t( Trt.- 'v. t, "S?J" "-?-? TT'T EVENING PUBLIC LEDUEKPH1LADELPHIA, FE1DAY, N0VEMJ3EK 14, 1919 S3 j'fW'1!? I& Vfi u h REAL ESTATE FOR SALE west Philadelphia KEFINISHED Overbrook Homes $550 Cash $22.50 Carrying Charges 6200 Block on Master Street High-class residential sec tion, every modern conveni ence; G rooms and a bath. At tractive porch fronts, steam heat, electric lights. Hardwood finish. Newly papered and painted. Tho price 54450, is far less than the actual value of these homes AND YOU CAN MOVE IN AT ONCE. Take Markot St. elevated to G3d St., free pass north to Hnverford Ave. Agent at fcamplo house, C210 Master St., or KOEHLER '& CO. 1420-22 Chestnut Street Locust 67-93 Race 26-12 AN IDEAL HOMt:. CHEAPER THAN RENT THERE ARE MANY HOUSES FOR SALE, BUT WHERE CAN YOU KIND ANOTlIEn . HOUSE UKK 'imsr $500 mcn $19.92 Cash tyJJJJ Monthly sviipr.r. uni.sn onrs nntNTiAnT st. Fhower bath elcclttc light Colonial Malrvvav, while anil mahogany. eTtra large living rnorn, 3 estra-large bed rooms, abundance of closet room. Tnr''.''. """'" "ni within 1 square. Take IS car, Chester ave., to flint nnd Klnicni'sslmr walk i block south Tako It subwav car In fir 12 on Pino to ut anil Woodland avc. walk 1'4 blocks north Sixtieth HI Station. J), and o, nallroifl 1 snuara south. Open dally, and Sunday from u to 0 P in. and evenings 7 to S'3o p. m. Owner, on pienilso or .. . SAMUEL N'lllIlN Member Phlla Ileal lUtate Board , "1U North American nids Live Within Your Means flRI.T.TVfl PAfint.T TMMRDIATH roSSl-SSlON tWi .ins iiiiKiBiiuninira umawBiiiiBU ARTISTIC HOMES PRIVATE GARAGES H OSAGE AVE. EAST OF nsr 8T if $47.42 Monthly Expense 1NC1.UDINU OARAGE a STRICTLY MODERN H Electric Light 1 1 h rd wood Floor i3 Hot-Water .Heat 'llled Bathroom inc. use" Plastered inclosed Porch IIASE.MENT LAUNDRY v w,vnr ss-yr driveway in rear Located Only IS Jllns Prom City Hall SAMPLE, 6144 OSAGE AVE. Act, on Premises Dally and .Sunday mono. h. i -aiuu rmmimtM rammi wiwfh wiiraiiniiii unit. N homes wonTit wiin.r. (IN TUP. OVEItHROOK HBCTIONI LEBANON AVE. B-Vfflfflfcr,D Krontlnn on h houlevnnl with its center parkwMv This locution 1 tin Hurpjisst1'! Direct W onroslt $10.(00 3-ntory homes now hlnjr tonntructprl Houbc-h uro ilfsfenPd to utilize rvery Inch of biihco and moat ununuul In nnlirn and complPtenemt Private Garages wWrVVrrlve' Front porch Is laid In mineral floor ing and on same level with I"utch hall, with Its fll-tenlnc hardwood floor Noto tha "V. netlan" doorwa. a new departure In building Ideal Open fireplace, beautiful llRhtlnu h tures. taitv paperlnir. refrigerator room basement laundry and u senu Inn 1020 all-tile bath. Take. I' to U3d at, pang north for one rare or -Uerbrnok car on Arch at to (13d .ind Leb.uian ae., A'alk one block eaat. WILLIAM A FIIANK HAMSIIV WILLIAMS uuiLDrcii anu nwNi:n, on niKJiisus i Hdgewood&lVliIlick its. is of orn in Ttorsns ArTiiKAny d NOM) TO HOMK ni'YnitH G Thepo houses havo 7 ronma and C bath, hardwood floors, electric llshta, C white and mahogany ftnlnh and e.ery- G thlnjf that Is to be found In modern Q homes r; Locatid within a half flijuar of f; finth st I atation. 10 inluutea to City t Kali, ronventcnt to markets, storea. t theatres. In f.,U only 10 minutes to center of rltv PRICE $4500 BAMPMJ HOUSI3 OPEN DAILT D. F. RYAN SarajaisjaisisisiajBiaiaiaraJsrijiisEi Modern Homes 700 mock S. With. Or. lOtli H. Both, l!r and 1000 niock H. (10th, 4r. and b. b., end. and b. pch. ono wasnina-ton, inr B71R I.archwood. ftr. j and b. pos. 10,10 S l'rasler, Or. . 11711 Christian, nr X- h. nnrtnrH. b . lm. poss. 717 8. BSth. Or and An fin iiinnir r,nmAKA b. 10r. and 2b. fiOOO IJIock Carpenter! Hr and b. Michael A. Maloney 1051 SOUTH 00T1I STREBT immimMmmmmBmmmvm 5314 RACE ST. Pour larar bedrooms, tile bath with bullt'tn whowert very large Dutch hall, dlntnar room and kitchen, fin lihed In mahogany and white. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Hardwood floors, electric lights i'UIUlli uuu Oood. convenient neighborhood; open every evenlne 7 to 0 p, m.i all day Sundav. or YAHIP Ar RIIRMC ... nia Allman st, SitlllB niBBHnwn IIIHSI'VLWHlBlllliBU ISOOO-THUEE-aTORY. 11-rm. residence lo cated In the hest section of W. 1'hlla.i Oontalna hot-water heat, elec. It., li.-w. flrs ! oompleto rvnavatlon now In progress: only mall amount otsh required. HUOENI3 I. TOWNgENU H.E.cor. 4Hlh Ilaltlmor. J ASS TO S3 N. MAY ST.. near 4(lth and Haver ford; home buiers and Investors' opportunity: 11 amali homes: hot-air heat. .. 'u . iitc, fiuiu mc i. id seillA i!ORfni-"s.'ry.Vrlck "iwelllnu. (i rooms d Ib')lJUb"tnj " convs : lot HI n01. y-,U"l.OPl.AND, 71S1 Woodland aye. SSsa HAZE!. AVE. Ideal modern Dome, d tropms and bath, hot-water heat, cas and lec.tVfMrdood floors: attractive price: ex cellent location; Immediate possession JOHN DOyaHKRTY, 60th St. Terminal. Belmont I IU. $000 I1LOCK 8AN80M 8T Seven rooms: excellent location: price Sn2no. And RE MEMIIER "CROSS1' stands tor all that's "oood." ; lARB TOU In the market for a real home? On main street, tt rooms and bath, electrlo Ilrnt. narouetry floor: 1 sautfre from 2 car lines l $800 cash. H; R.-.MANI.EY iWth and Cedar. 14.100 -VACANT MODERN Two-story brick home, elec., hot-water heat, hardwood floors, laundry with separata ent. to yard. , I.OFINP. 7121 Woodland ae. S60O CABH ns7 Walton ave,: fl rooms; newly papered! former owner will vacate Immediately. CROWLEY. 1845 N. aOth. 00 Near 40th ft Unrlnr sts., 13r., 3 txthsi suit, (or apti.i cost llo.OOp asi'd UTOoll. J, H. R. McClure ft Cd . 18 H. 40th. 2ST 8, ORBYLOCK HT (40th and Wood land); vacant! 7 rooms, porch; price $2700, Empire Trust Co.. 44th and Lnnnaatcr. 'VACANT 85t0 Paschall ave.! 3 story. T rooms, porch: (2000: 130(1 cash. EMPIRE BOOS I2J MAItKET ST fel Kr jm I.U., sn i-ancwssr " ?, f 1 TOO BLOCK MARLYN ROAtJ I .Til 'Mshoany and while, A1 condition s . i Open nTrMnHlTn o'tlyW. 'i . H Anh un4 Mini. k. awJ .aw :ji HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE WISKINOM1NO fpasjsjansiEiHJSMsrajEiEJSiaiE Beautiful, Modern 7 - ry Ok JSIil Vn fei-W!S!StiiSSSB5tbe.w ..!BSi Every Convenience in Selective; Section Devereaux St. W. of Torresdale Ave. $6(1(10 McKinley and Glenlock Sts. $5000 Jl Well Laid Out and Ideal Homes & Side ard. hardwood floors, electric lights, basement laundry Ej purchasers can select wall, paper I TERMS TO SUIT H Take No. 3 car on 13th St.. No. 4 car on 7th St or No. 5 on 3d i S St., transfer at Margaret St. and take car No. 68 to 6200 Torresdale Lj Ave., walk one block west. AUENT ON PREMISF.S. or apply NORTH PHILADELPHIA TRUST CO.. fj If nilOAD AND EUIB AVE, y Vi KST I'llll.ADKI.IMIIA BUY YOUR HOME TODAY iiiinmm Selling Rapidli Don't Delay IF YOU WANT IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Only $500 TO pimcHAsn. rt.t'K A small monthly payment whihi IS (.ON KTANTLY RliniTIMl nfYINO ON THIS VI.AN IS 205 Monthly Ii- i$l8.26-Montlll'I!:- 0 ronms. Imth, I mill pense. onirias st. n room Bud bath, laundry and electrlo llghtai lot lflxlil. liotwatfr heat. lTtrlo liRht and lmrnwood riuom; enclosed porcheaj lot lflx 107 TAKi; NO M CATl ON WALNUT MHKlir UlRErT TO THESR UOUSU3 ALEXANDER FERGUSON n,ii, ..iifinii'PiiVI'PV T,1 I1I1Y .in vicKant home on W. Chestnut st. 4331 IMIKSTNUT HT An end house enjoylntr both east ern and southern exposure. Three story. 9 rooms - oatns I,ot lR.ixl2t.il ft , finished throuKhout In maboaMny and white, hardwood doors. Includlnir Mfilrwaya, larcn roims with hlsn cell Inas, itas crates in parlor and llunB room, folding doora between reception hall and diiiln room modern ni,unj; ln. Including pedestal washstand. laundrv tubs, electrlrltv. ec. HEDECOKATKn AND PAINTED TIIROUdllOUT piiifE jr.'.ono TERMS ..). ..iil 11.. (..Iimcnlhln onl (If MUUl Willi 'l nF(niiii'i' " hlch-srrade materials not obtainable today at any uric. Perfect heatlnn riant, comprllnc 2 largo heaters thdj Inturo comfort If you can find better value In west Philadelphia today lor me mu "- ani in Know Appiv mi rremtes or WM. T DICKPON ft CO. 2 S H2D ST. ....ifmjLiB NEW 7-Room Homes i Bride and Groom Paradise" ' lobed porches, hardwood floor- xautirui bath wim showers ' ."'.' "iio 1'iuiiii in . mailer priced home Price J000. MONTHIA' d.92 EXPKNSK '' nnd small additional payment to re duce Kccoud morticaffe. ALLMAN ST. 6DD0CK HETWEEN CHESTER AND KINUSESSINO AVENUES IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Sample bouse, 1.131 Allman street, open dally and evenings. 7-0 p. m. YAGLE & BURNS nr Premises miumnimiimniMsimimir. illlllllll!l'!l!lll!II!l:i!!ll!lilEIIIIIIIIHIIIII1ll!lllllllllllllllllllllll ATTRACTIVE if HIGH GRADE HOMES I WITH OARAOE H rl:fJ Ct HETWEEN B X-tlllOrU Ol. llrtTH Ai AND I11ST ST OVERBROOK rirst street above Colurnbia ao.. of raoderate alze In an exclusive neluhborhood Homes that will appeal to refined famllica, with features and conveni ences that tend to eliminate tha servant duestlon. 1 L W. Goodman mn0,$fgnAND OX' PltKMISKS iti!BiE!ciiitiiina!iiiii:iiiii!iii!iiii:5i!iii!i!ii!!iiiHiii!iuHiii!i:iaaiaim!5iiiiii:i!iif sjaii2EMSJsiaMBiaiai3iaiarajaj3i3MSi3M3iS MODERN m urllc m r.SOl Hazel ave, 7r. r,7th Catharine st , 7r., price .111000 nrlce. 7H00 "illlO Angora terrace, price... . 47.10 jim-io j'emnane si., prict.. ..... oo'-u 51138 Larchwood avo.. price.... Oaoo uiaa-27 lrine st.. nrlce 4.100 4.1 N (list st. Sr.. nrlce r.ono aujs fiuth st.. Barane. price. 750O I D.F.RYAN jjiaiBiBIHMa!gjBMBfBJBi3 11008 MARKET ST. BEAUTIFUL MODERN HOMES In the Overbrook Section From $3000 to $20,000 WE CAN TINANCE ANY PROPERTY WB HELI, EDW. M. MOLL "i?"., Phone nelmont 8070 OPEN EVENINOH UNTIL I) O'CLOCK miiiiiiiiiiii iim NEW OPERATION IN OVERBROOK inOOO: atan corner. $11,000; take x axchanire North A8d to end of tin, walk on east; aamplo' house. 072 S. OSd at.: few left: it on housea, twin f torches, open fireplaces: varaires; teat improvement a: lot lflxlfiO P. M. M00NEV 'jm 7innmmmnnmnniiirm MIUilBlUltliliUlllllMaillWIIIilaaJillBiaUiiliilaiiiilMllBX 1 225 So. 58th St. $31 per month 'expense. Small addi tional amount aer mo. buvs this thor- ouehly modern home, with Inclostdl heated riorcn. Price 1S3RH. Tiaty term. Immediate po"eiilon,i ISWARTLEY chJSttt flft jaiiiaaiiMiiiiHfMwiai!iiMiii!iaiiiiiMiii WITH OK WITHOUT (lAllAdliJ IDEAL MODERN HOMES . OVERI1ROOK lfROM $2400 TO $10,000 Money to Loan 2d Morttates . JOHN A. THOMAS 0024 Lanadowne ave. Helmont- 88Q8 Ooen Until & n. m. Tnnnetlon daily and Hunrtay, Included 600 ULOCK N. 080 ST., lot 60x275; 4831 Walnut, 15 r. A a b.. vacant! 400 bluck S. iam m,t i r v.i ouu uiuck vainui si., S sty,. stdeard, 12 r. A 2 b., vacant, 4023 a.. n - . i k , 1Ann WU.i. t.. vacant, n. W. MELVIN, 414 Real E, tale Trust Pldc. flKRMANTOWN IU.10O 51o W. Sedawlck it., end house, rb.l.h h.tl 1ll. A.anl.Mi A vn. k-.L lU.V.. H.HI .-. .,.w.bv. w lllli.i llll. laundry, h.-w. heat, aleo, llaht, excellent oruer. oi'aot ana ciirrr.uii nnr possession, A. Tl. MEEHAN, OT47 Oermsntown ave. $4S0O 318 W Mt. Pleasant. 3 story, twin. 0 rwrnii,"' ' i "HPi ny possession. A. It, MEEHAN, 6747 Oermanlow ave. 82700 2180 CONLYN. 0 rms.. bath, torch. CQLOBBp BUYBHS-Heveral 9;tirr WW-' 31 1 -- ,- rn'rwrn-wm:- ! f. fr t OKItMANTOWN JjP I XlnK REAL ESTATE FOR SALE WlNHINOMINfl Room Twin Homes ttliST rillLAIIKI.I'll 1 , Cash Required YOUIl R1.COM) MORTUAQl, TAIl CHCAI'ER THAN UBNTING $24.65 Monthly Rx. ppno. El in wood avc. lko flGth st housfl. H ffarK6 and driveway In rear; lot lUxSI. iuim)i;r and owner on premises iMTH AND Kt.MWOOU AVENUE Mount Airy Homes in Great Demand You call buy a choice Home from us NOW anil move rlKht In, ye haa only a few homes here, nnd they are near tho tr.fln and trolley 7448 Devon Street $11,000 7447 Devon Street 0,000 7432 Boyer Street 13,500 7325 Bryan Street 11,000, 7314 Bryan Street 11,000 238 Roumford Street. 14,500 If you want a good homo In a ttoort Beotlon examine thepe to ilav Wo recommend them Wilson & Chadwick 700 MORRIS BUILDING Immediate Possession ATTRACTIVE. MODERN. i-HTY HOMES North Sido of 65th Ave. und West of Limekiln Pike. 65th Ave., 1 Block Ab. Chelten Avc. $6500 Six larire rooms and bath, attractlxe finish and modern In every respect, lots extending to fttentju ae.; traraffe privilege, sample house open; easy terms J. HENRY PARKER BUILDER. OR PARKER & SPAETH 20TH HT AND CHELTEN AVE. OAK LANE 1118 DETACHED 8TO.ME DWELLING Living room, rtlnlnar room, pantry, kitchen and laundry on first floor, 4 chambers, 11 baths on second floor, fl chambera and hath on third floor, garage for 2 cars, possession If' h r. KNvts rh hih.letin ni.no "2100 05TH AVE. Six rooms and bath, elec tricity hot-water heat: immediate posses. slon; house entirely renovated; price $5300; terms to suit; inspect by appointment, DAI.I.AS & HARTLEY. INC. 4701 N Proad Womlng 871-H72. Stores und Dwellings J7B0U HTORB ON K. CHELTEN AVE, PARKER & SPAETH 20TIt AND rilELTEN AVE. TATONY SIX ll-room porch-front dwellings; rent $18; price I5O00. MANN, a st and Allegheny aye. rtiANKroitn PERFECTION HOMES UNDER CONSTRUCTION 54 Homes of Mod. Construction Haul St.. between Dvre and Trait sts.. 1 block from Krunaford High School. SMITH HCIIMtlNIf. Hullders and Owners OLNKV 17500 Three-story single house, hot-water heat, ft rooms and bath, with plenty of ground and garage; Immediate possession, ROTH KOLEY. INC. B.130 N. 8th st. Olney. Philadelphia, Wyoming 82311 815 CHEW SX Corner property; garage privilege! grand location. OLNEY REALTY CO.. n511 N. Mh at. .Stores and Dwellings New Stores and Dwellings nl7t HI. 21. 23. 2.1. 27 WE3T OLNEY AVE,, modern, up to date, every convenience i suitable for bakeryi general groceries, con fectionery hardware, dry goods store and first-class electric shop. Bee OLNEY RBALTY CO . Mil N Bth st. I.OOAN 720 ROCKLAND ST. New; Immediate pos session; gsrage; 3 bedrooms, hardwood floors throughout) 2 squares from trolleys; price $SnOO, only $1000 cash required; sample house open dally; Sunday or otherwise hy ap Dallas & Harlley,47nn N.nmad Wvo 871-873. FISHERS AVB between 0th and 10th Six rooms and hath: garage privileges: hnt wnter heat, hardwood floors, electrlo light, tiled bath; open for Inspection Sunday; sam ple house Hal: small amount of cash. MELOIN REALTY CO , 4044 N, Broad st nltn-ts CAMAC ST. 2-story, brick: h.-w heat, gaa nnd elec: 10 rooms, bath; lm. mediate poss.l IR8()0: key at .1002 York road. OAK LANE REALTY CO.. 07112 York road, 4830 N CAMAC ST. Eight-room twin dwell tna, hot-wator heat, electric lights, hard wood floora; 1 sauare from Yurk rd trolley: terms rcaa.t Inspection by appt. Dallas & Hartley. Inc.. 47011 N Rrosd. Wvo 871-872. TWO-8TORY. 8 rooms and hath: all modern conveniences: near train and trolley; a hargalni Immediate possession. M. H. Matslnger, Real Estate Trust lllilg. 4J1S N. 11TH ST. All modern conveniences; 2 story; Immediate, possession. Particulars apply (1. C, 8EIDEL b CO.. 4th and Callowhlll. 452fl N. CAMAC Immediate possession; fl rma. and bath; I aq. from trol.; Inspect bv appointment; hot-wator heat. elec. Dallas & Hartley. Ine . 470D N. Bmad Wvo. 871-872, jail V 1ATII ST.. 6 rms.. bath, norch. front; entirely renovated: Immediate pnas.i liaoti; ssinpie nou.e uiiviii imnn no premises. Oalc Lane Realty Co 6732 York rd. TWO-STORY detached stucco dwelling. (1 rooms and bath; Immediate posssssloni price $8500. McCormlck ft McCormiclc. Lin- coin ima.. nr r.i..i.ii. . 47J4 N. 11T11 ST. Flour bedrooms. Inclosed porch: early possession: screens, awnings and attractive terms Included. Dallas ft Hartley, ine , .ion n, i.rewii. wji-o, nfi-STj. B103-0.ll N. 18TII Attractive 10-room twin hcuse. h.w. heat, raj i and elec. I nice yard; immediate poss. $8800. Key at 8003 York rd. Oak Lane Realty Co., 8752 York rd- $6800 442 E. WALNUT LANE, twin, ktram ht. Irlo lUhti vacant. A. R. MKKirAN, 0T47 Otrmanto UUlVH limit " .'"V."'"' " IA$,I11 ii IMC, ntown iv. DOUJ N. 1UTH 8T. -Threvftory MHUt houa. rAsnts' ClIAMBtRa, '48it N, Ilrosd st, lwLJKgf UW ' U. ; ..d yU XI rooinf, ,2r" .rlL '"rn improv ... .... . ..... . ,.. III ''" iiiiminiiiiinmniimiiif REAL ESTATE FOR BALE waxh juxt'Tiox THIS IHijour opportunity to net the theap. et Il.room porrh. front hnURe In t'hlladel- phlai irood romlltlon: 4445 N Unth at : price Bini. appiv owner V2 rnet. t yd noor. WlSSXHlrKON orrosiTE woouvali: coLNTitr n.uii. Oood dttcllluK n aatiarea from station. 7 rooms and bathi room for irarnRe, only $3(100, JOHN J. KOItAN 441(1 Crcason St. Phone Manayunk U70 oak' lank NKW IIOMC. Jul cnniplete, 111 most aelcct aectlon of OaU Label I" room and 'J batha- thorourhlv modern. Includlne caraan Tor full particulars nnpls II W MliLVlN. 414 rteal Ktato Truat HldK, S W cor isfh and lUlnea" sta 8-"atory. porch-front. N room, bath, h-w heat, elec. llnht. rocm for aarape Oak Lane llealty Co H7o'.' York rd (1T11 N CAni.tMLK ST Netn.nt , S rnnna. bath h-w beat elec . en entlnnallv large Int. Oak Lane llealtv Co. (lt.' York rd TIOOA Buy in Tioga $4950' Immediate Possession .11)00 block N. Hmedley at J story porch front, harduoatl floors, hot water heat and electrlo liaht, oc car fara to the center of the lty. sample house, 3007 N. Smedliv st , open for Inspection every day. Sun . Thurs. ft Krl evus from 7 to u p. m Aseat on premises or apply lo LEWIS COHEN. 2d 1113-11 Lincoln llulldlni TIOGA . uetz oc oon, inc. or 1M1, ml yrk ISIMlMIMt mini) III.IWK McKI.NI.I:Y ST Tln mod ern throufrnout, nne uuinoaanv anu white, alone porch HIUTNTHAOnfl ltllClrt . tllslnB xun ne. and L'ottman st 1'"ojc Chase t.'o l'L-NNIVI.VAM SIIIU'IIIIAN AUDMOItl MUST IjEWE CITY, will rrino for a quick mIm, rornrr lot M."iV.'rtri tiou brl' k and frame, slate riiif 1 1 rooms. -bath-i den and Inundn . '-''Ptorv Kraff". bub and coh! ratic, elertrlt llchta Ik i-ntr fur imre. ansorld frlut and whadft tree: 1" minuted' walk to Ardnmre ttton fi minutes to H&rrfnrd linindlte iivfBion no mrent. Call nr inqulr nr 4,1 Vomln v Ardmor Va rh'ne Hi I Ti 11 TEN RIIOMH n ml hath, hnt-wiitir h-at icaa I and dec . Imm possfsston lul ..il Jo WM, A M.lltl.A Phone l)7Q Ardmore Vn sorrn. AKMnRK I1I1AM) NEW detachrd linusi riiums Imh. laundry, .illxl..! feet lot, KUnruuteed hot- vater heatlnir. eaa rtoe. plH' rtvtlirM. lirlcK llreplace cement porili. Imiueiilali' lusse8lon T. J lU'UKt; miKi rinanco Illda- snnji Kl.KIN.I PAR iim llllill g A Eew Excluiiivo ListiiiKs in g the Old York Roud Section 1 ELKINS PARK B OnoliHlf mr hlltlde 14 iotitn 3 H baths '2-vnr crmro, pprfet.t toiidltion p Juht offpred at $2L' ono I OAK LANE PARK B A Iwnutlful corner bulUllnit nlt In P liUhflut section: J4000 for quick aale, 1 WYNC0TE p ll-acr count rv peat within 3 H cnuaren of tho station hrgp houst. M .'I-rar cnniue bpautlful trrounds A real haira-Hln fit la5.000. ELKINS PARK MANOR g ,V California huncalow uf 7 rooum iS junt belne tmplftrl, Hplentlld lora- M tinn near end of iVcent fare Trlcw M $1(70 to eatly purchasf-r, M Also manv excellent lmltdlnir altea M In every "HEADINU" auburb from I MORRIS W. WILSON i Church Road B I ELKINS PARK, PA. j iMiMit;M;iiiii:iiui'tniiiiinu:i;NiiiTiiiiMtiiUiiiii'iTiit:M:iMJiii;iiiNn;:iniJfiiiiiiiiiiiMn;:iiri! SuSisiarajaiaiaraiaiaiajajafarsjaraiaicMarsiaia I ELKINS PARK g Central Hallway Colonial r?i hnm. with lulnr room, dining room. pantry with sink and running water, kitchen, refrigerating room: 0 bed rpoms, 2 baths and billiard room. This house Is situated on a lot 87 by 180. and commands one of the finest views In Klklns Park It has Just been offered for the first time, and Is a splendid buy for $17,000, Immedl ate possession, ' MAURICE G. PAUL ULKINS PARK. PA. gj Melrois 1374. fjflsiBrjgrargjgjggrgjgigaagrs K,ST UNHIOffNK SIX ROO.MH and bath. Dutch hall; thor iiVilv mndurn tot .MlxI'Jn ft . nrlce 1.1.10(1. W Phlla Real Entile I 'O.ri0ll0 Baltimore .iv. fiUissiDi: OLENSII5E1 Pu our lot now, Investigate Olenslde, the Ideal home town, lots, ull Im provements. J32T up .... WM. T. H. IIOHKRTS WON (llenslde. Pa. NEW modern single house under const.. 7 rooms- lot 43xll J.Titm WM T II ROIL ERTH & HON, Olenslde Pa Qgonti 182 Mr.LROi: PARK Ilnllujng Lota YORK ROAD AND ANSLEY AVE. Heajtl; ful building site, 200400; room for 4 dwellings SHIELDS, York rd and 18th ave. AIKRION BEAUTIFUL MANSION Dn Montgomery ave HI rooms. .1 batha; Karaye for cara, with nhauffcur a room; 1V4 acre around beautiful old lhade; poaaeailon 3u das, prlro 940,000, JOHN A. CALDWELL Phone 1087 NARI1EHTH. PA. NORTH m.KXMDK I HAVE 3 LOTH ON A CORNER Total 7.'ixll( Welt adapted for bungalow, lmprood street. water and aas at hand, very convenient u station ; priced right for nulrk sal;. Phono Whltemarsh 1870 W or write P 427. Ledrer Office. IliilliHne Lots OPENINO FEROUSON'S NORTH OI.KN8IDE PLOT NO 2 We have Just opened for sale a new tract of 1000 lots, almost at railroad elation and trolley; some lots already have Springfield water, gaa and electric lights large lots IlLTi to 12.10. guaranteed title ensy monthly pav menta: liberal discount for cash In full; Liberty llonds ucitptnl t full alue henil for booklet ,,,-,,.. 1' reiumMu. imij.i a.i iun PEROUSON'S LOTH 153 up; Vj -acre plots, J800 up; tJllo absolutely clean no mort gage! etc.; free title insurance; booklet, rEROHHON Trout and York sts OVKBRROOK nEAUTirUL HOME IN OVERPROOK Blmldetachld dwelling, located on Oxford st. east of 03d st. I central huati hardwood floors; 3 baths: 0 sieenlng rooms: electrlo lighting; living hall 'with open fireplace , large dining room, pantrv and kitchen: lot 28 feet front, with double garage on rear: a homo for a refined family amlditreflned surroundings. Address Harrv !'. Htarfton Ocean Cltv. N. J itim.i:v PARK H.ROOM brick residence on Chester plke finished In white pine. bath, steam heat. laundry traya. fireplace, fine old ahade and shrubbery: com, view: lot ISOxlSO; Jt2,B00.i HWOPB A HON. MB Main. Darby. mVAKTHMOHIS SWARTHMORE Highland ave, opposite East Lawn Cemetery, fl dwellings, a story. fl rooms! lots 220 ft. deep; rent 110; price $1000 each. John A. Rarry. r.07 Land Title. WAYNK WAYNE Newly constructed Colonial resl dence, stone and stucco, 10 roomi. 2 baths, shower, hardwood floora, electric light and hot.water htl beautiful l?tlon: immed. poss. Chas F. Eaaleston. 1218 Chestnut St. MAIN I-INB MAIN LINE 18000) modern detached 13 room dwelling; hot-water heati station imd trolley near. Pen Aman, 1218 Chestnut. WKRNKBSVlI.l.K U'KRNEKSVII.T.E PA. eltons bouse. single, poultry haust. ' le, poultry- baiwfa BW. acres, pear jrrouna: , acres, beat i round; navfT-faillM i.watert I mile from . .H. t tltn iH tMllay line; stone roads: eleotm ...... ,-.- r,r. -t pest cpnun(oni, SDrtnsv r.yV. ,. iMMKUtArn rnsai:ssio.s Corner ttli and Ontario . rooms and J baths Icctrtc llnhtlns brlpht rorur. inono ly3l V AllPKhfny a . It rnoma and 2 biths, (mldflarhrd. tmnh terrdct, ptcani hRt. "Icctrldtv; llii.nno niZS N 17tli t . 10 rnoirt ami J lulhs hot- nmnr nrm riri iririn jiiimiii HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE rKXNWYI.VAMA - HHIUHUUN ZJ3 $ee3: ie:ia5nrj;ci";::u j OVERBROOK jj 7, Al'-ston" Colonial residence, 7 bed- i ,i rooms :i hatha hol-water heat, elec- a trie light, garage for 2 cars. I MERI0N -J stone and plaster house. 0 bedroom". iT; l a hatha, garage; plans at our office f WYNNEW00D 't)' M English stone and half timber reil- K dencr n bedrooms 2 baths, garage; i w Immedlite possession. 'A H $ H WAYNE H m Obj iviono Coloubil house w.tli about Vj it R0 arrps will noil hh a .ho1 ir At ilt M ihii be remndelM t small w i rirnae must bo sold to close estate. d BUILDING SITES yWe nr- offering erv tloalrnble build W Ine sites, size to ault nurchtter, on a the Jljlii Line and In C'iiiwsd $i j BALA-CYNWYD fl A Ietitlied atona and atuccn dwelllnie. M W. Hrnt floor hall with fireplace. tMnfe A 14 rmm dlninir room pantrv, kitchen w ' and laundry; second lloor. a bed- vi M rooms bath Hnd ilen: third floor 'J M A tfdPM), .s and bath; hol-water heat )A W iftirb HclUs within -'A blocks of V i ll.iU trolley: price 11.000. ft t'i H I Samuel C. Wagner, Jr. fj 320 COMMERCIAL TRUHT BLDO, V 18th and Market sts.. Philadelphia i- j ieo3scns33 CI2aSCCKS Builders, Take Notice! :j:j JIain Lino tract, 15 acres :': of hiph rolling land for ;; sale at speculative price, j:;! It slopes south and com- iji; mands extended view :: closo to Devon Station, jij: Absolutely ripo to build ij. moderate priced homes. :: Houses will sell quickly. ;; Will make price and , jij: terms right might cx- ij:'. change. i;i We recommend this land. Wm. H. Wilson & Co. jij: 700-01-02 Morris Bldg., ::.;i Members Philadelphia :-:i Real Estato Board FOR NEW HOMES with Immed. possession. modern throughout see Hruntrager Urns . Rising" Sun ave, & Cottman. Ton Chase 4nO. OLENSIDE Mod single hue 8 rms , h -w heat; lot 40x1.111, 111000 Wm T 1) HOI1. ERTS & SON OlenHlde Pa Ogonta 11X2, IlnlMlnr IaI FOR SALE Two building lots. 40x100 ft i will sacrifice 24IH N 3d t . NAIIIimiTII $11,100 "Jim dandles," on lots 00x1.10, stucco construction, hot-water heat, electric light, sleeping porch and Innumerable other de alrable features Let ua ho ou thesi (u know that sou Mill like them) If ou are In the market for a small home JOHN A. CALDWELL at tha Station Phono 1H87. Narherth. Pa 13,100 New houses, nearlng completion; ' artistic architecture stucco construction, amid attractive surroundings, they contain il rooms and bath equipped with hot-water heat, electric lighting, gas and all those convenlencea that especially appeal, JOHN A I'AI.HWin.l. Phone 1887. Narberth, Pa $4000 A "crackerjack" home that will ap peal to you stucco construction, steam heat, electrlo light and many striking features. Let us show It lo you JOHN A CALDWELL, at the Station Phone H1S7, Narberth, P.i HUNOALOW Hl'NOALOWH Now undergoing course of completion and ready for early occupancy. 1,1300 to I3MI0, Ideal anpolntmenta, nicely located In the best residential section JOHN A CALDWELL, at the Station Phona 1H87. Narberth, Pa 700ii A residence containing li rooms and bath: near station on lot 00x12.1. IH blocks from station stone and frame con struction; slate roof. Ideal condition JOHN A CALDWELL ut the Station Phone 1087 N'arherth. Pa. H: 'o "Thia Is a peach"; near station; stucco const! uctlnn, fl rooms, bsth and laundrv; for a moderate-priced house this JOHN A. CALDWELL, at the. Station Phone 1887, Narberth, Pa. NEW IIOI'HKH, all conveniences, 13000 up ward. Harris Real Estate, opposite sta tlon. Narberth. Pa PENNSYLVANIA FARMS 103 ACRES South of Paoll, Wllllstown township, Chester county, stone roads, fer tile soil', woods- good buildings, electrlo power available; business and professional men as neighbors: price as before the war. (200 an acre: adjacent farms sold for and am held at 230 and 1300 an acre; now la tha time to buy to get early posieailon; have other desirable farms A. U )!ALTE"AN. Trust Bid., West Chester. Pa. NEAR S0MERT0N Eighty-seven acres; mile from station on stone road; 12 acres timber) atream, meadow; 8-room ilone dwelling; 4 -room tin ant house: full set of outbuildings: well lo cated; about 800 feet from roailt old ahade; good view; price t'.'OO per acre to settle estate V. FORREST MAOEB. Southampton! Pa. CHOICE COUNTRY SEAT ffk. Aftv.. nn !.. York division of Retdlrur. H UJ from trolley; nnMv nhoro t Ueat JWMKM ",l'f r Vi 2 i i 1. tl a, mid. noiwar J-, IJSSt'Jr'r'v ft i mare&SiESSffiSi wMxs3t rMSrsraSL 'sK;iim'rSr f V 'L outbuildings; nnc waz.ow. -x -jjum prica ivvvv. fvv vvf w.w v .r ; " flft fWWBOTt. . -f, waawiwi rmijvmw. .' -: ; iv ; f . REAL ESTATE FOR SALE fl'.NNS I.VAMA Sl1IIUIlltN WM. H. WILSON & CO. Suburban Realtors Wo can offer you a clinico and larfjc list oT Homos alonK thr. Main Lino of the I'cnna. K. R. (elcctrinud from Broad Street Station to I'aoli). Which Station Do You Prefer? OVHKimOOK, ill tho City limits, with .steam heat from central plant in rvury home. RIEUION, "that beautiful and popular Miburb," iH tlio first outside of the City, Then there am WYNNKWOOD. ARDMORE, HAVRRFORD and BRYN MAWIt, popular because of their proximity to Schools and Country Clubs. A little farther on are ST. DAVID'S and AVAYNK. North from Philadelphia are the popular suburbs of OKRMANTOWN, PKLHAM, MT. AIRY and CHESTNUT HILL, Uien the beautiful Whitcmnrsh Valley. Buy Your Home in the SUBURBS Let ui tako you for an inspection. Many for immediate possession to any one requiring Homo at once. WM. H. WILSON & CO. 700-01-02 Morris Building Members. Philadelphia Real Estate Board ;;::;:-;:; :j::::;i;: ::. irr, ,v.:: ;:;::!:;;;;:;:" :r:: :r-r rrrrr:; :i :rni :i ;: in: is u xo WHY NOT LIVE IN OVERBROOK? t We have three homes in this attractive suburb. One is 2040 North 63d Street between train and trolley. It is a twin house for $ 1 0,000. Another is on beau tiful Overbrook Avenue, being number 5965 a large residence and garage on a lovely lot. The other is a detached white-plastered residence and garage lo cated, '5826 Woodbine Avenue for the price of $25,000. II You Can Move in Any One of These Homes Immediately WILSON & CHADWICK 700 Morris Building t r&rcra:rjraTra:i:uxTsx jjjpa&oKiaiaaEjB! Whatever Your Requirements It interested in locating a home or home site in the suburbs, get in touch with this office. "Over Five Million Dollars" in sales on a brokerage basis to date for 1019 proves conclusively that the desirable places are secured through us. Our large sales force is thoroughly ex perienced and ready to give your inquiry Prompt and Satisfactory Attention. "Our Brokerage Service Will Please You." SMULLEN & BARRY Broad and Chestnut (Liberty Bldg.) I jBftaSI-Eai-i nini.KV park 1 RIDLEY PARK ESTATES H In buying property for a homeslte or for Investment there are eeera Important g features to he considered. Location Is molt Important, as Is also transportation i facilities. R R1DI.ET PARK TISTATES unquestionably, has excelled location, as. n. as Eg transportation facilities with a beautiful frontage on Chester pike, which U the f Southern Penna Traction Co "s main line, alto the Penna. R. R., with Ridley NI Park Station a few minutes' walk A restricted residential section within easy distance of the numerous Industries located along the Delaware River. The prop erty la situated on high ground, pearly 100 feet above tide water, with a roil M nlfielent view of the river. , . E Largo homesltee In RtDLET PARK E&TATEH can be purchased as low ns Ej M50 on easv terms, without Interest or taxes, and Include street Improvements R This high-class property at the present prices, with the great development t here, will undoubtedly Increase to double tho coming year. H We xccept Liberty Ponds at face value. Tltlea to RIDLEY PARK ESTATES are af;;cdIur)t,EY rAnK ESTATES from Philadelphia take rnna, train st fi nrnsd Street Station or West Phlla to Ridley Park from tho station walk east U m Hinckley ave, to property, .Dy trolley from Philadelphia, take subwav car No. 3 11 to Darby and change to Southern Penna. Traction Co.'a Darby-to-WUmlngton B trolley running out Chester pike nnd ytt off at tha property In Ridley Park fronting OF! Pfirlll "inn ill nrBijr i'")r' LOOK FOR THE SIGNS GILMORE, McFERON & MILLER 705-706 Crozer huudinfir, Chester, Pa. iBiniuiiBiuflJiiiEiiintiBiiuniiainiBi'BimiufliBniBvwiiniB'iiiiaBBiuiiBJni NEW JERSEY SimPTtDAN DEAUTIKUL country residence. Colonial stile. 0 rooms and bath; private garage! .United on Rancoc.s eeki 10 mile, from crra of land. Including I are -haded lawn. Ideal for gentlman' country r W. Kris av . Philadelphia. Daiii. !- WKNONAH ,ruC '.hVdVl l VLjt B8? V.5tb cash! lm. poas.l barg. PETTY, 00 N. BtP i.ixnKNWQi.n THREE roomai I acre! near water: bar at 1000 Hlsglns. Lindenwold. N. J. bargain WOOUBtjyY SMfll "-'"'51' lfonsiiN lu-roora iinM, nrwoq REAL ESTATE FOR SALE I'KXNWVI.VANIA HUlHinltAN t ItllH.KY park ICEnllg Bell Phono: Chester 71 Hill NEV JKRSEY 4U11 imilAN New Homes for Rent N0REG VILLAGE 14 Minutes From Camden P. R. R. (Market St. Ferries) to South Gloucester Bell Phone Gloucester 272 SBVEN.ROOXf house, ham. nnn Crtilf lraa rf,tawt?rrie"" .?"pa,IIU,i crsi S mllea W! Idwood, 0 mllea Cape slay. 3 minute to riiruv. Knout sia) cnurcni city wavrv passes doort worth looking, oyer: 100. Hykts. Jtto urande, N. J, 1 r Modern eonye.t halt acre," old'h4et- aiauon vi ironoy, pose, ax on,i l rSTJOW. t;HON,U08 CMJfWYNUT &( ItEAL ESTATE FOR SArE ni.w jr.nwK.v sntiwiiv.v llAIIDOXriELD KOIl SALE Residence, 1 1 Ik Lafayette ars , Iladdonneld, N. J.. 10 rooms, bath, library and sleeping porch: stands alone; situated In the best part of Haddonllcld. rhon lfaddonfleld Inn n or Snruco 1010. ni;w ji:rsi;v i'arms MOORESTOWN 105 ACRES 10-room house: city conveniences; 2 tenant houses and complete buildings: very produc tive solli over 40 acres In grass; near trolley; 1 ' ' mil. frnm f.rrv, ..a.lu nn.....l.n r PETERS & hON.Bfla CHESTNUT ST . I'HITjA 5 ai'kks, only lino payiblo JS monthly. In village Ely, 701 Federal, Camden. MAIIVI.AN1I TARim , FARMS FARMS FAItMH. Catalogue i WATERS RUSSELL. Chestertown Md. It. E. SALE OR EXCHANGE N KW .IKRSHV StTIIIIRIlAN AVALON N ,1 House, nlcelv furnished, with garago and fl lots, llOllOO. CHAS. K jnllVSON. 2111(1 N fith st Thlla. FOR RENT FURNISHED i''TV 242 -4 I7TH HT Attrai-tlvl furnlsheii ilweiling 0 rooms: 2 baths: electrli light for winter season onh JOHN B. MAGEE rtllAL ESTATE TRl'ST HI.DO REAI. ESTATE SALE OR RENT FOR RALE OR RENT CENTRAL PARKWAY CORNER I8th st . 128. corner ''herry, nar I.ogan So ; lot 33x107. splendid site fcr stores, apartments Inquire Frank II Schrnk. sttv 1218 Chestnut el IilJ!g 'jots, lnr(or Mte-. Kti). NO MONEV requtrrd If ground Is Improved, wilt tako inortgsgt lot 220x3.10 oppo alto Penna 11 It i'relglit Station SfJth and Oakford stw, ( WnshtnglDtf ave l has three fronts: all niuntclp.il lmprnements made AppU anv broker or linill Ouen ther. 20th nnd dray's l'errv road Warehoiivo LOT .'in.noii sq n , with some buildings, .'l.td and .14th si and (Iray'a Kerrv roail (West Washington aval. Pnna. It It aid ingi. satlsfnilor terms Apply anv broker or Enill Uuenther. 20th and Gray's Ferry load BJ?AL ESTATE WANTED HAVE IIUYERS WAITING CASH CUSTOMERS IF PRICE 14 RIOIIT I CAN SELL IT SEND FULL PARTICULARS WANTED Two stor. eight room, porch main street Two storv. seven room, porch, main or side. Two-story seven-room Investment hruses. Three storj. nine room, under I350O. Corner with garage Storo proprty on Columbia ave. oraSU'th'"' ' l" '''"' t'Bln!, or Prooertr RBRTOLET. 10 10 N 10th st. WB PAT cash for anv real estate and make quick settlements, agenta protected. M IlttRBVITZ. 831 N. fith at ht HI ItHAN hom all modern lonvenlence nesr school and lake lease or sale from on A 3 III. Ledger Office HOME buyers waiting List vour properties hewj Cohen Ilia Lincoln Rids UWIII.IJMI wanted anvwhere II to 8 rms il i to l.iii per month 2404 N 3d st REAL ESTATE FOR RENT RENT VALUABLE CHESTNUT STREET PROPERTY Lionel Friedmann Land Title Bldg. 1X!1 RENT- -Unfurnished house In center of city. 10 rooms. 2 baths, for balance or ls. December 1.. to September in, 1P"0 at greatly reduced rent. p not Ledger Office TIME and money saved wo lotate store or dwelling ou wish to rent stato what you want chargea n 21114 N HdHt , NEW building Just finished Immed posset. Slon, suit warehouse storaire or Khnn. 'i?lon W,.'L.'tn,t..?S.:!...--M2-''s N . ' Applyi "' m nun frjli ill rith and hedglpy st rartorteH, Mnnwfacturing rioorw fLOORS Large Small -W.,V?l!.CBUARUOW ISO N 12TIIST. Established 1HSH. Factories a specialty 172 ARCH ST 2 large business rms 1st - rt?.orJ'lt'l!,B Ar;'.1" ,,Kht "h"1 ht. 100. p H Chambers 710 Commercial Trust mdg OKinrww. miniNF.sw ikkims. mro FUflNISHED 0ffl.a and business rooms. In. eluding heat and light, t-'ephone and Henographer i. building to take charge of calls etc rent S to Jl." per month " cor 7th and soring Garden sts OFI'ICK used by doctor for ,' iears iiivr acant. will rent to responsible party; also apartments for rent nil) Nl 11th st rCNNSVLVANlA-SDRPRnAM .MEDIA FURNISHED HOUW. In Media. 1 blockfrTS. station; atone house. 12 reoms 3 bath? E:-eee, MORTOAOES OUR facilities for placing building nssoeli tlon mortgages sre unsurpassed In View of the fact that we represent t) of the 'LVX..; building associations In the Jty VS applications for good 1st, 2d and'splft S gages In any section of tho Uty or suburbs private funds for good first moi-tlra William James Keogh, Land Title """" 5o N0T1B. -N' MOItTOAUE Immediate settlements To r, .,,n'Hlfi tate on Building bshoc ntlon fundi J1000 JIE.MPSKY ICO, 27 8 lfith st. $50 lleul estato security, Immediat. settlement interest eata?Jl bought; cash at once. "tatci TO $5000 LEWIS & CO. TOOT IV Glrarl k $50 iilV es.t.',te B.cuf!ty. imme diate settlement. Interest In PStlLtraR lirMto-hr f -u -a TO - -- --.. fipii m one. $2000 EDW. M. MOLL "g, . WE HAVE some good flrtt mortgages fl nee cent. 3 vrs. J3000. J310O 4.1O0 16000 amounts. These will prove a fine Investment rot fiat fund Oeo A Hoeckle. 7L'5 8 PARTY to take over p. ISH.onn first rrmTTl gsge on a mill property, located In Phlla - bldg in flne condition & vvell located Ad- dress the owner for details. A 210. Led' Off IXJANS. REAL ESTATEAND ESTATEal DELANY. 34 S Brns'd (West End TUdr.) MONEY TO LOAN on first nnd e-rond mort. gages David Cohen, 720 Walnut st rhone Walnut 6748 wainut st WANT private funds fcr good first mort. gages LEWIS COHEN, 1113 Lincoln Wii. MONEY TO OAN CHRISTMAS RUSH HAS STARTED Why not taka out that loan now? You will then have ready money to do your shopping early, while tha stores hava a complete stock, thereby enabling you to make a better selection of your gift INVESTIGATE OUR 20-PAYMENT PLAN $40 can be repaid $2 monthly ISO can be repaid JH monthly S100 can be renald 1.1 mnmhlu With legal rates of Interest at 314 per cent per month Other amounts up to 1800 In tha same proportion Our plan gives you twenty months for repayment. We, loan on furniture, pianos, victims etc. Call, write or phona for lull particulars PROVIDENT LOAN COMPANY 1083 Cheatnut t. . noorq 7 -V- --e- DVIIIWI niVaNKT ON DIAMONDS AND JEWLRY J23 AND UP . . . .3 PER CENT 17.1 AND VP ..... 1V4 PER CENT ,20U .vND 1iP.IK- JB. CENT 128 IARKKT 8T, mOOIQ AVE AND OXItlRD 8T 22D AND UOUTIt STS. Vftir i(w tiAnnAiw -r -...-. READY MONEY- DIAMONDS, WATCHES U JEWELBT United Mates Loan boc4jly"i ' a - i. !7( Wnxii ap'oAD -4'. d M;--g msaa-i k. awtoaiobilaa, SM eff . mw. , J. R- -' . Til-Bi-. votaa. on unm am f " i, M fil I Tl I M ufil m Wl tl lfl 1 ?1 .14 -It 'Atei jik ."..''-. .'rr ..i,.i..'u?,?''t.-,i.Ax;i.YiL..-.:.u;-5'. ' l..