k ' vit is EVENING PUBLIC1 LEDGlCll milLADlSLPHlA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1919 r -J J i It? i! vf ? 2 I'4 11 m r k. ii i pa in cf IrfC ft 1 ,l w Conservative Investments Paying 6 to 7 Per Cent. We own and offer mu nicipal, government, railroad, public utility and industrial bonds or notes of recognized merit and with good markets. Maturities range from 1920 to 1966. NEWS OF FINANCIAL WORLD NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA STOCK QUOTATIONS We shall be glad to prepare a list of securi ties for the considera tion of any investor. MARKET DEVELOPED MORE TWO-SIDED APPEARANCE Initial Gains W etc Materially Reduced 11 ithin First Half , Hour. Gvnvral Motors Reacting 20 Points I New' mU, Vov 14. Ypstcnlnv V Irollv wore not iniiititnlnod Tim situ , vigiii-niis rallj in lite stock iniiikct w as I atiuti is now nm wIipip l cm tions nu l I extended nt' tin- opening of tndav's , be eMected instead of millet after dc spsmoii. iclli' issues ailvniii'liiK 1 t ''line. " ' points. I'Vnturcs o i the recent tic I'hltcd States Mtul made a slight pipsslnu writ again tin Hrst to ri'bimiiil.'f gniu nt oppiiihg. selling nt Iflll'i ntnl i (icticial Motors louelliri Hip 1it. ilien Moleloil to lll.i'j with it vvmei Among tin IiIkIi pileed specialties. '!u,,t" ,'" ""' otlu'r M,., I Industrials, American Tobacco, -i-IIIiil c dividend ! ll'l'dwln was tip to 11.1 iinil then suggc,! NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS , to tin market ii bij'iidoi fouudiitiou at of .i per cent, won slinwid ii Rain of I to ItP'i. and Hemiiblic Steel, after n id point' Mhippni'i- mill mils added Rin of ", to 111'... dpi linn! to 1111.! In tin mm' nd am ps nl Till I11A1 k Hemphill, Noyes & Co,!"!,,;- Members Nw York Stork Erchanqa , o.uim made I Illlwtlll Ps of 1 to if iiolnt The mniket ns a whole iiptpd in a nat- iihpt In litiiiuiuij vmIIi tin' sumption of lmlllsli iinditions. iilr at tin opening m it number Franklin Bk. Bldg.. Philadelphia j"f "t,"l('" fnll"wi"K "''u'"'s ism out leacted to 7n.. New York Hop t tii Snanton, J LAPI UNO CONCERT I m ten Stntis Hnblipr I'osp l", to 121' and Uipii chopped to 1227., (tPUCIIlI Mlltols l,,llVPll in 11 A lo1! Ill niniitii'i ngniit. inhuming - points to :I22. fiom wiiii ii it fill to :to4 1'ii'i-ip Arrow iiiiiiIp i cam of l7s to 7'J and Sates hi High 100 . Adams 1:ti)ipi"i ... .10 700 .. Advance ltumely .. . 42?i 10ft it Advance llumply pf .. 71 "a Iflll (i AJnx lluMicr . . 87 ' 100 .. Alnska (iold .Mines . V's I.7J0 . Allls-Clulmeis UH ICO 7 AlllB-Chaltpors pf . C'J's 100 H Am A Brio Chem . ft SCO Am licet SiiL'.ir ... l"I'2 1000 H Am Hoscll .MnEIioto . 1.1114 100 . m Hik Shoe .1 tMiy SOU lOO'l . American Can Iltio l'J Am Car & rdry .. 1 0.1 I Am Cotton Oil 1(10 .Ml Am Druggist Sn .. :i.lo . . Am Hide & I-rathpr JW 7 Am Hldo& Loath pr Ion . American Ten 100 0 American Ire nf :tt00 I. so Am Intcrnnt Corp 'Vczp Yorh Bonds Commonwealth of Pennsjfivania Frcs of All Ta2i Due July I, 1324 July I, 1923 July I, !93-'i July I, 1033 July I, I9.Vi July I, 1043 Prices: To Not 3.S0 Biddlc & Henry 1 04 SOUTH FIFTH STREET Lehigh Valley Transit 5s, 1S6D West Penn Railway 5s, 1931 Penna. Co. Coll. 4s, 1952 Lake Superior Corp. 5s, 1944 Penna. Water S Power Cs, 1330 Carstairs $z Go. Ipinhcrs rlillniii'liihli milt m r;rk Stuck UttlllincM 1419 W'llnut Street 71 Rroadwaj, N. Y. i h f -j f RobLSlendinniBgQo, Imestment Securities ' Special Attention Given to Orders on Pittsburgh Stock Exchange by direct wire connection.- fe,v oik Members -I I'lil 1 1 . sloiU i:ch incei I l'lttsliursli 400 Chestnut St., Phila. LIBEKl i $50, $100, $1000 Bought Sold Recommended for Investment Newberger, Henderson & Loeb ItXNKI It'. 1410 CHESTM1 STItKET Jlfiniiori. V i. 1'hll.i sl0u i.v- (ll.lllKes THE TURN -' Am Tel 8. Tel 59 ' tooo . ilooo . . S4 I 1000 m ! Am 'Itf1 Tel R I 1000 . !1 3000 09 1000 00 v Anftlo-Kl neh rin 1000 97 I I IIHIO '17 tllOO 07 1 l iOOO . 07 I I Amour & Co 4H 3000 83 A T & S' P 11 U 4a HtlflO 7A -.000 7 aooii " 5000 70 Bait H Ohio P 2(100 80 Mi Bait A. Ohio St IDO0 07 U Baltl & Ohio ts I 2000 08'Ki Cal ( & li Corp 63 I 10000 00ij Ches & O cv i't JIIII0 77H Chea & Ohio 4'as 3000 . . 7." 4000 74 Ches & Ohio p .'. 41,00 V4 AIIOO HHVk 1 01100 S8' 1 1000 KSVi 1000 Rv fill A. Alton 8'al 11X10 SOTi , Chi .": CJ 4 1A0II0 0AM, ' (iOOO OS Chi .'c (1 Wt 48 1000 A3 1000 on I' III A: s'tl' IV 4 a 1000 73, IO000 7S niooo 7 Chi M is !-t P ev Gs 1 soon 75 C M & SI P D a 'Olio 07 'i C, ), Copper 6s I uno M i cin K 1 6- P-ie fd 1 110(10 OO'K, moo 0Vj ( lii t-niou Sa 13 tooo . HI'b i 'in of Pari3 Gs 3000 USVi let lMi i"o fisot I) 1000 80 )Diii of Canada 31 loon lflt,i Ci ip II n 4s soon 6H tooo . OH i:rli Uener.il Uen 1(100 . 47 i Hoc king Val IMiS , J000 70 Hudson c Man fd 101)11 fit 11100 . (II Kino fJ ill Cent 48 of 'oi lllllll 00n Illinnis Steel 41 1000 . 83 Imp Jap Oovt 4s tooo ' fix'. moo . ns lot Mer M.iliif is mw oo 30(10 . oo Tnt Met et t'i .-,000 ioVb 300011 . 30V4 loom) 2l)ij jooo 30 'I Intefhoio Met 4 a "iOOO 3 1 3000 . . 31 Inter Rap TrnnH fd 3S000' . A I In 18000 AlVi 1000(1 Ml, 1 hnke Shore 4s J I .1000 HI Mid Steel & O 'i 3000 . IIB'h ! 1000 . . 00 Minn & Htin II l 1 000 30 moo ao Mo 1 HCltie urn 11 1000 . . 0Ti 1000 M i Vorthtrn Pacific Is 1000 . 77 N ' hR ftll BS 1000 . . OllVi 000 . OS , Y Ti lephone 4'jS K000 HtMl r.ioltie Rlt of M 4s 3000 Bt Puh l . C N J S3 1000 03 Vi It I i, I, 4M,B 1000 1V4 .s .iho.ird Air Li aj I 1000 45 southern Paetflo ftl 0000 77 Southern Pacific 4s 1000 71 So I i"c cv 5i 1000 107t4 I 30000 l07Vi 10000 107 Vi Siiiilluin Uvs 4s .1000 ' ttifk HOOD OJ'm 1000 HJX. Southern lls ks 1000 KO-X, .-.000 08 y St 1, Ar SJ1) V III 1H I 10000 41' I 1000 41 St I. .v. It h 3001) BRl)., I 1000 SA I 3000 .IS Y S h U .sail P In I 1000 41', t 1. .; S.H. I s i I 10000 ro u 3000 . .10 V. 1 IOOO IIIJj 1 3000 -0Vj ' St 1, A: sun t 4 3000 . 07 Vi I 3000 . 8 J 9i i 1 T & ) C Itv W D i Third Avenue 4n tuuu . ... I ... .,, t- ,,. r iii iw i", a., ii. -i . . u. i -a tit) t:;jo 3010 380 CM ISO 300 lollO 100 (,1)0 100 liil'l 1.17 Vi K.V2 10 3.1'j 134 4tU (4 117'f ;h SlSli ?s 7t'-S :i 03 It's 07 Vi 00?8 WELL ATTENDED, g First of Series in the Academy at Popular Prices Proves to Bo a Great Success The liisf of flip spi irs nf popular con ppits nt popnlni prices, under the direc tion of I'Ynmis .1. T.upitino, the harpist, attracted a crowd that H'rj comfortably hllid tin" Acndenn of Music last pvpii itlK onif nppni'piith piiIom-iI im note of the pioffrnin from stun to cIoho. Mr. rnpitlno has Miileiitl' stiuek upon n nptt nuil smcpssful plan, if (lie'audl enip and the eutliusinsni manifested at the lirNt coiuvit mm be tnken as a crlti I ion Tlte pnrticiiiniits ate mnrlv nil inem beiH of the musical buienti of the Victor Talking Mai linn Co licsidcs Air. Ijnpitino himself there was the Floren tine (Juaitet. eoniposi (1 nf .loin K .Yit.einnuu. iiolin : Alfred Ijennattt!. cello; Clemiinte Mainiie, lluet. and Francis .1 I.'ipitino haip The quar tet was uvsi .ted In Pasipiale ItiaueulU, Aiolin, anil illi.ini Ueit,:. bells. The All-Slai Tiio cniiipiisniB Messrs. Arden. piano Wndswoi th savopboiie. 'and llieene, wloplune. also took part, laud the soloKts vi'i'e lllsie Hakei . eon itnlto: llliaheth Spencel Miprunn, and ('iiaih's llnit liniii Milium l.ee l.ip I plncott also cine a leadiiiK to a haip lobliKitto The piojri.iiii ami- mix lotiB. consist lull of tomteeii tiunihei'- piactieall) all of which wcie i in neil The music giwn was all lmht in ch.naiier. but with one or two exeplions it was well worth heal - 1 1 nil and it wns all well tendered Mr. l.apitino inli nils to i;ic.t win s of con- terts of tin-- nat on at the Aindinn this season and to pulse iioni tin lust, he 'will have no dinn uln m secunn Iiiirp and entliusi.i ti( atidu in c. BUSINESS 1C0 1030 tooo 300 110 )0 100 10.10 107 I Mill tw 010 3700 '300 301) 300 too 300 300 300 100 :tao 100 IOOO too 3D0 3300 R!I0 too 1S10 4 Oil 100 310 1100 300 100 100 no too 7M 110 O'lO too hlO 3S10 ioo 030 too 4 ill) (170 l!)0O ISO') 700 330 100 .770 100 too 3 Am Linseed Co ti Am I.ocomotlvu . . Am Phi)) St Commerce 4 Am Smelt & ltef 3 Am Steel Koundil.s 7. Am Stiel Kdr cs pC . 7 Am Sugar ltef 10 jm Sumatra Tobacco N Am Tel .1 Tel 3t!Am Tobacco 3t," h Am Tobacco lf tio . HOVS 7 Am Woolen lil? Am Writlnu Pnpei pf 0 Am K.na Lend Si Sill . Pi 1 Amuonrta Copper . . t.7'4 Assets ltnillr.atton .. 36 As-o 11 V Onodi . . . 3 .7 Assoelileil Oil IIS U Atch Top K fcanta Pc . 00 7 Atlantio Coist Line OJ'i 10 All Culf & W I S K. It 054 . Auto Sales torn ctfi? 17 h . Ilildnln Loco Wki . IM lliiltlmore A Ohio . !s'2 Bithlehem Motors !"3 f. Hithlehem Steel II .. 07?'i s nethlehem Stl SV pf 11BS4 Ho. th Fl herles 1.7a Biklvn Rapid Tionslt. 10 (i lliooklyn I'ulon Oas . 0)4 10 B'uns Bi i . t?'A .SO Until. Copper & Kinc 10'4 Di.tlci & Sup Cop . 31 Putti lick Co . .. . 3s Caddo Central O & It 3') i California Packing .. 18 r ilifoml i Pitiolcum . t.73n 7 California I'etrol pf . 77 10 Cnn.nllan Par flo . ...Ili?r 5 Centrnl Leather 100'b 4 Cerro do Pasco Cop., a'fi t Ccrta In-teed Prod -Co. ftl 8 Chandler Motorn ....131 i Chesapeake & Ohio . 47 , Chicago Gt AVcstcin . 'I'i 1 Chi Gt Wi stein pf ?f.Ta 1. Clii Mil & St Paul ... 4 Chi Mil & St P pf ... t:: 7 Chi & Northwestern . fl 0 Chi Pneumatic Tool lt:7h Chi Uocl, ltd & IMc . . trs i ill St I' Jlinn iS: O 07 Ch le Copper vo 3 Clu no Copper l')'i Coca Cola Co 41'S .1 Coloi.ulo Fuel & Iron 44 '2 Columb Cos & llec . . (3 I Col 'ii phophono . . 1.7 7 Consolidated Gas til foils il 1 itnl Textile 7'4 7 Contlnmt.il Can Nl'4 . Continental Candy ... lt'4 Con Intirstatu Cal M 1't Coin Pnjiluets ltef .. r.fti0 13 Ciuciblo Steel Co ....230 Cub.i C.ino Stiffar ... 4H5o 7 Cuh.i Cano Sun.ir pi. i-VA 10 Del Lick . Western 100 Dem.r HlGpI 17 Dome Mines . .. Itt! .1 Clk Horn Coal Corp Vi's 410 3.50 i:ndleott-.fohnson The increased ost of i.iw silk b.is i in.idp it necessuM for tin- i ibbon inn tin - , i fnctmi'ts to aiKauie then priies fiom i I- K uft!B4 1000 !7Xi i U K of O B fa i rets of 22 . 1000 . 1)7'h I K of (i K &. 1 37 I 3000 03 1000 0J l 501)0 , 03 i' k of a n i rets of 3D loooo ooti S000 . 00 Union Pacific Bs 10000 10Ml V S Ruhuir 5h 1000 87 1 1000 87 L Steel bs SO0O . . 00 17000 98 Union Pacific 4i 10000 81' Wabash firsts looo . 90 Wes Marylanti 4s 3000 S.t Wilson Co cv S00O . 07 SOOO . 07 Ph iladelpli ia MurJials OF THE TIDE THE TIME TO BUY BONDS IS WHEN THE PRICE IS LOW AND THE YIELD IS HIGH THAT TIME IS NOW. STUDY THE EVIDENCE. SEND FOR YOUR COPY OF "THE TURN OF THE t'bakeb, mlihg a young LAND TITLE BUILDKJG BOSTON PHILADELPHIA PROVISIONG r-1 I wuh nuU't und lniffl nf n Job bum ihimor but prices x.irii hu nlii In lil the quotstionM iteef tn Mtx, inl kul ini Hiritll il 5t Ii Knui .1.- mil i urtcrs wmokeit p'il ih drirfl. ROc. Mr! fnill .,4i hams s p mreil Iuumi, jii i is iln klnntii Imisi JCtJ7 do do, iniikid Jl'i"l3,t hoinn bulldl buni-h mm A )i iiinii hhou'dt-rfi s J LUrpd loose, .1. I Mliolt it ,'i li"'!' s .11 it.li hits JHi breuUCiht h i on .i',i , lard. 3Je The diief ihoIiIpiii in the sline iu- dustij at pi i sent is to pi mini i n -ufri i lent iiiantit, of limit Kiade ulineh in the fjisliiounbli Intel mi'dnito IiuhIIin tit puces wlnih will attiail the public Maiiufactiiinrs of riims. plus, silver w'arc and silei iio pities l epiu l that theii stinks on liiind tile toiiMdembh smnllei' than a n piouiius tune ill the liistorj of the lii'litsti. Wholesale bnyiiijt of IiUIi -priced bilk waists has eased off and inaiiufm tuieii hnd themselves with lniKi ipiiintitics of Hindi up merchandise on hand Km titer weakening in tlie gray "f bisie (ottou goods ui.ii kit wits nppar ent lesterdnj. lliokiis icpoit less hining than nt anv time within the lust two mouths. nierirun women are itsinj; larger (jiiunt itics of gjiinents designed for spin ts wear and letailers who cater to tlie i lasses who tieiiueut the winter le soitl in this rountiy arc stinking up lieavllj in sudi apparel. Loss to tbo I'niled States of the trade through the port of Constantino pie due to stiiiiig competition between i Aiupiii.tn uiPiihant vessels was lepoituP bv t'onsiil fieneinl Kavnilal in a i ubli to the l'.uieau of I'ot'cigu and Donustic Coiunieite. IJavv hillts, spun silks, silk ains and! untslied goods have leached such high unci's that the entne trarte is limiting 100 :tlt) ioo .700 10(10 ,1190 tOD) :ioo 1,0.1 too ;i9o SSJ'I 3001 Kill) 100 400 i;ui 7 lludlcott-Johnson pf .10034 ITrta 15 'i . . Li io 1st pf 3.7 S Famous PI.ijcrs-L . . (is . Famous Plnjeis rts . I'i CM: Rubber U , Fit eport Texas id': 3 Gaston Win & Wig . M (i Geneiil Cigar Co. . . 7.7'i 7 Gen Clgai Co deb pf 00 S Goneiul Klectrlc Co 170 13 General Motois corp 'Mi I Goodiich DP.. . . HH 7 Gieat Northern pf IPj 1 Gt Northern Ore Ctfs. IU Gulf States Steel . . . (0 Low 30 43 M 71 Vi S7 3 9s 4tH 031a fl n4 131?', rw ; Vz 137 tr,Vi f3Io 131 H t 1 74 71 434 1,3 uo lll'i 0.1 h -Iil?i S9W 137 Vi W!4 IS 4 5 Ho f,3 IIS M)3i 93K.! 11,7 17'i I10's ONS'a t IS'a ir3a to fil'a 130' II) '4 ".1?4 "S V'4 :h 4i'2 77 117 !'!) !T o'l lll, A7 I'U 5t,Vt -i2 r.i'A 1 1 107'4 'I l,.7 41) '4 41 ' l'2 01 3, 4 ,.t v2 10 r,v2 tlH'4 1:110 1 7 Vs H,'i 530 4.7 filb too 1 li '-J i:t i'a ni2 J 301 i 10334 1.7 IS IS I'i 7'4 40 ' 1 'V2 to 1(014 :!,).-, 837a i"s 41 ',4 (,S l'4 I 11 an Not Uim flic- 3t 1 mi t- 7l'e H7 fl'.Vt y- V: 14 1 tllVi-l i 131 ?4 4 4 34 00 ?4- Hi fiJ4 137 315 Hi55 I 131 -44 A I U 4 11.7 - 74?S fl4- 71 - 41 '! 1 t?S Ofil'2 Oll'-'s '.(,HH 002 VilYt - .11 Vi - is - tlp- r: - 11s s'i4- V iVi Va Vir Vi , iVz '! iv3 14 1 V I I DTD I ''B I 3!4 Vi 1 Vi "14 ' l'4 I l?4 1 I Vi Bales 300 100 739 300 SO,) 10(1 10J 1100 1070 1110 .'.Oil '.'030 3i 100 101 ,700 3)0 1)U In CO Ci 07J4 s;4 10 i:ou 107 30 ti'i 41'4 30 Vi 4 Haskell & Barker Car 0 Homestako Mining . . . 0 Inspiration Con Cop . Intcrbor Con Coip .. Inter Con Corn pf . . Int Acrlcul Corn 34 ' lnt Agilcul Corp pf . . F4U ' lnt Harvester . . . . . Int Mer Marino . . . 0 Int Mer Marino pf International Nickel International Paper . Iron Piotlucts Coip 1 Jones Bros Tea . . 4 Kelly-SpiltiKlleld Tlrofl44 3 Kennecott Copper .. , 31 3000 1 .30 Kcyslono Tiro & Hub M 3110 fi Lackawanna Steel ... OOK2 100 I.acledo GnH of St L . 45 700 .. Lpo Rubber & Tiro ... 24 100 3. CO LpIiIru Vnllev ir, 13 l.orillird P Tobacco .'100 1 Manhattan Ulcv guar. Jilt . Maxwell Jlotor 44 . Mnwvcil Mot lit pf .. 00 Maxwell Mot 2d pf 7 Mnv Dept Stores . 10 JIclcan PetrsUcum Miami Copper High Low 100 310 133.1 100 3,10 1101 703) 410 If 00 1.30 Mlddlo States Corp 03 & IVi 107 - I 17U4 HOJj- SK14 t- 33 - 17 -1!3'2 15?a JO t9i h 130'4T IOI4 t- itlM- tlS 30 h 7M -4tHi-77 1174-) ID -- 31 1 1S 12- f7 0'l r(.'i 1 11 -,VA 3?af 94 Vi I 14 , s 1 Wi Vi 5a I U'a !b Sis V, Vi 14 3000 100 300 700 too 310 1700 100 100 100 310 3)0 4 Mldvalo Steel & Ord 7 Minn St P & S St M Missouri Kan & Tex Ml'soml Paclflo . 31 .13414. .313 " . 33 . j3l4 . 63 94 .13 :14 3 Mulllns Body 4IJ4 10714 S (,7 so?, - 1014 41 '2 1 1 Vi 1,3 I.I li ft v I-37K3-t Ml4 r I3J8 -.Vi -43 318 ;oo K, r !e- l4 Vi 'Vi 3'8 I 71-2 14 Ve i'i Wi 131 Vi 10.1 Yi 1.7 r, 1- os - i'i 4114 40 '. t 'i'i -OO f ico Vi 100 - 1 SJ'a H?.i H'4 GS l'4 1 i'i Vi 3 National Acme. Co.. . :(Vz N.U Anlllno & Chcm . 71 7 Nnt Anlllno & Ch pf . S8'2 7 Nntloim Biscuit Co.. 13094 5 National Cloak R. R . SI94 Nat Conduit & Cable . 13 a National Leid Co .... f5!4 330 l.nn Nevada Con Copper . 10H 41,1 10 New York Air Br.iUe.130'4 rtJO .7 New York Central ... 73 Vi 300 3 .50 New York Dock SO Vi 1030 New York N H gs il. 53 100 I New York Ont & W.. . 10 100 No)f & South P. U II 310 7 Northern Pacific . . . s.i D'MI 0 Nova Scotia S & C .. 73 9B 3870 I'Ohlo Cities Gas 51!2 310 .50 Oklahoma Pro & Ref fl3a 30,) . Ontailo Sliver Mining. AH "ill) Ot s SteM Co 30 3 11 s Owens Bottling Mach ViV2 3110 t, P.iu-Amer Petrol S, T 111'? Ill Pan Ainrr Pe-rt9 . 194 333 . Penn Seaboard Steel . rs 1,30 r. Pennsvlvnnla R P. .. 43'a 073 .. Per,) Marquettn 31?4 103 3 Philadelphia Co . . . ;,3i2 1 1700 . Plerce-Airow Motor 73 .310 Plerco Oil Corp . ... 19 100 H Plerco Oil Corp pf . . 1 C :5 ' 2 103 Pittsburgh & W Va . 30 "a 3333 s. Pressed Steel Car .. 10134 3)0 7, Pullman Co K3 31 )J 5 Punta Alegrc Sugar . SI 510 3 Rav Consol Cop . . . . 31 Vi 331 h Rallwav Steel Spring 00 W 1703 4 Head ing 80 14 7)0 . Remington Typewrit H'a 1710 t: llepub Iron & Ste-1 ..1111 (.870 8.70 Royal Dutch NY. . S3" 330 St Ij S.tn Fran .. . lSa 1,10 . Saxon Jlotor I8a 100 1 Shattuck Ariz Cop . 1354 10030 Sinclair Consol Oil 51i2 110 (I Sloss Shcff S & I .. 13 3000 0 Southern Paclflo ... .107 54 I10J 4 Stromberg Catb 81 11300 I Studebaker t-orp . . . 110 430 f, stutz Motor 113 41) ." Superior Steel Corp .. HH 700 . Tenn Cop & Chem . 11 7i S )S 10 Texas Co 1 (i 3103 .. Texas & Paclflo 47 SO) ( Tob.ico Pioducts h'l 3P0 Transcontinental Oil 3J34 3 10 - 1 ransua & Wms Steel ( 1 li 1310 .. Union Oil :9 8)0 10 Union Pacific lVA'A 3D 4 United Alloy Steel .. 3194 .00 10 United Fruit Co ..193. 7S30 . United Retail Stores 10 070 U S C I P & Fdry . . 30 13)0 3 U S Food Prod Corp. 7794 1311 10 U S Ind Alcohol 11194 30 u S Ind Alcohol rts . U2 0100 h U S Rubber lM'i SSOO (, U S Smelting It & M. 74 Vi 13101 a U S Steel 1C0'4 400 . Wabash pf A .... 30 I00J 4 Web-tinghouso U fi. M ViS'b 10110 4 Whlto Motor I.S 800 . Wheeling .1 L Urlo . 15 3000 I Willvs-Overland .... 317s ISl'O Worthlnglon Pump . 8SJ2 CO t7 394 10 34 Ml4 1.10 li Wi IOO vo 7194 4194 39 Vi 143 31 ? 5394 hSli 45 "l'o 434 100 5la4 H'i 19 3394 137 303 35 01 85 1194 in Vi 41 h 0014 0514 8S!2 130 '4 8194 13 f.V4 H 1 1 0 i 5314 50 33'2 11 U S3 71 H tl'A 914 'Wi 3H' 3'j HO', 1 '4 37 4 3 H VWi S3 12 (I'i !0 So 11314 3(1 "8 10314 13194 SO 3l?a CO i2 014 SO lit !17'2 18'4 1794 133i (3 75 1005b 7S 110'i 113 4114 11H 305 40 '87 5514 3S94 130 103'2 93 13 V4 77'4 1C914 10 13194 74 10514 39 CO "8 319a 85 11:30 Net Lint Chge. GO - Vi 07 94 Vi 10 31 3 M14 314 1 30 14- 394 3314 H 100 1 20 H 73(4 t Vi UH 1- 3'i 3014 1- Vt 143 31 9a 14 34 HSfc-CSUt 43 f 4 ' ri'4- 14 4314 Vi 100 -I 55 41 '4 C!l 3.1 13H2 4 305 1 33 -01 -33 334 "4 94 94 I W2 014 V? 94 1194 38 14 U m H4 3014 14 71 fi SS14 H4 13034- 314 SI94H 3'A 13 W4 Hi 11091 (- A 73'2 3015 Vi .13 14 I'i II 1 s5 7in 174 M 'A - Vi 9 9 1- 14 914 14 3.434 94 (,312 t- Vz 113 - 3(4 194 1- 14 38 43T-4 Y 2414 3314 Vi ,iyt- 38 19 55- 15 IC314 H4 38 Va - 14 103 Vi -r 9 12194 r 14 80 - 1 2194- Va C914 t Vi 80 14 1 89 1- '! Ill - 314 B714- 1!4 18 14 54 1794- H4 13?,- 14 '354- 75 10O9a Va 7S - 3 11014- 32 113 1 44 14 - 94 1154- 'A 305 - 3 40 - li 87 - 114 3314- 94 U14 . 38 94 - 14 123 r Vi 3114 . 197 li- !2 93 - 4 351 14 7714 14 10914- 1 40 - 114 13134 154 74141 103 Vi- H "0 r 14 5414- 54 fi(!0 t 14 1454- ?a 3194- 14 85 - 1 IX flUHlcnil. FINANCIAL BRIEFS SILK THIEVES IN TRENTON TO CONDEMN TRACT Tin nveingc lime of twuitj at live indiistimls nijrnni ed !! ,"4 pel' cent es teida.v to 11(1 (ill, while the twentv niil lo.tds .idvancdl 0.7," per cvnt to ,7!l. "'-'. With regaid to the nuinbcr of stocks ti.ided in yesterdnj 's miiiket assumed reioid pioportions. Tlieie wete ti.uis ni twins in ,",'14 issues, wbiih rompjiiis with a pieviolis higli lecord of ,,L'!) made last Tuesday. Vet Piitnings fiom oneiation, nftei taxis, expenses, etc , of tlie "I11ueIl Motor Cn. from August 1. 1')ls. to June HO. P.MII. amounted to M ::()L'. 2TJ. Tiio total iiuonie was S. 11,71," und tlie net income Sl"i."!)'!0!). Sixth of Series of Robberies Nets Council to Pass Ordinance to Ac Crooks S1000 i quire Strip for Park Purposes Tienton, Xov. 11. A seiies of ,10b Trenton, Nov 11 Condemnation I heiies heie, which has baflled the police, i pioeecdings to ncquiie n strip of land ineluded aiiotiier victim when buigla.s J. "'JV.i bbeguii I lobbed the stoi" of the ilottel Co., in hv the city todav v. lien the citj lUst Stale sluct, and escaped with ! commission will take up nu ordinance 'bolt- of silk valu.d nt appioximatelv lt ovuliii foi such action. The strip .,,,,,,. ,t ,1 .1 11 !,, . I"(S HI 11IC lf.ll Ol U1U 4VCICU1IUK ilium; MOOO. It was the sivth lobbetj within ; West State street between Sauhican .ones & linker sin : "The ndv f !i."i rents n bllllcl ill tlie line itself to necessary activities and nwuit- , I'cnnsv hania ciude oil, biinging it about si weiKs, all tuking plaec in the litai t of tlie rit.v . The I11 st lobbeij in the seiies on ioned at the stoic of tlie Oliginal New YotU l'lltiier Co., when automobile bandits bniaslied the fiont window of ihe establishment and ni'ide awav with . S'lotld worth of fins. In thcii haste nf tlie.v lelt a pile of fins valued nt SbOOli cieek und tjio Delavvuie liver, and foinis a link in the Itiver Hainble Paik wliich extends about two miles along tlie livci bank. Negotiations to ncquiie the land by gift or puichnso have availed nothing, .mil the c itv is now taking action to hi ing mntteis to u bend. REFINED SUGARS supiillis lure HniHll unit I lie lll.uk, I I uleil tli-iii on a bdpls of '11 foi One Branulated DAIRY PRODUCTS unlet Th NhIIohiI ( onihilt & (able 0s, I'liT AllPlltoviti lit tlilelipm (,Hs r,!s. into tltlpn II . lit. .1 I'nr. (Johnston n 5s 101 5 1'lllbl sub. Cuh ,V 1 If. .-,-, 1QCO HENRY D. BOENHIHG & GO. Mcmbfi Pluhi Stork r u lmntje stock nt'iiNcn nriLuiNo Direct I'rivatp TehnOtne 10 Lew lork 1 FOREIGN EXCHANGE New orli, Nov 14 The foreign exchange naiket opem d with lates c kll7 "I hi nnrkit Wda .n-inl, nff, rlnu: HI umili il intis lions ii'Tb New Yorl whole-mllK iihih r.incv .71' fulr 10 toufl 1 1 H 4103 1 Wis iiinwlp uliol, nilk fncv 88i fair to kooiI, .HlliitJi, I ihtilnff saliii of lnm eouil i 04 flHUi POULTRY LIV V, 3'railo wa nui, t and ptIcb, fav ored biiMir unrtir fiirl liberal nupelL luiHl of which with tit unattlaettve stock guot itions ei an foUowu FowIm fin, uiiifhinu 5 lbs mil over uptoee, S3i''H. ,lo. mtdlum si, maid iiuallf, 3H6' -lnc ilu poor 'V" 30i hi, kflis fln quallt .'si iln Inf ilor 3.-ff(Jlk old roonter 31 1 J3i iIuiUb hit i'tklll 831" 31e. do. Indliill Kunn.r .'sSiailr. Bei-K- JlllS Slli lorlivu .Ci'ii 4"i plbeonH old per pair 5J ' -fi, , do Miunv, per pair 2NintS0c, uulneaa, voting, pet pntr veiffblliR J IbH and ner apleip J17Mfllsri weli-hlnir l'.fnl'n Iln 11 t , I $1 OUic 1.0.1 weighing 114 lbs npiete, 1CM iH. iru'iieim old, pf r pail l mil I 30. FRESH FRUITS 1 : showed unproveiiKtit be leaineil. the strength of Italian ex- The market whs aeiii rallv steadv under 1. ...... ..M I ,..!. 11 1 1 model lit cilierinifH anil a ih.it oeminii lower a'l mound, except lire, whhb uuutatinm- Aunha tier buahfil namwr U& So f-ie ns ccuilil 2-3.1. do par uair, 1 ht -hi ermumrrwi nil l.ir tin I OUUI I .,,, a..r,il 111 r 1 rate. 11 .'illiT'!' Ml Oall- berrten extra fino lame periral, 13 71Tj n I Hu ... . ,.... 1 JlI-. ll l,......a Change n..s due to covering of shotts. i Ciilifurnla. pit box t.'&ll 3.1. do Plorlda, Marks showed a new low record S'r fiS 11'AVw arat,L',uU' r,or,dH' Quotations were" ppinand steilin ing fuithei lievclopmeiirs .inpiiiiese raw silk M'steiday was bin k to this week's opening pi ices utter a shnid jump mi Tueiidii.v. Siimlim No 1 was mm ed at 11.70 " 'loniid. and Kansui, double extra, nt S1U.10. Lnal jobbers arc reported o be send ing huge shipments ot old stvle or "derid" shoes to the Si andinav 1,111 and WouthiAmericati couutiu's I ln-si simps. with il was learned .vcsieiuav, me sciiiiik hi "iul" 1 1 omiinintively low pines, being uiisiui able for domestic consuiaptiou because nf their luck ot stvle Many ot the shoes are faetorv lift nveis mid odd lots nf models that wile sivlish u lew jours buck. Agiitts from the Revenue Drp.utmrnt of the government ore biisv. it was learned ypstPi'dm in iln eking up lig uies submitted bv the woo'en nud cIipsm goods jobbers in thur nnoine retuins for last year The c liei king is done bv having the selling agents tor the mills produce orders t.iki n fiom the jobbers last year. The levcnup olliiors Muted in sump cases that Ilu i have discovered mistakes wbnh would Indimte the job bers had put too low a value on the Ktocks whlih ihev weie enrrjing last December This would luiv" tlie effect, it vvus c'xplniuul of lediulng piofits. to "s I .If) n b.irtel, Is taken bv oil men lis the vviiting cm the wall which pre iln ts Hie eirlj ildv.iuce in the pine nl nlliiudi nils. Mid-continent piodui 1 is tile loukiug foiwnul to the iminediilp ipiotion of Jsl! a lianel in the piodii, turn wliich would iucieasp tieinendouslv tin eaimngs of piodiicing companies in that held. The New YuiK Subtn asm v gnined S1.:iS7.H0() from the banks yestmliv uiukiug u cash int gain since Tiidav of SI .1 11.000. Refined Sugar Without Change New York, Nov, 11 The lehmd sugar iniu kit is without matenil iliuiiL'o I.cual u'fuieis continue with- idi.nvn and iniees ure tiuotid 11m bunged at lie less jmt lent lor cisn mi tine granulated. Their were no sales ut new cinp laws lepcntcd on Thursday Impoi tat ions of that day consisted uf 'JlMiOll bags of Cubas to Aibiukle Ilros. on tlie sidevalk. Ve.t a baud of tliieves lobbed tlie Maska Fin Slmc and took flits valued at close to M'.OOO. The thievis then 1111 ued their attention to the jewelii stoic of the Mint Co . in Mouth li'n.id stleet. riiiin tlie ilispla) shelves in tin windows and fiom the couutets of the stole tin' stole diamonds and other jew eli y vnlueil at .(!00(T The home of (Jecnge It. Cook, on West State stiect, was next ieiobul of $.10(10 win th of silver plate and jewels ilnif operating from 11 100111 in tl 1 Hotel 'Windsor, directly over the I! I' liunson clothing store, dievv tlnougli .1 hole in the ceiling suits of men's cloih 11 g tii'd overcoats woith approximatel.v $1000. BAR SILVER liar silver was Id lower in London toda.v at (ISd, VEGETABLES 113. Cables 1 nni,id un flr utiil Mc.oeH SftlerullV 4 l-' . franc cables II 44. checks 11 Hi. were m-udllv mslnlaineo Quotatlona; ,, ,, , , ... , , ' , . ' I White atalos nearby per liaaket No, 1, iiiv turn -1 u.in, 1 net as i; rill iss en bles 5.4') cheeks Ii ,11 , guilder cables J1714. checks :i7"'s , jiesetas cables J!).";, thetks iniiTi; Ktoikholm cables S.A", cheeks LMM), Cliilstiaiii.i cubles i.ri.. ehetks 'JJ 4,"i . Copenhagen cables 'Jl 70, cheeks il.rii: itelginn cablcis S (11, cheeks S (id , uiaiks .'.(111 : Austiiati kio nen, ,01) Gain In Cotton Consumption tu-sli!iistoii, Nov 14 -A 1 eport is Hiieel todav bj the lluie.ui of Ceusits rltowti thai then- were tuuHtimtd in Oc tober, ixtlusive of linteis, ri.ri."i,:tH 11111 iiipg bales, cinnpau'd with 4l(),;i."i4 in October, lSltN, Tlip exports of cotton ill Octnbei wen plnced at .'i."i,'.':l bales, ueailist ,'iM 00." rimniiiL' bales in Ol Nl 1.,I,m Klt 'I'lw, l,iin.,i.u ..f C....1.,,, iC ' "rttiul vveio IMJCJl bale aguinst 4i7T ( I "VI el . tl HJ lit I Ml mil, f 1 I 1 h. ' s stfcJ KUIar M l. I.V4V B L'iVJ, . V IlCllftll 1.1 lower nradi s 4lliaill.-,i Whl potatoen j,er 11,0 lb atu ks No 1 i'i r,3ceii 4 Hi, Vo 3 13H72 Hi While potatoes. Pennsylvania, per ewt JJ OOCii'3 Hwnftt rotatuea Southern. Ko 1 per bbl 4 35ff 4 10. do No 2, per bbl S3 3542 H'i. JtrMy, ner bimket Jl lu&t M e'Hbbace New 7'ork clomtk, P' r tan 130W3S Uo I)n lh per ton JOiilili Onions per llKLIb bji ks 7'elloiv 14 7 ,-, 10 Liverpool Cotton Llvirnool. Nu 14 There was a irooil ibtniPd toi spot .cotton today The hiIph were 10 00(1 bi.les The recelpia wei 13 400 bftleH all Ami rb an Mlddllna wan Btronp at an aiLanie of 101 ix'IntH ruturea werr Hteaili In tlte early dealings Spot prices mr' Amc-rlean niddllnff ffll- 311 7sd irooil mlddllnu 30 7.1(1 full! mlddltliK 27 Sid, miditnni;, 24 n.l I low inlililling 3-' ORd Kood ollna.r 30 51d and nrdlmry in SOd LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS ' V(H)I stoilis iiifflrli'iit to stipplj the I'nited States for muni than n jear nt tbo piesent late of consumption were on linnd nl the i lose of the lUUitci ended Septembi i Ilti. said nu announce ment toda bv (In 1 partment of Ag rit'illtuie Total stinks tiggicgatcd 7-!l.!7",000 pounds, iinne than ,10 per cent than was cm baud the samu date H year ago. Reserve Banks' Discount Rates Ouiclal discount i.ites at tbo twelve J'edeinl Itesi ivp banks weie us follows (Tlie Hi st column gives rates foi all periods' up to and im hiding n fifteeu day inutuiitv. the seiond for a period of sixteen to iiinetv days. Tlie third and fourth columns gives the nitcs for ie discoiints of lollntpinl loans secured bv eovcruuiuit ijnndn m miles. Host, in New oil l'hlUdetpbl HUhmond Cleveland e thiol. 1 CIVIC HIT Nt 1.OU10 f nm 1 p iper 10 to im 1.7 days days lilruirn Nov 14 1IOOS nstlmotod re. dpi 34 000 nemd I'll o -tr 14 4111 head First nates S3r to 4lic lllaher Knriy ton -junneai JI4S0 Average eoat yestorday 114 20 lKansas c A'n ia; lis tuna tea recaipti viujo neni ,17,11ms 3UJJi;p H5stiraatl receipt, JO.OPO he.fd, JBiiq. PranciDco city 0 I l Vi 4'i 4 4 4 4' i 1'4 4 t 4 4 ; 'it I'I 41 P. 4 4x 4 4 41 S 4 4V, 5 4S i'i i'i &3 4 4' S ' Oov't paper 10 to 00 15 itflp davs I tl 1! r 4' GOV CRN MENT BONDS Pam'Mii coupon 2s 1010 . . Panama loplBtercd 2p, 1010 i'annma cauiion 2s. 10 18 . Panama registered 2k P's . . Panama coupon .ts, 1001 . . Pan ma renristered 3s ltlOr. . Philippine Is. ll"4, Philippine 4, PHI, Philippine 4s, KMit -.. . V M ilovt coupon 2s n Hi . I' itnvt reslsiered 2s. 10.10.. 1' s Dovt coupon Is I'i2', P S Clovt rtcl't'red Is 102', Ulst of Columbia 3,u',s. 1031 DM Ak 0'i'i ''Hi IPl'j (I'i' j KS 111 Ks III iij on 1'3 'ill 03 'nl 10(1 lull 1111,'j inn icn.ij Ion 1 i.' j 07 STATE REFUSES BODY Allentown Man Foresaw Action and Provided for It In Will Allentoun, Pa,, Nov. 11. Ile iiiiathing his bodv to the State Ann tniuicjl lloaid foi dissection and giving st i let ' inst ructions to his fiiends not to have tiuj funeral sei vices ovei his reiiuiins, (jcnine II. Meeker, a silk man" of this citv. left a will which was ofCcred, for probate yesii relay. linker died lccentlj lit tins eitv of tvphoid fcer and bejcatise of this fact the Stale Anatomical Hoard tefiised the bodj. Meeker vvtojte the will biin silf "if my body bboitld be ipfused." the bill goes on to sav. "I want to be ereuiuted at Philadelphia and my ashes scatteiod to thn winds," Me elivides his estate, valued at sev- n I thousand dollars, utnoug his ? sTyc3 NIIW ISSUE Graton & Knight Mfg. Co. 7 Preferred Stock LtUKcst manufacturer of leather belting in the world. Business started 1851. Ex ceptionally strong earnings statement. We offer this stock, if, as, and xvhen issued and received by hi, and subitct to approval of cuuHst I, ut market vrtcs To yield about To C ocular on request for IM7-2G7 IheNationalCity Company Correspondent Offices in Over 00 Cillcs Philadelphia 1421 Chestnut St. Telephone 0400 Locust MATERIAL IMPROVEMENT IN TONIL OF LOCAL MARKET Early Gains Extended From Small Fractions to $2 Electric Storage Battery the Outstanding Feature Theic wns a distinct inipiovement in tlie tone of the local market dm lug tlie eilllv opoiations this mui ultifi. While flip dealings weie far fiom active, pi ices Keneiallv weie established on n higher level, ndvutices dining the llt.st hour extending fiom small fractions to S, Tlie maximum gain was sioied bv l'lco tilc Sloingp It.ittei). Yistn day's anliniiti'd lebottnd ni paieutl.v luiide u favorable impression nud coiitiibuteil In dicslpntc much of the gloom inclined bv Wedliesil.n's bad snliisli-up. Theie wns a geneiill feel ing, however, in locnl miiikel eiitles thut nil futuie miiiket opeiations must be londuetcd on a much mote rational basis if u lecurience of tliis week's un pleasant expel lence is to be avoided. I'nil.v dealings weie not epiite so well elislnbuteel us in tlie iitccedlm; sessions, but most of the inoip aetlve loe.nl shales COTTON PRICES REACT AFTER STRONG START' came in for some attention, hake Superior Corpoiation continued Its ie coverj, advaiicitig to'si-Sj, which was ?A"' nl,0o tlie low point touched on Wednesday. . I.'nitcd (ins Improvement, on small bu.ving oiclers advanced o0c to biVi. Aiuericnn Stntes nt .'ISi'i showed an overnight gain of The more nctive dealings were Riip plied by I'lectrie, Storage Rattery, which sold up to J.'!7, later falling bnck I lo i:tl). Philadelphia Klrrtrlc sliaded under par, but suppniting otdcis pioniiith legnincil the loss of the glolllld. Among the innetho stocks Hunting don llioad Top sold nt i on ttnnsactions ot iOO slmtes, which puce wns tin. M eiinngeii irom the previous sale. Yorlt liallwn.vs prcfeiied was also left un changed nt 111. Philadelphia Stocks Heavy Selling Causes Drop of 10 to 20 Points Under Last ' Night's Close cotton- nur.T ivrjATHi'ii cumjitioss New -lin-U. Nov II 7 be following temppr.i'urps were rec nriled In the eolloi belt this mornin? Niirhvllh, 34 Knnx vIHh and Tort hmllh JS Oklihnm l Cltv Little Hock Vicksliiire and Merhllin ."0 S-hrevcirait .Memphis ml I'hiltnnnoB i 03 Atlanta 04 San Antonio Molileomerj ntnl Wllrrlm.ton .10, Aurltst i is Now Orlenns und Jlncon 13 (bihen'on and Llinrlcston 41, Corpus Chrlitl nnd Sn in imb 4i, Tliiuniisvlhe is Ju ksomillc ,7S. and Tnmu.i 00 Mlllns- fio.t was n -ported it the follow Im: imlnls In the ol tpn bi It this moinlna Mchsburir. Jterldlin r'li.ittllicins'll Knoxvilh, nnd Atlanta Llrht from wns rrported nl Mnron nnd Montcronierv I here was 01 Inch of precipitation nt VVIlmlnston, New .Yoilc, Nov. 1i Meavv ion- siimptioii last moiitli. iiggiegating 100. 000 Iniles in ei ess of that of Oolober Inst jear. lepoited bj the' (' nsus I'.u ii.iu at tlip opening ot tlie cotton e cl nnge, hud a stiong ffec I on Hie De cember option this illuming mid it stnited .'i.M pruuls higher thnn last night's close hater positions weie somewhat incgular. opening fiom 7 points lowei to JO points liigliei. The news alTecting the Maple, aside fiom the consumption hguies, was gen cialh buliisli. im hiding Him ( nblcs, ndv line es in see initios and killing host so far smith m the belt as to mean viitually tlie end of nil top growth. hater, the maiket tinned weaker le Hecting heaij selling bv Wall stieet nnd New Oib.ins and pi ices broke 10 to "0 points under last night's close. hit) Am Strs. US', Mia i:i stor. i:i7 700 M A. V, T fi 7"20 do pref. ST, " I ( N A. Ill ,",'i0 hk S Cor "I'i, 10 heh Xnv. oru "0 heh Val. 4.-.V, lO i Midi ale. n'2'K . L'.TT I'a It it. 12 'i M17 I'iill.i f'n cum pf. f!2 h"l Phil hlcc .., ii::."i P It T t c 127", HO i Heading .SO h" U (' 1... ,111, 11 SO Net Low n in chce. as'j :i8'H i.'ifl h'lfl'A-i-i '"i n . . :i4 :u .. 2I1., 2ti. . Ill's U!ls4- -vs 4.-. J., ir.ij nM r,2 r,-2 rt, J2 I2"S jr so "I'. 1 tn , 1 .so -- ;, .,11,1.-1- 1MI J,l S Stl.10(S", KI.-.1 10-,1,-L r.t York it pf :n :n ,",i . . 10 rNet rhiinKa made In- onniui ison with last ale on .Now ork Ktock llMli-itme 11 -.0 Net n m chae 101 -- i, ."lies in IIOMIS 1 hell Val (is. 101 101 1 heh Cv New hng lis . . 07'"'i 1)7" Vj Phila hlcc 1st ,1s Ur,U, 051;., 0,-,i,4-2ia 1IT.1; MONEY-LENDING RATES PMIhADKhPIIIA fall, (i pei cent; time, (i per cent: common ml paper, tin cv? to six mouths, iT'l per cut, nuel six months, "Pi and C per cent. DIVIDENDS DECLARED Atabania lire it Southern spmlnnnuil 3'4 per tint on common nnd S'i ptr cent on piofcrrecl Common In natbii necember Jll tn stuck of record Uei embor 1 and pre ferred I'ebru.iry 30 to sto.lt of record Jan- l'redcrlck Investment Co nnnuil .114 per rent on pieferred pavnblo Detembpr 10. and Kml innuil d'4 per cent on common paya iiip nu i moor 1 Stntidird Oil Co of Ohio ciuirtcrlv S3 and usual SI cxtrn pavabi. January 1 to stock of record Novembei js Equipment Bonds From 5.375 to 6.15 Townsend Whelen & Co. x 503 Chestnut St. Short Talks to Investors I. nves' ,. s SINCE 1914 the cost of living has risen about 1009 for the average family, but wages have also risen and the average salaried man is now receiving better pay than he did then. Therefore, many men are today little worse off than they were five years ago. BUT the average investor is far worse off. In 1914 an investor with $100,000 capital was perhaps enjoying an income of ?5,000 per year. ' Today (Vith the same capital) he has but $5,000 per year. And in the mean while the purchasing power of this $5,000 has shrunk one half and war taxes have reduced it still further. SOME investors, however, have been able to circum vent this calamity to a large extent by following a farbeeing policy of investment protection, whereby they have been able to increase their incomes sub stantially without jeopardizing their principal. And in numerous cases they have been able to progres sively increase their principal also. HOW this has been accomplished and is still being done, is' the message which we would like to give to every investor in America. Send today for our booklet entitled,1 "Forging a Revolution" and for other inform ation regarding the service we are now rendering to thousands of American investors. Moody's Investors Service JOHN MOODY, PmiJent 35 Nassau Street New York City H NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET Vine- Ynrlt. Vnl- 11. III lesilOllsp tn the poor allies, more long coffee c a , t-1 a I thousand dollars, utnoug out on the mil with fust pi ices 10 to biotluis, sisters and nieces 2!) iioiuts below the previous-c lose i ' I New Oilcans Inteiests also sold ,,,, SEIZE KITCHEN STILL I tliec.ill.belleVedtohnaguiiistilii.eh.is.s OEICC IMIOflEIM OIILL ( of act mil coffee. I nun Enterprising Altoona rvian's riaisin, u " Mash Also Confiscated j t'i''i Altoona, Pa., Nov. "th -Within two I'lmks of City Mall Vnsu Millicovic lor onie tlini has bren nugaged in distilling v.hiski on the Mtrh'ii inngei an,! ills I Vlneland Class Elects Officers posing of it, it Is alleged, tit the coal ... .... ... , vnt. 11 'in mines west of the city. Me was ar Mnel'ind, " '.." lb" mt.i yesterday and many jugs of the, junior class of the Inoland High School (mished ptoduct of inisin iniisli, seven' Wanted $100,000 Dei enibc r Man h M .li h H'l I, Mill, i Illd Vest Todm s c lose h oie n . l(t 04iO(-, !', 7", . Ill 1 life 3D 'HI 0", 10 llll)L'li "1(1 il'i , 10 IKfllL'O Ml, li", ihoimio Mini 4 . 1 ..1-......1 TJt..ln Tli.nl.ni. nim.1.1..., I..,,h..I.V C f... ....... I tft VOlblllU Otl lllvll ' L I nils PieeiPU ivipiej' a, lift,.,-.- ), niutia , iniinia in i-iiui.ii,, ..."... ,........ y, . I Wendell filnrd vice president: Miss I ttt lj0X'K "f ''nie'1"1' nIo"K ." ''IS I , ""' r ' r.n;4 , w ""stillliiB enuipment, were conliscateciJ jjj Alma hee TJwn, beeretary, ami Miss XTJllt((, $t Commissioner Stoucr ) 4 I nilzabi'tli Citniiaoxhom, treasurer. cominittnl him fof a litfariiiE. " ifA. .wafrMMftiiiifcf r r . ,,,... ' LmjfMmiMMt vn' For the purpose of organizing a company to operate an amuse ment enterprise, superior in profit making possibilities to a scenic railway. I prefer to in terest small investors, whose rights in the patents controlled by me will be thoroughly pro tected, For further information write ANDREW PINKERTON 28th and York Streets, - fll ! . 1 1 I S, rnuaaemni ? ."J.-Vtf Do Your Christmas Shopping Early Bought, Sold and Quoted Call, Phone or Write Liberty liond Department EST & P. 1417 CHESTNUT STREET Members , New York ntock ttxihanco Keystone, Race 2900 I'lilladelpblit block Lxclinnrs Bell, Spruce 250 We Always llnvo uu lluncl J. 1st ul llluli Grade llouds Correspondenco Invited imTnmrnsinr.'sKsirr-i'jsa-gt-Tsrtrr.if Ay 1 "-.$ Manager for Brokerage House Fast-growing brokerage house requires the services of a manager to assume complete charge of oflico. The man wo are looking for must convince us that his experience, judgment and foresight qualify him to fill the position. We prefer un organizer who can diiect sales force, supervise woik of conespondenco depaitmrnt, bo thoroughly familiar with accounts, loans, security values and financial methods. This is n big opportunity for a high-class, fotcoful, vigorous executive, nccustomed to earning $20,000 a year or more. Your letter will be considered strictly confidential and should givo full details. Room 701, Tribune Building, New York. tf i'f tmmnuvumwmKMuimi Pi, fl . p, l . ..1 . . . " . ....,i...,5ft 'il. a Vk esJ W ' fit "H J v'3 iti'M