pmn EZl-!i3..Za fwmijj-. " RApRYMltMAYNQT PLAY IN GRID CLASSIC Lehigh's Brilliant Quarter Hurt in Fierce "Bloody Wed . nosday". Scrimmage HOT 'OFF THE GRIDIRON I i. .. ' . . i -. .1 , ... i - il South Bethlehem. Pa., Not, 20. Wdnen(lr afternoon It usually the dfty of th hardest nork of the week for the Lehigh squad nud yesterday, proved no exception despite tho very cold nrlnrfu which hlew ncrosn Trulor field. The sudden change of weather had its oftect on the men, una causeii con slderablt fumbling during thw scrlm mager but at the same time instilled a great deal of ginger Into tho work. Vlrr! tnpkllnc durlne the BCrlm- mage caused several Injuries on the vartity. Harpy Itote. the brilliant quarterback who has been lost to the team on two other occasions, received a jolt while running with the ball that nanaari him In reftrn. Tho decree of this injury at. this time Is not known, but hops are held that he will be able to return in time-for the game Saturday. Cuslck and Maglnes were also Blightly hurt, but got back in the scrimmage be fore It was over. Easton. Pa.. Nov. 0. Coach Sutherland took advantage pf the col lege half-holiday by putting Lafayette through a long, hard workout. Everv man wc on tho field in togs before 2 o'clock and Sutherland kept them on the- Jump until G o'clock. The weather was very disagreeable, a high, cold wind sweeping across the gridiron ,all day yesterday. A Several small snow flurries added to the dismal weather conditions. To counterbalance the effect of tho weather Coach Sutherland, kept his men con tinually on the go. Doctor Bruce lined the whole squad up at on end of the field and raced them the whole length of the inclosure. Not satisfied with that lie made them "run tho return distance. Much credit for the fine showing the team has made must be glen to Doctor Bruce for the able way in -which he has conditioned the team. A short signal drill was tho next event on the program. The varslt HnedAp as usual, Sigel plajing quur terback and calling signals. Later the former Northeast star was given an other workout jut tho halfback position. CANNEFAX RETAINS -TITLE TH9 football championship of the city of Pittsburgh will bo decided next Saturday at Forbes Field, when Coach Glenn Warner's Pitt Panthers olnth with Coach AVftltfer Kteltrn's Carnegie 1'erh aggregation, This game is nn Important fixture In western Pennsjl nnla, although Tech has never hrntcn Pitt. Jack Kfoth'n Penn freshmen cave (lie n -J Mid lilue varsity an unrlasant Afternoon b) th lcloua manner In which they tnckleif the regulars. uerpre int scrimmairi Captain T1rt Dell had hit rllrht injurfd ana nua to retira jiua ttoppsr, teic ena tcrlmmaare wji wrr trnt arm bam to the irvm. antl tulatcd his rtarht ankic, On n fleild coverwt with thr.. anew tha Srincuse varsity played Ha: mo lnph. of th fruit,. of two twelve-minute Varsltv wnn ,vlin fMiihflftvn a.,li In .Ua. aecnnd quarter, after recoverlnc a fumbla nr mo jvnniMK B KOM line Head Coach Dohle. of the Naval Acadamy men team a (wrloda jterday. tichwnrstr acortd a tanm. labored yeelorday under the handicap ralftat ths rapp"d In a blanks! The oractlca began of out stood out touch of' srln comhlned with toothache. irainat the mid and high wind early and continued until the electric llithta rail Detn in uie lor soma time A atlIT norther, with flurries of snow now and then cnuiht the Army equad at Its bin mid-week irtlitlron drill eslen1ay Th cadeta worked tho harder and In a stiff mvle went through t strenuous twu-hour its Ion Tho Cornell vnrsltv and scrub elevena bat tled on a anow-covered Held jestcrday unill dark. Intermittent alnnna swept across the srldlron all durlnii the practice, but tho coaches went ahead with their program hav Ins determined to clean un the hard unrlr nf preparation for the 1'enn name before tho end of tho week, Amid (Ik first flurry of anow hi Ifnhol en the Sto.ens Tern football snunil held the usual Ion JVedneeda afternoon liractlra jesterflny. No classes belnir held In the af ternoort. tho squad reporttd at 2 o'clock and were kept on the field until dusk Wasklnslon and ! will face Oeorcctown tfhlvt team J'airet, out. rltyi Saturday tn Waihlnitfott with Ih In (he pink of condition . exesptim 'tna mr canter, and flllvereteln a hall ! Donald Blorek, ltutnra end arid the beat landler of the forward paaa that tho Hear et haa do eloped thl teaion, aa hack In ijirneea ettorday for the nrat time elnce ila Injury in tho,8yracua irame, . r.V ?imrJ. whlcn w"l 'tract much at tentlon Snturday will he tha Northweiitern ItutKere tumn to l plajed at tho bell purk at Harrlaon. N. J., ami tho Syracuao-lndlanV contest at ninomlnnton, Ind, It will bo lntorolln to note how the ack SyracuM team, rated by. many as belne the bent In the Kaat at tho nreeent wm compare with tho western repro- tune, FentatlNc A footlrall ohsrrYer who dellahto In tr nn In dope out fuluro names la of the opin ion .wiai in inio-xarvard tuss o will be. lour), I r t)iA l.nh.lia,iMnuih ...... IV. .'. of soorlmi and plenty of ihrlllr Saya he, "Talo won't lx able to stop Harvird a open play and Casey, n,nd Harvard will hi- unnhle tn checl. the lllue's rushlnK The nrowii inmltr.t worklnu against n rlrons second team had on- of tho I ""lies! workouts of the season ester1ly """"i BOWLING RESULTS Knlfhta of Columbus fscun ,im,i foiled on Costa's Allcjs Iset nllit v;era prnductlte of seme arm IndKldusI and team scores Columbus the trailers, rolled two nco aeorrs and took Ihnic from J'lnton Santa Maria won Ihreo from Wnsl 1,hl AmM. ,. In over S60 flan Hnltsdor lock thf odd aame from Han Domlnjto loslnr the last name by three pins Itrnnnron lost two to i ieu lis unn riuieo aia and '.'01 Sweeney, !i2fl. IVussell Slki Ilrown 215i r Word intii CcllKan 2nd ami Mnrean '.'ill KN10HTS or cniv.tnus I.KAOir. - !J' U? I11"' H" '"S I1'1 lull Hi-' 171 Hubert I'M rjl 121 It I KI3 Haf rt I .Mi nt loo IIIR 1TJ l.-.t MrM ,lon 4S 1 Sd 122 1711 IAH Trucks " ,7K tl""i Carlsr. . lands,, sii H'NIcoll 79 Peak . 79 107 ' flj Mail. 19 I ;Xnt: Irrown. j,nc.. 49 A3 Keue . 79 74 WtUre 79 7S Jamison HBtia 71 K7 M 4ft 114 411 i8 K H.I 74 116 US SO SI I'd SAN "Irady Wlllon mlth. Fry urg-ihlelds Totals 7S2 772 1 HA.NTA MARIA 3'eeney in t(',7 104 22t ttrlnsler Kearnev un If, I mil Kennnli rallant IRX 117 Plle'rlf-k l Hrlnn inn it.' l2 Kelley Hrown 1(17 tl)4 .'21 Cairns Wormrr 11k . Totals d74 7nil 7-, Totals S17 ai7 SMI Totals Mn 7P4 "17 wmr l'lin.A I. in ln2 nir, 1411 lt. 147 lii nt 140 12'i 170 1SI ISO 111 17T COM'Mlll'H le Inney IMii 1RH llrndi' roktlasti Morgan lialtmi n.vo.v lilt liases, If.a 1,14 S4I 1.1s 141 181 Itu-srll 14H 20n ln re sis, 1ST '.'in Vis Illlnd 1RH .'03 21J Tnu son 144 21S 15U 14.. inn ini us us mo 1SD LIS Mil 'PnlaU K2M flip 007 imowNso.N Totals 7 73S S.'8 r I.BO 117 rred'clts UK 141) 139 t li tun ti lo. 118 . Ma riorsey ldi Ins us Jlubfl M'l 170 Xtf, llrown 167 151 141 Vice Urt 14 lin iirnpny m ina ... MfO'rlt LIS MS l7 T Ward 1711 2n) IM foils 112 Slier ood 134 lotnlH 711 fisn 743 Totals 771) SSI 720 Four trams representing the Philadelphia Trut i o opened the season with a Duikpln Iiiiii- nti t'mla s Alles In -if nlghl Otters won three from Camels and Tanthers look tn nut of three from Tigers c mfi,i orrnim Touts 423 3IS Ml, Totals 3M 4.1H 317 NATIONAL rtlBCCIT CO. I.KAOUM KAMDCO UNKEPAS 171 1H7 i lilce, 144 Mi 182 I'orr lllt'ner lerferles Treer, Jrenblnt lutts 120 ll 99 IJD 147 119 IflS Mice, Jr.. VI i Ml 144 582 I'om'ter. 14 llll 19t 14 nice Sr 131) ins 141 1)7 hllck,.., 14.' 1M IV! s. w'nertz lei 121) 12.1 Sclst Hough l Harding Illlnd fundorf 7k 72 10J OoldberB 72 77 01 ( nn 117 Finn 73 11 7d IS 71 ft.1 King ti 11 Ml U ill In Collins Hi 7fi luj KS 12." H4 Mlllls US HO HIS Totals 111 .1111 311 Totals 377 SS4 81)7 Totals SKA Hfld 721 ZU ZV ToUls 71 J ssr, 77 SOCIAL 1BA8 Pearco llrlm. Van C'n J rare. Keeley. 117 111 1S2 ttrady 122 IIS l'.u Walsh. 107 S'l US 1,ii nn (i 2 US Jit Munch IAH 141) 144 Xmlth.. 100 111) 77 HJ 17,1 1.17 l id un ir,i 77 11-, 7J IS-, IIS 12 Totals 04 II3 712 Totals fi!l3 fill) Mill Conihohocken Wants Game Tha strong Comhohorken indefcendent football team has an open dte fliturday and wants a game with a nrst-eiass mo n.ndeni eleven For gsmes write ii Jfye Cinfhoheeken or ohoni ford Conshehocken 08 W DID YOtj EYERKKEP ;' HBJLP? Two ambitious young men &w an unusunl opportunity to acquire 5L ' sure pjylnj; business of their ow. Flve'thouaand dollats Is needed, A five-year 6 loan Is deslrerL For details and credentials addrM D 210, Ledger Office. aft 1TKAMW1I1P MTnCKfl MoCourt Seaond and TVIaupome Third In Three-Cushion Tourney FINAL S-CDSIIIOK STANDING ' Nama OR. Lost It L. Cannefax. New York.. 1 n. Mf-Court. Cleveland Maunome. SlllvrniUkee, . Releeir. Chlcor.0 u. litis, tlrookun r.ijarkeon. Detroit.. . II. Ileal, ittt. . . .. T. Denton. Kansas City, . II. Gillette Dnffalo .... O. -Lean. Cincinnati ... r. c. .77 .867 .MS .SIM ,44-t .444 ,1 .222 .111 Cleoland, O., Nov. 20. Robert It. Canncfax, o New York, retained his title of provisional three-cuehion bil llardjchampion by winning the national tournament held hero. He climbed on lilt throne npaln when Charles Mc Court, formerly a. champion, was de feated by Pierco Maupome last night by a score of SO to 48 in fifty-eight in nings. ' ' i In, tho afternoon Cannefas won from Clarence Jackson $n fifty-one innings 50 to 27. In another afternoon match Mc Court tooirtho measure of Otto Iteiselt 50 to 41 in fifty-nine innings. When McCourt and Maupome met in the final match of the tourney the for mer had a chance to tie Qannefax for the lead by beating Maupome, but ho failed, suffering his second defeat. Cannefax lost only one of his nine games. FINANCIAL XO THE aTCKKIinLDKRH OF THE BITTENIIOIJSE TttUST CO. uudelpolft rlen that . Sneelil Stockholders of the Rltten- Phi Notice Ig hereby Meeting of the Stoc nouee Trust CO , pursuant to a resolution of the Board of Directors, adopted at a regu lar meeting on November 10, 1019, v.111 be held on 3!onday, January 10, 1020. at noon, at 182S Walnut at,. Phlla . Pa., for the purpose of approvlnr or disapproving; a pro posed Increase of the capital stock from two hundred and firtv thmisanit (n1lnva O230.000). constating of file thousand shares of the par value of f.fty dollars each, to five hundred thousand dollars (1500 000) con slating of five thousand shares of the par value of one hundred dollars each S. W. WATERMAN. Secretary Pocahontas OonsoIIdaled Collieries ' Company, Incorporated rlFTl-VEAH FIVE TEB CENT -4JOLD UONDS . Notice la hereby given, pursuant to the terms of the alortsase dated July 1st. 1907. loat the undersigned an-Trustes. will rs. Cflve sealeU proposals up to 3i00 p. m. on Jo 8th day of December. 1810, for the sale to it of bonds as above described sufficient to use the sum of SCO 388 60. The under signed reserves the rliht to rsjeot ejjy or THE HEW YORK TRUST COUPANT. .Trustee. By B. Q C1URTI3. Swjretary. Hsig' Tork. November 1st. 1910. ffiir Annual Meetings FIDELIXX IUTtJAL LIFE INfiUH. ANTE ICO. Tha. Annual Meeting of tha Fidelity Mtilnal Life Insurance Co, will be held at the -principal offlce of the Company. 112-118 North Broad St., Phlltu, Fa.i on Tiesday, January IS, 1020, at 2 p. m.. for tho eleotlon of twelve directors to serve the ensuing 3 ear. By order of the Hoard of Directors CUAS. O. 1IOUOE I3ecretary. AJIERICAN POUER AND LIOHT CO. 71 Broadway, New Vork COXIMON SIOCK DIVIDEND NO is Tho regular quarterly dliidend of one per eeiii ii on the Common StocK of Ihs Amerloan Power and Light Co. has been de clarer mon naiable December 1. 1010. tn stockholders of record at tho close ymrineau November 21. lflldi WILLIAM REISER, mol Treasurer. Froposalw PROPOSAL FOR HALE OF BUILDINGS AND I UCTURES Sealed proposals for the buildings, fixtures, etc , for the Law renoevllle Convalescent Hospital. Lawrence vine, N. J . will be received nqt later than 11 a. m , December a, 1019. by the Utilities Officer. Camp Dlx. N. J. further informa tlon on apolleatlon PAH0EL POSH Value HO Extrsar- $s MHJHP' Offer I WBSP IB Days Only Will Eeeure Order . Beautiful hand-palntcd enlargement, 14x20 Convex Oval Shape. Choice of sepia, pastel or water color. Beautiful (rune, choice of Circassian Walnut with pearls on Inner edge or All-CUlt and Full Ootdloaf Burnish. Send your npoto for enlargement today. Extraordinary offer for Iff days only' V, S. ripTUHE FRAME CO, R.I). toed IJIdg. tt-00 CHESTNUT ST.. THILA. Roses-Roses-Roses Ro.e "AMERICAN" grown IVORLD'8 CHOICEST . Ne Fancy Catalogue Issued Descriptive price list sent on 'request TH)E ROSARY DEFT. L. HADDONEIELD. NJ, Il ef II J 19 I 01 , t 1 JS I ' SJS-5 "irnrSriSSllSraSssSSsisSS '" "" "" "' llll lll'IIWIIIW'" 'WIIIIWIssMlssm WIIWIIIsWWsMrsT1sTr ' " WWWMBWMiBBWgJ'M"lJWillHIIIIIWIIIWlllBrs JxL fE' 11IJLLJICjO TVPollfO ew The reasons why are to be found ill the following unexcelled manufacturing advantages natural and acquired of the Petersburg-Hopewell Industrial District of Virginia- Where Hopewell Is iiim m i-iiiM) y 1 SSJ'-jXI T T- ' - v ,UJMlHGTOK v N 223 WUS 1 1 sXTVWffV .. J '35twiuA A Stragetic Shipping Location YhopewellY UNDUSTRIAlL x- v claremontV & Zl t - Uj .$ -fi J VWaverly A Q if ' k 5 Adequate Supply of Labor skilled and unskilled, male and female. The District is free from conditions that breed discontent. N Fair Wage Rates Low-living costs have kept wages "at a mod erate level. The Hopewell worker's savings are greater because his expenses are less than at most industrial centers. Splendid Housing Facilities Hopewell has attractive homes for 1 2,000 additional workers. Rents average $ 1 I to $15 a month. f Steam and Electricity Light, heat and. power below standard prices. Transportation Facilities ( rail and deep water that are unsurpassed ' in point of service and cost. A Tidewater Port The district is at the Junction of the Appo mattox and James rivers in reality a part of Chesapeake Bay. It lies 23 miles south of Richmond and 80 miles west of Norfolk. ' The James River gives Hopewell its deep water outlet to the sea. Small freighters can be loaded at the Hopewell wharf pr products transported in barges to larger vessels at Nor folk or Newport News. During the war, the Du Pont Company shipped tons of explosives from Hopewell and the Government used it - as an embarkation point for the shipmertt of thousands of troops from Camp Lee, which is in this district. Abundance of Purest Water ; for all industrial and domestic purposes at surprisingly low rates. Best Fire Protection in the world, with consequent low insur ance. Ask for data regarding our special insurance proposition. Mild and Healthfid Climate Out-of-door work is continued without in terruption throughout the year. Civic Environment, that makes Hopewell a good place in which to live as well as to do business. Adequate .Banking to take care of legitimate needs for develop ment and expansion. Assistance of Experts technical, financial and traffic in solving the manufacturer's problems. This service is free. A Railway Center The district is served. by three great north and south lines the Atlantic Coast Line, the Seaboard Air Line and the Southern Railway. These, with their connections with the Penn sylvania and other great trunk lines, give the area rail access to all important northern, southern and eastern points. For shipments west, there are available the Norfolk and Western, the Virginian and the Chesapeake and Ohio. These connect with central and western trunk lines. The freight rates for this district are a3 cheap as any on the Atlantic seaboard and give the area advantages over New York, Philadel phia and Baltimore. We maintain a traffic expert at Hopewell to give prospective purchasers specific data on shipping facilities and costs. A Deepwater Outlet to Sea The Du Pont Chemical Company has a limited number of factories, factory sites with railway sidings and other industrial equipment our peace surplus at Hopewell, which we 'offer direct to manufacturers at attractive prices and on lib eral terms. We have prepared Hopewell for peace industry with as much thor oughness as it was built for war. We have obtained experts of nation-wide reputation to study the specific requirements and problems of various industries and to assist firms who come to Hopewell. This without cost. We furnish this service in a big way for the same reaspn that we are advertising in a big way tq dispose of our peace surplus and put Hopewell on a peace basis in the auickest possible time. Demand already is keen and Hopewell soon will be sold. Wire or write today for data. Du Pont Chemical Co. jc Incorporated WILMINGTON, DELAWARE PETERSBURG CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, PETERSBURG, VA. w nobrt frxw :m:w. rener nml Freight Rervlm I NEW YORK to LIVERPOOL Orduna. . . .Nov. 21, Dec. 27, Jan. 31 IVestrls Nov. 24 ' Carmnnia Dec. 17, Jan, 3 Jj, ! NEW YORK to PLYMOUTH HAVRE and SOUTHAMPTON 1 Mauretanin.Nov. 29, Dec. 24, Jan. , NEW YORK to PLYMOUTH. HAVRE and SOUTHAMPTON Royal George. Dec. I l( Jan. l4,Feb.i4 , NEW YORK to PLYMOUTH. 1 rwpnnoi tar. I I nwnnw Caronia Dee. J NEW YORK to PLYMOUTH. HAVRE and LONDON Saxonia Dec. 20 NEW YORK to PIRAEUS Harmonic Nov. 22 N. Y.L'DERRY GLASGOW Columbia Dec A PHILADELPHIA to LIVERPOOL Anglo-Chilean Nov. 20 Vellavia (via Boston) Dec. 2 Verbnnia Jan. 7. PHILADELPHIA to LONDON Vestalia (via Boston) Nov. 20 Vennonia Jan. 3 PHILADELPHIA and BALTIMORE to BRISTOL Copenhagen Dec. 30 Pier 16 South 1"U0 XVAhSVT 8T.. riIIKI)KTJ'in. State Bank of Philadelphia; Fifth and Bainbridge Sta STEAMSHIP TICKETS I Commercial Baltic Line First-Class Steel Steamer S. S. Western Spirit Sailing About Nov. 28th NORWEGIAN and SWEDISH PORTS Moore & McConnack Co., Inc., Managers 5 Broadway, New York For Snare and Freight Rates Apply to S. L. BURGESS CO. Philadelphia Agent 909 Lafayette Building V'oif Iximbard S073 Mala 1430 Phffatfifphla ASNC -LINES S. S. NAMEAUG 9 "Voir Isoaillne fr BARCELONA . AND MARSEILLES SalllnR Ahout Nnv. 55 Fropi rirr 0, ortli For rute and Particulars Apply to' American Steamship Navigation Company Inl F.sluts Trust llnllillnr Katnut 3 'JO riillmlelubla, iN KERR LIES Sailings from Philadelphia FOR ROTTERDAM S. S. "CLAIRTON" Nov. 22 S. S. "CORSON" Nov. 29 FOR HAMBURG S.S. "KERKENNA".Salline Dec. 0 'Ihruugh Quoted to Ualtla and Scandinavian Ports Via Hamburg KERR STEAMSHIP CO., Inc. 615-617 Lafayette Bldg. Philadelphia, Pa. Ilrll Trl"l""i "Iimbsnl MM Ks, slnt Tln!tooa imin inn j, . "' '" . ... i- y EiclaMraT'iuL 1 BtaTiabfaiaiBaVa;TjsV'l-tlilJ aftVUBS'JI' Imt FLORIDA ' hi snA , PHILADELPHIA TO r JACKSONVILLE IVVKK " (INK tf KODM) TKIPT $27.55 '.'"J $49.59- $ Including inruls and ststtroom arcommoda lions btramtr sailing ev.ry Krlday a P. it, Malllnxa alsn tn Sivannsli. (It. " l'ull information on rmuest. J !iKitrii.M ft mim:kk tknhi"v c I'ltr IS So. Del. Art, Tfl. Lombard 1Sdf).a EARN-LINE iMrnrnnralrit IKfil U. S. Shipping Board Steel Steamer., General Cargo Renru'w Service Philadelphia Manchester SS "Lake Elmhurst", , , Dec, ll Philadelphia Ha van: SS "Lake Galera" row LoaU SS "Lake FoxWo". , Nov, J For rate and particular, apply : A jl , I il rt-a I Earn-Line Steamship Gt PMIUAUtLfHIA r f J til h i i h (?