c" .''i-,K Wr, t$ ' '? Ifl M-- - -( A fK EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY,, NOVEMBER 17, 1919 21 r. ruMtXAXt ZSTATB JO ft SALE ... sni 151014 W. TIOGA STREET Beautiful 3-ite.ry reeldsneea. porches. 3 Mtht. lectrln llehts: make el. rant hanui , e apartments. 2824-46-48-50 N. FIFTH ST. 'and a itory brick' stores end dwellings, n a. live uptown business street. 2829 N. FRANKLIN STREET T-;ry brick dwelling, maderni monthly WAeei ISBSO r sold Ihli week. Also These 3-Story Dwellings 3181 N. Cmc it. 1218-18, N. "" ' 1219-21 N. Masrhir it. ' Elmer W. Nittlnger ATTORNEY AT 1AW in Bulletin iiuiioing Buy in Tioga $4950 Vr last chanci. Only a few left. Immediate Possession 360B block N. Snvedley I i 'J iinrv. parch front, hardwood floor hot water heat ard elsetrle llsht: do nt far to the cmlir of the rlty: lample houie, $997 N. rtmtdley it., open for Inspection, every day, Pun., Thura A Frl. evgs, from 7 to 0 p, m. Agent an premises or apnlv to LEWIS' COHEN. l?d ( t i.mi4 rt'iiMif LOOK We hava tha KIND of PROPERTIES which you aro looking tor! LOCATED In every part of th city: PRICES htn you w.n turn at a. GOOD PROFIT. For furthtr particulars itt la touch With MAX M. ARNOLD 309. REAL KBTATB TRUST BI.DQ WK JlECOMMENt 806 Roosevelt Boulevard Porch-front dwelling. Tarlor. din- Bar room, brrakfaat room kitchen Four bedroema and nth. Rervantn' Suartere. Laundry cellar. Oarage for rart. Call ua for appointment. Friedrich&Co.,86l N. 12th IMMEDIATE POSSESSION U. BCOR. MARSHAtfL AND QREEN STS JHOROUOtlLT RENOVATED 11-ROOM BRICK HOySB, PHOTOORAPHIC ti,,KTI..P00Jl SIELB TARD ON OREBN BT.J dUITARLE FOR ntJSINESH run. K25FBL5,'2i'Lor I'OT about siiisi ii- MBtiUtE POSSEB8ION. APPLY AT WUNDERLE'B CANDY FACTORY. 13u Pr.OO BT. tOPPOBITB 4fl N 2D MT ) MOVE IN 2053 N. 8TH ST. Ihreatery dwelling! 4 rooma an flrat floor: .roema and bath on aecand: 2 rooma on third!, n meqern piummngs eaceiient heater: n fey hnmntHivfp at laftfut Annlv JU.UCN ; hurnb. :nin uermantown av . r CONTINBNTAL-EQVITAnLE TRUBT w.. ji n win ai. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 1943 N. BROAD ST. NOW VACANT ' 12 rooma and bath! lot 11x150. with aarare In rear, TARDLEY. 1M4 Olrard nve TO CLOSE AN ESTATE ltlt Germantown ava,, itore and dwelling. fQ3n Oermantovn ava., etore and dwelling. SOaS Qermantown a, atere and dwelling, including SO40 N. Randolph, dwg. rear. 1MM Randolph at., dwelling. gl-!l.l w. Norrla at., itorea and dwelllngi a)iar. iin it . aweuing: aixiin CHAB Mi U BROWN A CO . 217 H Broad 2244 W. ALLEGHENY AVE. Two-itary. 8 rooma: perfect- order, alone forth; price. $4Q0n; terma: vacant; keys W. IT. L1ERRICH 2MO Ridge ave klt N. lOTH ST.. iTrae S-itory brick dwelling. 8 rooma. bath and Ineloied ahodt lot 1 ft. 10 In. by 100 ft. deep; all nedtrn convenience!: convenient to trolley lima and tratni; muit be told to cloie an gaie'e; lmmeniaie poaieiaion Apply if WILLIAM J. LAWSON, Attorney at law. 14ld-l B. Penn Snui nrf 1tT5" WATERLOO ST renting for (12 month, nrice 11400. W"a B at., renting for IK per month; price H6 ion. h MR2-S4 Roiehill it , I i month: price J160. renting for 114 a I 1M7 B. Llppincotr it,, renting for JIB per raonvn: price etami CAMERON, 211 Kenalngton ave 1132 WAUJirr UT. Three-atory atore and Pirtinent: lot 24rloS ft . In the heart f the ihopplng icctlnn: suitable for ui-tn. date tailoring eitahllihment. gown mil linery or ipeclalty shop: aliened (ls.000. will aell for the aiseiiment; aaay torma; Immediate poneiilon. H M. OOBCH. HflO Morrla Rulldlni 2S1B POPLAR M'. j, 2714 POn.AR BT 4I BELMONT AVB 10JB CAMBRIDGE ST ZACHARIAS & WALLACE 1n BO PENN SQUARE TACANT neautlful home. 2S37 N, Tark ave.; electric light W. J, SEYMOUR, aSiS N. 13th at HONTROBB BT,, aouth aide, weat of 24th Two dealrgble houiea. THOB, M CARR. BIB B jflth. INVESTMENT 2th and Ellawnrth, B-ity.. anura W renovated Bmtth. ) Pt nreeie . 1818 BUTLER 11 room' Porch -om : larare lot; mim.Mai, r.mri Til ax-aln... is ir 1 T T H -rt e a mn t nn . 11 rnnmi. eTiaon. warru i A r. ftKK W ITtVi iDA CLBVKtJlND AVE, . IJOrtO; eay .unni wwisy KACKe-n, inn nn tlfln "He CAPlTOL--Bix rooma hath, ontv c-jpn, xvewia tos.n.uis Xvincoin lmg TORE and dwelling. 3413 N. 2d it.; 170O. aled. taOBO. MBEBER 027 Pe Lancey it. .& 5?PAJ?.JST' Three-atoryi modern. IJEW1B COHEN 111B Llneoln Bldg aORCH and straight-front houses. I30OO and up Moore, Somerset and Bonaall. Dla. 703B I' -1 BELGRADE ST Thre-sty. brick dw " "perfect eondltlen Oeo. A. Wenr. 433 N. Be 134 N. 24TH ST Three etorv, hnt.water heotf terms. A. F. BROWN, lit) Lincoln. COLORED tenants can buy homes.fioo down, bal. same aa rent. Kennedy.1001 Cheatnut. 1B91 S. TAYLOR Sli rooma and baths mod- er.i ehean rarreit. Tin h mn at Jjai N. 33t Three.stery. 1 ! riwm.i make 1020 Chestnut. oner, m. xi Delany A Ron CENTRAL apt. hnuaee. 110.000 to (20.000 -meqern conva worreit t Co.. bbb N.17th HaJH eig 7evfe. Fartew-- Wltaai. Klf . 1 MTSS. RAILROAD Penna. and Reading! I3DOO tur acre and up. acrordfnr up. tnejulro for terms Dleterleh, 737 Walnut et. to IOC i K. COR AMERICA- AMERICAN AND BUTTON- WOOD BTB., lot 40xl6; price IB00O; make ua en-r. t C. Seldel A C 4th ft Callowhlll 'JPACTORT alte, BftxMB; adjoins Pa. freight; ,.a. whwi pct...... in.. .. J,,.... ave. Facto Idee ' We Have Actual Buyers for the following properties; Foundry. 60,000 aq. ft., R, R. siding vvarehome. 16,000 n. ft., central Warehouie, 2O.O0A ad- ft , centraJ Warehouse, 80 000 aq. ft., R. R, aid. Warehouse. 100 OOO aq. ft., R. R. aid. Warehouse. 120,000 so. ft.. R. R. ild. Factory, 16,000 sq. ft,, central Faetery. lfl.000 aq. ft., R, R, ildlng Faxtary. Jo.noo aq. ft.. R, n. ildlng Faetary, SB.ooO q. ft., R, R. aiding Factory, 60,000 sq ft . R R. aiding FacUtry. 100 000 sq. ft.. R. R. siding Your property my suit our customer. See us (t once, will divide commli- James L Stevenson & Son a 33 LANOTIThK FACTORY BUILDINO The undersigned offer for sale a, g.stery brick factory bluldlng ef substantial con struction. Including the boiler contained therein, nd lot upon .which the bulldlnr 1 erected, sin about 100x105 feet, situated n tha wst side of Moss st, near Elm gt , tn tha city f Riadlng. The (round floor la now decupled aa a garage and the upper floora are used for mTh building' Is adaptable for any kind of light manufacturing. Fr prleo and terma addrese V RHOADES a doremub CARE FARMERS' NATION BANK READINO, PA, RANKFOUD MILLS TWO WITH WtSxiM A rELY .. BflBOg bO . FT, AP- or TfjfiOn. BPACB RBNTINO YOU ABOUT FfJoO PF71 MONTJIt MUST RB SOLD AT eSMf-Ef6 CI.KAR UP AN ESTATE; PREB- KNT LI WtQMl LEAtica K-tl'lWEi AituiJT'i. ja.-nvi. ft OlifcK ACTION I NECEBBaRT, 11 W. TABOR BOAD. PHONB NO 172 JOSEPH H. BARBER JIB PENFIBin WLDQ . PHILA. PACTORIES AND SITES Paon -ScTomlinson ggglffo i ' irClSS'- .W M.0 b;.TFu r. r?try Taotoryi building and baiement. eleo. t, We tvstri'p"feslop M oftco: make off.r, REAL ESTATE FOB SALE Faetarlca F0UR-ST0RY FACTORY 30th and Muter: 65,0(10 square feet of floor spaee. 02.200 muir. feel of land! 3 frontal aldlnr. Hinnnnh n wonRELi, a ro , iw n, nth IHltEE FRONTB, tot flUatTJ to Randolph at, I make offer, a. C, SBIDEL CO . Ina i 4th and Callowhlll ata. Immediate polio. Ion, INDUSTRIAL PLANTS, narenouies. vacant land, railroad and water frontage. 1 I. hTRVWNHON BON, 832 1.1 nd Title. Parana OARAOB. N. E. section: modern: epaco for 12 cam will sell propertv and builneei cheap: real chance. See WEREL. 8232 Frankfnrd ave PROPERTY, easily altered Into private gar age, near 10th and Pino ti SAM!.. M, OATI.HT, ltf)9 Plna at llualnfoa Properties and Stores KENSINGTON AVE. STORES Wo nr In a poaltlan to offer a few stores thai remain for sale on Kcnilntton avr i quick arllon nrrrnary. JOHN T. DOYLE 2739 Wenainete-n ava t'Ort HAI.K Sln-cS nn Kensington from Lehigh and Allegheny aval, CAMKRiiN, 2311 Kensington ava. avr rtitxn; l diRAitri a eh., a. w. con. Deilrable ainna bank bid. I can bo altered Into atoreaj eirel bua localltM eatv terma; vant offer. J. ft Maiiev k Bona. 1lhttren NEAR KCNHINOTON AVK. and Cumber land! ft ronna! aaiellefl 142101 offer. JOHN T. nnvt.B 5T8P. Kemlnalon ava Htorea and tiwelllnaa MUST BE SOLD 1328-30.32 S. 2D. AND a HOURKK IN IlBArt TOTAL HENTAI. T5i MAKF. OFTTtn THOS. M. CARR. 818 S. 20TH. CORNER STORE and dwelling, 0th and Brli to) ata : now occupied aa cigar nnd randy lore.: (I rooms and bath: win aell right. FRIEfmiCIt b CO i .! N 15th IMMEIHATB If)BEKBIO.N, J4200: .tore and dwelling, doublo bulk wlndowa: 4 rooma nna oatn on scrona noon s:ae vara; good for any builnesi, Llebman, 3303 Kemlng ton axe REN I IU7 Btorei and dwellings on N tuth at ! flrat mtg. 13750. price I07OO: big bar gain for apeeutalnr. SIMON WBIBH, Hid Pt. tlreeia ale. SfMB KENBINOTON AVE Four-itnry atare and dwelling! rent llftr. per month; price 114. ton, poaaaH'on at lettlement. ED. J. flRtlnn 1014 B Dauphin WILL tell at bu.tg. the point of IHth t Oer mantnwn ave : wonder, bui cor.: not much caab reoulred Wick A Vollmer. 4421 tltn. 202l H. MTU Oood buitncia location: owner muit aell. D. I. FRIEDMAN. 8 w. cor. ath and Tytcuit. wf-st pnir.AnF.f.pnt 6000 Block, Jefferson Street Mahnganv and white: Inclosed porch Ojvner irainc own. muii aell ai once. Bargain Edw. M. Moll LAN8DOWNB AVE. WEST OF I13D ST. Phone nelmont g67l) Open evenlnaa until 0 o'clock 5 HOUSES-$9500 420 TO 428 N. 81 ST ST. Includea corner A 2-itory brick dwelling!, R roomi and bath COXTINENTAL-EQUITARLE TRUBT CO 21 S. 12th at tees HAZEL AVB, Ideal modern liomi, 11 rooma and bath, hot-water beat, gaa and eloc., hardwood flnora: attractive price: ex cellent location; Immediate poiienlon JOHN DOUOHERTr, 69th St. Terminal. Belmont 770rs IN THE f.o.00 blotk Walnut at,, on the aouth aide, li a fine, modern, up-to.date home, lnrgti lot: an concnlent to cara and itorea, set on a wide main itreet; B roomi and bath; h -w hi : elec lltrhta litw. floor!! veint nnct f,u can have poa now. T, Boylan. 2XP. B doth OPPOSITE puhllc park: modern, brick. porch-front dwelling; n rooma and bath; all conveniencei: handy to Jlog laland; price (3000; poneailon; Yocum & Powers Co. TS TsSf 'IP.4 ' Y B A J SAFETY FIRST ...,."Cn?!,.S" AT THB "CROBS1NO" 50th and l.arcrmood rvo. itanda for ll VJp RBAL ESTATE. -SBB OPEN SUNDAY 1 TO 5 P. M. K204 Larchwood ave.. near boulevard, modern' financed: 0 rooms. Inclosed porch. tmmedlnte poiaeislon COMMERCIAL CJUAR, ANTEE CO , Rulletln fndg Locust 4823. lini a 02D ST. Modern, nouthern ex poiure: 10 rooms and bath, electric lights, steam heat Dillih hall, hardnood floors, t square north of Chester ave JOS. ALLEN POTTH IliO'i lialtlnmre v, S8500 3-story twin house, perfeit con- dltlon throughout; Dutih ball: electric light, r.OJ-, CATHARINE H r. . BAKER & SON nALT;MndRH AVn IMMEDIVTB rOS.SBSSION n31B Ogden it.. B rooms nnd hath.,,. $2301) filflfl Heston at , fl rooms and bath . 300O 0100 Yocum st. 15 rooms -ind bath. 2300 It S MILLER B20II Lancaster ave. 204 N 38D ST. 11 rooma, 3 hatha, side yard, opportunity to secure a fine large home or property that would make excellent apartments J. C HOP AN OdU Drexel Hide- 5000 BLOCK ARCH ST, 10 rooma eleclric. I newly painted end papered: end house: price J7I100 And remember. "CROSS" elands for all that's "GOOD " nsth and Larchwood ave . POSSESSION DECEStnEIt 1 B800 block Thompson st opposite Carroll Park. 0 rooms, porch front: large lot; price price Lan- Bl.l'U llAllilX a. 11L,LE-1, iI-UU taster ave. VAPAN1T New brick dwelling. 1 square Vnwllu from cars, rooma and bath; h.-w htut, elen lights, hardwd floora, room for garage. T.QFI.AND 7121 Woodland ave, $4300 Vacant; modern 3-story brick home, electric lights, hot-water heat, hardwood floora, laundry, with separate entrance to yard R LOFLAND. 7121 Woodland ave 141 N. BOTH Vatint: Intnl. pois i 3 stv . larci rms . aoutnern expoiue; lot 3iixou, excellent nd conv. loc. : eaey terms: only jjono See Matthlae ahouf It " 62d Arch. INVL8TORB 7 houiei 1200 block 8. Han- eon at., rental 114. asieaament $1200; price $1360 each. M. B. Delany A Son. man Chestnut -at. 2 N. MTH 8T.. VACANT B reoma and bath, porch front; Immediate pois. ncvly papered; good order through out: bargain. I. Bovlan. 26 S BOth at. 4207 CHESTER AVE Apartment house. IB rooms. 6 baths: lot 60x176: price right, a good Investment: only $200 required. T R R. McOLURE A CO. IS 40th st TlfREE-bTORY CORNER, $9000. N. F. cor". 63d and Chester ave ; 12 rooms. 2 baths, electricity West Phlla. Real Bitata Co., 6060 Baltimore ave CORNF.1l RECIENT AND EDOEWOOD BOth and Chester ave.; elec. steam heat. Dutch hall- hardwood floors- room for garage: bargain! financed CROWf.BT 1242-N. BOth 5402 CHESTER AVK. la a IB-room modern aide-yard porch house: 2 baths: priced low; possession at once Redding. 62d and Ches ter ave. or Conrad. 63 N. 10th. 4238 CHESTNUT BT. Thirteen roomi 2 bathi. elec. light, wide porch, suitable for apta.; easy termi: Immediate pois. J B R. McCiur Co. 11 B 40th id. , THREE STORY, 11 rooms, end house; south ern exposure, on 80-foot street: steam heat, electric lights: possession; $0760., JOS ALLEN POTTS. 4003 Baltimore ave 1B38 N. B2D ST. Three atory, 12 rooma. Ideal location, near Park: make offer, HARRY 8 MILLER, 5200 Lancaster ave CHESTNUT, near 40ih Modem manilon. 18 roomi. 2 bathi. eultable for apte ; aide yard: posa O M Anus. 121B Chestnut t $2500" Two-siory brick dwelling, H rooms and both, all tonvi : let 16 BxBl LOrLAND. 7121 Woodland ave 3100 BLOCK, S. Dagcttt IBMb t Woodland) Remod'd: 12600. Remember. Croii standi for all that's coed 60th ft Larchwood at- jnvno 440 S. 43d st ; 3 story. 10 rms., tile bath parlor and reception hall: side yard; possession McClure A Co IB B 40th st 4Tfi SPRINGFIELD AVB Corner prop. erty; attractive bouse of 12 rooms and 3 baths: price rlehl S M Osvlev Iflftft pine LANSDOWNB AVE. Cor itore u,nd dwell reduced to S8000; sacrlBee price for 1mm. asle Adolnh It Caanar Both. A Lanadowpe ItMiO 448 Chestnut: 3 itery, 9 rooms, porch, all convi t lot 14 ,Mn to paci; st ; space for garage. McCLURE. IB B. ,6th at. 4816 8PRINOFIELD AVE Corner pifop erty; attractive house cf 12 rooma and 3 batha: price right. S M Oayley. 1000 Pine. CHESTNUT, near 40th Mod manilon. IB rooms. 2 baths: suitable for ants : side arrt: pass O M. Aman. 1218 Chestnut st 759 S. BIST Vacant: electricity, parquetry floors, 6 rooms, bath: $800 cash. S, R, MANLI1Y. twin anq tenar ave VACANT 5510 Paechall ave.: S story. rooma porcni now; eouu casn. EMPirtB rnu UBT CO , 44th and Lancaster. $3100 -Seven 0-roam residences, nesr 41t and Spruce: assessed $2700, B, L TOWN- SEND 43th and Baltimore aye 48fl BPRINOFIBI.D AVE, 13 rooms. 2 baths: to be sold to settle estate. WILLIAM C. BEVKBRT. 1421 Cheatnut at. $800 CASH; 8667 Walton ave.: B rr.oms; newly papered: former owner will vacate immeOiaieiT. LftiiHi.mi .- ... -mil pt. S2B0 JEFFERBON 8T. Nine rooms, porch frontt near Felrmeunt Park. HARRY 8. M I LLBR. 62d ana. Lancaster ave PORCH-rivONfd welling, $7600. BIDNET E. 10 rooma 9 hatha! SMITH, 543 Land Title Building POSSESSION at gnce: 724 nd PJohaM a rms.: newly papd, 8mlth.1538Pt.Brt ve.; reeje SSilVfWrS: POSSEBBION at ones, tr. bath., pch.tnewl painted! pa'cfi $8600 Bmlth.1638 yt.llreese fll"NiJTjt--TOne -block from elev. sta-1 J9 &!. ,JB. JiMit. Wis ehrlsllai. 1 HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE wkht rim.AnBt.rniA BUY YOUR HOME TODAY IN TUB ATTrtAfTIVB DLIWOOD AVE, SECTION Selling Rapidly Don't Delay IF YOU WANT IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Only $500 Cash Required TO PUrtCIIASWI TUTS A UMAT.t. MONTHLY PATHIKNT. Wlltrit IS CON' stantlt nv:r)uctNf Toun secoNDM'op.TaAOH T1UTINO ON THtS TI.AN If4 FAH CHBAPEft THAN RENTING ' $".05 p.?VMVhE.V$18.26nth,yIa: ft ronma. bath, laundry. hot-water heat, electrla llftht and hardwood ftooras rneloied porchea; lot 16i at. a room! and bath, laundry and electric llihtil lot ItiM, tui. TAKE NO. SB CAft ON WALNUT STUBET niTtCCT TO THESE HOUSES Al FYANinPD CCDP-imnM BUILDBn AND OWNER ON PREMISES 0VERBR00K HOMES $750 Cash $22.50 Carrying Charges 6200 Block on Master Street High-class residential sec tlpn, every modern conven ience; 6 rooms and bath. At tractive porch fronts, .steam heat, electric lights, finished in white mahogany. Newly paper ed and painted. The price $4725 is far less than the actual value of these homes, AND YOU CAN MOVE IN AT ONCE. Take Market St. Ele vated to 63d St., free pass north to Haverford Ave. Agent at sample house, 6210 Master St, or KOEHLER & CO. 1420-22 Chestnut Streel Locust 67-93 Race 26-12 NEW 7-Room Homes "A Bride and Groom Paradise" IllLloleil narrhaa. h.,riw..j a-.... Mng, beautiful bath wltn ihoweri " IVVerV feattiee frtunH In hi.k..." prlced home. Price I40OO. MONTHLY ?3 and imall additional payment to re duce irrond mortgage. ALLMAN ST. 8OCK BETWEEN CIIKBTER AND KINOSES8INO AVENUES IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Sample houie. 0539 Allinan itreet. open dativ and eventngi. 7-0 p m. YAGLE & BURNS P"remlefB With or Without Garages Ideal Modern Homes 0VERBR00K FROM $2400 TO $16,000 Money to loan on 2d mortgages JOHN A. THOMAS B024 l.ansdnwne Ave. Itelmont SMB Open until n p. M. Inspections dally L Sunday Included ATTRACTIVE HIGH-GRADE 1 HOMES, With Garage CI IFFORD ST ihttwebn ovicnnnooK T'irst Htrett ubove Columbia t. Of moderate slz. In an exclusive ne'shborhood With features and convenlencefi that tend to eliminate the nervatit question. theur home will appeal to reflnd Ta mi Her T XV (1a-lra TluIMer nnd a-is juvuiiinn i on pnarninri Ow ner 5314RAEST. Tour lar(t bed rooma tile bath with built-in shower; vrv larir Dutch hall dinlnsr room and kitchen. (In lihed In mahogany and white, IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Hardwood floor elettrlc Ilchta PRICE IfiftOO Good, ronvenlant neighborhood: open everv venlnc 7 to 9 p. m,; all day Sundav, or YAGLE & BURNS Allrn., MOVE IN 401 1 PINE ST. prcn'JsVnt"--?: g'r'te fion,. per spouting: parlor, open hall, dining room pantry, kitchen on first floor: library bedroms bath on second floor: 4 bedrooms, bath and storeroom on third floor; plastered r.rhlTertcUo;,ny-SutnCdiyV'21,?.h5'-p:Titrle Assessed $9000 Price $9750 CONTINENTAT.-KQUITABLK TRUST CO. 21 8 lSttust. BEAUTIFUL MODERN HOMES In the Overbroolc Section From $3000 to $20,000 WE CAN FINANCE ANY PROPERTY WET nct-l, EDW. M. MOLL LAMIPUWNE AVE, WEST OF 63D Phone Belmont B670 a OPEN BVBNIVOB UNTIL 0 O'rijQCK ONLY 5 LEFT 225 S. 58TH STREET $31 per month expense. Small addi tional amount per month buys thla thoroughly modern home, with In closed, heated porch Price $5500. Eoey termi immediate ponenlon. bWAKlLLY Cheatnut. 141U 907 North 64th St. A WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY for a MOSS A TATLOR BUILT HOME at a reasonable price Imme pones. Edw. M. Moll .roTwT Phone Belmont 8379 nptcy vnrt inspection bund 4 y Sherwood Store & Dwelling Beit corner location; 2 main streets, hot. water heat, electric lights and houie other wise fully modern: delicatessen cash sales sveraglng over $3000 per month Very few, the merits of this one offered for sale. GEO. GRANT PIPER (West End Real Estate) 6827 Thomas ave. PHYSICIAN OR DENTIST OPPORTUNITY - Physician's modern Broom home, hardwood floors: electricity; hot-water heviti office; fine Catholic neighborhood: near Catholic church: 6-ynar practice established! reasonable. P 880 Ledger Office $3650 HIO BARGAIN 13860 8108 block De Lancey; 22 houses: will be sold separately to home buyers; $3650 eachi A roomi bath, while plumblnt, porch front: open fcr Impaction, dally and Sunday; 8161 simple houie. MUSLINS A BRADY, 6803 Bpruce st Business Propcrtlee and Stores Most Valuable West Phila. Business Property Transfer Corner S. E.or, 60tlv& Spruce Apply, on Premises' 5Cv f VJLKir HEAL ESTATE FOB SALE wkt rnit.Atir.f.rni $24.65 M.nthlr Bi. penie. Elmwoed ave, Ilka Mth it, houiea Hava garage and driveway In run lot lOtll, T1I ANP EI.MWOOD AVENUE -1539S. 58THST. Rebuilt for your cnmfortj the ma terial of irveral yean ago plus the Improvement of todiy. It contain! FOUR BEDROOMS hath, extra large living hall dining room, kitchen, laundry, leparate toilet, neweit flxturei and decora lloni, The price $5350 Eaay termi, make a this juit the home for the mm who want! to Mm In the beautiful HHEnwoOD SECTION at a- moderate price; pnty 4 left for IMMEDIATE IMBSEBMSION, bring 'out sour wtfe and a depoilt today KBRBHAW . C'ROWL and A 3. EZEKIKL. axentl nn nnmli. Phono nelmont, 2032, Woodland g.07fl EDGEW00D AND MILLICK rOSHEHSION NOW: modern homei. one-half eiuare to fiOth it "L" Hta tlon. 7 large roomi and tile bath, etectrle llghti. hardwood Boon, white and mahogany rlnlab batnple house "RYAN, 5908 Market ftlirlWAVTOWN Immediate Possession ATTRACTIVE. &IODERN, 2-STV HOMES North Side of 65th Ave. and West of Limekiln Pike. 65th Ave., 1 Block Ab. Chelten Ave. $6500 Six Urjrf ronma nd brth, attracts nnlih ind motjrn In ry respect; Ma cxtndlnur to Stenton tvv. ; rraK privllers. sample noma open; py ifrmt. J. HENRY PARKER nuiLDEn or PARKER & SPAETH 20TH 8T"ANp CHBLTEN AVE. OAK LANE 11 IB STENT0N A FBW DBHIIIATIMS MOUBRN HOUHBH rctdy for ImmfKltttte occu pancy, optn fr IniPftctton ery day, Inrtudlnf Hundayn. Trains to Strn ton Station or drive out titrnton e mi" to fcOO North Mauran, Dolman & Co. n rr iTm and Chntnut tn . MODERN HOMES f vv desirable dwellings now ready ft' Immolate occupancy Full par , -ra bv msH. Mauran, Dolman & Co. V F. Cor Rrosd and Chestnut Sts r.unn block Norfolk. 6oo block Alter. BO00 block Webster 700 block H. Cecil. 6700 block Hoffman. B700biock Christian. 200 block Carpenter, 700 block S 58th 5900 block Catha-lne 1420-22 S 34th r-'VTCBTWOOn SMITH fth sod Christian sta Woodland 7139 W. HEAUTIFUL 3-alory stone corner house, containing 12 rooms. 2 baths laundry, everv convenience; space In rear for garage: 2 minutes Washington Lane Station, P. and R : aell at very reasonable figure ,44 B Tulpehocken st. Call only THOMAS MOORE HEAD 433 Y. W.ilnut lone SiniJ-YARD HOMES unusual pries Ron t,, belo Tulpchoc'-Nn steam heat. 4 bed rooms. $4000; Lenion below Tulpehocken. 3B0n, terms arrnrrcd ABERNETHY. 132B Cheatnut' WOUITHn. 3(104 flermantown nvo ABOUT $300 raih required to purchase 39 E Alhmead it., bilanre nn eaay terms. 2- atnrv twin d-vclilng: would mike fine (nvest- ment Wtc c A Vollmer 4421 Oermantown ove WHAT IS OFFERED? Several 2-story porch front properties 1200 s. Peach st : rent $22' assessed I220O. mortaaged $2200. inA THOMAS 2315 W. Lehigh ave. &TONI3 and stucco dwelling, modern, con venient to tr-vln and trolley desirable neighborhood' gaeege privilege Phone Oer mantown 6070 W. PRICE ONLY $2050 I4H1 N Grata It . fine 2-itorv hrownslnno dwelling. 7 rooms, bath, nil co-vvenlencea: don't miss this bor- rsln. Wtck A Vollmer 4421 Oermantown ave, OTN. $,100, 442 K Walnut lane Twin. Dutch hall, 10 rms , 2 baths, steam heat, e!e- It t vacant A R Meehan B747 Otn av. OTN. $5300. B22B Ileldeld ave . cor,. B r. bath lajndry. h -vv. ht , elec room for gs- rage: vacant A R Meehan B747 Otn ave PRICE only $2800 Three-stnry brick dwell. Ing, 11 B. Lur'i rt (corner): room for ga- raa-. Wtcl( - Vollmer 4421 Oermantown ave GT.v,, Mo Sedslck. $fi'0f Dutch hall, fire place, 0 i coma bath h -w. heat, electric, earlv nnsa. A n teehnn A747 Otn jp OTN. 12700 21 so Conlm rooma. bath, porch fill corns : a nat little home A early ro A. u Meehan. 747 nermanton'n ave. Btoree and Dwellings $7500 STORE OV B CHELTEN AVE. PARKER A SPAETH 20TH AND CHELTEN AVE FRANKFORT) 1543 PRATT ST. New house: front and back porch: gas and elec ; B rooms, near high school and new elevated station. CHAI.L1CNDER 520O rrankford ave BUNOALOW8 Real bungalows, floor. Arrott and Large sts . all on one Frankfort. WISBINOMINO 3300 BI3CK MrKINLET ST. Twin, mod ern throughout, fine mahoranv and white: atone porch RRUNTRAOER BROS., Rising Sun ave. and Cottman st. Fox Chase 450 FOX mABB LARGE" HOUSE. 10 room!, all modern Im provements gas and elec . h -w. heat: lot BOxlPO David Webster. 792. Oxforil nlke FINK suburban home, all modern lmorove. mi able mints: near troln and trolley; price reason- Jlsvlo Webster 7n:i irxiorn pise. 3IANA1UNK FOR HALE MANAYUNK 15 flne Invest ment properties; yearly rental $2502: taxes $332.30; water rent $120: price on applica tion: quick attlon deilred Oliver S. Keely k Co . 4370 Main st Manavunk Phlla WAYNK JUNCTION PntrP! OMI.V lxr;nn foe 19B0 Bowan at. Fine 3-story porch dwelling, all conveni ences- near station ann irouey; tvraain. WICK A VOLLMER 4421 Oermantown ave, PRICE $2800 Two-story, 0-room porch dwelling; largo lot. 15V4xl03 to rear drive way: now vacant WICK VOLIAfER 4421 Oermantown ave, fTTF-STNinT ITTLL 18000 Oarage privilege, desirable 3-story stone and brick dwelling Chestnut Hill; possession April 1- stesm hejit. electric lights etc ; convenient to tralna and trolley, P 810, Ledger Office LfHIAN 5008-08 N. 19TH. 3 blocks from Fisher Sta. tlon Semidetached hot-wster heat: $3800: less thsn cost to erect bulldlngi; walk eaat from Oermantown ave. on Logan at,, or west from Old York roid over Ruseomb, AfrERNETHY, 1328 Chestnut St. LOGAN Three lots on 7th st. between Bris tol and Cayuga sts I 51x70; cpportunlty for garage or to build 3 houses; nslghborhood Improving; 1 sqvsre from Boulevard Conti-nental-Bqultable Trust Co . 21 8. 12th at. POSSESSION THIS. MONTH 4943 N. MTH (west of IJgan 8tatlen Beautiful home, thoroughly modern, base ment Isundrv Inclosed porch: garage for 3 cars ABERNETHY 1828 Chestnut st, S.'K. COR. 18TH AND FISHER'S AVE. Fine 2-story porch residence, hat-water Jiiat. electricity, porcelain bath, etc f room or gararet owner on premises: Inspection ln vlted. Wlok A Vollmer. 4431 Otn ava. X. W. CORNER 7th and Annibury sts Hot.water heat, electrlo light, hardwood floors, laundry, porch: possession; $5200, FiwHEti, noa rrsnann mog. TWO STORY 8 rooms and bath; all modern conveniences: near train, and. trolley; a. nargain: immediats possessioni "". M W Matalnger. Real Estate Trust Bids;. 713 ANNSBURY ST. Possession; porch! B ref.ms and hath, hot-watsr heat, electrla lights, hardwood Boors, laundry; $4800. FIBHER. 803 Franklin Bl r"f 1 J'RICE $4$0o On ma,ln atreeti 2-story porch 7-room residence; vaca.ntt.elee,, hjater. 11 unary porcelain batfiT etc. VJCK A vcji.t.axa.i. eeai uimunwwn I tQAK-r28v N Warnock st , B roome and 1 thy all modern conveniences, phone Wa br 62,7,4 W. HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE Of.NEV When jou think of OLNF.Y sou muil think of 1NHLET Corner reildenra In olney! a beautiful alone bulldlnc, very taitefully and artlltlcally arranaedl near Olney .station, on Tabor roadi lot rn100i price Itinno, Another beadtlful corner residence In Olney, on Tabor road, near 2d it pki, tor tflOno, Near 2d and Flihera ae . a modern houie with incloaed porch, for 1S00. Fhe houiea on Duncnnnnn at . S20n to 11000 1 alio a modern 6 rooma and bath, nn Louden near Mb, I6200, and one on 5th It, for tuOOO. A ba-riretn, v,lth Immediate poiaetilon on Marihall at. near the Doulevard, thorouahly modern, for I44M), which Includea ahadei arreana and ttlnter'l enal Haacner ai, no run. era eve., ft rnomi nd porch, tilOOO St. Lukei, near nth at. cor.. '13100. Mariden near Alle. ahany ave , porch front, 12200. Near the Ttoulrvard on 3d. 5 room, bath nnd porch, t2S C and Allecheny. 1 1 SOO. Afate below Alio, aheny, UT50. . Itteae 3300 block, lnon ltd W Tabor Road, T10(l EIOHT-ROOM. porch-front modern rest- dene. Dutch halll run mne rlatit in Ifnr particular O C Weldel A Cn . 4th k Callnw'l OAK I. m: UNIQUE There are rnly two detiched houiei on North Broad itreet for ial. 6904-06 up to date in atry reipert t roomi. 2 hatha Price right. Oarage priv ilege. Ato one houie, B roome and bath 1132 N AOlh it.; price (0500 R. H. FOSTER Ownor, builder, agent, on premliei OAK LANE TWO DETACHED STONE nESlnr.NCES Broad at nar rtSlh ave . n rooma and l.ith hardwood flooring, h -w- heat gaa and dee car garage, lot 70x115 H. HOPE Mlftl YORK RD OAK LANE 817 66th Ave. Bemldet aub home, 2H -story itone and stucco over brick, 0 rooma g baths, h heat, gaa nnd electricity Price 111,800 H. HOPE. 5901 York Road 1224 MEDARY AVB Coxy, comfortable home, detached itone houie; lot about 4(1 jit), hlah location, hall, living, dining k tcnen, a penroome batn. third floor can be fitted up, tan glo Immediate price aSfV Phone 15(11 W, Oak 002 N, 18th possession Lane. Apply FOR SALE Verv desirable suburban loca tion; detached house. H rooms and bath corner Ixn and Oaka ave , Oak Lane: lot 7P.IU1 U20 N. Lawrence it. rfrildenroi detached and semidetached, alt conve ; mrge ion; reaionaDte prices H. HOPE 3001 York nn PENNSYLVANIA SUBURBAN Gentleman's Country Seat 84 ACRES Montgomery County Near Fox Chase and Huntingdon pike, contains large barn, farmhouse hpnngnouin. etc . meadow for tattle, itream running through grounds a fow Improvement! will make this property a show place of this sec tion EITHER AS A COUNTRY CLUB OR PRIVATE ESTATE E. C. Von Helfenstein '-31 REAL KSTATK TRUST Ilt.DO Gentleman's Country Seat 84 ACRES Montgomery County N-ar Fox Chase and Huntingdon pike, contains large barn, farmhouse, spriugnouse. etc , meadow for cattle: stream running throuah grounds, a few Improvements will make this froporty a show place of this sec Ion, EITHER AH A COUNTRY CLUB OR TRIVATE ESTATE. E. C. Von Helfenstein 1714 REAL ESTATE TRUST BLDO. UNUSUALLY ATTRACTIVE COUNTRY SEAT Iarfcn modern atone residences l' rooms und 5 batha; English atle, 1H ncrea: ffarage, barn, gardener's cottage, the building ar nearly new , houae located on hilltop, sur rounded by old ahade nnd oerlooklnjr a lake on the estate, the property haa been devel oped aa a small farm fruit, pasture car den, etc ; 31. mlnutea from Clt Hall bv train and trolley convenient to golf and hunt clubs, Rood schools, railroad and tro). ley. sarage holds 6 cars, barn and poultry houses are commodious and of attractive architecture, all buildings heated by hot water heat HERKNESS & STETSON LAND 1TI.E ni'lT.DIN'O QUAINT OLD-FASHIONED STONE FARM HOUSE Remodeled, all conveniences. 0 rooms and bath, unusually large living room with open fireplace; 2 acres of land, 1 square from railroad itatlon: 3, minutes from Philadel phia bv train or motor, $S50O - HLKKNLSS & 51L15UN LAND TITLE BLDO. PURL1C SALE Premises Butler Pike, be tween Three Tuns ann 1 naimm ionira Farm Monday. Nov 24. 3 o'clock, fine 300. acre farm; will divide: stone Colonial dwell Ing heat, lights, bath. 2 barns, outbuild ings: great dairy farm: lame day, 1 o clock itock. crops Including 200 flne registered and grade Southdown sheer. mostly ewes have betm bred Apply HENRY B1DDLL Ambler . .OBNTI-EMAN'S COUNTRY ESTATE 20 miles from city, contains JO acres and 7 bulldlnge In best condition 30 ear;' cdlec. tlon of rare plants, trees etc from all parts of the world In the 10 seres of garden JEROME n JARDELLA' 1535 cnristian st BEST RAROAIN TODAY Only U'700 fine 3-story corner porch residence (1920 Key stone St.. Tacony firing city park, small amount of rash req , 6" trolley to rlty and near P. R R station Wick A Vallmer 4421 tiermantown ave 12 ROOMS, over half-acre, 2 fronts, city ervlce: fl miles from City Hall: grow ng section; lawn, ahade. fruits, owner going abroad Phone Roxborouth 2221 It FOR NEW HOMES with Imtned. posiesslon. modern throughout see Bruntraaer Bros Rising Bun ave fc Cottman. Fox Chaie 450. PAIR building lots 100x183. near Academy Station P. R. R mijcadamlxed street. 810OO SWOPE A SON 516 Main Darby LLANWELLYN Lot near "l'""!',',"' al" 40x300 DICK 018 Land Title nidg S1ERION Beaut , tonv local., 1 acre, high abundant fruits' house: gar B118 1JO. BulldncLnls FOR SALE Two building lots will sacrifice P404 N 3d t I1YWOOIT 40x100 ft, OWNER LEAVING CITY will sacrifice 9 room stone and shin. gle dwelling, garage for 2 cars. Immediate possession D. F. RYAN. 5908 Market TWO MINUTES from 89th st terminal, half atone stucco dwg . living room, open Are. place, dining room, kitchen, laundry. 5 bed rooms, tile bath, hardwood floors, gas, elec, corner lot 60x160, Immediate possession. OEO L BARNES 1201 Chestnut st nnny Have You Notice to Vacate? We can get you located quickly In a suitable suburbsn horn" In Darbv. Colwyn. Sharon Hill Collingdale or othir suburbs of Delaware county a !' ... 'vvfir-f; r pin ni, iiniii ,-n,w. HERB IS A GOOD ONE! Brick dwelling. -..rl .-l i-...-ltv. llvlnar room. taun. w" "fV "".'"Vr"" ' nr.Via,, - Iii is;. tioii porcelain piurniuna. -,v". ' ,ww- onl $4600; poisesnon annul nee. i HvfcOPEi ft pur. nil nifti". Lmtvj SQUARE FROM TROLLEY, has garage: lot 42 ft. front tapering, to resr: brlxk dwell Ing. 8 rooms: porcelain plumblna. heater, rtp.t $8800; act quick to secure. SWOPE A SON, BIB Msln. Darbv. 88 MAIN ST 8 rooms: all oonvenlenea seTnldetaehed: lot 28x100: price I8I0O. R. LOFLAND 7121 Woodland ave. BT.KINB PARK TWO-STORT detached gtuceo dwt rooms and batht immediate poi dwslllng, B sseiston; tvelna laano llccutuitua a- u Lincoln, Bid-,, or ElUns Fark! REAL ESTATE FOR SALE r KNN S YI.VA N IA BUItPRBAN FKtt.V ROCK FERN ROCK tf you wish to locito In thla leetlen do not fall to inapect the Aery dcilrabla homea I hae llftted. H. HOPE toSK'iw llSHlItAl)L.U 2-story twin brick dwelllna 1 roomi bath and ihedi hot-water heat. lm mediate poneiilon: J0S0O Herbert Hope, f.' (it Old York road OLENOLDKN TIIIMOS near Elmwood ave . brick frim. Iinuaai ft rnnnm mil hath and t NBLMON IllrK, 0I Land Title Rlda, ULENOLDEN Hrlck dw ! neit to cor I 1ft rooma and bath, nenr itatlon and trolley? poll , HtlflO Oo M Aman. 13IH Cheatnut IlIDOBW.Y AVB.. single, frurne houn T NF.t.SON 71 1 CK, near Aahland ave i 7 roomi and bith. OIB Ijnd Title nidg II Hill LAND PARK NINK.ROOM atone and ihlnele dwelling garage, with large lot) price M000 D If RYAN, MldB Market it JENKINTOWN English Style Residence Twele roomi and S bathi, 1 acre, garage, old ahade, truck garden houie nearly new, In perfect order, on Summit t beat itreet In Jenkln town: high eleMtlon. between train and trolley Herkness & Stetson LAND TITLE BUILDINO PHILADELPHIA. TA I.ANflllORNW NUAR COUNTRY CLUB Ill-room itone houn. 2 batha. h heat bil liard room and all convi , garage lor 2 ran; Vi acres old ihade & ihrub'v: near station C P PETERS k SOV BO- CHESTNUT BT MTJIION ATTRACriVK atone house beautifully In calcd I210QO O M BaNDI.E 21 H 12th NAhllERTn New Homes at Narberth $9500 Up A. C. SHAND, Jr., Builder SUtl'llR-llI or M7 COMMERCIAL ril'J-T t'l Ia I'MII.A MODERN hollow-tile residence and garage. liouio and ground! vary attractive and In het condition, owner forced to sell; J0BOO. Robert J Naih 1001 Cheatnut at,, or reil- dence telephone Narberth "B Itr.AI, RlNaALOW, with very large lot: a heilrcnma. 2 hatha, every convenience; owner moinff to anniner nn. io,o"ii ivop' tri J Naih. tool Chestnut at., or residence telennone jsrnertn ntn WELL LOCATED 0-room stone and frame residence, mortem conveniences: vacant 720 Robert J Naih. 1001 Chestnut st., or re-ldence telephone, Narberth, 005 BW HOUSES all conveniences. $8000 UP- warn Harris ileal unite, opposite sia- tlnn rvarpcrtn l'a NORTH OLKNBIDF. I HAVE 3 I.OTS ON A CORNER Tnta! 7S1in Well adapted for bungalow: Improved atreet. water and gae at hand, very convenient tc station, priced right for quick sale, priceit rignt ror quirn ssie Phone Whltemarsh 1810 W or write p 427, ledger Office NORTHAMPTON FRAME building, 30x70. 2 etorles. each story 18 ft high: would be convenient for a factory of any kind; with aome extra, ground for more buildings: located at 181b Newport: ave . Northampton, building Is in the heat of condition R3TAL , COLONIAL HOUSE 12 rooms and 3 baths, all conveniences; large garage, Hi. acres, high elevation: attractive grounds, near golf links, between train and trollev HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE BUILDINO SHARON IIIT.T. HALF-STONE modern home, 10 rooms and bath steam beat etc.: garage: lot 100x100 LOFLAND, 7121 Woodland ave SOUTn AnDMORB BRAND NEW detached house 7 rooms, bath, laundry. 50x125 feet lot: guaranteed hot water heating, gas ilove; silver fixtures: brick fireplace; cement porch; Immediate a-u-iaiafKaletri . v tn v YiTtm.'V 1, f nUilliUl a... Iflfin Finance Bldg Sprue olio. W A YN F, JUNCTION THIS IS ur opportunity to get the cheap est 9-room porch-front house In Philadel phia good condition: 4445 N. 20th st : nrlrn $4500 Apnlv owner, 822 Chest st , 2d floor. WFJtN F.R SV1LI.E WERNERSVILLE, PA, Stone houie, stable, poultry house. 34 acres, best ground; never-falling water: 1 mile from R. R sta tion and trolley ilne: stone roads: electrla current, even thing In best cnndltlon. Ap ply Wm Spatz Sinking Spring. Pa. W YNCOTF. VERY attractive atono and plaster semide tached house, convenient to tralna: 10 large rooms and bath, ample room for ga rage: this houie has just been repapered and painted, owner going to California will sell reasonable Write or phone Mr. Town sent. 917 N R-oed st Pnnlar 618 NEW JFR-EY SUBURBAN SEVEN-ROOM houie barn. 300 fruit trees, strawberries, asparagui. 4' aeres: 3 miles Wlldwood 6 miles Cape May. 3 minutes to railroad school and church city water passes door worth looking over. $3000 Svkcs Rio Orsnde N J FOn SALE? Residence located at 113 La fayette ave , Haddonfleld, N J.. 10 rooms, bath, llbrarv and sleeping porch: atands alone, located In be,t part of Haddonfleld, price IR500 Ph Ud 155 R or Snruce 1913 Far lories FOR SALE MANUFACTURINO PLANT Mll.FORD N J, On Pennsylvania Railroad Eleven acres of land Stain building 70x135 2 story, re-enforced concrete. . . Machine ehon and boiler room. 30x80, 2 story, re-enforced concrete. EMglne room. 30x42. 1 storv. corrugated Iron Warehouse. 30x40 I story corrugated Iron Warehouse, 15x100, 1 story, concrete and Iron Fullv caulnoed with 2 2.10-horsepower return tube boilers watcn heaters draft blower, generators, motors fire pumps etc. For Information applv T. A FLOCKHART Agent Somervllle N J FOR SALE MANUFACTURINO PLANT BURLINGTON N J On Delaware river, riparian rights One acre of land Vain building, 50x130, brick conetruction Engine and boiler room 43x130 Warehouse 100x83. with other sn-all build logs , ,. Tully equipped with 1 150-horsepower boiler, -notivrs, vacuum pump air compressors, city water, electric lights and gas eic For Information apply T A FLOCKHART Agent Somervllle. N. J OLASSnOBO CITY FARM, 8 acres 10-room house, sit city conveniences; electric and gn, on miln itreet. In flne condition; bargain. ORISCOM 2100 Catharine st Phlla. LINDFNWOLD THREE rooms: 1 acre: near water, bargain at 11000 Hlgglns I.lndenwold N J " 8IOOBEBTOWN J7000 CLOSE OFFER CONSIDERED Kieentlonally well-located home, lomswhat old atyle but with modern plumbing gn. electricity, it roomi, tot iuux.;ui. nne ansae, fruit, 8 sos, from ata . 4 from troltey PETERS & SON 60S CHBHTNU'T ST PHILA RiVF.Bsron 311 MIDDLETON ST Three-sty. dwg: ex cellent location, oppoelte Park, only $2300, J It MAhHEY A SON, 13th and Oreen ill MOODnPRT MODERN 10-room houae. hardwood floors; belt location In Woodbury. N. J.I 4 mtn titoi from station, 2 minutes from country elub; price $9000; lot 76x200. M 419. Ledger Office NEW JERSEY fiEASnOKK ATLANTIC C1TT 127 NO RHODE ISLAND AVB. Four-itory frame dwelling, lot .oxwo. ZACHARIAS & WALLACE 1430 SO PENN SQUARE 1M.HOI1M HOTEL, the Albemarle. Vlrclnla and Pacific avei. : unuiual opportunity, for trained hotel man: particulars en appllca tlon ABERNETHY. 1828 Chestnut st OCEAN CITY OCEAN-FRONT COTTAQE. 51st snd Cen tral ave., e Dcqmomii 101 sintmu icav, large living room with open fireplace; house ful"y furnlihed: I40OO. OEORGE A DATBCHEO 5020 Central ave , Ocean City, n.ORIT)A LOOK AT THIS We have client who will aell 20 acres ot land In Bay county, Fla , for only $800, the standing timber worth twice as much! taxn are less than $3 per year; bargain. Wick h Vollmer. 4421 Oer mantowh ave FLORIDA We will build your home on pro- Vluctlve farm land near Jacksonville at $10 per month, Write Jacksonville Heights Co,, JacfcjonvUle. SU, REAL ESTATE FOR BALE n)rDA FLORIDA ill la productive only after thorough preparation: fcr planting, mart right, Our planaavei expensive and dla fiouraglng pioneering. Locate on one of our 40-acre manufactured farm! We iturnp, clear, plow, fence, alhk ertealan well, build houae and barn to lull purrhaier. Farm ready to work when you locate- Petatoea, corn, cane, hay. ylild abundantly. Nine nionih growing leaiom 3 crepg from game land every year. Live atock and poultry profitably ratted, Farma adjoin the fa mous Haitlngi potato eeetion and are claaied among the belt In Florida. Inveitl- Rate now, for we are attracting many wlie eaded farmefi. Prlcei end terma will not remain ao favorable. Write for folder ex- ruining plan and arrange to lslt property hla winter, SOUTHERN FARMS CO., 40 rium it . BhelT Jtluff, Flagler Co . Fla BUY FLORIDA LANDS Wonderful epportunltlii for hememaklnc and profitable mveitment, ownerihlp of one of our Tort Pierce, Fla., 40-acre farm! rightly handled will make you tndipendent ror lire i laeai ror growing orangei, grapi fruit, guavai. mangoeg, vegetablea, augar eane, forage cropi; most attractive terma to real home bulldera. Beautifully Illustrated booklet free Phone, write or call East Coait Development Cornpanv, 5!27-3J2S-22:0 Land ttie rtuiioina Fntiaoainnta i-a rKNNBVI.TAMA FARMS EIOHT ACRES lfJ.reom Colonial brick dwelling; new barn and garage ance fruit and ihade; iltuatid high 10 mlnutei from Lanadale or Nor araxe; aound- i an ana arx. North Walea deooti. noiieillom IfloOO i. poiienio rlDELUY 1 1 ijnon cash I ivKniAicpi j- uu ITMl! iininaie t-a BEVENTY.K1VE ACRES, atreams and Mm ben fruit all kinds' 10-rcom brick dwelling. new barn for 40 head: 2-story garage! poul try houiei and all outbuildings: macadam roadt 16 minutes from North Walee or Lanidale dtnotij $10,500i poisesslop: Inveitl rate FIDELITY INVESTMENT CO , lnsdale Pa SEVERAL BARGAINS In farma and country aeata within S3 ml of Ihlla Addrtaa our Farm Twpt Chester Osborne ?ZCTX ' SIXTY-FIVE acrea, itone houie: good out- bulldlngi, running itreami 3 horin, 1 mw. chlckeni, 13 acres wheat In ground. IB arrei corn: all marhlnery; 23 miles city. aowim vi iti'.uAPf. ugonis BUCKB COUNTY Seventy aeres, 7 wood, pasture, creek: loam sold B-room house, new bank barn, tie up 13; wagon shed, eta ; bargain. $8000 NASH'S FARM AOENCY, Plperevllle Bucks county, Pa. TWENTY acres; stone house! good out' outin nil. is none! ann cowl rnicaani hogs, machinery: 34 ralles cltvi $3800; cash Iner (n i-.nn- berg O'REOAN, Ogontl VmorNIA TARMH FLORIDA FARM BARGAINS Northweitern Florida haa wonderful climate, health, aell. water, rainfall, drainage and sea breesea, 3 crops yearly; everything grows; fruit uniurpanedl cattle ana poultry thrive- anna ra.llu-a.vs. rfta.ia. markets. schools, boating, bathing, hunting, flshlng, 40 actrn. unimproved near city, with oooo test lumber. I10OO, $330 caahl SO aeres, 2 miles out, house, barn, fences, pecans, $1600, 580 acres, 4 mllei, 9-room houicbarns, mill lite, bearing pecans, frulta, $11,200; 100 acres, eeaahore, highly Improved, beautiful steamship connections, with stock and crops. $4000, 10,000 acres excellent farm land, 1 tract, Alabama, $10 acre; beautiful book let free THE R- E. I,, McCABKIIJ. CO. De FUNIAK BPRINOS, FLORIDA VIRGINIA FARM AND HOME 804 acres, 160 ef this under cultivation; comfortable B-room brick dwelling, barn, stable, orchard; well located, good soil and some merchantable timber: It'a a genuine value; price only 16500; on reasonable tirme; complete description on reiu.st MORTON O. THALHEIMER Farm Department, Richmond. Va. BEAL ESTATE BALE OB BENT CITY Bnalnees Properties and Stores NO MONET required If ground li Improved; will take mortaars: lot 220x350. onpoitte Pennsylvania Railroad freight station. 30th and Oakford sts. (W. Wsshlngton ave ): has ft f-nnta- all nvnnictnal lmorovemsnta made Apply any broker or Emil Ouenther. 26th and Orave Ferrv road Faetorlea FOR SALE OR RENT A. brick factory hiiiiriina- m.floo an. ft. or neor apace, tn- eluding boilers, railroad sldlni .. .'..T ' .,---- u, !.-.. Reading. Pa. If. L. M. u 644H Court at , Reading, Pa HOFFER. Warehouses LOT SO 000 sq. ft. with some buildings 88d and S4th sis. and Orays Ferry rd. (West Washington ave ): Pennsylvania Railroad sidings; satisfactory terms. Apply,, any broker, or Emll Ouenther, 26th and Orajs Kerry to tCTTWITNTJT wrfx Very Desirable Residences for Sale and for Rent FURNISHED JOSEPH M. JENNINGS CHESTNUT HILL. PHILA Bell Telephone. Chestnut Hill 1337 atHAL E9TATB WANTBP WANTED-r-Factorv building. 20 to 30 OOO squars feet: must he one or two story with basement Forrest Tire and Rubber Co , 308 Shubert Bldg,. S G Crosllv OWNERS Real estate bought, sold and exchanged, money loaned to pay Interest on mortgage and tax List sour property with us. Large list waiting MULLINS t BRADY 5602 Spruce st Belmont 219 WANTF.D BOULEVARD HOMES BOUI.B VARD BUILDINO LOTS HOMES IN OR NEAR OLNEY: ALSO 2 HOUSES NEAR 7TH AND BUTLER HTS FOR AROUND $41)00. STATE TOUR ROCK-BOTTOM PRICES IN FIRST COMMUNICATION, 1NSLEY, 11 W. TAnElt ROAD I WILL BUY smsll building sites In any section. Kensington preferred, suitable for textile faetorlea particularly. CHESTER ROTTNER. Morris Bldg. Locust 295 WANTED House of K to 10 rooms: garage, large lot. shade trees, etc.: Main Line sec tion between Overbrook and St, Davldi. Ad dress 2812 Harrlaon it , Wilmington, Del WANTED Manufacturer will purchaio plot of ground about lOOxloO, Kensington sect. Anv one with near bargain communicate v, Ith CHESTER ROTTNER. Morris Bldg Loc 295 I WB HAVE BUYERS for W. Phlla Proper ties south or target st. vviai- rniui, RBAL F.BTATE CO , 5000 Baltimore ave WANTED To rent small mfg.: 60O0 to 10,000 sq ft full particulars B 114 I factory for light : state rental and Iedgcr Office. , DWELLINO wanted anywhere 8 to 8 rmi.. sir, to xnn per mo -vol r,. eq st. WILL PURCHASE 7-room house; lend par tleulari LEWEND FRIES 5420 Market. WILL BUY few 2 separately B 107, storv houaes. to resell Ledger Office Faetorlea, Manufacturing Floors WE DEbIRC specifications of factories, sites and warehouiea, which wo handle exelu lively from an engineering and manufactur ing standpoint; we do not want exclusive agency. J. ALAN MIDDLETON .factor speclallit and Induitrlal engineer. Wldener Building. Philadelphia Phone Wal 2406 FnmUhed FURNISHED HOUSE or housekeeping apte.. Including 4 chambera, central. 2 edulte. Wetherlli. 140 N 15th st Phone Spruce. 878 PENNSYLVANIA FARMS FaRM OWNERS We have the buyers, lilt yours now with our farm dent, Chestsr Osborne 1524 Chestnut st , rtiila. Eitab- llehed June 6. 1911. BEAL ESTATE TQB BENT FOR STORAGE 6000 sq. ft. ground-floor space. Near Front and Market streets. J A PATTERBON. 180 B 16TH ST I CAN finance the purchase of a property that will permit yu to, pay same as r.nt; writ. oyr csJI , RrlW.. 1842 ARCH st Phils. UNFURNISHED house for rent In ci -i,w in Mirni, 1 hatha, for ball enter of ance at lease. 'Dec. 16 to Sept. 15. J920. at greaUy reduced rent. P 601. Ledger Office i5a n ?5n 3 rooms, 1 bathe elec. Iliht: entire house newt: BRO' ly papered and painted. memm iWN. 203 B 13th et, 1700 CALLOWHILL ST. STORE ANP B-ROOM DWELI.INO v inwidn r.ttT?: 210 N. itth st. arto TTUE and money saved 1 we locate stnre or Movaiiina, wu wiin u rami- Biata, anu you want; cbergia $0. 5t0 N. 3d sL BEAL ESTATE TOE KENT CITY Tefjortfn, Manofaetorlag Weore) 1020-1022 N. AMERICAN ST. Two large fleore, SO00 m. ft. each, for eter gge; light on 3 ildei: electric elevator, J. C. O'CALLAQHAN, 0211 Cheatnut at. 5000 SQUARE FEET Fourth-floor front of fireproof Wright Build ing, Broad and Cumberland. HfBRERD B WORRELL I CO , BUS N 17th. FOR RENT Deilraljle upper Aoora Bid commerce at . witn an convenienceei ren reaionable. LE.DEL REALTY CO. 1208. 12 North American Building. Phllade nhla. WILL HRECT BUILDINO 80,000 to 100,000 auare feef for rennonilble tenant on tiaa Iiaee, uiKTRitiun latvyainut it . OrnfTM, nUBrNKWH ROOMB. HTC. FURNISHED offleei and builntii rooms, In cluding heat and light, telephone and lenographtr !.: building to take charge ot calli etc : rent SB in lilt per month. N, E. cor, 7th and wprlng garden iti PERRY BUILDINO Fourth floor; flno well lighted suite of five cftlees, about 1200 square feet, very suitable for law, archi tect or engineering offices, Apply superln tendent, 830 Perry Building 514 ARCH ST. Builneis rooms. Including heat and light. D B Chambers 710 Commercial Truit Bldg. OFFICE, used by doctor for 32 yean, now vacant, win rent to reiponilble pirty; alio apartments for rent. Bin N. 11th at. jauo waijmut rr Modern building: buil neis rooms foe rent! kl,im haa. ln.ti,j.J Oscar J Bamberger A Co , 1204 Chestnut at. J; '"U1. nt I'esiraoio room, semt- agtielv;T,i.u'-ioulB TObr"- Aprlj' ORF.RLK ULDU, 1708.10 Cheitnutf Deilr. mru-,w rent q 1. jarneiia, loivft tnrilltnn 1708-10 CHESTNUT ST. Room 20x85. J, B, .iAKt)r.i,ivi, iost rnnsttan it. Offices Wante-d OFFICE WANTED suitable for brokerage business: two rooms wanted, size about 10 by 15 feet each or one larger room that can be subdivided, will sublet or rent; state amount rt apace, rent, etc. Address B 20. ittwr tjrtice west rnn.AnK7.rrnA $83 PER MONTH 3 atory. southern e ip"'i.r.' rorntr- , electric lights. 2 bathi! immediate roimilon. yearly lean; private TAYLOR & SON 24 AND 28 S40TH BT mwociiN . dwelling furnished 48tb and wir.t.ilif ?.-. aZ,l?ZZ, "' flpri. i.o.c. mrmrn.TA . 1-...- ...., 1 -.. ' -- , lease BENKERT II. 1020, stnut st. - . ".-.-... 1 11.1 i.nr TIOflA vAeTn,1s3.0nl.arl0.,t ! "y. rrch. Inqulrr.T4,28,Tt;lrVal...,,eat' ,,eelrle fihtS- PFJ.'NHYLVANI SUBURRAN NINE ROOMS AND BATH, STONE HOU8B. c-ifSm,.rfl?r. VniV "! """' '-" minutes fmm iltfrillU:.?. w"i- n trolley from flotfi end Market; Immediate possess on: rent, 390 ArTmoeVVa.T ?""" Tv'- Sywood. Phoni Aromore 1BS1 J tn see house STRAFFORD STRAFTORD, PA Small, tinfumlihed AlbJrTBMiR"' flS.JS month. App" Albert B Mills, West End Trust Bldg. NEW JCTSKV SUBURBAN Why Store Your Furniture? RENT A HOUSE IN YORKSHIP VILLAGE CAMDEN. N J Vein Hc?.tnia'0-.?'0rkyi,,SlSlllln trip tlcHet IB 27, or P An. to Weit yoiiingswooa station. 60-trlp ticket $8 65. i.n, ... ' "-"q " rooms, all conven- alt COJIE OVER TODAY YORKSHIP VILLAGE RENTING OFFICE Bell Phone Camden 1MI0 New Homes for Rent NOREG VILLAGE 14 Minutes From Camden P. R. It. (Market St. Ferries) to South Gloucester Bell Phone Gloucester 272 TOR BENT rTJRNIBHEP CITY DESIRABLE furnished houie nesr 20th and Walnut sts.; 11 rooma and 2 batha: will leass until June 1 J C. FULLER. 10 S. lth st. MORTGAGES SEVERAL FUNDS FOR GOOD MORTGAGES $1000 to $10,000 3 EDWARD LUTZ 2t0 N 17th st 2218 LOCUST STREET First floor, kitchen and dining room, hard wood floora. B bedrooms. MEARS & BROWN 202 SOUTH 15TH ST $60 . NOTE ON MORTGAGE Immediate aettlements To Unsettled estate loans Building association funds $1000 DEMPSEY A CO . 27 S 15th at. SIX PER CENT gilt-edge redeemable ground rents In smounts of 83600. sinnn .j $6000 for sale on operation of 92 houaes at cnester ave, anq nntn at Particulars fur nished upon application to BURTON C SIMON, Passyunk ave and 19th at $50 Ileal estate eecurlty. imme diate settlement. Interest Is estates oougni wash at ones- $2000 EDW. M. MOLL Jg, a. th st. PARTY to take over a $25,000 flnt men- J rage on a mill property, located In Phlla : g, in flne condition & well located. Ad dress the owner for details A 216, Led Off LOANS. REAL ESTATE AND ESTATES: DELANY 34 8 Broad (Weit End Bldg ) MONEY TO LOAN on first and second mort- gages David Cohen. 729 Walnut st. Phone Walnut B748 W. II HALL A SON 438 LAND TITLE BLDO HAVE money for rood 1st A 2d mortgages. e.,l.nn K!!V VV.lnnl n- ,9.1 ?... - -.....-.. ..-- ..-......, w. tvt epiar MONEY TO LOAN CHRISTMAS RUSH HAS STARTED Why not take out that loan nowT You will then have ready money to do your shopping early, while the etorei have a complete iw. lu.i-w .u.uiiin ,., ,o hub. a better aeicciion ot jaur swt INVESTIGATE OUR 20-PAYMENT PLAN $40 can be repaid $2 monthly $80 can be repaid $3 monthly $100 can be repaid $3 monthly With legal rates of Interest at 3 per cent per month Other amounta up to $300 In the same proportion Our plan gives you twenty months for repayment, Wo loan on furniture, pianos, vtctrolas, etc. Call, write or phone for full particulars PROVIDENT LOAN COMPANY 1Q3S Cheatnut at Room 702. YOU CAN BORROW MONET ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY $25 AND UP 2 TER CENT $75 AND UP., , 1H PER CENT $200 AND UP . 1 PER CENT RIEDBR'S 128 MARKET ST. RIDOB AVB., AND OXFORD ST 22D AND SOUTH STO. -READY MONEY- DIAMONDS. WATCHES & JEWELRY United States Loan Society 117 NORTH BROAD 280 Msrket st 3548 Oermantown ava. NEED MONEY? We will loan money on salary or furatttsr is reliable people. No honest employe re fused. Courteous treatment to all. n n nriiatiri: wood km. XJ, U. VlUkU 4tm CASK MONEY AT ONCM .AtvAlev. tMina. auloroOBllsaL Una. Podol's Loan OsflS. Ill I' ,.J IS8TNUT VS. (CM - f ft,Ks 34 at. ? VI .,'ti i. a 'To 'i I ff 4 VI i si 4 1 il "si . H'J 'J S& 1 afT ' ..-: i ..A Vi v J t.A v. ,.. h l-''?' . - r uV'e V 11 ' t ..'!. iAS&rl: '.i. U H.Z aoa- -. r 1 1 i i rMMimiBimffii itiiCs