. 1 ''' 3r v rrsi?rp ' ' "..v7- . M I3VI3XTNG PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, N0VEMI5EK 14, 1019 I ft F I'fc !!) f- 9 ! M L-9 f "-i h 77ie Mystery of the Red Flame I'op.vrlglit. HUH. Ii the t'nee i' CopyrlKhl. lllln, by Kwnlnii Pillilli Luliter THIS STARTS Till STOKV Uucli dnrliiiiil. nf the 1 "tilted Ktnti- ciiMnm service, is nsilRiiotl to ilis- (-, till' Ulll-ri-llllOIlN III a mm I tlsnt - I"'im1 niii"'i'i1 utn Hip loiititr) ii the MonniMilii I om IVihn. lie nc coptM n iiiltimi iii nstlxtant tit Col onel Wliiirtoti. n i-iillcetnr nf ntitliii(" mid KPini, ttlm tin t lie .tmii-. (iijr lanil lin ro.-i-mi to believe the din mnnil wii" sto'rii licfoi it wi mhiir plod. "'ininley llnrni". (Inr'nuil'-i l-liVf. rM-iwts .injill' 'll. -trw "il n-i tin' Doin l'rilro. mill Hartley Hinder, n llillllHIIHl (ll'illlT. All llllllliyilllllKIHltl' wiiriii Horn, iileu- of Colonel Wlinr- tllll. Of IIP llttl'lllllt to '' in-uli- to rtenl tin- illniiioml. mill sin- removes It from tlie Mile. Ainv Smith, n simvuuI. tells (iiirlimil of Dora's purl of the trniisiietloii nml of the diniiiiiiiil Inter lieiiiK stolen liy (tinnier. He ilinppeil the (linmnliil in his hnste In p't nuiiv mnl A m. fniinil it nml hnrieil it. (inrlmnl nml I'mnes linilon to llrdRownlcr limine. Vilieio Colonel "vVlutrloii ileuoiiiiies .In.vne. .Iniiini'tti-din-overs where Amj Smith b-irird the stone, mill derinrlps with it. M) IIKIU it eoNTiNi i:s Blirolli: we liad time In recover from our chntiriu and illsapiinlntment 1 our dini-rni nml ilisnpiinlntment over this sei-oml illsnpiieni'.iiiee of the dlnnimnl ui- were vtmtleil liy n moiin front the summer -Iioiim-. I ran there nml the sight tlinl met in) Raze mnile me give n erj of horio:. A unman lay on the tlnor lint on her liaek mill liiiuiul mill RiiRp-il. A seionil filanei- showed that it was Am) Smilli the sill '' thought had been recreant to her trust. 1 f.,ll ..,, ,v lilt, ,!., nil, I L-ltei.s ntul Itp nn t i li!is'i Iter. I'irst 1 nulled the rac from he- mootii -i ni" ren nan dmina handkerchief, full of the odor of musk. It did not reiiiiire any further evidence to I ell who bad been guilt) i of thus maltreating Hip poor girl. The brulni llrnxllinn had left his trade- j mark. n to speak, in th- shnpeof tliat vlli'-xnii'Miii-' lianilkeichief. Net. 1 IniiM'iii-il Hi nils Hint boiilul her liaiuis mill feet. The) had been tied so tight that the nini'ks showed in the form of big red w Its on her wrisl-. 'tie! lip. AllI). 1 sunt. )oll re llll right now-. Hut the girl never moved, .mil I realized, for tlie tirst time, that she was unconscious. Doctor Henderson stooned down and lifted her e)c!lils and then suggested that some one bring a basin of water. I'ortiiiiatel) . Aunt Sarah Crill) was present, and. more for tunateh. slip bad her bottle of smellin? salts. This was apn'ied to the girl's nostrils, while I chafed her wrists. Present!) there was a fluttering of the eyelids and then a twitching of the limbs. The next moment Ann was sitting op and glaring wildly at us. Slie threw ln-r arms in the air and shielded her head from an imaginar) foe. "Don't let him touch me." she screamed, "l-'or Hod's sake, don't let him touch me!" Aunt Sarah put a soft hand on the girl's forehead and gently stroked her hai- "It's all right, child: your friends are here tiow. Tell us all about it." Slowly she moved her hands from her face and looked at each one of us in turn. She burst into tears. Oner more the old lady brought her powers of persuasion into play, and after tlie girl had been composed she spoke haltingl) : "I'm afraid you'll lilaine inc. but 1 couldn't help it. That beast was too much for me. "Now did it liaiipen'" I asked. She looked furtively over her shoulder DREAMLAND ii v n.xnnv "The Hidden Magician" tl'oion "ml O'l-in in hit in Imlm. Thru iffrirol Kirc.. irio m fierii ttolcn hll Ramiln-Kiii. n muyicinn. M'lifii lln rmnrau llninh 1i'r IUihu n)iiwir. I'mnihi-Kiii Iisii; pcnr.i iritli Nhrchit. On-ln-tn ii '"' Cincil of itiiiliiiil llir nijiili'a ilniiflh fer. nml luiiiimi her into Drt.wii. Uinniln- h'lii ;iirr.H ntul rhtirgci Oii-lntn xrilh hhnirn crimes.) I'cjjk' in the Well PK(!(iY was siirpriM-cl when Ui-lain lowon-il lirr itit" tin- well to lrnrn its sn-rot. Al fir I "-in- tlmiiRlit that In wns to Ins t" lihli' ln-r - tlinl Hiimila Kin cnuli' nut harm lirr with hi niasio ni with his swnril. Then sho ri-iiu-nihi-ri'd that Knjah Mir-Hulnt had thrcatonoil to thrnw ()n-la-la into the wi-11 and fill it in on top oT him. Rhi- know that Oo-lnht would not put lr in tho woll if tlnri' were any ilnunci- of thN bonis done. Whon sin- was nrar Xo tin1 water and Foemed about to pliiiiRe into its eold depth, tho rope stopped (joint: down nnd)(.en so busy sneezinc that tlu-y sue. imnfj swnyiiic in tne inr. "Do joii see nnytlilns.' wlnsp-reil Oo la -la from above. "Only dump ant! slimy wall-," an swered l'ccijy. "Can you hear aiiythinuV" whis pered Oo-la-lu. "Onlj dripping water." answered Peggy, but even as she spnKi- there rami- lo her ears a faint moan, l'egjjy whirled around nn the swaiiis rope, and there behind her was a dark object hanging to a peg on tin- wall of the well. Again rami- the faint moan. "I hear some one moaning," she whispered up to Oo-la-Ia. "It is Sheeba." ly- answered, "(let her qiiielily and I will pull you up." I'eggy l"t out her hand to the ilnr'.c object. It was a bag filled with some thing solid, a .moan runic from within. Instantly I'eggy clasped her arms tightly around the bag ami whispered up to Oo-la-la: "I think I have her." Oo-la-Ia pulled up the rope and in a moment he had I'eggy and the bag out of the well on the apposite side from the followers of Hainli .Mir-lliilm. nil DOROTHY DARNITSlie 'f$ I l( HEi?'vfoME It oX "J ) HELLO . WHV )' M QO' fis THAT SO"? j VE THATS Sol I FRESH THING A 1 1 -aKj u ..iMpi.Wppii.11 V , ! -idl. IL . I,,'W! frzir- " f-1' " "-T" -' 1 nL mmki..m&.. , ;w -.,.. .ja..- iiiA.rt,.,., .A.to-d-:..!-'- r-f..M;nWi-lf''-) ' &mmu "' r im6mmitin' " " - l' - - --' --- lis if slio feared tlinl some one might nttaek her from the renr. 1 "When joii left me." she lioirim. "I 'lime right In the summer house mill lelenred uu.i.v Hie ileiid leaves frinn tin spot where I -hi the illmimnil. Then I sal me dnuii on the step to wait 'til )ou returned. ll ns terrilile Ions, Hint wiiitln'. I thought you'd never rome. I just gnl that nervous mi' nuxloils I i-ouliln't sit still. An' I Ihuiiglit I eould v go ahead and start the diggln' for .Mill. I knim'd .miii was in an awful hurry mi' I thought jon'il be pleased. There wns a shovel staiiilin' near tlie summer house nml I tool; it mid began tn die. I louldli'l go vi-rj fast nu iieroiint of in) 'skirts, hut. I did tin- lit -1 1 eould and got down pretty welt. "Just then Jules Jaeiiiette ranie out 'of I lie house, lie vjl-Tiill dressed up lis If he was leavin". He started for Un gate, but when In- seen me he mine Imi'k. I hnlted. hut it wns (no Inti- In i hide what I was iluin' "'lie) there, .Mill liuisz-,' lie eried. 'what me )oii up to'' "1 told him notliln', hut a fuiui) look ennie in Ills ejes nml he eried: "I might 'u' known. It's the ilia -nioiid.' "lie grabbed the linel from nu- mid when I tliiealened to )ell for help he knocked me down. He stuffed that dirt) lag in my mouth and then ilrnggctl me i , '". I,"r': '!" thd my hands and feet I Know ll oe was oiggin inr me iiiumoilll , 'an' I tiled lo yell hut I couldn't. After, i awhile in v lii-nil begin to swim mid then I didn't know uotliiif While tile otners were looking at the ;irl pit.viugly I lenlized that we would have tn act quickly. "Aunt Sarah," I cried, "if you'll 1 look after Amy we'll try lo 'gel this scoundrel." ' "With all in) heart. " she replied I fervently ",o ahead and may Moil bil'ss Mill. Doctor Henderson started for tlie ga- tage and liiouiley liariies and I fol lowed. When we leached the place the doctor stood there mid looked at us I sheepishly. The gentleman from Itrazll has not stood on eereuioii) ." "What do )oii mean''" I asked. 'lie s gone oil witli barton s lour- lug car. , .My lienrt fell. 1 looked aronnil Hie j garage. There was no other machine in sjcht. Tlie doctor caught my glance. t r h'" rillliioiiui "in III III uaru ll ll will no )ou any goon. While we were debating the prnpn- ! sitinn Itanies, who hud been potteriug car built around, found a little gray for two. "This might do." he suggested. j "Sure." conceded the doctor. "It's ! just the thing for your purpose. I'd i forgotten Whaiton had sip-h a thing. You two go ahead and I'll follow in case you need my assistance." Itarues gave the machine a hast) ex amination and renewed the supply of gasoline. I cranked it. the two of us Jumped into the car and in a little while were speeding along the Hurling ton road in the direction of the city. Itarncs handled the wheel and he did it with the ease and dexterity of a vet eran. After we had been going for a few minutes he turned to. me with a significant look. "What's your dopeV" "The House of a Hundred Kc) replied. Ii sel) . lie laughed. , "(rent minds run in the same chan nel." he commented. "It's the first I place 1 thought about. He doesn't know I we've piped it off and it will be the I most natural thing in tlie world for him I to go there before lie makes his get away. His game will be to stuff ills Moekets with jewelry and nil of the , little stuff he can get his hands on before lie starts for South America." I nodded. . "Keep your eyes open on both sides I ADVENTURES I of whom bad their heads cnvereil and 'their hacks turned, as thev bad been ordered to do by Itamila-Kin when lie started tn work his magic. Oo-la-In opened the bag, and there 1 was Sheeba. She was scared half In death, and would have given a glad I shout when she snw Peggy and Oo-la- 'a if she hadn't been warned by tlie latter to keep qutl-t. On -la -In had her out of the bn.t in a Jlf?, and in an , other jiffy he had popped into it a curious die- which hnd conn- snifhn arounil. l) nig up the bag he lowered t back into the well, enrolling it on the snmc peg where it had been before. This done, Oo-la-lu hid Peggy mil Sheeba hem nth his cloa-; and took his olace beside Singh-Mnilu, who was still sneezing madly. Oo-la -la grasped Singh -Madtt's arm and spoke sliarpl). "Stop sneezing " Singh -Madu gave a final sneeze nml wiped his flowing eyes. "Slo .sneezing," cried Oo-la-m to Uamda ICiu. ami the old Hindu caught Ids breath mid quit his violent aciioniug. I(nuii:n-Kin mid Singli-.Madii had hndii t i M.,.n Wmt ()o-ln-Ia hnd been up to v.r KimriLMrwin ....f,.e.i i.iu ,.., ,i. ilninila-Kin prepared lo fliiMi" his -job .,f (..-.,: T,.. !.,.. ..... inii.fu .,. ii.ii, i.t .,,,,, lint, nn- i.iijuu n ,1,1111-litoe Tlw. ,,1,1 Mimli, rn 1,,,l,lv I,, the well and climbed down the rope. rtn-lo-ln ..(.liln.l tit lill.ik.tif ntul ,..,il..n.t ! n - - - - - -. ... " nf i'i.,.v ui,,. u,i i.u.i.-i.in ,.,,t tv..,., '"nentli lils cloak. lie knew what I'nmdn-Kin was doing. He was tying the rope to the bag witn the idea 01 making the little brown g.'ri appear In I'eggy s place at the proper moment. Kanuin-Kiii worked fast, and ui a few seconds hp'pnppcil out of the well and looked eagerly around, lie was seeking I'esjg, and of course he couldn't find her for she was hidden beneath Oo-la-la's robe. "Ah! Ah! There has been more sor cery here," he shouted loudly. "Where has the girl gone?" With that the Knjah and hi? followers uncovered their heads and looked aromi'l i to find l'cggj . (Tomorrow will be lolil how llant-da-Kin'a magic ijet.1 him into trouble.) Thought She Was Going of Hie road." I siiKSi-sled. "We may be able to oM-itnke him." Iluriie.s smiled grind) . ' "Not with the start lie's jtot with Hint big tinning ear." The little grin ear. however, proved ' In he soinelliiug of it n r and in spite of Hie skepticism of the old man I . still hoped agniust hope Hint we iniglil , catch the llriizilinn. The only dan ger wns the possibility that he might I have gone in the opposite diii-i-tinn. Wt put on nil nf Hie speed that wns in Hie innehine mid the land-eupe llittel by in bewildering fn-dilnn. After wt had guile iibniit lite mill's 1 uuticeil an Italian liibitici sitting b tin- wnysiih niaking u mini nf bread and cheese. I pulled up In order to iiiicstlmi linn. "Did )on ee a blue toiiriirj; car pass j here lnti'l V 1 asked, and gave him i a detailed description of Colonel Whar ton's big liiaehine. lie did not talk plnin l'njjIMi. but ' b) it sctiox of geslii iilatious he mmiau'eil lo make himself understood. The oiki J sentence thai, was clear was: "About twenty minutes, signnr. abiiul ' twenty mi tint Wo resinned our journe). but witli 1 THE BAIL Y REGINMNG AGAIN lty Mary Winifred Kind TI'T. Ton -D only sta m. w lint s tin- use. sue w in tart all mer again il's gel ling unbearable." and Dick llollistci paced tlie room up and down as if un certain what In do. "Dick, she is only a mere child she does it only to tpuse you, and you know she doesn't care n mile about any of them." Tom added consolingly. Tom lliewsfer was Dick's c.ospsl friend, and Tom knew only tot v ll D'ck's greatest fault, which was his jcalnus nver any attention shown l'ili lira), his sweetheart from childhood, l'ili was seventeen, blessed with nil nbuiidaiiie of pretty brown curls and two large laughing brown e)cs. Dick and l-'lli played together when children, and even when a child Dick would ic seut the least hit of attention shown his beloved playmate. l'ili was home for the holidays from boarding school, and Did; was home also fur the holidays from college. The lirst few days were delightful ones for Dick and l'ili until Hob Merrill arrived. Ilarbara Merrill had met l'ili nt a house party the year previous, ami the) had become good friends. Hob had been out West for live years ami had just re turned home "Handsome Hob." as he was called by his most intimate friends. After securing an intiodiiction to Kill, Hob fairly monopolized ln-r, and fully three ila.ys had gone by now nin' Dick had not even a glimpse of I-'lti. lle callcd at her home nnd was Itiiormeil that "Miss Fiti" was out motoring with Mr. Hob. or "Miss I'iti" had got." fish ing with Mr. Hob. and pulling h!s cap far over his eyes and with his Iriuils deep in his pockets. Dick would icnr nrotind the town looking for Hob nml I-'ili. and when suddenly he did ennie upon them arm in arm Inugbing happily, Kill looked so unconcerned when she ' 'snw him and smiled up nt him so plcirs antly. that Dick could only look nt her nnd pass on without a word. Klti could not understand for a moment; then re membering the old Dick whom Ac knew so well before they went away to school, she knew he was jealous of Hob .Mer rill's attentions, and I'iti decided to cure Dick's jealousy. So the following day when she was with Hob and Dick appeared, she passed him by without nny recognition on her pnrt whatever. The more Kill thought of it tin- more she wanted to lease Dick, so when she received a note from Dick asking per mission to act as her escort tn Harbara Merrill's reception, to which they were both invited. Kill declined with thanks, and added that Mr. Merrill was going to call for her. "Tom. this is going the limit I just can't stand it any longer: somehow or other I wish tlie two weeks were up and that I was back at college, plugging awa). almost anything rather than watch that fellow take her nway from me." "Dick, don't he foolish and stny away from the reception whv don't you show l'lfi that you don't can- why not make her jealous' The trouble is. you show that it is bothering you. mid slc is aw me of it conic on.. brace up. or um won't be in shape for the game when you get back." and then Tom thought of a scheme and told it to Dick, whore - i"l10" Dick laughed oiitnglit. "'Mi.v liar niira sn i at an imercsieii in inc. nor I in her, but 'loin, she's an awfully good sport, and she knowH what a tease I'iti is, so she might help us after nil. and grabbing their hats they went furtl in search of the good Ilarbara. "Say, Dick, I've always waited to do something like that for von, for I could sec that you resented Hob's attentions, and let me tell you a secret Tom i-n'l at all in love with l'ili, but she is so full of fun that he finds great pleasure in hiking around with her and Nellie is coming on tomorrow for the reception, so that will make everything all right." nnd 'iiruarn Hurried away smilingly. , "That you. KifiV Awfully sorry, little I cirl. but It Will be impossible for me ' - , . r . til I'lUllf OVC!" ill till- Clll' tor .Will. 1 , . . .. . to meet a friend at the station Thanks." and ottended arc you Klli could only stare nt the telcpli mi , in a dazed sort nt lilsliinn. Whatever will I di I he idea ol the last ino I'ick call for telephone she i his disappointing me nt i im-nt why didn't 1 let I me," nnd going to the called Dick. "Yes, Dick, dear, I've decided that , I don't want lo go with Tom: in fact. 1 I want you to call for nu- will you?" "Why cr yes. if Mr. .Merrill is not ' going to," and In l'ili, Dick's voice 1 sounded very eold. I At the reception that etening poor Kill hnd a miserable time of it with four conspirators around. Ilarbara fairly I monopolized Dick and Diek looked like I the devoted lover. Hob was all eyes and 1 cars for his little sweetheart. Nellie I.owe, uml Tom played his part to per ' feetion. lining over to I'iti who looked to a Parly, But a Laundry By GEORGE BARTON Author of "The World's Greatest Military v. Spies and Secret Service Agents" the understanding Hint we should stop nt tin- Wayside Inn a madhouse about half way between Hedgewater and the idle of tlie House of a Hundred Keji. We were iiiuler a severe 'train. 'I lie thuught of losing the man nfler hav ing him nlntost In our Rrnsp was m lolerali'e. 1 longed for, a word of en couragement from the veteran by my side. Mile after mile was covered, but -till we did not merlake .laeiptette. i he , little -gray car was doing nobly, and In i n long run I felt It might be depended iipuu to bent Colonel Whnrtiin's big blue louring car. I was- thlnklnc of this 'when a sudden turn in the mail re I vealed an obstruction in our path. I I bad just tlmi' to put on the brakes and I halt the inachllie. We looked at (he mass of wreckage and then gazed slg- iiilicautly at one another. And nn wonder, for the obtaeleJu our way was the colonel's line tourinc vnr. It was lying on one side and was lindh smashed. We looked around, half 1 pectiiig to liml the If rnssilin n't body1 Hi NO VELETTE ! so out of place alone "Well. Ptiirbni-a and I h.-iviinr a wonderful . he said smilingly. Dick certainly are owning -I don't 1 know when I saw Dick so al tent lve in a Mtiiug lady before, and look at our 1 'Handsome Hub' nh. by the way. do I you know they arc going to atinouiice the engagement tomorrow'.'" At this point of Hie conversation Tom was called away, mid Kill was left to wonder who-e engagement it wns, Dick and I'm barn's or Hob's, nnd feeling cer tain Hint no one saw her she"stole out into the conservator) and sitting behind snmc palms Hie blown ourlv head dropped and the tears fell fast. And be fore she realized it. she was talking iiloud : "To lliink m) little plavmate and sweetheart is mine no more," and the tears continued to fall. A he.iv) step sounded close b, , but Kill did not paj any attention lo it. and presently a voice was sin:. .vt. near nine piay- mate. I m still ,,nii Dick and what's more " "Why. Dh k llollistcr. the idea of you talking to me like that when Harbara and eli, let me p.is." but Dick stood in her way and taking the little hands in his he told her how Harbara. he. Tom and Hob had conspired in order to cure her of her llirlatioiis and leas ing him. Dick. "Why er Dick, that's funny, and only a few da) sago 1 decided 1 wanted to give you a lesson so thai you would not be jealous of me an) more, but " "Hut whal. little gii-IV" asked DieU tcnderl) . "Well, it's it's kind ol nice to lime sonic one care, and I don't care if ymi are jealous, so there!" mid I-'ili tried to rim aw a) . , . The waltz was playing mid as the Inst note died. Dick whispered in Kili's ear. "Yes, little girl, we'll begin all over again." 'I'lie ni'vl ('iiiiipli'le ntivrlctlr Uir.it. -Tun in Safo Milk r Icftnij & invalid o Cnoklnx A Nutritious Diet for All Agei. Quick Lunch: Home or Office Avoid Imitations and Substitute! Authorized iJSEDCAR EXCHANGE "The Logical Place to Buy or Sell a Buick Used Car" 855 NORTH BROAD ST 'OppOSltn Metropolltiin Opera I loi- Poplar 1921 Park 381 SEND FOR PROFESSOR MAKEOVER You didn't know, of course, that your neighbor's floors, which you were admiring so much the other evening, were renovated by us. Thought they were new, didn't you? Send for "Professor Make over." Our new-process SANI-TITE hard wood floor has made a great hit. PINKERTON 3034 West York St. rlilladrli.lil.l 1 1 ll I'lllMlIM- Will Get Her 1 BHllB men y: mnAmv sc j' t '-Et i in the road. Hut it wns nol there The ' I wreck had occurred In u -.-.arrow part ( lor tlie road mid it took tlme'lo move it sufficient ly to permit of the passage; of the small car. i ' Klve minutes later we resiuniil our; thrice Interrupted Journey, speculating ,on Hie cause of the accident and won ' ilerlng If Jaiipielte had gone n1ie.nl on foot. We finally conctiiled Hint the sharp , turn had caused the overthrow of the car anil tlinl the Hrazilinn hnd come , milt of il uninjured. Otherwise we would have found him there when we arrived. As il was. I felt Hint we could not be sepm ateil by any great i distance,. I asked Humes what he I . thought of it and he said tlie House of a Hundred Keys, as he whimsically called it, i until not be more than a mile awa). We 'were just discussing bow we should' act on reneli'.ug our destination when we were startled by a loud shot. 'like the crack of a pistol. In n thrice I the car came lo a dead halt. One of Hies was burst ami some part ol mm-hiuery had gone mil of com , the mission. After doing so splenilidl) lor so ninny miles tin- IHCe grii) car had suddenly played us false. Karnes got down on uis back under the car and said he thought he could fix it up in n few minutes. Hut 1 was t burning with Impatience ai-.l wanted to go ahead on fool. A ft i brief talk , !l was decided I hat I should go on mid that the veleian should follow me. "Perhaps we'll belter go together." he said, in a hi-silntiiig way. "No." I decided for him. "jmi fol low with the car. Mil) be you can overtake inc. If not. I'll hold the fort until you come." I started off at a rapid gale and in line spirits. Somehow I felt that the end of our long adveiiliire was at hand. Hut the journey proved to be more trying than I had anticipated. For a time it was up bill nml down dale. I'oi tunately I was young and in good, I health and was uhlc to manage it. Yet i 1 1 could not help feeling that if the disunite was only a mile -as Harues had calculated it was the longest mile 1 on record. I began to feel footsore i and weary, but just when discourage. meiii was .sinning In creep into my J heart I beheld a wel ic sight on the ' hilltup. The red bricks and the green i shutters could not be mistaken. It was the House of the Hundred ' Keys. , tCONTIM'KM TilOUItOWi PIIOIOI'I.WO PHOTO PLAYS THRU rtorftieJA COMPANY " OFlMERICA t Allnml-ii". ,-,n- mrl- ras-yunk Ave. i:i(i.6:i;a. TOM MIX in "itiintii-rtini.Mi ho.mam-I' ADni I O 5-t & THOMPSON STS. .IAJ ADfAniA CHESTNUT Helow I6TH v. HAItT 111 JtJIIN pirniciiAT.' DI T ll7nlDr llltOAD STIlllUT AND llIiWllJll'VLy Pf-Ot'lCH VNN'A MAt'UICi: TOl'llNniTt'S run i.ii'-u mnb" AVE. BROADWAY SrtffiTv? ST .IAiK PIL'KKOIiri In nrp.ui.AK iiv piionv CAPITOL MATt'CHT ST. 1" A. M. lo 11,: PAIM.l.VK l'llKliHlllt'K In "IBINIIH OK I.OVR" COLONIAL 0ln' ,p7 ortd Avee. .1 II P M. V. K I.I.NTOl.N In VIHTl'OL'S MKN" EMPRESS JIA,N' sTi.VcYTLT KI-OKNi: O'liniKX 'n mi: rnuKKCT l.nvinv FAIRMOUNT "SAS&fiX HOI'DtNt In run Oltllt (1AMIV tAIII V THEATRE 1.111 Ma P AlVllL. I !l A M.' tn MMnli Market St. nleht rntSK MAYO CATHARINE W1AMS in THE DRl'TE BREAKER'' c'-T'tJ CT THEATRE Helow Spruce. SO 1 11 3 1 . MATINEE DAILY STAR CAST In LET KATT DO IT" FRANKOrT1.. ROSt:.MARV THKIIY In ARE YOt' LEGALLY MARRIED? GREAT NORTHERN ST" CONSTANCE TALMA DUE In A TEMPERAMENTAL WIK13" IIVIDCD I Al GOTH & WALNUT ST8. lMrr,Kl Al- Mt. j-.. 7 o p. m. WILLIAM RUSSELL In "SIX 1-EET FOUR" 1 H- AI1CD UST & LANCASTER AVE. L,LAUn.r matinee daily D. V ORII'I-ITH'S HROKEN IILOSS-OMH" riDrDTV BROAD & COLUMI1IA AV. LlDC-K 1 I MATINEE DAILY MARY PICKfORD In "THE HOODLUM" 33'3 MARKET ZFflZ IVIlli" i WILLIAM RUSSELL In "SIX I-EET FOUR" IIMM""T 25 SOOTH ST. Orchestra. 1VKJLI1,1-. Continue"" I lo 11. DOROTHY PHILLIl'S tn "THE RIGHT TO HAI'l'INESS' OVERBROOK 113 D HAVER- FORD AVE Mat. Sat ami Holiday .nays I'll 1 'Afl.INE FREDERICK In Till: PEACE OF ROARING RIVER'- nnnAr, ct Al iniTriDIl mI Uroad a DlWrtU Ol. ttUWlUJlMUmuockland CLARA KIMIIALL YOUNO In "THE UUTTI-'ll Wll-E EUREKA i0Tli a't'eIh.y ROIfERT WARWICK In "TOLD IN THE HILLS" ConyrlElit. mill. JV ihe Hell Kyndliute, Inc. Don't Worry About the High Cost of Books KENT THEM FROM Womrath's Circulating Library 15 South 13th St., Phila. New fiction Supplied Promptly s MEN'S, WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S Direct From the Makers YOU SAVE Middleman's Profit Hip Assortment of Styles and Colors Fact. Everything in Sweaters METROPOLITAN KNITTING MILL 282!) Kensington Avenue I'li.Krn.ltlSI. Darn Km,, Fall Line of Hand Knitting Wool 1920 Automobile Licenses e have iili-wed a LICENSE BUREAU t n u r sta lenroon for i he convenient e of Lexington Owners nnd motorists In ptn-ra! A npl U'm Hon blank nnd an iiiTnr tnutlnri relative to the new rennsyl- vnnl.i motor laws ran b M-cu-ed on nrpltcAtlon at the llureau or by mall. Lexington Motor Co. of Penn.i. W. A. KUSEN, Vice-I'residont t.cxniKtun Hulklini:. (ippositH Melru liotttnn tlpcrit Ilousp X.-.l X. IIKO.lI ST. III niMimiaiT'TTMiiii ni mm mm gyf'-.-R j I'llOTIII'I.AVS The following theatres obtain their pictures tlvrough tho STANLEY Company of j Amer ica, Avhich is a guarantee of early showing of the finest productions. Ask for the theatre in your locality obtaining pictures through tho Stanley Company of America. PAI AHV l-1' MAKKKT STHI'.KT -L.-Vi, n S A, M l0 u:iS . M, "TIIH MIKAfl.U MAX" RPHFMT MAiucn-r kt. lieiov t7T rvcci's i ii a. m to ii i. ii. JHMIUTIIY IlALTIlN "IAPACI1K" In RIA1 TO Cm-MANTOWN AVE. TOM MOOltP, In "HKAIITHIJASU" RI IRV MAUKUT MP. HELOW 7TII 1'-'-DI tn A.M. tn 11:13. KARI.K WILLIAMS In "THK lll.U'1; UATR" CAnV 12U MARKET STREET J- VUI 8 A. M. TO MIDNI IQIIT .MADKLINI'! TRAVKRR In SNA11HS OP PARIS" CTAM PV MARKET AliOVK 10TII O 1 -1IIZ. X ll A .m, lo i,.l5 p M i:pgi:nk ivhrikn in .-. 'SRAI.KI) HEARTS'- ! VICTORIA MA,,!,ACM "-i p , OI.IVI2 THOMAs'ln ' ' tfl'Hi: SP1TB xiridi:- 'i'" N1XON-NIRDLINGER THEATRES BELMONT 5-D ABOvn JMUKET WALLACE REID In "SADIE LOVE" CEDAR C0TH AND CEDAU AVENUB DOlIQIiAK l'-AlRDANKS In "HIS MAJESTY THE AMERICAN mi KPI 1M MARKET RETWEEN V-V-'l-.IOIliVJlVl r,,TIr ANU ,j0T. DOUOLAS KAIRHANKH In "HIS MAJESTY THE AMERICAN" FRANKFORD -715 J$1 0" WIl.LIAJI FARNtl.M In 'THE SPOILERS" JUMBO FRONT ST. A- GIIIARD AVE. .Tumho Junction on Frankford "L" i-t-iAiu.ua lut in THE EUG-CRATE WALLOP" LOCUST Si-D AND LOCUST STREETS Mots. 1 :30. at.to Rvcp. it ..in tn 11 DOROTHY DALTON In "MARKET OF SOULS" NIXON 52D AND MARKET STS. !:1B. TnnilO. HERUERT RAWLINdON In "THE CAIITER CASE" RIVOLI 52D AND SANSO.M STS. MATINEE DAILY DAVID POWELL In TEETH OF THE TIQER" Vnr STRAND G,:,,MANTOTrOENAf ANGO DOROTHY OISII in TUItNlNl THE TARLES" WEST ALLEGHENY1;1 th and Allegheny MAURICE TOURNEUIfS "THE LIFE LINK , irrrmoriM s ' S0TH AND DAUPHIN jn-ITCrxJUI-l HTS. MAT. DAILT DOROTHY DAI.TDN in "MARKET OF SOULS" PARK RIDGE AVE. &. DAUPHIN ST. Mat. 'J:l.-. Evsa. 0:49 to 11 REX REACH'S THE GIRL FROM OUTSIDE" By Cha8. McManus Cuticura Soap lotp 25c, Ointment 25 & CO.. Talcum 2Sc SArnpIt acn msiiea tree dj "Biicara, utpt. o -. conen, GALVANIZED, COPPER AND ZINC SHEETS L. D. Bcrger Co., 59 N. 2d St. ttell, Market 654. Kcvslone. Hnln 4000. "t! ' ' Ii 3 for $10.50 Imnortnl Minimi niK-MUK SH1KT CO. 906 Chestnut St. J1,' 1',1-'!'"' . NewPUBLIC SPEAKING Class I Now Furmlmr. A horf term oune In I'ubllr HpraUinff. Self-nxinvKlon, Sel f-Confldf rice lu'lmft nnsllfth and nll-nruund Hclf !e M-lopment Ktrvcn consorutlio (Inoday ronliiBw. coinmenclnK November 2(1 nt H o cloth Itotli rrxoH Openlnir lecture free to ruhlk full, write or phone Spruce .11' 1H for in Ktructivo literature NEFF COLLEGE crftTr m-. OUR ARE AS GOOD AS CASH nd enable you to buy at the de railment anil specialty stores you prefer Our terms are based on the length of credit are fair and mod ernt,. Write for full details. MAHRIOTT nKOS.,1118 Chestnut A Perry Auto Lock Won It! Ime Miveil sour frienil't car- it will siivt yourM nml Have ,v money. The Lock That Thieves Wont Touch G. W. Dickel & Co I3V We carry n cnmi.lcte tiick of Mct'onl Cylinder lleiul (iaskets ntul Hnlopliane I.enHeit. HOUSE PAINTS $2.50 PER GALLON . POlt 1NMIOK AND OUTSIIJK tJSIJ llnttleshlp Cr.iy. Skj-Illu. OlosWhlte, OMe-CJreen, llrJlum and Dark-Urown. Also many other shades. hoof Ri nn pkr rtrcn. nnnwN'. hi.acic siticmviN- wii.uajii No. n3 (lovr.nN. 1IKNT SPAIl VAHNISH. J3 PEIl OAL. (i()l.l Uronzc nml Al.t'MINL,M rironze I'owdrr. $1 per lb. hnlute!.v r-lietnlrallv pure. DISKAN, 1122 W.Girard Av. ll.'ll rhone. Toplar 'MTiS . I WE HANDLE THE Victrola & Victor Records Exclusively They Arc Supreme G. W. HUVER CO. '1031-33 Chestnut St. Pianos Players Wiping Waste Soft & Clean The highest Kradc White Wiping Waste on the market. Made from tho best hosiery threads A trial will con vince you of Its pcononiy. COLLIERIES SUPPLY & I 1280 J . . ci-UH'illl-NT CO l. 5th St. Ph. Market 42R0 " imnii ii in tcse for that ugV sldn trouble LVm't lot tlmt Itching spot or similar sklu trouble rontluiic to annoy you. It Is not only embarrassing it will event ually affect your ncrvt-s, Itcninol Oint ment will! usually relievo tho burning mid Itching at ouce.-umi in most cases i-lcttr the trouble away In a short time,. It is cooling and healing, and Its gentle Ingredients soothe while they heal. llESINOh SHAVINfl. STICK contains thest same qualities, mak lujr It Weal for men with tender skins, A't all druggists ' . ' t ' ' S " nTTsgatcaTw iwi m w-ja-jafHl i I 4? ...W i " FIT FOR A KINO " H EANQUETCOFFEE.BcB i "Dlreet from tlie RoailerH" j ! 3PoUndr2$jE30 ' H At nn of our 1) Stores H 1 ll . a atatraaaj ABirrk atrfvrte T ' a mw 'iLKHr h , n (' 106-108 So. 2nd.St. 'kU, 1 ' st. m ?40aFRANKFOAW 274IKEHS.". 1 i I IrSLi um u a-ia-arJl-n l I ' I rfEiafiiiSISwIfcifScf r?j -11 Mi'.' ,7r G j.- ) R a T! inoi AttTHMK nv ORTR ATXANTIO CITV. N. J. Thanksgiving at TLANTIC CITY; The Itfnt I-lare to Appretlalfi This Mot Knjoirnblr or All Ilolldsrn Whether your visit 1 a wk-n4 ono only, or whether mi rnnlie It a month or more, Atlantic City ofter you a rrojrnm brimful of recreation nnd entertainment that In unenualed. The llnet Oolf you route! Winn for. tho kaleliloncoptc- Hoarrtwalk. with it roinfortabUi rolllne ihalre, ana a multitude of hotel, filled lo tho doors with lavish ThanUeglvlne hospitality. .Dellahtful, healthful Thankenlvlnr weather, the host tonic ever Invented. Sprlal pinnkseltlnK Kntertalnments Theatres. Vaudeville. Concerts. lMersTrap'Shoottnff. Indoor -TSwImmtiiK Pools, etc. T,HE LEADING HOUBEB are always open and will furnllh lull information, ratei, etc. Marlborouzh-Blet-heim Galen'Hnll The Shclburne Hotel Strand Hotel Dennis Hotel Chelsea Seaside House The IToImhurst Hotel St.Charlcs The Wiltshire Fer bbrallMn ant idiedile sf conrtaleU raitrMf1 busbes, roBisIt lecat ticltet aieatf (QfcsJfcytkzC UJi ATLANTIC CITY.N. J. i AiYAmenicaiY Plaa Hotel i Jof Disiiivdion.aru'.RealConxfert I FIREPROOF OARAGE. ' 1 I CAPACITY GOO. HaleigK)' VW M.CharIrtri.nrarBoir.JwalL.. Hrmodeln). J Er? Itunnjng witf r. l'nm Latin. Uap. 500;, IL!" Srfrial winter ratcn. Tivr itMnprahin tnatia lL aRem't.M. Graham, formerly of Tin Trine! ' HOTEL GOODFELLOW Mho In ml Ave & Heath, .1 i.,tn. from Steel I Tier jlwn.R open nnd proviOln everv rom i fort. rnov,'Mel thrmigliout C..I. I.omlfellow. ! eRUnnYrnEDE3 I Park Place, overlooklnc Ocean and City I Park; always: open. J, Mcllwaln Champion. HOTEL CONTINENTAL j Always open. Always ready. Terms mod- grate. Plione or write. M. Wulah Duncan. I HOTEL JACKSON VlrRlnln Ae., first houio from Iioardwalk I and Steel Tier, r".reproof, private bitha; ' ruunlne wntcr In looms. I'luroiH'an ll.CiO day ! up; American $3 day up; elevator lo street. I No cabaret. a. J. ilROOAN. THE WILTSHIRE Virginia a v. and Reach. Capacity 350. Priv. baths, running water. clev. etc. Araer, nlnn. SI nn d'lv. Hnerlul wit I v. Hklet. SAM I linii Ml.lilH. owner: M-J. c'OUjINS. mgr. HOTEL B0SC0BEL arr1",uyceayr:Avt8,"unI up v.eekly phone 117. K. MARION'. WFI LSRORO Kentucky Ave. nr. Bch. wclloduhu Kuri)i plnn fl day np. f5 up wkly. American plan. $lfl up wkly. Wpstminiter Ky- Av- 'ar ""ach. EleT. wesuninsier t0 Kt . prVBtP )(,trm. run. water. $14 up wkly. S'i.riO up dally, o. Iluhre. wii.mvnnn, x. !. jWjPPUOiv 1he Ocearv. rroivijl ' HHPHUieliM ORDERS Kes )t5BJJggfl i .....-. .....,-r. rf Wf22 WILDWOOD IIV-THE-SEA Hi llshlfiil Fall cllninlc lnvicnrnlins fhII air. ltcmllnc Iralna leave Chestnut Street wharf wcckil.os, stfo A M. 1:20 nnd a P. M. Smiii1hs. 7::i A. M. (JLLTi excur sion). 8:511 A. M. illld ft T. M I,AKKWOtI. N. J. Laurel in the Pines LAKEWOOD, N. J. A distinctive hotel In a delightful winter resort trhere, among northern, fragrant plnoa Co iquat-U climuto Is conducive to health, vigor and rest. Coif. RUlnc and Sheltered Walks. Dally Concerts and Danclne. I'-BANK V. S1IUTE. SlgT. I-DCONO MOUNTAINS , Mt. 1-nrono. I-n. Tim Dnhvnnrl Modern: elegant location. itie unnyooa 0pen n ycnr Bpeclml fall i winter rates. Dklt. E.L.fcE.V.Artman. i BCinVESHVIHiB. I'A. , Perkiomcn Inn Ideal modern resort; high loca.: prl. bathf ooat'e. bath-g. flsh'g. Tennis. Cklt. G. M. Carl VIROINIA OLD-POINT COMFORT HOTEL CHAMBERLIN. FINE AUTUMN GOLr X-.' i Iswlmmlns Pool, Seafood Culilne. bvery Euiopttn 13. t. ,J Taatman urltv UBlLIl BI1U iliatllllllli rr V4-P. ' CEO. F. 'D'MS, Mlilfli AX Firlnii Moirw, ., o AhU Mr. Foster. 'Cook Touh," 2th unci Clicatnut !25 H. Broad tit. WASHINGTON. P. C. Burlington Hotel American and European Plana 431 Rooms, 222 Baths, $2.50 to $5 If. T, MILLER. Mgr.. Washington. D. C. Five minutes from everything. KIUICATIOXAT. Ilolh Sees 30-DAY BUSINESS COLLEGE Purk-imr RutlMMi. Drwii amd Ck-wnr. Our graduate ar tn constant demand tt ' rood.paylnR positions, Grcfc ShorthaadL. tbe easy. peedy system. Complete bull am , and secretarial courses. D.y and NlfL", Clasiea. Jntenstva tralnlnr. Enroll anv time. call or writa far ruii V A Orf psrtlnilars and oatalorue. ; r rill LA. IJU8INKSS COLLEOB anil t;oiieea cr LammiiFM -AMOn Chestnut St.. I'blUdelpUU Strayer's Business College Philadelphia' Greatest Duslnein School. dui nraiiiuv al. Phon. Wnut tat. Lilllli: HltlOKK NtlltltIS HC1IOOI. OV r.xritKssioN anij htaiik aut Put Ho Hpeaklnff, Story Telllor. Poll ITU Chestnut Street Spruce S4S1 CUHItl-CT ICNULIMII. also French. PrlvTti lessona; eiperlenced woman teacher. 86a North aad t. Phont Poplar !!C06 W. Private LwsonsP",,",'' MISS WILT-MAN. 1(127 Ttaea St. tocujt'40ML Tonne Women and fllrla 3,von Manor J". SSft Arti, kacretarla1. Social Sri.. Art, Uuatcv . With Bamaoa. Prln.. Uoz 110. Dnu, !. - MtlSlO At JAZZ FHIENDZ t.pleca Sanco arch.. Inc. aiphQn;.CoBrii- nlcat-wlih Prof. Ohaa,Olobur 12 Blaho WbtU Dorm., Vot.r. Prlv. danaaa ..wo. Jl ' I I mrrxrznsMsa