I ' 14 WOMEN FAVOR R!S E N MAYOR'S SALARY W!ve3 of Former Chief Execu tives of City Declare $12,000 I Will Not Cover Expenses POINT TO HIGH LIVING COST Slip vut4 tcnvetl to uu utirhoruRp by two lifrmuila tiles, nnd wink, stern first, ou the morning of October 10. Knflrn Crmv Tlllicil Off The entire crew 'and the o&ieera of the Dnram. including mnuiiu J. .1. Nwwnov, .'WHO (Jlrurd avenun, this city, liud beeii taken oil by tlie tutts mid ntfxid by until their nhip iilunsril tinder tlie Biirfuee. Nineteen days later Chief Steward Wright und nine other survivors, in cluding his sixteen-year-old son. ChurUs H. Wright, were ordered aboard the snipping board steamer AValiiklikuin, linnml for Phlludelnliia. On November IS the Wnhilthkiiiii's feed Tiiinin.0 hrnke and (he ttlrnnicr roll ed he niessly at sea. Wireless distress mipiihIm were sent out. Tlie vessel had little food, coal and water. Heaus and spaghetti formed the m1 bill of fare. wo days following the break a coast n No PhllmlcJpUia Mayor enn live tritnln a $1:5,000 u year Income In this day nud ugn and keep up appearances i 1 . 1.1. m ., u (i,r iroin xscw loric August - uuu ui. appropriate to his office. Such is the u rp(lf off 1rmlldtl October II. opinion 01 wive 01 rarnier aiayors, who today, gave their ldffia8coneernlnR the proposed Increase of the city official's salary from Sl'AOOO to $18,000 a year. "Naturally, much depends on the Btee of the Mayor's family and the tastes of that family," said Mrs. I. 1. Blankenburg, whoso husband, the late Rudolph lllaukvuburg, served as Mayor from lOi'-i to 1010. "Hut I don't be lievo Mr. Moore would feel burdened with u Nilary of- $18,000. I'eoplc must remember thnt liigh costs affect Mayors as well as other cltiiens, and the salary of $12,000 has served for mauy 3 cars. Jlr. Blankenburg and I had a personal Income outside the Mayor's salary, So did Mr. lleyburn and other Mayors. Otherwise, it would have been difficult even in past years to live up to the standard expected of that city official's family. , , .... "Good clotbiJ(g is an essential, and wearing apparel today is not a small Henv of expense. Many invitations are extended the Maypr and his family. Some of these must be accepted for of ficial or diplomatic reasons. The ac ceptance of others depends upon the tastes and inclinations of the man in oflic. I5ut there is always the resnonsl. biliry of looking well. While it is not Incumbent upon the Mayor to enter tain a great deal during his administra tion, the homo must be kept up. For the time being the Mayor and bis family arc more or less an cxampln before the neonle. and nublic life costs mono. "Then, if the new Mayor's wife has anything liko tu amount or corre spondence thnt I had while Mr. lllunk- vnburg was in cfflicc Mho will .need u privato secretary. Mrs. .lohn Weaver, whoso husband was Philadelphia's Mayor from 100-t to 1008. agreed that the present salury of tbo Mayor was not as much us it should be. Mrs. Thomas B. Smith, whoso husband's administration will closo in January, also spoke in fuvor of tho increase. "A thousand dollars n month may sound big to some," she said, "but it is startling how little that covets when there arc so many expenses to meet. Any one with ordinary intelligence knows that everything is moro cxpcri ir fmlnv thnn 11 few Tears ago. Yet the Mayor's salary has remained the came througu many aamiuisiraiious. Some people seem to think to hold any city office is like finding a gold mine. But it is far from that." WRECKED MARINERS IN CITY; HATE BEANS AND .SPAGHETTI After Being Taken Off Daram, Which Sank Off Bermuda, Again Face Death on Wahilthhum When Feed Pipes Break Irflfo at sea was just one mishap after another for four men of the American merchant murine, llvlnc in or near. this Lelly, who have just reached port with a nuirru or orans ami spiiKiieiii. Their tale of misadventure Is told ly Charles O. Wright, of North Olenside, who was chief steward of the cargo carrier Daram, and who was formerly steward of the Tu I,u Temple Country Club. The Daram, said Mr. Wright, sailed from JVc v York August mi unu sirucn T V even'pot fc, i&is guard cutter was sighted. The cutter ran a hawser to the disabled steamer anil started to tow it. On the night, of November (1, Mr. Wright declared, the hawser parted, the cutter continuing 011 Its way heedless of the wireless sig mils flnshed from the crippled ship. When the cutler was n hundred miles nwny, Mr. Wright said, the cutter's radio man sent buck word that noth ing could be done forthe Wnhlkhkum. Ix-IiIrIi to Hie Itescue Ou November S the I.rhlgh, a Hog Island iproduet, came alongside and made 11 linn fast. ' "I'll either tear you apart or tow vou home." the Lehigh's skinner shout ed. At lirst it looked as though the rescued ship would be torn apart, for a portion of the forecastle head gave way. Hut Charleston, S, C, was reached ou November 10 without fur ther mlsli.nl). Arrangements were made at that port to send the ten men of the Durum's crew to tlMN city. Among the ten, other than Chief Steward Wright and his sou, were Kd- ward SleCouloguc and l'dwuril llrycc, seaman, whose homes are in this city. "The lirst thing I did when 1 got home, .Mr. w right saw, "was to tell my wife no more beans and spaghetti were desired. We had had enough of them for n long, long time." Mr. Wright said he and his com nunious had sent 11 signed letter of tiro test from Charleston to Washington irlv- ing details of the coast guard cutter's alleged neglect. One Sale to Every 20 Letters The Dando Company, Philadelphia, Pa. Dear Sir Replying to your letter .of the 17th in stant, regarding results achieved through use ol letters and booklet prepared by you in 1916, beg to advise that, as near as we could determine, we had a result of five percent. In other words, wc secured one new account for every twenty persons addressed. .Vim cni address on rrtutsl THE above is from a financial institution that sought money and public confidence in the form of substantial accounts. We believe one such account for every twenty persons addressed consti tutes a fine record of results. Wc planned and wrote this campaign. THE DANDO COMPANY I'UKNISniNU A sriiCIALIIBD ADVKRTIMSG-SELLIM. SIIKV1CI TO UANUFACTURIIKS, WHOLESALERS, JOBBERS AMI RETAILERS 533 NORTH ELEVENTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA Stnd for Booklet No. 20 "Building Up a BanUns Business" STIR CHURCHMEN T 0 RENEWED VIGOR Episcopal Prlosts and Prelates Open Nation-Wide Campaign for Greater Service PEOPLE URGED TO GET BUSY Priests and prelates of the Episcopal Church flung out the banners of the nation-widn campaign in a big meeting last night nt the Academy of Music. ltlshop Philip Mercer Hhliielandor, of the diocese of Pennsylvania ; ltlshop Charles M, Woodcock, of Kentucky; the Itev. Dr. II. Iddhigs Hell, president of St. Steuben's College, Annandale, and Keynolds V. Brown, prominent layman and head qf the executive committee of the diocesan campaign, made stirring addresses. An army of the clergy nnd laity, a throng of 2000 at the Academy, thrilled to the impassioned pleas of Uishop Woodcock and Doctor Dell, two of tho most noted orators of the Church, to reawaken the Kplscopal body to the creat needs nnd greater nerlls tif the day ; to give of their best. In service an well as goods, to tlie redemption 01 society by making it truly Christian; to yield their sons to tho Christian min istry, proud to bo tho parents of leaders In Christ's army. Lust night's meeting inaugurated the campaign in Philadelphia. There will be nnother mass-meeting In the Metro politan Opcrn House December 3 and in the interval parish meetings through out tho diocese. Christianity faces a challenge from the world, Doctor Hell told the audi enee. The war brouiht the Church's efficacy into question with many, he said, and since the wnr tnoiisanas tie jlevc that the Church's power for good Is gone forever, burled in the trenches. "It is the part of honest Ameri cans," ho said, "to rise and meet that challenge nnd show it Is based on falso premises." Illshop Woodcock, known here by his Lenten sermons preached encn year nt the Oarrlck Theatre, challenged the great nudlencc to take up the fight In (iod s name, , "I am hero o challenge you men and women of Philadelphia," he suid, "and to iisk you what In God's nnme you have done to justify your Chris tianity. "The challenge to you is to dedicate yourself and everything you have. If the campaign stops it fails. If It falls with you, It is you who are the failure." PRAISES HORSE IN WAR Victor C. Mather TelU of Work and Aids Remount Association Tho need for horses and trained horsemen in war is emphasized in an interview with Victor C. Mather, of the firm of Mother A Co., who has been elected a director of tho American Ilemnunt Association. "Work which tho horse performed in the war is not generally appre ciated," said Mr. Mather. Ho said that the American Itemount Associa tion nims to build up an adequate personnel of remount service reserves In helping further preparedness in this country. T-3quare Club to Aid Penn The T-Squnro Club, 204 South Quince street, ut a meeting last night appointed a committee to usk architects rind sculp tors who arc members of the club to give free asslstanco to the' University Museum whenever help Is needed. Lang don Warner, of the museum, addressed the meeting. Legion Post 188 Elects Officers Officers elected for the coming year by American Legion Post No. 188 are Carl Sacks, commnnder; John McDrldc, vice commnnder ; M, A. Grccnbcrg, sec retary ; J. Paul James, treasurer ; Dr. J. M. Cahan, historian, and James Kane, chaplain. . Steam Heat With Gas Reduces Expense Simplifies Heating CLOW Gasteam Radiators provide the most economical, practical and certain form of heating. With them installed throughout a building you heat only the rooms you desire, no mat ter how far apart. EACH radiator is a COMPLETE heating unit. Only a gas connection is necessary. No Hshes no dirt no labor no odor. Can be installed without ripping up floors. These radiators are cast-iron permanent durable safe und good looking. Gas is automatically controlled. Thousands of Clow "GASTEAM" radiators are giving complete satisfaction in factories, office buildings, schools, theatres, stores, homes, etc. For Sale at All Show Rooms of THE UNITED GAS IMPROVEMENT CO. H. T. Carkeek Sole Distributor for Eastern Pennsylvania Bourse Building Philadelphia Manufactured by James B. Clow & Sons Chicago, 111. HHMMMH1 111 The Philadelphia Art Galleries S. E. Cor. 15th and Chestaut Sit., PMIada. REED H. WALMER, Auctioneer. SPECIAL NOTICE The Wintrob Sale Hat Been Postponed Until Friday, November 21 1 NOW ON EXHIBITION THE KNTHIB MAGNIFICENT AND COBTT,Y STOCK OJT RARE AND BEAUTIFUL FURNITURE ANTIQUES AND REPRODUCTIONS COMrniSINO MAHOGANY four-post double and bincsle iiedstradb DAVENrOIlTS, JIIOItnOYS. LOWIIOY8. BIDEnoAIlDS, DINING IIOOM tahmss CAJIINET8, CHAIRS. CORNER CLOSETS. SERVING TABLES. PIE-CRUST TABLES BOOKCASES, DESKS, CHEST OP DRAWERS. ANTIQUE CHAIRS, ETC.. ETC. A COLLECTION OF SHEFFIELD SILVER, CHINA AND HOOK RUGS, ANTIQUE OBJECTS OF ART, MIRRORS, ETC. BELONGING TO MR. J. M. WINTROB, OF PHILADELPHIA '0 n Vi&t5 ID I fy RETIRING FROM BUSINESS TO BE SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION Beginning: Friday Afternoon, Nov. 21, AND FOLIX3WINO DAYS AT 2 O'CLOCK 1919 Watch Teeth Whiten When You Remove die Film A 11 Statements Approved by High Dental Authorities Free A Ten-Day Tube of Pepsodent to show you its effects. Send the coupon for it. it I PACKARD TWIN SIX It II Enclosed I r Models I . I for If II IMMEDIATE DELIVERY K If 319. North Broad Street B' II BRANCHES Atlantic City, Bethlehem, Camden, IlarrUburg, Lancaster, B- Beading, Trenton, Wllllamaport, Wilmington ssHi" HI LLB ' B 4Mitftti4iL& HLflfllLLBwLBiLiBHHF MiiiiwiiiiTTBirTPr'iFflrTiTBTirrTrM Miami - B.s m oat IhBhhRv ?MMMIBPllMMBBH8t B tW JHimMmVnKMcx9PJMnv&:uttw-Tl- -Jyii'ft'BBllttBBHBlHWM LB' ft i B mBiLlBlBBltfWfTryy'i ''TTTA,L"-'"i'h.: 'TlmKBmmlMfaKUKHSKSfifwWmnKK (St B BrMiLMtiWWBvM"""'.'' K H Hiiffi'HBm Hp M wwwMwwwni mm hi w "F p- " ' i i '' ' -"" wg mmmV NE who is accustomed to the exquisite coach work of certain European makers can appreciate some of the unique things which Packard enclosed cars present today. The Packard Company considers that an enclosed car should represent something more than mere protection, against the elements. For instance, interior finishings which bespeak good taste and infinite pains in the making exclusive mechanical features providing for greater comfort individualistic handling of exterior design to express the owner's personal feeling. Despite these unique Packard standards it has been possible for them to produce in considerable volume and effect great saving in expense as compared with the European body work. Possibly this is why Packard today stands for some thing better than one might expect from any maker, regardless of price. t Winter is so close at hand that we feel many of our patrons will be interested in the models which have just been received, including several custom-built bodies. We invite your early inspection. zAsk the man who owns one Packard Motor Car Company of Philadelphia This is to urge a ten-day test of a tooth paste which combats the film. High authorities have proved it. Five years of tests have placed it beyond question. Leading dentists every where are urging its adoption. Compare the results with your old methods, and let your own teeth decide. Film Destroys Teeth That dimy film which you feel on your teeth causes most tooth troubles. Every modern dentist knows that. Dental science, for many years, has sought a way to end it That film is what discolors, not the teeth. It is the basis of tartar. It holds food substance which ferments and forms acid. It holds the acid in. contact with the teeth to cause decay. Millions of germs breed in it. They, with tartar, are the chief cause of pyorrhea. So the major object in clean ing teeth is to keep them free' from film. Look in 10 Days See how clean the teeth look bow they glisten. Then you will know what film removal means. Old-time methods fail to do that. Teeth still discolor, still decay, as millions of people know. The reason is that brushing does not end the film. The film is clinging. It gets between the teeth, enters crevices and stays. Day and nighf, month after month, it is a potential source of danger. Now a Way to End It Science now has found a way to end it. Five years of tests have proved this. The way is now embodied in a dentifrice called Pepsodent. And we urge you to see what it does. Pepsodent is based on pepsin, the digestant of albumin. The film is albuminous matter. The object of Pepsodent is to dissolve it, then to constantly combat it. But pepsin must be activated, and the usual method is an acid harmful to the teeth. So pepsin long seemed barred. But science has now found a harmless activating method. It is made use of in Pepsodent. Now millions of teeth are. daily cleaned as they never were before. Try the method ten days on yours. Send this coupon for a 10-Day Tube. Use like any tooth paste. Note how clean your teeth feel after using. Mark the absence of the slimy film. See how the teeth whiten as the fixed film disappears. Watch the results for a few days. Read in our book how they come about. Then decide for yourself what tooth paste you and yours should use. , Cut out the coupon now. 4Pl mmmsmmmmmmmmmmmm pat. off. The New-Day Dentifrice A Scientific Product. Sold by Druggists Everywhere. Ten-Day Tube Free THE PEPSODENT CO., IMt,SI 131.1101 S.WabasAYe.,ChleaEO,IlI. Mail 10-Day Tube of Pepso dent to Highpticed Buildefs Admit BetMehem Economy These Figures and Statements Appeared in the New York Times Over the Signature of a High-priced Truck Manufacturer who Concedes the Economyof BethlehernHectricStartingandLighting The driver of Track No. 149 1B 9 vron the first prize in. Class A by piling up a record of 952 points out of 1000 in the Track Effi ciency Test ... He doubled the service of hig truck and showed some starrlingeconomiea . .' . This truck operates over a route of 33 ,. v - miles ... Country is hilly. Roads arc good. "', -'',.' ... Frequent stops. The truck has no starter I and tendency has been to let the engine run ', - , . ' to save trouble of cranking. Out to yrln the . . , prize, the driver vras willing to shut off bis ""' " ;, engine and crank up alter each. stop. .. Is 'I . a-; si f f '4-fl i "Gasoline Economy was increased 3j mites per gallon. Load carricdvas doubled. Trans, portation costs were cut 5c per ton mile which means a saving of $68.59 per month. America employs 400,000 motor trucks. Investigation shows that on the' average each truck can effect a saving of at least $350 per year, a grand total of $140,000,000 a year . . ." Most motor truck builders admit the ecotv omy of Bethlehem, electric starring and light ing. Buy your Motor Truck on Facts 1 H-Ttou Chants 2&Tm Cbaak 3 Jf Ton Cbud $1965 $2365 $3465 ' r. O. B. A1XENTOWN. PA. BETHLEHEM MOTORS CORPORATION AUENTOWN, PA. ;". r 1 i- t "" 1 Bny Safely . B Bethlehem ' ' ! t J. I Ti!S "Vr'r t r. ci a