f I t !r ig re Pv. If 1 'V. wW f-. . .11 y ps- Cojijti liilfl, bo no Punt 10, C4pnik.il, I ii. i, by l; plilim l'u -Ho l.ttlser Tins SIAKTS TH1J srom Hugh (larlantl. f the Hultoil Stuti-. cilntoui m-rvlcv. I" iitHlgnril tn ill covnr tin wliori'iiliiuitH f a roil tllii niond Hiiuijrclcil into the run n try on the atcaituhlp Doni I'otjru. lie lie crptji n poKltluii nn nxs-istmit to Col onel Wlmrtoii, a colli rtur of iintlqiu" nnd Ken' w'" has the Ktone. Uur laml linn rriisun to Mini' the ilhi Ipoh i'i'n 1 'f-ire it win n.iii'-'-sled llromley IJnmea. tiarland'i viilef, niirnts .lolin-on. sicaiiui mi tin horn Pedro, and llarlle tllmtlur. u 3Itimoi.il dealer. An nmtiiyiiiuun inne warnH Dora, l.it'iv of I'oluiit'l Whar ton, of an ntti-uipt to be mime to Uenl the illiuiumd. and she lomove U from the safe. Amy Smith, a Movant, telK (iarlaml of mini's part of the Iraimiftiiiii and of the diamond later being stolen by t!hix!i'.'. lie dropped the dhiuio id In uU h itlc to Set awaj. mid Amj Cmniil It and Curled It. tlai'lai.d iiimI llirim ImiN n to lled!i"vater UotHe. wlieie t'uluuul "Wharton iIciiiiiukt-i .lu.wit . .Iiiinitiil e diicoier utiere Am) Smith Imrii'il the slolif and lieemnpi lth I.. ltarnen and (tiirlltuil fiilhm I lin to In. Ml sod loeate hlni in '.liat I'lirin, fuu clfull ealln the Home of Li Hun dred Kej" AND UUtU IT l'ONl'IM"l Ihe Ked Jlame A',':iin IAITKOAl'IIKU tlie liir.tsi. ..iil tiiisl5 M Hrt thoiiKht v if to ool: for t.ie I'llstuiii limpeetov .vim had been uluted on .ruanl at the ui,o.lo of mvsci'i'i I made in iili'jut the ilmHins v.tj e.irfully. but no one was in ML-lir. unc o: two uhu,,t I., Lt i I. i t :. . .. t. here vh.s .t hicrli vhitl ijIom llur at Ik. ln, .,,,.1 It ....,, f rh .l.n.l I..,Hhs scurrying around .ti. M-Uh suggesliiencss that made my flesh creep. mi .i.t.... ..t...... There was something uncaun.i ubo'tt the Ilraziliau. and the thought that he was in tin house made taat seein uncanny, too. l!ut, hoivecer I felt, I am sun taat I din not betray any out ward agitation. I'nutiousli I made m.i way up the teinced flout until 1 stood before the ri-mr. At that critical tiim I remembered that the Ley of the house the unl:i one of the hundred kejs in in possession us at that moment in the drawer of nij de.d; in the Cus tom House. That Mas embarrassing. Mechani-aliy I gru.sptd the knob oil the door To m delight it jiehled to mj touch -it was not locked. I walked into the luilhra and as I did so 1 felt a gust of cold air in mj face. It ins evident that some of the Windows in ti.e house were open, lint everything m as dark and I could rot tell where the draft came troni. 1 closed the door carefully und cautious!; moved along the hallway, feeling my way by placing mj hands on the sidis of the M-alls. Aftei a Mhiie I caim to an opening a dnorcaj on one ' side, and I knew that It was the en- trance to the parlor. .Still there M-as DREAMLAND . in "The Hidden kL - . CPcgav "vd Oo-htln ore captured ( India bj tke ctirnt-iii oi ttajah Mir llubu. irkn is jerking his statin daughter, Ramda-Kin. icho has really stolen the child, tries to throw the blame on Oo-la-la, claiiniiin that Oo-ta la is ,-eallu Uamda-liiu changed into a younger form bu. his oicn wngic, and that 1'ciigv is Lada, the lost daughter. Ue ojfen to turn reggy into liana. my ttlch of your magic?" "Nay, nay, it is a trick of thin soi terer's black magic. He has caused her to disappear." Mailed llamda-Kin. pointing at Oo-la-la. Just then a beautiful butterily -ailed oier wie Bcarcning ninuub auu ugnyti UU .1 UWHa 1.1 uuui Ui Jiuiutiu- JiU HiR eyes gleamed with crafty hope te naw it "Ah ! Ah I He has turned her into a butterfly. he shouted, sebing Dretty creature, "ltut with mv ma: T will turn her back into your oivn lovely daughter, Lada." Ilamda-Kin suddenly threw the but tfrflj down into the dark 'veil. "Chango ' Chango I Chango!" he shouted. "With my magic 1 turn the butterfly into I.ada, the stolen daughter of Jlajah Mir -llubu." I'ulllnz up the rope, llamdu-Kin drew the bag to the top of the m"11 and I tnrew it upon u- groun i m jroni o. iat liapi'oneu I'.uue. .uniurav uo. ir ,..r iiivinm I'" ' ' - iiiiiiiitgeti to reacn rue upper iianv.av' . ,,dssin friend from Iteuccna- sine in i. posture oi lniiurj . me naiiii-, i jitmiirr timmiirr oi tiiraiiimt I dun Ancmuu . i nirnnn niconnterrd the guard and vaii.pl shed uess restore,! me to my normal iff. The without making a sound Ur this is deed a siin.rise " 'the large, eager, greedy hands, weie La.t Veteran Returns i Memls-r liwVnrfonM.rTiH'', rilml I a PH'LAELPH1A to LIVERPOOL hlmorta mau m-s nog'ecthig his tiut.t . tear left me. The hloo.l coursed through .,,,-,,, , ' .,,, ,, thl. J K t,U he be-m to moe slov.lv ' reu dout iu a May that seemed to as- , Last Veteran Re urns Mem li. "'ViVirnVM, 7. ! Anglo-Chileai, Nov. 17 I recalled the Incident when one of my ve'ns -. fr.vl us ever anil 1 was . A that pc nt 1 Mas st.ii tied bj the A - ' ' " 'L1 ' " . slov,1' sure jou that their owner Mould not. Of the group of bms Mho went tiojn ,. ! l,y PHILADELPHIA to LONDON our iiispcro.s -ht, had been .-eld Iu .,r, ,,.. , 1 f,e an, udienttire that might J ht of a stre.il; of light ,'ro.vedinB n Mie n;U''t0,' "t.V.''Vcl Vt,.,.iv under any curcumstauce.s. be Bllt of , Park Avenue M. E. Church to ful- VtX 7 via Borilnl . N. v JO iaptur. a-, i-lduin smiiRgler had been oi.V itch'. '" the t.n.t ly .ipeiied door ot the irontj , Sot that ijaj, 1 called .st.unlj, f,,,,,.,,,,;,,,. The oompclling gray ejes I low the Jlag across the seas the last mm AAri mj?, ..e'-AAv, asi.s.;s,5,S,:l.,;;;;;-svi,;;,! EASHS Is'XXK St :r!C'sr'Ss"ctfiq Sunday at Central eXSDZ$ nened in this esse Tirii. ' o s on l" ''Ti'- e "" that unlocked tloor: .,.,, ..,.,. v (w 0p,irP),s,p. .fter a his nose and folhmcd him. He must im""5 , , , x T ?.or ,1 cam. s in thi"country. was as- ins fiod Half Wu.' Jir. leoigc pier 1 6 South vffi? the i snector h-i, " d .llbt de- i11". I'W. '"l"'' Wn "'T',, "V'1 ''',:"0' w,li'" ' ''''1 hear the faint ticking have felt surprised that I should tier- ' You know very Moll iilmt T mi an , W1 ld lien omit Squi dron Xo. L. "; 'Vi imn.oHum .l rl..r) 1"M ""r T "'"lUVDKr.rnM cltVti ota iff Vt-il events R",1 tl"' "'"" .,v'ls ",..oi- that such a (lf tlw (,,, , b(,t- T , , ,it Iiim to move eien toM-ard the dlniiig- -the Red Diamond you stole from the y'birked "or France Jul 28, I 4,VerMco" V eelr.(?U' Susl.V Uogram. I r" 5! u,. ,,, J, L thing seemed imiiossib.e. lou'd. he have t tlirtm it awiu for fear it Mould he- room. Hut in a subconscious muj I museum iu Month America. The diu- ua"u IO' , ,"; 'Z&..Z 'fllK ViffifJl. C Dl, of DI.!l-ji.U: Oo.ta.la'H Trid. Z' Xn'r '"l 'ifH - '?' ' .-" V't 1- .: "XL".!? JfirI 'ST.ff.'Vj ?.i' "is thaVsoV" II OAJAI aiB.BlBn slari at he could go. cnrijiug the dog behind it on ,h," sleeie of Is Voat and i e the man who has not lived long enough ! IV.' ..irm. , viD' the 1V,ld" mnsieian. ". Iili(I if n the ijllr0;. wjtn a ,,,. 0f,ln this world to understand its wins.." " -'llls i h; ine gin jou were guing io turn 11110 "Thiet: llring hacic my daughter I " otlitr- odds and mils. l'reseptlv he "i.itlc philosopher." applauileil j:ib. ""'" '"""K '" lost dauehter is not here. Th this .1 cernm,..l ilr.. ,,4.1. ...-. 1...H 1 i..,., .. 1 i.t.. ,.i ..-i 1 n iA.. ? "I'.,, ,.. .-u.. .,-rt,0.11v-wJGn . nron't inn loo s tunned fai tno rajan. 1 1 c nog wiinin was sirug- J)InB Ht hlt, ,,N T,I lnustr spv ran , glipg violentlj. aft(.r )lim .singh-.Madu hadn't any de "Get jour gold and precious jeivels sin lo face Oo la la after his awful ready for my reuard, O Ilajah." cried mistake, and he knon that the onlj waj Hamda-Kin, "for here is jour long- to regain the rajah's faior Mas to cap lost daughter " lure the fleeing Hindu magielau. The rajah leaned eagerlj foniard and Tncro as roi,,- ,lt,a feasting in 3amda-Iin threM open the bag. Out (!, camp, nnrt Oo-la-lu and Peggj Mere leaped the dog in a snapping rage oier ' Rr,.atly houor-d. Hut iu the midst of being thus roughly, handled. Itarnda- i th(. celebration came a call to another , Kin was the most surprised magician n , aG,Pntur(. an,i hat it ia wni be told all India. He looked ut the dog in ta next wee)jis story. gaping amazement. . "AhtAb! iou have turned mj beuu tiful child iuto a dog!" cried the rajah. 'Tomorrow trill be tola the story of "Yoii! Yoiv ! This is more of Oo-la- ; fie Rajah's gift.) DOROTHY DARN IT Orphaning Has Its Advantages -p ii , , , i i ! 7l i 7r7. .nc-r r c t. 1 ) ..., r. A I . . -r..c. , ,'fOr: I Vl C " .1 SAI.IO IAJ Ll I D C Vfi. I AklPkl " Ht?T MOVE , J thF MElGHfJOPHOOD'' I m rijuw Lfi kr L ,& g v . , -r CtW.rcMAfJU L tlU"-" ' ' ' 1 I I .1 ill I I . Iiill H. MW !. .11 I.i1, r'rr !. ' " ' -. ' ' . Mystery of the Red Flame no found and no light, and I began to woinl'r If .lilies .laciiilette could, b uu.i possibility, be In the house. Is there aiijthlng on e.irthrJnore tor- lifting fot n person of sensitive nerves than mi unoccupied house? ' If so. I have et to discover it. I don t prof i km to lime less pcrtlinnl cour- age thun the nvetuje mortal, but 1 must coiuess mat tlie excitement of the previous tiventj -four hours unit the ileiithl) stillness of that house ci beglnniiiL' to net on mi ueries. If there lind been the ll"ili t--t evidence of life a raj of sunlight, a dojf or a cat, or DAI GlITI'li U. I iicle lieoite' rtrni the letter into the lliilueT. and u iuinbl u great and noble act of ri'iiuiielatlon. nutted " 'If the letter is not iiupoitniit." sjs the gambler's daughter, 'look at Miiio'hiug that is!' And she holds up her babj. 'Isn't he a great little i.iauV " 'Ves. Jerry is u icat mau,' says 'L'nclc George," but he is thinking of the babj 's graudi'ather." Yon ill be Interested and thrillid by T.eioy Scott's great uoMd ll bctf'n i.u Mond.i.' nel l'i tl.t E) EMSG PVIIUC LEDGKU even a ,"nv Inn plant t could have throiui oi'r the dread that stemed to en fold me like a jcarnient. Standing there In the center of that dd-fashioned parlor, stretching nij uifluV out into space with the helpless nes of a blind man. I was suddeiilj tilled tilth a desire (o tpiit the house iiiid 'iwu't the ui rival of l'roirilej I .ini.s. lint the thought of being con dtiered a emvnrd arrested my Impnlse. 1 itiuinicd in v four on the. tioor with a .Igor rli-it raised the dust and cried: "I won't quit; I M'ou't:" eiti... nit- vim' ui ..uu . uvLi.i..'ii . , , . .,... .. .. . .. v. "' r,il '" "IU1. ""!' "' toe l.e.t. uu tun tioor? The onlj waj to ge an answer T" I miis to proceed with my search . i.ii .. . . ... . . . .i ...' ,','u ,',".. -'. ,",' ' ' " "' L, J",lu, V"", ' sts, uy ..i,,e,, ,.,g ,i.e pisioi i iiau nil. cod there on leaving the t'lstom ilO.'.wl. I hint t uut not a it'iiimu'irsfy mini. . , , , .1.1 a special abliornme ot a pisttd. It ; corns sucli a mvuidh thiinr. ' ' when I started out 1 real! ad tin dan- gennis character ol n.J inissioti imil I Priscntly I found lnjsc'.f in the diu-iug-rooni. A chink in the shutter f one of thu MindoM-s let a raj of sunlight into tnc uiiuri ii.eiii, ami it mail" i slaiirlni, illuininatiou in striking eon ti.t.t ivitli tlie gloom of the rest of th louiin I 'a.iiiaged to get an idea this part or tin house, which uus iur nlshetl with somothinc aiiiiroueliliie lnv ury. Unlike the other rooms, it was not ADVENTURES mmn Magician "Ur-ur-roM-!" said the dog .mil he grabbed the old Ilindu'w leg. Itamda Kin let out a yell and hiehed the dog avay. uui tlie tlog ralihet ltanula da-Kin, when he said he had tumid tLc butterily into I.ada. "Nay. the dog is not your daugh tei !" cried Oo-la-la. "This old ma gician haj cheated you. as lie tried to ineai you in teiiiug jou lie Mas io-ia j la mj wa, u,lllMia-Kin To proi 1. ' stood her befoie the rajah. 1 "Lada. my own little daughter." ined the rujah. stretching out his arms, ii a s p., pare. i . iu case ot ii.tcs.-ity. to , hy tjmt ,1Ilfl,rtun.ite mishap. My heart) , light the devil with lire. Tuns tortllie.I. fltteicd. not ex.i. tlj mHIi fear, but, " I si.nvij nuid,. Iny way around tin h)Mtr iti srt of apprehension, a feeling! T'i"ri just thrc inonlhs ago toda.i ." ' deuiiigl.i iudif.'orent. 'Voiril get a caul purr oi tlie house, ill lirmrivs- .is n,... i i..,.i ::..... i. i...... i n.-. I n . . . ., ..i. n. i. t.. ,., ., ,.,i,n,. i ., :n ...i .. ,.i .. 11. 1I,1I..T .1 . A'.e it u !. ui ei ii.i,i..iii..-i. .lanvvnvu luu A reilCClOtl l.ltllll. Ill illlOlliei' M ecu ; ...w.....ft. .i ..ui i,iw jiiauu Ull b Kh dltllciilt and c-sj. Dilhctilt from battle that was in-iitable the Hotel Mill be closed, the guests gone the l.'tli of neU month, the very day wis "oi.r nnd e'l'si he'' ns?'thV,lnh,e. J ""'"'t hv icm.iiued crunching in ' and we'll be gone to." on M hitli sou and T hatl arranged to be val; lutterl, iWrtji" this, position for thirt, seconds. Xoth- ' "Yes.- nudded Bob. "it seems such a ' " , ', JJ -'" '"; hetween I thnr the ,.mK ,,- ,. . ,,V tf ,. ii.", in happened, and 1 shiny arose, hope- K,rt time since and what a heap of ' i(l" t think it necessnrj to dinnge tho Iroug 5 I n s" ,V XVwa i . o ?"tt,at IV """r','"'1 ,,ot ,Wn ,p" ' "W i K--" lie broke off ' ubSptly tlM, J -you i.uuld not mind." ! .?!";'. .tuts or auejMa.ts mo- fectcd. Ontcuir.tii 1 resinned mv n. i V. ...1..1 .... i l !,.. ...n. "f- fee n..a s, nil ,i..t 1... ,i:.. ...... i i . ..ii .... ...v- i iii uwe. 77. , . laaraiice wiia in- jeuowisi . iigni Trtun ,lI ,our i(1(,a an,, ooiitalned not the th. se Pm , J ni ,m's m I on, la work.' screamed Ilatndii-Tvln. f.ir. the candle reflected upon his sniurthj .ii,,.... ; ,.f ihn l.,r..v. ." . ' '."i lnanimn s Doj . I am. lean g.tting that he himself was claiming fo. 1( ;va5 ?vi,i,;t tl.at he l'Ht'Vtsl ' "t"1, " ' tr;'j;:;"f .'" j,,c suIt!i," laiK w tlie girls. I knon I.om.' - (o be Oo-la-la. liut the dog didn't .himself alone in the house. He had T, , , , . ' ., ,. "Dh, arcn t Jou horrid!" laughed care whose work it Mas. Uumda-Kin ,'uw" "Thing there for some time be- .V"' "''shed, but said nothing. i.ydia. "I think that Mr. Morton is i vis the first one he Saw iilien he -ot '!ls(' drawer of the bureau wen "I'lic next one to prirjioso,. she ton- , cry nice indeed." out of the bag, and Itainda-Kln's bare ' on('" nml a m,lS3 of Ktuff 'vlls' I'II('d in tinned, was Mr. Utllary. who owns ..An( uit uliyiilvC too - !ol)1)1iIa. kgs M-ere right in front of him heaps on the iloor. He was bareheaded Jh'ir splendid yacht down at the harbor. iuly a((,'ei ous,.0,u , .V. '" "Vh "'.""""'. ""- oil of tin. fnrr of mv imture. After 1 Was- atralll M'lien lie KIlOlllll 11II1I J Mas. ....... .... . ........ , ....u .,......-,.. .u... j.t,iii,,-ii 111, i,ir, in. .1, ...... .. ,..,. ....... - - .' .."....- ." -- - ,--- tvhnt 1 s;, lii.r.. 1 flio vlrnnrrr. 1....,,. 1 ...1 .!,,. nu IP l.,- ,in ,ifnr-fli,-in,'irr snlfislir.l tho vntoi wmtoflllll M ltll the girl," and lw pulled Vcggy from he- he Tint Ills' hand inhis vest pocket and oars. ' jW, .",, !7sl, Z "JZ oxnl'ain " m-uth h h robe. "Ami hern Is n.iir mi .n.llo.l .ml ,, little imckuire. It -.as ..ti. i.k ..... si.. rT.,e.. ..-I... ' 'K"tlJ. I wish JOU Moultl expluin. .little stolen daughter. Lada. whom this iinnmed in tissue nailer, and he slo.vJy w,.,u , i-i, ,.fV.or'o."' :....,,.h"1."' ,"?1'?.K ,s'5 l rcn"-v uo ,,ut the evil man had named Sheeba." With nrinonnil it until it lav bare in his it !, ,ts,. ,.t r- ITnrnoiv l!nl, ' i"ll1"l"u "" , . ... iWit f.i.,.i ...... .!. T...1. .. Ji ii. uu m..i. ii. -.v. ..."'.";'.""""" "..."l"-.,:iT: V .. Joo ccaseu roiving ana gni.eu at her l.aua ioolted at iiim, a giaii light,'""'" "' """ """" """ "'"' leaping iuto her eye. "My drecm Ih true," she screamed. "Daddj. my own daddy!" And lada threiv herself in her father's Malting arin.s. As for Ttamda-Kin, ho ias almost mil of s, ,lt in thp ,,Uht lUv, ,, . Yr5 ,v-'v --ivj . vjiu i i , 'iirsji uui un' i rn-i .ws,.m. , .sj i -... -. . . '-- VOUR MAM.-N AUD j j MO MAMA 1 I AN ORPHINT - I , ) 4 VOORt SAO' P KyiNQ PUBLIC liEbGEk-rHIADfeLPHIA, BAtftfePAY, encumbered with goods nnd pM'UaRes. . preparing to leave the room. In that A largo pier mirror an attiuied to the second my couroe of action Mas de- wall on the far tdde of the room, and elded upon. I would quickly make m iih I passul to and fro 1 could Fee my,uay tn the lower hall nnd prepare to relieetion in it in a ghoi-t-llko way. meet him as he reached the ground There was a large table in the center floor. This would give me more time of the room and around the sides a nnd somehow time soeiwil to me to number of miihogaii) chairs. A brll- limit chandelier ni- suspended from the i ceiling, ami on tin- marine maiiici Mas a handsome clu'-lf and two tall brnss ami estlcks. The c',.cl hnd Ioiil' .lsed to tick, and there was something pathetic in the ei idences of liiMiij umid the dust and ''' er n per- grime uml decay of the house. T peered Into the kitchen and also looked sluwn r n cheap melodrama, e. T could not "(liie nic that diamond!" I de 1, ltraddock, San Francisco; r'reilcr lie c.lini. s.lr.. t.,,f (,, ....l, ii,ufni,.n' 1"lVP sui1 ""ythiiig else if mv life hail miindcil. "And give It to me at oucc !" id: r Davis. Ncm Tork rilj. and pon tile tellar stairs, bit in each instance ((,I)omW lt, Alll! tho ,.ffwt ,, Tf j ml(, nlcied lo M.nro ,lni i nl(1 s Ashl.rook. Wilmington. Del. . Mas confronted oiih b impenetrable, tR, ltnizlllaii Mas electrical. He stood , mt.s mistaken. He shrugged his broad , AVork of constituent clubs 1 1. iari:ness. i lie time linil come to explore the tipper part of the house, und I j t ..tf .!. 1.,... t T... iiricmsieu to tin so Mini misgivings. Slowly I made my M 10 along the lower llunr until 1 felt the lmuistcrs 1Pf the stinrwav leading to the stciuid story. .' .- "' :; Then, step bv step, and treading slow- ly. 1 luoiiuiiil the stairs. I Mas fearful ot a creaking sfeu. hut the dust m-iis so( rrl rue lra me Presently 1 ben to make n.j ivaj Mllh ctreme caution toward the do,r ui ui' lrniu room. i whs nan wai there Mhen I stumblfd oi or something1 ,!m, rt,,r. It was a footstool, and in I cntlfiiMitiug t recoier mjself I turn- i.i..,i ;. ,.. . i m i :. n ,,'., mi til--. ,i nt ,, in -ei. ,i ine 111.131: ,...., ,,.... , ,.,,,, of ,.,',.. it ,,,,, llllt . 1, it vii ui ill ll flu il 1j ill iliit in inv M.nii.1 Min HOT'S. I.i.lt ..l.... ln,.i.i.iflu T Ii 1..t.i wonderhnr Ii I had snoilei! riervthlnir terrupti'd jiiii-ncd tm-ard the front ruuiu. i ins rime i mammetl to reacli the entrance without tuishun of am vMd. The iloor Mas slight;, ajar and 1 Mas able to peer into ib room. It look me some moments to nccuhtivn .ui' iyes to the scmigloiiiii nitliin. and then I disco vend a lighted candle on a bureau in the far end of the large apartment. And then another sight greeted me that caused me to (ingle .villi eioitement. ll lias Jules .lactiuette. closely n amining nil article which he held in ills right hand ! At lust, efter all these dajn of an. iet. , I had found the scoundrel, and hi' and trom time to time he ritobetl If, unoccupieti iianu across tne nri.,iie.-i ot his closely cropped gray hair and smiled with a M.iirl. of satisfaction that aroused placing .ill of the jt-welrv in it, pro- i-ieded to tie it 1111 with great cure. The uext iiiFtant the rowit was iiPed with the heavy odor of mus.!;. Alter a while he straightened up ivitn the nir of n man who has iniishcil his tesk and is preparing to take hi.s leaie. and foretineer and looked at it ir- ultingly. the liicuering rays 01 111c candle happened to strike it and pro- to illuminate the room. It was the Ited Diamond the Star of the South around which all of the adventures of the preceding day had clustered! Mv imnulse was to rush in anil grab, rnii'ir rniir r L.nrranni run rronn niiii i if. i . i mi i iihm. iitiu . a-i u I'lMTfiii rn inn ttas in a corner, apparent y at mi ..i i,,aw.i.,.i. ..n.l vtr..l. i ll.o!'v"",, '" ,'" .. ' aiunieu. i re . lr":V '.r. '".r0111" ". .s,JsIp.r !'- uaterMith her long, m hit-fingers. "It s f ! i", "l, il"lV,"0,e'; . I r . i - . " ' iitu" 11 iiiiiii' -nin i.i .-. "" " -' mi Hill ai Ul.oilW ' i in ,, hn.n l. l...i it from his insolent hand. Jtut sober those men do jou Intend to marry ,'" second thought came to the rescue and'he asked. bade me proceed with caution. , "I bnie two engagement ring?," she I had gone too far to risk failure by retorted. "One is jours. You muy haie a single misstep. AVhile 1 stood there it now if you wish. debatiug my course of uctiou he con- He silently lighted a cigarette. tinned to gaze on tho manelous gem for "Vou'll need It for one of those nice nhicli wo governments were now girls jou'ie met," she suggested quietlj . searching. His clear gruy ejes almost "Oo I kuoiv her?" rhaled tho Uiamontl in nnllianej. lie unu r-lriHlincr oi er rtie l.nsesftinn of lhe treasure; Kloatlnc over it as a liossihli man cloatn over Mi, inoi.ej. Presently he wrapped it in the tissue paper attain and restored it to his poeket. He took up the handkerchief from the bureau and reached for the candle. He was By GEORGE BARTON uthor ot "The World's Greatest Militant Spies and Secret Service Agents" t he mi important element in the struggle ' before me. . llromley llarnes might come along ami render me nuy assist- ' auce I might need. At all events I innile mv a ilonn the dust stairs nnd took my position candle in one hand, and actually hum- mlng a tune from one of the operas, lt has been claimed that in moments of great excitement we arc apt to ex press our feelings in commonplace Mortis; that Me rare! do io draniath' alh, and scarcely ever in the accepted terms of ilctlon. I can't say how it Is ultli others, but at that supreme mo- meat. mIicii .lactiuette reached tlie foot ot the stairs. I pointed the pistol ul him and crltd: "Halt!" That sounds like a half-dime novel, there stuck st 111. The hand thnt he Id ' the candle trembled ami his face became ! ... ... . .. , ,. u !,.,. ,,i,.r. He was badly discon ,.erled. Almost unconsciously T ex ebilmed : "Halt or I'll shoot'" nun, m j ji snoot. Slonh the color came bad; to his t'aee sl'oMh the iiervousne.su leff liim u',j 'then with a smirking "rln lie ex- i hatl a motile. Like a general on tho i "'c of battle. 1 tlecitle. to Hie: out the bpot where the conflict Mould take --- - - -- - -- I,18to1 aUl1 "llu 'aiiuette at a tnsau- THE DAILY IWO LS Ity LULU i,nv. in me uooriiii) oi i ae par or. nianuiug vi uiu iuuus in una k'i""- uu" j,. " i, ,, ..i i. ivi,i, ir there I Mould command n good Ue of glorious countrj. lint let me assure """ I een a "'"nood J I reslint Al- the rascal and Mould bn In n position Alonsleur tlarlaud that I am entirely, 1"J .'' J , " XC "?$ l. U)0"" to tarry out my ,.lan of campaign, t In the dark regarding the purpose o 'K "', '". '" .IV'ercival cocked and primed my pistol and Malt- his presence here and that 1 cannot . p'?w " " ,0 . lt '"" " nntr? , ! ed. 1'resently 1 heard hi, foo;steps ami understand why he should point that .- . ,, 'li U' "Ju '"ii, u" In. iT.iii., ilnun (lw. iolpu .npi-lin' liic'turlv weanon nt the noor heart of .In lea ' l11"'.. .......' ... ,. Ljdia looked siieetly sympathetic. "Tell me about them." she urged. "The Lydia pouted prettiij. "Please duu'l heap of nice girls." be cross,' she pleaded. "You huicu't "I'd rather you'd tell our stovy told me h thing jol." iirst." returned Hob. half Mistfully. , "T think." he remarked coldly, turn She ghineed at him demurel.t. "All I mg the boat out into midstream, "thai right," shf replied good-naturedly, uml J"-' hud betler he going back to the began: hotel. The h.in is already set ami llierc "I came tlov.n here the iirst week in " no moon tonight." June and met. nu fee the second time "IVhi, Mr. IVrler," she cried, "there since ol.r schoolduj-. Wp became en Mas a beautiful moon last night', so, of gaged, but the engagement wiik condi- course, Iherc miisf be anolher toniglit tlonal. That is, if either of us met Mr. .Morton and I sat out for u Ion some uue else mIioiii mo liked better mc time last eienlng admiring it " " Mere at liberty to do as Me pleased. In ..j ,,. )lP is lhp M,n... Tm, ,iAi.ii trt ut rnnh nthur Kihiu llf' inei.ia.uc ...r. ..ii-iiuuu. Rimini- .u- " - ,""" """ -., "i.' boj . I'erci Don ne . I refuml I'crcy, of eours-e. He was deadly iu earnest, and alraid I 11 make a fuss:' l,jd!,i shook her Huff head. "ou made the conditions of our engagement, ,0 you ought not to make a fuss." "Never," breathed 15ob, qui'klj : I 11 not do that. I'ray continue jour delightfully interesting tale," and he laughter and made, the bout rock vio )cntlj.f "Stop Immediate! I" cried tho girl; '-jou u upset tne Boat. "Q, I.ydia!" he exclaimed, when he had regained his composure, "how I-" "Mis Vane, if you please, Mr. I'or ' rer." she ii.terrunted coollv. Hob became sadly serious. "Miioli ot .... ...... ,. -- --.,.... . "i nencve you uo. ins tone Mas eurt "We didn't promise to tell names," i she spoke slowly, "but would jou mind tfllinc me hers i "I'd , rather not," he returned, shortly. ' "Just as you please," she Mas mad- onUg hut I linen' euough of the fellow to realize that he would"" not surrender without n struggle. As he cot tn the center of the room he put the candle on the table und made a mocking bow. "And noli, Mill Monsieur (lr.Tlo.ud explain the purpose of his islW "Monsieur (iarlaml doesn't hac to, t nuswereu irri enough Mhy I' Irrltnbh. "You know q linnii i null, i m hnrp Id, stlll'smlrklng, "Mon- "t Jhe annual conientiori of the Asso it eoueluslons. This Is. olat.sl l'eniisylian la ( tubs, ut V II- .Ml, lie sa sieur jumps at ,'acquette. If any i "... ., . . .,' one nan to u me tnar i iiouiu. l... . . "i j.. .... n..t i... lie siuuiiiiiK III LUC lllllllli;-1 OOIII III llie !.loi'?,(' 0'..t''i",,1,.""ll;(''1 ?0s AlstV.1i'"! ,lll .. ,,,i,.:. " ;l:.'l " "".'" . . " ...i . seizing the diamond I should hiiici ( U'llllll Wi I (Mllllll tltlll II 111! " gneti inai iierson to scorn, nut ine fellow unileiiiabl) mssessed u Itlnii of i inugoeiibin inai Mas irrcsisnuin. ue into 'he poiier of holding jou eieu wbru1 our illstrust for hlni Mas most pro- nounced. I dctcrniliied to resist tlitsj tendency. nhnnldors nn,l elevntcl M Imshi eio-. broMs. ..-,.-...,. ..... . -. "What diamond';" he asked. At that moment I would haie sMorn that thin pendexing Urnzlliati M-ns cut, - . , ' : " v- , ., , ,, out ue " K'"cat actor. No child could '1!t,(' "ssiimed a more convincing air of innocence. The big head, resting on mond Jou tried to sell to Colonel luirion. ine tin mono jou nave ui your i est pocl.cl. fTO I!I2 cunttvli;li NOVELETTE A BOAT I. l'AULUY lie returned sharpb . "Wh.i should ' T . .... . . i "lou'rc not obliged to like him. uaslied l.iulu. VrtuUiU not. I sai, l.idia I'm K0iug an av 'in the morniu'c v'en o..rlv ill.. . , nn,nr' er tone ivas banter - appointed the heap of such a bright, eli e turned redli and avc hiii full attention to the oais. "I suppose it'b the other girl mI.oih Jul are going to bee," fcho remarked thoughtfull. "lloiv glad she'll be:" "teucc take the other girl!" broke ft cm I'.ob'a lips impatiently. "I.jdiu, don't jou care the least little bit?" l.jdla's. pink .checks giew a hade long and steadily, then he turned his gaze thoughtfully across the. rner. af,0j "Aren't ivc- going tn.'" she pettishly ni. Hob tumid his face to her with, a slow of determination iu his clear, brown eyes. "I'll tell you the name of the girl 1 lo, if jou iiill tell ine the name ot ...",. ..Ul. . v.,..l the chap jon re going to marry, he in foimeil her. rather ehecrfiilli "Wuieed," she returned frigldlv. "iou needn't bother." ;, ,. f Miss Vane," he urged, p, 0er(Ui thai you are dying lo I.ion. I huve her photo -with n.e, too." I.jdia hesitated a mopieiit, then she lauKlud half hjbtericallj . "Show mc the photo." she said, ,. tirett it. caressingly from an inside pocket and held it out to her. Jier lips tn mhled as sdio Rlauccd nt it Then their ejen met j "You are i are the chap T am going she ea,id softly. i to marry, lie ne.it complete novelette Tho Pic- hlan Taste f'.pj right, 1911), l.y the Hell Syndicate, Tn- . t i .....I i in i ii i i in i . iri'i.. r mil inn i iii riiiii mi. , lousins, loriumu. .lie. : or, it. OMBflB 0,5, 1919 PENNSYLVANIA CLUB COMMITTEES NAMED Annual Convention of Associa tion to Bo Held in Wilmington February 18 and 19 VWa imnortant committees to drnw ----. uP ,n,V?ri on vunmih pnuses ot me worn ui inn i iiivrrmiy 10 av iircscnu(i Micrs. Los Aimcles. Oil., and TJr ..,", A.- i. -. ..e x- v..-i. i naries '.. j. iiinuc, ui .i-iv ju.u .. ll'elnllons with other Instltutions- Melus 1 IW,X ork el J. rliaip ..' 'oilier Ilu'ekel, (''olumtiia rnlie'r- lutin; lraiiu It. lord. New -Voru ciiy ; . . .ri,n,..n, i,T110i, Monteonierv. liar puj,,,,.,. Ia. ; V. I,, l'nxson, of Mndlou, -.y. ui-liilloYix with secondary schools -fnia,. Kieswetter, 'Xcm YorJ. city, Hmliiiinn ; Inost O. llorfsteln. SI. i.U. Ato . I., flreen. f'hlcngo: IT. sinUv IMttslnirch. cha rnian : James i'. ,v....... - - .. I, T..,..n llnutnn . W. Xeitninn. At lunta; V. C. Irwin. Chicago: Ii. 1'. t . T,.,t..r.lt ,.,,,1 li.tu IT. Skinner. i,inJi,',i, ' VoinlnatlonR William MeC.Iellan. of this city, ohnlrinan :' I"I. W. Ojden, l.osion; ir. .lames i. jii-ikj, i. ington: S. U Irving, Chester, and A lt. I.utlloM-, Chicago, TDDCATIIlXAli. llQtll SfTfS I n... ...,.,. .r. m contiant afmana for i lowJ-paylim piillon. Ore-tg Bhortl;M. the tiay. iedy ryotem. Ciraplcto buin ; iDd MCreUrial courses. D.J and JJ"'if Cla3cs. imyii'lie tralnlns. Enrrt . any iiino. t-aii ','" - liurtlrulnrii nnd catalogue. in II. A. DPH1MWS COLI.r.OB and Colltcc of Commrrn 1011 rhe.ini.t ft.. rhlliidelohU I rFi SS PV. H,Hii, r : A I The Mereditli 8t"?' Dramatic Art of jviazs n. Mi:ni:uiTii. director OJt'sra complete uml thoroucb tramlnK In JCIocutlon, Dramatic Art. rubllo Speftklne. Play I'roduetlon, E'lucattonal Dram a tic 8. io ttyrfflnVKniyT,'tHla?ifa , i THE TAYLOR SCHOOL .t GresB Sl.iirthon.l. Toueli TjpewrltlnB. Iloolc l.efjlng & He. rclarlitl t i.urBPS ljy & Nlgnt. Strayer'3 Business College I P.iilidelphl.t'n Greatest I:u6lnsss School. . Sn7 Clu-atnut St. Phont Walnut 381 . KlrsrhtiHtitu .srliool of l.iiiiRiiiiRt's &. Utireaii , of Translation. Inr.. le'Jl .( Iirstlillt .Street. JAZZ FHIENDZ I 4 plcp iln nee orcli Inc. puxarhotic. Comnui I nlraie with Prnf t'luiH (llifRburir 12 Bluhno , V.'hlt l)orni 1 of 1 IMv. da,nccoa tpeo Phila. Musical Academy IIKKMANTtHVN' IlKANC'll ao i:.st i i.str i,asi: t'uiQloeoe :vid Reason Utn. JIS32 .H.sr.CII . ll.AUKK. Illrw. '""WALTER PFEIFFER . VT01JN SOt.OIST A.S"1 INHTltUl TOFt ' Conductor Catlno Auo. crcL.,AMMnood. N.J ' iituillo 17111 Clieotntlt Pll. Louuet 24u3 V. " Ill.'KTZ OICIi HTtllllOb lieU IVitlni.f si., I'lilla 0rnegl 'lull, N . Wfilnwln, i dl:i. r,nr...M,or-r ov music i !.... vU.. ' io a. jsth at nlrfrtorwi l. II. I.icrinini, II. nn deo Ilem' Ann McDonough ' '! 2L) 3 ' j CRUISEf TO SOUTH AMERICA Through the Panama Canal Sailing January 7 Visitinfr Jamaica, Panama, Peru, Chile, Argentine. TTru- irua;. Shoro Trips included. 00-rrtt Cruise. IS.IMIO Miles , 1'rl.e mr. tn tin; TIIRF.E SPECIAL CRUISES TO THE WEST INDIES Ilj- (Ireat Wltllo Urct, P. .. bnltinir Jun. 10 Jhii. :il. relt. it Trniet tlt Ainerlriiu Wm'y llooUltfl nit Hrqueftt Vhcnevcc you travel carry those spendable everywhere American Exproes Travelers' Cheques. American Exprcit Trkvcl Department Wuniwnaker'H .lluln Floor, Juniper Street r.ntruiicc I'lilla.. l'n. riione Surlier n West Indies California Florida Bermuda Tour Small Solcct 1'emonally c o n ilueled 1'artita In .Tnnunry alicl Tcb ruarv m California and Florida with Havana Ex tension. Incluslifl Kkpense Teurn lo riKUMfDA. L IVESr iN'OIlIS at Trequpnt Interiuls. llest accommodalluna Itntl lotvent rnteli Anil for JJoyM.'t IlcBlsnalln-i Tours GILLESPIE, KINFORTS & BEARD 1HS Walnut St. I'hsne. Walnut 4248 Ry Cha8. McManus Iniided iu Jtrcst August 12, 'ivns tn- tloncd tu the Ht. Mlhlel neclor nnd Uarrcourt, nnd April 5K! wns ordered In Wenccrold-Jlerinniiv. with the nrmv of occupation,, lea, lug litest for home ' in llcloner. v I In October. Tat. Jnns 11, 1012. No dpi null or drip. No Kink roniplrte tlthut tliem. l'nnl(U Mml-oiT nmfh inlpr. Auk your plumber tor Hi1ir Nuiin.nrrk fRiirtt. THOS. SAVILL'S SONS lsio iv.i.ici; siiti:r.r 3, rHomes Electrified Inrrrnse In Initio anil Comfort J TlionV or write us Iho tiiimlier bt rooms, .it heller 2 or a rlorlcs. Tout's ; nil rxw rnl-. Tiiiiiiwlliflo r-pl . sixlureii nMfl tirillore'SM oi our phow rooms. l:.li4V i4Vii-.st m I HOME ELECTMOFYIXfi CO. : u iir,nii.ti,ii in ii.msii S-"?"' I'nono i.o-ut ss; c BENEFICIAL LOANS .it trial Rales o llouiehotd J urniturc. Real kitate and Lndorsrd ute. i Call, tr'rilf or Phonn B nlntit 1.1.7.. I BENEFICIAL LOAN SOCIETY I l.leinpcl toney-T.Miders I Liberty Buildin? OOtli Floor) ! N. E. Cor. Broad & Chestnut Sta.i Tl,.n.. 1.. w.... I,-,. lu r ,. . , ilininril ,r, ,.,lll. l.t.IinillK 1 "111 III llH I UIll Iloso Kr.me. Snenkcr. llei. .. 31 I'onimau, J), u., j'asior ipmpic l.uin. eran uuurcli. Topic, "in i'oieign fields.' A Cordial welcomo lo AI.Ij. Jjailles Jniittu, S 1 00 1 M. I.olib j . Vive o Clock Ulhcussion Group. Topic, "Somo Kspiesslons ot Class 'onsclouaness Tlielr Social Slsnlfl- calice.' t.cnUer, V. U. j:.islou, r-Yreuilvo eeremrv .,,, l'?,ci, ,, , . 5 ,113 I. II. I.olilij. Hveninc Honp Service. SJiug our casoiiio iiyinn nun l. j.eauer, ucorSo iv. schroedcr. i StOU V. M. I.iilili). I't.runi for ilen antl women apeakur, Mr. A. II. Anutler, Traveler mid T.oeturer. Topic, "rrescnt-Uay Ire land as I ban It ' t YMCA Central Branch, 1421 Arch St. M TWS nilSOKTS ATI. S III' I'lTV, N. i. Worlds Greatest Hotd Success Dma and Dance m the FAMOUS SUBMARINE GRILL Exhibition DancmA by Americans PrvrnterArmta ,.Mr.andMre.PAULDE CARDO a 1 ATLANTIC CITY.N. J. I ATLANTIC CITY.N.J. f Aiv Amenicaa Plaa Hotel of DisliRciioiAanoRealCoiiAfort i Oa thu Ocean. FrorvtJ ElereR-sloriesof Cbmfir t DOTTOn Irclnln Af rlooA to rijjMi find Mticl Plr. Cap. "60 Am plan prlv buihs, i un'tf water, e!oator. Opaii all jcar. J. L. I.1UHJ3 Owner HOTEL CONTINENTAL OTSnSrSr ir.e'Vaini'rSrcar4- HOTEL BOSCOBELtucM-Aveon weekly; phone 117. A. '& MAIIIOti'. eZToRUnTlYIlTEDE Park Place, oerlooklnc Ocean and City Purkj alwayri open. J McTlwulti Cliaitplon, WASHINOTON. n. C. Burlington. Hotel American und Kuropean Plana 431 Kooms, 222 Dalhs, ?2.G0 to ?5 U. !'. MILl.cn. Mer , Woahlniton. D. O. Five minutes from everything. 7 1IKUMI l BERMUDA THK IPKAI. IlINTKIl ltnSOIir trurness Une. Illilteliall Ht . N fl PRINCESS kOTEL IIOttB i. TWOnoillill. Manascrs lliiriis lire 10 HOTEL FRASCATI rilAVK J artAY, Maimeer Oiirn Her. 8 ItKMIItT STKVMSIIlrS fS7 i I Fincnuwr GARACP.. i capacity coo. IVatrrj:jJazby HOJEL 'rSfclts ' ' SpeciaL fall Tcria.v isS I nrd E ,G ixmcu p. Trustee t'r i'' ' y ii 4V "v. Ideal Route. New York to Savannah. Ga.. and all Florida Resorts .L..A Quick, comfortable trip and you are baeldne in tho warmth of June. White sandy lieachea and a surf lo milw our pulses tingle! It's all a rart of the wonderful winter Ufa In riorlda, Plan to go by the Bavannah L,lno and enjoy tho rleasurrs of a combination ocean and rail Journey. Sailings Monday and Thumdaja at 3 P. M. from Pier 35. N. It,, New Tork. connecting at Havnnnnli. da... teir lrtnr. Ida and ull points south. Fares include meals and stateroom berth on steamer, 'For information apply to Saiannah Line's ottlce or Cniisolldatri Ticket Omces, 1S89 rheetnut St., Philadelphia, Phono Locust r.80. QVvrlte J, J llrown. IJ. I'. A.. roaMtvlifa Steamship I.incs. Pier ID. N, It.. N, Y. tmiTED STATES RAIL- ROAD ADMINISTRATION " Director General of Railroads i ' .ti. HOME VICTOR WATER HEATER rem coat. ?4'V?o coaT'lT ,SISft B&j,.MBd ..... rrk..... ..... ;.ui.ium .in, ill...... ..vv.ti.iB sum ae uooa. rrca iiook. Reeves Stove 38 & Foundry Co. So. 2d Hand Sapolio-The Ideal forToilet and Bath STKAMHUIP X0TIC1W rnrnirrr mill FroUht Nrrvtrr. JjB IIULr NEW YORK to LIVERPOOL , Ordunu Nov. 21, Dec. 23 (Vestris Nov. 25 rCarmania .. Dec. 19 NEW YORK to PLYMOUTH 1 CHERBOURG and SOUTHAMPTON -. I Mauretanin Nov. 29, Deo. 2 J "" JNEW YORK to PLYMOUTH, ' HAVRE and SOUTHAMPTON Royal George Dec. 9 NEW YORK to PLYMOUTH, i.ricjauuitu ana L.KJNUUN (B wuruiuu Uec. i NEW YORK to PLYMOUTH. HAVRE and LONDON Saxonia . Dec. 1 0 NEW YORK to PIRAEUS ' Pannoniu Nov, 22 N. Y. L'DERRY CLASGOW Columbia D ri;rj.t, ,J TJr.iU..' J n li.Lli tliiu JJclillulvJUL!c Ol. STEAMSHIP TICKETS ASNC -LINES S. S. NAMEAUG Now Loci il J tiff for BARCELONA' AND MARSEILLES .sailing About fov. S5 Trout l'ler'n. North For Hatea nnd Particulars Apply to American v Steamship Navigation Company vteal l!tnlo Trut Ilullillnc Walnut 300 ' J'hllndelul.lu KERR LINES J Sailings from Philadelphia FOR ROTTERDAM S. S. "CLAIRTON" Nov. 13 S. S. "CORSON" Late Nov. FOR HAMBURG S. S. "KERLEW". Sailing Nov. IS SfS."KERKENNA".SailinS Dec. 0 Through Rates Quoted to Baltic and Scandinavian Porta Via Hamburg KERR STEAMSHIP s-a-j., inc. 615-617 Lafayette Bldg, a Philadelphia, P.. H Ceil vlrubeDB K "Lomliard 6S6I Vcjitons Televluua Jiiftln 405" EARN-LINE Incorporated ,w ". S. Shipping Board Steel Steamerj General Cargo Regular Service PhUadelphia Manchester A Steamer Dec. ! Philadelphia Havana i SS "LAKE GALERA" . .Loading A Steamer . . J., .Nov. 25 tT? - 1 l . 'For rates and particulars apply to Earn-LineSteamshipCo. PHILADELPHIA dcL Ja?a - Pacific Line DIreet Srrrlea San Franelfco to NETHERLANDS EAST INDIES Vuit Carzo IJaa I. lt. SprerliFla & Ilros, Co., Hen. Afll. l-ino hi., rjan j.Taneiico Keir York Office. 17 Uatterr riaca ItfeoRT STKAitSnirS ship viprfij55E& ' I 'i M A 'i il .4 i a 3 Kt V . . V h - $ . .i?. 0