i j n. tv W n l f Ji fVff, yx - ! f i ,,J,-s. . fftiM&Ieaaet: t I .-.-' s f U)lit4rf . .. PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1010 ' JVapBattered on High Seas ; Turkey -Dinner Preliminary : Her First Party : Divers Views h&m m l1 mrWiStr; - a ' .jr . . . i 8? Mm4 : " flHOBMPBKHH 9 ULK3WE1 MB5F "SHUmi BBBIiim"' '' " TmTinKMniiiri l"MMBiMBm HIVShI uAfinvllwU HBMnSIK' ' ' z''' '14S RlHBHHIHfllBL'' ' A' " S' ) ' " " ' s TTIr ' ,v&Prt3l? ir.:'x:'; si ,!r -: ..' Ijodser PJiotii tfurvu CARIIVING HOME a few of the 1000 pounds of fish which a local deah i distributed to encourage the eating of fish, so as to strike a blow at the high cof of living while stimulating the fish business. UREAKING of the steamer Wahikhkum's feed pumps caused the vessel to loll helplessly in the seas, iich broke over the crippled craft, pounding about in the waves. The ship was headed for Philadelphia. no days after, the mishap, the Lehigh, a Hog Island product, came to the rescue of the Wahikhkum and iovei the ctvcken ship to safety, at Charleston, b. l.. ,v.-8, . ,- e ,vmmmitjik WW -''M uP E 'S-s. p'm--, e W1 ri ypw- vs fcT-'vf CMi r Jvl 3K? PMfe . , v y . ' TV,:- ;. Ledger I'hoto Strvkc I3ABY LORRAINE HEERMANN, of Penfield, Pa., makes her first birthday address at her initial party. (. PH1MMIMHmBiMMPaaiaHBiBMMHMWMMH,H . !QnCWBDSKjaiBKHIHMP2KJaiBE.X7 iiHat9HiraBPt.i7 uvibzx "', iPPA-ar-ri v . tiip TOiii iWliift iMITT ji 'TiOm i 1 t ' i i 'i i JlBuiliilfflnMMIIIIIWPiT JMMWMHTirflilliMiWgTrr'iii " f. n MW1 i v TOh. i ill "ii i ii w BiiHin i rf iunT l r Th i r- irorT nnrnrmmft-n g m-giinnn MiMg . nriiiii i. iikiH , mmfiigM iaiwr wy mEs:;ffi! ! u mm, 3 . w ? tl-B TUTTIlffMWIMlFf 1 IT liMin iT ' I I i l i '! Ill HI III I THnniTW .KMHHVTMin '. ;9V'MD k-N; v . TKV . .. .' ..im v-w "w, w.j.. ,i n v ., omauvL "w" ' wv -i"nii( 's x. " ' ,a'c s inwoPr TMBr. . iMMwir 4 ' , v :0v -JB, iidetW -!;v;- f.fc w'A WRKIB '!''' THE CfARGO carrier Daram, sailing from New York late in August, ntruck a coral reef off Bermuda. While being towed to an anchorage by two Bermuda tugs the vessel sank stern first. Crew and officers were taken off by the tugs, which stood by as the ship plunged under the sea. THE BEAUTY CORNER J'lluUi hi' 1 diii. Al CTI0N1NG TURKEYS at South Hatfield, Pa. Thanksgiving birds, uccoijding to poultry dealers,, i ? less numerous than usual. Live turkeys are bringing from 35 to 40 cents a pound wholesale. ratii & wwws jBm "" ' y;wi ; -mi nnflBTrTMiiit Ml TnTnir &!&& w - '- ' WZ?M? w -.i';? .:.iiPWMBM5PPPWwMEMBBBBBMK,.Cr. - mm iffBP5 I ' JSmBironirmli HHBHHHHk. ':!t',tr:f: C HHIBililll K Mm ii TwBwIWBIi i - " -kikM-- ! y,,-, "T if EQUESTKIANS ON the autumnal paths of Kairmount Park. Mrs, Edward i Perry riding, with C. MeCloskey on an equine jaunt Undenvood and Vnderwood FOOTBALL PLAYERS of Lelan Stanford University, California, in,a line-bucking test against an airplane. The aviator starts his machine and trys to gain headway against the'strength of the football line charging in the opposite direction, Usually he is unsuccessful. MISS ALICE LUCY, 6548 Marsden street. Philadelphia, Photographs for thia back-page fta.tu.re should be submitted through the mail, addressed to the. Beauty Corner, Evening Public Ledgeii. ' M m X ft I'i- r -'"