pyvfcra .'.IV1' " J , ' ' .". J s LfJly raa-,KAXi! isb,.;XKitsijlv Ai t ! .I...1 Jw.W I,....? i?.jaiuimjmTu wsiok Asyium 'plkai niney ,..iij7i.-.TK -?-:- "v. fy"r- L-ffT. e"'tMon,.n;ontractor: ; XI-ITn-Kt AND HELPER wanted. Apply, wV7J??j.i .Wi.; t?8iprtritendenL Allegheny wharf, Crew.Leyirk Co. nij3.?H?8M.,n ,f'n.,"r " moving ma 35th and HuntfogaParltaTo, , '. nSfi5!i5fb'lL'Virfn.niirt Co.. 80th ff S. :f:''" 7'i. T- .7f:. ' . "V)""' W 00J.. clean-out lAwWnfl,tt0 sail. stock In an nit corpora n. illrifiM b"Kt.,,hf Jf"rt Investigation. r fllVA,l2r' ty'lsde Phta .and nearby tef U,,P'L.OM commission. Air opportunity; ' IP',Vfesl money In a good stronir con.jii., Aptlr Jarnse A. BtUnr, T.26' Bulletin nidi. SALESMAN, experienced in workmen's com Sensation and automobile Insurance) old. Una' stock company with participating plani excellent proposition for live mam salary and. commission! lv references. II 34. Ledger BAJjKSMa'nj axwrltnwd, to call on rritn'a -"iK- , lurnnnara. nna air noom tor with h IWDularlm ,cf aoftjind atlft eollara n a aid lln cemmUslonailai itntb full particulars and'-rbtnc. ' I rT31. trfda.r Gftlcn. BALBSX1AN for South Phltadclphla, callln tr2HJS,i,,rB,rIr"Al,Pl! byiatUr only ySjSK.8etm Co.. PVonf!an4 Federal , c-aTtpianfr N. J. aALtflMKN Thona havln real -aatiatt. In- anranea, tourltlea or perlalty aalea i- prenc'trjfjrreaTMr: dolden. 40 nello- BATSr-.HArUO. thorouahlr familiar, with rlr. ..eular-aaw, Koply Ed o. Uudd Mfir. Co.. mm giuminar I arK ave. BHBKT.METAl, WQnKKrt Mrtal worker In lAMilnrf tnd. M..a ju iVI. a. li.. mm .. raiterna: &dy wor fof thorotiah mechanlo. Iancla M7 Colfcert, Inr , H20A ltmt ava. fltnp.nti'PiTTiunv Bxeellant opportunlti'. permanent poeltiona for. few technical experienced Inspectors. thvYouarhty familiar with all branches ship repair work and capable taklnir charge; sal ary commaiiaurata.wtth the rerponeibllltriof tha.poeltlqrt... Repllee. which will be coneld ared.conAdentlai; ahould elate expartenret. and reierancejr inaeiaii, uox B. loin HI. James "V'f-i- T-w, igrn wnijiiiinilii G0I.ICJT0R8 We have an oner'n for 8 nrepdaee aollcltora for Ufa Inaurance. payable monthly; rood opportunity to build ( a ceraonal buslnm: no lapaoa to cover. wvppir .toom t" rinanre iliac ftPSXTTATj flaTjcnxf AlvT A-Ji'L "O0'1' l0! aniftwarby provincial terrltorte open for men who can talk with convletlon and preaent a Tooney-maklnc.prop-ltlcn, men D towna of all elteai not a atoek deal, but e. money. maUlnir device that pirana. quick oath profit for- the man who buyaj'- sells on easy.payment plant liberal commlurton for you: averam aale neli you iit6 S?'i?! or "J y'Mk neans more than llO.poo a year for you:, leads furnished from national and dlreot advertlslpjri quick a.ctlon'necessary to.,secure .tefritory. M 780, BT0C3i .HALKBMAN to handle Issue of rnsrll..- backed by advertlsinir csrrtpalani wrmanent position- Charles, ft. Blddle Ooiden B,",vu Court Idr. Ask for " IP?:S..l?iVi Sr,'ork ,0m?.o ,mTi .j5v tv WANTED .nR3T-CrjAaa ALLrAROUND JIACHINISTS AND UACHINEi OPERA- TORS iron lRQB. HEAVY WORli V .It ' ' - in nvjC-fooT vkrtica'i; joCRma mll OPERATORS 1 FIRST -.CLASS ASaEy.Bt.ERS W1IO llAE Jf AD ' RXPpRJfiNC15 ON S onOFOOT 'VTSRTICA'li "BORIMO MJLb OPBRATORS B THRKj!-FOOT , VBRTICAIi' BORINQ ,-r; v. ..n . ..- , I BJOHT FOOT RADIAL DRILL rRESS OPERATORS t HORIZONTAL BORINQ MILL OPERA TOR ' .- MODERN HOUBES -WITH ALL CONVEha KNCES CAN BB HAD FOR NOR. MAL RENT WITHIN 10 MINUTES' WALK OF TUB PLANT "j '" APPLT. .on.. WRITB ,vMPLOYMENT OFFICE GENERAL, ELECTRIC CO. i '. "JPOOLMAKER8 . WAfcTK: 8..WAW.SP. ON JIO AND FfXTURE-WORK ruiiB- woku; ,bxi CpELLENTWORK IlK.- JHQ CQNDLTION3 msa aii do., ARDMoimrrA. femeral i OREENBWALD'B .- ENGINEERS. structural. Architectural, me ehanlcal, electrical, .Inside executive posi tions, should be.axpd, atonr.steeU reinforced cencretri, machinery- laV out, slectrlo A entlne holets. conveyors, also tracers and draftsmen for wePfKnown entlneermir. contractlns con cerns end .prominent corpocatlnna. " STENOGRAPHERS for executive & secreta rial positions also In purchaslnr export sales deuta-u stood'" alkrlea,.perrnahe(if Position. AcoovptantT with C P, A. exp. llkpr. fiter&aTtBlt. Bkpr.'taka eharifb oosfoott.TVo relstry-bars. - Booktet-CaV-blank'-erntla. 80 ffr Hthr- Xi . .. ?. .-. ' ' BOSINrJBS SERVICE CO.. HVLand Titled ACCOHNTANTS.,, srolerar cost, tto -JJOnO; BOOKWSKPKRBiTbiink, ayte-Kenerklj MO; DRAFTRMKN ft). 'maenf. construct.. J2400: KN'OINEBR8t-sle, k teller arces.j MANAOERST for branch banks, up to MK0O; SALESMEN, steel casttnes to steamship com pany, plumbltur sup., pipes & valves. I60CVO KTlOMOfinAPItlCRS A PRIV. SECTH. 150-nOl TBCLEItSf foir'4rut oampar.y. up to.. tlliOO. i. WANTcn-MiBN Prepare as flremen.'brake. man. ovivrfu..imin4 miuv ,y ,,wi per month: no .experience necessary! Fenm avivanla tAds. . Write rlNTER-RAILWAT. Dept. 1SR. India nanapous. ma. e AGENTS BCHoaw,xEACHiiiRBr'auy''h'i ttach- ersand -.those who teach thrift to have pupils seUiLttrertyiBen Barudby'psrcel post, 1.201 satisfaction ruaranteed. Herrlck Sales Co.. sa W, a. Chester, Pa, ' BITtE '.TTbNg VyANTEIK-f EMAJC." soo; 3onKEBJ"Bi.. u-.ypara- mi. eytJ.i expert at ryRuresT salary M. Ji 328, fatdirer Oft 58 t"REKUIt.'W experienced 'lady,. Parlalennd teacner.i'ane.p. yipin sr. v WOMAN any kli ahTe Work froi .. . t: a rz e --..... m , 200S any kind ot wdrk. Writ n a .nauri Market ot., ejecond floor SITTIATlbNQ .WANgEP JIALE ABlIBTArtt7to-t 3JIISTANTto exe.-utivei .ecreiry stenot raphsri general oMce mant 10 years' exp.; sires any dhaructcn irtork (40 week. A desire Jla.J rkj Ledaer unCT. - ' SOOKKHEPER, . txpirlerfredi .will audit, r write up books, day or eve- V phnneTwidla-n'dTeg.'ia M. open, close or Pinal moaeri H.rV,TV.D1Ur. -kna..... --. -u double entry, wishes position evening! will udlt,ort'booke. II 2n0, I.edirer Office. SoOKSstVER.- cprriojiaudltor em oftlceimlh, dea,.pd B 128,' Ids tri ralUble !aarOKIce. ClfncriDRAFTaMAN or asslsrant. .expert- , enced on llftlns; jnachlnery and- smalt de- Ijrns and shop layout oh production basis. M 727. Ledrer Oftlce. I INDUSTRIAL BNOINBEP.. qua,llned to handle., complets factory reorganisation or Shearv Ptsve,eraatlslns;, in any ilneesf Inr ulti&fa; -WTior.e.. Pa-,,.- . MAN; 31).-'army o'lcsr, 0 years manufacture lnr.i4Wl D.-years' rlewepadsr advertlslna'. experlnnotfc seeks ijprinectlon with atency or dvartlslnir deoartmsrtt of firm or corpora tion where eiturt and looj Idsaa, will erect ounqation upp,.nH.ur r e.. f-Qsqr -,. S.tAN. under. 0l. excellent business knowb trite, desires. cosltlonl one above, tbe ne 'abov. the aver. w ai salary seAotid-MinsldivR 2tn, Led .WWHU I..UWII ... - sA. bior-lfihoW'K 'of ' Wll. an. maralad. fVod products hi.H . seekji cs..wttll burnAorwt must be Iril if oposuiom b uiBr Lea- Iter Offloo. "" ' I" 'I "I" ' TTTTATr0W8t WAKTRIKAM SiT.1BiriW .... lie.. U.. A- ..tiU. i Deotmbtf 1 aUry or.vaUry nd com -imwniunj wm rwierf ncin. , ji ! iwwr utti fTOUNO MAN, 20, preiMitly emt.oye4. but i vciiiaa to cimiiin ana ininnei-t wun rs emi knowledge, oft accounting an Wharton ,eVenlng school, best of n gal. txrtr'Qmco. ' YOUNQ MAN." 2ft years old! married, -wants position .for .nexv 4 months i 7-years' x- tiiant nuilntas etpfrtence at najon manaaar mna purcnaainir agtnt rnr jare corpo'atloni cn'iurain paac or reis I" 719. jjta. on( EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES DO TOU NI5ED A CHAUPPEUnt For prlrata or commercial cam wa aupply wmpatant, rallabla men al reaaonabl it """ "' o you. yippiy to'ftir. 1'aiton nM nrnn at thon 'VH 3HHH. . S,- HARVET. 191B nitttnbouau aa.r Wftnted. reliable help, avtry -taEaclty. UOEP AUTOMOBILES REBUILT VIMS'. A-TTBAn tOPAt ttebullt, iruarantetd and freahly paTnted. Open. Ex' prata or Inclond PanW VIM MOTOR truck: CO. . Tlroad and Ituntlntflon Bta.. Phlla. OVlCRLiANDS. all modtla, all yrara. lnolud. lnc lvloi nratCiaai oona.i Bomi low aa $800: tet your used Overland and parti and aarvlce from the imhb nrmj time pavmente) open y. Oraxland Harper Co.. lm Arch. STUTZ, NEARLY ALL MODELS, TliOH' ntlntrr.V OVKRTIAULiED AND REFIN' IBHED' MANV BARGAINS. SEE MR. Mae ARTHtlR BTUT7. AOENCY, MINi nROAIV WELDING, electric frames, housings axlea water Jackets. " Penna. ' Elf ctrlo Weldlnir Co.. 41n-OH Vine' et. Thona Market- 2M1, DODOE tourinc. lato modelf mechanically perteoi: casn or lime, in jriroaq m. MAXWELL Sedan late 18. foredoor ' slip covers: nargaint casn ar lime. aMQ o tiroau Join REO TOURING 1 a wonderful " llttlo money. 200 N, Broad at. car for CHEVROLET MOO; 1100 down, balance weekly. Parkway. 1420 Race. FORD fine shape, tlSO cash, balance weekly payments. rarKway. 1420 Race. nuiCK. 1P18; owner must sell: price 050: terms. Parkway. 1420 Race. HUDSON sedan, tike new. perfect condition; ceeh or terms. 1431 Race at. .... ... . DODOE Bedan. 1018. like new: part pay-J mnt; paiance on time, nxw jtace. FOlID "Bedan. like new: demountable rims,' Uahts and starter: barraln. 1481 ace OAKIAND roadster. IsTte model Ideal car for salesman. Bargain. 208 N. Broad. BATTERIES. 0 vdt. rebuilt for 110; equal to pew. 1504 Vine at. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES NEW e 2d-hand bicycles, tires, all makes. ANDREW T nlRrHKTT 308 8. 22d St BUhlNES' V-OifTiwrnE9 WE HAVE CLIENTS for hotels furnished. or apartment houses furnished or unfur nished. Apply Room 3 and 4. 729 "Walnut si, . rnone walnut flMH. MAN. good- business tralnlnr. wanta to con. nect with 0- concern with some. prospects,! xur. luiuro; niign,i, invesi aotne money.- u 214. IdgerOfnce. YUUNIUMAN wahted who can develop eel). ins- nniiities. to connect witn pnila. co.l niwch.: Investment snoop up. B loa.Id Off. THREE-FAMILY, apartment. Diamond 'Bt.t total rertts 12S: price J850O: financed, OREENHPAN. Tork road and Louden et. BUSINESS PERSONALS DIAMONDS BOUGHT Positively hlgheet cash.prlcea for your dia- m,.n,4 anv alrA fenm U tA In Mrttn nnna pay.hlgher: also old gold, platinum and sllee. bnuxht. Estates bought (private). Est. 10 yis, The Diamond Shop MiSrE,. DIAMONDS BOUGHT ANT SIZE PRICE NO ODJECT Pawn Tickets for Diamonds Bought vir.T.T.v r.n . una nHrcRTNUT st. Sutte 21-22. Over C'hllds Restaurant. Private DIAMONDS BOUGHT HARRY"W. 'SMITH, 717XBansom et.' LITIGATION, expense and delay avoided: bus . ..,. m A a.K--. lertllltl- AAlflArt Vmt, rights protected, doubtful accounts'Colleoted: bank reference: zs years- experience. Mutual Adjustment Co.; 1210 nmertTat, -j pimcHASE CONTROL of.a-golnf. profitable manufacturing business! (25,000 or less; g'lve-all facts, 'oration, etc.. In first letter. 224, Ledger Office. CARPENTER and builder, reliable, do alteration And Jobblngi ertlmales". given free. -eni aussman, 110. iv franKim st. UNU'ORM overcoats changed Into civilian style ve-y. reasonable: Stanley Tallorlna UO., in W. Iftn Bt.. nasement. ELE"TRlC treatment manicuring. Room 105. Heed llldg,. 1215 Filbert at. Loc. 81)02, CELU3TB..IiA TJ5LLE. facial, scalp treat. HI a. m in u p. Tn, ctow-o nun iwm r.iiin OLD CIVTHINO bought and sold. .FECTOIt, 004-nfW-N Front st . Phone Ma-kei anS, TJOOB BEAUTIFUL red Pekln4ee. dog. 18 months old ohamnion. for sale. -Phono Walnut BSOO. TloonXSs. . . ron sale rtrWIPP C.rtTJMT'tf.TTTlTr T1m1,B rtf AVifV AA- sorlpllon, modern nuns' devices Irt. wood and" steel, ail sue tames, several icifb iane booths, 150 feef office partition In lots to suit and other complete equipment .-to nice condition atlprlces that will Plossa you. mimrrfs .uih and' lluttonwood FOR SALE Columbian Orafonola, beautltuf walnut nniah.ana in nrst-ciass conoiuoni st 1160 and.tho sMllne .price -is J75. Call Icklnson 8164 M between fl'30 arid 8 p. rrt., cos Die or write B 204 Ledger Office, OFFICE FURN1TUHB Large line desks. 'safes; tiles, 'cabinets -and general ofilce furniture, stare fixtures. Wbuy. s!l and exohsngj.-' - PATTEN FURNITURE CO. .,, LOCUST 4010. 1137 ABOH ST. iRACE 204. CENTRAL'lIOUSEWllBCKiNO CO. S.'W. cor. 12th 'and Spring Garden ets. All kinds of oftlce furniture and rlxturea, -Bathroom outfits complete:. i ."". ,9.1, KhAnA W.l..., m ' Bell ohftne. Poplar-1188. ' RADIATORS- TTAt'watae and etaam. .new arid second tiand pipe, larg.e'notl boilers and'-nlfa ch,eap.'iUelc Inson. am Maln.'anft, 142Q'8. th st. ' . FOR.. BALE'VSeVeral ' rolltop. desks', very gooo; cpnajiipn. Appry ai.s -pwer-v;p.'i 14Q.?y. iiroao sr.i secona noor. DlLLIAni), , pool. .com n. 2d-Marul. boughf sold, rent, e'e Keafsr, 820 W. pirard ave. SAFia. -fireproof dosing, out; -OOl slightly used, some with thin. frsUsn72 N. Fcurth, gCQItAQE ANI MrrtlN,Q BOULEVARD Movlnr and" Btoragsf" new i management: local and lone-distance moV- iwj ,,njwh. ir, tlmn Inn inv thlnrf lan BOO cle,ftrr rooms for atorajei motortrucks to hire at all nqurs,- 1 to J, ton.1 reasonablo- .rates.- Phono ueimont oino or-keystone. WW.'. ' ,, ., S, . TERMINAL' 'ASfcq.. Columbia and Sydenham sti; local and . lonri distanoe mpTins; or couricwur iwnunw fnen: otean.' dust-proof rooms for furniture; et u-estlmate Phone Diamond .4472. ;BRQWN,ST0RAGEeOr iMov K.' Picklhi. Shlopwg. ' Get ur-Mlee for long-distance worV -Tlbga '4408, Park 4612 D. 8854 N.-'Bth at, '- ' . ' VICTORY STORAGE- B215 Market. Largest aiid hel . Phone- llelmont 4870 for an estimate, QnnrtM parked forshlprnT"' Plerce-Arrow'vans for moving The-JoHrt .RhoadsCor -. Storage.. Packing, Moving. Carpet creantnr. 41 37-59" UncastscAy,v WPhila.. Dougherty & SoriVStorage , V Get our- sfoolal.rats oy-'mortnlt -by, aue rella)re nd eareul.mert. Call Poftar. 48651 tv-sylone. Park 4l27i-nlrht Phone. Dla. (852 WANT RETURN JJA,a of household roods to Washington, D.-' Ci special price; truck In I'miaoeipn-a novemoer az ana zo; wien us for aopolntrhent with driver; Winter Building Storag. Washington.' t, C. FIDKLiTT FIRiEPROOF VtAREHOfjaEI' , rt 1817-181U MAIIKETBT ' ' OlRARD BTORAOB, 18 . airard Moving. hnurht and sold Parkr42fl. Pooler K204. packing, storing) sep; rooms; rumuure PADDED VANB EiDert movers. North Phlla. Btorago Co.. tblbe Parlt Building, 2088, Lehigh. Hvt. STAMPS AND COINS. BTAMPfl, PACKETS. DIMB. BBTS Albums, ard supBlles" for stamp collector PHIL STAMP CO.- 31 .-"7h et 1 ' . ."-'" ' I JsTAOHlNEBY-AND TQOI.S POWER-PLANT' EQUIPMENT Dynsmos motors, belters, steam1 and all 'A-N-TgoVNKN. Bd st, TiLECTRtQ MOTOKS IlNB TOOLS.' POWEll E O'BRIEN' MACHINEHTfCO,, -IIS f.'. 8D BT."' tsimiixtm iVrtti ",...ii . . .. m iL ' 1. ! ' "! 1 MA v. lit a vfvr, Tt11. ,S"t" f" PBR f conirftci wiere quptieiionjtm quAuiin r Af nirfQe iui., latrtr vine, . , . gOTTSEKBEPXq e&TA&TJgEKTa . N,H0DSEIEEPlKG APARfflEiNTS ' N. L COR.. 15TH '& ALLEGHENY AVE. FORMERLY THE BURK MANSION - ALL OUTSIDE APARTMENTS physfcian conlUit-'""",'" "dy tot '""nedlate occupancy ospeeWlly sullable for . 'Close to.etoresj'2 (rolle ' ilaes at corner; 3 squares from North PWla. Station. TKNANTB APATME(NTa WILL BE RENOVATED AND ALTERED TO SUIT Boo Mn. J. J, MENKUH, Owner, at lljn Regis Apt. House. N, VkV Cor, lBth and" Allegjieuy ave. Phone -Tlogi 6948 J, I"' X"P AYERS.TITNd.ETC PL.V.TEn.PlANO 88 tipte, maliokanyf almost new; beautiful eweet ttne Inslfument, ruaranlbed to bo In splendid .condition i will be sold obeap for cash: heeo Is an. oppor tunity that will never occur again) must or call v wu y? iijgnm, ivr parucuiara write fenstngtwl aVe. Vl!2' ,!M' !'''", beautiful tone; cost 4(0 newt oxceirent condition; guaranteed; special payments". Heppe's Uptown Stores, cor. 0th si Thompson'. PIANQH bought, sold and exehangedl cash paid for pianos In good, condition. C. J. Heppe & Son, 1117-1110 Chestnut at., or 0th and Thompson sts. ' 3 r 1 PLATffiR.PlANO. 1825. Vlnceht Weberfleld: reasonable payments. Heppe's Uptown Stores, cor. 0th k Thompson. PIANO. I18S. Penning; gOod condition. Call or write for full description! 00 others at all prices. Heppe's Uptown Stores, cor. Olh fe Thompson. PIANO, $05. Hallet A .Davfsi sweet tone! special payments: 00 others. Heppe's: Urtnwn Stores. Thompson. rlANO,$423. Hsxe'.ton Grant, cost S850 now. Write. -for. list of .beautiful, new gd. pianos. Heppe'a Uptown Store", cor. Olh & Thempenn. PLAYBI1-PIANO. 423. Cunningham Match lessi cost tRBO new; reasonable payments accepted.,' Write for full description. Heppe's uptown Stores, cor. 0th A Thompson. PIANO, J2TB. Cunningham Olrard; cost I40A now. ,Call or. write. for full description; 00 others, from tloo up. Itenpj s uptown morns, cor, run ft Thompson, HAVE your Player-piano repaired by. experts - who guarantee work: Bend postal or nhone Market 8014 Onldn fton Spring Garden st. WANTED CAST-OFF CLOTHINO Ladles' Rothes a - specialty; gentlemen's, children's clothing and Shoes all kinds bought) highest prices! Ph. Mkt. 24i W or call-M. Hjern, R7 r. 4th! OLD CLOTHES, ladles', men'a or . boys' suit, overcoats, shoes, hats: we positively lllijr tir twr vvi.b ...u. -. ..u mw.i.i, w.,11 or nhnnl 'Dteklnaon 0155) wecAll. rttv. countev. .dayi-evenlng Friedman Bros , 1444 South st. FURNITURB and household (roods: highest prices paidior parx or enure nourenoint get our estlmnto. Harry II. Flnner. 500 N., 2d st Bell phone Market 4021; evenings and Sunday call Poplar 1255 WE WANT, at once, hounenold furniture tnr, fltturea: office furniture: nav snot cash: honest value; iihone ue about II. Locust 4214. Old Church, cor. 12th and Cherry sts. WANTED Refrigerator suitable for florist establishment! will nay onsli, give -full par- esinD,,piiineni win n wi.h. s.o ,ui, jnr tlculars In nr letter. Address Moss W. Armietead, Chelsea Ants . Portsmouth. Va HOUBKIIOI.D AND OFFICE FURNITURB ROUOHT -We pay the'best prices. Wiser. 215 K-.t. t. Pbnnej Walnut 1840 FURNITU11K, carpet needed bsdiyr highest prices pnld. 2Q4H Bld.e QVe. Poplar 844. l'PAt.j,( prices for old a shoes' Gffic: send postal., -feriowe, Hs tjaowhlil et. T Tfa.Y ) .nrlH for nld olothea A shM.a Send postal. .Perlow'e. P0i Callowhlll st. BROAD ST.. .( 225 Most attractive nns.: prir. . oatn u nes f cic-it,nt noiei service. BROAD 8T.. N 3121 Nicely furnished room:-gentiemen: private lamiiy: pnone. CHESTNUT ST.. 2004Delsrable. woll-fur-nlhfd. hoftted. rooms, adjoining- bath. JCBBUP ST.. N., 283.7 Three room,-fur-, nlshed. Apply bv Utter to Mies Edna Boyd, 1010 Nvestmoreland at. LOCUST. 1033 Bacnelt house: lnrgei at tractive , rooms, single .or 'en suite; 'tile - " PIN'E STi. 1810 Room and bathf private family.' BPRUCB ST.. 2022 Two nicely 'furnished ' rooms, with bathl open fireplace; ecu thorn exposure: gentlemen only. SW1UCK BT.. 5882 Sec. story front!. Jents or hue, conoiei eiee, Jiant; .mod.: owner BPRUCB ST.. 1127-f-Two single and 1 dou- dctlnief nicely rurnisned 'rooms. 16TH, N., 139-141 (HOTEL RURIC Mod- em,- up-to-date furnished room; electrlo throughput, hot.yvater heat; dally and weeklv ratesi. convenient to .stations:, iroqd. accora- monniTona lor iravenna people. SPRUCE BT, 1012 (Holmehurst) Double and single vacancies, oeautirnlly furnish ed; running 'water, private baths, electrlo lltrht. phones: -, WALNUT ST. -1312 Very attractive room with private baths; new end really beautl full hotel appointments and service. 1IITH HT.. -.. 1401 Twm -rtim-keenln-i roomr, furrr.: single rooms .ft Kitcncn.. 15. go. 10TH ST..'N.. 3837---TWO furnished front- rooms. . electric light, hot-water - heat. . eiecti phone private home, ATTRACTIVE fum. apts.; some housek'p'g-; Bherwood Apt. Agency. 225 8. Broad St. WKHT riHL,DKLPHIA HAZEL AVE.. 4640 Warm, attractive roomi choice, location; .gentlemen. SPRUCE ST.. 4431 Two com. furh. roomst AAtiiiAnlart 4-a ftetnUss-irese gA-. 1 Am A4", -A-AAts-iaAtf-l 84TH BT:. N 818 One large Mnfur.-room. bay window, newly- decorated -hot.water heat: rcnvenlent to L semlprlvate bath. OERM.tNTOWN f ONE .pleasant furnished semlrobm on second noori-'priyate xamny: price soo per monxn; without 'bOArd: :JiIht -references.. Phone asrmaiitown 1S13.W. . ' " " " i BOOMS "WANTED WANTED An unfurnished . front room for l a rourteous voung man irt Ihr. vlclnltv of .Tioga. Olney and Oermantown. B 223 Ledger Office. BOABDINO 49TH .ST.. 8.. 082 Ownr will rent large second-floor room with- Ward: gentlemen hor business women. . BUBCItnAN MT, AIRT-rHome for boys. 6. to 18 years: convrnlent. to publfo echooit -cleanvana comfortablef igood' food, best' of -care and training. 8S0E Mt. Airy ave.. Mt.vAlry,' Phlla,.J2hoae-Cheatnut.lI)lL140T.-' , i APARTMENTS" - - SWARTHMOREv:. APARTMENTS H. E.-COR, 1I2V5 AND WAI.MUT 8TB J1 tllR-'-Vyr TUUUHUU niffitntNlWlSD ABAR1MEN flOOF nWrsi j(bo: FITVO nbOMSiAMD. BATH - -ONB-ItOOM'ND-BAt-AWD . onh. nomi UNn'flitnWKrt - BlflfABLE FOR BACHWLOna. A-RTIENT.HEADqU'Ala,TRHii..'I:' al apartments a -Specialty. BherwoodT Central Apt Agency. '223. S. Broad at. -Some "ery. HUr.SII lull). -f,-i. -viin.iiw-r;.-,(,ing -.aTi, o-i. -j 'nnr,,,,...!. -i.i..m - front apartment. -2. roprns. and pttvate hath: .fumisnea or-unzurnisnea; gpntiemen.1 fnone 'poplar 8020.." -,. .. - UHOAD -ST., N.,. 8142 3 rooms and .bkth. iTnon,: key oft premf. Collins. 1012 'Lehigh av. CENTRA! housi lelV fi aa&l-tment Tannin. . handComelV furnished! will rent "for. 4, or 8 winter months,. $400 a month, ? Till Led y Office." . '...' ' . WKS11 riiit.ADKi.rhfA t" CnE8TNUT03T.r:ARr".iiaD5 Large and small suites, -tinfurntshedr-1 , suitable for physician's office.. .-1 far .-dressmaker, 2 bachelor apartments, 1 large -housekeeping suite rbone Preston B807r a , '49TH ST.. Sft-poj, An.nnus(ial-oppartuhltyi priv. home, i wen-rurn, )ionoor com. rm. and bath, well-heated) every, convenience. APABTMENT HOTELS THE DELMAR-M0RRIS AmexlcanJMari CHELTEN.AVE. AND MORRIS BT. GERMANT0WN" , 20 MINUTES TO BttOADAT: STATION rurnissnen mn wuni r ibci juiti. HOTEL COLONIAL , -?gS.. Select lipartment-fa'niily. f-'!:'-ln,'tb6.ceiier of theUyi-operallnaioruJie Amrrtcaa blan: C. P.ITMAK. BAKER.. JK -dlyawS, BARTRAM "APARTMENTS X few attirtmento with b&th for DarHcular txodU. ylrtclaMfdtn)Drroom.'Tvice. . . IH' MORRIS' iB&wrfanqp:; rooms, andnatnutnern exposure. LITTL50 HOTEL. 3?J,D. 3)'r Iplaco tttli?-wbile;m.l'b.UaHphI HOXTSEKEEPIKG 'APAKTMENTS lein iqcust st. FURNISHED rurnlshlmrs:. handsome antlitue Oriental rugs for the floors; 11 months' leaue at 122.1 per mo. and upward. Phono llibert 412a W for Inspection, AIJ APARTMENT containing beauty, com iort, light and all modern conveniences, combined with luxury of fittings. Is offered at lilt Locust St.: formerly the residence of one of Philadelphia's wealthiest families and now converted Into an apartment house, combining all the above features; -' and 3 rooms, bath and kltcben. PtJHNTRHF.T AT-RTlNTTWrS CLEAN, well-fumlshed housekeeping apart , ment, a rooms and bAth, all conveniences: bxcelient car eervloi facee Phrk West Phlla delphla. WoodlSnd loss W, AJ" "'ANTED TOU ARB INVITED to list your vacant or to-bo-vacant apartm-nt with the Sherwood Apartment Agency. 225 S. Broad st Phone Walnut 817. It Is oulte Impossible to flu tlio requirements oi our many applicants witn out your heerty co-operation. BEAL ESTATE EOB SALE CITV v3 CAN OFFER AT INTERESTING PRICES 3548.45-47-40 Stouton st 8540.48-50-52-54-50 Stouton Et. 8544 Jasper at. ronVs-14-18.28-82 E. Cornwatts st. 8048-45-47-40-68 N. 11th nt. 891018-20 Oermsntown ave. 81 Manhelm st. 1010 Olenwood ave. 418 Arch st. Finances Satisfactorily Arranged B. BUCHSBAUM & SON 72a walnut st. ;c 1531 PINE STREET FOUIl-STORT RESIDENCE APPLY HEYMANN & BR0. WIDENER BLDO. VACANT 3509 Joyce st. (Frankford ave. , and Tinea t.Boven, rooms, bath, porcb. $2700:- 2000 blocK D. Pickwick t , 7 rooms, bath, porch, electric lights, hot-water heat, stationary tubs. $4000, 631 E. Cornwall st t 9 rooms, bntrlmodem. $2500, 2040 E. Rus sell st , 0 rooms, bath, porch, $2450, GEO. B. LIERERMAN, 8422 Frankford uvo., Frankford 1833 Opwn evenings, MAKR OFFER on 005-806-flll Luray at,, right off the Northeast Boulevard: they are all modern homes, with private garages; this In a good dpportunlty. L1NDLEY REALTY CO. 5102 N. Cth st Phone Wyoming 4520 W. HOUSB AND STABLtl on lot 60x1V 0 ft.: Im mediate possession: $5500; $1500 cch. bal ance 1st mortgage. 25I4.1H-18 W. Dauph'n Call Nusblckelrs Coal Turd. 25th and Beds ley ave. . . ltmrKf. Tioga, Logan, Frankford. Eaet Falls. Glen- '-Irf- r...-!j. TJTP.VfATJ . T1AT.T. T111 Oermantown ave. COIX5RED BUYERS, take notice $2800. 2314 Carlisle: easy terms; 7 rooms and bath: all convenlenceo( private alley. H E. SMITH, 724 Wi ICrl'.nvc. . $2500 80S Ontario st., 0 room and bath; convenient to car llhes II.E.BM1TH 724 W, ERIE AVE $1750341484 N. AMFRICAN $T. "Ive rooms and bath, on 80-ft. wide asphalt street- look them over. Hi E SMITH- 724 W Erie five. TWO properties in this district: up to date In every.wayi 14 rooms each. $6300 each; they are cheap If you corslder quality. REESBR, 2201. N. 7tll st. 2610 N. 29TH ST, below Lehlglr"ave. 3' 1 story porch front,, 10 rooms In good .con dition: "only" $5700; Inspect by appointment. Phone Wyoming 3156 W ' $1700 EACH 3327-29-31 Hnrtvllle st $14 eacn lent' peautilui noma or invostmont prrnerty. E. 'flMITII, 724 W. Erie avo , 'Phlla, $200 CASH Move In today. 1820 N. Rally St., above 23th and Montgomery ave. also now yncant 2443 N. Douglas Sllber, 2123 N, 11 Dig. 0841. 8003 N FrtANlCLIN Porch-front dwelling. 6 rooms and bath, hot-water heat! chest) at $3950: can flnsneo easily., FRIEDRICH A CO . 861 N. 12th , 3218 HURLEY ST $2400; 2 story: all con- ltnvilaneiai '- BDW. J. ORUnn. 1914 E.' Dauphin; " . ' ' ' r $2S0O-rl82 Ontario St.. 8 story. 8 rooms'! and bath! convenient to car" H. E, SMITH 724 W. Erie lines. ave.. Phlla. NUMBER of 3-story houses In this district: vacant: immediate possession. REEHER 22Q1 N. 7th at. 800 HOUSES for sale. $100 down, balance roe aa rent: list on reouest Kennedy, luui ijnesimuei Room 606. S5I4 MAKMlIAUl. Rl . o r. ana. o ; e S r. and .! ! 4 bed- rooms: garage priv. , 101 i;ii; sinvu; is poss, rfe. in 80 days. Shoemaker. 7th and 'Br; I800D alio uiemennne si., t rot 7 'rooms, s-nd bath: large lot r good condition. loi: nwJ puuiiioin ,. Jt. E. P.MUM, l-t w . ave. 2282 BRANDYWINE ST.. 2-story 'dwelling. Rent $18. assesssa eiou.i; price, iuiai. - OHJUTHER, 248') N. 2d .st... , COLORED tsnants can buy homes. $'00 down! pal, same ae rem. ivciiiipuJ),!! v.ogp.nui. 1522 S. CAPITOL Six rooms hath, -only giui casn, ijflwi, win ,iip ,jnn-um ,.iusr. PORCH and straight-front houses. $2000 and ORCI1 up. M iIQOrO. wuu ,..,nn-ii, i imp, 421 BELORADU ST. Thre-tv. britit dwg,; n.rfscrcondltlon Geo. A. Weber. 482 N.,tlA: Vacant movo right ini 912 n. 11th st., io- rnnmai nne conn, .iu.c-i.. oo. n. im hi. -501ft BUTLER 11 room .porch, ronts.1 largelot: possession. LLOYD. Ili Walnut. RACE? ST, 089-88 Three-storv business iAi-iy D,, " - ... Ulk.tV.f.,,., . isio WOOD Three-stpry house; 4 rooms. I Appry at 1322 Vino et . properties " v - .-. -- .n... w GASOLINE ALLEY When Do We Eat1 1 CM0N (T.BLsiXTo WWTiUWH rJijrl u,k a IMF YoU ME fA lUKM UP. LONGER' l p p WLL VOa rggl A FROM THIS 7 WITH THAT N EAT A P V.pVs? 7 14 WTCHeN - MM iANtl TeWY-OR. P PoJS fi AWBPW WOULD THNK 1 VkS-I '" I -dSa-k-J. -a "I- ' tw TeriTS ' I -yj. Act VilMl iff wt l'JssSiV&r-iJmSKw r A ta fe J- I. aey To a tm:wm am- - rMs ww - uniBeMiL- v ismui ii i 4u v nx . BEAL ESTATE SOB SALE WE RECOMMEND 806 Roosevelt Boulevard . Porch-front dwelflng, rarlor, din ing room, breakfast room A kitchen. Four bedrooms and flath. Servants' Bunrlers. Laundry cellar Oarage for care. Call us for appointment. FriedrichfitCoKo'ei N. 12th $30001520 F0NTAIN ST. Vacant: 2-slory dwelling-. 0 rooms and bath. Gluey Realty Co., Inc. Stf & 2244 W. ALLEGHENY AVE. Two-rton. 8 rooms! perfect order: ttone porch: price, S1500; termst vacant, keys W. H. L1R1IRICH 2110 Rldce av?; MERIT SQUARE HOTJSF.H Alrdrle et, at JCcnslngtoii and Sedsley ares., brick snrt ittono coiistriictlon: all eonvenl ences. including electric llsnt, small nmount of cash reiulred, Ask for MR. MCTZOEU, 8733 Olendale et. H B. SMITH. 724 W Erie v Building Txla, ,Tatory Site-). Klc SITES RAILROAD Penni, and lteadlnu, 12000 per aero and up. according to loc; lnquiro for terms DletpHch 787 WhIhu s' FACTORY OR OARAGE SITE, O.'.xlOO brick building on ground, $6000. Apply ULINODL. 2721 K 8th et. lth roetortee, FACTORIES AND FarroriY rrn Everywhere fn Philadelphia 1201 Chestnut st INDUSTRIAL PLANTS, warehouses, vacant land, railroad and wafer frontage. 3 t, HTV.VBNSON HON. H22 Ind Title. RENT tB7 Stores and dwellings on N. 10th -at.! first mtg. J37B0; prico $0700; big bar gain for speculator. SIMON WflSS lfl2d Pt. Breexe ave. . rHnre and Twetl1nra CORNER STORE and dwelling, 0th and Bris tol sts, i now occupied as cigar and candy store; 0 roonui and bath; will sell right. FRlEnitlCH fc CO 801 N 12th 830 N. BTH ST dwelling and store, siassed M500! ssle price $4800 WM REESEIt 2201 N. 7th st wiist pintnELvniA NEW 7-Room Homes ALLMAN ST.D0CK BETWEEN CHESTER AND KINUSESBINU AVliNUtia Inclosed porches, hardwood floor ing, beautiful bath with showers. r.ery feature found In a higher- priced borne. Price $4000. MONTHLY ttj-l EXPENSE nnd smalt additional payment to re duce second mortgage. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Sample house. 0330 Allinan street, open datlv nnd evenings. 7-0 p. m Car 13 on Walnut st to end of I'ne Walk 1 block west. YAGLE & BURNS &cmUe9 5314 RACE ST. Four large bedrooms, tile bath with built-in shower; very large Dutch hull, dining room nnd kitchen fin ished In mahogany and white. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION I d ood floors Elcctrlo lights ll.CE $0000 Good, comenlent neighborhood; open every evening, 7 to 0 p. m . and Sat urday afternoon, an aay Sunday or MGLE & BURNS 0936 '.LMAN St. FLORENCE AVE., WE3T OF 581H ST. THE BEST HOUSE IN THE BLOCK with every convenience; 2 baths, sleeping porch, sun parlor, etc; terms of sale are easy; carrying charges about $52 a month. PEMBERTON ESTATES, 1102 Harrison llulldlne. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY A Jarge corfter housowlth 9 big rooms: well located; S. W 'cor. floth and Greomtay; convenlont to cars etoren and sellouts. J. VY. WAmrtV WOODLAND 'AVK. 0027 WASHINGTON AVE Vacant; 12 rooms. 2 baths; Slcsla built; strictly mod ern. 6929 Locust st Six rooms and bath hot .. water heat, hardwood floors; early poss, CARPENTER & WILSON 0221) Market. Bel Hl.17 $3050 BIO BARGAIN 18650 811)0 block Da Lancey, 22 houses: will be sold separately to home buyers, $8050 each! tt rooms batn. white plumbtno;, porch front: Open .for Inspection, dully- nnd Sunday; SI51 sample house. MliliMiia & UllADY, 5002 apruce si. tLMMEDIATE POSSEHS'ION AND SETTLE I MENT 5613 Hadfleld at , tl largo rooms and bath, hardwood floors h -w heat, elec, lights.lnod.; desirable location, end house, financed. A. P. CHAPMAN 5730 Whit by aVe. J Itiismess Properties, nnd Stores Most Valuable West Phila. Business Properly Transfer Corner S. E. Cor. 60th & Spruce Apply on Premises Ktorea nml Dwellings COR, Arch and Milllck; store and dwg,; pos.i a. real bargain SHERWOOD. 225 8 Broad. GKRMANTOWN $4000 Porch-front residence In $10,000 neighborhood, with 8 rooms. Including bath and laundry. JOHN McCAFFERTY. B721 Oermantown av. GTN. nla 310 Sedsnlck $6500: Dutch hall. (Ire. place It rooms, bath h w. neat, electric; early pose A ti aieonan. dmi .win, ave. GTN. J63U0 442 B Walnut lane Twin. Dutih hall. 10 ran 2 baths, steam, heat, eleo. It; acant A R Median. 0747 Otn. -VlCX .er il?Z(r ijjjr BEAL ESTATE OB SALS OERMANTOWN 183 W, LOUDEN BT, Two story, rorch. 3 bedrooms, tiled bath, hot-water heat, electric lights, hardwood on first floor: near Wayne ave. 4827 MORRIS ST. Two story, porch. 8 bedrooms, tiled bath. built-in tub, shower, open fireplace, hot water beat, electric lights, hardwood floors; garagei electric washer, shades and awnlntrs lnciuaea. 0-1 MANHEIM BT, Two etery, porch, 4 bedrooms, bath, laundry, b5 MANHEIM BT. Two story, twin, porch. 4 bedrooms, bath; lot 110 feet; steam heat, elcctrlo lights, hardwood on first floor. 329 W. LOGAN SI'. Two story, porch, 3 bedrooms bsth, herd wood floors throughout, hot-water heat, elec tric tights; lot 10x120 feet: restricted neigh borhood THOMAB H EVOY. 4800 Wayne ave. GERMANTOWN BUSINESS PROPERTT Oermantown ave.: lot 83x173; suitable for store or movlnc-plcture theatre, will sacrlllce to quick buier, OEOIK1K W BBANE, BB14 Oermantown av. BEAUTIFUL 8-story stone comer house, containing 12 rooms, 2 baths, taundrv. every convenience: spaco In rear for garage. 2 minutes Washington Lino Station P and h. . sen at very reasonable nrure. 444 k. Tulpehockcn st. Call only THOMAS MOORE. HK'I). 453 K Wnlnnt lane 2108 65TH AVE. Six rooms and bath, elec trlclty, hot-water heat. Immediate posses sion, houso entirely rcnovaled. prhe $5300 terma to uultj Inspect bv appointment, DALLAS It HARTLEY Inc. 4700 N- Broad Wyoming 871-872 WEST WALNUT LANE Three-story atone uwemna, in rooms pain launary und elec tr'clty; lot 37x07: Immediate possesilon, price 8500. GEORGE W SVP DEANE 691 1 Oermantown Ll.EOANT furnished home near Wayne Junction- all up-to-date Improvements In cluding hot-water heat, electric light . msny edded features' Installed, a bedrooms: J8500 Tims If l-VOY 4800 Wnvne ave WHAT IS OFFERED7 Severe! 2-story porch. ..front properties. 1200 S Peach st.; rent $22, assessed $2200; mortgaged $2200. IRA THOMAS 2315 W. 1 ahleh ave. OTN.- $57002150 Ccniyn 0 rooms, bath. porch, all conv ; a neat lltue home i. carlv pose A. R. Mcehan in-, i.ermantown ave. OTN $5500. 0226 Belfleld ave cor. 0 r.. bath, laundry, h -w, ht., elec: room for garage, vacant, A R Meehnn. 0747 Gtn ave TOnmim,T!nj!rninnnnrtiimnnnTirriii3iiinnmmirmmi!imiTnmimmnnm,imiiimm( ti Bi noice LOGAN HOMES WE OFFER A FEW REAL HOMES AT EXCEPTIONALT,T REASONABLE FIGURES Three-story sem'detached modern homes at 6105-5111 N. 13TH ST. and 5118 N. CAMAC ST. PRICES $8730. Well financed. A modern 2-story homo on WYOMING AVE. PRICE $S500 Theie properties r.-prtrent the beet value In Logan today, for Inspection and all Information apply Oak Lane Really Co. 6752 YpRK ROAD Telephone Oak I.ano 337 aniTOlKMllllMMM EXCEPTIONAL VALUES IN LOGAN ' 15TH BT. ABOVE OLNEY AVE. J 9500 Just completed; lot 130 ft.. 0 rooms and bath; garage privilege. . 4043 N. 1UTH ST. $7700 Fither-bullt: largo rooms: modern; now vacant. 1)02 ROCKLAND ST. $7500 Six rooms, bath inclosed porch: mod ern; now acant nnen for Inspection. 4815 WARNOCK ST. $6100 Eight rooms, buth: modern; Immedi ate possession; and many others listed. J. ALLISON PARKER 4715 N. BROAD HT. 512 Lincoln BldB. Wso. 933. MODERN 2 story room house located on mam hi in j.onan, electric jignts. steam heat, parquetry floors- furnished throughout with new r. up-io-aate turiiituro carpets and taliostrv inimeuiHie possesbiou, price reasonsble rotofno Box 34S4. ATTRACTIVE home, with separate brick iCHrsBe: 0 rooms hath, built-in laundry In basement; conv. to train, $7500: house vac .... J,, ALLISON I'ARKER 4715 N Broad st Wyoming 93.1 4700 BIXJCK N. 1ITH ST.- Seven rms.. bath laundry nnd garuce; modern, lmmedlato possosslou; $900o .... . J. ALLISON PARKER 4715 N. Ilrnid st Wyoming 035. N. W CORNER 7th and Atinsbury sts. Hot-water heat, electric light, hardwood floore, laundry, porch; possession, $5200. FISHER, 0113 Franklin llldir. 1000 BLOCK on Mentor st.. n rooms and bath, porch, modern conveniences. A-l condition: Immediate possession: price $4800. WEBEL. 3282 Frankford ave. 712 ANNSUURY" ST - Possession: PorchT6 rooms and bath, hot-water heat, electrlo lights, hardwood floors, laundry, $4500. FISHER, OO't Franklin Tllctg. 1500 ML'ICK LOUDEN HT Cor property, 0 rms and bath, mod., garace priv.; $70tm J ALLISON PARKER 4715 N Broad st Wyoming P33 N. 12TH ST 3-sty Millet house: 11 rms. 2 baths all modern Improvements. CHAMBERS 41183 N Broad at. LMMUD1ATE poss,, 4920 N. Ctmao St.: semi detached house, open for inspection every ever., eel rf noon &e ouiiaayn unin a p. m. LOGAN 4030 N. 13th; 3-sty. bouse: 10 rms., 2 b l sll convs. rhamheri. 4933 N. Broad. B121 N. 1STH ST 8-story Radlev house! al modern Imp. CHAMBERS 4913 N. Hroad. OLNEY WE CAN OFFER you homes at prices averaging from $2400 to $10,000; call or WTlte for flsL XIOTH & FOLEY, INC. 5810 N. 5th st. Wyoming 3258 WAYXK Jt'NCTION THIS IS your opportunity to got the cheapest 0-room porch-front house in Philadelphia; good condition. 4443 N 20th st. price $4300. Apply owner, 622 Chestnut St., second floor. Ledger Oftlce Bv KING V Copyright. 1010, by the Trlbuae Co, A zz BEAK ESTATE FOB SALE IXK1AN Best Offerings in Logan $5200 lm LOUDEN. 0 rooms v-'"'w and bathl entirely modern, early possession; a house that will sell n location alone. $5500 132 N. 15TH ST : Imagine nlth 3 targe bedrooms, less than 2 blocks from trollejs. at this figure; early possession: newly renovatedi ''ot-olr heat. $6000 4BS5J,N"; CAMAC BT ; lm. u., mediato possession; six rooms, adjoining lloulevnrd and Hunt, tug Park; 1 square from York rd, trolley; hot-water heat, electricity, hardwood floors; to the right party we will finance with $1000 cash. $7500 J8'10 N. CAMAC ST . an 7. . .H-room twin dwelling, en tirely modern nnd Just off the trol leys, that warrants prompt Inspection 7 the nrlce offered; breakfast room. $8500 47HN-, "1" BT.j 8 rooms .. uni1 Inclosed porch, screens, etc . throughout are Included, early possession- a house that could not be duplicated under today' conditions at an equal IVuro. $8500 7S9 "OCKLAND ST . a -f new porch.front dwell ng. with garage and 8 large bedrooms; hardwood floors throughout: Inspect today and movo In tomorrow; we will financo with $1000 cash, about 2 squares from 5th st. trolless. bouso op'n at nil times for Inspection. All of the aboe offerings are within close proximity to the trollejs and any may be Inspected on Sunday by appointment, phone Tioga 8020 W before 12 noon on Hundsys DALLAS & HARTLEY, Inc. 4700 N BROAD WTOMINO 871-872 OAK LANK When vou think of OLNEY You'll think of INSLEY Then phone Wiomlne 172 or write to 116 J. Tabor road and ak him to send you his list of choice city and suburban homes It makes no difference whether vour desire calls for a beautiful suburban corner residence or a modest city dwelling, suitable for a family of moderate means. INSLEY has it Right now he has a few very attractive bargains which won't last long. They uro certainly worth an Inoulrv. 8814 N BROAD ST. 2"n story. S bedrooms. 2 baths; Immediate poss. ; Inclosed porch, hardwood throuahout, price and terms par ticularly ttttrMCtllq. Dallas & hartley, inc. 4701) N Hrond st Wyoming 871-872. LAWNTON AVE., above Oik Lane ave. Old Colrnlal mansion fcould he renovated). Rarimo (4 cars), lot 845x170, old shade; would maKo cnoico building lots- half way Be tween train and trolle , will ssorlflco. J If SHIELDS, York rd and 6th ave. .lis. rirtr.w rt Corner property, garage privilege; good lo- nunn. maan oner OLVEY REALTY CO . 5311 N Bth st. cnicHTNCT nir.r. $8000 Uar.ico privilege; desirable 3-story stone and brick dwelling Chestnut Hill; possession April 1- steam heat electric lights, etc ; convenient to tnlna and troll'y P 010, M'lWIXnwiSO 8300 BLOCK McKtNLEY 8T Twins; mod ern mruuenout, nne mojiogany and wnite: stone porch. BRUNTRAOER BROS . Rising Sun ave and Cottnun st . Fox Chase 450. rr-NNSYLVANlA SUBURBAN LLANWELLYN Lot near Glenolden; 40x200 DICK. 018 Land Title llldg. R11VOOD TWO MINUTES from 69th st. terminal: half stone stucco dwg. , living room, open fire place, dlnlnc room, kitchen, laundry. 0 bed rooms, tile bath, hardwood floors, gas. elec; ro!7XC. ,ot Sxl30; Immediate possession. GEO L. BARNES 1201 Chestnut stl DARBY SQUARE: FROM TROLLEY, lias garage: lot 42 ft. front tapering to rear: brick dwell '? ?Si"n" Porcelain plumblnir. heater. ttSii ,??2i.nft aulck M secure. BWOPE 4 SON. 316 Mnln. Darby. ELKINB rAltK ELKINS PARK Central Hallway Colonial homo with living room, dining room, pantry with sink and running water, kitchen, refrigerating room, 0 bed rooms. 2 baths and billiard room. This house la situated on a lot 87 by 150, and commands one of the finest views in Klklns Park. It has Just been offered for the first tlmo. and is a splendid buy for $17,000. lmmedl ato posiess'on, VERY ATTRACTIVE Stucco Colonial home: tile bath, fine shrubbery. Lot 50x150. Quick sale for $1)600. MAURICE G. PAUL ELKINS PARK PA. Melrose 1274. jlawndalt; LAWNDALE Two and one-half story, 7 rooms and shed; modern, inclosed porch, storm windows: garage: lot 23x108; $6600, llruntrager Bros., Rlslnir Sun ave. and Cott man t. Fox Chase 430. LAWNDALE 6302 Rising Sun aie.; modern throughout; twin; bargain: only $5300. nos. -esslon in 30 das. Bruntrager Bros., Rlslnir Sun nve and Cottman st. Fox Chase 450 NARHKRTO NEW HOUSES, nil conveniences. $3000 up ward. Harris Real Eslate, opposite nla tlnn. Narberth. Pa. NORTII ni.KNNIDK I HAVE 8 LOTS ON A CORNER Total 75x110 Well adapted for bungalow; Improved street, water and rras at hand; very convenient tc ttatlon: priced right for quick sale. Phone Whltemarsh 1870 W or write P 427. Ledge r Office. Brllillng Lota OPENINO FERGUSON'S NORTH GLBNSIDE PLOT NO. 2 We have Juit opened for sale a new tract of 1000 lots: almost at railroad station and trolley; somo lots already have Springfield water, gas and electric lights: large lots $123 to $250; guaranteed title; easy monthly pay ments; liberal discount for cash in full. Liberty Bonds accepted at full value. Send for booklet. FERGUSON FRONT AND YORK NORTHAMPTON FRAME building. 30x70. 2 stories, each story 10 ft. high; would be convenient for a factory of any kind: with some extra ground for more buildings: located at 161t Newport ave.. Northampton; building Is In the of condition OVERBROOK BEAUTIFUL HOME IN OVERBROOK Semidetached dwelling, located on Oxford at east of 03d st ; central heat: hardwood floors: 2 baths- 0 sieepinr rooms: electrlo Hthllng; living hall with open fireplace: large dining room, psntrv and kitchen: lot 28 feet front, nlth double garage on rear; a homo for a refined family amidst refined surroundings Itldress Harry F Stanton Ocean City, N J QTJAKKRTOVTN "INI corner nronertv .10.1x180, with fins bride house 12 rooms hnf.ur.lH, lias, !..,.- trio lights, bath: 2-story garage, all "build.. inEX. .'".J?"8 shape: bargain price. $.1500. L, L FLUCK. Quakertown Pa., or M. F. BAR 1NQER. 503 Bourse Phlla. WAYNK 131 CONESTOOA ROAD Six rooms and bnth heater and gas: de tached lot 6.1x163 close to station; $3300. CARPENTER 4k WII.HON Belmont 1057. 22 Market st, WILIXW GRO-Vl! FRAME DWELLING 8 rooms, all conven lences: close to train and trolley; nlco lot! price $2250 WARREN M. CORNELL Hatboro. Pa NEW JEBPKY srmTJRRAN BEAUTIFUL country residence. Colonial style, 10 rooms and bath; private garage: situated on Ranrocaa creek, 16 miles from t'l-mden: adjacent to trolley and train; 3 acres or land. Including large shaded lawn: Idea) for gentleman's country home or club. For full particulars see II, E. SMITH, 724 W. Erie ave . Phlla. A BARGAIN $37.30 up! TlO down, T monthly buys beautiful bungalow alts; boat ing, bathing, fishing: close to station; near Camdenr bungalows built. B 123, Ledger Off. J BEVERLY $4000 10-room house. Improvements; lot 180 xlOil: corner property, renting $48 monthly; 2 bulldlmr lots. 40x106. J E ELLTOTT. 47 B. Front St. CAMDEN J MARKET ST. 627 Three-story brick: large lot B. C. Adams. 141ft walnut st. nADDONFlKI-H IMMEDIATE POSS.i $7500: Ideal home; 3 min. from station, stores, schools ohurcheel every conv.t perfect condition; sbiendldly built: fine lot; also home. $8000; 8 rooms; splendid location; southern Exposure: conv, superior! also $2200; 5 rooms, conv,; deep Jot: rare chance: perfect condition. Apply owner. 14W. King's Highway. Closed Sunday wrtnnnrm I MODERN lo-reom house, hardwood floors; best location In Woodbury, N J., 4 min utes from stntton 3 minutes from comtlr. oftloe. riup price ivvuu; lot 70X.W. u 41B. I-eaxer H.EATJ ESTATE VOX' &&!' rtSNNSYI.VAWlA FARMS .. . FARM FOR BALE flAm,e.hou"',,TJr rooms, hot-air h; acetylene gas lighting and cooking, alas eoal range for cooking and baking; cement cellar. walls and floon pure artesian well water! wagon house, barn, chicken houses! 12 acres good farm land: 1 mile from trolley n4 Reading station: 25 miles from Philadelphia! price $52.10. Address M. B. MARKLAND. P, O, Dox 327. Atlantlo dlty taJl""JJnJ"- r' PENNNSTLVANIA 100 acres: on of the. best ot Bucks Co. farms; good buildings, rood frnme house, spring water, level loam land; no stone, no hills and very productive! t mile to trolley. Hi, miles Newtown. Pa, ,-xi,j. j.. ewiurur-it, owner. iMewTown. r. SI?TX".KrvE "'.'' "one house; rood oati buildings: running stream! 3 horses l cow. chickens. 12 acres wheat In ground. TWENTY acres: stone heussi good ouU ouiiainrs! 2 horses and cows! chickens. r,.fn, 2"chlnery: 24 mllsi eltv: $3800! cash $1200: horgaln , O'REQAN Ogontx. FOJ,?ACUFs:8'r""ri house, with h..w. heat. $30-0-Oh MERltlK. "aiwESrn. &b?Mi NEW JERSEY FARMB 8 A.F8' oniy. J1.0' yahle $5 monthly: In vllUge ELY. 708 Federal at.. Camden. REAL ESTATE BALE OR RENT ' CITY FOR SALE on nve T"! . ....... apartment. . IncJlre Frank IL Bohf.-'fflt orney. 1218 Chestnut. ' ' SEAL ESTATE WANTED We Have Actual Ritvera 'nr the following properties: U,n'2ry' BOOOO ,q. ft., R. R s'dlnr. Warehouse, 15 Ojd Sq. ft., central' Warehouse 20.noo sq. ft central. Warehouse. 80.000 si ft.. R. n. .4 Warehouse, 100,000 ai. f t , r. r. , J" Warehouse, 120,000 sq ft R R ild! Factory, 15,000 aq, ft., central' Factory. 18.000 sq. ft.. RR aiding Factory, 20.000 sq. ft R R IS 55 Factory. 25.000 ,q "t., ft R SlSlnS Factory. 60.000 , ft.. R R a d ne Factory. 100.000 sq f t . R. ft , J ; Your property may suit our custoMe? Be. iu. at oner. Will divide cS "AVrFA nUYERS WAITING" IF PRICE IS RfelFT I CAN SELL TT SEND FULL rARTICULARB1' " "KiX .t.tV t u'""' porcn; main atreet. r2 f.'J7 J rooms, porch: main or side, InO Btorv. 7 rein met- ., , Three torv, n room's: under $3500. .t Irani unrmne. rJ""??' SOi. Columbia ave. or both. uusiqess or property BERTOLET. 1619 N. 19th . I WILL BUY small building sites In arir e;tnVnfAelnli'l'n",0n P.V"frrr1' suitable fo? ROTTNr't?Ctx,ri';,. W,yiBUl"i?-A. CHESTErt -"'" iusi. j-ih;uh iia, WA.NJ.5S-Mfnu'e'urfr wl Purchase plo't , . . ""'. ooui luuxioo. Kensington aect - . ........ oinr. ijQQ. gea HOME buyers waiting List your properties will, me Iwls roh.n 1113 Lincoln Bid" Vfl.hHt,.p.VRPSASn.l-"S!S house: .end par- "' - "'""i" rums. B4ZQ Marketr Varrhonses WANTED Space for grocery tr.h..;. 3000 to 6000 square fee" P5ne North wi! REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY '.'"'.r.f.' I?' finished: in- mediate pos- 2?rvt.:v.ifi??s,ta.,,,K.j?'."h Plv Wm. Ktu.hltMt4l 2Mh A 't?-W2 aZT-? want; charges- $5. 2404 N." SA.t WB" 7m rartorteei. Mannfaetorlng Flnoe. 1020-1022 N.AMERICAN ST. i. C. O'CALLAGHAN. 029 Chtnut'.t. FLOORS Lar-ge-nSmall Ttr nnn'D' n,nrn-v, ... .. . . Estsbll.ned 1886, . FaVtoriV .leggit, "sS-S.l-T?. lsrge.bu.ines. rm... 1st n S ri,S."rf,'i: "nt na heat: $0. D B. Chambers, 710 Commercial Trust Hldy OrFICKS. tHTSINKSH ROOMB. fgTT Office Space to Let THREE FLOORS. EACH "wriTI AREA OF APPROXIMATELY 12.B09 SQUARE FEET. LOCATED IN TIIE PENNSYLVANIA OARAaiB, 820 SOUTH' BROAD BT. "SPACH SUITABLE FOR OFFICH OH STORAGE PURPOSES. APPLT BIXTH FLOOR, 140 N. BROAD ST MERGENCT FLEET CORPORA TION. NO BROKERB. eiidi''H11 ."""a ILni business rooms. Vn- '-i LL1N1KAL fAKKWAY CORNER ffl souaX: tiP51n?T"r"3ri !" Z2 llinncpsnh.. ... v.. ...a,-- .' .--.-,..w u . ,: calls ;;.,' t .'?f. lo laKS charge ot .:..eJL' 51' to$18 per month. N.-n. -'i. nn Hiin hnrin nnj.. - - - s uaiurii m. U-i AIL'H HT. nililn... -.Z. . .! heat and light. ' "" ri D. B. Plumbers. T10 r-nmm.r.l.l n, . .a H hat and Nirht. "" ,8w- n OFFICE. Used by doctor fn, .'-'8R Jrt2,n.S,w!," nnt t0 responsible vTrty: sJm !H apartments for rent. B10 N. lltf "7 ". j l Desk Room J( ?.s room for publlo stenocranher. t Jj" il full particular. P 034 LSe,''n"-..lT SI! Of flees Wanted Mil room want-d by n ..,' H DESTC Address Listen ,. .. "" w r WJNT "fTtr.4DKT.Pm 616,1 WOODLAND AVE Dwel!!- '.-!1 store GEO. H. SMlVw ad5J"I? -Hi . .... y.ugtnui St. AMI ivian nn Tronn-. ,8S ni 3S "" ... fil 3 P-r month. " ",nr I MBLOIN REALTY CO.. 4944 N.' Drn.a ' S'OR RENT-PTJRinSlTETl !2 lences. H, C. HUNTER. wln?'l?"lrta' ,g J KORTOAOEa ' Tn-0.?,13. ou MORToAan Immediate settlement tllll,.Vn"'"ld estate loans $1000 b'II)I,5Wp1I' 27 6. l8th - " OUR facilities for placing mhmiS Hi ttion mortgages are unsurn.ifinf ssoo'4.,2! the fact that we represenPS if .l" T,l,w f 2 S'd'.l'"?. "yls-tloni In the city. w,-,VV'' sppllcations for iM i. Ha 5"rl we dastra u. "(res in any section of thVcitr ol?.ijnor-Ml W,rv,,, iMtl 'or good flrsf 5b"rbj15 i IMIllam Jame. Keoah i".n "r., ""f'lwg. m( tgfl Real ...... "IaSE. . ! ir x"ww rt'.iiifcsi f -----".. ---.. stV uiiwo. r sbixxj .ws rn ust -ii i - 'tirarn t.VH- i 1 LOANS. REAL mATBAND BSTATafli g It DELANT, 84 B. Broad (West-EK ,t J 8 "Urh3vrv vr loiu .. . . . . i st u " fllrarsf waa M-w.1u '".-vn" "" i.r.fc sna second mart. U., rages David Cohen. 72K Walnu. ii ?" Phone Walnut 74ff walnut ,i HAVE money for good 1st 3d mortr.i. i3.I Patterson S55 ? 7S. 0J2. T ft ...... . ...4 rem., H WANT private funds for good tlrst mo-f f1 " eaues. LEWIS COHEN. His r.iJ?Ift. 'BPi-Rll MONEY for first or strand mtges .'u- .. ' country. R.Taylor Mlddflon" M wafiK S u MONEY TO LOAM" YOU CAN BORROW MONTBT ON DTAMONDS AND JEwElJt J 23 AND UP Tfl )Hn TTT UP 2 u.S 4M tST PER PER I2VO ANP U ijr.,.,,.i 128 MARKET ST. RIDOB AVE AND OXFORD r rj iJD AND BOUTBT eti aq( -READY MONEY DIAMONDS; WATCHES & JBWsHJWr United States Loan Society HT NnrtTTf rtnnAn 260 Market t 2848 Oermantown CABH MONrTT AT ONCM ' ', , Jewelry. bond4. nnttrrnnhllsn sml. mt mi on auaa, .tsMijia nyu yf"Tr '.'"! J ... .'..- . .-1A-J1 -y. JSU'n - 4 I .cii as t'A aii 'U M it It h IS j Ml 1 5S -hf 9 . AS r ! 11 y l M .ii W aafi. .?!! z: H IMl H) 3 ;? 111 " i CkI a N S3' 1 5.' J & 1 ' ii 1 rV ID- , o?