TZ e-aaaea-aeBta ' ii ii m f f t' &r "T Pitt Solantlat Otto t.iYrl Hw Hsvrsn, Com., mrXi.CBt A. lMDr. Frank sklil-slncer, nt -treee-it director of tho Allegheny ob- rwitory at the University ot Pitta "fcwth, ha hcen chosen dlrector'of Yalo ebeicratory, It nasi announced today. ' lata Corporation Is , Informed that by "l th death of Mrs. Edward M. Heed last joonth $60,000 Is made available for the -ebferratory funds. "Bfc ' -j . W.kmiil-orRQCcaSS P-e-ii- sfi-.s'Jii- ri.t ;-:J,H."",'MrK,2' ffR CTfe IKriWall fsrfrwkvriv'fe' gtriiStujttbv lOTsrwpw; m - ilMJMlMaKiaUSBlWltBlMia We have U P S O Nl BOARDf in stock for PROMPT DELIVERY - p S. PERCY JONES j Stock-Size Millicork Readg Roofing 229 Church Laije GERMANTOWN Phone, Gtiu 2356 m IMWMBmMIIBliBlMJIllBilllHllllHWH FtVtf men, (Moling 700 lbs.) can rest their full weight on a panel of Upson Board without breaking the board or fulling H away from ths nails. Neither plaster nor xveah ipongy viallboardi eould stand this test. (.This picture made from actual photo. Affidavit of authenticity oa rt guest.) Tttt Upson Beiardt Prove it soporrioril 1. 'vTUttleeraaw Itl ItlMta.faala aad worla Ilia 2. .! If a caarly twlaeat atrocg u atiar baarai. mew .. Mil C PJlvPM JB14 JrJP 'i ; m Aomm vMm fJMf IBM nil afflF ttl!i - v-:-v m H mm mm H Y wl M II I Mr 49 nK ' JH K m Belter than plaster for fat! Y A! b!k. iVaaA EmA wa3 alt( ceilings JS . 5 (& -5"JRi BETJ especially for re-cover- lkk NsiS2,?v ig? -5 S2? ing unsafe or unsightly PJj a yd! 8s plaster, ceilings, PJ i H t' "i 1 WsSi BB , f. yarittti Oaa fii 'n" H I IffB work ef rie a H r3M triar. PJ a. I t. OScUJ Cot- H m erseat taatiaff H M maahiae prevas iH QEb a up sob Board S ySatsR wiiastaadibrMlc H PTm A" I last of rear'y IB 1 ' settle lati., BV JBtUKr trmgth f I UPSOH ef40CClSf PJ tnHeMDMMa7 H rmn-r'-a"1'"" i AM " 9 jjjj DEP0RTVAB9R 'AGITATOR Crowd" Runs Him Out of Town to V Prevent Carmen's 8trlke Vnaht-llli, Tetin.. W 90.. fTlv A. P.) John r. Lawsou, labor organizer, was seized last night by a crowd as ho was leaving the office of his attor ney, put lboard o train bound for In diana and ordered not to return. He was reported to have come to Nash ville for the purpose of agitating a walkout of street railway employes. Law son was placed in an automo bile and driven to a nearby town, where he boarded the train. His cap tors warned him not to return to Nash ville, with threats of more violent handling the nejt time. Lawson camo to Nashville for tho purpose of ad dressing the local carmen's union. IN MEMORIAM ItMHmLUin iPTinw meiiiui; ui r kAi EHFIL1CH. who died November 20. 100-1, eatijs nirriDd Vm ft XfATlY EIlTKM. Wlf ftf Joaph P. HnlUff RlatlvM anrt frlenda Invltra to xunera. BtTviw--.-. . . . - w -. "I UPSON BOARD hi'Stock for IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Alexander Adaire Howard and Berks Sis. Kensington 2681 Park 724 nasHHinfli c$(6 other wall -board could stand this test t4JPSON Board mak'es per manent walls and ceiling. It has well been termed "Tna most dependable board mada in America," One, two or ten years from the day you cover your walls with Upton Board you cas know they will ba flat and smooth as tho day they won put up. Nearly txMca a$ itreng end stiff cs ecnsr oocres Tho fine,, wiry selected wood bret in Upton Board ere more tightly fabricated and make a stronger, stiffer board than is pottible with inferior material or with any other proeets thaa the Upton pro cett. Will Kef psI rosy front ncih All buildings have a tendency to settle. When they do, weak. JA&d fey KJ fibre hoard AvithoritiB9 Hell Bro. & Wooti, S4th and Lancaster Ave. Smedley Brothers Co., Church and Tacony Sts. mnsss. , ! i . u. D&VTHS vate, Loverinrton Cem, IliKKIt Nov 18, WILLIAM D. hueban of Carrie E. linker, ared 64 Relatives and frlendi Invited ta funeral services, Frl., 2 r. m . 118 Geneva ave. Glenalde. Int. pri vate. BARNES Nov. IT. , LUCY A.. , wife of Howard Darnee. Relatlvea and friends In vited to funeral. Fri.. 3 P. m, 202T S. 20th at. int. private. rernnooa um Remains may be viewed Thura.. 8 to 9 30 p. m. BEERS. Nov. IT. at Pottatown. Pa.. SARAH widow of Henry W. peers. Rale Uvea and frleniSa Invited to funeral aervlcea. Sat . 2 p, m , parlors of Albert S. neera t Son, 13nt N, 22d tt. Int. private. Frlendt n ay call Frl after 8 p m. BELI.EW, Nov. IT. PATItlCK J . aon of Peter and Catharine Uellew (nee Mc Devltt). Relatives and frlenda. Weatmore iand Republican Club Union No 441. A, F. of l, ; emplovcs of Wm Cramp. Invited to funeral, rrl 8 80 a m , realdence of parente. 254L E. Somereel at. Solemn requiem mnn St Anna Church 10 a. m. Int Holy Sepulchre Cem Auto aervlca. BETELLE Nov. 18 MILTON, husband of Amel Kennedy and aon of Charles U. and late Margaret A netello. aged S8 Late realdence 6243 N 13th at Ilelatlvea and frlenda. St. John'a Lodne. No 115, F, and A. Jf : rhlla Commandery No 2 K. T.: Lu L,u Temple A. A O N MS. Sltnet Chapter. No 281, II. A M , all other or ranltatlona of which ha was a member. In vited to funeral aervlcea Frl,. 2 p rn . mother-in-law a realdence Mrs William H. Kennedy. 233 N llroad at Int. private, Weat Laurel Hill Cem BINSFELD Nov 1"L J01H4 BAPTIST BINSFKLD, native of Echternach. Luwm burr, aired 71. Blatlves and frlenda Invited to funeral Sat 8 30 a tn . 2JI) Plant ave , Wayne, Pa Solemn hlsh maaa St Kath erlna'a Church 10 u. in. Int. St. Monica a Cam. BLACKWELU. Suddenly, at Trenton, N, J , on 19th Inat JONATHAN HUNT BLACKtVELL, In tho 78th year of ula. ane Funeral aervlcea at hla lata realdence. 107 Weat State at., Trenton, Saturday mornln at 11 o'clock. Interment at Hopewell. N. J . at the convenience of the family. Qeorce V Bllsa. 3823 N Franklin at. Due notice of funeral will be g-lven Nov, 17 wil,l,iam, nuaoano of late Kebecca Bojland (ne Wootera) , aged 75. Relatlvea and friends invited to funeral aervlcea. Thuro 8 o m . 1202 E Suaquehanna ave. Int private. North Cedar CALLAHAN Suddenly. Nov 19 DEN NIS husband of late Margaret Callahan (formerly of County Cork Ireland) Duo notlco of the tuneral win oo given, irom rteldence of aon In-law Frank Montague. 701 N VUh at W Phlla CAItBERnY Suddenly nt Atlantic City, Nov 17 SOPHIA widow of Jamea Carberry (nee Prell) IlelitUea and friends Invited to funeral aervlcea Fri ,2pm aon a realdence Cvrus Carberry. 621) N 52d at. Int private Mt Vernon Cem Auto funeral. Remains may bo viewed Thura after 8 pm. CARPENTER Nov IS JOHN JOSbPH aon of Albert and late Margaret Carpenter (neo Conls) Relatives and friends. Invited to funeral Frl 8 30 a. m. residence of John Mealey, 1600 S 11th at Solemn maaa of reoulem Annunciation Church 10 a m Int Holv Cross Cam. Auto funeral CARROLL Nov, 10, CATHARINE A , v,ldow of Patrick Carroll fonnerlj of Atlan tic Cltj P.elatlios and frlenda. St Genevieve Council C W B L . and Sisterly Love Circle No 210, Companions of th F or A invited to funeral frfrn residence of son In-law Ttiomaa Callahan 3840 N Park tive Sat 8 30 a rr Solemn high maso of enulem at St Stephen's Church 10 a. m. 'nt New Cathedral Cent The tett pictured above (im pottible with any other board) shows how well-nigh impos sible it is to pull.Upton Board away from tho nails. Will not chip or aredb usually chips or crack This may be due to improper mixing, buckling of lath, shrinking of timber, settling o! building or vibration. A wall or ceiling of Upsss Board is immuno to all theia troubles. A blew that would put a hole through plaster, or inferior wall-board will usually aot injure Upton Board. Tho does inferior boards pull tway frots Upton Bosrd tvSl stand a eras' H the nails and bulgo or se tura of nearly 400 pounds to jtrtnst jgaaasaaajaK JtflsflPJPJsft IHPk. IPROCESSEDl BOARD TJephont Telephone -Belmont 376S -Frankford 1120 mxnem t in mcAths CSAla Nov. 10. BAMUEU.fcueband of troilna crair latlvAa inrt red BS. friends Invited to funaral servloea. Bat., II i. mi David H. Schuyler rnidr . Broad and Diamond ata. Int. private. Ramatpa may be viewed Frl.. 7 to 0 pj m. DOLAN.--At Mt. Holly. N. J.. Nov. IS. THOMAS DOLAN. Relatlvea and frlenda In vlted tn funeral 212 Buttonwood at, Mt. Holly. N. J., Frl.. 9 a. m. Maaa of requiem Church of Sacred Heart 10 a. m. Int. St. Mary's Cerr DONAHOE Nov 19. ELLEN, daughter of late John and Mary Donaboe aged 418 Relatlvea and frlenda Invited to funeral. Sat , 8 a. m , parlors ot John Crawford 3SS7 Weatfleld ave , Camden, N. J. Solemn requiem maaa St. Joeeph'e Church. 0 a. in Int. Calvary Cem. Remains may be viewed Frl eve DORRANCE At Brletol, Pa., Nov. 18. GEonan morris dorrance, ad Ss. Relatives and frlenda. Invited to funeral, Radcllffe at.. Brlatol. Pa , Frt , 2 p m. Servloea St. Jamea a Church 3 p. m. Int. St James's Churchyard. DUFF. Nov 18. JOHN, husband of Elizabeth Duff (nee McMullln) Relatlvea and frlenda members of Clan Cameron, Tarn o tthanter and Caledonian ciuba and mem bera of Oaaton Preabyterlan Churoh. invited to funeral services, Sat., 1 p. m . aon'a residence 2727 Sydenham at. Int. Trenton. N J Friends may call Frl eve DUNN Nov. 18 MAF. RADFORD (nee Ward) wife of Ebeneier L. Dunn, aged 2 Funeral services Frl , 2,10 p. m , 409 Healy ave , Jenklntown Pa. Int. private DYSON. Suddenly Nov 17. HAflRT. husband of Mildred Dyaon, axed 20 Rela tlvea and frienda. Iron Dlvlalon, 110th In fantry Invited to funeral aervlcea. Frl.. 2 p. m , 837 SorlngHald ave,, Clifton Helchte, Pa Int Arlington Cem, Friends may call Thurs , after 7 p. Tt . EATON Nov. 10. ALBERT M. EATON. M D . at 2017 N. 13th art. Due notice ot funeral will bo given FLETCHER At Detroit. Mich. Nov. 18. EARL, husband of Amy Fletcher (nee webh) and son of Charles B and late Anna H. Fletcher, aged 30, Due notice of funeral will be given. J toULK. Nov. 18. late of 2083 N. 85d at MARTHA A , wife of Robert T. Foulk (nee Marshall) Relatlvea and frlenda In vited to funeral eervlcea. Hat.. 2 p m . realdence of alater. Mrs. Albert P. Jonea. 20S0 E. Ann at. Int. private. South Laurel Hill Cem. Remains may be viewed Frl . OALBRArTH. Nov. 18 OEOROB OAL BRAITIt. Relatlvea and frlenda Invited to funeral. Frl . 2 p. m.. chapel of Andrew J. Ualr A Son. Arrh and 19th ata. Int private, GAMBLE Nov 18. ANNA E GAMBLE, daughter of late Harry W, and Katharine Oamble. Relatlvea and frlenda invited to funeral. Frl., 1 p m , residence of brother Harry W. Pennypacker. Somerdaie, N J Int private. Monument Cem , Phila delphia Take trollev at Federal at.. Cam den for Gomerdate. N. J OORMAN Now 18 MICHAEL JOSEPH, son of late Bernard and Jane Gorman. Rela tlvea and friends, employes of John Wane maker delivery dent.. Invited to funeral. Frl . 8 30 a m . residence of brother-in-law, ITarrv Itntrhtnann. 1848 R Rlnrvold rt (Wharton at above 24th). Solemn requiem. mass cnurcb or m oaoriai 10 a. m. inu Holr Cross Cem Auto service HALE Nov. 18. MARY ELIZABETH, widow of William J Hale, aged TB. Rela tives and friend Class No IS of the North vveat Memorial Baptlat Church. Invited to funeral Sat . 2 p m . from alater'a real dence, Mra M Dolan, 2181 N Natrona at. Inl r-lvte Northwpod Cem HARRIS. Nov 18 ANNIB HARRIS Relatlvea and friends Invited to funeral. Sat . 10 30 a m , residence of Mrs Marcaret Dunn 710 N tth st Int West Laurel Hill Tern Remalna may be viewed Frl . 8 to 10 p. m littls difference !na price) net measure tL big dif sTePl I SBBB the .square inch vrhua piaster sbj breaks at 50 to 75 pounds pressure. H TR(ttstiaes.-.OKti;cJisT ' PJ Becauta it is to stronf; end PJj stiff, Upton Board cuts without PJ waste and saves time and labo9 H snd breaks ersi in acolvinar. e H t plane; -.-.".- :S. n r -. e. . ., , PJ secauta or its ana ptiniine HI surface, Upton Board usually PJ saves $5 to $15 per thousesd PJ feet on paiatisz cost !one. PJ la qutlitv. tcsrj, for foerimt U er ntv ataOt "fur easy atAxr parsMtcfieeiff etl Vpt Pnettibtt Btcrd, "A mitt rfrgwt'fUs koar4insIJiAiKTtcx. 1 The Upsot. Convpatvy LochporbW.y. Em Distributors for Philadelphia District i 1 1" -toU"aW , . HMSER. Nor IP. ANNPflM. widow of OaorK Hester, sraif 86. Belatlee and friend fnvited to funarai ssrvlcat. Sat, 2 p. m.. StJl Powelton ave. Int. private. Welt Laurel Hill Cem.- mt,U-At rerfcasle. Pa.. Nov, 1, MART, widow of Joseph , Hill, -aged 70. Relaj tlvea and friends Invited to funeral. 8ft,. 8 p. m , parlors of Mra, Henry Schneider a bon. loll W. Cambria st. Int at Green mount Cem. . HOrilAN Nor. IB. TtBRMAN C. hus band of Elisabeth Hcphan (nei Fischer). Ilelatlvea and frienda. Mt. Mori ah Lodge, No. 188. F. and A. M.t .Harrla Caatle. No. 20. K. of a. B I Penn Tfwnahlp LfdaTJ. No 3t0, I O. O. F 1 arable Council. No. 18, O, of I, A., invited to funeral. Bun , J p. m., 1CH9 N Croaker at. (2Zd and Norrla ata) Int. private. Hillside Cem. Remains may tie viewed Eat., after T p. m. HOR8T Nov. 18. JOHN C . hnsband rf Mary A. Horat (nee Grebe), aged 88 Rela tlvea and -frlenda. Journeymen Confeetlonera and Cake Rakers' neneflclal Aaao : the Cake altera' and confectioners- yearly tienenciai Society; Richland Circle. No SS, B ot A.. and amr-lojes of Horn A Hardart Co. and Renaflcfal Aaao Invited to funeral.' Sat., 1 80 P m , eSIS N. 19th at. Int. private, Ivy Hill Cent. Frienda may call Frl. eve. HUNTZn.-On NoV. 18. MAROARBT. daughter of late Jetn and Sarah Hunter, formerly of Geraantown. Relatives and friends Invited to service. Frl . 3 p. -m , at Oliver II. Ralr Hldg , 1820 Chestnut St. Int. private. Ivy Hill Cent HUMES -Nov IT. ANTOINETTE L.. wife of George W. numea, Relatives and frlenda invited to fu.nra1 aerviees, Frl., 2 30 p, m.. 022T Rulat ave. Int. Brivata. pYlanda mar call Tliura, evening. JACOT1SEN Nor. .10.. ANNIB ! of Carl Jacobeen and mother of Harriet Jacob- sen and Mra Fannie Sailer Relatlvea and frlenda invited to sennoes, m , lu i. m,, aon-ln-law's reaidenee, Abraham Sailer, 8518 .V 22d at. Int. ML. Nabob Cem.. Ilrooklrn. N. T. JOSEPH. Nor. 10. T..EWIS EMANUEti. son of j. Arthur and Lena Joeeph, aged 18 months Relatives and friends Invited to fu neral, Fri . 2 o. m , parlora of Emanuel Aahar a Son. 1602 Diamond at. InL I3eth- el Emath Cam KENNEDT. Nor. IT. PATRICK J., bus band of Marie Kennedy. Relatlrea and frlenda. Holy Name Boelety ot St. John the Baptist Church: Dlr No. 8. A. O. H In vited to funefa, Frl.. 8 SO a. m., 189 walnut lane. Manayunk. Solemn requiem ma as St. John the Baptist Church 10 a. m Int. Westminster Cem . KINQ Nov. t WAJiriJlTJV'.T' n. wlf of Jamea r. King. Announcement of funarai later. . TjVT".. Vr. 10 HTJ-.WrrrA At.rYiir f late Lewis and Rachael Levy. Due notlre of unerai win be given, from 1283 w; Alle- iwnr aw. LOANE. Ki ID IVfluni v Ml,. of Harry Loan. Refitlves and frlenda in- vlted to terrier, Frl.. 2 p. ra at real dence of aon. . Harry' Loare, Jr, .Ull u Wpodatock st. Int. private. Kr'fends may bu 4nun. ew. . LO&fAX. Nnr in V40-.T.T.1 V .lf Mf James lyomax. ared 41.- Relatives and inenas invited to funeral services Fri . 8 P; m.. 8882 N. Percy it. Int. Chelten Hflls Cem. Hamalns mv h vmmA Thn. A tn 10 p. nt, MARKS Suddenly. Nov. 10. BURTON MANSFIELD. ,.., nf Him, fa.nelv Marks Relatives and friends Invited to fu neral servicer Sat . 2 m.. 481 S. 60th at l,-w",t Laurel Hill Cam. McCLF.NAOHAN nee Lowe) Nov IT, MARGARET A. - wife of Charles McCIena- nan ei nowianovine. mc. Int. vest riot, tlnrham Cem , ColOra Md , FtI. MeFADDEN Nov. 1 WILLIAM Sf.. son of lata Dr. W. IL and Sarah Tocutn Mc Fadden. Relttlves.and friends Invited to fu neral services. Sat , J p m . 121 W. Wash ington lane Garmantown. Int private. METZGER. Suddenly. Nov 18 ES TELLA, daughter of Walter T and Esther Mattger (nee Souaer). . aged T, Relatlvea and friends, .scholars Thomas Powers Sehol, Frankford Ave Baptlat Sunday School. Jr. C. E of Trinity Preabyterlan Church. Invited to funeral aervlcea. Frl., 2 p. m . uarenta' realdence. 2111 E Mon mouth at. Int. Grennmoiint Cem. Kemalna may be 'viewed Thura , after t p. xn MICHCL. Suddenly- Nov IT. JACOB MICHEL. JR , husband of Anna Michel (nee Sneakman) and father of Rev George Michel, C B, S. R,. aged 65 Relatlvea and friends, members of Holv Family. Blahop Neuman Council, No. 88S. K of C. and sill other societies of which he was a mem ber, invited to funeral. Frl 8.30 a. m., 1221 N 8th at. Solemn reoulem mass St, Peter's Church 10 a. m Int, Holy Cross wm 1'iaaao omit nowera. s . MORRELL. On Nov. 18 1919, AMANDA L MORRELL. widow of late Rieklel B Morrell, ared B0 yeara. Relatlvea ana frlenda Invited to funeral aervlcea. orf Frl . at 1 p ra . at realdence of her son. Robert B Morrell. No. S05 -Virginia ave Audubon. N. J. Int. etrictly private. Mt. Morlah Cem Friends may call Thura eve Martha W. Murtha and aon of late Thomaa ann Marv Murtna. neianvea ana irianas. William T. Hamilton Lodge. No BOO, r. and A. M Invited to funeral services, Bat 3 p. m., 2428 N lTth st. Int. prlvte. West Laurel m Cm. O'HARA. Nov. 18, THOMAS J., sol of late Q and Catherine O'Hara, (nee Mc Connell) Relatives and friends Invited to sttend funeral, Frl 8am, brother-in-law's residence, William Marple, Jr., T10 Hunter st , Gloucester. N. J. Requiem maaa St. Mary a Church 0 a. m. Int. Holy Crots Cam. Chlcaso ard Brooklyn papers copy. PALMER Nov 18. MAJTY PALMER, widow of George If Palmer, aged T4 Rel atives and frlenda Invited to funeral. Fr! , 2 p. m . reaidenee of nephew, Emll P. Stahl B20B N. 8d st. int Ncrthwood Cem PENROSE At Allen Wood. Pa .Nov. 1. LILLIAN E. PENROSE, wife of Pierce T. Penrose, Jr (nee Oumpel), aced at. fieia rlv and friends invited to funeral tervlces, Rat.. 2 v ra. 8843 Se Laneoy at., W. Tblla Remalna may be viewed Fr! 8 to 10 p , m Int. private. Greenmount Cem. Auto tu neral PONTIUS Nov. 19, MART E.. widow of Joaeph Pontlua aged T8 Relatives and frlenda. Hetty A. Jonea W. R' C. No. 124, Invited tn funeral aervlcea. Bat. 3 p, m., SS4 E Martin at.. Roxboroua-h. Int. private. QUINN Nov. 6(31 Pino at . ANNA wife bf Edward Quinn. asod It. Announce m-r-, or runerai later. OUI.NN NOV 10. MABT B, WlOOW or Joaeph Qulnn. Frlenda Invited to funeral services. Frl. 3 p. m . 1685 S. BTth tt. Int. private Fernwood Cem RICE Nov 18 MART, wife of Thomas J Rlee and daughter of Marv and late Chrletooher Walsh. Relatives and friends B V. M. Sodality of Church of the Blaaaed Sacrament, Invited to funeral. Fri.. 8 80 a. n . 6913 Oaage ave . Weat Philadelphia High mats of requiem Br. CarthtcVsi Church 10 a m Int Holy Croaa rem ' Rns5NEy. At ealenr, N. J.. Nov. 18. CATHERINE, widow oi Patrick Rotaney. Relatlvea and friends Invited to funeral.. T 4th st Frl. 8 80. m. Hlsh requiem mass S: Mary's Church ft a. m. Int. 6U Mary's Cem..'' Salem. N J. 6CHMID. Nov, IS. WILLXAU T.. hut band of VTata l Schmtd (nee Sewa). Rela. tlvas and friends. Wlthersposn Circle. No. 1. B. of A.' Bertdoll BrevRnr Aaao. eras'. nt of J. B. Van Sclver. Invited ti fcntrtT. Fr. . 2pm. 114 S. 4th tt.. Camden. N. J. 1st. Harlelh Cem. . . .. . SCKRANK. Not 19.MART.fnee SiciUy), wife of John U Sehranlc. Relatives and frlenda Invited to funeral lervteej.Men.. 3 p, m 5544 Greonway ave. Int. Fernwood Cem. Semalst may be viewed Sua.. 8 ta 10 - fc?....npy . aw A ..I.V... 1 Jf . EMANUEL 6CHWSBEL. ared 8T. Rela tlvea anc zriena invneo to lunrrai, n. lpm. from the reaidenee ef hit nephavfr. Tobias Schwabel. 6wedetboro road, fault boro, N. J. Ssrvleet la German Church. Clarltethoro. N. J., at 3 p. m Autos will meet train arriving at .Paulaboro, 1. J.. 2 80 p r-i. Int. Clarkasboro. N. J.j Cem. of Charles F. Sharpleas. ared 55.. Relatives and friends Tlltlayers and Helpers Locals. Not. is ana IT. invitea to runerai eervicaa, Frl.. T:3o o m . 128 N. Edgewood St. 1st. Allentown, Pa . Sat. .. EKEEN. suddenly, Nov, is. vjri;ftr. T son of Samuel and Ida Skeen (nee Sards), ared 8 Relatlvea and frlenda In vited to funeral, Fri. 3 80 p. m... pareota' raly.. T4A N. filH at. Remaina may be viewed Thurs,. eve Int, private. Auto fu neral Potigvllle papers copy. SMITH. Nov. 18 HERMAN J. , A. SMITH, husband of Clara, L. ,$mlth (aee Rlecer) and son of Anna Apple and, late Charles C. Smith. Relatives and friends. Iags MO z. s. jr. v. X..: wasainaioa v.aray. No. 485, o d. OI A : vv-aanincurn i-i No 8. S. ef H : Phils. TurBrmln?.' Wedneaday Night BowUns CIG1 UUO. mua. 4vju empioyas 01 Smith b Xe'.rhtus. all other societies of which be wat a member, tavittd to funeral. Mt . J v. m . 10 vr. muii . . Germantnwn Crematory - -., Oi-IVK. WOV. IV. wvti, -w 4, on of Justice J. and Mary E. Sploer i(nae arrlngtoa). aiid 1 year and 1 month, lelattvee and frienda Invited to funeral. at , 2 p. m.. resideaoe rt parent. 81S0 lallowhUl at. Int. Holy Crots Cem. Auto aervlca , . . . . .ACKENWAT At wooDury. n. j.. John V. Stackenwalt. ared 83. .Relatives anc rnanea lnvjtea 10 tunerai, an.. .. n ,. SIS S Bread fc. Weodbusr. N. J. ! s-ivltrsfA Vs-lfMBrfrvi a"rrrl. ' STSlNHARt; Nar.l, ..fEJlCiyKZ, PAUL husband ef poieres ewiia qe biw nart and sen of rranit an aimx Dieinnari. of Havana. Cuba, ased 28 rurther netled will be slven Oliver. H. Balr Bid.. 1820 Chestnut tt-New YorV papers copy. VAN ZANT. Nov. 18. EMMA E. flOW of Jeha Van Zaat. Relatives sad frlenda invitee ta rum services ITI... s .P. - a , Camden. N, J. Int data. Frlenda 'may call Inn 1251 Kenwood- ave private. Harlelgn Thura . after p VOUAfl A OAN At Seattle, Wash.. Nov. IT. C . daughter of William and late Ella n. e8 N. 4d It.. W. Phlla.. ared 85. kao 1; Funeral ttarvteet and int. (Seattle, Wash., WHITE Nov. IT. JOHN X, husband of Nellie White (nte Callnon) and son of late Patrick and Jane White. Relatives and frlenda, alio Court Wayne, No. 1T8. Fr of A.t Philadelphia Lodge. No B4. Loyal Order ef Meoae and employet ot Oeorg W. Blabon Oilcloth Works. Invited to funeral. Frl , 8:30 a. m 4420 N. Grata st. Bslsmn requiem mast cnurcn or Bt. rraneit or Attiai 10 a. m. Int. New Cathedral Cera. Auta atrvlee TEr'. huaband1 of Clare' E. WhltaTey (nee -ranrr" y w , . v... ,w n.i.iif T.- xonei. Haiativaa. memoera ";. Vrf.n1 Fratenlty Lodre No 14 of Philadelphia. PWrtttXTAStSsRH BglELfl jmssL Inrlted to.fonartl seTTlees. Frl.. o m.. .Vine ., Carndan. ft. J. Berrloeg prlv Vvrltnajtan Cem. Friends may view rem eso rate. remains WRlbinv-Nir. jlf, BLIJSABBTn AMELIA, wife ,or .FranU Wright, aged 8. Itelatlrea and friends Inrlte4 to funarai serv. iees.-ltat., 11 a. m. reaidenee of husband. 2S B. Colllnst awe.. Cellingtweod. . N. J. Int. Lutheran Cam., Halaeiport. N. J.. 1:30 o ra. - LBOAL APVKBTrWKMitrtTg rVnETATB OF JAMES K. LATJDEN s30" BLAOKB, dead Letters testa mentary on the abore eatate bavlnv been 5 ranted to the undersigned, alI,paraona In ebted to the aald eatate are .hereby re gulated to make payment, and thoaa having claims to preeenl the aame. without delay, at the office of the corporate executor, 0 Chestnut et Philadelphia, TUB PROVIDENT LIFE AND TRUST COM PANY OF PHILADELPHIA. Asa B. Wins. President, and Mary J. Lau denslager, Eieeutors. JOHr'o. .ETJERTtAItD. Jr.. Eea;.. 418 Bulletin. Bids., Phlladalpbla. Has-saTAn: of padl b. kino, de- l' ward Letters taatametitary upon the eatate of Pan! 8. Klnr, doceaaed, having been granted ta Fidelity Trust Co., ail per sona Indebted to the said estate ant re quested to make payment, and those having claim against the same to present them. without delar. at the offle of the aald pany 836-881 Cheetnut st , Philadelphia, wai. r. utai, Prealdant. Or to.lta attorneys. VAN DUBKN JOHNSON, 1012 Btephen Olrard Mulldlntr i3SaTATE OF rAMELA F. AMSLEB. & deceased Letters testamantarv on thal above eatate bavins been rranted to Th i-rpviovni a.iie ana -jrnss uompsny or rnu dolphla, all persons Indebted to the said eetat are requested to make payment, and thoae havlnar rlafma tn r,,nt Ih. aame. without delay, to TIIB PROVIDENT LIFE AND TTtTJBT COM- FAHI OF FHIliADELiFHIA ASA S, WIND, President. 40 Chestnut st . Philadelphia. 'ESTATE OF PATJL 8. KINO, de ceased Letters testamentary upon tfie Mrfate of Panl ). deceased. Having been .granted to Fidelity rranted to Fidelity Trust C.. all per- eons Indebted to tho, said estate are raoneataa to make payment, and those having claims against the earn to present them, without aeiay. ax tne onrco oi int aio compiijr 325-381 Chestnut at., Philadelphia. WM. P. OEBT. President. tOBT AND FOUND BRACELET Lost. November 8. stiver Iden tity Tvraceilet. Inscribed Mr Maynard Ladd. . Reward. Return to O. II. Norrls. 4SD Land Title Bldav CARD CASE Lost, yellow leather card caee with name c M. iiammegan ana maaonlo marh on cover, containing a Mexi can R R. paas, masenls cards, club eards. etc.! S20 reward If returned to C. If. Ham meken. Windermere Hotel, Brrad and Lc cuat ale Lout last Frldar. CERTIFICATE Pleeee take notice that Certificate No 21T for 100 eharta ot Central Pennsylvania Coal Co, stock. Issued In my name .has been mislaid -or lost and application has this day been made for the laauanee of duplicate certificate. S. P. Kueney. 1011 Cheetnut at. DEEDS Salvatore loat deeds, section R. ranjre 11 lot 40, Holy-Croeg Cemetery: liberal reward Tl 6 tth at. PIN pest, since Tuesday, Nov, ll, diamond and emerald bar pln, valued for associa tion; ISO reward -and no questions asked. Communicate with J. F. C. Locust 0414 or Woodland 1682 M. . TIRE Loet, a white wire auto wheel and tiro, Friday evenlnr, vicinity of oerman town: reward. Call -Market 8858. PEBBONALB ALEX. O. KOUYOUM has sold his business known as tho Southern Quick Lunch and Reatanrant at T21 Walnut at.. Phlla . Pa.. to Aatareoa Phlaaekedes and Nicholas PblBse- Keaes ureoitors are nereoy notineo to pres ent all claims before Dec I. 1910. at my nmee. u. vj. butea Ktai estate Broker. 7U3 Walnut at MARKS HAS ' SOLD his business and equipment S. W, cor. 8d and Arch sts , to M. Snvder A Son. 1811 Garmantown ave . Phlla.. Pa All creditors present their claims before Nov 25. 191B I ANT PERSON knowing the whereabouts of Herman. A. v;iaua. Kinaiy communicate with hla daughter. Mra. Richard D. Hartllcs. 44 Aprleten c Holyoke Maaa. 1 HEREBY 'give notice that I will sot be reapontieis ror any dabta unlets contracted tl by myself." Frank C Col Spruce et WILL not be responsible for any debts un less contracted by myself. Thos. Duran. 424 F Olrard av ELBOTRIC TREATMENT, also manlcurinr. Office 4142 Market tt., second floor. HELP WANTED tfEKALB ADDRESSERS, over IT. ta address enrol - opes by hand at our offleei piece work: rood writers only. Apply Howe Addressing and Prlntlnc Co T04 Cheatnur st . BELL TELEPHONE OPERATING PERMANENT POSITIONS OFFERED TO TOUNO WOMEN BETWEEN iS AND 25 TEARS. 11 PER WWTC FOR PTRS.T 4 WFWWS' RAPID ADVANCEMENT TMKUUAFTLR. SHORT HOURS rNEXPENSrVB HOT LUNCHES COMFORTABLE REST ROOMS SICKNESS DISABILITY BENEFITS CAREFULLY CHOSEN ASSOCIATES CALL PERSONALLY ANT WEEKDAY. BF.TWUm 0 A M AND B P M, TO SEE MISS RYAN. 1811 ARCH ST.. FIRST FLOOR. TH3 BELL TELEPHONE CO 07 TA. "sssssbr tsrwrsss.' private school, P CXBHrZRS loft CASHTam.INyECTORl WANTEBi AT JsSABWITH OR WTTWOUT BXlrT!Rf VANCEMSNT ACCORPINO TO AaaTTT APPLY SrORSllTTiOy EMPLOTMtaNT WANAMAKER'S CHAMBEItWORK and OrrSi"' good references P T04 Leaser orrico. CLERK The accounting department of the nubile Ledger Co. detirea the aervlees ot a yoSnr wom'n with at least two years; J?gh "school tralolnr, pr Its equlvalsnt. Ask for Mr yriee i-iiono ,,ur - CLERK Bright girl io, tojjw XZi. reajondenee and assist In flla rt?JJ,.S2" trally located offioel atate age. experfeaee. education and salary daaired. F, O Box 781. Philadelphia , COOK, chambermaid and waltreae. 2 jrlria: Vl-.n .li nt.". TV amend Dla 14 W, COLORED WOMEN , aJ"s-..5.AaJBaD??cSr WJTElsHlWlKO'OFRCArmSE AFF-V j.IXkx'8 COOK!, chambermaid. and.wai.r...:r.f.-- eneee reauirea. ,-.---- -KQ3S areene at - CAMPRBLlH SOITFS WSTABLISHED lt MUST aVERe YEARTor AOB A nrlTMUBTTL'RNI8B PROOF OF AB FOR KTTCHBN WORK -TREPARlNO VEOETABLES ALSOOENErricrORT WORT irvi: Atv a. uhintM 1NCREA8BD AtrroMicALLT PWENTY OF OVERTIME OIRLS OIRLS OIRLS ' (rr.TPPivn TalCES aueia WT-TlKfl riNQ LACBON .CARDS BTITCHINa .CK tiUtv-TAiPiO B POOI IN VI t.KRS 0KSI! WINDERS . rtTWTJt. 14 TO 18 TEARS WORK r.jjri. . OIKL?. t S TO 18 TEARS WORK vn.,N.a: ua. -.V uMIRRl GOOD OPPORTUNITY! Mr8ffiSi$L& 8TH AND ALLEGHENY AVE. OIRLS,'. over 18 yiarsi stej 'Pjaltlonl rood vraarea: Mfr. Co. ., 400 N. 18th tt,, ,nar Wayne junction. OIRii wanted to work la cuttlaji room. .aws'tSPlSs" BMuae v" w ---w - way VAXtomh&rmKJkXM DYE?? ?6nriX?9A?POB . nr riBW department NO EXPERIENCB NKCKSSAItv; iiunx. AT LE8S THAN COST GOOD PAT, EXCELLENT TREATMENT LEARNERS PAID 113 WEEKLT UOGETT MTER8 TOBACCO COMPANT 8D AND ONTARIO STREETS OIRLS. white, for llsht. pleasant wylt. al- lowing QUICK UVHi0iiin, vs ai,Mir a.,,, all alttlntr work! steady all the srsar ,round have no use for loafers but want neat gtrls" wares 18 per waek to start, with Increase second week; quick stria can toon maKe rood money. 1311 Spring Garden t. OmU. IB AND OVER. IN PACKING DE ftARTMENTj DRIED FRUIT BUSINESS. CULL READT FOR WORKl GOOD WAGES. f CAI. so b rrto-rr at. GIRLS wanted to work en folding? paper boxes at 113 TS per weak. Brown A nailer Co.. 410 N. Franklin st. GOVERNESS wanted ror 3 little girls, aged T years: must b mualeal: salary ISO. Box (148 Warrenton Va.- . HOUSE MISTRESS for private tehool want ed! must be experienced. V 624, Ledger Ofnco. LIT BROS. SALESWOMEN FOR VARIOUS DBPART MENTSIQOOD SALART AND COMMISSION; PAT WHILE LEARNING. man dalart and commission to Tnosn HAvrNO experience! UI BROa "v NURSE for children, white: experienced! references utn vneevnuv nm "q., PREBSUR3. SHIRTS. ARCH BT. COL . WANTED ON MEN'S ARGONNE SHIRT CO., 12U BALESWOMEN- FOR PART TIME APPLT BURBAU OF EMPLOT1IENT WANAMAKER'S o-rvMnoRimRIU.Vantw1. flrat-claas. pertenoed atenoirapher. Apply by letter, atatlng experience, giving references and telephone numpcr i, ouverroan do, &- W cor Bth and South ata tiiffMAnQlonr.R winUrf! atat are refer enoe and salary detlred. P. 028. Ledger Office. STENOGRAPHER, efficient, wanted- In a publlehtne house: atate experience and aalarv expected. B 18B Ledger Office TELEPHONE OPERATOR, experienced Bell and Keystone; state salary: give telephone number, h zbq, imager unice WAITRESSES. WHITE FOR FLOOR AND COllHTBB WORK APPLTBUREAU OF EMTLOTMENT WANAMAKER'S WANAMAKER'S BILL CLTJRK8 IN' BOOKKEKPINO DEPT. ICNOWLEDGE OF TYPEWRITING ADVANTAGEOUS CLERKS FOR AUDITINO DEPARTMENT GIRLS. 14 TO IT TEARS OF AGE GOOD OPPORTUNITY TO BEGIN A BUSINESS CAREER SALESWOMEN OPPORTUNITIES IN SEVERAL DEPTS. WOMEN AS SHEET WRITERS GOOD PENMEN WOMEN FOR WRAPPING EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSART TOUNO WOMEN AS CASHIERS AND INSPECTORS EMPLOYMENT BUREAU WANAMAKER'S WAN rSD House mother: must be refined "ui cHpngin in carina tor cnuaren la niirMrr. a lun L,ecger uince. WOMAN wanted to do cleaning; eround office ana lacxory. tsrown a unity Co.. 410 N. Franklin ef WOMEN TO PACK STATIONERY .AND CANDY LIGHT WORK APPLT BUREAU OF FWPLOTMEI3T WANAMAKER'S WOMEN FOR CLEANING BAT AND NIGHT SHIFTS APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOTMENT WANAMAKER'S s. WOMENi rood pay: light table work: ex perience not necessary: steady employ ment: 4.hour week. Frledberrer Aaron Mfr. Co., 4800 N. 18th St.. near Wayne Junction. YOUNG OIRLS AND WOMtN IN PACKING DEPARTMENT DRIED FRUIT BUSI NESS! GOOD WAGES. APPLY 180 S. FRONT ST YOUNG GIRL for Ice cream and coke store. Apply 14tfi Lornal at. . .- . 32"NO WOMEN IT TO 10 YEARS OF AGE TO SELL MERCHANDISE , INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN APPLT BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S General BSItB5 BEYJCB C0" 11!a -n4 "!, ftarjlt Bkpr.. 825: stenor. knowl. Spanish. HELP WANTBtu-MAr-S ADJU8TOR of accident claims : mutt be ex perienced: atate are salary daaired and If B0OKKKEEPER Active younr man. not over 25. for raerchsndlseT sales ledger! scat be, a person we can bond and come well recommended: alts be able ta handle larre number of aeoauntti eictllantr oppor tunity to learn a rood bualneat, state are, experience and salary detlred. P. O. Box 751 Philadelphia ARTIST, wanted for cauiocue itlustratlnn a rood opportunity for younr man with some experience to develop with rapidly growing catalogue department of large manufacturing company: thould be able to make wath and line drawlnga of mechanical subjects fro-n blueprints and preferably know hew to handle the air brush: location 60 miles from Philadelphia. Write, ttttlne are. experience and pretaat salary. M TSOl Ledger Office T BOY Larre priatlne Plant. located In eea. tral teotlea of the city, wantt a boy tor office work: mutt be over 1 yeara of are and have flalthed rraamar tehool: wa wait a boy who Is neat, bright and anxious to tuccead la the office end of Jae bualneaa; this Is. a real chanoe for a boy who Is abK to appw n:mseu and learn: we are Icoilnr for a boy wso, la the aot very distant fu. "".V ' I b. -b'" fc te!l maa's work: and aehoellnr Addreaa 228. Ledrar IJITIf SOYS, betweaa 14 aad IS years of ate: seat J?PJ??' I" Well work Apply e! ?venuo ' iith a! Huat! "Tr' BOV Wnted for general work la larre office: excel ant oooorti-nltv --- . J:..I.' Aooly eighth floor. vmaricaa Storts Co., 4th and 1 ffqon sis SOT, over ts te work In toc room, lw. Martin, third floor. Wm, H. Met re . S04 Chestnut st , See esklas taOY ""n" JES" lrn wholesale woolen busi ness M T23. Ledger Office BOYS Wanted to paas rivets at Ror Island) 14 per- hour, with a rood chance to sdvanoe t heater at BOe.per hour and more If ea piecework! mutt be over IS years and fur <h proof of are. .. ., Apply Mr. Ehattuck's Office 1621 Arch st, er Smploymant Office Her Island BOYS . 14'TO IT YEARS OF AGE GOOD OPPORTtTNrriFS FOR BRIGHT. ACSTVB BOYS CEfeHHEFT5vARTER8 WANAMAKER'S u BRICKLAYERS for Detroit, Mich.. 11,15 per hour." 8-hour day: double time over hourt en Sundays: fare advanced: 18-montb job; rood board and room for 10.50 per week on job: open-shoe conditions. Report at once with tools at 115 N 12th tt., Philadelphia. CHIROPODIST, licensed, experienced. Fot particulars write E. A. MeOlnals. Jen kins Arcade Bldr. Plttaburrh. Pa. OABINETMAKER8 and all-around machine ttlUtf WArUl WM I ur-... Hhf modern plant; best conditional croup Inaur-AT- aace Apply ready jfor wtrk. Ualt 6oa rtrweUaa Co.. Meat and Oreys era. L.IUHT. Aiiva rAwiujvx &E61RABLB, 8TEADT-W0RK 63 WEEKS A TEAR TTfyr LTJNCMEH SERVED ma' wxjrrw-Jkxt . SHBlfeMgg sti . Rooms 4-11. 8Sff!Sw-S5a! tss-! iaiUNITRWHn.f Ai m L .rah "Aafijt e5KuWTE &," v,".0" salary and partle Columbia Iace Co.. CelombU. Pa, rtloeif,-fc .rriBSP WW REQ' JlKI-AUl EMPLOY. REPAIRMAN! IS Hi IMENT UUIUOAL DRAFTSMANl erperieneed , re-en forZl norete end sti-ueturaTsteenroriJTiKJfiS SfcWi.5Jlp? .i SrmB,n wsl'loa to man ef yjlfj !!!.' UF vour axperlaneeT iWK tiKTr vniipe - -" E -S.T.BI2AJ'a ,f I!1 Xrit-otaaa raeehantwt Lar!c'.rt.,rWlv M "'"" w1r"ur- Wl5n.8a EXPERIENCED and reliable eeerer'stor'.m'm'edKtrwSL "? , ,-... . DRAFTSlCEX 7?rnoT2..ln !onrm raaehtnerjt. detaTL '.". "I.satlmatlrur! permanent potltlonfi! me nam maul, to ee oonaldered, state en. Off1?" d,,lr,d' p folYi&ie DRAFTSMEN Two mechanical pa -.';cr'.,:"as, Erm" po "w vweMu w -aiiuivipnia sto.. In rrply to 7H, Ledger Office. COATESyiJXB BOrLERWORKtf COATB8VILLB. yj"'""" ERECTORS, RECTORS, outside. Apply Bteward Bterens Iron Works. 1T2S N. Bth. F(in'.AN machine shop, to Uke iham .0.f.fiit,n sno jrecUns textile iJUhliern riELr 1 SOOO MORE XBB n AbeottrUtr ne labor treuWa. ha efficiency of our present ftoteaf enables u to "treed up." """"" "" Shipyard workers nowhere today rea S.fTwn.7'0I,V b!ser than -those ofS faithful employet. WlfYT 1 1 We have nTaeed wre.tfAarf eti JS Cn a nlece-ttriea baafv mil mt limits. Wa encourars you te make WB WANT , loo experienced men, who era loofe. lnr for a fnture. who dtalretUt dart) work Per week. .8 hour per day; wko will lire, on our towntlte. 8 to 8 tnln utes" walk from their work: who Welch not, less than 160 pounds, and who deelre to learn a healthy outdoor trade. m Our restaurant Is onerated st eoet for your benefit. After you work I hours we supply you with meal tickets and place you tn atsam-neated quarters. 7j?S.&lut arrive here sot later thaa lO'flO a m., to worlt the afterneoe Vna NEED TODAT RIVETERS HOLDERS-OKI HEATERS EXPERIENCED BOLTERS OT BOLTERS' LEARNERS PAINTERS (SHIP) SJLECTRIO WELDERS ( PLATE HANGERS' HELPERS SKIPFTTTERS' HELPERS PAINT CLEANERS 200 PASSER BOYS 300 100 LABORERS The best eamp Job bi the XT. O. Steam-heated quarters . . ' A restaurant that flrhts ths ktclt cost of living APPLT UR. LETDEN 1821 AftCH ST.. trBTJUj JTOJNSTLVANTA. MERCHANTS 6HTPBUILPINO COJU PORATTON. AGENT. V. B8. St. rMERaENOT FLEET CORJWRA.TWSJ HOO IBiND eTinPTASD . s WANTO SHT- TOtNERB. ELSCTRICLOIO Ituat bt fsstUUr with ccbScIJ,! LASOREKS ' tfltat" of -rerls sS ecefi worti-a endltloss iSVVS Mr. Bhtttuci's etaes 1531 Arch st. ' 03 Ssi9!oSTtat Ofias a Sax Zslssd HOSHERT Rtn wXlBJt One' who Is cabbie c taklnr eharee of large ' section of rib machines Good atlary aad permanent po-ltltd for eomseteat man 'L-S4." P. a BOX T0 LABORERS to handle coal i plenty of time: oome ready to work. 18S 0. Jtd C4L. Roo-ra 4, aad 6. MAN VANT--0 who thoroushly undtraUa'is flat-rib machines R!ni-men can raake v, rood money WALLACH-WILSON HOSTHRT CO, Orchard et. below UrUcy. Fraayforc UaN, younr, wanted far assistant lanlteri must he a rood worker and have refettat-, as to honaaty Apply S29 N 19th. ' 5 T "- r- t ' ' . " PACKERS ANTJ WRAPPERS OW JIOUBCMUI.U BUQS9, CHIWA, BT AJ-i-i.. UUKBAU OF EMFlVOf S TOT. X-tS' TTRBD OT MOWN. JJvOTj-f S-ROM ONS JOB TO' ANOTHER LosiNO Tnra and monjtt OCODTSJAR OF7SRS TOtJ PHRMANENT WDjq: TJTTJ TSAR AROUND EXCELLENT WORKXNO OJNTjrKeWB AND A CHANCE TO EARN RATES IN AocowuNca wxrs Tocnt jl-hl-tt; ! ' JXX-AJWDVD IfACXnNISTS ORWO MTXXi BENCH AND FLOCtt LARCH LATHE GENERAL RJrFAIRMAN BLACKfUITXS CJJrtrXNTCRS sTSEET MXTAIt WORKERS Ajply tn twrson er write et enaee i yACTfRT MFXmrarMT orwtea THE GOODYEAR TTRB RtTBBSJaj Oa. AKRON, OHIO JOB PRINTER Wlrst-olsan union snort snn iqr- wa tileasanc surrounainc-. ine Printers ana mnoera OFFiryJ ROT WANT.Hr TN NEWSPAPER HTflrH OOOD OPPORTUNrry TO LEARN TITB RUSYNE84 CALL AND .!-' MR. inLPATRlOK ' 1 PtTTtLIP """irK j.. .TH AND CKRaTNPT jefj Jo-cw3rWri v, 1A ?. ,"'S3.r -i-ialz: - A "N-fs A s SV r " ' Mr