Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 14, 1919, Postscript, Page 25, Image 25

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Titzel Still in Poor Shape
From Injuries in Dart
mouth G am o iVo
Change in Backficid
uy ki)vin J. roi-rtocK
DOWN In the iiliift of Jersey the I
l'enti fmitlinll tenm is ii-rntriiliK
not onlv iihyMliilly, but the innralc tiKi
is rrtiirnini?. Tin- olil Keel mid IIIhH
Rlilrlt is buck with the warriors and it .
iM'ieakH of trouble for (llnin Warner V
Ki-eat ninelilne tomorrow nfternoon ut
KmnUlin Field.
Kolwell's flRlilers liave an ideal pliifc
to train. They are out In the fresh
country air that blows oer the hills
hud dales of the beautiful Tine A allej ,
Kolf course, quite n ehaiiRe from the
smoke nnd steneb from factories that
surround Kranklln Field. i
The defeats by State and Dartmouth
liave not been forgotten, but they have
not broken down the morale. J hej I
liave tended to spur the (Junkers to i
ri eater effort and a determination to I
retrieve themselves nitainst the ran- ,
Llnc-up Definite
Itnh Folwell has announced Ins line-
Rex Wray May Be Lost
for Season to Pcim
Hex Wray, I'eim's snappy little
iuailerback, mil) be lost to the
lied and lilue for the remainder of
the season. The wee vx'vtenicr Is
uffcriiiK from jellow jaundice, nnd
has been unable to piactice this
week.' "
Winy has dropped considerably
In weight, but now is bcglmiliiK to
recover some of his lost pound
iiise. When lie was sent into the
Dartmouth, (,'nine, he welshed nnlj
ll."i pouiuis. That IIriiic has been
boosted two pounds.
Victory Over Germnntown Puts
Archives Even With Cen
tral High Elovon
Standings of Schoolboy
League Football Teams
frntrnl Itlnh.
No? till hfI llluh
West 1'htln II lull
Houtli t'hlln 1 1 lull
Krnhkfunl Htirli ..
it. rriiiniou n H13I1
IVnn Charter .
(ti'miHtitown AimI
1lpl.(npil . .
I'thMi'l1' tlontrill
I, Tin t'lli
BUT IT MEANS NOTHING, title, otherwise
1 liampioushlp.
frMrMTinfl PI rCCQ 'ln0 nielitli street and I.cIiIrIi nveniie
N'orthenst IIIkIi is deadlocked for
first place in the Interscholastie League
foiitlmll rnce toilnj. but it doesn't menu
aiijtbiiiK. This tie will he broken
unless Central High is beaten in
West Philadelphia High this after
noon, and in that event the Archives
nnd Mirrois will be even up for the
iiinner up position, while the Speed -
bojs will liave tomped off into the lend.
it will lie iinjbodj's
for decision
tin definitely nnd says this tune that
there will be no (hniiKC of 1111111I. Hud
Hopper will start at left end and l.ddie
Wviinrd will be nt left tackle against
-iv.,'.... ,.'., wnrrinm. Aside from these
changes, the personnel of the team w 11
1... !, ....,,. n nt t IP DCgllinillK OL l"i
a.irtntonth game last Saturday.
.Tohunv Titzel still is in poor con
dition and rather tlmntnke n chance on
i uither Id jury to the big tackle. Farmer
lb has decided to use Mayunrd.
Jlobey Ught also is nuwliw injuries
received in the New mk hnttle. but
V t is be ieved thta he will be able to be
"In theie" against the l'nntheis at the
"lU'nV's HP lw ""'" "f ,;ss
will be nt his best tomorrow. At ins
Fide M ill his brother Alex, . Thomas
will plav the other guard J'0-''1""-,'.'"
tie and Mavnnrd will be the tackles
nnd Heine Miller nnd Hud Hopper the
cn,lJ,'! . ..,.c..i.i ., ,.wiinl. will be made
...lnW Vim TTnl.M I.sht. Hots
up in -'" "
r.runer nnd Hen Derr.
Snappy Drill
fiM... -vi. .in..., T 1 ill fanner paced
, ,.i. .1 utiff unikont Fster-
rvV..i the finishing touches will be
Hilt on the training this i onion 1 llin
team will not return to tins cit until
the morning of the game. ,,,,,.
Pittsburgh will, arrive here on.g It
nhortlv after 0 o'clock. They will lie
gartered at the Hotel Normiintlie
during their Rtny in this city.
I is reported that the V.tt eleven
nlso is in poor condition, but Earner
has some good reserve matei ml mul
will not be severely handicapped.
There Is a possibility that three uriiilu--,l.Zr
rni.iinut Hill Aciulemy mnv H;uro
""". "... .i . .,. tnmnrrnM JACK
StrSb1na th. TlK? f 4Uf terb uf, ! Is a rest-
SfloV to his entrant to I-rlnwlon To
lie's pilfers are trom Chestnut Hill
$.r&, ffi..BTaK-to W,W.n
of K?ePd Dtcken.: roach of the Chestnut Hill
Sleyen nukens Is. a llHi",'.,,le G""-
laru is n secona sirinK iiuaiit..a....
Hhnn the IV1111 Htate football squnU left
nt 7 o'clock last nlht. nearly tho entire stu
Sentbody. hea.led by the band was on han 1
off. Special sleepers await the squad at(
Wllllamsport and they are due at Ilh-ii.i'
,t noon A short signal dr III 111 be hi Id
nd then Coach ITezdek will feel that his
team Is on edge for the game with Cornell
It wouldn't be erv startling It Tufts j
should happen to turn about anu
llarvanl a wallop on either cheek he
'Sledford collegians have a habit of springing
such surprises and after its showing ngu ns
-L. !.: it.. ..f riat-nlt In ihp West la si
"eek it appear, that they have a golden
opportunity Inasmuch as tho Crimson will
probably use a substitute team
Colgate's claim to eastern football honors
Is undisputed except by Dartmouth ami ,
Harvard, and to maintain its prestige H 1
will hae to down 3yrcuse. Uut supporter!,
of the Orange Ilguro that this isn't goln.
to be.
Harvard's football squad drew anoine
vet day and an oven more slippery lien
than yesterday. The players remained In
the stadium gridiron until driven off to the
baseball Held, where the work was vlrtuain
the same as on Wednesday There was no
hard scrimmaging for either the arslty or
tna substitutes ,
The Cornell tarslty practiced drlenslie fiir
matlons on held goal kicking jesterday. Indi
cating that tho couches Were counting neawii
un Shtverlck's accurate toe to store in tne
1'cnn State game on jjaturda
IMIson, the former Kadnor Hlali School
eraatllo athlete, may start at left tackle
lit place of Joe Williams the ex-Hamilton.
Institute star, ill tho Lafayette same with
Trinity here Saturday afternoon
West Virginia' football team left last
nleht for Philadelphia, which city will be
reached at noon tomorrow en route to .New
Hrunswlck. where Rutgers Is to be met on
Two afternoons of hard scrimmage in the
rain on a field that was a sea of mud has
satisfied Coach Hill Itltter with the condition
of his Muhlenberg squad, and yesterday he
gave the players lighter work, chleny sUnal
"I'm galng to bet on Kentucky to beat
Center College." said a rootoaii loiiower
yesterday. ' wny is inai; nu " nivi".
Closed Sessions Bring Weighty
Problems in Baseball
t pringlleld. Mass., Nov. H. With
liiiinr of the more vital questions set
tled ' in closed sessions, the National
Leagues set itself yesterdnv to the task
of clearing up the mass of minor mut
ters reiiMinlng. .
A distinct feeling of lelief was evinced
h, the minor league lenders nt
having put scveinl of the lniger piob
lems behind them. This is particularly
true as regards the veed question ot
renewing relations with the major
leagues. The situation has been highly
unsatisfactory dining the last jenr, and
in nniniiig a committee to take up this
matter the minors have put themselves
in n receptive position and left the
next step to the majors. This question
of resinning a national agreement in
cludes the draft problem, which, as it
lias worked out in 'the last jenr, the
minors feel has been distinctly to their
With the choice of Knnsns City, Mo..
as the 11120 convention city, the annual
meeting of the National Association of
1'iofessioiuil Haseball Leagues closed
yesterday. Theie was keen competition
for the I101101 of entertaining the next
convention, but the eentinl location of
the Mjj,souri city was a factor in its
" mil" 1 .
A nt liicr was nut through icgarding
"liens 011 bnseha'l territory, with the re
sult Hint liens liny lie excrciseu lor oniv
tlnee eniiM-s unpnid players' sahuies,
debts due one club to another and 11011 -pajnient
of dues to the natinnitl as
sociation. The largest dispute to come before
the nrblttation board today was not
settled. This concerns Pitchers Turner
and Znliniser. fornicrly of the Toledo
club. The players were lonned to the
lllooiniiigton club, of the Three 1
League. Piloomington sold Tinner to
the Chicago Cubs for ?2."0(1. The dis
pute arose over the attempt to clear
title to the players. The case went
to Secretary .T. II. Fnrrell for further
and Hlack eleven won Its wav Into
the eten-Stephen position w'th Central
High School bv trimming the weak
(Jerinaiitown High Icain yesterday.
.".12-0. Hut the chnnces rue that either
Central or West I'hilh will take the
leadership after their tilt this p. in. In
the ow'iit, of a tie the Cilnison and
(Jolfl will go Into the pace-making po
sition anyway, in which case the Speed -bovs
then will he tied for second place
with Noi tin n't.
"Ham" No Ham
"Atulj" Hamilton, left halfback of
Northeast High, is no hum. even
though his intlmnte fi lends familinrlv
call him "llnin." Of the tive touch
downs scored by the Archives "Ham"
made (10 per cent of them, one re
sulting In the first period after a .""
jnrtl run. The fourth was made hi
t) linen and tin" mini touchdown was
seoied by Hates, when he intercepted
a (lermnntown forwnid miss, niniiing
to the goal line from niidtield.
In sprinting down the field for his
sit points. Hates showed that he was
not handicapped bj the one big fiuilt
a lot of schoolboys hae. He did not
look to the left nor right, but contin
ued running as fast as he tould. Other
runners with the hall hate been caught I'
from the rear betause they ciiutinunll.v
looked around, fearing a tinkler would
overtake them. s
West Catholic Out of It. - s.
West I'hilndclphi,, Catholic High's
one touchdown defeat hj St. Joseph's'
Prep tiituulb eliniinntcd the new 1
school's eleven fiom across the rher
in the lo-to-claliued Catholic c himi -
pionship of Pliilndelphia this jear. This
game, originally scheduled fur this 11
111., was played esteitln on Calnll ,
Field. West Catholic plajs Lir Salle
Picp on Tlinuksgiving Dnj , anil a vic
tory for the latter will give the'lenin the
I. lev on games are on
this afternoon, us follows
U'eoi Philadelphia High al fentrnl lllsli
South I'lllladelphi,! High nt Krinkfonl
iNTi:iiAfAi)i:itc i.uAui't:
1'onn ('barter et (lormnniown Arademy.
Kplsenp.il Ac.idf'tnv at Kri.'iida' Central
OTlinit OAMliH
Chestnut Hill nt SI l.uki's School
llaililuntleld High al Alilnglnti High
Media llluh at l.ansdnnni" High
llailnor lllsh at Kasttnnn Tr dvffrin lllsli
Woodbury High at ltlll s Park llliihr
Vlneland High al ColllngHWooil lllgh,
wenonali .Military .Maie-mv at cutioiic
Two sorcer games nlso nie sched
uled, vi. :
(Inrmiinlown Triends al (lermantoun High
Wllnilngtnn I-'rlends at Uermtuitnun High
1' iuI ("rep
Jimmy JVork Works I lard
Working "UvckcnT Into
F o otball F o r m I ' p
Bucks County Way
lly PAl'li PltKP
TTP A.MONC the rolling hills of Huel,s
loiintj. nt the National Farm
twenty-right miles from heie. Conch
Jimmy Woik, a star of yesteryear al
Cenli nl High School, has developed a
billliant gridiron team from a ntc
sritson sipind of (omp.irntftcl.i gieen j
Football is the big spun at the m ,
stilution and. cousiileiiug th" circuni
stnnces under which the coach must .J
work the plajers winking on the 1
sihooi l)H 111 fiom enili inorninit until 1
late nt night it is lcmatknble Hint sut h '-eft
a foimidablc iiggregation has been tie-
1 . lisiiim few.. vfm.
(loldberg. Coienzwit. Luskin, DcVltto,
Daniels nnd Silverman.
The remaining games on Fnrm
School's schedule will be plajcd during
the next three weeks. Tomorrow the
opponent will be Sdiuylkitl College lit
home. On November -0, Temple I'ul
verslty will battle up in Mucks county.
The final game will he played on
Thanksgiving Day, witli Atlantic City
lllglrnt the shore.
The farmers opened the season by
smothering Hiovvn Prep under a i" to II
score, nnd in the next 'game lot to
peiklomeii School after a great battle,
H to II. Lafa.M'tle Ficli Vmk the
farmers Into (limp. 7 to II. nnd last
Saturday the tables were icversed on
P. I. I), with a (1 to 0 victory
Yale Favors Sunday Sports
.ew Haven, Conn. Nov It Indorsement
rf the rrnnval of the bail on Sunday sports
by Vnlu students l.ss bctn given by the
student couwll of the collegcv It wff nt.
pounced rterdny That week-ends may Its
more proflt-ibl lor students who ictnaln l
their dormitories. It was recommended that
squash rouns trnnls courts athletic fields
and golf courses bo open on Sunday for
their use
MllllV nf lllo VnlltltCl l-nnntnff ... ni.ua
Wins -Egypt Mills Bridge Cup f,nm eighteen to twenty, never pli'ncd
At the annual bridge tournament of lb- football before louiimr to Faun School.
Kgypt .Mills Club, held November I. 1 anil 1. j,, . f,i,.uH v nilim' tint i.rnrr f 1 nsl.
s at i:gPt Jlllls l'n Jonas St elmnn " Is n 1111 un 1 uillIB Hint evel j llcsli
won the cup tl 11 Jackson, fif th. Phil-1 man entering the school must tin ti out
udelphla Jiotarv t'lub unaided the tun 1 for spring practice, nnd in that win
fontoall is iliilltil, into them as jiart of
their loutilie wink.
Two victories, two defeats and a total
of Oil points stored against its oppon
ents' '21. with three games remaining on
eleven playing a hiillinnt game. Coach
Woik is fully confident t hilt the diop of
other niavers were (leorgo M ltrlilgman
W. Klrkland Invler C.eorge Kesler. Jr r
lliur W l.a Iloche Sreten Stankowltch.
l'rnnk A Tin lor
Yanks Get McGraw Too
New nrl(. Nov II Tin .New link Anln
iinn insebill (luh nnnmini-.l rsteun th.
lurilnse of l'lt'liet Itoln n Mrtlrnu from
ti.n ti..atnti Vmeple.iim fur til. w liver lirli
Alidrnw vas sent bv the Yanke. s li thi It il
h.iltliaik mid leader of Farm
School eleven
the other fellow. This is Mills's second
year on the varsity team
"Make" Samuels, qunitcrbnek, lias
been showing lots of pop, speed nnd
clearness in end dashes. Several yeats
ago he played with Di'Witt Clinton
High in New Yoik. hut tliis is his first
year on n farm school sqund.
Walter (Ironian, the 17.--pound full -
bin k, n letter inan for the Inst three
, iat August in th, .leal whi. h brought I U11, fonfball cuitniii will end a suciessful
liber ( trl Mavs t,i , vv oru , e ., ., , r. , ,
, iiampaign for the Green nnd Gold war-
St. Paul Crippled Quits
schedule, is the boastful grid lecoul 1 seasons, never fails to break the otinos
National Farm School. With his 1 ins team's Hue. "Honk" .inn. a vet
eran of last year, playing right half,
who throws the foiwaid passes and does
the diop-kicking, completes Conch
WorVs fast-phuing backlleld.
The youngsters holding down pol
As a result of s, i re
the members nf this .m
u. .mnl nl rlnrilpn Cllv
to droy football from !H li""t of sport-w
V "Iter It Marsli priiuipil i.aohed a 1I1
1 Islmi In that effeel w stent 1'
26 AND 27
lid Mills, left halfback.' is cailtnin nf linim nil Mi." line ore! Morris Kclilo-Ki.
'"t'.'Vm it T'".'ui"iltl"' "-'' u'in"- Aml MilK- fm mer I heig. center; Sydney Stine. and Morns
I. I has de.td.ii tnuk star at .Mirtneast nigh ami ISiown iGieenwalil, guards; Abe (ioldstotie and
ll'iep. lias lieen proving liunsoir an able ' S11I Hriinvvasser. tackles; and Sam Fin
1 lender, lie is 11 gooil otlcnsive man and
on the defense .Mills is n "knockout"
a tackier. He can be counted on to
bring down his man, and Imiij; lum
oovvu haul, when it in up to lum to stop
and "Snilz" Snyder, ends.
I P.iunwnsser is a brother of the star
1 fullback of Carnegie Tech's gridiron
Substitutes who lire dependable arc:
Ml -
0. y-r-ZJr
Guy Nickalls May Come Back
'pi lint pik ('(inn.. Nov t-1 Gu N'lif
ntlq uhn o.irhpfl Ynlr crow m from 101 In
11)17 will iro'.mbl. "neenmn tht? succpiot of
Profeaior Abbott who ivtiBTiPd rpcontlv a
row inn mpntor Announremfnt hns been
nuthorlverf bv the Ynlr iiihletii board that
NirkiillH belns dpfinitelv conltlereii
. Neither do
i There Is No Substitute
Money-Saving Facts!'
2St, IT
mmA i
IS. Oh Just because It will be an upset and
H I'm 'niurlnir on this because Center upset
West Virginia
A $32.50 overcoat, sold
by other stores for
$50.00. '
A $37.50 worsted suit to
order sold by other stores
for $60.00.
ivHii Pmii KiihRnn. last year's star, lm
personating "Buck", nortgers. of the West LI
Virginia team, n throwlnir forward passes. U
tne entire niieniiun ui ni ""' ...-..
yesterday was directed to worklns up a de
fenne aualnat the invaders Saturday
A iwrMnteiit drizzle, with a sloppy ffrhf- ' N
...n.ir nn Imnanail tho -V rmv'n wnrk- I ri
out yesterday, but the cadets, with a much
battered line-up, floundered about In the ratn
and mud until darkness set In
The Dartmouth football team finished its
preparation for the Uroun game by going
' through a long signal drill,
Coach Shipley nut the Delaware College
varsity and scrubs throuuh a hard practice
on a muddy field yesterday
Haln anit a slushy field liept the Yale
eleven Indoors yesterday. Hec.tuse the teum
. was compelled to curtail its practice on Vt ed-
nesday the coaches desired to order a short
With Warner Field In good condition.
1 Susquehanna's football squad wa able to
practice yesterday In preparation for the
. TUcklnnon Semlnary-nusquehnnna game here
" Saturday.
This week has been marked by stiff 'work
outs for the Amherst football team-In prep
taratlon for the big game with Williams Sat
urday. 'f The William, varsity was excused from
' ecrlmmago eaterday.
Conch Heady changed his tactics somewhat
yesterday and swung over from drilling the
jnen In the attack to the defensive. The
forward pass ruled, and there was much open
work In tho scrimmage, Rote did most of
the passing.
, Light scrimmage practice yesterday con-
eluded the Hyraeuse University football
f team's workout for the Colgate game Sat
i urday.
Coach HI I'auxtls .jesterday began whlp
? lulling them Into shape for the onlv remaining
, Kame of the season that with Delaware,
The llurknell gridiron eleven Is well
' primed for tho football struggle with Uettys-
Afore old Colgate stars Julned the coaching
utaff yeetettlay and lent their efforts to the
final preparation for the game with Syracuse,
flrttrsburg had Its last hard practice be
I lore the Pucknell game.
'M il w ippFfypsB.rp.pO''E'pii u u v m m m m y-y inmum
v vi w w v v w w i v vwv jvy
IS easy to make extravagant state
ments and support them with fictitious
WE DO neither. Every statement we
make is backed by solid, logical,
Saves You Money because our second-floor rents
. are very small ; ,
Saves You Money because we make no expen
sive free deliveries;
Saves You Money because we have no charge
accounts or bad debts;
Saves You Money because we buy in enormous
quantities for a chain of stores.
Genuine Cordovan
ISBaBaBaBaBSBal vv HHisK. wt
today, Bkk xS4Mk&
but not HL vbHhIs.
litter limn "Shw ujHH
Huturdny exSSS
1 1 I'. M. - VSCT
' i;i(lrii hiiei'lul. (lenulne Heater llrinvn
with light suede top Corilo calf men'a
Hlioe. Kngllah painted toe In la-e ?7.l)e
or hulton. 12 Value I
3 R. & L. Stores
1 T538 Market St. 728 Market St.
Men's Shoes Only
Just 235 Pairs al This Price
Because of an extremely for
tunate stroke of foresight wo
landed just aao pairs of these
fine custom made shoes sim
ply remarkable values
that cannot be bought
elsewhere for less
than $12. They aro
genuine cordovan
the finest wear-resist-'
ing leather obtainable.
You'll have to dot
quickly if you want n
AT I'ltlCKS 30". U.MIRU
A 1,1, rllll.ADHI.l'MIA
44 N. 8th St.
Men's and Women's Shoes
UrritS JXSJLQ MV11 EVGS- 1 1
Special Value
Usual $45- to $50 Quality
Reversible Leatherette Coats
Wear them either way, one
side leatherette raincoat, other
side fine knitted or tweed fab
ric. Raglan sleeve and belt all
around make it one of the
striking styles of the season.
Save and Be Satisfied!
Both are possible in any of our stores. Not only do we offer
a complete selection of the finer grades of clothing at money
saving prices, but also back it with our unqualified assur
ance of satisfaction.
Silk -Lined
Suits and Overcoats
of the better grades
And up to
Savings on all a $1 0 Bill on Some!
2d Floor, 1425 Chestnut Street
1l WLV ID WW V 'I "ft ? AU l!M
Open Saturday Evening Until 9
Grcenleaf Still Winning
Uolph tlrrfnloftf Ihp lfnillnif lomendrr for
tlic liufk! Iilllliird i h impionshlp. yi'sterdav
Imri'iisiit IiIh liflil ovt'r tlnrgp t'Urk In their
loii-tmlnt niHtrn tame In AtHurlci Daly s
room In New York by taking both the alter
noon and eenlnff Rnme
ilrpinle'f nun the itiernonn Ramo by JOtl
tu 11 nnd timk tho f''nlnit tontest, 100 to
Till (lrcpTHPHf Ipmls his opponent In th
f.iur nlKhtx pl.iv by Itlll points. Thn srorw
fnr thp nrsi four blocks li Orcenleaf. 800
lirl. Mil
- Two Seme .
1" H 1
of famous
Clothes for
Men and
Young Men
Advertised Brands o:
Clothes ForMcnandYounflMcnat
There must be something "different"
about a clothes shop that can double its
business in less than a year. That's what
we have done here at the corner of 15th &
It took just such an
orgy of "highpricing"
bf clothes as is now go
ing on everywhere to
l make the econ
omies of this
fast growing
shop doutily at
tractive lo those
who have an eye
to money - sav-
And this demon
stration o f oi r
value-giving- power
couldn't come at a
more opportune
m o nj e n t, when
clothes-buying is at
its height. It is
just this: For $40
you can have your
choice of nearly 50
nationally advertis
ed brands of clothes,
positively undupli
cated in Philadel-
, phia for less than
You get 2000 of
I themto choose from
in Suits and Over
coats, the beauty,
quality and tailor
in it nf whiVh will
: ri$
exceed your most j;'
extravagant expec- f j-
f ofir.r.0 C.rmr orrl V i
see them.
i ., i jH Aiif5artifia
S i Sjsw ) (SK5fe,?vv
rlH w "
5th and
Open Daily Till 6 P. M., Saturday Till 10 P. M.
.New York IJfeadguarters, 15 Wt 34th St.&
h v