- t; .,. 4 . ' '" '.' " M r' ; I ? p I ;v :?., W i t:l ,. V " ! V & . ' 4' 1 rNi i i ifVBNiirep vvBtia CEtjBEn3MBEp6r, raftffisi)5CR wwesebek writfl;"1 I . .. ' ' I J . Workers; "tef . K ' . Tomorrow's Philadelphia s industrial future rests safely upon the health and stamina she builds into her youngsters ?. The host of clear-eyed, vigorous kids that romp about the city's parks and playgrounds will form the great working army of tomorrow. They will be more than well equipped, and they need to be, for their task of carrying on Philadel phia's industrial leadership is no light one. True to her industrial vision and thoroughness, Philadelphia realizes that their health is the all important basis on which the future rests. She has taken steps to insure that health. A com pletely worked-out system of thirty-four play grounds is so arranged as to be within easy reach of nearly.every child. While the system ranks second in size it is an easy first from the viewpoint of equipment In fact, the great Kingsessing playground is famous as the most completely equipped anywhere in the country. Indoor and outdoor gymnasium equipment; athletic fields and highly trained paid instructors make these centers real health insurance for all y6ung Philadelphians whose parents are wise enough to see that they take advantage of them. The greatest satisfaction we derive-from our partnership in Philadelphia's splendid indus trial development is that it's, permanent. t Gen-, eration after generation will'arise in support of its future and each will be better able to carry; the load than its predecessor. '..' V i1 ir. J1' Crew Levick Compecmr UHiceo OX JraJLaOITmi? NewVwk. iton -XT &vftatcuM Om cflfa Gbmfrjfc latest producers smnsnexsarad r SUltfidieay CiHcs SWvice Q. i Bos-I & 5 r ." . -, ' ' ', ' K ' ,to'f,v'."i1t:v'.'.k!' -1 . ., k .;. 'u; "ST rs Jt.$$J : r, n ' a "(J . " :'" P ' ' " 5.' . W- .v- ,W i',i 4k Y"l : N ,:& :4 .'IX M i &: . ' J' f" 'f." f "V " :"-' . m MM ,