son. 1011 W. Cambria at. Int at Green mount Cem. . ! 1IOP1IAN. Nov 10. HERMAN C . hue- band of Kltrabetn llephan (iie Fischer). Relative, and friend. Ml. Morlsh .L.ode, No. 135. t and A. JL: llorrla rattle. No. SO. K of O. K . Penn'Townamp i.oaue, .-no. ,SI0. I O, O, r. areble Counell, No. 13. O. 'of T. A lnltert to funeral, Kun . - p m, lIHu N. Croeliev at (22d and Norrli le '. Int. prlvnte. Itlllelde Cem. ttemalna ina bu lewed Wat . after 7pm .... ItOUHT. Nov 18, .lOItN C . litiaband rf (Mary A, llorat (nee Grebe), aired n Ilelj- Mhee and frlendi. .tournevmeti Oonfeetloneri' land Cake HaWs' llenenelol Aeso. . the Caka tlakera' and Confeetlonere' Tearly lleneflclal Soolcty: Illchlatid Circle. No Mi, II. ot A., and emnea of Horn fc Hardart i'a, and 1 Henellclal Aeo Invited ti- funeral. Sat., ll'SO n m. 4510 N. joth at Int. private, I lvv Hilt Cem. Friend" mv call rrl eve. JOHNSON Suddrnlv, Nov 20, ntCH- Altn A JOHNSON, at brother's residence. 30 i: State at, Media. Pa Due notice cf funeral will be clen KANE Nov tn. I.TX J enn of Cath erine and late Mariln Kane TlrlatUea and frlenda Invited to funeral. Sat 7 30 a. m , oarlora of I.ela II. Snlft. S W ror I'Jtti and Jefferson tin Mas St Malarbl'a Church 9 a. m. Int. Holy Cron Cem. Auto funeral. KINO Nov 10 MArtOAHKT n. KINO fnea Henlv), wife of .lamea P Klnn. late of lSIlt S, Cecil at Itclatlen and friend" 'n vlted to funernl. Sat. H.H0 a ni , Oliver It reoulem moss Church ut the Most lllessed 8imm.ii in i in. Int. llnlv Cms. rem. Hair liunamp, iu cnemur er, woieinn LEVY Nov. 19. nilHTHA. daughter of l.lto Lewis and Rnchel lv- Relatives ortrt frlenda Invited to funeral service. Sun. 1! n m.. residence of brother-in-law. Mark IB. Ducks, 1232 W. Allegheny ove Int. Adstli Jeahurun cem. MACK. Nov 20, AON'KS. wlfo of Thomas .1. Mack (nee Kennedv) Relutlvrs and friends Invited to funernl Mon . 8 30 a m , I04 N 03d at Solemn requiem mass Our Lady of Rosary, Church 10 a. m. Int. St. Denis' Cem. MANOENO. Nov 20. CAROLINE, wife of Joseph Ft. Mangeng Relatives and friends invited to funeral services, Mon, 2 p. m . 1272 S. Ilonialt it Int. private, Kflninrf mntr onlf Dim ni'a MARKS Suddenly.' Nov HI. 1ICRTON Mar'l.s. Relatives and friends Invited to fu- neral services. Sat . 2 p m 431 S. Both I MANSFIELD, husband of Sarah Maneely st Int West Laurel .11111. Cem . . MATTHEWS On Nov.19.1010 CHARLES F. MATTHEWS. huibnnd nf Catherine Matthowa (nee Bresnanl. Relatives and. friends, also employes Mtdvale Steel and Ordnanco Co., Invltetl to funerat on Satur day morning, at h:30, from lato residence. 203 W Clapler at,. Oermantown High requiem mass St. Francis of Assist 10 o'rloclr. Int. private. Holv Sepulchro Cem McAFEE Nov. in. LEWIS, husband of Sallle It. McAfee. Relatives nnd friends nf the fnmlly Invited to funeral services. Sat.. ai V HI . "I .1. IIVUHl'l r. liril.niii. rt-.. Ka .1-...- T7-I a,.- .-Am U tn in , O'clock MoRRIDE Nov ID. WILLIAM husband ' nf late Mnrv J. MoBrldo (form-rlv of 12.18 , N. llth at ) Relatives lind friends Invited to runeral. Mon., N:30 a. m , n'joT iiuist ave Solemn high requiem mass at Church of Most Bles.ed Sacrament in a m Int. Holy Cross Cem Auto funeral MCFADDEN Nov, IP. WILLIAM M son of late Dr. W. II, and Sarah Yocum Me Fadden. Relatives and friends Invited tn fu neral services. Sat , 2 p. m.. 121 W. Wash ington lane, Oermantown. Int. private. MONTGOMERY. Suddenly, Nov. 20, HANNAH CLARK, wife of Harry T. Mont gomery. Relatives and friends Invited lo funeral services. Sat.. 8 p. m., apts Kirk ft Nice, 0301 Oermantown ave., Oermantown Int. private. MURTITA. Nov. 18. JOHN, husband cf Martha W. Murtha nnd son of late Thomas and Marv Martha. Relatives and friends William T, Hamilton Lodge, No, SOO, r. and A, M., Invited to funeral services, Sat.j 2 P. m., 2428 N. 17th st. Int. rrlvte, West Laurel Hill Cem. ORMISTON Suddenly. Nov. 20. MAR ION ELIZABETH, daughter of Andrew C. and Ida M Klotg Ormlston Funeral serv ices ot parents' residence, 210 W Pomona st., Oermantown. Mon., 3:30 p. m. Int. private PENROSE. At Allen Wood T . Nov 1, LILLIAN B, PENROSE, wife of Pierce T renrose, Jr. (nee Ouempel), aged 20. Rela tlves and friends Invited to funeral services. "i.i v iii. iio,. ,-ie i.incey st.. vv. J'nua. Remains may be viewed Frl 8 to 10 p. m Int private. Greenmount Cem. Auto fu neral ,nKIN?No;'v,17., Cnt"- n- n PER- KINS, nged 78. of Camden N. J. Relatives and friends. Ionic Lodge, No 04, F. and A.fl -u., aim an organizations nr which he was a member. Invited to funernl services. Rat , 2 p. m., ants, of W B. M. Burrell, 427 Mar ket at . Camden, N. J. Int private. Har lelgh Cem. Omit flowers. TONTIUS. Nov. 10, MARY E widow of Joseph Pontius oi"ed 70. Relatives and friends, Hetty A Jones W. R, C. No. 124, !nlted tn funeral services. Hat,, 2 p, m., S3 E Mnrttn st. Roxhorough. Int. Private, PORTER. At 3244 Chestnut st. Nov 10. ALICE HATCHER PORTER. Int. Louisa. Ky PROSSER. Suddenly Nov 10. LEMAN EDGAR,, snn of late Joseph S. and Etnlflne Prosser. Relatlves-,nid .frlaada'ln.vlted to funeral services. Sat. 8 p ''mr," n23 N. 8th st., Camden. N. J ! also Sun., 2'80 p. m., In SI.'B. Church. Turnervlllo , Train leaves Chestnut St., Phlla., 1 p. m , for Grenloch, ' 'o'l'INN At r.n.11 Pine st . Nov. IS, ANNA, wife of Edward Qulnn. aged 7S. Relatives and friends Invited to' services, Sat.. t:30 p. m . First Philadelphia Seventh. Day Adventlst Church, Slst and Locust sts. Int. private. SCHRANK. Nov. 10, MARY (nee Rlchter). wife of John I. Schrank. Relatives and friends invited to funeral services, Mon.. 2 p m. SS44 Greenway ave Int. Fernwood Cem. Remains may be viewed Sun . 8 to 10 P. m SEARLBfl. Nov. 10 HORACE, hu-band o Margaret (nee Blair) and son of Marv and late Samuel Searles. aged 23, Relntlves and friends. Monelto Tribe. No. 447. I. O. R. M.. Invited to funeral. Sat 2 p. m , 408 N. 24th st. Int. Fernwood Cem. Friends may call FrJ . 8 to 10 n m. BHARPLKSS Nov. IT, EXrjtA M.. wife of Charles F, Shsrpless, aged 03. Relatives and rrlends. 1 Delayers and Helpers' Locals, Nos. 18 nnd 17. Invited tn funeral services. Frl,, 7:30 p. m., 128 N, Edgewood st. Int. ' Allentown. Pa,, Sit. ' SHINN. On Nov. 20. 1010, ALMIRA F . wife of George W. Shlnn and daughter of lite, Andrew and Alpilra F. Jackson In her 70th vear. Int private I HICKLER. Near Yorktown, N. J., Nov 10. CHARLES SICKLER. nged OH. Rela- 'tlves and friends Invited to funeral servlese, Sat.. 10:30 a. m.. near Yorktown. N. J. Int. Alloway Baptist Cem. Autos will meet train at Yorktown. SIMON. Nov. 20. LOUIS A., son of Louie II, and Bertha Simon, aged 4. Relatives and friends Invited to services. Sun.. 8 p. m., Farents' residence, 4010 Trenton ave, Frank ord. Int, Oakland Cem. SMITH. Nov. 10. HERMAN J. A. SMITH, husband ot Clara L. Smith (nee Rleder) and son of Anna Apple and 1st Charles C. Bmllh. Relatives and friends, Idge No. 2. II. P. O. E. i Washington Camp. No. 480. P. O. 8. of A.: Washington Lodge, No. 0. H. of II. i Phlla. Turngemelnde, Wednesday Night Bowling Club, Phlla, Itlrle Club. Phlla, Coal Exohange, employes of Smith A Ilolthaus. all other societies of which he was a member. Invited to funeral. Hat.. 2 p. m.. 1220 W. Lehigh ave. Int. Germantnwn Crematory SPICER. Nov, 10. GEORGE LE ROY, son of Justice J. and Mry E. Splcer (nee Warrington), aged 1 year and 1 month. Relatives and friends Invited to funerat, Sat,, 2 p. m., residence cf parents, (1180 Callow hill at. Int. Holy Cross Cem. Auto service- SPRINOLER 7ov. 19. CATHARINE wife nf Charles Springier (nee Lahr), aged 08. Relatives and friends, members or Archconfraternlty of the Holy Famllv, St. Ursula Beneficial Society, Pocahontal Home, No. 10, n. of A.: Grand Home of Pennsyl vania, tf. of A., Invited to funeral, Mon.. 8:30 A. m., 1B40 N Ilthgow st Solemn requiem mass Lt Peter's Church 10 a. m. Int. St. PeUr'a Cem. 8TEINHART. Noyr 10. rERCIVATj PAUL, husband of Dolores sous tie stein hart and son of Frank and Alice Stelnhart. nf Havana, Cuba, aged 28. Relatives, ana friends Invited tn funeral. Mon,. 9:30 a. m.. Oliver It. Balr Building. 1820 Chestnut st, Solemn reaulem mas S m Patrick's Church 11 a. m. Int. private, New Tork paper copy. STUDHOLME. NOV. 10, J, HOWARD, Jr., son nf Howard and Sarah Studholma (nee Maraden), -aged 17 Relatives and friends, emplovee of Thomas Wolstenholma Sons i;o., lnviiea to lunerai services, am., i P. m residence of parents. 3207 norer st. uervlce at Trinity Ilefomed Epucopai Church 2 p .m. Int. Oakland fern. Be mains may be viewed Frl., after 7 p. m. SUMMEIISOILL. Nov. 20. EMIl.T. wife of John Summersglll. aged 64. Relative and friend Invited to funoral services, Sun., 2 p. m , at Victoria Union Chapel, Victoria Plush Mill, flwrthmore. Delaware co. Pa, int Aioaie, cem, TOMASCO, Nov 10, CAKMELA. wife of Louis Tomasco. Relative and friend In vited to funeral, Mon, li.ni. 1710 S, 18th t. Solemn high man of requiem St. Rita's Church 10:4.1 a, m. Int. Holy Cross Cem. TORRENCE At Ivyland. Pa.. Nov. 28. MATT1E M. TOHRENCE. wlfo of Hugh Ter rence, aged 00, Relatives and friends In vlted to funeral, from lata residence, Sun.i l p. m. Train leace Heading Tirminm 0:23 a. m, for Ivyland t. Int, Nnhamlny 'ApANDBnqntpr, Nov. 20. josepha m. VANDERQIUFT. widow of Joseph T. Van dergrlft. Relatives and friend Invited to funeral service. Sat,, 1 p. m., residence of daughter, Mr. Frederick W. Snyder. 103 E. Front st.. Media, pa. Int. private, WATSON Nov. 20. OEOHQB B.. hus. band of Catherine Watton (neo Coleman) and on ot lata Robert and Catherine Wat son. Due- notice of funeral will be given from 4417 'N, Orat st. ZUNER. BERTHA ZIINER. beloved mother of Major A C, n. Zuner. Nov. 2o, Service church Funeral Vampbell Bldr,, Broadway at 68th St., New Tork, on Sat urday, Nov, 22, 2 p. m. Omit (lowers, Swti paper please copy. t aywicKTAKiatii Scnma JmWbmmmmmmmmtmmmmtmmmummm I.KOAI, AnVKItTIIKMKNTS. 1010. under the provisions of an act of the General -Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania entitled "An act to prcnldw for tho Incorpcratlon and reaulatlon nf cer tain corporetlons," approved tho 'jnth day of April, 1874, and the supplements thereto, for the charter of on Intended corporation to bo stMed Kllck Tubing X llrnldliiK Com pany, the character and object of which l to engage in manufacturing, bmlntr, selllni: and dealing In tubing braiding, piping, con- iliill rwntalfirt hAt. lis snertnltlcs autot'roblle accessories light hardware and articles or a similar or cognate cuarscter from metal, rubber, fabric, wood or other material cr i omblnatlon thereof, and for theso purposes to hae possess and enjov all the lights benefits and privileges of said act of the Uenerol Aisemblv and tho sup plements thereto. LOST AND FOUND URAC'UMST Ioat. November 8. allter I ten- tlty bracelet. Inscribed Mrs Masnafd I.odd. Reward. Return to O. II. Norrls. 4HQ i.and Tltli. rildg PIN lost, rlnco Tues . Nov II. diamond and emerald bar pin. alued for associ ation: $.10 revwird end no questions oelecd. Communicate with ,T I C , Locust (1114. or Woodland inaa m TIRK Ivist. n white wire auto wheel and tiro, l'rldav eenlnF. vlelnltv nf Qerman town, reward Call Market 33"0 PERSONALS ALKX O KOUYOUM has sold his business known as the Southern Qulik Lunch and nafn,irnnt nt 701 Wnlmtt st Phlln . P.T.. to Aslereos Phlssekedes anil Nicholas Phlsse. I lra,ln f-ri1ttnrs Rr. Iierehv notinnd tn nres- 1 ent all clo'ms before ''. . "l i ' office. I. (. Lutes Heal I.rtate Uroker, U.J , Walnut st ;! MARKS HAH SOLI) his business and ; '"-l. !','?, AV""r--N . " "'RAP PACK equipment. S. W cor 3d and Arch AOl.S EM-ERIENCr. NOT NCCKSHARY. sts tn M. SnvMer ,tr Pon. nil Oermantown I ave.. Phlla Ta All creditors present thcli claims before Nov 2fl 11110. . t i IIERBIIY give notice that I will not be responsible for anv debts unless contracted by myself. IrnnK C Coll 13H Spruce st. 1 IIBREHY glvo notice that I will not b- responsibie ror oenta unices contracted ov myself Trank C Kolb, 13th and Spruce sts. HELP WANTED FEMALE ADDRESSCRS over 17. to address envel- nnps l,v hand at our office, niece work good writers nnli. Applv Howe Addressing and Printing Co .704 Chestnut -t BOOKKEEPER and secre-nry wanted for 1 )UUlIUrM till'l r-i i i - is , xi'ii private school . P 025 ledger Office CHAMllEHWOItlC nnd vvnltiai or mending, good reference P lot, ledger Office CLERK Bright girl over in. to Hie enr reepondencn and assist In flle rocm. cen- trallv located oltlce. state age. experience. education and salary desired. P. O. Box 701. Philadelphia COOK, chambermaid and waitress, small famllv 1431 Dlnmnnd Din 2 glrl, nr.n w .. v........ I 'I II XIILf;!, Vf,.Vll.., 20 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER roll roefllll.l l,l,u.,v ,i.uii. i WITH Till) S HIPP NO OF MERCHANpiSE apply nrnr.AU of employment WA:..viAivrju- COOKING nnd downstairs work nnd tn n- I slst laundress family 5. 1 child: wages 58 :.. . . .. - .,... .. Cvnwyd 304 R. GIRLS, over 10 years: steady position: rood wages; 48-hour week. Frledberger Aaron Mfg Co. 4000 N. 18th Bt near Wajno Junction. RELL TELEPHONE OPERATING PERMANENT POSITIONS OFFERED TO YOUNO WOMEK BETWEEN 18 AND 2S YEARS I 111 PER WEEK FOR FIRST I WEEKS. gin a ro pp.n wnmc in n months. WITH RAPID ADVANCEMENT THEREAFTER. SHORT HOURS INEXPENSIVE HOT LUNCHES CO.MFORTAHLE REST ROOMS SICKNESS DISABILITY BENEFITS CAREFULLY CHOSEN ASSOCIATES CALL PERSONALLY ANY WEEKDAY. BETWEEN (l A M. AND S P. M. TO SEE MISS RYAN, 1031 ARCH ST.. FIRST FLOOR THE RE1.L TELEPHONE CO OF TA IiEAMF.IL EXPERIENCED ON LEVERS I.Cl: DEPARTMENT WORK. STEADt WORK AND GOOD PAY: 4J-HOUR .WI2TJK. APPLY NORTH AMERICAN LACE CO . 8TH AND AI.LEOHENY AVE CHILD'S NURSE wanted to take euro of 24-ear.old rlilliL.nnd tn assist with II monlhs-nld Infant, good wages will lie nalil to m nurse refs. preferred 322S Mont- gnmerv ave.. nr phone Diamond -'Hits .1. COOK. ihnmbermHld and waitress, rerer enoes required. Phono Oermantown 200. 002.", Greene st COOK nnd chambermaid, waitress. 2 whlto girls for famllv of 3 adults, reference. fnll Mnndnv 1R.12 Pine st CHAMBERMAID and waitress wanted col ored: best of refs. Apply 011 Hansberrv st , Germantnwn. Phone Oermantown 2000 r vMPnr.LTs soups ESTABI ISIIED 1800 (URLS AND WOMEN MUST BE OVER 10 YEARS OF AGE GIRLS AIL'ST FURNISH PROOF OF AOE FOR KITCHEN WORK PREPARING VEGETABLES MEATS. ETC ALSO GENERAL FACTORY WORK STEADY EMPLOYMENT MINIMUM STARTING RATES INCLUDING BONUS 114 AND Sl.l FOR 48 HOURS TIME AND HAt.r TIME OVER 48 HOURS INCREASED Al'TOMATICALLY PLENTY OF OVERTIME JOSEPH CAMPBELL COMPANY 2D AND MARKET STS. CAMDEN. N. J. FORELADY' Experienced In handling help and lo factory routine New department being established. 44-hour week: $20 per week. In answering state fullv past experi ence. Personal Interview desirable. Glass Founders Corporation Mtlltown. N. J GIRLS WB REQUIRE OIRLS TO WRAP PACK AGES; EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY. APPLT EMPLOYMENT BUREAU LIT BROS. OIRLS. white, for light, pleasant work, al lowing qulok advancement to steady girls: all sitting worft: steady all the year round: have no use for loafers but want neat girls; wages $8 per week to start, with Increase second week; quick girls can soon make good money. 1211 Spring Garden st. 100 GIRLS WANTED OVE 10 TEARS OF AGE IN NEW DEPARTMENT NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY XIOHT. AIRY FACTORY DESIRARI.E. STEADY WORK 82 WEEKS A YEAR HOT LUNCHES SERVED AT LESS THAN COST GOOD PAY. EXCELLENT TREATMENT LEARNERS PAID 112 WEEKLY IiIOaETT U MTKRS TOBACCO COMPANY 8D AND ONTARIO STREETS OIRLS OVEn 18 TEARS OF AGE. FOR LIOHT t'ACTORY WORK: ATTRACTIVE WAGES APPL.T BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WAJJAJIAKER'S GIRLS. 10 AND OVER. IN PACKINO DE PARTMENT DRIED FRUIT BUSINESS. CALL READY FOR WORK, QOOD WAGES, UAI.1, 1HU H, M1UW1 Cll, OIIILH to tie bows, fold tattonery, etc : good pay while learning E A, Wright Co,. Broad and Huntingdon t Q1HL wanted to work In cutting room. gonne Shirt Co., 1214 Arcn i. CIRLS wanted tn work on folding paper boxes at 12.73 per week. Brown 4 Bailey Co.. 410 N, Franklin st GOVERNESS wanted ror 2 little girls, aged 7 year! must . musical, salary sou, aoi 4fl. Warrenton. V HAND SEWERS APFI.T BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S HOUSE MISTRESS for private school want ad! must be experienced, P 024, Ledger Office. LAUNDRT i MARKERS AND SORTERS " APPLY MARKET ST. LAUNDRY 1808 FILBERT ST. SALESWOMEN FOR TART TIME APPLT BUnEAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S bTENOORAPHER wanted: state ens, refer ence and salary desired, P 828, Ledger Office. . TAIIXRESSES ON MEN'S CLOTHING! ALSO LEARNERS APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKElt'S TELBPHONtS OPEItATOU. egparlsnoed Bell ana Keystone; stafiavflarv-: give veiepuone ausaktw, JJ5, LedJ-l Ottflca. HELP WANTED FEMALE WANAMAKKRS Ull.l. Cl.t:ilKH l.V IIOOKKKKriNO I1BPT know i.i:nnK or TYPHWiirriNCJ ADVANTAQl;OUS CI.KUKS rott AfDITINO DKPAnTMKNT Oini.S 14 TO 17 YHAIIS Of AOR UOOI OPPOKTWNirV TO 1IKOIN A 11U81NKSS CAItnKIl SAt.USWOMP.N OPPOriTt'NITlKS IN 8KVr.RAI DKPTS WOMKN AS sttr.r.T WR1TI5HS noou pi:.v.tnN WOMIIN VOR WIIAPPINO KXI'RUIRNCK NOT NKCKSSARY YOl'NO TVOMP.N AS CASIIIKtl- AND INSPKCTOItS i:MPI.OY.MKNT IIUttKAO tVAN'AMAKliR'S TKLIIPltONI) OPERATOR with bnntviei ' of tvpewrltliifr, Apply 1.11n-lr,21 Chestnut I ' I 'ilTnrr ti'iiiti- TOR rwiofl AND r-'OttNTI-tt WORK I APPLY IIURHAtr Of nMI'LOTJfU.VT vv ,...viaivi;h h WOMAN wonted to do cleaning around office and fnctoiy. Ilrown & Holley Co.. 410 N l rnnltlln st wo.Mny vpi'i.y Ejri'LoranNT murhai; UT UROS. WOMEN TO PACK STATIONERY AND CANDY . . . LIGHT WORK rn,Y nfitEAu or employment WANAMAKElt'S WOMEN FOR CLEANING , . n DAV AND NIGHT SHIFT M'PI.Y Ht'llEAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKElt'S WOMLS, good pnv. light table work: ex-1 perlence not necesarv. steady etuploy men,'.i"."lV,.ur.yfch I'rledberger Aaron Mfg. , Lo 40(10 N. 18th st . near Wayne Junction. .. VOCNO WOMEN 1. to to yeaiis or Ann to sell Mi:iti'ifNnisi: . INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN PP1.Y lU'REAtr or EMPLOYMENT WANAJfAKER'S YOFNH Olltl. for Ire cream and r.uT Applv A ni-.l 1IIA r a .. " "" " "" " 1410 I.nrnst st. YOl'NO LADIES to unrk In finishing de- ... 'l,"m.'",1 or engraving house: cnngc.Hal " ' in. k,,i, nni . ninnrinnnn ... 1 . i,.. ,... ' ...'... 'Ji nMia rv " ., rmni I Prond and Huntingdon sts HELP WANTED MALE 1TH AND ALLEGHENY AVE nooKKKEEPER Active joung man. not over 25. for merchandise sales ledger, must be a person we can bond and come well recommended, also bo able to handle large number of accounts, excellent oppor tunlt lo learn a good business, stato ago experience nnd salary desired. 1' o. Box 7.11 Philadelphia " ARTIST wanted for catalogue Illustrating; a gond opportunity for joung man with some experience to develop with rnpldlv growing catalogue department of large manufacturing companj ; should he able to make wnh und line drawings of mechanical 1 subjects from blueprints nnd prorcrably know how tn handle the air brush; locution 60 iiuirn irum i iiiuiueipnia write, stoting age experience and present salary, M 730, Ledger Office. llODY MAKERS tn wnrk on kedan bodies. make sample IhhiIcs and hang doors, also good men fcr all-iround closed body work: we pny good wages and have steady work all venr round I.nury Top and Body Co Gaul nnd Adams sts BOY -Largo printing plant, located in cen tral section of tho city, wants a bov lr olllce work, must be over HI jearB nf age and havo Mnlshed grammar school; wo want a boy who Is neat, bright and anxious lo 7r.. '" ' ' "inv'J enu 01 ine Duslness, this Is a real chance for a boy who Is able to apply himself and learn: we are looking for a bov who. In the not very distant fu ture, wll be able tn tackle n man's work , write fully In own handwriting, stating age i and schooling. Address Jl 2211 Ledir?, Office. otl I BOY wruited for general work In large office: excellent opportunity for advancement. w,.tj- nr,,,,, iioui, mencan stores CO,, siii nini iimhm Hie. B9?;,,i'n 57?"' ! "nlPPlng department. ' Wllllpms. Broun 6 Enrle 1118 Chestnut st I BOYS 11 TO 17 YEARS OF AGE GOOD OPPORTUNITIES FOR BRIGHT. ACTIVE BOYS ATPLY CADET HEADQUARTERS EIGHTH FLOOR WANAMAKElt'S BOYS, between HI and 18 sears of age neat appearance, for pavroll work Apply Ed O Budd Mfg Co , 2.-th and Hunting Park ave BRICKLAYERS for Detroit, Mich M jr Mr hour; 0-hour day; double time over hours on Sundavs. faro advanced: 18 month Job: good bovvrd and room for to..',!) per week on Job: open-shop conditions Report at once with tools at 113 N 12th st. PhthdalphtaT CARPENTERS AND SHIPJOINERS 300 FIRST-CLASS MfT CAN GET PERMA NENT POSITIONS. INSIDE WORK ALIWINTER JOB GEO. W. SMITH & CO. 40TH AND BOTANIC v II COAL handlers and trimmers: plenty of overtime; come ready for wcrk. idd H 3d st. Rooms 4-.1. DESIGNER Wanted, experienced drafts man of Nottingham Iscn curtains. Ad dress, stating snlarv and particulars, to Columbia Lace Co . Columbia. Ps. DOLL REPAIRMAN WE REQUIRE AN EXPERIENCED DOLL REPAIRMAN: GOOD SALARY. APPLY EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. LIT BROS DRAFTSMAN, experienced on reenforced concrete and structural steel work; location Philadelphia: permanent position to man nt ability: stato fully sour experience I' 707. Ledger Office HOG ISIAND SHIPYARD WANTS SHIP JOINERS SHIP CLEANERS LABORERS Plenty of work and good workinc condition PASSER BOTS Must be over 18 year and furnish proof of age, APrLT Mr. ShattucV office 1521 Arch''.. on Employment Offlo Hog lilsnd HOSIERY FIXER One whn thoroughly understand Scott A William Full automatlo lace machines Good gtlsry and permanent position For the right man 'WALLACE WILSON HOSIERY CO Orchard t. below Unity, Frankfort! REAMERS EXPERIENCED ON LEVER1 LACE DEPARTMENT WORK. hTEADY WORK AND GOOD PAY. IS-HOUR W 1 ; APPLY NORTH AMKItrr-AV t c HELP WANTED MALE I'ORHMAN. machine shop In lalie charge of fitting and erecting textile machinery; f'ate age. experience nnd tilary desired. IM11'3 Ledger Office. I IIKI.P S00O JIQHB MKN Absolutely no tatior trouble T be efflclentv of our present force enables us to "speed up " Hhlpjard or!tern nowhere todiy draw javeti) elopes bigger than llioso ot our faithful cmplojes WHY? Wo bae placed practically all work on a piece price, basis and we set nn limits Wo encourage you to mal(e all lou can WB WANT 1000 experienced men. whn are look ing for n future who desire M davs w-orli ter week, fi hours per dav whp win live on our townsite. ;i to a tmn titea walk from their work, who weigh not less than l.'O pounds, and who desiro to learn trade. neaitny outuoor Our leslaurant 1 nneratfil at cost for jour Iwneflt After ou work 4 hours tupplv von with tneal tickets nnd plire sou li slenm-hented quarters. Tou must arrive here not later than I,?,,? " m ' lo ,,0rk ,h """" WE NEED TODAY RIVr.TERS IIOLDIIUS-ON HEATBRH HXPBRIK.SVnO ROI.TBRS UP ROLTBRS' LBARNi:RS PA.tNTi:RS (SHIP) ELECTRIC WKLDURS Pt.ATi: HANOBRS' t'ELPERS SIIH'KITTKRS' HELPERS PAINT OI.BANERS 200- -PASSER BOYS 200 aoo LAnonr.ns Th best camp Jolt In the U. S Mieam-neatea quarter testaurstit thnt flchts the high cot of living ATPLY MR I.EYDEN 1021 ARCH ST , PIULA PENNSYLVANIA MERCHANTS SHIPBUILDING COR PORATION. AGENT, U. P. S R . EMERGENCY FLEET CORPORATION HOSIERY RIB FIXER One who Is capable of taking charge nf large section of rib machines Good aalarv nnd permanent posillon for competent man "L-84," T. O. BOX 3170 LABORERS. 20(1 wanted. Kears-Roebuck operation, long Job and steHdv work; Roosevelt boulevard, west nf Asiluni pike. Olnev avenue car lino within two squares nf Job Apply at Irwin & Lelglilon, con tractors. LABORERS to handle coal: plenty of over time: como ready to work. 133 S. 3d st.. Rooms 4 and n. MAN WANTED who thoroughly understands flat-rib machines Right man can make good money WALLACE-WILSON HOStr.'RY CO. Orchard at. below l.'nltv. I'rankford MAN, oung, wanted for assistant Janitor; must bo a good worker and have reference as to honesty. Apply r,20 N 10th McCANDLESS GORDON CO. Pittsburgh. Pa. have a position for the best shirt drafter and cutter In tho United Stotes. Apply at once. 231 Oliver ave. MECHANICAL DRAFTSMEN (two), wanted nt once: permanent position, good work. outside of Philadelphia; state experience. salar v. etc.. In reply tn Box P 710, Led O rf yteel and Ordnance NICETOWN neds inolders and helpers laborers men for open hearth men for rolling mill carpenter rotary operators APPLY Wlssahlckon PACKERS AND WRAPPERS OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS, CHINA. ETC. APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S PAPER CUTTER wanted to cut cardbo.rd "" a Brovyn & Carver . Apply Brown ft Ballev Co., 410 N Franklin". JOB PRINTER First-class Joh compositor. union shop. J30 for week of 48 hours; pleasant surroundings The H. C Cook Co . - uiucn tmu itiuii--ir nii'iioenviue, vjnio. , PIPEFITTER AND HELPER wanted Apply 7'3(l a m . to "uperlntcndent, Allegheny wharf. Crew-Levita; Co y RIGGERS men familiar with moving ma- ch nerv. Annlv F,l n n,t.!H Mr-,- , 2.1th nndi Hunting park ave ROOFERS Apply Warren-Ehret Co., Silt ..,,., .,, r, n . r, y 1 , SALES.MAN, A-l, for New .Teisey territory for selling shirts, overalls, gloves and hosiery, P 717 Ledger Office 1 SALESMEN Thoao having real estate In surance securities or specialty sales ex perience preferred. Mr. Golden. 401 ilellevue Court Building SALESMEN Good opportunity for live wires to sell an exceptional stock, the future will hold big things in store for the I m-an who makes a success, experience pre- f.rrViV but tint atisftliitnli' a, noun ,.,, ,. ..... other qualifications ara satlsfactorv Phono I,oou it 104,1 SALESMEN 2. good, clean cut. wanted to sell sioci. in an on corporation that bears the- closest investigation, salesmen fur loin,. delphla and nearby territory; good commis sion, an opportunity to mako real money in a good, strong company. Apply James A. Ettlnge. 02(1 Bulletin Bldg SAW HAND, ono thoroughly familiar witn 1'ircuiur niivr. iJiiy 1-11 w uuua -Virg Co th st. and Hunting Park ave SCORER and cutter, exp. nnd tellable, wanted for paper box factory In Wash ington for Immediate work: state experience ami salary expected. Columbia-Specialty Paper llor Co . Washington. I) c. IF YOU ARE TIRED OF MOVING AROUND FROM ONE JOB TO ANOTHER I LOSING TIME AND MONEY GOODYEAR , OFFERS YOU PERMANENT WORK THE YEAR AROUND I EXCELLENT WORKINO CONDITIONS AND A CHANCE TO EARN P.ATES IN ACCORDANCE WITH YOUR ABILITY ' ALL-AROUND MACHINISTS BORINO MILL BENCH AND FLOOR LARGE LATHE GENERAL REPAIRMAN BLACKSMITHS CARPENTERS SHEET METAL WORKERS Apply In person or write at once to FACTORY EMPLOYMENT OrFICE THE GOODYEAR TIRE t RUBBER CO AKRON OHIO SHIP REPAIRMEN Excellent opportunity; permanent positions for few technical experienced Inspector thoroughly familiar with all branches of ship inorougmy laminar wnn an iirmivnc- or snip renalr work and caDAbln of taking charaei se'.arr commensurate with th responsibility Of th PMlfon. .R.plle which wl'l b aereo cnnnoeniiai aanui'i afsie ejjTv., and rererences ju detail Hex 3, Jfll St.ivfarar Hid,, Ker Yofk. HELP WANTED MALE SOLICITOUS Wo hn. nn openmir for II first class solicitors for life Insurance, eatable monthly, good opportunity to buttl n pereimnl business, tio lapses to cover Annlv llootn 4"d .'inance Tlidg bTOCIv HA1.BS.MAN lo handlo Issue of merit, harktd by advertising campaign! permanent position Charles R rilddle A .Co. 101 ilellevue Court llldg Ask for Mr Golden. TOOt.MAKCRt WANTP.f) ON ltd AND Io'-cSk'n!' nUKM-KNT WORK? AUrocAii co,. AitUMOitn. pa. WANTED FIRST-CLASS ALL-AROUND MACHINISTS AND MACHINE OPERA- TORS l'Olt LARGE HEAVY WORK IS FIVE-FOOT VERTICAL OPERATORS 110 RING MILL 10 FIRST - CLASS ASSEMBLERS WHO HAVE HAD EXPERIENCE ON LARGE STKAM ENGINES r, six-foot vertical boring mill OPERATORS R THREE-FOOT VERTICAL BORING MIM ur&iiA'jujia S EIOII r FOOT RADIAL DRILL OPERATORS TRESS 1 HORIZONTAL BORING MILL TOR OrERA- I MODERN HOUSE) WITH ALL CONVENt ENCES CAN BE HAD FOR NOR MAL RENT WITHIN 10 MINUTES' WALK OF TUB PLANT APPLY OR WRITE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE GENERAL ELECTRIC CO ERIE. PA. WOOL .MAN. at least tl years' experience In manutacturlng nnd handling wool from raw Rtock on; must have had a textile euhool training setting and merchandising experl encn helpful; good opportunity to beeenne a factor In the wool Industry. Reply giving full expcrlenco and 3 Orst-rlass business rcf- orences B 718 ledger Office YOUNO MAN for clerical work, to ono who la fair penman nnd witling to leHrii. we havo a position which pays a gnod starting salary with advancement nn soon as war ranted. Apply to Credit Manager, Darling ton's Chestnut st General EARN BIO .MONEY Do lathe work nuto replr. mechanical and electrical driving or storage battery worK we trnln men on praitttnl lines Philadelphia Meihunlrtil ElcMrlcnl Sehool. Call 014-niS Brown Kt . Philadelphia I SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE WOMAN wishes work from 0 In 3 dally any kind nf work. Writo 2003 Market at,. 1 seeond Onnr WOMAN widow educated, capable compe ,. '.rW' adaptable desires position ago .TO II 307. Ledger Office SITUATIONS WANTED MALE BOOKKEEPER experienced. will audit, open, Moso or write up books dav or eve- nlnir. moderate Bhone Woodland 3H.",3 M BOOKKEEPER experienced stoi.k broker ago and banking business desires position, first-class references B QUI ledger Office. BOOKKEEPER thoroughly experienced, double entry, wishes position evening will audit open books B 200 Ledger OfOco DRAFTSMAN, chief or assistant experi enced on llftlnir mnehlner, nn.l (.mull ,u. signs and shop lav-nut on production basis. M 727, Ledger Office EXECt'TIVE Master salcMmuii where doing Ingenuity, orlglnnllty, unerasing n ergv. pleasing but determined personality ts wished for not satisfied, jiiouii II 230 Ledger Office ! INDUSTRIAL t ENOINEEP. I h "!",?, r,m.p. ','''".? f"' .' ouallfled tn reorganization nr any part of systematizing In any lluu of In- uumrv. hot tn iiinores. ra MAN, 30. army officer. :) veara manufactur ing nnd 5 v cars' newspaper advertising experierce, seeas connection with agency or advertising department of firm or corpora- ' "on where erfort nnd good ideas will (rect foundation for future n 208, Ledger Off. j MAN. under 40. excellent business knowl- edge, desires position, one abova tho aver- age salary second conslil. B 21fi. 1,ed Off. 1 MAN Discharged A E V man. married expert dver nnd color chemist desires posl I Hon of any kind II SOS. Ledger Olflie Man. married, thor. knovvl. of fooB product bus. seeks pos with big oppor , must he lsrae. A-1 liropnsltton B 210. Ledger Office YOUNO MAN 20 presently employed, hut desires to i luingo nnd connect with re liable concern, knowledge of accounting and attending Wharton evening school best of references It 231 Ledger Office YOUNO MAN- v. good Investment' Services of young man college graduate stenogra pher. Uplst, representative appearance a private .ec'. amanuensis tutor or will lenru salesmanship. In or out of town It 304, Ledger Office YOUNO MAN. 2S veors old married want position for next 4 munihs, 7 years' ex cellent business experlenco as office manager and purchasing agent for large corporation; can furnish best of rets P ,13, I,ed Off. FOR SALE We Make ami Sell National Cash Registers and Credit Files lowest prices: small monthly pay ments; no Interest charges, written guarantee, old registers repaired, rebuilt, bought, cold und exchanged JOHN T. WATSON Agent The National Cash Register Co. 73d CHESTNUT STREET Phono Walnut 403 Main 202 TYPEWRITERS RENTED NONV1SIBLE 3 MONTHS. J5.00 VISIBLE 3 MONTHS, J7.30 UP Factory Rebuilt Typewriters American Writing Machine Co. SIM CHESTNUT ST WALNUT 2451) MAIN 320 OFFICE FURNITURC Desks of every de ncrlptlon, modern filing devices In wood nnd steel, all aire tables several telephone booths, 100 feet ofOie partition In tots to suit and other comnlete enulnment In nice condition at prices that will please you. HUGHES llth and Hullnnwoiid l'Olt SALE Columbia Grafonola. beautiful walnut finish and In first-class condition o tlOil nnd ti.o a lllng price is 7.'i Call Dickinson 31iil M between 030 und 8 p. m 1 1 write B 2"4 Ledger Office. OFFICE FURNITURE Large line desks, safes, file, cabinets aji& general office furniture, store fixtures. We buy. s-'l and exchange, PATTEN FURNITURE CO. LOCUST 407(1, 1127 ARCH ST. RACE 2804 OENl'LEMAN wishes lo sell hi rpecfal late model O-passenger touring cart excellent I condition, aa good as new Call 4it Mlll hnurne Oarage, ll.lil and Market sts BABY carriages, complete 1010 lines, over 100 styles all color! " our 110 special I B. Miller, (104-00 9. gd st. Open evening, COMPELLED to vacate, meat fixture for sale, Call 3833 Market t Friday. A a. m tn T p m REFmUEHAIORS and fixture for grocer and meat market: terms If desired RANDALL t CO., 831 N. 2d t. BABY stroller reclining back, hood, tTJ.&d. nthei SO; Pullman coach, f 12, doll tioachea S3 up Auerbaeh 311.12 Glrard ava. i BILLIARD, pool, comb It, Xd-nand. bought, . mm eenf t, Tfen fr. kiln u (lirara al-a , L, '. ,,.,..u n -. i.i ,.,; ' .n.iTii ""',.;' HmV "-ui. thin walls 3 NLrcSri' ..:-,, u .. - '. ,- -...--. . ' ' " ; il"a aAi.ivie-jvo. wnvqni ,7,v""iJ'iKS VAV eaa"V- 4"T sp-ti --"?". -a - i-m aasr7 !' ,- , ,"" ' M 'tl 1 V Hi 1 ; y i n ' (3 t' a ti r. Lv. ?.. -t ''' ' J ) n4