Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 17, 1919, Night Extra Financial, Page 14, Image 14

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' A 1' n 1. I.
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tvF)H ,jc'i t '
i ,
hnks. wilson Offers some help
Menu Given Here Covers
Marketing for Several
Days and Is' Suitable for
Just Tivo Persons
I) MISS. M. A.
Copirlghi till !! Vri V
II 110 I
.11 (til,
ttliat I fee! I
l I mania wnni
brides arc asking for help
must try to plan some
I melius nnd marketing trips that will
nld them to snlvo flip liigli ost of liv
ing. Toilnj I receded u letter fiom n
novvlyvvcil who niil tlmt lier liiib.ui(l
dearly loves rice. so she plneed Mime
voter in u saucepan mid added tlio rief:
fit looked so dr. tliat she tinned it into
Ja larger put and added more water.
land tlien sin' said slic had enough lire
i-to feed n whole illuge and would I
f please tell her some way to look this
j I think the storv of n bride ew
trieme in eooking rice has hi en told ns
(one of the standard jokes on brides, but
(today when this letter dime I felt lli.it
it was no inke. hot a leal tragru
.7n.il think the one time in the bride's
life when siie really tried 10 pin nuiii
her best effort.she is in a wild dilemma
as to the proper method of cooking the
necessarv food to keep body and soul
I together
' Statistics show that Ullie out of everv
Ififteeu marriages fall because the wife
Jls a failure in her own home flunk
this over, mothers, and then give the
growing girls n chance See Hint each
I girl has a real oppnrtunltj to le.irn to
J make good, plain, substantial food .
t The hardest problem for the veiling
ixvlfo is jnst how much food to cook for
fher husband and herself, so with this
idea in xiew let us pian 11 iiieuu umu
will include the maikoting for sevcrul
. Hrcalifast
J Oranges
t iri!i 1
Two V.zz Omelet
Hashed Itrown Potatoes
It Dinner
' t .-. . j- i .. . i
uvsier i. ochian
Fricassee of Lamb with Vegetables
Apple Dumplings. Vanilla Same
t Hi calif. ist
J Cirapefruit
Cereal nnd ('nam
1 Bacon and Hot Cakes
J Dinner
'linked Fish, Tomato Sauce
Mashed Potatoes llruUcil Cabbage
I T.nHitcn
Cup Custnid
t ' llreaUfast
; Sliced Rannnuf
I Cereal anil Cream
i French
Cheese Canape
Vish an Uratin
t JL Potato Cakes
' Apple Pie
& JTlie actual nmomit to prepare for
f two percous is governed largelv b.v the
Individual appetite, so miu nir iun-
portions given mil) be either increased
I or decreased, according to the individual
J preference of each hoilsewife.
f lr Monday Use, medium-sized
S oranges; remove the peel and cut iu
I thin bliccs.
I Cereal for Two
J Place one und one-half cups of water
I In a saucepan and add one-half tea-
S spoon of salt, six tablespoons of cereal.
J Stir to prevent lumping and cook for
5 one hour.
1 Place in a bowl
Volts of two eggs,
Three tablespoons of evaporated milk,
I Oho and one-half teaspoons of salt,
z PSnnh nf nenner.
t Beat to mix thoroughly and then beat
5 xvhites of two eggs until very stiff. Then
, beat in slowlv the prepared 3, oiks. Place
J two tablespoon of salad oil in the
I omelet pan and when smoking- hot pour
t in the omelet nnn cook muvwv unm -fi.
t Turn, then fold and roll. Serve on a
J hot platter
Use two meaium-sieci com uuiu-u
potatoes, cut into tiny dice for bashed
brown potatoes. Place the potatoes in
a bowl, add one tablespoon of flour
and toss to coat each piece of potato
...wi, Amu-. PInee four tnblesnoons of
tfat in n frjiug pan and when smoking
i hot add the "otntoes. Cover nnd cook
for three minutes. Turn and shape in
' With a Purse
mHERH are times when a hot water
j Y2 -L bottle ma) hang henvilv ou one's
r 1o.l nn ptlr.nl ii K if villi! lint Ufltpr
? hnm be a biir cine, if said hot water
Thpa why jou might be interested in a
smyll hot water bottle I saw todav
. for R!i rents It is ot cood nuulitv
5 nibher and is not much more than six
Inches long It would be verv niie to
I use for headaches or neuralgia, or to
tuck under )our back ou cold nights
I I had stopped to ask her about some
5 thing else and the conversation turned
J to face creams. "There is jio other
I cream exactly like tills, she cxeianneu
' "It was ninelc by a woman, and I have
Jan idea that sho herself was beginning
to notice that her skin had that faded
tawny look You know how tired one's
-J skin can get Well, this cream that
'she made takes all that awaj It is i
really wonderful. You ajiplv it before
J j'ou go to bed, and it isn't long be
5 fore )ou begin to notice au improve
llneut in jour complexion." Her talk
"was so convincing that I have bought
I some for my own skin. It costs $l.:$0
for a good-sized jar. And. oh, yes.
5 J almost forgot jou can also get it
Jin tubes for (IS cents, which is a con-
venlent way to carry it if )ou ure trav-
J The new chains are man nnd their
j eWgus most clabotate. I need not
)emlnd )ou of the iutricately carved
metal beads with fane) pendants and
I drops. Hut the chiefest charm of the
loties I want to tell you about now is
Tthelr extreme simplicity. They arc
y three-quarter or opera length, nud con
It of over-shaped, well-cut, translu
I rent beads ulternatlng with small, round
fifr; ...t L.-.1 1 I.. rv.. fn lni.ttini.n
i'Mi of clear. L'rcen beads. Another has
L'ftUrtlug lights of rich amber. They
(""i'roMie In a uumbcr of colors, have an
Individuality nil uieir own, uuu uu
prlctd at ?0.
' Removing Spots
Water, pjotrcan offcn be taken
Htnuniuf , HH the ta(u oyer h i
(of PM,"' Qffl? bruKhlng It
vMtfa An r?X' Let It Ury
Water, hjhuh can ouen ue lanen our. uy
ury ou a
4.aA i. U V,
Ask Mrs. Wilson
If you have anv cookery prob
lems, bring them to Mrs. Wilson.
She will be glad to answer you
through these columns. No per
sonal leplies, however, can be given.
Address questions to Mrs. SI. A.
Wilson. i:KNlMJ 1'LULIC LLUelLIt.
omelrt stjle. tbeu let brown and turn
I'm n hot dish.
Allow thiee ojsteis for each cocktail.
Prepare the snurc as follows:
Thter tablespoons of catsup.
One tablespoon of vmeyar,
Out -half teaspoon of grated oiiioh.
Mix well, then ilivido into two por
tions and use.
1'se one pound of stewing lamb for
the friiassce. adding
Tiro potatoes, cut in inarte)'.
Our ciinnt, rut in iiiaiters.
Our tin nip. qunrtrieil.
And look until tender, usually about
one nnd one half hours Thicken the
graij and season to t.isle, then serve.
Make apple dumplings and apple pic
at the Minn1 time.
The joung housewife will find Hint it
is efiiu'oniiial to utilize the prep'ired
nam like Hour for hot cakes, as iisimIIj
less than one cup of the prepaied mix
tore will make all the hot cakes needei:
for breakfast and this will 11N0 assiuc
her a neifect pioduet
I'or bilked li-h. select 11 two and one
half pound cut of hsh nnd plan to utilize
tin lift over li"h next dav for the an
Mrs. Wilson
Answers Queries
No 1
My dear Mrs. Wilson
I am lomiiig to jou fin a little
advice. Will jiiti plan a menu for
me foi a luncheon our league is to
have? I want 11 luiicliion for I rill
poisons, for about seventv live cuts
a Ik ad. What would vou suggest?
MIIS. W. A. M.
Celcrv Olives
Cream of Toniati Soup
Chicken 11 la Mai'vlind
Ciirinnt .lellv Suiiieme Sauce
Paprika Potatoes Peas
Asparagus Salad
Tee Cream Coffee
Tin's menu mnv easilv be prelum for
15(1 persons, and will tost about seven-
ft -ftn. iTiik i.mli V 1.11 wil iiMtmre
foil,- hnni'lin of rnlrei . imii li lmnili ion-
taining twelve stalks: one gallon of
olives, iiiirchasiil from 11 supplv house
in a gallon crock, and tweutj-tive three
The Testing of Julia Grant
Coplrioil. into, iu Vublio Ledger Co,
Does a man ever know whether he
loves a woman or not V Perhaps if
Dan Carson had kuown he would not
have jilted .lulia (irant. for nfter he
had given her up he discovered that
lie wanted her after all. .lulia went
back to Dan beiuusn she felt she still
cared, but afterward when Dr. Nor
xille told her that he loved her, .lullii
knew that it had been a mistake to go
back to Dan. In the meantime Lucy,
.Julia's jounger sistei. lonfesses to
.lulia that she, too. l"v Dan, anil
then Julia tried to breal I engage
ment. Dan, however, wi I not have
it so and .lulia's cotiseieucc compels
her to keep her promise.
T7H'i:KYTHIN(; is about the same."
suid Miss Tully ufter a moment's
sib nee. She was not paiticiilarly cor
dial iu fact, she was annojed lit Julia;
she felt that the girl was being foolishly
conscientious. Hut if Julia noticed auj -thine
at all It did not bother her par
ticularly. Often when she had been at
work iu the hospital Miss lully had
treated her brusquely. Ahvajs when
an) thing had gone wiong the nuises
wort' treated with uuii-uul intolerance,
their faults were e.uggerated. their ef
f nw j iiviomi ln twr i-inii
"How about (Jrace Mcrritt and Dr
Miss Tully shrugged her shoulders
"Grace Merrltt's a fool." was her curt
Julia laughed, and then at a bnef
knock at the door her heart leaped
to her throat. She held her breath for
n minute as the door opened and then
Dick .Nuzent Inmselt. resplendent in
white duck, enme into the loom. He
I stared at Julia as if she had been a
l ghost.
I "You!" was all he said
"Well, tell me about the hospital,"
Julia said almost gajl) , 'all the news '
I WsSs - !
jjf (Pbmpfexion ,
vWj Kfk Gmoath mni YUTrtr i
I alci' I the PttU of roia i I
V WP compunon Ua by
( ,s iiaaine race rowaer
Xsji This delicate baautlfltr
gf Imparts an IndaBmbla
charm a charm which
H llnjfora In tha memory. I
Hj . .,Th smooth teituro of '
I tiailne ad her of until
1 waihcd oft It prevents
I sunburn or tha return el
L dlacolorallona. I
. I riuh Iu "!n" refrain- '
Pink tha tenderatt eldn.
I SrnntM N s dl n Faea Powder
I Bmetu vjutifs millions of com. i
II WftUa pleilons todajr. Why- ns 2?-
II yours f
l S.M U Gnn Swi Oak. fnSSJg
M l&y Aarn'i it, iy mail cK 7j
iYxzmKmnammcmzmL. $a tu
isold bjr JaeaU Hroa., " rtl TCeenu$ Si, fB J
UMt XaUtl UHJUl, ' 4,L7W
Recipes for Main Dishes
Are Included in Today's
Article Giving Nutritious
and Good Foods
nml one-bnlf pound chickens Parboil
the thicken nnd then cut in the follow
ing manner for serving. Wing with a
drumstick, thigh joint und two filets
from the breast, thus making six por
tions fiom oneh chicken.
Also one do.en glasses of jelly. Tor
supieme sauce, place in 11 largo boiler
Sis tall cans of evapoiated mill,,
llvihteen cans of uatrr,
'I'ico iuaits of sifted flout:
Stir to blend and then bring to a
boil, mid cook slowly for fifteen min
ute), then add
Our pound of pailiottcd miishioonii.
One ounce of papilla.
One-half nip of sail.
Hi? 11 ill-brutrn ry;i.
Ileal to blend mid thin rook for live
minutes and use.
You will also need one bushel of large
potatoes, one and one-hiilt diveu cans
of pea, one und one half do.eu cans
of tispaiagiis. two do.en heads of let
tuce (large, tirm heads 1, twenty quarts
ot Ice cieiiin. cut eight blocks to the
ipiarl : ten gallons of coffee, allowing
one pound of linelv pound coffee to
eneh , two and one-half gallons of
water, nine tall onus of milk, live
pounds of sugar, 1.72 lolls nnd three
pounds of butter.
1 he approximate cost will be:
( Vlerv So. 00
Olives JiOO
Chickens .".!.'"
One dozen classes of lellv
One and oue-hulf dozen toll caus
of evaporated milk
One pound of muslnooms
Two dozen eggs
One bushel of potatoes
One und one-half doen cans of
I. no
I. so
One nnd one hnlf dozen cans of
Two doin heads of lettuce ...
Twent.v quarts of ice cieam .
Pour pounds of coffee
Pive pounds of sugar
One biindnd and tift.v lolls . .
Thtee pounds of butter
1 Two gallons ot oil. tor ir.viug
1 hicl "o
'Thre" pounds of cracker miinbi
'Total IlIloVV mice
Appiovimate cost
n r inciilentai
and vaiiation in
maiket pricis 11.10
"News, news?" Dick said, wrinkling
his brow. He had sprawled himself
out iu 11 brown niouis ihnir in the win
dow, his handsome head thrown back
against the leather. "No news. Oh,
i't, there is, jou might call it so. The
gieat John Norville is no longer with
A giiiut hand seemed to close on
Julia's heart and for a moment things
in the ofhee swam mound di.zil. Then
she summoned all bee self-control and
spoke as naturally as she could. She
had to: theie was nothing else to do.
"No"'" The cool little word was ap
parently natural. "Where is he?" If
Miss Tullv knew thnt the question was
wrung from a heart already overbur
dened even she had to admit that Julia
was a thoroughbred.
"He's been gone about two weeks,"
Miss Tully observed.
"Hawaii, isn't it. Doctor Nugeut?"
Diik nodded. "Yes. he bad au offer
to go down there and take charge of
11 hospital
"And he's L-oiie'" said Julia,
"Not fnr good, 1 believe. He's look
ing the ground over. We nil told him
that he would be foolish to leave New
oik but he wouldn't listen. Of course
he would decide for himself, anyvvav ;
jou know the tvpe of man he is self
iithcieut. He simply lookeiJ at us witli
those cool ejes of his and refused to
' ta" about it
Somehow , some way, Julia got out of
it ami escaned. She found herself walk
I ing down the street away from the big
building whose ugly outlines hail tnrilleti
her a short time before when she climbed
the stone steps. He was gone, out of
Doirfr neglect
eat Keliogg's Krumbled Bran every day
And be sure it is Keliogg's Krumbled Bran
the ready to eat kind in the package
with the red and green label like that of
Keliogg's Toasted Corn Flakes.
You don't have to wait till baking day
although our bran makes wonderful bread,
cookies, muffins and so on. But it is ready
to eat, and you should have a little with
your breakfast daily. Eat it as a cereal, or
add a third as much to any other cereal.
This good-looking suit Is brown
iliivel.vn. held mil on (lie edgo of tlio
oat by bands of seal fur. Seal also
forms the collar and ruffs. Tlio
Iiat is brown velvet with piquant
feather fancies on both sides
the city, out of her life. There was no
question as to wliv he had gone.
Kveu the knowledge that lie was
somewhere not too far away was gone
now. norl if (here had been some va
grant hope of escape from the fate that
whs settlin!? down over her this ended
everj thing definitely. She was getting
near home and she fluug back her head
MuMiMih- to take a decn breath as she
rounded the corner into her street. It
was dusk and the lights were lighted
upstairs. Outside at the nub stood a
small machine 11 looked like a doc
tor's car, which puzzled .lulin. v ho
could be ill in their house? She could
not remember when any of them had
ever needed a doctor. Involuutmil.v
she hurried her steps u little, a vague
little feeling of misgiving seizing her
Tomorrow The Turn of the Wheel.
The Question Corner
Today's Inquiries
1. What would be a practical and
pretty gift for the bride-to-be at
a kitchen or household shower?
L'. In sprinkling clothes for ironing,
what iiile should be remembered?
H. What feature is noticeable iu eve
ning coats for winter?
i. How can ants be kept away from
5. What is the meaning of the
pansj .'
How are many coals or wraps for
afternoon .wear lined?
Yesterday's Answers
1. Placing mi electric fan behind or
upon a radiator will fan the warm
air into the loom and warm it.
2. Rottenstoue is a powder like
powdered pumice stone and is
used in the same way ns pumice.
li. Many of the skirts of the after
noon dresses are made in the
Turkish stjle with the bottom ot
the skirt turned up to resemble
I The clover mentis "industry."
,"i A practical cuff button that will
not fall out of a silk shirtwaist is
made iu two parts that bnup to
gether through the buttonholes.
0 Lard, put on tho spot und rubbed
well in. will remove a shoo polish
stain. Wash it with waini water
and boap.
jour insides-
I 3i 1
1 t 1
You'll enjoy the flavor
of Keliogg's Krumbled
Bran. It's a new taste.
It appeals to you.
And you'll enjoy this
simple, pleasant way of
avoiding or overcoming
constipation the chief
cause of most of our ill
nesses. Buy Keliogg's Krumbled
Bran at your grocer's.
Every package bears this
t If 'I
Please Tell Me
What to Do
That For You, "Old Bachelor"!
Dear Cynthia In answer to tlio letter
signed "Old Hnchelor" In the evening
paper, I would like o say a few words.
Old Bachelor, you sav that jou aic
going to devote our leisure hours to
getting In crowded cars just to watch
women stand in tho aisle. Well, just
jou lemember this: that most of these
hard-working women are supporting
a family, und ufter vvoiking nil dnj ,
many go home (o vvoil; ngaiu. Aftei
last j ear's epidemic nnd the men lost
at war, jou will find many women
working for n living nnd leincmber, too,
"Old Hachelor," that jou had a
mother: perhaps she wasn't forced to
work to keep you, but if she had been,
son, you would not have liked the
thought that some strong young fellow
like jou, who signs old to your name,
would hnvc held on to a seat and let
her stand.
So dou't let little things embitter
jou toward others who don't deserve
iinkinduess again. Perhaps .vou de
served what jou got from this girl.
You say jou scut her money from
Prance. Well, jf jou could have af
forded to do this, why did jou not
make her jour wife mid then no one
could have bad her, so jou see that
jou were iu the wrong.
"Old Bachelor" Is "Getting It"
Dear Cjuthin: Plcaso piint these
few w 01 els :
"Old linchelor," I think jou have a
pretty good neive to write that note of
jours about tlio bloudes. Well, hero is
the reason: I urn a blonde, nnd do not
think they lire all the same. It is the
same thing with you hojs: "New face,
new fnucj." and innuj u gnl's heart
has been broken bv a thoughtless bov.
I think vou must have been a fool, to
go so fnr as to send monej , nnd the
joung Iadj eouldu't have been much to
have taken it.
What do jou think? Just lemcmbei
there nre just us many hojs who plnj
the same trick ns Hint joung ladj
plajeil on jou. lint do not blame it ou
the' blonde, as brunettes do it, too.
I would have had a bioken bemt
long ngo if I believed all that tlio
"hojs" told me. Did jou ener do that
to the girls?
Hita "Bachelor"
Dear Cynthia You sure
do have
: . - .. , . j. i., . .., .1...
vour nanus tun trying 10 11cm suive iue
lolls" und "love-lorn problems.
I always enjoy jour column, as you
hi! such irood iidvice. but I have never
answered any ot the letteis, but I musti
say 11 word to "P.aehelor." Allow
me to sympathize with jou, Mr. Rache
lor. So you me through with women
because one happened to be untrue '
Listen, old top, take mv advice and
look up some real girl and give her a
trial. Remember, even though you
h f rf'
' "' -' ... i. . 1
Ami Arc Afraid They Will Never Get GoodJosilionsThis Is
What Other Girls Did Without Those Four Years
rpniS Is for the senior who is ncaring
tho end of thnt college preparatory
couise In school thnt alio has worked at
so hard for the last three jenrs. And
for 11 Bpeclnl college senior, the one
who yearns for four years at college and
knows thnt even If she could nfforel It,
which bhc cannot, It wouldn't bo fair
to steal those years from tho liviug that
bhc must start to earn as soon as she
leaves school.
She's unhappy. She is fond of her
work and tho life with her classmntes,
but she feels that she has failed the
teachers who have put so much of them
selves into getting her ready for this
life that she wnuts but can never hnvc.
The realization of their fnillug Interest
makes her lose heart in her work.
"What's the use?" bhe thinks dismally.
"It doesn't get mo anywhere. I can't
go to college, why bhoilld I bother to
get ready?"
I have some hope to hold out to that
uuhappy senior. I want to tell her
about some college preparatory girls and
were unlucky, many a girl watched and
waited for a soldier or sailor who never
returned, as the bame hojs married
another, So do not judge, lest je be
juilged, and that docs not come from
Kipling, but from the true and only
Hook. A cigar Is all right in its place,
but it cau never bo compared with a
good, true woman, llemembcr, I said
11 "good" one.
So don't be a grouch, but give a good
girl a olinnce, I am twenty-four yeurs
and mairicd, and have a dear little
boy four years, and 11 good husbaud,
but not a perfect one, as I didn't think
I was getting a model. Hut as long as
I love him and he cures for me, that Is
enough. What do you think, Cjn
thia? Come, on, girls, bland upfor
jour rights. JHAN.
Flosoars vou. should be interested In
K Below Chettnut BU , ,
Use Cuticura
For the Scale
All drcechta: Soap tS, Ointment
S3 and 50. Talcum 2fi HaniplA facli
freeof"tctlcaT.Spt 5Z.,Boiton"
For "Little Brigkt Eyes'" in
the Home
It's a good habit to get the children into, a"
cup of Cocoa morning and night. It en
courages them to love a healthful food drink
that is free from all harmful stimulants, it
helps build healthy, happy children. In ad
dition, it is the correct beverage for all
members of the family.
1 ,t ' 'it
l9.'By'H. O.'WbBUR ft' 80Ng,lIHLJil-
what happened to them. Three of them
went to college. One doesn't count, for
slic left after two years and was mar
ried soon after that. Another "special
ized" for a j car after finishing her
course, and five years after leaving
school got her first position a good
one. The third became n reporter on a
newspaper as soon ns she left college.
The girls who prepared for college
and didn't go looked around and did
some of those discoiirnglng "odd jobs"
for a year or so after they left school.
Then one of them, with a decided talent
for painting, started to work at that,
the three jcars after she graduated
had a studio of her own with another
girl. Another, two years after leaving
school, started In n small position on n
magazine, and 'just nbout the time the
college graduates were starting, this
girl hnel worked tip to a place on the
editorial staff. A third member of this
class is a nurse nnd did splendid work
during tha war. Another one helped
ber mother with the housekeeping, and
now that she is married and has a bouse
of ber own, she knows how to take care
SO, YOU see, there's hope for, that
girl who can't go to college. Thero's
something beyond those four years.
There's nothing finer In tho world for
girl than a college education and college
life If she can afford it. Hut if she
can't there's no reason for her to feci
that her life is blighted. She can still
hopo to be a success in tho business,
literary, artistic or just plain every
day world, if sho just plays up that
talent that sho has. She may be gifted
with a singing voice, n painting hand, a
writing mind, a business head, or a
home-making heart.- A college educa
tion would help all of these gifts. But
they can get along without it if they
have to.
Don't bo discouraged if you can't
have those glorious four years. Tour
teachers may bo disappointed In you
now, but if you Bllck to It and win out,
and come through with a good position,
just nbout the time the girls who went
to college are starting In at their first
"jobs," those teachers will bo proud of
you and your success and tho person
you work for, or the man you marry
will find you just as satisfactory as if
you had been through college.
What a nib she
doesrit know
esinol Soap
would improve
her complexion
Remarks like the above are passed
about many girls whose appearance
would be most attractive were it not
for a poor skin. RESINOL SOAP
is just what such girls need to help
in overcoming their complexion
difficulties. It does more than re
move dirt it gets right after those
clogged pores, and excessive oil
iness, anel it benefits the skin cells.
When a little Resinol Ointment is
used in connection with Resinol
Soap, relief is hastened, and unless
the trouble is due to some internal
disorder, the complexion is usually
cleared in a short time.
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