Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 20, 1919, Night Extra Financial, Page 12, Image 12

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    SJV 1 'I T' '1, ' " TT'' - ' ' !?- -"'"'', ttt-! in' I r qn;ilupii 'g"ra;ji miwvpi MiajBaayajn M"
Foods Must Bo Rich in
I Bone, Toptlis and Body
'f Building Materials for
Little Boys and Girls
t My MK8. M. A. WILSON
Conrtoht, lilt, bv Hrs. a. A, Vl'lttoit.
All Riahta Ut.tmed.
FEEDING the xmall child from two to
four jearH of bk, the mother should
kern in mind thnt the baby is now cut
ting its first teeth, nnd utiles the foods
are rich' in bone and tooth und body
bul'dinB material the structure
strength and enamel of the teeth wll
!f of such a character that decay KturtR
very early. And the child finally loses
these teeth long before the proper time
for the second nnd permanent teeth to
Wake their appearance.
Among tho materials needed are lime
Und mineral sa'ts. biHi a are found
abundautly in good milk, eggs, whole
Tvheat bread and a good grade of dairy
butter, cereals and fresh frultK, par
ticularly oranges, apples and prunes.
This is the time for the mother to
teach the child the life-forming habits
for hea th and strength by enting
plenty of good. who'esoinp, plain foods.
The old Knglish idea of preparing the
Children's meals in advance of the fam
ily has much to commend Itself to the
Vise mother. It is this method that
makes it possible for the mother not only
to plan the correct diet tor her chl'dren.
out also to mane tne met a corrective
The small child needs, in addition to
the foods that will build his teeth and
bodj's foods that wi 1 furnish him with
the power for energy for his many Activ
ities. His diet shou'd bo of such a char
acter that it will supply the necessary
roughage or ballast to create an active
elimination of the wuste products from
the bodt .
In many homes where it is Tltnlly nec
essary to right the high cost of living by
'im'",,,io' if the pih"iMvp unil uti
accessary foods the mother often feels
that now that baby is able to eat solid
foods, milk may be dispensed with. This
In surely n serious mistake. Milk is
Hot only the one absolutely necessary
food for the growing ehi'd, but is u'so n
body, tissue and bone food and it eon
talns all the vitally nece.s.sury nnd life
jtiving elements that are nccos-uiry for
the growing child to huvc. Milk is also
a corrective food, because it contains
the vitamines.
These vitamines are known as fat
so'uble A anil water soluble II. the two
Unknown elements in food that actually'
promote growth. Scientists tell us that
Where You Can See
Mrs. JVilson's Movies
These interesting cooking pictures
will be shown during this week at
the following theatres on the follow
ing days:
Thursday, Friday and Saturday,
Grand Theatre, Camden.
Thursday and Friday, Broadway
Theatre, Ilroud and Snyder avenue.
Thursday, Sherwood Theatre,
Fifty -fourth and llaltimore avenue.
Friday and Saturday, Doxzland,
Frankford avenue and Ilirch street.
For copies of these recipes npply
at the box offices of the theatre or
send a self-addressed stamped en
velope to the Editor of Woman's
Snoiv Pudding Is a Tempt
ing Delicacy Which Is
Nutritious, Easy to Pre
pare and Tasty
For variety add to the cereal while
cocking two tablemmons of chopped
raisins or apn'es, dntes, figs, currants
etc. ; stir vell to blend. The leftover
cereal mav be molded in demltasse cans
or small custard cups and served lth ft
custard sauce for dessert.
Know Pudding
One. cup nf milk,
Vntir level tnHetpoonn nf cornstarch.
Stir to dissolve the starch, then bring
to n IkiII and cook slowly in hot water
bath for half an hour, adding:
Tiro tablmpoon nf sugar.
White of one egg, beaten stiff,
Ki-r rfrop.1 of vanilla.
Heat hard to blend then rinse four
pllfitnnl nnnti wlfli w.1.1 .. J ..,...
........... .u,. .i.i.. i mi, niir4 Hiiu ir.fut i
In tn muliam. U nu(.l 1.1 -- '
... .... ,.i..i..iiA. .,-, npim- ii, nil, lu HUM
unless the vifnmines are present in sufij-scrve with omtari sauce, which is made
clent nunntltics in our dai'v food supp'y ns follrfws: Place in a snurepan
tne houy is stuntcti aim noes not grow n , ...
or increase in hcieht
Each child under six yearn of age
should have one quart of the best-;rade
milk for drinking purtwes. independent
of all other aniounts used in the prep
aration of his diet.
Ilread made from whole wheat should
be given the children three times each
day, not just occasionally, but each and
every day, spread with good creamery
Where rigid economy is necessary,
make u choice of apples or prunes,
baked, stewed or aw : n we''-cooked
cereal, mi'k, whole-wheat bread and
butter. Discard the expensive meats
and sweets.
rereals),'mUBt be the natural, well
cooked gyiins. rather than the ready-to-eat
oMnartiallv nrennred food. Tlnr-
ley. corn,' natural rice, whole wheat nnd!
oatmeal snou'd lie served lor variety
7'iro tablespoons nf cornstarch.
Stir to dissolve, 'then bring to a boil
nnd cook slowly for llfteen minutes.
Now add
Tiro tablespoons of sugar.
One-half teaspoon of vanilla,
Yolk of one egg.
Heat hard to mix, then pour over the
nnmolded snow .pudding.
Next Thursday Meat and vegetables
for the small child.
With a Purse
riKJg I
Please Tell Me
What to Do
Let Ut Hope She Sees It, Dan
Dear Cynthia True I have neglected
your column rather shamefully, but I
girl's life Is being made miserable in
deed, and' she has as much ns told her
parents that she will not be responsible
for what happens if they Insist on
wrecking her life for her. Girls mar
rying men ten nnd twelve years older
than themselves is no uncommon oc
currence, and a man thirty-five mar
rying a girl twenty-one or twenty-two
has often proved the best of mar
riage. In fact, it in the best time for
th man above all other times. A man
from thirty to forty years of age is
have been moved time nnd again ho I i In n the prime of mihood. Now
jiw. k... n t ..Cynthia, don t you think this girl s
ONE shop
and uni
How to Cook Cereal for Small Child
I'sc n double lwiler that is kept for
this purnoe alone. Fill the bottom
compartment with boiling water, then
place one cup of boiling water in the
top comnartment and add four level
tablespoons of the cereal desired. Stir
to nrevent lumninir. then cover und cook
slowly for four nnd n half hours, or I Ing nnd nice-looking slides-
over night in the tireless cooker. Cereals at their price .fin,
mnkeil In fMa TnfinnnT" wilt TlnS cftneA I
di"estive disturbance and wi'l have the
full, nutty flavor of well-cooked cereals
thnt the growing child needs.
p is showing some very smart
nusual dress shoes with moire
tops. And contrary" to yoiir expecta
tions, and mine, they are not expen
sive. One pair is of black satin, with
long pointed vumns nnd French heels.
Another Is of black patent 'enther witli
tops of gray or fuun colored moire. It
Is seldom that you will see such strike
Washing Baby Clothes
To the Editor of Woman's Pace:
means, "Please reply.'
One of the main purpose of n veil
to keep your hair in its place nnd to
sivo a trim, neat appearance to your
hut. Now this is nil very well, but
with the price of veils whnt It is to
day, and with the rapidity with which
they wear out und lose their first fresh
ness, a veil can easily become a very
Then it will I expensive item of your dress, unless
Dear Madam I huvc been working ' answer your invitation.
for some time on very line nainsook nnd
flannel baby garments which have be
come rather soiled in the making. I
do not want to lnunder them un'd would
lie very grateful if you could tell in
something I could sponge them off
yrlth after pressing to make them look
quite fresh again. Also could you tell
roe something I could clean beaded In
dian mpecasins with?
MUS. r.
If the garments have become soiled
sponging will not freshen them satis
factorily. They will need a regular
washing in sonp chips. Fse pure white
oap for this, and lukewarm water.
Vo not wring the clothes dry, but
gueezc them to get the water out.
"""Ktarch with bornx water or gum arn
i blc. and press when just slightly damp.
The flannel garments, of course, should
Jiot be starched, and should be washed
find rinsed entirely in almost cold wa
itf. If the clothes are not soiled, just
mussed, sponging with borax water be
fore pressing will freshen them enough.
Remove stains or grease spots from
the moccasins by rubbing with French
phalk or magnesia. I'nless you are sure
that lukewarm wuter nnd castile soap
shavings will not iniure the bends or
the chamois, it wou'd be better to clean
the whole shoe with the dry cleaner.
Correct Weight for Girl
To the Kditor of Woman's Pane:
Dear Madam What is the average
Weight of u girl IS years old who is
live reet nine inches tall? A. A.
The correct weight for a. girl of your I
height is 1D0 pounds. j
To Clean Suede Gloves
To the Editor of Womat's Past: '
Dear Madam How can gray suede
Kioves oo eeaneu? .1. it.
Clean the g'oves by rubbing them
yith French chalk or mugnes'n. Take
out grease spots or stains with u paste
tnude of the powder and chloroform.
Games for Party
To the Editor of Woman's Past:
Dear Madam I am having a party
In honor of my sixteenth birthday, and
Vould be pleased If you would Bend me
four or five real lively gnmes. I expect
about thirty guests between the agc
of sixteen nnd twenty. Please suggest
a form of writing invitationa so that
each invited guest will reply.
L. M. V.
The games are too long to be printed
fn the column, but if you will send me
a self-addressed stamped envelope I will
. ti ilml in Kf.ml vnn n llnf aF rrnnri ifimpu
n. vaiip nurtr W lfn u ,-a.riiliiv Iamii.I '
.ui jirui i'" i- . ....... u ,.i4.u. luiiuui
Invitation, und in the lower left -hand
Jorner write the letters "R. 8. V. P.,"
the Initials of the French phruse,
'Itepondez s'il vous plait," which
he u matter of obligation for your guests I you rend my Adventures, for I am
about to te'l you or veiling which can
be purchased for twenty cents a yard
You can get it in black, gray or brown.
Some or it has hgureil borders, others
a flower design over the face. And
most of it is a rather fine mesh.
The Question Corner
Today's Inquiries
I. Describe a pretty Christmas gift
easily made by hand.
". What is the meaning of the opal?
II. How is gold tissue ribbon used on
some of the season's evening
4. What is a Roston bag?
15. How shou'd the windows be
opened in n room where sweeping
or dusting is to be done?
0. At n church wedding after which
there is no reception how may
the bridegroom and bride receive
their guests?
Yesterday's Answers
1. Paint can .be removed f'om a
mirror or windowpanc with tur
pentine or washing soda und
warm water.
2. An attractive shirtwaist trim
ming that is again in style is the
one-sided ruffle down the front.
y. When a page is included in the
bridal' party he should wa'k just
abend of the bride in the proces
sion in the church, un'ess he is
to carry her truin. If there is a
ilower girl he wnlks with her.
4. A volant is a ruffle.
5. A pretty ornament for the beaver
or ve'our hat with the crushed or
pompadour crown is a large ball
of silver that looks, as if it had
been made of silver paper.
Q. An attractive Christmas gift that
can be made at home is a pair of
candle shades crocheted in a
loose stitch with gold thread and
lined with silk in a contrasting
Are you puzzling ubout n gift for
vour friend's baby, or for vour own
small child, for thnt matter? I know
something njee und not exorbitantly
nrieed bibholder. The chain which
goes around baby's chubby neck is
sterling silver, and the clasps which
hold the bib firm are of enamel in pale
oink or pale blue. You will find these
it one of the better shops, priced at
And while we are on the subject of
babies. I want to tell you of one of
the fuzziest nnd cuddliest toys that ever
was cuddled in bed ut night in hnby
arms. It is n ferocious -looking lltt'e
dog. measuring probably ten or twelve
inches in length, nnd it is crouched in
the most threatening attitude. Rut you
ee. he is unite harmless because he
I wears a muzzle. His name you would
1 never guess it is Muzzled Muggins.
And he costs $.1.50.
i For nfttne of fthoittf MArrutt Wftromn'n
run Kditor, or phone Witlnut 3000.
Navy blue Is the color of this prac
tical dress, and satin is the ma
terial. The trimming consists of
embroidery' in self -color, and the
girdle ties in a bow nt the back
A Dally Fa-shlon Talk by Florence Itosc
THE woman of my acoualntcncc who
is hit hardest by the increased price
of everything in genernl and clothes in
particular is a co'lege professor s wife.
Ills salary hasn't been increased one
cent during the last ten years, although
he has been promoted in rank and has
assumed added responsibilities. And his
wife has to go to teas and dinners nnd
play the social act generally. She
spends nither less now on her clothes
than she did because they have to pay
more house rent nnd eggs hnve gone
up und so has milk und butter, etc.,
etc.. etc.. ad nauseum. ,
The other day she told me that she
could afford to buy just one garment
from now till summer, nnd asueu wiiui
it should be. And I thereupon started
out with this little friend and led her
right to the sort of thing that I
thought would be the best investment.
In the sketch you will see what It was.
"You can wear this frock now," I told
my friend, "for nil those teas nnd re
ceptions nnd things. You could even
pour nt the college president's recep
tion in it. Moreover, it will do for
all but the formal dinner pnrties. Then
when spring comes and the first fresh
ness is worn off, you cun turn it into n
frock to wear for more general use."
And the hat is one we saw and
thought would go well with the frock
when she Wears it to pour ut the pres
ident's reception. It is of black satin
with u white sutin crown braided in
black, with a black feather at the back.
Copyright. 1010, by Florence Ilfiflfl.
didn't have the opportunity for an ear
Her message. I do not know how the
topics have been running lately. This
I being the case, I will let loose some of
my pent-up feelings that hnve been ac
cumulating during the last week. In
view of my former nttemptH at poetry,
we shall call this spasm in blank verso
a change frtim the ridiculous to the sub
lime and shall entitle It
O fair maiden I pray to the gods
Lest they, In their anger, chastise thco
For thou hust committed tho unpar
donable sin.
Surely thou dostc remember ere we
The solemn vow committed In the silence
of that autumn moon.
Wo sealed our bond witli a heavenly
And thou hnst committed the unpnr
douabl sin.
Our sucred vow," to be true to each
Thou hnst trampled on and ground be
neath thy heel.
That beautiful vow I held to be ever
When tfioit, wandered forth into the un
pardonable ln.
A il, nt tiln thnt sin of forcetting
To write that daily missive of cheer
to him who wnus
Tor that is the unpardonable sin.
Well', Cynthia, I will let you hear
from me again. With best regards to
the Live Wires and all snnppy organi
zations. DAN R.
Is 13 Yeara' Difference Too Much?
Denr Ovnthla I am a man thirty-
five years of age und have been going
with n young lauy, twcm.v-iwo years
of nge, for about one yeur. Roth of us
are in a very bud plight indeed; the
girls' parents have erected u concrete
bulwark against our marriage, the con
tention being that I nm entirely too old
for their daughter.
Now this girl loves me dearly and
had even more courage to express this
love than I had. It is u funrty situu-'
tlon. I am the second oldest of four
sons, and nil are married but myself.
All were marriedjn their thirties; mar
ried girls who were ten and twelve
years younger than themselves, und
parents arc pursuing a course of 'but
ting in' where they have no right to
butt in? Here we have another ex
nnnlo where parents ofttlmes wreck
heir children's lives forever. Whal
vyould you' advise?
Cynthia cannot presume to Bay that
the parents are unduly interfering, since
she only knows one side of the case,
but the number of years do not deem
to be too great. Of course, five or six
yenrs' difference is generally consid
ered better than twelve or thirteen.
However, there have been a number of
happy marriages where the difference
has been greater. If you really love
each other and you can support, her,
und can give her parents n satisfactory
account of your position nnd ante,
cedents, there should be no objection to
the match.
Why Not Leave It Alone?
DcaT Cynthia I have written to your
column before and derived great bene
fit from your honest, straightforward
nnBWer nnd I nm now taking the liberty
of writing 5'ou again.
Now ns to the doll question why not
leave it alone? 1 nm a young glrand
nm not u doll, neither am I nn old
timer. It takes all kinds of people to
mnke a world, 'and if u fellow likes to
run nround with n doll, who "an blame
him? Variety is the spice of life, und
then who can blame him for marrying
n girl who has self-respect and who
does not scatter her kisses nnd caresses
like feathers in a strong wind t
The path of a good woman is indeed
strewn with flowers, but they rise be
hind her steps, not before them; so.
girls, whatever you do always keep your
illusions nnd your dreams, for some day
Prince Charming will come riding on
his snow-white steed nnd then you will
be glad that you kept yourself pure
and without stain.
That's right, my friend, why not
'eave it alone?
Flowers iou nfcouIJ be interested in
tsth Jielow Chestnut nt.
Your Ideas, the Gifts in the Shops and the Shopgirls Are All
Fresher Now Than They Will Be at the Last Minute
TS IT too early to think about Chrlst
mas? I ran almost Kear the chorus
of answers, "My goodness', yes! Why,
'' nimost a month offV The 'ond
of Christmas trees haven't come ia yet,
und the stores haven't put out their
tables of card, and nobody has started
to shop yet!" Nobody has started yet.
Two weeks from now, they'll all start
vth a rush. And from then until
Christmas it will be just like running
down hill. Tho December day you do
slart your shopping you will go down
town with your first list all made .out,
feeling rather fine nbout beginning so
early, before any "one else Jins thought
about it. When you get into town you
will wonder whether there's n fire or n
parade or something fo bring ijo many
people out.. As' soon ns you get inside
the store and over to that counter of
fascinating gifts that you had in mind
when you left home you'll discover that
it's no (ire, no parade just Christmas
shopping. You weren't early at all.
You will grab the few things .that you
-on get to and try ngnin the next dny.
And so it will go. Hji the 2Hd of De
cember vou will look over votir list
nnd find that you stfll'-huve to getthnt
-ocklng horse for Tommy, the doll with'
u dress on thnt opens and shuts its
eyes for the baby and that Madeira doily
for E'ennor. You wonder why people
don't give presents at New Year's in-,
stead of Christmas, so that you could
hnve more time. (If they did you'd
nrobably start buying on December 20
instead of December 10.)
Buy Your Holiday
Gifts of Linen Now
While Our Special Prices Prevail
Pure Linen Table Covers, Napkins,
Luncheon Sfts. Towels, Etc.
Rent Madeira, MociJc and real Kllet at
great pavlnfffi. Wonderful I.lnenn for
ThankB'-UlT and Chrlttmaii.
II. M SIIKIl .11
Let Us Renew
Velour or Bolivia Coat
We reXore all the orlclual beauty
and luilre to the (abrlc. at a very
moderate coat.
SRhwarzwaelderCo.,10U-27Wo9i!Si. '
MAYBE you've found all but
ters pretty much alike
perhaps you thirlk there isn't
any "beat butter."
Lota of folks felt the same way
nntil they tried A. K. N.
The delicious creamy flavor,
the exceptional nevex-changinr
?uality, the purity and unusual
ood value of A. K. N. Dutter
have made thousands of users
call it "the beat butter on the
Trg a pound at gour groctr'e.
I2S N. Delaware Avenue
" -zmKM-mmmkimmmitmtn'mmn Philadelphia
" rQ1rt l BMkVVI ' yjk ajfc' .j. jS I al1j7ffaTa. H
i I, i i.. ii . .i
nn "," " nm i
2VsiT S . .
Plants of Every
221 S. 15th St,
ffJS. Opeu rlnndur Xfft
The "Heel Stand" of Thii
yZrO iron i
. f v"bBHkM mrui iiuywwiiMj -.
1 V " Hland la attached I
I ?' . dr ' I' e r m u nrnllr. as J
f s 'nn tn .'' I
j7W down anywhere.
f JjuBwyiris vnn. ..... ' 'w I
Standard Electric Supply Co.
I rfeii, Vac, 4BS SS8 N. Klb Ut.
III Mr m I
"w WJlllV 111
I i IBi
1 r N.
I 111 s3 1
The only piano
that brings no regrets
However long a Steinway may have been in use,
it has always fresh wonders of tone beauty to
reveal, much as a fine diamond blazes anew in
every different phase of light its facets encounter.
Steinway tone quality never grows old, or dull,
or indifferent. A new Steinway piano is unap
proached in all the artistic endeavor of any other
instrument maker; a little later it will seem even
more beautiful and this beauty will develop
year to year, and reach the fullness of its owner's
appreciation long after other instruments have
fallen into disuse or grown musically distasteful.
Sdiion Diamond Disc
LeadB all others by the
measure of that wide
gap separating the great
inventor and the average
of mankind. No mechani
cal troubles. No needles
to change.
Steinwoy Duo-Art Pianos
Sterling Pianos
Sterling Player Pianos
M. Stetson I to!
hi Uta mhia. USD
Steinway A, Sons
Only Philadeipnia. representative
or i
You may choose from the
smartest shapes of the season;
the most wanted leathers' and
colors; in short, the very highest
grade footwear,
Keguler $9 to $14 Valut
38-40 So. S2d Street
2961-63 Frankford Avenue
II H il
III ; 9
III VB 1 TSrnmm
H 1
atV J. W
III f& r vWLv
. ...rfi,WUKi,As LI It l.jftWlJMn I m K " mEt
yj ' IffflilJ ' U IL P
C?- PiaBBiBBBMBBMaiaiaiaiHIiaiaial
I alHjjauaC4aWi Qm W
I -f ii. kh r
nRH3jiHHK 9
asEsfi? I
mHAT'B your side of It. nave yoK
looked nt the other side? Every
body kn6ws the Mioneirln' nlde. That
hnrt been .drummed Into "the nubile" for
vearR In the hone 'of- nvoldlni; so many
do'eful, sick-a-bed Chrltmweii. Thoo
eihaudted elrls who stand all day Ions
ind omelme hnlf the nleht annwerlnc
miesflons "Ifnvo you this in pink?"
"Well, do they ever come In nlnk?"
"Well, I wnntcd nlnk" nnd "Will yoa
ot some, in pink?'' writing slips,
wrnnnlnic pnekaees. controlling their
tempers, keeplnsr their patience, errln
nbfs. very often have to take n that
de'lirhrfiilly peaceful after-Chrlntmas
nrm In reHn.. nn, convalescing, jet
tlnif back to normal.
Hut. von don't have to go so far as
he Rbontrlrls. Ton don't have to iro
farther than Rome, member of yoar'
own fnmilv. Aunt Sarah, for instance.
Vou n'wnvs send her' Romethlnc. nnd it
hn to start several davs ahead to et
here ri time. Tn thoe last panicky
j-honnltiR dnrq'Tou put Aunt Sarah
RRlde. until on ChrlntmaH Kyo
vou suddenly remember, and Rend her
". 'cd Rtn .honri-Rhnneil ntnonaMr...
I 'hat h roij'dn't rvrib'v uoe nnd she
PlfnI.B iiU DM MVA,1.H..t.A V
-..... - .- - T,, .,..-..., , innr npxt
door nclshhor if you eo into the stores
nt tthA 'qf m!nM tn rln hn. 'ft-.,flH
part of.yourshopplnjr-you takr the space
.it io need In oder to buv another
Ire- eneine for .Tohnnv in place of the
one thnt hlR father broke "trvlnir it
iut." or to find the "watpji that eoes"
hnt nnhhv nked Bnntn mans to brlnir.
Voj' In'dwl '' not n bit too eaVly to
Oilfilr iTinur nhrtmaH.
Jusf as it comes from the Cow
It is safe for elderly folks
EVERY member of the family will enjoy
Walker-Gordon Milk three times a day.
Elderly people, particularly, find it a refined type
of the perfect food. '
Its quality docs notchang(j neither-does its
flavor.- The percentage of cream is the same every
day. It is easily assimilated. "
Walker-Gordon Milk is safe because it is
clean and pure. We can vouch for both these facts,
as we know from observation that Walker-Gordon
Milk is produced under exceptionally clean con
ditions. It even tastes clean and taste is one test of
safety. .Telephone your first order today.
Distributing Agents for
Philadelphia, Atlantic City
and Vicinity
T19b, Faplar OS.
Cook the Turkey
too. It bakes,
boils or roasts. Makes
good food taste better.
Saves time and fuel.
Write for Booklet
Indorsed by Good Housekeeping and rpi YnJLam Wf- f ft
the N. Y. Tribune Institute. A lic 1 Ut UUTaVm HUg. . O
for every fanilh at all rinusefurmsh- rUaMDUDC iT M V
ing and department Btorea 1W IHAIYlMEKSi 0... N. I.
Get a Small Bottle! Freshen Your Scalp! Stop
Falling Hair! Remove Dandruff! Grow Lots.
of Wavy, Glossy, Beautiful Hair You Can!,
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