Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 20, 1919, Night Extra Financial, Page 6, Image 6

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Fear Vote on Treaty May Fore
cast Rofusul to Ratify Do-
fonse Agreoment
Xty the AmocMWJ Pits
Paris. Xov. 20. Willi- the failure of
the American RMiato to ratify the Orr-
nan treat) has anpirently n!armrd the
French. It swrnlncly is not imitating
thfl flverae-a Frpnchnifln an trmfh hh thr
fear that the United States may not I
ratify the joint nitreem-" with Kne-
land for the ilefenic of rrnnre, which
is uppermost in tho mlnils of all French
The adjournment of the hennte tor
the session without ratification of the
peace treaty created much Mirrrie,
however, in Peace Conference cinlcs,1
as dispatches from Wuvhingtnn hml
nuirceated that some compromise was
probable. The members of the council
after adjournment Ithhclild comment .
In French official circles, although
there was disappointment, no Mirprise
Vns expressed, and it een scemeil that
tho event had been exprctcd Appar i
ently the situation had been diwus-ed I
nd measure! tahen in adnnoc to meet I
the eventuality, as Foreign Minister
Ihchon Mrlio presided oer the Suiirrmei
Council today, urged that the A er i
eUIe treatv be put Iuto force not latrr come
man December i
His view seems to have prevailed,
the council expressing the opinion that
It would be desirable to put the treaty
Into effect ou December 1 In this con i
section the French foreign office wns
aware of the probability that the Ainer
lean Senate vould iiot meet again be
fore the first week In Dccembci
No formal meeting has ct been held
lietween the Oerman dtlegales, who ar
rived yesterday morning, and the rep
resentatives of the allied powers con
cerning the proposed protocol of the
German peire treaty. It now seems
unllkeb that the protocol will be Mgned
before the end of N'o ember, as the !
Germans have shown a disposition to
resist thn provision requiring them to i
replace the warships sunk when their1
fleet was scuttled at Scupa Flow, and j
they have manifested a deslie to argue
the question. The failure of the nl- '
lied and arsoclnted powers to reach an '
jrecment on the trcitv is reported here
to have encouraged the Germnns in
their position. .
As tho protocol mubt be arranged be
fore the formal announcement of rutl
flcatiou of the treaty bj the three pow- I
era required to make it effecthe the '
date of putting the" treaty into effect
seems uncertain.
mi i Metf , ii lini if.
Jkf iitl
t 'SfyElttNG "PtfBHC LEDGEB-PHDfcfcPHta.; 'iJHtmSBAT, 'NOVEMB13& .!, 1&.
IiiVi- ii ' , .,". in i r i - i i i i i f ii ' ii -1 - i in ji ii i i , i- i ' " '- - l IT- i i - i r ii----1 - -'-- -
Treaty Rejected, Next
Move up to Wilson
ward position when It came to estab
llsh Its title to the 0rmae ships and
the other, Oerman Interests "Ukrn over
and In many cases liquidated by the
alien enemy property custodian.
SpanUdi tenor, former favorite In
the I tilled Slates, who Is dead In
76 Senators Wanted
Treaty Ratification
onMnued From Pure One
the treat In the snme way it would
Seem that he could pigeonhole the
resolution And his tactics could
piobabl) be to refuse to sc the war
ended except b treaty
Obiioush there is hire a possibility
of a bitter fight, and if the senators
back from their holida in the
tmpr in which they left Washington,
it is possible to see coming the shirpist
conflict between the legislative and
PYll'tlHw. hrnt1hf4 ,i thn f.it,ffn.Anfr
thai hns ever tal.in place, except tliat I I'Pirtinnit
winen enuea in tlie trial ot Andrew
CenUnoed Ynm Parr) One
Is hoped to work out a plan by which
this country can keep In close touch In
order to protect American Interests.
Tho administration officials were not
prepared today to predict Just what
form this unofficial campaign would
take nor to outline Just what could be
accomplished by such a connection
The State Department is emphatic
in its stand that no American consuls
can be sent Into (icrinini) until peace
has been definitely established between
the United Slatis und that country, and
they declari onlv mi imperfect trade
relation can be built up without
the consular officers who are In Charge
of the legal end of International trade.
A contrary view is held, however,
by some of the senators who oppose
ratification of the treat INotable in
that connection ft. the stand taken
Senator Knox Henublican. IVnnsyl
vania, a former secretary of state, who
holds that hj the language of the treaty
full commercial and diplomatic Inter
course can be resumed with Germany bv
ull of her late enemies ns soon as the
preces verbnle is exchanged.
Figures on Air idea's trade with tier
many In October lrive not been fully
compiled, but during September, the
I'nijcd States Imported nearly $2.fKHl,.
fiOO unrih of coods from that country
and sent It goods vnlued at about Si),-lrr
0(10.000 For the nine rnoutns ending
with September, the import trade
totaled nearly $1,000,000 and exports
about SU.OOO.OOO This compared with
pre war exports of ubout $275,000,000
for a nine-month period.
Wan) Knotty Problems
The Senate's failure to net left on
the hands of the administration a big
collection of knottv problems, chief
inning which is the question of property
rights in the Oerman ships and other
propertv of enemv aliens seized bv the
government In this countrj. The State
experts suj tn re is no
leiral sanction for retention of this
property unless the treat, which con
tains a provision legalising it, I
As n icirollary to tbk problem stands
the question of what is to become of the
I vast American Interest In Merman) ,
espeeiall) if the technical state of war
' t, tn nnnMnttn (i A nn AmAlliAn nnUltlu
Tanfln In Peace Motion
There Is every evidence, however,
that the Ilepublican leaders. In Con
gress, anxious to get the country to
an actual peace basis so that the many
wartlmo legislative provisions tun) be
pruned nnri a more normal legal foun
dation placed under the country's traded
arc gntnu ahead wun tneir pinu or ne
ctarine peace by resolution -us soon as
the new Congri- s incois.
A resolution lriaklngauch a declara
tion uiib Introduced last night bv He-
publican Ieuder Ixige. Not only iR It
expeoted to start another bitter fight
In the neu session', reviving mnuj is
sues of the peace treat controversy,
but If It Is passed the constitutional
authority of Cmiens to take such n
sten is sure to lie iimstlomd. In the
v "' opinion of some olllclals a situation will
.,y . result which onl.v Supreme the Court
can untangle,
As presented bv Senator Lodge, the
peace resolution Is n "concurrent"
measure of the nature which under
Senate practice for man cor docs
not require the signature of the Pres
ident lint the administration senators
arc prepared to urge against its vnlldit)
a provision of the constitution that
an (oneurrciit resolution meetlngg with
the disapproval of the rhlt f executive
could be vetoed or disregarded by him
anc never could bafepssaeu uy a iwq
thirds Vote. The reply oil the He
fiubllcans Is that tho constitutional 11m
tatlon applies to legislation only, and
that the sole right of Congress to de
clare war carries with It the right to
dcclaro peace.
Wets 'Give tp Hope
' Foremost ot all the domestic problems
watting on some sort of a peace declara
tion is prohibitiou. Hopes have about
disappeared for an end of the war-time
net by Senate ratification of the trenty
In time to permit a wet season beforo
the constitutional, amendment becomes
effective January It! With a constltu
tloniM controversy developing about
declaration of peace by Resolution, that
avenue begins to look nlmost equally In
accessible, . , ,
Hut liquor Is by no mentis the only
innsidrrution involved in the continua
tion of it technical state of war. Until
pence is declared formnll the war time
foot! and fuel control powers of Ihc
executlvo lire in full force, and the
espionage act operates unimpaired
It was pointed out that the effect of
the Senate's failure uit would be of
a ueftutivu churacter only with regard'
to the American troops in oempird por
tlons of Germany. War Department
officials said it would mean no change
in tho- present disposition, which had
been bnsed entirely ou the terms of the
armistice und which did nut, dtpend iu
nny rrspect on the terms of the treaty.
a -:
Plant Criminal Trial for Former
Communist Dictator of Hungary
Tarts, Nov. 20. (By A. P.) Dis
patches from Bucharest Bay tho. Ru
manians will demand the extradition of,
Uela Kt)n former communist dlclal6rj
of Hungary, on the ground that he 1r
h native of Transylvania and therefore
at the present time a Rumanian citizen
It Is proposed to brine a specific
criminal chnrgc against Kun, accusing
him of irregularities while director ot
the workmen's health insurance fund
Jib 1014, the dispatches add.
Washington,' -"ov. 20. (By A. P.)
U Grant 8mlth, recently chnrgc d'af
faires at the .American legatldh at Co
penhagen, has been selected ns Ameri
can commissioner to Hungary penijing
the opening ot regular diplomatic re.
lotion. The- United Btatcs will thus
be represented diplomatically for the
first time at Budapest. k
Vienna, Nov. 20 (By . A. P.)
Formation of a Hungarian cabinet uns
dcr .Tullen JW Mssat, former president
'of the 'court of: justice, Is reported.
Count Ksaky Is foreign minister, Tho
Christian -block is represented by Count
Jean Zlchy, M. Frederick and Karl
Huszar, tho Social Democrats by M.
Goramt andtJures Pcldll, former premier.
" 'putoyfool" Johnson 1mlrfh!VC'
Mmuvn Hurt w xuo ;uuuil.lvn u
William D. (Pussyfoot) Johnson, the
American anti-saloon organizer, la
greatly Improved. Mr. JoHnsou sni
fcrcd a severe Injury of tho eye re.
ccntly in an attack on 'him by medical
studerita and others' during tho courw
ot a debate on prohibition. '
Worried Oecause He Raised Assess
ments, He Shoots Himself
Elmlr, N. Nov 20. (By A. or diplomatic representatives are to be
P.) Worried into a state of mental I sent to take up thn subject direeth.1
collapse because he increased local ns- I In these property questions Is under-
sessments, 'J ax Collector Frank Law r- stood to lie one ot the chief oDJec-
ence, forty -one enrs old, of Union
township, near here, shot himself
through the head, He was a prosper
ous farmer, and his accounts are found
correct He leaves a widow and two
smaU children.
tlons of the administration to the plan
of Ilepublican leaders to declare the
stivte of war ended b a resolution of
Congress Without the treat provi
sions, officials sa a state of peace
would leave this nun try In an uwk-
ECLA Pearls and Orientals,
separated by birth, are
united by beauty, even as
a match made in America and a
match made in Sweden produce
the same flame.
398 Fifth A enue. New York 10 Rue de la Patx, Pathv
Sole Philadelphia Agents
Johannesburg, Nov. 20 - Lieutenant '
General Jan Christian Smuts, British
member on the league of nntions com !
mission, in "n message from South
Africa to America," appeals to America
"not to blast the hopes of the world"
through nonratificatinu of the treaty
covenant by the Senate. General Smuts I
says: '
"I am told that the league is in ,
danger In the Amoncan Senate I can
scarcely believe it But if so. may I
eend a message from South Africa to
"America has proved true to the
bebt ideals of free and peaceful gov
ernment, and can only be true to her-y-lf
b remaining true to these idpals
Bsembodied in a league for the vthole
liuman race It is in the power of
America to lift the heavy weight of do
lrppair which today is bearing down
9' Ph-lll.nilnTn Wt ull n,. h.. In n
-,.. (IV I, V Ol. l'"J ,1, , IU 111,
bo. We pra her to sign the great
covenant and complete the work for
humanity which she so unselfishly 'jet
ut m the war to do."
JPJJSSBIWCharge Accounts SolicitedffHSf
All High-Grade Tura of oar
own Regular Stocks and Manu
facture fn this Sale
Every Fur Guaranteed under
the Forbes' Golden Ruk of
Hugo quantities of uvcry ad
vcrtised item.
Savings of 20 und 3B Per Cent
on every item listed and on
hundreds of others besides.
IPJMail Orders Accepts
Last 2 Days
of the
Announcement Will Be Made at
Consistory In December
Komc, Nov. 20. (Bv A P ) Tne
Osscrvatore Itomano ofncioll announces
that it secret consistor will be held De
cember 15 and a public consistory De
cember 18.
The new cardinals n-hose appoint
ment will be announced at the con
History, the newspaper says, will be
Monslgnor Sill, vice chamberlain of tne
church , Monsignor Snrdl. assessor ot
the con-dstorlal Congregation Monsig
nor Cauassel, patriarch of Constanti
nople , Monsignor Valfre dl Bouzo,
nuncio at Vienun , Monsignor Kakow
ski, archbishop of Warsaw ; Monsignor
Bertram, archbishop of Breslau , Mon
signor Dalbor, archbishop of Poscn. and
Monsignor Soldevllay Ronero, arch
bishop of Karagossa
Owing to the grave condltinu of his
health, Monsignor Guglielmo hebas
tianelli is not included in the new appointments
Six Houses Entered and Robbers
Eeoape Work Laid to Gang
Ileverl, N. J., Nov 20 Thieves,
believed bv the police to bi. members of
a ffaui; operating in nearb towns,
made un attemnt to raid sen nil homes
in Beverly At least six houses were
robbed ou Cooper, Bentlj and Church
treeU and the gang is -olii ved to have
atttniptcd to enter a dozen other residences
At the bakery of Z A oght, the
roDuersi got iu aua some other valu
ables. A big haul of jewelry and cash
wals made at the home of AS lllima
iw aVA
rtfjtf (k ii jit'
' X ( u ' I
fc -" Ipl I
Comfort' Ft Thkt Itch
And gum With Cuttcum
iftr limit acMnr. UflUttiJ rtt, warm
twttJ VI Ih Cutlcura Sotp, follavet by
(intlt appltcatlans t Cuilcura Ojnlinnit,
tr mi tueiMtttul. .
Bhb Me. Olntmeiit ii and Wa, Tulrem
ae. Bam Ihrouithout tb orli for hoi-JSa-ftach
frta addraj "Catleiirik lb
araiot4. Vtvt. ost. tfattlrn. Man."
par CnUcuf Soap ha wlthsut may.
"Stop Tomorrow'" is the word if you would save
We'll Reserve Your Purchase on Payment of a Small Deposit
Australian Seal
Actual Value, $123.00
Fine, lustrous bWii; sports model.
Trimmed Marmot
Actual Value, $125.00
Larjro jiiawl collar and cuffs of Naturul Ilaccoon.
Trimmed Australian Seal $1ZZ QQ
isoatts j . .. ,...,..
Actual Value, $195.00
Three-quarter length; large shawl collar and cuff3
of Squirrel.
Hudson Seal
Actual Value, $285.00
Wrap effect in Sport length; fine Bkins,
Natural Squirrel 24 5 MO
o iyctts ...
Actual Value, 2S5.00
Sports model. Fine dark blue uklna.
Trimmed Autrtrallun Seal 125.00
Taupe Nutria , 125.00
Mink "175.00
Taupe Nutria 185.00
Hudson Seal ........... 225.00
Hudson Seal 225.00
Australian Seal
Hudson Seal .. .
Natural Squirrel
Beaver 125.00'
Regularly, Sale
. 65.00
. 75.00
H "1
Walnut St. at lfcth St.
t I' 'M" i" . .
j f
SSawngs 1
In This Sale of y n
20 to 35 Per Cent ! I
Compare Investigate
and then you'll buy! fej
W m w m It- Mr If m wf JSr m mi m an. JmJSJm. J I
of Fine Firs A 1
vSmmm lM BrsmWf&k iz I
Miiii' m
: MHH& ill
' ml II
?275.oo mA i 1
j t.R4, m a?'
i x r m
A7tZ nn Millinar-v S I
Ttl taW -.-w. r run vir
now bciiij conducted h jjj
in our Millinery Shoio- kS
roojit. Smart flats for y Se
QQ(jm0Q SW18 ?' reductions of j
half. Better bo early jfii
for bent choice! Sjl W
Muffs ' i
Regularly Salu q g
Hudson Seal 22.C0 14.50 m Bj
Nutria 29.50 19.50 Mm
Beaver..'. ,. aS.OO 24.50 9,fe
Skunk r30.5O 29.50 & ' ft
Squirrel , 57.5a 39.50 ' 29 85'
. 3S Mil-
Sets " 1 1'
Rejrularly Sale m gi
Natural Raccoon.. 57,50,- 39.50 " IB
Brbwn Wolf 76.00 59.59 $
Taupo Wolf "..,..' 75'.00, 59.60 NS m
JapCrosBFox.... 110.00 75.00 M' K -Mink
IHK.Ofl' 98.60 "IS 3m
.;, , ,"' , M , , rM iff
invest Your Surplus
Bonds Pay 5 to Wo
Carstairs Sc Co.-
31 embers
PluladHphln Stock i:s(liaiir; '
Nfw lurk .otton Kxc.hj.nce
,14J9 Walnut Street .,
rdonc,' Spruce C"310
71 tSroadioav, if. 1
$5000 POLICY COST $68.90
Arc 40 dlvldrnda rrduea thin tot after
Ilrnt yvar Wrlto for nid.lin.cn lwlliy at
yi.ur ace
When a man takes time
off to buy clothes nine
times out of ten he's in a
This, business has been
built up by pleasing just
such men.
Great stocks, but no con
fusion. Our convenient
store devoted solely to out
fitting. The resources of
all at the call of each.
Fer ro & Co.
Clolhierj & Outfitters
Asenja for
Rogers Feet Clothes
Chestnut Street at JunfpflS
Big Bargains in Beautiful Boots
Style and Variety a
A Special Low Price
Actually thousands of pairs of Dalaimcr Quality Feminine
Footwear of correct style and fine workmanship are included
in this exceptional gathering. The average saving is nearly
one-hulf. Note the vast variety of fashionable designs:
Patent Colt with Dark Cra Kid Top; Button. Golden Brawn Kid;
Button er Lac. Cray or Field Mouie or Mustard Brown Kid Leer
Boots. In All-Kid, or Mith-Tabrlc Topi. Two-tone Kid Boole o
Beaver, Cray or Field Meueo with harmonizing Fabric Tope; Cham
pafna Kid with Buck Top; Tan Calf with Fawn Buck Top. All with
hlfh French Heele. Alto -.Military Heel Modcla In Dark Gray or
Held Mauie with Kid or Buck Tope.
J 379 pairs were $10 j
j 403 pairs -were $11
11279 pairs were $12
j 394 pairs were. $14
rii miniwiiBM ii ii iibiii IM,IIM
- "jH
'UM tj
nwnw ri w &mooa a mj tl ai u mm 000 1 n w n mum 0 v
1204-06-08 Market St.
Of superior quality in
the most fashion'
able shades.
and $3.00
For Men at $2.00
II TfcjflL Mtm U
Sr.A.'u '245.00
Actual Value, $295.00
Three-quarter length modol. Finest quality akins
Taupe Nutria
Actual Value, $335.00
Three-quarter length models; finest quality akins.
Trimmed Hudson Seal $$7 00
Actual Value, $130.00
Threo-quarter length; full flare; Beaer or Skunk.
couar anu cuirs.
Natural Beaver
Actual Value, $575.00
Sportd model. Made of finest matched skint,
Natural Squirrel
Actual Value, $675.00
Full length; flno dark skins; full flare
Founded in 1865
The House that Heppe built
v. u.-gpPe aon, uowniown 1H7-1II9 Chestnut Street, Uptown--6th and Thornp.em Streets
Mason & flamlln, Weber, Hcppe Pianos Aeolian Playor-Pianos, Pianolas, Duo-Art Pianolaa Vietrolaa
i" I I ill Hi ea.i nl , , inrTilal A ,- uLali I'nitamn fl fcrBeaaPBIg
Order Your
I Christmas Victrola NOW
. iS 1
Choker Scarfs
Squirrel ...., 19.50
Australian Seal 10,60
Mink 89.G0
Fitch , 45.00
Stone Marten 55.00
Dyed Sable 65,00
pGre&t Scarf Specials TomorrowH
Fox and Wolf Scarfs
(Animal Scarfs in Solid and Lined Effects)
$16.50 $29.50 $3950
NOfE: these prim, marked "Special," are tar
below "regular"
ETCryryoar there is 'a larce shortage of Vfctrolas. ' -r
the nhortngc' will bo creator than ver, beeauso tha is
so great, v
Von should order your Christmas Vfctrola NOW,, t Heppet
and your name will bo pced.on the -Raiting list for Christmas de- '
livery. ,,
1- If it is not convenient for you to pay4tho entire amount at th
time of purchase, settlement may bo arranged through our Rental
Payment Plan, which applies all rent toward the purchase price. ;
e - '
-There is no dissatisfaction when
- : yqubuy aVicfjroJa , .
Thfl 'Victrola ii thft'etarirWd of all talkintr machines, and overv.
bodynMs Vjctor Records. It is because the Victrola was made to
play Victor Records and because it plays? them, better that we .sell
the "Victrola exclusively. It is better to buy -a Victrola even 'if you
have to wait a short while. You will be thoroughly satisfied
You should drd'er your Victrola today at Heppe's and ythus
do 'all that is possible to avoid disappointment.
oaii, pijone or;, .wrfte, xor catalogue and. full particulars.
.;. ... 1 , ii... 1 "- ' ' '
' D9writoT?n ',''." C-fT. HBPPE & SON '
UW40 9.wti.utBtjVrt4 On.PrleWt??,X"a'in?t '
w ill
fe Accept Liberty Bonds and Purchasing Agents Orders
Vilctrolas .
f $25
Uptown '
fith and1 TborapsotfjEtroctii
t -
It s- fcl
6 v
f ;