5 1 V V'3 W, ",VS"W"; " -yj-. , -n ntSsr JPr!IJjfV?1 ',wi!V"t iSI VM, .' 'SXf?' '..VV.i -" "f --w r$ " i '!'T. Y?' firpw(ff" jfiwtfiw; 1 V w :rr K GOSSIP OF THE STREET BROKERS TRY TO EXPLAIN SLUMP IN STOCK MARKET Flood of "At Market" Orders Largely Responsible for Violent Shakedown in Security Values rnilK word "If" was tivorwnrUeil yos- twilny iti tln rxplnnnttniis itntl opin ions n. ( wlict really lmpwiitMl, ntul Vtliit I))', i;r'it about Mi" rntni-lysm In tin1 Mod; inaikct on Wciliu-Hiliiy. Jinny vim-p (IikIik. fault willi the fi-tlcral ri MM'Vc hj jpiii. wIiIpIi pprnilttcil nintlcr to run nlniitr without iici-c-sary wnin Injs till H iws loo Into to il.i nnytliint:. banker, when uponlilus of thoio who vi'iv lmiil in blnmiiig the federal re fervc --ri'.l (hey xlinnlit he Uiiiiilcfnl for n Hj'hiPtii wlin-'i stiK.il micIi n btrnin ami poisihlv pivvnrj had motlej panle. At ii' time win there hiipIi a possllilltty. llltlioilirll at tiini'M no inniev ivnn nviitl. nble fir .peenlatlM- pmposps at even I t'll after the III the Inchest rules iiuotid. t'uder the : "e did not exieet old sj stem speh a rcsnll would have I heen linno'-ilile. 'I'o'hear tlipsn neople i hnrnti the fed.'i'iil vesni-ve svslem for a I "Waf violent break in a lot of lilshh specu-'l latlve Htnciis, Ii said, one would think I the federal reserve system was Invented solely t ewmynKe wild speculation on the stock pm lianse, wlien, as, a matter', f fact U" inn in purpose Is to discourage j such specubiti in by dive.rtinB credit into the IcKitimiile channels of the nation's Cominerci mid industry. , What luippi'UPil on Wednesday, said n broker bn was ii'i the miiNt of (he I'xcitenv nt in Xew Yi.rli, was the same ns hap)i"ned en TueMluy. only on a liiRKcr sell. , and tlv waniini of Tues day was luken pel haps too -uihleuly. There (is. he said, a jjooil deal of liquidation in Ihe early hours on the, part of cnsl. liners living out of town. Inoitlj 1nt the market. ItoiTcwors weie bidditiK S per cent for time bum-, with few takers on account of the acute condition of the money I nmrkei Call money, he said, at that time nmi 11. In the afternouii the mHl for funds liecame creater. I'.itlillnc pi.lduali lieciime furious, till it reached ,'iO per '-iiii. On Tiiei-day. he said', there was S-lfi lUio.OOO fferod m call, while on Weil i d.n then; was nowhere near that iii.i 'unt uvailal'ile. lirokers wetu InkiiiK ii. chances, and customers who cniild t'"t be reached were sold out, Mimethni". lo their Ii-mipIM. Stocks were sold nt tiny price, so that they were Hold e hen (liscii'.sliii: (he over-speciil.ition in slock . and l lit ih'moiallzatinn in the stock nnrket on W'cilncMhiy. a hanker Mild that there is a reat deal of specu lation goin"; on In commodities which, because it is less spectacular than tin (prculntii'ii in stocks, is not so notice able but it is h-iviuc a deiiih'dly bad inlluence i ii til" country at larue. and especialli on the h-inl-in-; and credit Mtuath'ii lie a:l that it nerd' curb- Philadelphia New York Boston JULIAN ST SiMSOHN An Orcani7at!on of CHEMICAL ENGINEERS Tor Tcfhinrit Oppratlon of Tower Plants Water Purification Coal Analysf s . Combustion 5. E. Cor. Broad and GirartTAvc. NAGLE STEEL COMPANY STEEL PLATES AND SHEETS Pottstown, Pa: Phila. Office, 1111 Morris Building , Chas. J. Webb & Co. Wool and Cotton Yarns Chestnut St, Philadelphia. ?. t ) A IIIOII 0.UAT.ITY QUICK 3EKVICK Motor Truck Delivery f Lansdale Foundry Co. E Titm.la p. I'ii. ihnnp l.rinsdnifl 4311 EtaasHscM Steam and Gasoline Philadelphia, Pa. There are openings in nearly all branches for skilled mechanics. Steady work; good wages; excel lent working conditions. A large number of the ways arc covered. , NEW YORK SHIPBUILDING CORPORATION CAMDEN, N. J. Apply at Employment Department at the-Yard G :rry S2-Wai.mut St. J JOB mim A SP8X5AL1 In Service More Than 25 Years proving conclusively that it Therefore, when you specify raw wis. w M ( ' PI ! to Portland Cement ! IIS 'V'.;i.7:.r;?j;i.at-aayamrzOT I r-.JLfLVA. Ci ( V"Jjt ..AU.'L!Llris-.:5 THE BALDWIN Locomotive Works contracts, you know what to expect. than other' paint, liavinc twice inside work, giving a hard, durable finish that will not flake, scalo or rub off. White .and colors, by, tlie bhl., 10c lb..; smaller lots, 12c lb. Special price to contractors. Sample for testing on request. Ub. "Household" Gortons AT DEALERS 30c JOHN C OETEItS, Mfr, 1242 N. 31st St. If not mote, than Meek sperillatlon. In fact, he added, if It wna elipelii'il all other siieeulallon would he idieehed uutuimitk'ully. Anybody's (Jtiess iood Tlie principal partner of n very ivn-t-ervatlve broKcraije house said any h'ldy's Kuess was jjoml enough as far'as the Itiimedlate future condlluf of stocks is concerned. There are many houses In New Yoik, he said, who were re fusing to do any luislne except on n cash basis, lie did nut tool; for a perin- impiit return to steady prices, he said. t of (he year because he money tannic would be straightened nut before Hint tune. It is tile impression ot inaiij 111 the Ilium clnl district Halt the cause of Weil- neiday s collnpsp in Ihe stock market us prunariiy nrouyiu anout !iiri-;ii Heavy speculation on Hie part ot a public whose most available ipiick assets were lahcity HuiioN. These weie put up as collateral with the brokers who in turn were passing them alone to the banks. The banks Were rt-iliscuuntint; them with the 1'id eral lleserve itaiik lo an extent that taade it necessary to call a halt, and II was called. A well-known banker oonlirincd this and added "They ate going after the speculators in wool nexl, then Hie spec ulators in cotton, who have been gulltv ot tlie same practices, on a scale which Is hardv credible." lie said. 'Another banker said the onlv cure for the conditions which tin' wild specula tion of the past few weeks has brought i about is I wer the nrices of connno- I ditles. These nriee. are bciii'-. hnlstA-cd lK just as miieh by lictllions credits and tlie Federal lie. I '" trnng demand. Trices are mate serve in gelling after this matter in the I ''""'J' 'linuged. though there is an ex way It has done, will accoinnlish the I peetalion ot an advance shortly. Jesuit, i nere is notiimj; unsound in pi (vein conditions, be said. The country is prosperous mid fundiimentallyi nothing is out of joint. The market, he said, will recover very soon and will he all the healthier for the drastic expcii once It has passed through. .KralcISuying Advised As lliere seemed to lie considerable doubt as to whether the bottom hail been reached in the slock market, many brokers were advising scale-buying on the part of their clients. Due of these said lie would not advise such buying on the part of clients on earnings or dividends based on the last three years, which he said in many industries had been aftnormal. Nor ,did lie favor basing intrinsic values on (he year prior lo Ihe war, but hi; believed a safe rule would Include the earnings and dividends for ten jears. Stocks which have been paying good dividends over a number of jeais, he said, are certaiu to come hu-k first. Of course, there will he rallies of some of the speculative issues, and re in tions (o bring them down again, hill the best guide till conditions right them selves and nionej becomes more plenti ful is to practice scale-buying. "Plight t;f I'uhlic I'tilities" A bunker, when speaking of. public utilities, asked the question, "What has become ot all the agitation or some months ago about .he "plight of the I utilities. "Surely, he said, "they an not all satisfied with conditions." It was pointed out lo him Hint many of the complaints of the utilities, which broad ly meant the traction companies, are being aired in courts or before, com missions or applications, are being made for receiverships, while in several cases increases in fares have heen granted. 'Hie predicament of Toledo, O., which' is nt present without street en: facilities bi'ctiNso. in citizens voted to oust' the company operating its lines rather than pay higher fares, was under discussion when this banker said that Toledo had a light on its hands some live years ago. The light then was to compel the company to accept a four cent fare instead of a live-cent fare, or l lather to sell six tickets for twenty -live 1 cents'. Harry L. Holici-ty at that time, he said, as now, controlled the operating company. .Tlie tlien mayor ol -loieuo was a stubborn advocate for the low fare and advised the people to ride and , pay only lour cenrs. noucriy, lie sum. 1 told his conductors to collect live cents I or nothing nud to allow those who ' refused to pay the live cents to ride free. His instructions were obeyed to l the letter, hut the people refused to he j under obligations to Mr. Doherty and I the live-cent fare was' soon established I again without friction. lint, the nia.Mir, he contended, ad vertised that at a certain time and at , a certain place, he would ride in one ' of tlie cars, pay only four cents and I make a test case for the courts. At the I appointed time and place he boarded a j car, to find Mr. Doherty standing on I tlie back platform with the conductor. F v& ! BUILDERS' I MILLWORK I Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Columns, Etc : THE HANEY-WH1TE CO. $ Plant ;j:j : 1 7th and Glenwood Ave. j jji; Office & Warehouse :: :: 21st and Glenwood Ave. U 8 H i Lists From Plans and ; ; Estimates Given ; oi:n'i:k.i, sih'Ricintknornt r.Aitr.r. iii'immno roNsritui'TinN tom- I'AXV HAS OI'K.NINO IN Tlll'.llt OlttlAM- zation roit .man- or iiuoaii i:i'i:ui- UXCIJ IN nlMINTOnCKI) C'UNCIUITI': AMI INlllISlltlAI. 1'I.AM. CONNTKUVTHIN. i- no-, i.i:i)(ii:it UFFJCK mm The Perfect Water Paint is a quality product. ZRMBNTINK in your It is much more economical the "spread," and is used for all JBVliING lU-IlUC I Mr, Dnhcrty Introduced himself, vct ! coined the mnyor, saying lie was de- iigiiieu in nave uim riue as ins giicsi, at the bame lime handing Hip conductor ten cents, lemurklng "two faies, please." ' Hut. safd Ihe hanker, Ihe major had his auto following Ihe car. intending Ihe test would only occupy a few nnu ules. and at the next slop lie got off, look his auto across Ihe city, caught another car, where to ills surprise Mr. Doherty agillu greeted him, lllul re peated Ihe llrst performance. This is tlie Mr. Doherty who when the citi.ens of Toledo voted to oust his company took every car to Michi gan al night and left Toledo without service. It will hi- interesting, said the banker, to watch whether Todelo will want Mr, Dolieity back badly enough lb give him the franchise he wants he has none now and pay a six -cent fare as well. TRADE IN YARNS LARGE Volume of Business Increasing and Prices Show Steady Upward Trend The Militme of 1'u-dticss in the local collon yarn liade is reported large, tie cording lo the weekly review of busi ness In the riiilndelphia district by It. (I. Dun & Co. 1'iices show a steady upwind trend. Notwithstanding the adverse labor conditions, business in all textile lines continues good. This is csnecially the inse in the neat in;; trade, linth buyers and sellers are looking forward to a continuat-iotl of satisfactory business conditions as far as the demand for their products is concerned. .Jobbers of woolen and cotton goods I say there continues to be a scarcity of l merchandise, , and while sales have dioppcd olT somcwlial the market is still high and prevailing high prices, they look for the coming spring. The leview. continuing, goes on to say I "The electrical I mile reports a good volume oi inisini's.s. with tietnnnu greater than prorturtiyu. Heating an- li'''s '; moving treely ami Christ - I"11 novelt es and oh-ctrlcnl toj.s. ivio i oe miivo liiiuc n-poiis no increase of :, per cent In prices ot boilers and radiators and accessories, such as valves nud pipe fittings, and prices also have advanced itVcnnling to the material used from ." to LT per cent. "liusiuess continues good, with a shorlage of production in most lines and Iipuvk demand. Shipments are re ported seriously delayed by labor tumbles. "Hides, skins and leather of all grades ' continue in active demand, (lazed kid iiiiuiufii"lurers are operat ing to capacity in orders on hand and there is little free stock on hand. Shoes of all grades are selling well and prices are linn and high. "Millinery supply houses report an active trade and milliners are obtaining an increasing number of hand-trimmed hats. "Tile local lumber markel is reported ns somewhat quiet at the present time, prices renriining about the same. Local Minis in some instances are only milk ing moderate purchases, considerable slocks still being on hand and not much of n demand nl nreseut. j "The coal situation nt the present lime is in Ihe hands of Hie adminis trator and till' price i regulated by the I I'nited Stales (loveniment as in the I war. The bituminous coal market is not cry active owing lo Ihe strike. There is, however, coal enough on !'' .!; -er for a sh.irt .orlo.l ,,,l the export trade bus been cut off owing to these conditions. "There is no change of moment in the anthracite market. Micro has been a fair demand, but a shortage in the. car hiipplj. ' ' "The trade in domestic leaf tobacco has been moderate during Ihe last week and fair sales are reported in I'cnn s.ilvania and Connecticut nl good prices. Havana. mid Sumatra are be ing sold in moderate amounts for im mediate riipiiremi'iits and prices lire somewhat high. The large cigar manu facturers report a fairly active busi ness and are somewhat behind in their orders. Tlie local letuHj trade is re ported in fair condition. Collections lire reportul slow. "Wholesale grocers report a good oliiinc of business at present, with collect ions good. High prices are prevalent, with no signs of abatement, lietailers are fairly active. "Coffee futures advanced owing to European buying in llrazil. There is no change in. tin st awd freight mar ket. Collections are satisfactory. "Tea is fairly active, with good de mand for all grades. Prices are linn, collections good. "The sugar situation remains un changed at nine cents. Distribution seems easier, although there is more tliiin enough demand to take care of deliveries." JERSEY CANVASSERS NAMED Governor Runyon Selects Four Sena tors to Pass on Recent Vote Ti-fiitoil. Nov. 14. Two Itepublican and two Democratic members of the Senate were designated by Governor linnvoii jesterdii) to sit with him on November 'Si as the state board of.can-Missers-to canvass the returns of the last gubernatorial election. .The senators selected were .loshua Ilniues, of Cam den, and .lames llanlniond. of Mercer. Itepublicaiis, and Thomas lirown, of Middlesex, and Henry T. Kays, of. Sussex. The vote cast at the election on No vember I when Senutor lMwurd I. Edwards, of Hudson, defeated State Comptroller Newton A. K.-Hugbcc, hlf UcpublicUii opponent by approximately 11,01)0 votes, will be tabulated by the secretary of state's oilier and in turn canvassed by the state hoard. 17 Brldgeton Aliens Naturalized I'.ridgftou, N. J., Nov. 14. With Hiiitv aonlications from persons ot for eign 'birth, Judge .1. Hampton KTthian,' in the naturalization court, admitted Beventeeu of the applicants to citizen ship after a searching examination. Cases of twelve others were laid over for future action, while one was dis missed. SIS TffiFTTf JhrfJJLAtvAA. sitiuiiy f'i'1 'ou', ?L, nnd thesn wondi-riul l)r.'3 Shoos will coijib to your homo at unco, vno'ii 1m prouil or llwm Pullt solid full r of wear lit-iiui... i if lo.ithpr aolH. I Notn thu miletldld I fxtra i!";"l',ie't: (her! Unjoy their i WeHSccl coiniori ThonsKiaouia ItlCfO lliuai iiKiu you III, MHir i On Arrlvii CllSffllTH IrM,. lllilrkllrpHs .shim. Sill,, larnfllu II,, v direct from Tim tory lli'inlqiiurlfrH. llt.lf IK'I'i.'l.' l'ay only l,09 on Arrlvut.' rii.tusc lit m:. IIunIiions MeirA llress Shoes on H'e ouarantec that lieso ,s;ioe.i ore (7 to ( values; mat iicu tofll Blue satisaqtorv wear or ire tnll oicl o iifio iialr fllllll. Aliprotnl. flo.Tuir JluiT (7uYr lfiHieTl)riit"(531 T. iloT ton, Jlass, tnd Iluslnrss Dresa Shoes at tl.OO iotso Kree ON A1TUOVAK llonuy uac. ii . miiiv ic. 4 Tit poming, oisa,.. .,.. Mntu 11111 Gsamm 1 jMF2W3Ti?F&52n .ZtH3SjZfr. jr.VfiClMl ." TOA5MKTW- WUWMXmr Ammmmw ,m,y U69 j3jKfc:'rtS'K jmr frnmNssaw jijwssi?nasar MaSss i LKnuKli-imi-ELi'illA, imiDA i , 110 BUYING ARMS IN SPAIN State Department Reveals Big War Purchases by Car- . ranza Abroad FEARED U..S. INTERVENTION Washington, Nov. 11.-- -Large orders for anus and ntnniunitlon placed by Mexico in lli'lgiutu and Spain, in prep, illation for the possibility of Ameri- Uan intervention, came to light jester- day when the Slnte Department let.it become known Unit the government hud taken steps to prevent their shipment. The charge d'affaires of the t'nllei1. Stntes embassy In llrussels bits pro tested, under instructions, that ship ment of the munitions wouh! be in violation of the Inlenuilloual jirms con vention. As Spain is no ppBbdn the ngreement which was designed lo aid ill keeping Hie pence of tlie world during Ihe nftcr-tho-war transition period, no such direct action is probable at Madrid. The order in Itelgituii was placed with the. I'ahijiipie Nationale d'Arms at Idege, probably under the direction of (.'nnilido Agiiilar. Mcxicnn minister of foreign.nlTniis and President Carrnn.a's son-in-law, who went to Kuropo re cently after stopping here and placing a wreath on (ieorge Washington's tomb at Mount Vernon. The orders m Spain, which IucIuiIpiI' riues. millions oi rouiuN of ammuni tion and a large number of machine guns, weie negotiated through the Mex ican minister there. ICIeseo Arredondo. formerly ambassador to the I'liltcd Stntes and l'rcsjdnit Carruuza's nqihew. Such Information as has now come Into the hands of the government shows that Mexico already was turning to llunipean niauitfacliirers for her sup ply and has since placed enormous or ders. REVERSESJSOP'S DISMISSAL Justice Sets Aside Proceedings Against Jersey Police Chief Trenton, Nov. 1 I.-- lismisa of John C. Uosccnins from his position as chief of police of the town of AVost field was set aside by Justice Mergen in an opin ion filed in Ihe Supreme Court yesterday. Following' charges preferred against llosecrans by Ihe commissioner of police of the town, who alleged that Uosecrnns neglected his duty in suppressing gaming, a hearing was given and whiie the local authorities wen considering the evidence that had been presented the town attorney tool; part in the de liberations behind closed doors. It was because of this fact that the dismissal was set aside. "To allow a conviction of misfeasance and deprivation of otlice to stand under such circumstances," said Justice I lor -gen. "vVould jeopardize the rights of wry citizen charged with an offense, whatever defense he might lfe able to present and prove. Nor is there any lliio'g in Ihe notion of counsel that be cause he was town attorney lie hail a right to advise at any time and under all cin uuislances." l'lNANClAI. LOUISIANA OIL REFINING CORPORATION To the Holder of tlio Hrst Mnrtjniei Six IVr (Vnt Ten i';ir ('oiiicrtlbl (iotri HontN of thu Ltuilsl.inii Oil Kellnlnjj J'orporutlau, TntU'r the Htnklnf? Fund provlfloiiH nf the indenturp datcil M. 15, 11U7. butwncn lhi aliovt' Corporation ami tho State .Street Trust Company of Uoston, tht un-dcr-.lKtifd Trust oi hrrrliy Kivcg nut Ire that until I'm-. I, 1MI. .it twt'lvo n't lock noon, it will n 1 1 Ivf Hcnliil proposals fur tho sale of the 1m" tuimrtl boiifln lo absorh tho Fum "f hi vonty two thuusnnri one lmmlrod Flt-Hlv dollars und ivonty-four ronts (J7-'.Hiii.Ul I or any part thenof. No bonds phouM I'' offt-rcd at a price exceeding lld7! and nccruod Interest. Th rlffht 1b reservecl to reject any und all proposals. STATIC STRTIRT TRtTST COMPANY, Tiuateo, hy Ahton Ij. itirr, Vicc-Proaldent. Uoston. Tn .. Nov I. !!)!!. Pnr3honl?5 Cf.poiralnri ColH1'1 Ccmpany, prpontei! rirrv-YiH nvi; ri:n cent UOU) IIOMIS rCotlc Is hrrfliy Klui, pursuant tn the tfrms of the Mortgage dateil July 1st. 1907, that the unduiMnmd as Truvtes. will ro clc Healed proposals up to :i;t)0 p. m. on Hit 01 h day of December, 1UJ! for the salo to It of bonds aa above described eulllclent to use the sum of J3u,3Sa.CU. Tho under Msned i"servf.i the rlsnt to reject any or nil trndern. Till 3 NIVW YORK TRl'ST COMPANY. Trustee. Ilv Tt a. CITUTIS. Secretary. Npw Ynrlf. Nnyomhrr 1st. 10U. city or copi:ii(ii:n (denmauk) ."i" i:tern.ll Lo.in nf 11)11) Tcmpoi a rv cm tiflf at s of this Issue may now bu i'xchan.id for deflnltlve bonds at tho otllco of the UeKHtrar of tin- Loan, Central Union Trust Co , So llioadway. Now York City. IJrown Brothers & Co. Fiscal Atcnt-i for ihv City of CopcnJittfjen Annual MrtTnc kz& 'iiiii nriiXNUousis IJ- . IK CIST COMPANY Philadelphia, Nov. 7, lltl!). Tho annual mpetliM of the- utoekholderH of the Hlttonhoune Tiuat Co.' will bu held at the offlco of tho company, 1H23 Walnut Btreet! on Monday, Nowmher 17. 1019, at 12 a'clotk iioDii. for the election of flvo directors, and for the transaction of such other business as may comfl before the rncctl,,':- S W. WATOHMAN. Socretnry. iiSWKsirirn tki'st cojii'any ltS I'HIlodi-lphl.i, Nnvnmber loth, 1019. Tho Aimu-il Mi-itlnit o( the Stockholder! Of thn Wont Knil Trust Company will bo held at tho offlci' of tho Ootnti.uiy. Itroad Bt. und South l'onn Rnuaro, 3!nnily, No lembfr 1Mb, 1910. at 12 o'clock noon. CHAHLES C. WOI-HHIIT, i Secretary, l'onoialM Sam j (ir sciioot, imxns Pealed prorosala n 111 ho recelvi il wheh ntleil for by the lrtwidint at a irvetlnu of the Common I'num II of Vrntnnr City, to be held In tln C'nunell chamber. City Hall, Ventnor cltv. N. J , nn Monday, Noieinher 31th, 101!). at o'clock n.m . 'or tho salo of $(17,500,110 M'hiinl 111111114 Theso bonds are seii.il bonds of tho de nomination of 11.000 110 each, except one bond of $.'00.li0. Interest payable seml-an-nu.illy at rate uf fi'Ti iwr annum, bearlns d,lo October 1st mill, and nil paynblo within 30 yea.r. r.neh bid must be In scaled envelope marked "Hlil for School llonds," and be accompanied by a ctrtllled check on a National or KtaU Hank or Trust Oo. tn New JAwy. payahle to Oeo. K, lnsato, City Treasuier, for U nf bid. The bonds will l d, llvcred with ,the opinion nf (Ieorge S clay. Counselor-at-Law of New York, ua to their validity. Thw amount n stary to bo raised la J07.!iO0.(IO. Unless all Wilv are rejected, bonds will be sold to bidder ininnlylnir with terms of sale and offerlm- to pay not less than the sum lit il7,iuioflii tin refor, and taklne the least amount of bonds offered for sale, and If two or more bidders offer to take the amount of such bonds then the bidder there tor offerliiff to pay tho highest aUdltlpital price. lly order of the Common Council of Vent nor City, N. J. JAMK3 T. 0 HAND, City Clerk, PROPOSALS FOR THREAD Otllco of Quartermaster (Jeneral ot tho Army (ClothlnK anil KqutpaRo Dlvt. slon),' Jfunltions Uulldlnsf, .WushltiRton. r. C, eoaleil proposals. In duplicate, Will bo received hero until 2:00 P. M., November 20, 1910, for fumlshlnpr all or any part or 1445 pounds of Olive Drab Cotton Thread. Information on application. l'KHl'OSAI.S l'HIl COTTON fillUKTINfl Offlco of Quartermaster Oeneral of thn Army (Clothlnir & Kiiulpauo UlvlBlon), Jtunl tions HulldlnB, Washington, U, ,C, Sealed proposals. In duplicate, will bo received lieiO Ulllll ,I,U H, 111, A-ufn,,ut. u, iv.ll. for furnishine; an or any part ot -.itis.utm 1 VI . blanks Mid Itlforjnayon w?nt on rwusat. araa c'otton aneecinu. unoiei:iicM x-roiuaai SAFETY: These bonds are issued under the Federal Farm Loqn Act. They arc declared to be instrumentalities of the United States Govern ment, and are prepared and engraved by the Treasury Department. - ' The bonds are secured by Government ap proved first farm mortgages, or by United States Government Bonds or Certificates of Indebt edness. The bonds are a legal investment for all fidu ciary and trust funds under the jurisdiction of the Federal Government, and are acceptable as secur ity for Postal Savings Deposits and for all de posits of Government funds. The constitutionality of the act and the valid ity of the provisions exempting the bonds from taxation, have been approved by the Attorney General of the United States, as well as by some of the most eminent legal talent of the country, including Geo. W Wickersham, Esq., and Wm. G. McAdoo, Esq. The Federal District Court at Kansas City on yet. 31, igig, dismissed the .suit attacking the con stitutionality of the Federal Farm Loan Act and , the Tax Exemption of the bonds, thus in effect , Thc. t0R h"c represents the net rate realized establishing thc validity of thc Act and all of its from J0lnt Stock Land Bank Bonds, regardless of provisions. An appeal from this decision has the income of the holder. The remaining figures been taken to thc Supreme Court, which has represent the gross rate which must be realized at been asked by all parties to advance the case for varying incomes from taxable securities to pro- early hearing. curc t" net ratc at thc toP ' tne column. $5,000,000 Dated May .'. 1919. Optional May 1, 1924. Due May 1, 1939. 10,000,000 Dated Nov. 1, 1919. Optional Nov. 1, 1924. Due Nov. 1, 1939. Redeemable at par and accrued interest on any interest date after five years from date of issue. Coupon Bonds fully registerablc and interchangeable. Denomination, $1,000 and $500. Interest ' J payable semi-annually, May 1st and November 1st. Principal and interest payable at thc bank of issue or at The Equitable Trust Company of New York. We recommend these bonds for Investment PRECE 102 AND INTEREST Yielding Over 4.50 to Optional Maturity, S Thereafter AH e laSsey, LAND TITLE CHICAGO DETROIT 37 WALL STREET, MEW YORK The financial brains of the country are striving to bring exchange rates back to normal. Meanwhile you can buy foreign money in some cases for less than l-6th of its former normal value. For a fractional amount of the sum re quired to purchase outright, we sell options on any amount of francs, lire or marks, good 9 months from date of contract. Every (lc) 'one cent rise above thc pur chase price nets you more than your total investment. Let us explain this exceptional big money making opportunity more fully. Write for bur circular pUMIMM g go 43 Exchange Place Annllratlon akuon Tim: la lielnu mailf to Hat on tho Now York Curt). Commitments for the Opening Accepted in the Order Received Circular P-l on Request S. S. RUSKAY & CO. Member, Consolidated Stock Exchange of New York Established 1877 20 Broad Street, New York Investment Securities GEORGE H. BURR & CO. 421 Chestnut Street Philadelphia , 1301 i'ruiilra Hunk IIiiIIiIIiir 1'ITTSIlCItOII Mnln onicet MJW ISO llrniuhvny VOItK Prc-Trading Offer AKRON TIRE .NOViailK 14, 11)10 The Safety and Tax Exemption of .and and the meaning of these KUtPmfntu herein ore official, or baM upon do not guarantee them, they are the data upon art a Inc. IJLDG., PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK ST. LOUIS BOSTON MILWAUKEE The EquStabie Trust BOND DEPARTMENT iiivsfmciit Securities New York TIRE "COMPANY Application is being made to List AKRON TIRE on the New York Curb Write for descriptive circular. I H. DIENES & CO. Investments Lafayette Bids., Phila. j Telephone, Lombard 4313 I HIGH GRADE HIGH YIELD RAILROAD BONDS LIST bN REQUEST MARTIN & CO. 1411 WALNUT ST. Investors read live Wall Street Journal AKRON ElaBik 5 features to large investors TAX EXEMPTION: These bonds are cxemgt to the same degree as tlie Liberty Loan 3WS in other words, they arc exempt from all taxes, ex cepting only inheritance taxes. This includes exemption from Federal Income Tax and local personal property taxes. The value of the exemption from Federal In come Taxes alone, to individuals of large incomes, is indicated in the following figures, which would be further increased if the exemption of the bonds from other taxes were considered: Not Yield of Joint Stock Bondi H s". ' .... .. .1 , . . . lrom Optional (To Optional Date) Jt(. , ,, Tnuhl Income Kqnhnlfnt to Equivalent ( $ 50,000 6.52 9i 7.25 80,000 8.33 9.25 100.000 10.22 11.36 200,000 12.50 13.89 500,000 15.52 17.24 1,000,000 16.07' 17.80 Information which ire regard as reliable, and, whll whkli we bate acted In the purchase of theae bonds. 6 Ms am tt WALL STREET, HEW ST. LOUIS CINCINNATI Company of N. V. 721 DREXEL BLDG., I Eiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuii: I Written for Us "Ten years ago this month, we started in business in Philadelphia as a partnership. We made the Corn Exchange National Bank our deposi tory and from the outset we made it more than a mere strong box we made it our confidante. "Scarcely a month passed that we did not consult the bank on some business problem, some question of finance or credit, where the wrong course might have caused a serious set back even wrecked our little craft on seas we had not sailed before. "As a result, our business has prospered growing from nothing in 1909 to one of the largest in our field in 1919. "If other young concerns would take the same advantage of the close business co-operation which the Corn Exchange National Bank constantly aims to give we are sure that they, like ourselves, would find in such as sociation one of the greatest elements of success." Corn Exchange National Bank Philadelphia Chestnut at Second illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllilllllllrl OLD FOUNDATION COAL CO. FIRST MORTGAGE 7 BONDS Ucueht, Sold and Quotsd J, C. REED & CO. RxnVftrs Finance Bide.. Pnila.,,Pa. -i f.-wtiJ r on Oo. YORK CHICAGO NEW ORLEANS PHILADELPHIA isement ZB By r wrt DlvlilcniU W tUM - t. m TI1K HOAltD Ol'MHKKCTOIlS OT O. inri' -t 1UU in imi.a.u, i.-vu., tiiivn Declared as. Iirr tent dlildend. tayab! November Stb, 1D1B. to alockholder ft recurii October llA 8th. Kill, , - . . . , , Wi nivi' T. jvui ji' it W JA.1 S 1 xa SI 41 7,1 1 7 1 5 A A I t MJ 3fl .VI JL m -m "HI " .i -? ,1 r VI (wwiii ,is ik, :-i ?' ;VTr .-l " . ' . $i J.y M J .