SR' 1 'T- .," " - ' '1 I Ji" r SGimfFRN INTERESTS OFFER LESS COTTON f EVENING jPU&LIC LEDGiRPHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, v 1910' - - rzz:;. , , , . ., ,i ...., ... -.....,, tjl ,,,,'- as Si' NEW YORK BOND SALES Summary of Hi lnillvMat transactions on tho New To:u Uieliatus Market Appears Oversold After Yestarduy's Severe Break. Nem" 'Months Lower cotton tiklt wr.AiHrcp. conditions t Yorlt. Not tft, The follnwlnc tern- faraturea tere recor'Vil In the cotton lelt hi mnrnlritri llle fill,. Fort Smith. Chuftf.r.ftftea Nashville, Aehevllle ftnil At innta 4ilj I.lule Koek. MentphlN nfl "Au smeln 42. Anllfne. OkUbrtmn. Vleksburc. vferhllan. M--on nnl llinlnatftn. 44i ', Pe.ietcnlA. Moiitaoniert aii.1 Thomest-PI-, -til . Cf-Tlfftnii. 8iMit"ih And Jarkftnrivllle .in- New Oriexri. .Vh fl-itt .vntonliv imrl Tnmpa, fill Pernio I'lirlatl. 10. anrt Oalvreten, S2 Tlier war no Precipitation New "nrl. Nov. 1P - tlor 'Terr break lute jeMrnlnv the ml tun market ftnnenrctl to lie overt-old till BiornhiK find thr openine wm 0 to 2." paints, hinher pn lntu niniittiv while urqr position were - tu f lower. Siibspoiunt finnnp. with nrii-c- tin 40 point mer lust nldil's i''iie. rr the more significant in Mce of the f ir thcr weaUnrsf of strrlliiK I'v-clnmse. tw" The trade became liefiiv huvrrs licrp. and as there v. as much leu. cotton of fered from southern interests than ves lerday the pit for n lime Mas eoinnuru tlvoly ban- of sellers anil prices mounted rapidly. Liverpool and New Orleans werf lieuvy bujern after tin- start. There vas also .Inpaurre btiyluir. By the end of the ii t tiflt-i'U nuu uteo the, market vn iirtiw nnil lirm at (!2 points nt advance on MuMi. Thp receipts at the nurtt for the iln.t are ptininted at -tfi.OOU bulit , untiiuM Jfi.TSft bales a wcel, urv and J.j.l's. bales a yiar ago YcstercJis e 11 1 ..10 i In close open a m p ni p n Adams Express 4a sooo . . oc,. 0000 0 Chi B &. Qulncy 4a 1000 BO 1000 38 Am Agr tCoi" 1000 . . 01 I Am At'r iOOUi'i 2000 OH Am Smelt &. U 6s oooo . . . sW 400(1 ,. . HHV 1000 . 0'4 , Am Tel Tel oil ! :ooo . niVu I iooo . i Ml Am T T cv Hi ' 1000 SOtlOO 7000 10000 11000 10000 (1000(1 100(1 -liofin Anon 5000 Off or. on Oft on ot'i 0t' on, 041, 044 041S 1000 . Itmo 1000 Am Tel :iutt tuOO . jooo . moo 8000 T.I is :) 83) 83U Chi & Clrwit W 4s 0000 . . .14 snoo . 23U ion siiii ooou . . . 0 10(1(1 . . .V.'t 1 Chi Ciac L &. C C Ca 31,00 0000 S000 1000 1000 1000 6000 3000 1000 30(10 1000 SI fflU IIH 81 H 91 51 ei 01 Blt SO'fc ft! lo.i Central 4s 1000 . . 4S 1000 4U Iowa Central to 1000 . . . 121fc K C i Southern Be 1.1000 13000 sooo 83000 10000 10000 5000 10000 1000 lOOftO 100(10" . 1000 1000 1000 .. CM tt N 10(10 3000 81 3'ia UK US Am Tel & Tel 6s 009s OOH U"i Oil iini.ii 004 no Hi W)i 00?n IIOlj , tios 00 Vj 1)9 I'j 90 500(1 50011 1000 . ,",00(1 1110(1 5000 30011 1000 10110 100(1 53000 (1000 '.MIOO 5000 5000 Chi & N U Id of S I SOOO . (IS C M & t!t V cv 4VjS 1000 . 71 , 5000 . 13lfc 1 1400(1 13U, SOOO 13"j C M & St P CV St) 1000 . 15 fii Chi M &. Ft P 4s '23 10011 . 1 114 2000 11ii , Chi M tM J tM'j SOOO ... 2'i 1 SOOO . . (15'fc i Chi U & l-.icltlp 4t. 1000 1000 1000 4000 1000 5000 5000 13, 1JU 7.V. 151, 13 1ft 13 .101 lot .101 .101 . .lOli . 101 .101 .lOP 1U1 . .101 . 101 ..nil . . 18, Southern Pacific fd 1000 1S, 3000 78 Southern Rwyo 4s 1UU0 . . OS". 3000 (12 2000 US', 1000 OS" t;outh IU)s fl 4n 1(100 . 70 Philadelphia MurheLi QnAlW AND FLOUn DAY'S NEWS FAVORS BEARS IN CORN PIT H'HEAT nlp! 43.H34 buhli. Th mtii'et wa oulet and unchanrf.. The quo tttlona Car loin, In tuport elevator, toven mpnt et.:ndard Inspection, atandarj prlcea No. 1 red urlntor, J'J 30. No 1 northern prlnr. J5.SH, No 1 hard -J Inter, 2 30- No 1 red winter, earlh'Uj-. J2 37. No 1 red. smutty, 12 36 No. 1 red, icarlleliv and emutty, J'J 34. United States Grain Corpor ation's purcharjr of wheat were based o- the follflulnn schedule et discounts No B wheat, 3c under No 1 JJo 3 wheat, Pe under No. 1, No 4 wheat, lie under ho 1 No C wheat. 14c under No. 1 For all wheat otherwise confotmlnir to the cpeclilcailoni. of No .1 or hetttr but detlclent In lest Melrht the discount from tho No. 3 rrlc i' be 3c pr bushel for each orte-pouud deflclenc In test weight Ivheat (rrndlna below No r, fn will be brtuicht on tu tnerits &rmiu client lower, undor f.riliDf; induced by Iioila.r win te uncounted accornini? to me iicgr or smut but in no ciUt le tlian Co pr-r tun1!1! unir tli cftTesponrtlnx rcuU yrad nnt liekj ulioat uilt t-e rllscountetl jut h hrito(ore V'c pr bunlie frpm the rttpulu tiart MlxrJ whit utll be fllfnuntM frnn tr ic oceorGlrr to qua.llt and fwidltUni Market la Weaker and Trade, a Extremely Nervous Hedg ing Prossuro Felt Chicago, Nov JO. New a develop ments faiored the bears in corn today, and tho market waR weaker. Traders were extremely ncrtout,. The start was i Am Writ Paper ib i 1(10(1 "' ' Ann ,r r.I! Cu 4o I 100(1 3'J Anslo-Frciicli ua December 33 ". 3r, e.o 311.011 Januari 33 us S3 8.1 34 00 :i4 ; March . 1,2 03 as no :,2 IN 32 ia May 30 31 31 in U II so J July 30 23 30 S, r,0 no Pentemher . "" "" EfficientBond Selling vtminia (1) A thorough Lnovledgsuf the bonds offered. (2) A rtmprehenslTe understanding of all classes of bonds: the methods aad purpose of their Issue. O) Abilitytojudgethedlrferentclasjea of corporations issulngthese bonds. (I) Ability to pass expert judgment on the securities which the client on ns. Voa win the condence and continued patronage of sour customers only by truly helping then. Xur 30 Ltssm Course of litveilunttj and Stcunty SeUtng -the courje that is betne uted by hundreds of euccesaful bono salesmen today will not only give jou the information ou need to be of real service to yeur clients, but will civeyou a traininc in Security Selling thst will practically insure your-aucceia. A rqatt will bring an OvUi'm Cii and eepr of "TTaaC tk.uulM' LuUa tA a SomJ. Geac4a", sratls. rme for Bullaui Jt-t. 70H.41 Babson Institute JTtrwurlV i fua ( BwJurt Bvrtsx Wellesley BUIt, Mass. H'e dffcr Joint Stock Land Bank 5rr Bonds "IiistruuiGiilahlieb of tli3 Ciovernincnt of tli 11 Unitrtl States" I'u'v of till T axiilian except Inheritance Taxcn Yield 425 Welsh Broitoirs 028 Chestnut Stukbt rhllad.lphh. Lombard 1D43 3(10 53000 1(100 KOUO 5JO00 30(10 28000 23000 3000 00fl 3(1110 1I00O 11000 1000 mono 64000 '0011 19000 100(1 1000 1000 23000 100(1 5S000 10011 30110 10000 lno'Jiio 100000 10000 20000 000 iirii. 00'e 0 13 . U6 uei . Oil's 00 13 0(l 901, .003 Oflla unii 90S 911 oow 9(1 0 . 9u OHKj 0(1 V Ofll'j . 08 8 90 P III 9 9lH on 9 9B U Ofl'.-j Oi) Mi 9H WiYl . 0HVt 11C0II .3j Chi 11 I H Pac td 100(1 . 01 14 10000 . 01 ' 1800(1 01 I 2000 7 1000 . Ii0!, 201)0 . (II 1000 . Ill' 19000 HI 1(100 1)1 SOOO 01 58000 81 Chi A W Ind 4s 2000 . SR 1000 6811 1 Chile Copp'r Ot. 1(100 ... 88 35000 n4'! 5000 84 IJ 3000 .. 843 C of N 1 it Of 69 8000 . 92 H 4000 . . 95Vj Cof N, Y 4Uuof 60 (1000 .. 01 1 Cof N T 4Hr. of CO 1000 . . . 101 C C C i SI L ginto 1000 . 14 City of larls 63 tOOOO 08 Arg Republic Es 1000 . . "1 sooo 11 Aimour & Co. 4Ho 5000 . . . 83) A T & 8 F 48 18"5i 78 , 1BH ail 1 71' 3000 1000 3000 10000 1000 soon 1000 1000 4000 381 3Sk 9814 084 0S 364 081s 9B, S !' 8000 8000 1000 40011 1000 a r 000(1 Atl Coast Line 4s 1000 . . 1BV 1000 18 Atl Coast Line clt. 10000 12- Balt . Ohio ov 10000 . 01 liOOO . . Ofl'ii 5000 3000 . . . 00nt 1000 . . 00" Kilt i Oldo 3'iB 1000 .t 88 ',t Bait & Ohio 4a 1000 . . S 1000 . 6114 Bait & Ohio 6b Cons. Interstate-Callatian Mining Co. fctwk Lttcd on K.V. Stock Uxchantft Special Circular on Ittqitect EHRICH & CO. Members New Vork Stock Eichauco 67 Excliange Place New York Phone Hector 133 1000 . 10000 . 1000 . SOOO 8000 2000 Bait i. 10000 Investors read Tkc Wall Street Joinmal F rao M. - V I n tt . trw Send for list of Current Offerings PMBrwrss IHCOUSOnATSO Stock Kichange Hide, Philadelphia New Yoik ' Doston Hecker & Co. Bankers and Brokers Members of Plilladelphla and Hi.r lork , Stock Echaneeo W. K. flirt. 6TH AM CHBHTWOr BTB. IINAM'I.M, Pfluhonlat Consolidated Collleriss Company, Incorporated JWXlf-YKAU F1VI! VIM CHAt GOLD BONUS rootle la hereby slven. pursuant to tin, OOMi , . firt'fc. flil"4 (id . o'H . 88 Ohio 6s, OSH B & O So W 3B 5000 ... 18 BclO P L 13 & W 4o 3000 ... 61 B & "th Av 11 n en 1000 , . . 40 U B It Trajin ct 6la 7o 1)000 4S Wrli I'ipld T 1000 35 5000 35 l) Ttap 'Iranu ul lu 8000 43 Brool; Itup Trail 7s 1000 60 1000 . . 4914 1000 40W 1000 . . 46 Brk Union Ele 1st 0000 .... 841 Cen of Georgia en 1000 .... 88 SOOO . 8614 Central Pacific ltt 10000 1511 3000 78 1000 16a 3000 . . 1S SOOO 134 5000 ISI4 Central Pncltlc 3Vj" 1000 . . H5 1000 85 Cen It U uf N J Cu 3000 105 Ches 4: O av Cy 5000 849.1 1100O , 84 10000 '. 84 Chs &. O cv 4u 3000 11"4 SOOO . . Ill's 1000 17 Clie.s el Ohio Ob iooo 03114 Chi B & Q an 4000 . . 08 City of Toklo Ds SOOO .... 07 Colo lndust Co 5s 100(1 .... is Col & So T.y 4 H" iooo .... 11 '4 Com Tab i R Co 0j 3000 86 I Con Can cv , 1000 ... 00'j SOOO .. . 90S. Den &. H Grand 4u SOOO . . . 3-v Dom of Canada "1 8000 .... 08't 1 2000 ' . . 08 I Dom of Canada '31 I 5000 ... 02 1 , SOOO 02' Drl- nn la . I 1000 ... 08 1 1000 . 38 Erie U II ov D 1000 ... 43 9000 .... 43 1000 . . . 40 Erie R R Pa 4u 1000 .... 85 Erie General Men l,acka Steel C of 60 10000 . HSU 1000(1 ... OS 1000 ... OS l.ehiKh Valley Cu loou IOP4 Liil u t; 4 s 'SI SOOO . . . S44 Lorlllard Co "s 2000 ... 109' LouIh &. 4r 1000 .. 82'., 0000 . 8J", plan 13 Ilwy Sta. 4e 100U B8a Mid Itetl Corp ts 1000 . . 8B4 1000 83ai 1000 . . 33, 100(1 HS. Mill i Si Loulb 4a 10000 .... 10 MontJ'ower Co DJ 1000 . . 88'4 1000 . . . 88'n 3000 . . 8S Ma Paciflc irm 4s 5000 . . , S1V 4000 . . . B1 3000 67 1000 . . 81 1000 . . . S84 SI Kau & Tex 4o 5000 .... 65'4 8000 .... 82 . C4SIL Ry 1st 2000 ... 15 NY C & II II UHo 1000 . . . 6914 NY O II RRR 4 V. 2000 ... 14 NYC1 HR RP. 63 SOOO . . . 93Ml SOOO . 03.j 1000 . . . 03 1000 . . . OS' 1000 . . OSIm MC e. HR II en It: 5U00 . (19 't. North Pacf reg Is 1000 88 Northern pAclftc o uooo ... 18 2000 . 18 i: Y Chi &. HI L 4a 1000 70 N Yorlc Rwy 4 s 1000 E4i, N Y Rwjb Es 1000 I" SOOO ... IMi SOOO ... 14 3000 . . 1"d SOOO ... is 5000 I'-s N Y RwE ct Es 5000 ? 10000 7H N Y Rwi's 4Hs '03 SOOO ... 101 Y Tel Cu Jl,li 1000 : . . 84, SOOO . All, 5000 M4.j N Y Telepnuiies Hn Standard Mil Co Do relnr tOOO . . 92 CORN Be mired wheat at rh'ladelphia Just as hire- c under the correcpondlntf Jt LDU 4 Gulf Dlv 4s 14000 St j fi. 50000 5(1000 11100 101(11 90011 10000 3000 3000 1000 2000 St 1. . 10U0 10000 , 5000 " 200(1 IOOO 40(1(1 1000 1000 St U d B000 SOOO . Et t San 2000 . 3000 1000 . 13000 . (1000 tJt I, & 1000 . . .Ill E-jm K In . . 41 44Vi . 441. 44H 44 4H4 4414 ... 44U . 44 .. . I4I4 hi V nj 60 80 CO' (10 60 li n . (10 . 60 Ban I A . 37U 61 ' V Ser B . 68 . 68 . 68 61 61 14 V R R en S1'j Ilecelpta. 12"t0 bjtl.e'r Demand T7iv,1(' I'Rht but prices rule cteadv undor cum,, nuv.'iiB i,r itutnt; riinw ill 'car lots for local -trade a' t fiSiiTl 00 on 1 epot I OATS rteclpts, 31,(18 busliels The mar Mtnt was q,ulet but iteud- : der 1'chi otfer I Inss We quote, Cr lotk as to locution No. 1 white. 3S iff'lc. No a w hue. P514 Q , ill No 3 white. Rli i52c. No 4 white, 7fll fliKlo runn-Receipts 400 bblr aid 1 6331037 lbs .In sacks. Trade i, en quiet with no chance In prices The ountatlons follow; Per llirt lbs packed In 14U-lb Jul tacVs Soft winter, straight wsiern S10 In 30j do. do nearlrv. tfl-,0510 hari wlmer, siralabt. Jl'.'i312 SO. do. sho-t patent. $130 13 SO, eprlnir, first clear. lfl7831(S1 do, patent 12.60iT13 23 do. short p-ilenl, Ji:i.."0(313 78: fancy rpr'.nn und cltv mllla. ' pueut. fino brands I13 7r,14',3 HVl; KLOl'Tl h ou'et n."d uncliariceJ. Me Quote at 47 31iT 10 pe- barrel In sack! I s to duaJPy ' PROVISIONS Director General Hines'ii statement that a seDTal embargo orj the movement of frciRht would not be neeessary just now, liue weather and a further drop in of mixtures, but uslfss etht-rnltf inatructM ('nrpiffn esehanse rater the trade n-aj count on our taklnc No. M ,oreiS" aiM,1c rater. iocai interests ocrsoiu on ne initial decline nod a quick raU.v resulted. Later weakness in rottou and (.ecuritier led to oonslderable llnuidation and price worked lower. A little hedgiuK prebturo wsr felt. The country Mild more, freel.r. The Lnitcd htatcs (Jrain Corpnia- ' tion unnouneed that it would tell to1 consumers through the retail trade pure i white flour in packages of ono-tixtli to one-eighth of a barrel at quotations that would reflect the grain corpora- i tlou's buying price. I Leadlnar futures ranged as follows Corn (new detl.ervl upen ltiixn ljov- l 3.1" J l 1.2S 1 54 1 28H 1 23s Dec Jnn Mny I Oats Peo . . May .. , Pork I Jan. i Muy l.SJXa 1 2 1 2314 in1 Cloe 1.32HI 1 23 1 2 4 '4 Vest cioe ' 11 ;r,f 71H 14l. The niarVet ruled atead. but trade .1. 1U St I, , West 2000 80 10000 60 SOOO 80 Teiat, Co 6f 1000 104 2000 101 Tex & Pic Ry 1000 HI Third Ae Ry aj 5U00 59 Third Ae Ilwy Oa 10000 .. 19 ;i Lnlon Piu'lflc cv 10(10 SO,, 4000 83 Union Pacific 4a 6000 . t!5 Union Pacific s 1000 . ..1021.4 1000 102s U K of O B & I !! 1000 1000 UllOO 5000 1000 4000 I Hl 46VJ 3000 1001) lOnoo 1000 1000 Nor &. 000 Nor &. sooo 1000 1000 ..46H, .. 4i' llHi 46 Genl llectrlc i-.e iooo .... 71 Hud & Man in 3000 . -. . 1214 Hud ft Man.fd 3000 . Jaw, . 63! . 33 34 r.S'y . r.ii E'-jU 921a 3000 . . 5000 . 10(10 1000 . 60011 111 Central IOOO . . 30110 . . Ill CentraJ fd 6000 .... 81 SOOO 81 Imp Ja Govt 4u 4000 6614 I J G 2nd Enc Sta. 6000 .... 80 14 Imp Jap Gvt 1st ke 4000 .... 8011 Imp Jap Gvt 2nd fa 1000 . . . 8OX4 1001) 80 20000 . 804 Int Mer Marina 6s 2000 . . . 0814, 30(10 .... 9314 noon . . us 20000 98 5000 . . 08), Int Met 414s 5000 2iat 5000 .... SI 8000 ... SI 2000 . . 21 4000 . . . 20Vti 3000 .... 21 Int Met ct 4!to, 10000 51 Int Rap Trans fd 1181... 98'4 98S 08'4 98a Western Cs .10314 Weat cv 6u .1031, 104T .104 "4 No Statct, Powrr us 10000 .... 84!)4 6(100 .... Dili 4000 . . HMh N Tex & M Rwy u 11000 ... 53 OreKon bhort L 4s 5001) .... 82 I'ao Gas (t n Co to 1000 .... 831-i Pacific Tel i. Tel Ba iooo 8814 iooo . . 8814 Ponna R R Bin 4 Yj" 2000 10000 . 1000 4000 80(10 . . . 1000 81000 .. . S0O0O . . . 78000 28000 . . . 10000 . . 1000 1000 . 4000 1000 10000 6000 1000 . 3000 u it or 1. rctc of 15 10000 . . 7000 .. . 1000 . 10000 . . 10000 . 0000 80000 . 2000 .... U K of G rotu of :9 38000 .... 14000 10000 . . . 1000 . . . SOOO . 18000 .... 18000 . . . 1000 . . . 1(100 .... 52000 .... 20000 3000 . . . 91 01 (, 014 07 0 97 9 01 0 OHu 91 "n Dl'ij 011b 91 'i, 1)1 0 Oil, 011a 31 "h, 91 91"H, 13 . 01', 91 k U1' 01 'a 0H 01', OJ'a 01', II & 0' 06't. 061 0614 96V 98 0614 O6I4 06H OBK, 00 Obt, se. ,U KofOEs! '37 400(1 2000 2000 01000 10000 6000 SOOO Penna R R 4b 1000 .... 82 Penna Rllfa 85 85 H- 85 Is. 82 til 85 85 82 81 4000 SOOO 1000 6000 54000 6000 2000 2000 8000 02 05 02 05 05 91?H 9114 01 ' OlM, 18000 50011 1000 1000 5000 loone 11000 1000 . 12000 . 6000 Ol'H 111, Ol'la IM'U HI it, 01 911 01S. 011, QUIet. Quotations Heef. Ii, ietK fcn.ftl?e,l and alr-drled. S3c. beef kiiuek fa Hnd tenders smoked and alr-drled, 5c iwr'.. family ,'i4c I'oms. t P cured Iciso SIv&S&c' do skinned loose, 23C(J27c do. du smol,t3. 117 (5 Cue hams, boiled bonelcs 4Vc: plcnlo shoulders, H P. cured lobr i'le do smoked. 25c bellies In pickle 210 trakfast baor, 33c, lard. 31c HEFINED OUGARS were small and the market us unchaiised on a bails ot Oc for fine sranj lateJ. DAII1Y PRODUCTS BU ITER The market was quiet tout prices were well maintained due to lha sirenutU of outside adilces The quo ntlons were as follows I re Mi tolld nicked creamery fancj , h't:h-5,oriiiy oods. 73a,7.v eitrae. 72c ettra firsts 07 510c: Srits KOiSCSc: seconds. 87jf3(e thirds f5 ln.r,ito , eet creamery chelee to fancy' 74 7fic fancy to eood. 03 lie prints Job. bine at 78 5 80c for fincy and t 03770 for fair to rood EGOS Flno fre6h errs were scarce and wanted at full pneen Quotations Kree cn-iro. nearby firsts. 121 60 per crate, near- .,1 "urreni reccipie, 121, western eitra rriii, 121. CO, firsts, fit' aorsn 70, nearb land we'len, roCfmdS. $13 70319 20. (n- Jer'or Iota loner; fancv selected ergs Jcb- 1 '"jft.S.',M ;w,r ,l0-:n CHECJE was in lleht JobMcg request but I Jleadv QLotatlono New l"ork wliole.milk fltts. fsney, R3c: fair to rood SlHffSIVie. Wisconsin whole-milk fancv cv, fair to U2,,lC32t JohhtaC sales of fancy roods. POULTRY LIVE The market was qu'et. but prlc-s'"""lv maintained oa really fno do slraWe sized slock, which comprised hut 11 small .proportion of the supply. Quotations- 1 nlF fine, welching S lbs ami oter apiece '3 04c, qo, medium sire, rood ou<i "Ret dO. POOr. 2S(56c; C)lllrns I ,. a.?C! 1., inferior 23T2c. old roosters. IJlffS.'c, ducks, white, rekln. 32rr.14c; do, .Indian llunner. 2S(a?Oc, geese. 2fit3nc. turk- ts. oSiflMOo, pigeons, old. per rnlr. 2Sx.',c ao, jounr, per pjr, 5S530c, sulncas, iounE, tiTp5,r,o,,el"h,,n,r. lb.' Mn(1 ou'r nl1e" 1 JX? 2,'' 'lhlne lfln lbs apiece, ''to 1.30; eulneas. old, per rair. JI 10$ Ui(CS.Snr The market ruled firm with ,!'"V. 'hirblntf Mho limited offcrhiKs of ileslrablo sto,-k. Cliintatlons Turin.. weifern scnrliig fan.. 43f4Te. do. do. f.ilr ' r.,Itod."1???::!Jn,,"rb'' fne. 4iift4ec. 1 rot's freth killed, ilrvplcked l h..xe. I welKlilnr 4 lb and oer uplece 30c. tieirh-I Inr 3', Ibi.. iOtf 32c; smaller sle. 2.".ifl2fic. fresh killed. In barrels, drj nicked welah ',, ,ull ?n.d ter apiece. !.5c; ttelchlnr v lbs. 28l30c em, Her l:es. 54nfS7o.l old-roosters, dry-plcked S..c. broilers. Icr " Ice packed 43 n 4Rc do Vlrelnla .ihol.el Icc-pacled. 43iff4ric. ordlnarj to rood 3.',i i I. Sr;L,er!! western, hv-packed. weluhltir l'n C2 lbs apiece, riHiMOc. roasting thick inn. western. Ice packed, welching 4 lbo and , over apiece 3!irf34u. welghlna Sn lb . ' oOe, wertern. Ice-packed, welalilur 2'. J3 lbs. apiece. S7JS!)c. welern mllk-fed chlck ena. 12 to bor 17 lha and under to dozen, per lb., 43ifi4.',c. 1H to 21 lbs. to dosen. 42W4.1C. 24 to 30 lbs to dozen, per ll 4ii)3'Jci .11 to n lbs to do:en. per lb . 32J 33c; 37 to 42 lbs to dozen, per lb. 31 ot 32c; 43 to 47 lbs to do?en. per lr... Hlifla.'ic . 4k lbs and oter to .lozen.l 34rl.13c spring I tlucklliirs. nearby, as to quality, 40'i41c, ' ducks western fancy. Stiirf.lfic, ffeese, west ern, fane, 32u3c FRESH-FRUlTt! Choice otock met with a outlet at revised figures Quotations. Apples, per bbl . ia to nualltj. I4il 6; do, per box. 42 T3 78 Cranlerrles, averago ro-U, per crate, ll.60s,in, do, extra fancy large, per crate. 12 73if?3. lemons, tr box, 11.03 W.1.20 Oranaes. Calllornla, per box. 11.00 wn.60. do. Florida per box. 11 .IOifta.80, Grapefruit. Florida, per h.ix. I 738430. VEGETABLES The market vtai, ronerallt t,tradj under' moderate offerlncs j.nd a fair dcinaiut for I fancy slock Qui'trttlons IMnle potatue., uearl. per be' t -No 1, 0O--fcn.lO, l.nttr k'radec. 40(ft'ilr,t uiute potatoes por 130 Ih sackl No 1 13 'i.Vfi 4 10, Vo 5, S3 (5 10 tthlte rNitaloes, Feininihanla per cwt 15.rt(l(fll3 Sweet poLatoet, Sou. hern Vo 1, PT bbl.. 33.73S? 4. do No 5. per bbl., 52 30 1C&2 75; Jersej per bskt . J11&1.33 cal- ' hare. New Ycrk. domtbtlc. per ton, J29d ! 27; do. Danlah per ton J28rf35. Oolonn per 100-lb. sacks-; Yellon. No. 1, 13,43,30 ao. No. 2. 2 305-3 Lard t a J ' Nov Jab k lbs- Jan Mav F.ld. M 30 1 30 32 00 31. SO 25.rO 5100 21. 7S ,52.(15 19 30 N 45 18 88 18 18 72Ja 74 1 53 30 35 00 23 00 "23 CO 23 32 -23 51 34 01 i I 18 4.1 1 51 lr. 13 Ml I.', tlbCUHITIES AT AUCTION 'Ilio following tccurities were tfM nt auction today by Barnes & Lofland : , BTOCKS sint'eo 10 Hupp Motorcar Corporation, par 41'. felln'l KUO'i S'lO no i ft', 3 fi.1'4 '87 4.W..VW . usi.u atrcu, uursuanc .0 tas, .. .. . terms or tho Uortrags da tod July Isl. 1607 ' Chf B : Q gm (hit tba undarslrned. ao Trustes. win ra. 1 1000 .... 10',4f V) .7V ." tiiviMia uf i uiuv ua U. vm no Dtb da of December, 1010. for tb wis to u oi Donaa ao above fl escribe J aufllcloat to ui the eum or 330, 8 33. DO, The undtr elrried rcaervda the rlffbt to rejoct anr or THE NEW TOntC TltUBT COMPANY. Trustee. Dy n. O. CUltTIB. HecreUry. Hew York Wnvember 1st. 1Ult 8000 4000 1000 4000 Chi B SOOO & Q 1014 7014 1014 104 It 4 83 14000 1000 16000 15000 10000 43000 SOOO 1000 9000 8000 1000 15000 611, Silk 61 St 61 51 81 61 At 61 ill fit Pore Marquette 4s 1000 .... 67 Reading 4u soon .. 8114 I iooo . . . 1 0 i Kep of C B 6s 1904 i iooo . . 02 Rio oawii 1000 . . 831-j 11 I Ark 5. L 4Vja 1000 ... 63 2000 ... 64 Han A & A P Ry 4t. I sooo nn 13000 60 I f!ra board Alr.L td , sooo .... 46 ' Ueab'd Air Lino a 1000 43 S & N A RR 5a '63 SOOO .... 8AI4 South Pac cv 4a 2000 .... 81j Bouthern Pacific 4s 3000 109i 1 3000 ... 10"m I Houth Pac cv Cu V K of O B & I 3000 .. . 01i V H Real A. Imp 6s 2000 . . . 71,i U S Rubber Cs 1000 .... 86 SOOO . . 86 SOOO ... 86 U S Rubber 7a SOOO 103 U S S R . M Co Co 4000 .105 U S Ste! Et! ITS Delaware Laundry Co. preferred par JI"" . 1.35 Delaware Laurdry Co common par 1100 . u Olrard Trurt Co , par J100. 1 Ulrard Trust Co ; par J100... . 14 airard Trust Co.: par tin') 37 John P Slerson Co. preferred par JlOo 500 Hudson County aat Co., pr tloO 1 Tennsyhanla Academt of the nnc Arts- par J100. . 10 llaker Cocoanut Co pi'efcrred. par J10O 05 New York Realty Owners Co par 110 . Lot !' 1003 Ofllltleld Consolidated Mines Co IV lIVLawriuce Barnum A. Co (New York) preferred; par 4100 !1 15J Lawrence B4rnun. L Co. (New lorlt) comn on: pd.r lino )' SiWOO Cutter Consollaajed Mines Co common . Lot JI 1 091 Custer Consolidated Mine. Co preferred Vot VI t."' .-national uextauranis Co., par 510 tot i Excelsior irutt i. tjtvlnrs lund Co , ptr 550... V . ivetne Title and Trust Co.; pr Jinn 1(15 0 riro As-oclatlon of Phlladtlphla par 550 f . . .. 320 4 Tire Arsoclatlon of Philadelphia, par 510 3-.S , 1'lctory Ir.duran, e Co . par 530 11,1 lo fhlruenth and rifteemh Stre'ts Pasw-nrer Flnllttsv Co . . . IpO 300 American Public utilities pre ferred, rar 5100 25 100 'Western Power Corporation com mon 20 lOOlnlmd nnllitavs and Electric Co . of Ilaltinior, conucon. rar 530 ,0 Knterprlse Manufacturing Co cf Pemsyhanla; par 5100 170 t'ommo utr allh Power. IlallvtA and Llsht Co preferred, par 5100 I PtrUtt.-t.' Trust Co 5M New York Mutual Gas Co .... 2uO American Cities preferred 3 Mine Hill and bchu)lklll Haeu BONDS 5500 Manufacturers' Club of Phlli delphla 6 per cent, firtt mort rase, rouponj January and Juh 1. du(. 10(0 1,,0m0 Atlantic City Oas C. . 5 per .ent; first morlrare. cou?o"i January and Jul . due JOGO certificate of deposit. S.iOOO Denter and Rio Grande Railroad Co, 3 per cent, flrut and if fundlnc mortrare. coupons f'ebruary and Aurust, due 111,15; certificate of deposit. ioOO Reed Rulldlnr. 4 9 per cent, first mortaace registered; In teresf April nlid tletnbep 18 due October IS. 11120 (prin cipal and Interest sruaranteed liv th riilla.lelpltla Co for Guaranteeing , 4000 E. P iiarj A Co. (Duftton) cold notes, crles A. realtlereil, due September 13. 1010 ..Lot 53 SOOO Empire Gas and Fuel Co , 6 per cent, consouoatcil notes; iuft 1024 5000 TVest Chester Mreet Roll it ay Co . 5 per, cent, jlrst morttrsco; coupor February and Aurunt; due 1IB4 IfiOO New Tork Realty Owners, 6 per cent; ten ear: coupona prll and October 51 , due Oc toU-r 21. 1D1 Ijii 5i (i.,00 Nw Yi.rlt lleultv tin tiers' yront sharing dfticuturc lot liiilli Tile, trie and Pennies irnctl,.i Co, 1 ;,er c'nt cock l'.isl, Inlcre-I pi'! and T1,.i,i,er due 1913 IOOO Inii-riiiitlnnnl MKer Co pe cent, tlrht tnorlEiicc coupons June and De -eniber 1. due 104a 5000 Midland Vallev lllllroad Co . 5 per cent adjustment Income Serlea A mteret Sepleniber annually due 1013 1S14 53Vi 41 121 R-, r .15 fio HI II 525 M OR', 4000 51000 1000 iooo 5000 500(1 1000 IOOO 400O 09'i 99 O'l 99 09 Ul) 03 09 N IIAIUH.I) J, GKOSF, J.MIKK H. HPKI.r.Y add K. TUDOH UIIOSS. Autllonecrs AUCTION SALE SMALL MANUFACTURING PLANT BRISTOL FIBER COMPANY THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20TH, 1919 . AT 13 O'CLOCK NOON. ON THB PREMISED UUCKLMY STREET. BEAVEIt DAM STREET-and DELAWARli k DIVISION OF PENNSYLVANIA CANAL Three minutes' walk from Railroad Paesenrer Station, Railroad Freurht Htatloit and Postofflce ' BRISTOL, PENNSYLVANIA Eultabla for chemicals, wortteda. carpet weavhir, ttwctaltlee In cotton machine obun, laundry or an enterprlte rtaulrltir a. large amount of water BUILDINGS- But dine No. 1 BRICK XHHLDINO, one btonl dlmensloaa 4011S ft.: bo coals: with pump house and storare shed adjoining. s. Bulldlna: Nn. 2 RfllCK HUII.DINC4. nn atorv and baaemen). rfimiiin-. a & ln.xt40 ft., irilh two frame annsxes. HUII.DINO No. 3 CROUP OF DU1LUINV5S. adjolnlur and communlcatlnc Enclne house, boiler bouse, pump house, etoraro ahed. office building-. The buHuIngs are equipped with Orlnnsll Bprlnklsr Byatem, 828 heads; four wooden tanks. U feet diameter, capacity 0700 gallons eacbl steam hsatlnr pbxnii electric wiring; dormant platform acales; modern toilets and shower brio. POWER PLANT , SO 11. P, enzlna; three boilers, with purupa and water heater. . THE LAND l The laud fronts ubout 54H feet on Buckley street, about S3 foet on Beaver Dam titreet, about 274 feet on the Delaware Division of the. Pennsylvania. Canal, containing an area of alout 4n 000 pquiro feet, VTsUrlaay I) had from the canal at a cdJt of two JoUsts ytt intlllon rallgns. Apply (or descriptive circular to G. JL, & H, J, GROSS . ' Keal Katata and ItjaUrance Establlahed 1888 J- ITO WESVMJNSTER UT. rnoVJDCNCB. RHODE ISLAND t 50000 101'u 1000 tOlli 20000 . tOU4 1000 . 102 8000 . .102H, 3000 102U 10000 .. .10514 2008 ..102 6000 102 1000 ... 102 Mi 10000 102 7000 ...,io:a 3000 105 l 13000 ....105 loooo . ...101M1 3000 . .101 Ml Lib Rond 88 . . Lib Bond 1st 4s. Lib Bond 'M 4s. . Utah Fuel Ba i Iooo . . sum i Vir Car Chem Co lo 3000 .... 94 "i Vir Railway Co 1000 ... 8314 5000 ... 83 1000 . . "U'.u 1000 . . 88 Vir Rwy & P Co Ea i 1000 . . 73 Wabash RR Co ltt iooo .... 00 yVostom Electric 5s 1000 071s, B000 .... 01 i West Maryland 4a 2000 .... 65 Weit Sli RR reg 4o 1000 . . . 1014 Wilson Co uv RAILROAD PROFITS HIGHER Net for Month of September Aggre gated $3,491,419 Wasliinrtoii. Noi. 1!). N'tt nrofifs . derived bj the cuvrrnnient from opera- I i tion of the railroads in fieptember were I S.",4fll,410, according to final ligures I for the month liinile public today by the I railroad adminietralion. The net oper ating income was $77,74 4,!JO."5, while I the government guarantee aggregated X74 .1 Rr2.07tt. ! Operating roeniirs totalled $401!, 442,054, an increase of Sli.7l55.rtS7 over the name month a jear ago Operating expenses increased to .T.!0y,S54,5S0, or 328.(1." I, uM7 higher than September, 1SUS. XfX?. BUILDERS' 1 MILLWORK 1 : Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Pi: Columns, ILlc i THE CHICAGO BUTTER AND EGGS Ife f-....n v,. ,n T. T,iTr ,,... KV v iuv,i, ,u, , nt. Ait-1 illlll, if t iy K, 71c. I ;.; KOOtt-nirlirr necen,iB 2M-.n .ssca. Flrsn. ;,?. (I6WH7C o-dlnnrv frets. r.myi'iOc. At mark, i'i ea Included. SSiiiPiIc. atorarc packed I ?5 flrsls. CSwuSVaC :v.v.v.v SKrir;-:-:-:-;-:-,' UANEY-WHITIi Ctt Wont ;:: 17tli and Glcnwood Ava. Office llorsfioaon 21st und Glcnwood Ave. Llato From Plana and Estimate Civea 1 3000 1000 1000 SOOO 1000 50000 8000 . . 064 . . 06 U, . 06 . . 06 . .' 06 06 02.43 Lib Rond 2d 4is. 02.0S Lib Rond Sd 4VJb. 04.40 Lib Bond 4th 4 Vis O.'J.OO YlcXote8 3x... 00.32 Vic Notes 4is... OO.JIO Wilson Co firsts sooo t iooo .... os'4 3000 .... 08 1 15 lllrh Low p. m. 100.82 100.00 100.12 JH.W 1)4.40 04,40 03.80 02.SO 04.82 02.S0 00.28 00.24 02.40 02.88 04.80 02.04 00.80 00.28 Another Advance n Bar Silver Bar Silver was quoted in Loudon to day at 70yjd. This Is a gain of ,4d over yesterday's price end establishes a new high record! The prlca In New York we unchanged at ?Z.ii7. NORTHAMPTON TRACTION COMPANY Philadelphia, November 18, 1919 TO THE HOLDERS OP THE FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS OF THE NORTHAMPTON TRACTION COM I' VNYi Dear Sir '- Notice luu, been recenet1 tha-i on the titji day of Noven bcr ijip, a Bill of i Complaint waa filed by tho Northampton Trust Coinpan; , Trustee acalnct tlio Northampton Traj-tion Company, asking- for the appointment of a Receiver for thci latter Compaiiv. and In accordance w 1th Hit prayer of the Petition tho Court lias appointed Cheater Snider, Ksq,.aa temporary receiver. Tho Receiver, lum beei uirecteu to continue twujjciftiiuiiut me rvtu penuini lji turtucr wtutar in viie t ourt New tlSlKl .15650,000 Berkey, & Gay Furniture Company f Int-oiporutcd under the Laws of the State of Michigan) 7 Per Cent Cumulative Preferred Stock lixcmpt from Normal Federal Income Tax and Personal Tax in Michigan i referred as to atc- and dividends Par va'ue 5100 Dividends payable February. May, August ind yivemtr let All hut not less than all of the Preferred stock may be redemed at (he option of the t oinrany at any tine prior to Novei. hr 1 1021 at 105' of the par value and accrued dividends; 'n -carter iuch Prefer-ed Mock lo rede, mable h whole or ln part, at tho . ptloo of the Compariy at 1031, n i ar vt'ue a d accrued dl'ldetid tins issue lias been outliorited by the Michigsu Se.urit!r Juiimiission and, in accordance with the Michigan statutes, shall be rtlrriiiei! nt par on Febi-usry 1, 1933. t Transfer Ageul Registrar Grand Rapids Saving Banl. Michigan Trust Compaiiy Grand Rapids, Michigan Grand Rapids, Michigan CAPITALIZATION Autlmrite Outstanding 7ro Cumulative Prcfened SlocL (Ihi issue) . $ 650,000 $650,000 Common Slock L,000,000 800,000 Organization The Bertey & Gay Furniture' Company, which is one of the large it manufacturers of higtr-grade furniture in Atnericd. was started in 1659 by William A. and Julius Berkev.. The business was incorporated in 1 87 J with a capital of $200,800. To day it has nssele exceeding $3,000,0(10, a large part of which has been acquired out of earnings. Its plants, situated ut Grand Rapids, Michigan, have an aggregate floor space of twenty ucres. IjarniltgsNel profile duting thr past seven jeuto have amounted to $680,722. or uhnoat l times annual dividends un (he piesent pteferted stocl., Ptolits during the past three; eurs were equal to three times present Preferred Stock, dividends, and during the fitst tght months of 19I9 were four times the requirements during this period. The net profits m every t-aae ate after liberal depreciation and Federal Tales. The pioceeds of this issue of Preferred Stock will materially increase the volume of business, which has rown from $1,192,474 in 1912 to $1,892,346 in 1918, while the sales for 1919 are ou a basis of $2,500,000. Dividends un the Common Mock have been paid almost uninterruptedly during: the past twenty-five jean. The Company haa never, had any morlgage or lien on any of it property AsSCis Exclusive of good will, designs and trade-marks, and after liberal depreciation for inventory, buildings, machinery, etc., the total net tangible assets amount to $2,1 07, 651, or $324 for each share of Preferred Stock. The appraised value of tiie property far exceeds the amount carried on the company's books. Net quick assets are $1,720,501, or $265 for each $100 of this issue of Preferred Stock. Safeguards Tlie Company iigrees to maintain net quick asset of at least 150 of the outstanding Preferred Stock, The Company hat no bonded debt and, ao long as any of (lie Preferred Stock is outstanding, shall Jiot mortgage any of its property without consent uf the holders of three fourths of the total outstanding Preferred and Common Stock. Sinking Fund In each calendar yer, beginning in 1924, the Company agrees to net aside for the purpose of retiring or redeeming Preferred Stock a sum equal to I2Jro of the annual net earning? PttrpOSe of ISSUC Pioceeds of this issue will rehro the old outstanding Preferred Stock, amounting to $!0U,0UO; increase plant facilities und provide additional working capital. ' I Price 99 and accrued dividend Tht information ml fururs are takn from rourv.f which t- consider truBtvtorthJ', an3 hll net cuaranteM, they l-iain bf?en relied upm by uo In th purchase of thete securities for our own account, Orcfer tiuiy be telegraphed or telrfyfioned at our expense W. G. Souders & Company Chicago Investment Securities .'11 Nawau Street, New Yorh Grand Rapids Detroit -Milwaukee i t 7b1-, -1 " Prc-Trading Offer II AKRON TIRE COMPANY Application is being made to List AKRON TIRE on the New York Curb Write for descriptive circular J. H. DIENES & CO. Investments Lafayette Bldg., Phila. Telephone. Lombard 4313 Hi! nUrSuu I I LV. 11 Always in Office n Look for a lever-headed thinker, an aexnirate recorder and Eagle-marked Account Books in every well managed office. Competent office managers arc none too plentiful, reliable bookkeepers are not turned oat by every business college, but Eagle-marked Account Books may be secured in every city without live lighte& difficulty. I F you have an efficient office head and an accurate accountant, complete the business triangle by equipping your office with National Blank Books. AKRON TIRE Application la bains mad (a lit AUtOII TL.T.E ea tl.. tfsvr Tork Curb. Commitments for the Opening Accepted in the Order Received Circular P-l on Ucijucst S. S. RUSKAY & CO. Members Consolidated Stock: Exchange of New York Established 1877 20 Broad Street, Now York LIBERTY BONDS $50, $100, $1000 Bought- Sold Itccommcudcd for Investment Newborger, Henderson & Loeb This Eaflc idmlAa tim National Line oi BoattdemlLoott Leal Account Books "S V .NATIONAL, 4JHAT1UNAM Made by tltr large! Blank Book tnttitatim in the mortVi and sold bg the leading stoffajsers ti VI. i-nsl THO CiTESTNUf STREET Members M. 1. Ai rhlla. block ehansea EU. THE TURN OF THE TIDE At tho came, time the Court alfso directed Uiat the hearing, to determine! THE TIME TO BUV BONDS IS WHEN I whether or not the Receivership should ba continued and maio permanent, shoulc taite place on Monaa-y, jjecemotr i, 113. Notice, haa alto been given that tho Kecolver ou the above date will malte application to the Court for permission to Issue a berles of Itecelver's Certificate to an amount not In excess of JliS.OOO, fOP ti,0 purpose of meeting the taj.ea atsettcd against the property of the Traction Company and frr the payment of tuch other amounts us may be necessary and Incident to tho proper operation of tho line of street railway under the administration of the Receiver In view of the above, It has been deemed advisable to ask that the holders of tho bonds of tho above Company deposit Uuvsame wlih 'Ihe 1'ennsjilvanla Com pany for Insurances ou Lives und Orantiint Ailnullles, fit) Cheslnat Mreet, Phila delphia, which Company has recently consented to act as depositary. So little time has elapsed since the Order of Xhe Court was made that It Is Impossible to deter mine what cteps should be taken to protect the Interests of the Bondholders, but It would seem desirable that they bhould net through a Committee In the present proceedings. The Committee will limit thclv expenditures ai much ao may be pos sible under Uie circumstances, and It Is thought that the coyts will not be In exoet-s of thrto per cent of the face value of the bonds deposited It haa been impossible to prepare a more definite statmnt for the Bondholders owing- to tho lack of tlnio and the necessity for the deposit of bonds prior to Friday, November 28th. The follow Ing have consented to act as a Committee for tlio Bondholders and rcqutat the Immediate deponlt ot the bonds. .. ' cry truly youru, '','ii?2PPnI!! LEWIS C S NKWIIALI.. CHAHI.1CH I HKIiniLl, JAY OATHS. Committee. Depositary; vy. n. ItDED. The Permsylvanla Comuany for Insurances Hecretary to Committee, w. itu uiaauui vuiiuiviea, Qf trrsstnut otrcst. nillajlolplilli. Pa on Llvas and Qrantlug Aruiutlles. IjlfTjCheigiut S'.rjet. ri!a,Je4jj.. THE PRICE IS LOW ANDTHC YIELD j IB HIQH. THtT TIME 10 NOW. CTUDY THE EVIDENCE. SEND FOR VOUR COPY OF "THE TURN OP TUB "BAKER, AYLIHG & YOUNG LAND TITLE BUILDING BOSTON PHILADELPHIA DID YOU EVER NEED HELP? Two anibitiourj young men lung an unusual opportunity lo acquire a sure paying business of their own. Fiyo thousand dollaru is needed. A five-year Gtf loan Is desired. For details and credentials address R JUQ, Udger Office. . . WILLYS CORPORATION So CumulaUc Preferred Stock Price 100 and Dividend MOWfftCCr. Uerabars Phllsislphla Stock Eiehsus I.MlH Land Title Bldg. nt Robf.GIendinning&Go. Investment Sccurlile Bpcclal Attentlou Gliea to Orders oa Pilbburgh Stock Exchanga by direct wire couiicclloca fHn York Btmpu Phila. BiotkEnmaoissj I H It t boriti tlOO Chestnut SL, Phila. Jamestown, lYantlln & Clearfield Is, 1050 I'enna. Company 4s, 1031 l'litlu. A Itea.llnr Con. 4s, 1D37 l'hlla, A lUiadlnc I'.tt, oa, 10J1 Penna, Co, 1st 4Vjh. Jut), 10:' I HENRY D. BOEHHIHG & CO. STOCK E3CUANQE BUUSQ4a Direct- rrlraU Teltphons to Kvr 1'ttrV LakeSuperior Corp. 1st 5s .944 Yield 7.50 Particulars on Rtquxat Carstairs & Co. Slsabers PhUailtlphla sod new Vork Btock Cxcbaocu 1419 Waluut Street 71 Brtwdway. N. Y. J. fsssssjWW"r4,J,'fi"aWPSWSJpf4hsj i a c t V. J tb- J JP"j ;y A -, t v .fA,. ' . . .i- . t-.fa