ShiiMtlAl ii iiim mi nil m i m ii ran ?--Hnii5F .-- J3VENIKG PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1910 25 mmmmmmmmmmnmmar'w. i- AKKON TIRE Anplleattm la brine meA t list AKItO.N THIS un tho Now lork Curb. Commitments for the Opening Accepted in the Order Received Circular P-4 on Request S. S. RUSKAY & CO. Member Consolidated Stock Exchange of Now York E.tnbiittied 1377 20 Broad Street, New York OIL STOCKS CURB L 7 AD RING Simms Petroleum Makes Brisk Advance to New High Record ROYAL DUTCH ACTIVE NEW YORK BOND SALES Summary of (ha Indlvtdnal transactions on Uie New Torn Exthsni BRITISH TRAD E The Phonograph Indus try Is One of the Most Important and Most Profitable in the Coun try We offer a PREFERRED STOCK with VALUABLE '.'RIGHTS" Pond or call tor circular setting forth particulars of an unusually attractive offering of the 8 Cum ulative Preferred stock of a Cor poration practically monopolizing lt3 line In .the uhonoirrntih Held, tvmlnir valuable "nrllleirca" which enables subscriber1" to rrnr tlclpita In unusual profits from homo and expert buR'nes!', The "rights' arc restricted to a limited offrrmn. Hend nt onre for Clrrulnr No. T. II. 4 J. Q. REED & CO. Finance Bldg., Phila., Pa. New York, Nov. 'Jl. There was I concentrated buying again toilnT in many of (lie petroleum stocks and that fjroup w as the most prominent feature in the nrond Street Curb. Simms Petroleum made a brill: ad vance to the new liifjli record of IfV'ii. Kik Ilniun was nnother feature, ad vancing to SOi. Oenernl Asphalt was traded in at 120 to 130. International Petroleum runged from fil'd to 55 li. liojnl Dutch was bIro active and strong, moving up from 77ai to f0. Texns to. (new) stock sold at tilMu to (111. White Oil ranged from 35',i to SIOU. Submarine Iloatwas n strong feature, with hales at 17 to 17'i. American To bneto Scrmlties showed a firmer tone, langlng from (10U to 01 Vli. United States Steamship was steiulj, with sales at 4TJ to B'A. I.ocw sold nt 80 $4 and 31. Indian Parking was weak, dropping from 104 to 3S'"4. Marconi of America told nt 0ai and 0. lMIUSTRIAIA Am Aer ACCDt' 1000 06 1000 Of) Am Agr & C Co Gi S000 . . 01V. Am Smelt & It Cb 1000 8,4 15000 . . ta 1000 . MV, 7000 SO'.i Am Tel & Tel clt iooo . . . sin Am Tel & Tel 5s 1000 . 83 eooo s ioooo . . . nl'U (1000 SIVs Am Tel & Tel 2000 2000 3000 iooo 13000 ioooo 3000 1000 1000 t1 00 utt 0014 oVi 99 8Uf 00,4 Am Tobacco Co clt 0000 . . 81 Armour & Co .'i 1000 .... Anglo-French Bs Commonwealth Light &l Power 6 Notes, Due Sept., 1919 E. J. WRIGHT & CO. Telephone Rector 31 12-3-4 20 Broad S., Now York inch ctna KxplosUei Amor Tob Sac Olri Amal Tiro Mores ... Ji llrlttuVAmcr Tobacco roup SOU Tarrpil CoM Otntr ii Aiph It . HnjiiVn Clum Hupp Motors l!rinl?o MlK Indian Packln? Loeun lnc Ix)It lrc . ... Merrer Motors .Malbohm Motors Perfection Tire . Hoot Vnnlerort . Ueputltt? Tiro Hub Snow ronntjlni Subtnirlnn Jloat Stewart Warner rtwfots Co . tr h Hlramihlp . . rutted HLt Ctndy United ProJU Hhnrlnir ,ei x M 1..U 13'i 47't IttV. ut Ucl'i ur, 11 17t Low II V. DU IW'i H4 111 HI 8!i tw J'-J! in 411 If. nr, si'i mi. 17 p m 8 CIVl UV4 1U l!U'i 8U r.:i lSll'i T ia; 4(1 31 l-iiv; ?s- i5S 17 ;;!? , v& Sil it .1 Allied Oil cm THE TURN "SW OF THE TIDE THE TIME TO BUY DONDS IS WHEN THE PRICE IS LOW AND THE YIELD IS HIGH. THAT TIME IS NOW. STUDY THE EVIDENCE. SEND FOR YOUR COPY OP "THE TURN OF THE "BAKER, AVUNG & YOUNG LMID TITLE BUILDING BOSTON PHILADELPHIA UnlUd Plct l'roil Vanadium Rtel . wiijnc coal NTANUXHD OILS Anulo-Amr Oil .... 32'4 llllnola 1 I.. 170 I'rnlrle 1' 1.. . ... 87.1 Stn:nl Oil Caliorala -H." staml Oil N J . 7.10 btSnrt Oil NY . . 22U lMIKI'tLMIEM OII.H ll.' Ar lev Iloone Oil lluaton j omlnk' . . Ilurlmctt Vin i'lfae t'nrl.i Sjndlcto .. CJUU Scr ' it otf (,jinmonucjlih fontlen & Co li 1; lianln l'tt .... Cumeralda Oil .. oil .. . . aionrocl: OH Ouffe OIUmpI- . . Inter Petrol . lmlnclble . island Oil 1. Kingston llerrltt OH .Metropolitan IV t No Amer Oil Omar Oil . Orient Oil . . Phillips Pet I'rod t Ref . . . Hanucr Oil ltjun un . . Halt Creek Trod Shell lianaport Hkolly Oil . ... SlmmB Pet Hpencer Put . . . Texas ftnnKer . Teas Co I Tropical OH IJnlted Western Oil new.. White OH . , ... Win O & O 170 si'i 74S j:u M', 14 M S 170 .'75 29T 7.10 JJI1 77000 311000 38000 2000 10000 70000 10000 .1000 8000 00000 10000 8000 4000 18000 28000 ioooo 160000 8000 3000 33000 38000 60000 480000 43000 1000 10000 0000 8000 4000 1000 3000 1000 nooo 01s 08 08 SB 06, 004 nei 90? os.; UO'i 07 S7 07i. 117 ii 01 Hi 7U 07H 07 07 97 ; 07 I 07 07 97 07 esn B7 97 0T 90 "C 8?1" i'i 4U 4 I 4.1 l(l. Z i'n 8". 87 IIS',! a? 2ft u IB 111 70 V- 04 bJ 41 3'4 44' ill -J: ii'j SJl. r.m 37 fl"i & 74V 12'. It 83 2tt 4r.'. 431m l.i in'; 87 12ii 74 V. 12". U e1. Arc ltepubllc Cs 1000 .... 77 All Coast i'ne clt 10000 .... 71 Atl Coast Line 4s 8000 . . . 78 Atl Knox & C"ln 4a 1000 ... 74 A T & S F adj 2000 .... 7H4 1000 "IV4 A T & S 1" 4 1000 . 78 1000 . 79Vi .1000 . . 78U 10000 . . 9'i Iialt &. Ohio cv Chi fit P M & O Cs 8000 108 Chi Union gta 4s iooo my, 1000 . 8?i eooo . . ti Chile Copper Bs 1000 .... 57 U Chile Copper Ss tOOO . 83',i 8000 . . , sv; 8000 . 82?. Chile Copper 7d 3000 ....109 City of Bordeaux Cs SOOO . . . 93 City of Lyons 6s 2000 . . 93 C of N Y 4H of May '57 3000 ...101 C of N Y 4s of '55 teglstered SOOO . ., 02 1(, C of N V 4s of B8 rwtlsteted 10000,.... 92 C of X V 4s of 6U 1000 92 Cof X y 4lsof CO 10000 . 07 1000 . 07 C of X T (Us of C4 2000 97 City of l'arls 6s 1000 . .. 05 City of Toltlo 6s 1000 .... 80 Colo a So Ily 4s 1000 .. 82 1000 Hi Con C!as (Jo cv 10000 B!i loono . 00 SOOO 00 3000 .. 00 Corn I It Co f,s 31 1000 .. .100 Del & Hud Canal fd 1000 ... 81 Den & It Gland 4i 3000 .... 03 1 i 0000 03 Detroit Ed Bs of 33 3000 ... 03 Detroit Tunnel 4 'is 1000 .... 75 Det Unt ltys 4' 3 2000 .... 00 Dom of Canada 21 4000 7; 1000 I7H Dom of Cumula "6 1000 .. 93 Dom of Canada 'Jl 2000 . 03 3000 03 trie Gem rat Lien 1000 .... 88 SOOO ML3 & Vf II ext Bfl 9000 1000 .. 98 81000 M K & T Ily ct 4 1 4000 118000 . . 80 4000 1000 . 80 8000 Mont Power Co Es 1000 .... 88 Mo K ft Tex Ity 2nd 2000 .... 81 MoICan & Tex 4 Vis 10000 ... 80 10000 .... SO Mo Pacific em 4s 1000 . . . 86. . 2000 . 88 SOOO 00 3000 . . 87 n y u . un im s 2000 . 98 0000 . 93 8000 . . 93 8000 ... 98 10000 ... 93 K Y Uas & Hlec L & fowcr Co Bs SOOO ... 88 NY N" II & II 4s 'G5 3000 .. S3 NY .VII & II 41 'SO 2000 .... 82 N Y N II & Hart 6j 13000 . . . 7S SOOO . . 7S X York liny 4s 8000 .. . 84T. X Y Itwys Es 1000 .. 7 18000 ... 7 ' X Y fjtato r.y 4 'is S8 30 S8 S8"'i 88 60 St & San F Ser B 1000 . . 67 Bt Ii 4 B P nj 5000 . . 00 2000 . 00 1000 40 10000 60 Sllit Kan V In CIRCLES NERVOUS Exchange Rates Mean Premiums for Goods Heavy Pur- 8000 6000 3000 1000 3000 3000 8000 8000 8000 st L sju vr 3000 44 48 8 43 44 44 43 48 K It Ut 02 St L & 8 AYcst Es (000 00 St 1 Mill & M 4 lis 3000 02 3000 03 Ter II As of i I. 4n 1000 .. 72 Texas Co 6s 2000 . ..104 Third Ave Ily 4s 10000 . . . 40 V K of Q B H I '21 8000 .. 07 1000 97 .iooo . o; .i 1000 97 IOOO 97 U K or O i! te t rets of 22 chased in United States MONEY IS TIGHTENING MINIMI RAILROAD, INDUSTRIAL, PUBLIC UTILITY BONDS List on request MARTIN & CO. 1411 WALNUT ST. OLD FOUNDATION COAL CO. First Mice. Vc Sinking Fund Bonds IlouLlit. Sold and Quoted J. C. HEED & CO. BANKERS Finance Bide, Phila, Pa. fWM.U.MAYBERRYW; aamHGMSFBaAaw Kxt. Ajs Br Col ArUona Sliver Atlanta Hilchi-r DIUdo UJlchnr Divide me ldxa liootli Caled Mlnllie Candelarla Jlln .. .. Cons Cop M . . . Crcacent McNamara El Saliador Eureka Croesuj" 41) .Mining- ... . Gold Cona . . . Uold ICeunnaA Gold Mertrer . Hold Silver Pltk . Orand Pacific Heclo, Mtnlne .. . Jumbo Extension Louisiana Co . McNamara H 47 43 8U.. 77?i K(i ll.S 1114 11 HIS 4o't 43. 1U, III 10. IS 1. IS 01 (,0i-4 01 20 10 l() 1J. IS li 8(lU 35S 3U 4-1. 41? 4 IK 11. H. " .' 1 .1 3 311 87 :is 38 SS 31 3'i 1". 21i IN 81 i 4 7 40 8, 48 Marah Jlln 3B yiNANCIAIi LOUISIANA OIL REFINING CORPORATION To tlio Holders of the. First Mortcaie Six rr Cent Ten Year Coniertlble Gold llandx of the lxiuULina (111 lttllnlnc i.ider the SlnKlnr Fund vrolslona of tht indenture dated Jlay 15. 1017. between .), nbove Coiporatlon and the. Btate Street Trunt Company of Iioston. the un derslimed Trustee hereby Blves notice that until Dec. 4. 1910. at twelo o'clock noon, it will receive sealed proposals for the al of the above named bonds to absorb the um of Beventy-two thousand one hundred iity-slx dollars and twcnty-four cents J7I,1BG.24 or any part thereof. No bomu should bo ottered at a price exceedlne 110". and accrued Interest .... . The rlsht Is resened to reject any and " BTATc'sTREET TRUST COMPANY, Trustee, by Ashton L. Carr. Vlco-Presldent. noaton. Mass . Nov. 1. 1013. Pocahontas Consolidated Collieries Company, Incorporated FUTTY-YEAIt F1VR I'KK CENT GOLD KONIJS Notice Is hereby given, pursuant to the terrol of the Mortjaue dated; July 1st. 1907. that the underalKned. as Trustee, will ro relve sealed proposalx up to .1.1W p in. on the Olh day of December, 1019. for ihe sale to It of bonds as above described autnclent tS use the sum of $80,383 SO. The under Spied reserves the rltrht to reject any or THe'nBW YOllK TRUSTnCOMPANY, TrustesT nv n. a. GUIITIS Secretary. New York. November lat. 1019, Mother Lode Mother Lode new ....i.. Ntpisslng- North Star Onondaco Rope Group . SIher KInir ot Arli . . . S Sllxer I.eAd . . . Stewaid Mln . . . Tonopnh llelmont . . . Tonopih Cash Roy, Tonopah Ilhldn ... . Tonopali Extension . Tonopali-JIm U Tonopah Midway , . . Tonopah Mln Tonopth Mlzpah ..... Tonopah Rescue Eula.... ITrlted Eastern Vlctorj' , West F.nd C White Cap White Capa Ext. .. Wllbert . . HONDS A T T 8. '22 Anaconrti fls I R .T. 7 Kuedlsh Oovt . . . . , on n im 41 28 a ?n 2S 1H 3 7 10 4 2.1 lrf 2 no; 117 ! 87 113 41 .s 38.. i s 8.T. 1 2. IN .Ut 4 8 A 8 'i 47 31 01) 0 11 U 7 2J 38 'i BS 81 a-i in 2S 1H 2li 4 ll') 8H S 404 SB 00 R UM 2j M, H i 21 R 1000 1000 2000 4000 1000 nooo 1000 10000 0000 10000 SOOO Bait 1000 Da It & 4000 1000 2000 1000 . . 00 . 03" i .. 00 (10 . . )6 . . 03 . .. 04 "4 . .. 04 . . 03 03 U4 Ohio 3!3 . . . 83 Ohio 4. . ... 07 07 . 67 87 4000 .... 36 X Y Tel Co 4 Us 9000 .... 84 4000 . 84 X Y Telephones Bs 10900U 8000 .... 78 1000 X Y Telcpnones Cs 10000 1000 ... 08 10000 2000 . . 08 16000 1000 98 I 67000 4000 . .. 97 IOOO 2000 . . 98 I 1000 X O Tev & Meic On I U K of l! 1000 . . . 93 rets of 29 X Y W C r 11 4!,3 I 2000 . 1000 . . 4 1000 1000 . . 42 nooo Xor &. West cv S0000 . 10000 ....105 i 100000 soon 7000 10000 3000 30000 411100 00000 1000 . . Halt & Ohio Es . . 03 6.1 . . . 06 .. 65 Ohio 6s . . 91 93 . . . 92 . . 92 . 93 . . . . 03 . .. 93 92 -ii sn 2.1 25 IN IS 3M 8 7 7 10 19 4 4 25 2.1 l'i 1A 11 IS 2 2 7 7 SOU 00U 7S B7S an co H3 U U3 UMdends American Telephone & Telegraph Co. A dividend of Two Dollars per share will be paid on Thursday. Jan. 13, 1920, to stock holders of record at the cloae of business in Saturday, December 20. 1910. O, D. MILNE, Treajursr. rroposnls PROPOSAL KOR BALU OV 1SU1LDINC13 -Ktrt tr.VTTTHTH Sealed nroDOaala for ( the buildings, flxtuies. etc.. for the Law !" fnvBM,nt lloaultal. Lawrence. vlUe N. J . will be received not later than 11 a TO. December 2. 1019 by the Utilities Officer, Camp Dlx. N. J, Further Informs tlon on application. Annual Meetings tJSSP- INHUitANCK COMPANY OK INOHTII V&r AMERICA , , , . n.11 m.nA llalnnt His.. Philadelphia The iAnnua,l Meetln of tho stockholders 'at 19 .3d the Pen" Capita Lyons Marseilles Bordeaux Have a verymaleriallr smaller Debt Than Cities of comparative! size in this country. The 15 year 6 Gold Bonds of the above cities are an exception ally attractive investment at Price 92 15 and Interest Yield about 6.80 jAAcKiEaGo. Investment Banker Real Estate Trust Bids. Philadelphia We recommend for Investment TRAYLOR ENGINEERING & MANUFACTURING CO. fo Cumulative P'referriid Stock Price 98z and Dividend MCwn&Co. Mmltr rhilaitlvMa Block StcTioHjr L-e'tt 81M Unpi Title JMt- " 1000 1000 1000 10110 Bait & 1000 2000 3000 1000 SOOO 1000 . 1000 SOOO ISSLO P 1; U & W 4a 1000 .... 30 Heth Steel Corp fd 13000 88 Deth Kteel Bs of S6 1000 ... 87 2000 . . -86Ti 2000 . . 86 Brook Rap Tran 7s 2000 .... SO Brk Union Kle let 2000 .... 84 2000 84 Brk V Ele sta lat 33000 . 70 Cal G & 13 Corp Bs SOOO 89 Cent of GeoiKla 6s 2000 ... 95 Cential Paclllc 1st sooo . . 75 sooo . . 7t 1000 . . 76 1000 ... 7S 4000 ... 73 10000 .. . 74 Cen It R of N J 5s 2000 .. .102 3000 ....101 C Jlotor C Co Bs 10000 . . . 57 Ches Sz Ohio cv Es 1000 . . 88 1000 . .. 83 SOOO . . 83 1000 88 3000 . 83 Ches & Ohio 4 He 8000 ... 74 1000 .... 7 10000 . . 74 'S00O . . 74 7000 ... 74 Chi & Alton 314 s 0000 . . 30 Chi U & Q neb 2000 92 Chi B & Q 11 4 4000 .... 88 Chi ll&Qltn 2000 ... 79 8000 .... "9 Chi B & Quincy 4 1000 . . . 04 1000 . . 94 1000 94 Chi & East III ct 10000 . .. 25 Chi & Great W 4s 8000 ... 88 CGO MEM DIV 4s 8000 .... 71 Chi M & St P IS 2000 .... 68 Chi M &StP fd4V4 5000 .... OH SOOO .... 02 2000 .... t 10000 ... 62 c U t St P CV 4H 5000 .... 12 20000 .... 12 1000 .... 12 28000 .... 12 19000 .... 7 10000 . .. 13 1000 .... 78 c M t lit P or ii SOOO .... 11 9000 ..,. HVs 1000 .... 11 Chi a, N VT D ot 83 1000 . 9 Chi & N IV 6s of 87 5000 .... 08 Chi It I & Pao fd 6000 . ... 66 10000 , ... 66 1000 . ... SOOO ,.., 66 .... 67 ( 3000 . 46 tOOO . 40 8000 . 46 (1000 . . 46 1000 . 46 Eric n It cv A 2000 .. 41 1000 11 1000 . 41 Krln R K cv B 3000 . 41 r:rie r. it cv n 2S000 4.1 1S00A 4.1 10000 1.1 10000 1.1 Kil r.n is 18000 SO 2000 . 50 G'-it Kails P Co B 10000 .. . 01 2000 9t; 26000 94 Xottlt Ry 1st S00A 82 2000 82 6000 . . 82 5000 82 6000 82 SOOO K2 Hud & Man In 12000 12 Hud & Man fd 2000 . . 68 14000 33s 1000 . 54 0000 .14 III Central o'ss 2000 . .. 92 4000 ... 03 III C C & St li & X O Jt Bond 53 2000 .... 85 111 Steel Co 4i;b 1000 84 Im ,T Gov la ens; sta 10000 .... 80 I J G 2nd Kng Sta 1000 80 SOOO . 81 Imp Jap Gt 2nd cs 1000 ... 81 1000 . 80 int & a x in 1st 8000 93 lnt Mer Marine Ss 1000 iooo 6000 2000 5000 0000 1000 IOOO 91 96 91 94 91 94 94 94 Int Met ct4s 2000O . .. 19 J00O .... 19 26000 ... 19 lnt Met 414a 1000 .... 20 OJOrt .... 20 1000 .... 20 11000 ,.., 20 10000 ... 20 11000 .... 20 1000 .... 20 Int Rap Trans fd Xor & West cv 3 Us 2000 . . 48 Xor i. West cv bs 12000 ....10.1 Xor a Western 4s 2000 . . 78 1000 . 78 Xorthcm Pacific 3s 4000 .10 1000 . . 33 Xorthern Pacific 4s 1000 . . 77 4000 . . 77 2S000 . 77 2000 .. 7714 OrrKon Short It 4s 1000 82 Oroiron Short L. 6s 2000 ..too 1000 . ..100 Oio Wnsn RR Co S. Xa Co 4 s 3000 .... 71 Penna R R em 4 8000 . 82 16000 . . R2 29000 82 Penna It R 4a of 21 2000 . . 07 Penna RR 414i '21 4C0Q . 97 Penna R R Bs 10000 92 40OO . . 92 1000 . .. 91 1000 J 1000 92 SOOO . 92 10000 . 91 Pere Marquette Bs 1000 84 P S Corp of X ,f Bs iooo . .. 00 2000 . 59 2000 . . 30 3000 59 2000 59 1000 09 1000 . 93 1000 . 59 3000 . . 60 977. 97 97 07 977. 97 08 DK U & 0(i 06 96 90 90 90 90 90 98 90 90 96 90 U 1C Of G B A. 1 Reading 4s 1000 . . 3000 3000 . . . Readlm? RR 6000 81 81 81 Bs 85 10000 . 00 7000 . 00 1000 00 7000 . 90 2000 00?, SOOO . 90 6000 90 20000 90 1000 00 2000 0 40011 110 30000 90 1000 00 1000 00 SOOO 9014 2000 00 7000 110 10000 .00 1000 90 I'nlon Pacific fct 1000 . .. 77 Union Pacific cv 1000 .... 83 12000 84 1000 84 Union Paciflo 4s 2000 .... 84 3000 . . 84 8000 ... 84 Union Pacific 6s 8000 .. .102 U niec Ry of I.on in 1000 .... 65 U S of Mexico Ss 6000 .... 4874 V S Real & Imp Es 1000 ... 78 U S Rubber Es London, Nov. 21 The condition of American exolinnco Is (nuslnK nnxicty In trade circles, us the prevnillnir rates mean that n trementlous premium has to be paid by Tlritisli buyers for Roods nurehnscil in the United States. The rntc this morning was called at M, ()., on nn easier money market iti Xcvt York, but opinion in Lombard trcot is that tlieip is nn backbone in the market, wblle the rtcent uneasiness caused by tlio constant dccllniuR ten dency has been accentuated by the non ratlfleation of the pence treaty. The rate, according to opinion here, is like ly to be unstable until the treaty ques tion is settled and official notion is taken regarding the granting of credits. The lower exchange rate is also a contributor muse to the high ptlces rcalled for arrivals of .silver, while on the other hand. Americn, Hpnin and other rountilt'M, in view of the adverse exchange, are taking offerings of gold in the open market nt 10,1 shillings per ouuee, or 21 per cent over the mint prices. The mane) moiket is gradually tight ening, daily hums which lire bnillj wanted commanding fi per cent, with the tlnntlnir RUiinlles iiisuflicient. Ilnr- rowers are foned to p.iy the Hank ul Knglund (Hs per cent on weeklv loans. The joint stock bunks aie not lending freely in the market because of the huge trade demands bj cuHtomeis for expanding business and the financing of the large number of cotton bills now in -riling. Market opinion U that the lenr ull pass without a high bank rate, but that money will be tcane. LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS t'hlcaso, Xoi 21 CATTI.i: Kenipts KOtiO head Mcndj Href "teem medium nnd hiaw, rhnlco and prime, (li.71U'Jn, medium and vuod, till SOW 17.7.1. luinmon .10 llBht. nood and choice M3 40 'FID. 0" common ami meuium. ., inini i.i u. helferK, (11.40014 7,1. cows (G2.1(iC18 tin ners and cutters, (.123fl0 25, enl lolvo (111 r,0(et7 50, ncMern rnnre. steer, t, 2jf 14 75. cows nnd heifer., JO 2.1 tt 12 50 Sheep R-iolpti. 19.11110 head al. Limb. (12,10117.1. culls and common ik .fifieiu ill medium rood nnu cnuu'e, S ,10 culls nbd common, $U0 70 lir.ed Imt (II .101011.23 . . HOOK lbcelpts 35,000 beHd itip Hulk 13.40I30 top (13 00 lieui. 113 401(1.1 s.-,r medium, 13, lOWUl 00 ll5.1t 11.181018 81, llKht llKhtK (IV'M.I .".111 hea' piLKlnir sowh nmonth SI J 7.11J 111 21. IwckinT down rouffh, $12.2.1 1.' 7.1. pigs, (12 7318 21 rltUuumll, Pn,, Nov 21 HOOS Re ceipts 8800 Market lower. Heaje. (141J14 2.1; hea. yorliers. (14 40W14..1U: Hunt orker. and plus (14 .1014.U(). SltnKP AND LAJinS Receipt! (1000 head Market strong Top sheep, $10 25, top lambs. (14 SO l ALVEit Receipts. 7.1 head Steidj Top. (19 Hut lliiffulo, No. 21 OATTLK Re ceipts 120U head Market clew Receipts, 800 head. Market Jl higher (3021 HOOS Receipts 7200 head Market ac tive. 33c lower Hea mixed workers light lorken aid pigs, (14 30, loujhs, $12 75&13, stags $H4(H SHEEP AST LAMBS Receipts, 7000 head. Lambs 35c higher, ewes and mixed 25c lower. Lambs (Sftl4 75; jeirllngs, $74?11, wethers (0 00; ' ewes. $307 7.1; mixed Bheep (88 60 62000 14000 10000 20000 28000 60000 SOOO 0000 12000 SOOO IOOOO 6000 5000 6000 2000 10000 10000 8000 60 50 60 ,50 60 50 50 SO SO SO SO 50 60 60 50 60 60 60 Rio Gr & W 4s 1000 . 64 900O .... 65 IC G & W Ry 4s clt 10000 ... 68 1000 . . 68 R I Ark Ik L, 4is 4000 . .. 68 Seab'i Air Line a 1000 .. 45 1000 44 4000 . 44 Southern Pnciflc fd SOOO 77 1000 . 71 1000 , 77 1000 77 3000 . .71 1000 . . . 17 South Pac cv 4s 1000 1000 2000 1000 1000 1000 2000 1000 4000 10000 U S S I sooo . 11000 . . 2000 10000 2000 2000 3000 ... IT S Steel sooo . 80 . 85 . 85 . 83 83 85 85 88 85 . 85 & M Co 6 10.1 . 100 . 100 108 100 107 .. 107 4ljs 30 South Omahu. Nov C ATTLKRec cipts, lOWir.c loner HHK11I' llocelnts oOOO higher: feeders stead. 21 HOOS Receipts. D00 Steady Cows, Killers Id 15c 6000 2000 1000 26000 2000 SOOO . 1000 6000 80 80 80 80 80 81 81 80 KCFtS&M Ry 6a 1000 100 K C Ft S & M Is 4000 65 6000 . , . 64 1000 64 SOOO .. . 64 K C & Southern Es 1000 .... 78 K City Term ny 4s SOOO . 18 2000 .... 18 2000 . . . 18 Lacfta Steel C of 60 18000 .... 06 SOOO .... 03 10000 ...r 96 L- S 4 Mich 4a '28 1000 .... 88 L S & M B 49 '31 1000 .... 81 V 8 & M S 8 lis 1000 .... 69 Lehigh Valley 6s 4000 ,..,101 8000 ....100 Llrcett & Myers Bs 9600 .... 81 Lorillard Co Ss 6000 ,... 88 Manhattan HU 4s tOOO .... 61 SOOO .... 61 1000 ..,, 51 Man B Rwy Sta 4 8000 .... 61 Mid Steel Corp Ss S00O .,.. 89 12000 ... 15 SOOO ,,. 88 2009 .,.t 4W .... S 6trW v ,, 86 South Pac cv Es 10000 . 102 iooo . .10; 10000 ,.102 10000 ..102 Southern Pacific 4s 1000 . 60 9000 . 69 Southern Hwys 4 s 6000 . . 62 2000 . 02 1000 . 62 1000 . . 62 SOOO . 63 South Railways Bs 2000 86 6000 . 86 6000 . . 8614 St L San P A 8 Steel reR Es 8000 08 V S Steol Es 0000 . . . 98 1000 90 1000 . . 98 6000 .... 98 3000 . ... 98 2000 . . . 98 Vlr Car Chem Co la 2000 .... 94 SOOO . . , 04 Vlr Railway Ea 1000 .... 84 1000 .... 84 Wabash RR Co 1st SOOO .... 90 Wabash RR Co 2nd 10000 . 80 SOOO ... 80 4000 . . 80 West Pacitlo RR 1st 1000 .... 82 Western Electric Es 1000 .... 91 4000 .... 91 Western Union Ea 1000 . . 88 Wilson Co firsts 2000 98 SOOO . 98 4000 98 1000 . 98 SOOO . .. 98 Wilson Co CV 2000 . . 96 9000 . 98 High Ixjw 11:15 a.m Lib Bond. 3V3s. . .100.11! 100.04 100.00 Lib Bond 1st 4s. . 04.40 04.80 04.30 Lib Bond 2d 4s... 02.40 02,30 02.30 Lib Bond 1st 4 8 04.B3 04.ii0 04,50 Lib Bond 2d 4s 02.88 02.74 02,80 Lib Bond 3d 4s 04.30 04.20 04.30 Lib Bonds 4th 4Vis 02.04 02.8(1 02.02 Vic New 39is.... 00.30 0fJ;24 00.24 Vic New 4S.B.... 00.32 09,22 00.20 4stoMMK '.:''. ''. Wttwy.y&ft'AWftWiW' BUILDERS' I MiLLWQRK I Doors, Sash, Mouldings, 8 Columns, etc. R I THE "HANEY.WH.TE CO. g 17th and Glenwood- Av Ottiee A Warehouv i 2ltt and Glenwood Ara. ft Lints From Plana anS Ettlmatea Gtvtm fi m VULCANITE Portland Cement Philadelphia New York Boston JULIAN S. SIMSOHN An Organization of CHEMICAL ENGINEERS For Technical Operation ot Power Plants Water Purification Coat Analyses Combustion S. E. Cor. Broad and Girard Ave. NAGLE STEEL COMPANY STEEL PLATES AND SHEETS Pottatown, Pa. PbHo. Office, 1411 Morris Building Chas. J. Webb & Co. Wool and Cotton Yarns 116 Chcatnnt St, Philadelphia, Pv H101I QUALITY QUICK SERVICE Motor Truck Delivery Lansilale Foundry Co. r.amdale. r. Phono LansdaU 450 THE BALDWIN Locomotive Works Steam and Gasoline LOCOMOTIVES Philadelphia, Pa. There are openings in nearly all branches for skilled mechanics. Steady work; good wages; excel lent working conditions. A large number of the ways are covered. NEW YORK SHIPBUILDING CORPORATION CAMDEN, N. J. Apply at Employment Department at the Yard "Foreign Trade Through Foreign Investments" Unusual Investments Because of the Foreign Exchange Situation When, on account of abnormal conditions, the currency of one country depreciates in its relation to the money of another country, a situation arises which reacts as a hardship to the one, while present ing remarkable investment opportunities to the other In some of the European countries money has depreciated in its rela tion to American money to such an extent that American dollars will purchase government bonds in Europe at prices from 18 to 60 lower than their value under normal exchange conditions. A condition like this must sooner or later readjust itself through a more normal balance of trade than exists today. Already we are receiving news of improvement in conditions in allied countries. The following figures will indicate clearly the strong position of the American dollar: $1,000 WILL BUY ABOUT 9700 French francs now as against normally 5186 francs f 12,400 Italian lire now as against normally 5186 lire 219 British Pounds now as against normally 205.5 Pounds 8750 Belgian francs now as against normally 5186 francs It is clear that while the government internal loans of the allied nations offer safe investments, with the possibility of profits running as high at 125, American industry must suffer because of the inability of these nations to purchase our goods in large quan tities so long as exchange rates continue as they are at present. ' It is recognized that the surest way to bring exchange rates back to normal basis is to purchase foreign government internal loans. Con sequently, for selfish as well as altruistic reasons, every American should place part of his funds in these securities. Europe has survived every crisis heretofore, and those familiar with the European situation are the most emphatic in their statements that the allied nations are surely recovering from the devastation of war. Wc are prepared to quote the prices of the internal loans of England, France, Belgium and Italy. We have prepared literature regarding these securities which we will furnish on request, and we shall be glad to answer any questions by mail or telephone or discuss the exchange situntion personally with those who wish to call at any of our offices. Co., Inc. Investment Securities 115 So. Fourth St., Philadelphia New Yoik Minneapolis Chicago Bnltimoie Boston Pittsburgh Buffalo Cleveland VAN RAALTE COMPANY, INC. Incorporated under the Laws of the State of New York 7 CUMULATIVE FIRST PREFERRED STOCK Preferred as to Dividends and Assets The whole or any part ledeemable 'at the option of the Company at any time at $115 per share and all unpaid and accrued dividends upon 90 days' notice. Lawyers Title & Tkust Company New York, N. Y. (Transfer Agent) Centrfl Union Trust Co. of New York New York, N. Y. (Registrar) CAPITALIZATION 7 Cumulative First Preferred Stock Authorized Dividends payable quarterly, cumulative from December 1, 1919 $4,250,000 Second Preferred Stock f Without par value) entitled to dividends, - cumulative from December 1, 1919, at the rate of $7.00 per share per annum after First Preferred Stock dividend and amortization requirements 10,000 iliares Common Stock (Without par value) 80,000 shares To lis Presently Issued $3,250,000 10,000 share S0,000 shares Copies of the Prospectus relating to this issue, containing letter from the Precident, giving his tory of the Company, also balance sheet certified by Messrs. Ernst & Ernst, public accountants, setting forth the financial position of the Company as of August 81, 1919, after giving effect to certain trans actions not yet consummated, and also giving Sales and Profits for three years and eight months to August 31, 1919, may bo obtained at the office of the undersigned. Application will be made in due course to list this First Prefened and Common Stock on the New York Stock Exchange. Inasmuch as the public has applied in advance for all the stock acquired by the undersigned, this advertisement only appears as a matter of record. LEHMAN BROTHERS New York City GOLDMAN, SACHS & CO. New York City Chicago Boston San Francisco OKLAHOMA PRODUCING . REFINING CO. New Tork. November 21, ll. T di c ifoclt of Oklahoma, Pro :omny will b paid on to tlis stt'clthoMers ot A r.sular cuarterly dlTldena Bt e.n the eaoltal ate urlna and P""!!"! Com a . .fa? ..1B4 ... Imdn... T.nn.K. c lav vtvr fa.-..,T-. -'""'( Liberty bonds Bought, Sold and Quoted Call, Phone or Write Liberty Bond Department West & Co. 14X7 CHESTNUT STKEET Bell, Spruce 280 New York stock. K.ebooi Key tone, Race 2S00 gTnllfllwP-- ew. mvuji,z;. Cons. Interstate-Callahan Mining Co. Stock IJited in N.Y. Stock Kietiaa. Bpociel Circular on IZeqxttt ENRICH ft CO. Members New Torlc Stock Exctasnjs 67 Exchange Place Now York .Pbons Rector 4S3 W Alw.y Ukt. ea Hand LMut at High (Iran. Bonds Connolly, Cosgrlff & Southerd Public Accountants 308 Harrison Building Rooks, e-.'wwWy;iil .--ftjtUd u icpm. kw . vMr"Hia,' m ,mm.&m w ' n m r H a . A ! 3 .5 J 1:1 i i co before qfffc rf& A9S . 88 Ather. buslnswe.. l Mk7 T Rf AJMS'i m' R. IpilOWARD. SetrsUry. IV- BBBaHHRH