"WT- V EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, BR SCHOOL GAM E PENN GETS $5000 FOR NEW A. A. BUILDING GIRLS HOCKEY TITLE Mar- FDRGIMBELCUP Fair Cricket Club Players, St. tin's, Deat Rivals, 10-2 In n match which will probably ilc- Houston Field Today Scono of " Annual Battle Between West Philly and-Ccntral With txitb tenuis 1" the pink "f run Hltlno, the West l'liiliiitolpliiu IIIrIi mid Central IIIrIi rVliool't fnolbnll eleven will trnt on UniiMtnn Field today to vie for honors In their stnijKle for the Kill" A. Oimhel Cult. The Alii-rorx will hiive two elinne i ily :i biil'illti. In their line up, while the Kneeillioys i Hie rnpiilly will try out three. Itoswell will nlny center instead of, hnlfbiiek, while Hill pern will play rittlit Instead of Witli- B.erow. who will net as pivot limn, tin tne I entrnl team Alourer will piny in Newton's plnee nt Riinnl, while Hull will take the plaee of I.eilicnuiin lit tr.ckle. The llne-un, ns nnnoiineed by ill.' respective conches yesterday, is na pillows : r .--I tti..t. tif-.i ttt.t! ..I..1..LI . ,!rWnlniteln Ipfi pnil ..w"oil null . Ion lacuie J... nciniw "Wallace left buhtiI .1. Harrison Webster .renter ... Howell Itcurer . rlalit sunrd .. V illim Knufrman rlKht tnekle Myers Jlesa ., .rlnht rail I! ilneiN ftunrtvrlincU wnnermv left hnlflKiek Knonss rlnlitiairiinck Well) Athletes Haven't Any Place foril'"Inc '" Hpoidtion of the ciiam- Ipionship of the l'hilnilelpbla nnd Idn- Lounging in rresent flnunrierN fffnrrl 'Ttennatt fullback. Hived 3ddowes Referee Davidson, of remillnnlft. tiiii- Sire Tyler, of Princeton. Head llnreman lourlre, of Pennxvlvnnii. Substitution Kusell for Hess. Time ll'-mlnute periods. c Quarters An illiniums of the I'liiversity of I'eniisylvnniii, who won distinetlon on I he nfliletle Held yciirs uj;o. offers, through the l'eiinsylvuttln Cnzelle, the 1'nlveisity'fi sraduate weekly inncnxlue, to eiiiitrilime the initial Sr0(10 toward a fund for the ennstnuiioii of a new administration hiilMIng for the Atli 'etie Association. The iitirnose of this offer is to sllli- xviiK'ii win iiintnniinic xtmuillns olliees of the Athletic Association and permit it to t est ore (.lie TinininK I louse nt thirty liilril add Locust streets to the pur poe for which it wns constructed a clubhouse for I'niverslty athletes. "So much of this building is now used for the business offices of the Athletic Association that It leaves little more than n place in which the athletes may cat and sleep. Ah the headquar ters for the social life of the athletes it is virtually useless. This condition of affairs has been brought about by circumstances which were largely un avoidable. First, the Athletic Asso ciation wn crowded ,oiit of the gym nasium to make room for the extending work of this department, (irndunlly the A. A, offices have linen increased until the big reception room, which occupies the Thirty-third street side of the lirst floor, is entirely cut into offices. ity Hockey League, tlic I'liiinueipain ( hicket Club gills jlctcatedUn!Ocr mntitnwn rrirkeT(lfiii"tciim at St. Mar tins yesterday afternoon by the score ,Jl s' K""n " ' ARMY-NAVY TICKETS GONE Allotment Oversubscribed at Service Institutions Annapolis, Mil., Nov, 11. The Inst chance for any one not now provided with tickets to the Army nnd Navy football game, on the New York I'olo grounds tin November L'O lins gone, for the tickets for member sof the Naval FRIDAY, NOVEMBER liOtilBI Athletic Association have nil been dls- jfil Iributrd and those for snle through Its . jg order hnve been nvcrsilWrlbrd by more I , than 2000. with orders still flowing in by the bushel. A similar situation gj exists ns regards to the Army's quota of tickets. ' b MHII U, 191!) iiwriiiraniliiiiiiiiMi Brown and Reddy Go to Draw l,ynn. !l1aM Nov. 14 FrnnUla Ilrown of New York, nnd Il.ittlinir lleddv fornjht twelvo furious rounds to n (Iran nluht. mv licre lait Positloiir .KOtl. . . Clrrmanlown ' Miss r'ercuson .Misses l'hll.'idelnliln Mrs. Krnley Head lfl fullbnrk Hidcii" Knlilnn.i . .Hunt fulllmik. . Horclcn-ltaiun Mr-. PNston . -loft halthnik 'i nonius 1-Vruunon ... enter halfback ealnacr lilxun rlclit lialfliack 'MarKaret Mary Ilrlnton Taylor . ...left wins' Vff.,,n1?r Mrs. Mndeila ..lett Inside w.!,,l,,' I., t'bestim .. renter fnrwiird ..Klru 1' Oheston ....rlBbt Inside Mason llotlmnn . . . rlitlit wlnir ronilnn Ocrnls sioreii for Phlladelnhla. Miss V. Clieslon. r, .MIot I.. I'heston. I: Miss Tavlnr. I Kor Hermanlown. MIsh Welncr. 1; Miss Mason. Heferee. Miss l'oreher. PENN-HARVARD SOCCER n m w H A Philadelphia Institution Open Evenings mmmmmtmmmwmmimmnmmmmwMMmwmmwM iBHIMiffli QUALITY CLOTHES 15M-16 MARKET ST. Only One Store Open Evenings 3 4 H i u H fs m m m m Street Car Fares Reduced on Public Service Lines Serving New Jersey Cities. NofVcmber 14 STORE NEWS 1514-16 Market St. I Absolute After-Sales Satisfaction Guaranteed Two Teams Clash After Long Lay off at Cambridge Tomorrow Harvard and the rniversityof tcnn sjlvnniu will dash oil a playing field for the first time in two years tomorrow when their soccer teams. will play an intercollegiate game at Cambridge, Mass. 101111 lins n strong soccer eleven tlris rear nnd is nut to win the chiim pinnshlp. Conch Douglas Stewart and the following thirteen players leave here this morning for Cambridge: Cap tain Nassau, Spencer. HnrrUnu, Har row. Cooper, llnbb. Itiiins, Tliompson. Hinghnin, l'eiincll, Dowiin. I'atton and Hussell. Company Accepts Low Recommended by State Utility Board. Rates Public 16th Amateur Sporls niue Hell A. A. wants to nrranKe games with second and third class teams for dates during November and December. V. lllbly. 3824 North Howard street. Thfr IflllEilcm 1'lir. nt the Vrlends' SviKU torhood I.eaBUe, wants to book sanies wit i teams .pnylnB suanmtecs. j. ir. Trnsk, VM North ITranklln street. The Tin Tons want Banns with all s-cond-Blnsn tenms havlnir halls and iiircrln? anar- niep. o r iin,-iaLi-ui. ilml. rimer Club, of Oennantown. would like to hear from all first-class home tenms p.i;i linr reasonable Guarantees. It. J. Conway, RIKS llelskell street Boeinninc Sunday, Nov. Riders will pay 5 cents for first two zones and one cent for each additional zone or part thereof. Penny Charge for Transfers. Ban Johnson Not Feeling Good I New York. Nov. 1-1 Tho special meeting j I nt tho National Itasebntl Commission, which l Inlin'n (' (' has oraanlred jn lnd-ias to have been held here this week to' pemlentsSccer team and would like to book I "" If" Mrl,i prr.bif.m5.- haa Uecn callrd ' Kames with elevens will 11B to nlay elthi-i ! off. Chairman AliBiist Herrmann nf On- I ".". ' ' r. . ., .. ....- .x.i i :. i.lTitifitl iiMniitinr-ed Inst ntclit llprrmntin n, iinm. nr hwmv. .1 iiriin iii irriiiiiiiiiv ..... ........ ...--. ..- .. ... ... .......... street. Under new rates will predominate. 5-cent Riders Snort Iiik OVi II. Club, mbcr Seatolu aid he bad received word from Han John , Fun. niesident of tho American I.raRue t lo-i)uund ' and a member nt tne commission, mat he Public Service Railway Company .A't'ertcall rMiormiK i imii. a I iii-nuunu "'"'.". ".'v,'.'".v ' . . - --"' ::. . . football team, has November JO and Thanks- l Is 111 in ijcci in i nicnso. anil nijuni on unai North Sixth A.. Ilfleen. eleven :n Bast Wlster street, Krmtli ltnilii-ll V. M. C. enr-old live, has Salurday nlmils "tien tor Cams of that nBc F. Carroll. 11127 Poutn . - Bixteenmt streei Tnliernorle I.titliernn I. A. (twoSteamsl souH like to hear from nil first and second class learns offcrlnc fair guarantees. H. Wild, OH27 Norfolk street. Elmn II. C. would like to book (tnmes with kit fourteen and fifteen year old teams nav Ins halls and offerlns suarautees. Harry Hllpert, 058 West Dakota street. , Palmyra A, A., a first-class eleven, is without a Bame for tills Saturday nnd would ltka to hear from a Rood team. .1. haar. Palmyra, N". J. Phone rtlverton ?,- M be tween 8 and 9 p, m. C.arncld A. C. would like to arranse a irnme for this Saturday afternoon w'th nny independent or scholastic njr tho city. v leaaei Germantown. Clover Club Ileserves would like to book weeer Barnes with teams around Ph"";1; hla havlnB srnunds and offerlnB Indiif" Stents, J. Q. Skasko, 3039 North Franklin street, Th Y. M. C. A. football team wants to hook frames with all flrat-claw teams having Saturdav nnd Htindar dates open Halpn ' Ogden. 322S Norris street. A flrst-elnss forward. bnNlns preparatory .r, Indenendenl experience, wou'rl like .to Sear from a fTrsl-clnss nve. C. H. iians. 454 Nortn second sti.-i. ..!.. .1 f.nlKnll tannl b.1S Saturday, No"?mb"r l. "fcr Any Hrst-class eleven havtnc Brounds and offer rK reasonable ae SorKmodatlon.. A D Irvine care account lnr department, Hoa- t'land. ra. Toster A. A. win nlay the stronB Holmfs l,urir eleven this Saturday. It nl'o l1"",?," dales for other flrst-elnss. elevens. Wililnni Fosterj 27 North Cleveland avenue. Vletrlx C C a flrst-rlass soccer team, would like to book Sunday frame, with levtna offerlnt: Inducements. J. vv . i er-,-Jdne, 5433 Vine street. Collins A. O. would like to nrranse games wlth second and third class teams In or out of the city. naylnB fair cuarantees V. H. 'Clements, 1331 Monro street. Michael's T I., a fast sernnd-clii's would like to arranire games nun .lie clubs, especially aubusuc-. tv and at i.uowib. J-,--- ?. ... ' ' rs Literary institute, mim inutiu or. - reet KlvlnB Day open mare avnue l'n',lenei. Tile is ilrsirous of ool.inB 'jtiln n wllh third nnd fourth class teams, to 1 be o'ayed on Saturday ' oveniiiB at l'ro i , i. in ' tloi.r William l.uckllalt.l- :ils North Front street atter.il a nioellnir for at least a week 'Inrnnann will return lo Cincinnati In a ft-v das. Vletrlv C. t . a tlrst-clnss 'ratellnB team uants lo book K,ims with out-of-town learns olferlnff uuaranttcs (J"nrso Splngle .", Kl.'i Vine street V V V &. IV V - tte C. C,, a ftrst-elass traveling nve. ew open nates tor roou imme i-iuub reen 2945 North Ilambrey street. Sensational Overcoat iOctIe A Most Phenomenal to Buy a $30,$32.50, $35 and $37.50 Fine Warm Overcoat for-. ti m Pi nil ' This Week Only! Men, here it your chance to wear a fine stylish, warm, winter, overcoat and save b'g money. This lot came to us from an over- stocked store keeper. . This low price, of $17 rep resents a price lower than these fine overcoats cost at wholesale. All Sixes. All Colon. All Stylet. (WINTER SUITS$ $30, $32.50 & $35 Quality. A Warm -Jitober Forces Immediate Sale SELIGSOHN Q-50 y,!lme. Store Opjsn Niihti J-3 St?. OmJZ l&fflR$r .JB&f C 2J jm w v mmtmmx Ufmky oLnufMmbd illhrhs for a high bred cigarette like Spur. Now lengths ahead of the field Spur is a sure-fire winner. A new way of blending choice American and Imported tobaccos, a way that brings out all the good old tobacco taste that's the secret of Spur's unusual goodness. . But that's not Spur's only claim to superiority. Satiny, imported paper, odorless, and crimped, not pasted, eliminates that dry, hot "tang" that so often spoils an other wise good cigarette. ' Spur's tobacco taste is real fresh -tempting! Class will tell, friend Spurs to win! CfiMJfiK&t&vJAAi -play iocCe- ,-s '"V.s L IfttzTS -i 20c for 20 Spurs B H H a n m !i s-m , fjm- r-- Hfc '""r It a i i a R i i i i is a H i H H i i Tomorrow Will Be Another Big Day at Becker's Last Saturday marked the high-water mark for this big store we started off with a rush when our doors opened and the crowds kept us busy away past closing time. There's no wonder Philadelphians knew what it meant when Becker's announced SOMETHING SPE CIAL. You come tomorrow but be here early and we'll acquaint you with some real bargains. Suits and 1 .. lOverco n . THERE ARE JUST 1400 IN ALL, SO WE CANNOT URGE YOU TOO STRONGLY TO GET HERE EARLY TOMORROW MORNING THE VALUES RANGE 32-so 35.00 37-50 g0K MSbv H M m m a WF jVaaaBaV V SB $Jw m ,5 ' i $30 Becker's Superior Clothes $32.50 $35 $37.50 $40 Fur Collar Overcoats Double-breasted Chesterfield model, Oxford' gray, fine quality, heavy cloth; slant find flap pockets; welt seams; very nobby andyvorth much more. $37.50 Trousers Special FAMOUS SUPERIOR BRAND. All union made of sturdy, stronp; materials in a variety of patterns and materials. Guaranteed not to rip. $1.95, $2.95, $3.95, $4.50 DOWN STAIRS STORE SPECIALS GLOVES $2.50 Vnlue Fine quality skins; per fect fitting, soft and pliable; tan and gray. Capcskins. Expert at tention in fitting. Seams guaranteed against rip ping. Special. $1.65 NECKWEAR $1.00 Value About 150 dozen, rep resenting the entire sample line of a New York' manufacturer. Every color combina tion and plain, in pure silks. SPECIAL SATURDAY ONLY $10 Sweaters 65c Navy, Oxford, Heather, Maroon, Green An oiiiiuHiinlty any mnn nliuuld tuttf, to ubtulii line ir Mima line wnmtril ulitikrr-knlt Hrulrri4, Knit ollil ill on nlrrn mIiuwI collar, re-eiiforcil nock- cU cunt button IioImj no raiii lo pull out or rnvfl. Jtmle to I krll for $10.00. )Ve are ofTerlnc tlirm for Nntiiriluy only to In- 1 tromire t)'l new lfiartlilf nt. 6 1 BECKER'S QUALITY CLOTHES 1514-16 MARKET STREET 1 M i 9 I i i i M s B li i 1 't I I i l m H.M W e l i 5 & S I vJ H a a g i m m H H B 1 i i H 5 m i 1 , . fii J M Iff iiiiniiiHiai B1IIMM l' I'i'fr"'; fmiiMiiiiiiHiMmiMmmiiialMMM " 1MI111" " ' J 4'' :t "i. - fr '4, V" , 4 ."" Y