"J svV" U IS.VI&ttffG PUBLIC LjBUGHSn-rPHlLVDJBLl'HU, JpJLfrDAY, K0VBIBl3Jj 14, JOJb t p u Tffi OP GOS WRONG, FOR BATTLES ARE FOUGHT AND DECIDED ON GRIDIRONNOT ONPAPE MORE SURPRISES AND UPSETS IN FOOTBALL EXPECTED TOMORROW With Paw -Pitt, Princeton -Yale, Colgate -Syracuse.' lirown-Durtmouth, State-Cornell and llurvurd-Tufts , OH, MAN ! GAME'S FASCINA TION KEEPS MANY COACHES WORKING OVERTIME Gridiron Instructors Often Sacrifice Business Opportih nitics, for They Have Such a Chance to Develop Pcr- sonality and Power They Dislike to Pass It IN Till-; SI'OItTlhflllT ltV OKANTI.AM) KICK CorjrlRlit. IMO. Ml rights reserved. About Runners "l-'oolbali has been full of great runners this season, ntmnsi n r,.nA (boS To PHOWH Booth Anjd FimDS it occuPicd AS 5O0M AS 7 HS EMD5 THIS RECUBRW yARNv' u, go GOES To PHbME Aisio Gr.T BlISV .IfiMAl-. Gee i mijvt STuADf IH0L6HT PHOM( naauD ILL BE LrVTl? FoR Dinnvhr -Tt-lOiMllT I AfJD pnoue MAUM I 'i v on Schedule the Dope Is in for Another Jolt V ',, , I 'Ts. '' ? . i v 1 !: i i mj 1 y i j f ; ! '' v 3 t t 3 k i ? ! I 5 . i ft I If, II ! - I r. li.v KOIIICKT V. MA.WVHI.li spurts milur Ivinlns I'tilil'i I . I -it T TIM; fiMilli.ill iliM' riin-i nuiiitllng to form liitwirrnvv llmm will lit' many ti- scls to siij untiling "f mmiii'Im's (iii -PM'rnI d-lilirnns The liiSRi'st jrnni(" if tin1 M'lir will lie plii.MMl. ii ml mi Hie ri'xtilts hlngr ut'i'P.i nr fnlllirn for tile K'lisnii rciiiiujhiiiiiii ami 1'ittiliiii'gli nrc Hip Ins nHrncfinn in I'lillnilcliilila, Vale nnil I'lincciiiii will rii to it In Np Haven nnd Syraciixampptu f'ntgiitp in Sjinciisc Tin re better same could not lie fuiiittl any place, but just to make tlie clic(iile inteivtiiis thpre are tbe Daitmmitli-I'.rnwn, lVini Stnte-Cornell, Iliirvintl Tufts, West VliRlnla-UulKers, i.rlilEli .Mulilelibei'K. l.nfnvettP-Tl'iii-itv ami Amherst- William tiltx nlso are on the inrtl. The IVnii-I'itt battle b the lilc noise in Pennsylvania, bcinuse both teams have ii wiy sniul cliauce tn win. I'itt has the better i oril, but records ("Hint foi n.iiiKlit when a team is on the run. The pimp kIkiuIiI be close and bard- foiiKl't with the mlvantiiRc on either side I'eilli l due to HtflRC It' collie bnt l while I'itt is likely to slump. So there ou are. I' mi lot her two lust gmiipw. but that does not mean Hie team is an in Xei'lni line. Polwell lias a first -class eleven and can make it intcrpstitij: for nnv icaui in the country. I'enn was unfortunate last Saturday In the Dart mouth ciuie and made many mistakes which will not be mnile nsnin. The Hlim k i strons. Hie defense is powerful, nnil Hint cutnbiiintion sues n Ion? nnv tnwnri winning games. a 'Till: triini has taken Ihinqs rat; tim inii, mnl nil of Ihc players, n ilh the i irrptinn nf Deiter, mr in condition In jiliii Ihc game of l"ii lira. Pill Is Season's Football Mystery "IJl'I'lSIIt I'dlt is one of the mystery teams of the year. I'ven the mriM iiilml I'mither fun will admit the eleven Is weaker than in years, but it nmnup's to win games just Hie same. Individually . I'elin's line Is vastly Fupernir Ileinie Miller and I'ml Hopper are better ends than KcKcrt and llwing. Little and 'I'it.cl or Maynard me better tackles than Harmon, Ilmid or Mcrvis, Carl Tliomas nnd Nejlon will more t linn hold their owu with Meador nnd Mcrienn the I'itt gum ils. and I, ml Wraj is as good as Stein at center Now that's only the dope, as llugliey I'nllei Inn snjs. I'enn's rush line has ,1 on I'itt's individually . but what it will do collectively is another matter. In the baekfleld. Tom Davies stands bend and shoulders above anything Trim i mi produce. 'Pile smne goes for Andy Hustings; but with l)e Hurt out and Jimmy Morrow in poor physical shape. I'enn splits lift) -fifty In that de partment Thus, to drag in Hie figures. I'enn is superior in eiidit positions, I'itt in two and one is even. 1I T nobody has the nerve to i ome out and i-ay that I'ejin will win. J'itt has made a wonderful record with her team, despite the. 'J I to .'! smearing Administered by Syracuse. The big games are being won as of yore, (Icmgi.i Tech. Lehigh nnd Washington nnd Jefferson biting the dust In order. A learn Ml'STbe good to put over stunts like that, and individual comparisons always give I'itt the worst of it. . The leason for the Panthers' success is Cleun Warner, the coach. Warner worked hind this year and coached the team along the lines of least resislaiue. That is, he developed the natural abilities of his players ami gave them plays they lould use. He tried nothing intricate nor did he attempt to follow any sort of a system. He studied bis men, learned what they could do and let them do it. I'enn is playing Wainer not I'itUlmigh. f '.l'vi'. 'nm InnKi like a cinrh, hut ilnn't lain Inn Ucnvily mi the tlopc. Untiles nre fouijlit ami ilcriilcd mi the urii'iifin tint on impel. I'itt plnit hruhiy football, ami tloii't forqet il. On the other mini. I'enn nhn ii tlirie teilli the gumlx, hut il trill hair ,o nhoir some tlmui In inn. To in it look lihe n eloie. luinl Untile, irilh neither Irani the faroiilr. Difficult it l)oj)c FAi-Tigcr Frucux "7.Li: and Princeton will put up a gieat game, and this is another battle difficult to dope. 'I'lie Tigers made a wonderful showing against Haivard and up to the last few minutes of play hail the game won. As it turned out, the tie scoie irtually was a victory for the Ti;;er.s because few gave them even a ('liinnmaift, chance against the Ciimson. As we pointed out last week. Princeton is In ideal shape for big games. The schedule was three times as haul as cither Yale or llarviud, the players have been up against tough opponents for tbe last month abd have bad to fight for evetything they got. In other words, the team is in no danger of taking tilings easy or getting meivotilideiu. From stait to linish they will battle haul, for they have been thiougb it before. llle was defeated by Jtoston College, which jolted the New llavcniles Considerably. They, too. have felt the sting of defeat and me taking nothing for granted. A! Shaipe has had lots of time to get his team In shape and the players will be piepared for Princeton. The early .schedule, however, outside of the I'oston College and Itrown games, vvns not strong eifhngh to extend the players to the limit. Princeton did not play so badly against Colgate, and although defeated 7 to II. the game should have lcuiltcii in a tie sioie. Colgate" had nothing on I'riiiieton that day , which might he good news for the guys who still believe in (ompai alive scores. It is haul to give .individual comparisons of the players because we have not seen either team in action. Anyway, as was proved In the I'enn-Pitt dope, the big thing is team woik in an important game. , 'pills, too, irill hra tjrrat name, ami il trmilil lake n irizanl to piek a ii inner. Ynii ran nil (miicd tlutl hnlh milri n ill fiiht In llte bittci end, no mailer how the dupe fiijuies. ' Title Hinges on Game Between Syracuse mnl Colgate TTP IN Arehbold Stadium. Syracuse. ,N. V., will be staged a game which will lfnve an important bearing on the collegiate championship for l!MP. Colgate plays Syracuse in the final game of the .season, ami that will be an -other strenuous affair. The teams have been rivals for years ami this year tlje rivalry is more hitter than ever. Colgate breezed through the season soaking the daylights out of everybody e.cept Dartmouth, playing n T-to-7 tie with the (iiecn. Daitmoiith. however, won on a fluke, a blinked kick in the last minute of play giving them their only scoie. Syracuse startled the world last month by defeating Pittsburgh in a terribly one-sided game, but Hopped the next week when Washington and .Jefferson won by the score of 13 to II. That viitually put Hie Orange out of the running, but she came back stiong mid won all of the remaining games. JSuik O'Neill has .a ery good team up theie, and if the men piny together Colgate will not have an easy time of it. TJOWKVKU the Mamon iiemx to he the larnnle, hut you nerer enn tell. Hoth teams hare plnitnl good footlnill nt times this temon and miijlil have another yood dayt ' State Should Win Over Cornell T)I'NN STATK minders up to Cornell to mingle with the Itig Ited Team " and should win. State is niacin d by Hugo Ucsdck, who. by the way, is proving to be one of the best inaches In the country. Hugo, It will be lemem beied, inuuages the Pittsburgh Pirates In the summer and Is no slouch in baseball either. He took a gang of veterans this season, taught them a new system of play and after it slow start came through with a rush and trimmed I'enn and Lehigh in succession. lie should have little difficulty in winning from Cornell. Percy Ilaughton is back in Harvard, as win predicted a month ago. and ivlll walch the Crimson play a terribly haul and important game with Tufts. Harvard took no chances this year and went through one of the softest schedules ever attempted, However, the players will be on edge for the Yale game next cek after the Tufts workout. WKST YIJMiINIA, having recoveied from the unexpected walloping handed out by Center College last week, will be slacked against Rutgers nt New Urunswick. X. ,T The Mountaineers probably will show another reversal in fpinj ant) do boaie good work. They can play, when .they have to. - Comstat TH0U6HT I CU Q,HT Tr Try AG) AIM rvlOvA; TO PiOrvE MrtUD Goes To Pi-iomc AMD A6mm FimDS 'Booth ocCuPCO v , - 7 n. y S.J . V - . x C " vortex YoV 4 -Lf ' I BUMCH OF dO k35n! fe fej I MeM you vJGueR Finluv Goes Home UATi WITHOUT HAWIfMG PHOMGD To UHFtS r ) I Did; i Tried I To GET You otsi Tr& Phone s5EseRAL TIMEi v friitmo wire " News Comment. PITT GETS DAVIES CORNELL IMPROVES ACKFORPENN TIGERS WILL WIN SA YS i Kjrcix, i Kimnin rJL I o ncrCMCC CIID CTAK i crop, knew qomr other i tinners jmt ahout a itar ago; Their names ir fnninllru note amid the seaion's play; r Thru never Iried tn run an end or hit the line a Mow, Or siriflly rfi nrio? the goal a htindud yaids aivay. ''Ac; had to tal.e n message nheie Ihc hally wire iceie ciC lly f spray of high efploilvc that had sirept anirSi the plain; A ml they irm hed their n ay hy shell holes ami the soddrn ditches' rill Where the halleicd line irui icaiting In the shell fiic ami Ihc rain. i 'They had no ehceiing Ihaniands in emit n happy screech A i at dan n they slnrled nriftly on their long ground-gaining runs. Out avroii the bloody hiqlnrayfor the goal they had In tench Was a I', V. in a diig-niit that teas coined hy the guns, ' iltnf a P. C. in a dmi-niil hy a dip or sudden nitre On the badly balleied hillside or the broken little ioirm: Antluhile no one irmemher here's a toast irhieh they deserve "To the valiant luartid runners u-ho ucic never luld on downs!" Why Coaches' Stick SKVKKAK sideliners hnve asked us at one time or another just why foot ball coaches stick to a team for so many years. j Ileie is an answer we have just received from one of the best, who could make much more important money in other wnjs: j "I have really no business lontlnuing to touch. The work is hard and i trying nnd for professional reasons it would be better for mo. to stop. Jiut no man who has not done tfiis woik can icnlizo what the association with the men ivitiiy iiiciius. "Theie is such mutual confidence and there is such absolute baring of cbnracter. A touch and his men mighty near see each other face'to face not through a glass, darkly. . tt'Tlin coach has smh an uniivial opportunity to develop person- alily ami potccr that he hales to let such a chanie gn by.'' That's About All "piTTSIH'Klill so far has only tackled West Virginia, Syracuse, Ccnrgia -L 'i'i'ih, Lehigh and W. and .1. And about Hie only elevens she has jet to meet ate Pennsylvania and I'enn State, Team Leaves Today With Star Quarter for Red and Blue Game Star Princeton Halfback in Infirmary Yesterday, but Left for Yale Game. With Team Today WASN'T SICK AFTER ALlIAT STUDENTS GO, Pittsburgh. Nov I I. The last piae lice of the I'litsbnigh football It am before the I'eunsvlvani.i game w.is taken vesleiilay, when a light sci iniiiiage began npeintions, niter whiih the liaiii was pul through a signal test with 'Com D.ivies calling the plays. The Kiski lad came in this mominc fiom his home at the ieipies of Warner, who is paiticulaily anxious to play his flashy linlfli.uk at Philadelphia. motlv because of being ni fused of laving b.uk I for an alibi in case of defiat. And I then, besides, Davies is a lad who lecoveis iiiic.l tiom iniuiies, and ir I is believed that he will be in shape to stmt the game against the Ited and I Iille on S.tttirdav . I Davies played at ipiaileibaik yester 1 dat, nfteiuiioii and, while he sbovvul the elleils of his lay off, taking mailers ,i 'little slow. Warner was satished 'it t lie? end ol the woikoul thai a i oiiple j of ila.vs' mole lest will help him gieatl). it is icrtaiii that he will leave vvilli the team this morning, and Warner said In-I nigM that if hi im proves fiom now on he will be plaved at iiiaitelb.ick. Scraps About Scrappers I!y I.OI IS II. .IAKKK TTKIJ'Il different specia' matinee lmv- 1 ing piogranis aie being arranged for f'hibidi'lphia fans Thanksgiving Il.iv 'afternoon. The National. Olyinpia. Cambria and Auditorium mall hmakeis are bus) getting togethci all-star bout- or something, and the ihaiues aie thai llMMMI follow eis of the tl) mg lists will iliave satislied their hunger fur snaps las an appetier befoic taking a tall lout of joiiiig or old Mr. Tin key. Iteiiny I l.efinaid vs. "a very good mini." n I I. eon Itains says, will he the tinnl bout I at the Ohnipia, with Willie .laiksou Pal Mm an in the fruirth round Mvs , lerious .lohnny" Mooney s.ivs "Nm a .wind" in leferenie to the probable pro- , giaiii for the National, .lohnny limns looking the local held over lor at - iinriive talent, while Milieus Williams. too. is prcpating a show to be featund with 1'hlll.v tighteis. Due of the prin lipals in an Auditoiium ioiitct will be Tomni) 1. liens, of rniimoiiut, who has, been training for a leturn to the ring. I ilille flatten is In ttn fnim lh lii'iu It nUlhl will! .lihtni .Vlahonev uf llii.letun i will lie i:dHr.l flrn at Hih resuUr boxing ! se.isim anil when Mullen nnimilli the Kiinij ' i ihe I'limlirla he will !" nrepared in, l'"s : in very let Ji Mitarion vt vv Hue i MelMnslcev is Ihe iieuil Other numbers are .!nhnn Mnrcan v l'llarli-v Hear. Kreildv Turner vs. Vnuns Kilnatrlik anJ Willie Kei- l Simon a. D.inny Hn.lu-er ittekv Kuns.is iimv be for. ed tn travel u toikj roHd flt Ihe National tomnriovv nlm t when he pvvnps dHttlM llh .Ine Tlelilz '1'hb . -alaiut the enrt nf a M" rap It will he a ilam-nwanpl'iii Hetln Ine O'Dnnnell. a f.Khter. meelH I'.itfcv Inhnfon a bnxer. in Hie serai. uuier w. i-nau nfii uuuia a f llohby t)ale ve tlattlinK .Murra lohnm .Mahnr.ev ve FranUb- Mnc and l.arrv llantien VM. VutiKi Lee Toiiunv (Mirliian in in thp flidd fur a trail. I at Jlrninv v ,ili ma nianaiier vvr;tea mat l tlw. Port Iltihnimid tad whnuld nnt be over- iDQlte, In tlie nl nf an elimination tour ney to lib I. an iippmifnt fnr tho petit llrlton Ilin1il NiiBenl, nf Kaltmouut, la prepnr Inff tn Kit bail. Into rlnu harnena. Anv nf the folinuini; i in liava N'usent's name Ilushey lluti hlnaiin Willie .Matk. Kb) Wan ner Little Hear Jnhnny Huff anil Ilattlum Murraj Ciltlle llarvev a bantam In the latest ae nuldllon to Herman Itlndln'a hlu alable ftlntlln haa boxers tn every claim frnni a flj vveluhl to a hnavvvvelaht. .Mrt CnuiEnn nil) flnrl Jlrninv Murphv in nerfeet fettle at the Oljmpla, Monday nlKht Murph haa a tnUR-h aaslunnient en um t'onrfln la linxlnir In top form, havlnlt beaten Johnny Dundee In hta last encounter Irlvh r.llsv (line, who appeara tn be on the deillnn Mill meet Ititellle .Mill bell at Milwaukee. November IP They are to welsh In at'UH pounda flt 3 o'clock Hy SPICK HALL Kvetllnc Stair Terresi iiiuIiMit nf the I.Piltfer Piiutetoii, N. (tj THINK ,J T fill, II. J.. Nov. It. light to beat Yale ; at aie going in theie and an) tale. light them." Tills is what Coach Kill Itoper s.iid of Print elon's t haiices in the antiual football snuggle with tlie lillln tomor row afleinoiin in the Itovvl al New Haven. Itopet , Willi the other membeis of his tiiloiiug stall' and Ihe tliange ami Illiiek tpiail. It'll heic this moining at S :.",ll o'clock foi New Haven v in New Vink Tltev vveie hooked to hold their final signal ill ill of tlie vcar in the Itovvl at I! o'clock Ibis afteiuooti. ICopei ill-mi' a long, pointed spiKc in tin. storv that .Mautey Trimble would not stmt agaiiisi Vale "Il is true that Tumble has had a veiy heavv told ami that he has been Hi tbe iulii niarv ." said the Tiger football leatliei. "but he is going to play against Yale. He was sore and stiff after Hie lltirvartl game and Inter on lie i ununited a cold. We thought that he would be better in I lie iiilinuai v . vvlieie b mid get the best ol til lent ion. than out of it. That is the lea-in he vvils theie. lie toiilil hnvi In en out In pi.utice. but we believed that the rest would tin him good. Theie isn't a t hance that he won't be al his tegular place. Williams at Knd "Williams, too. any worl;. tint lie N Both Teams Have Lost During Present Season When Vale and I row afternoon in Haven neither wll le.lin Vale was (Iff leue and Trim Inn I'lllverfllv of Uial The reason renin!. tnlliivv Princeton L'S Princeton n Prlnielnn . Ill Princeton n Princeton il Print eton . . in ilni'lnn meet tomor- the bowl at New I fare an unbeaten it 1 1 .1 b llnston Col- was donned bv the iiitmla and folkate. uf the two bl learns Total.. Vale Vllle Vale . Vale . . Vale . . Yale Total . . St 111 . .1 . .17 ... .11 . II . ..142 I'rmiti I.alnvette Itoi he.ler I'nls'ilte , . West lislnl.1 . Ilarianl ... . Total .spsd V1KM . -Notth Carolina.. Iloston CollcKe. . Tufla Mil. Slate . Ilruwn . , Total. 12 O l!j;S0S' aie gircn at tn why I'itt failed to take on Colgate, nm liiinulli ana Jinn Male. Ithacans, Much Strengthened, Complete Home Schedule With Tomorrow's Game last iui-up, Yale won 10 to (I. Piince ton last won in 11)11 hy the scoie of Ii lo .'!. I'liiiieloii and Yale began playing each othei oil the glitliion ill 1ST.'!. I'loui that, time unlil the piesenf they have met fort) -two times. Yale has won twenty -three limes, lost ten aiitl " " have tied in nine eucouiiteis. Piiiiceton this )ear is determined to atltl another In the t iiuiparativc small number of vitloiies that she vvou ovei Ihc Illue. I'elow is the iccord of Piineelon i.i her games with Yale : 1i.siver.s to Queries I'ntil .1. Kehoe "Catchwelghta" means an old vvelxht or In other word, when a man enters the rlitar without welshing In A. W. lasnard h hlsire9l purse for h Iiun ii llsht. It is aold, wa luuao In Newark 4. -t. ( . Harry ttreb was horn June 4 I8IH Scraps ririiilrr Ilattllna ta-vlnsky slarletl boxlni In linn, siorlnn right knockout! that ;ar lie ...rloliiiilly hoietl under the nam of Harney Williams, has not been tloiu" also is lo be at his lilaie on end. Davis will be on the nlhei end. Ibis lias been tlcliiiitel) decided upon ' Ket k will be ill the game al tackle end that is going to help oui tit tense a whole lot. I think. Of ionise, he will be ,t factor on the offense, too. but In. main work will be sticngthening the de fense. All of our other men ine in good condition and I know that we ali gning lo give them a battle and 1 think thai we ought to win." Yestenlii) theie was a icpoit that Tumble i oiiltl not possibl) leave the 1 hospital anil would not be able to j;o with the team this moiiinig. At the in .ii mar) it was admit led that Tumble was theie ami Hint he had a heavy told and slight attack of tonsilitis. I'urlher than thai, all information was withheld with the leninik that Coach Itoper would give out ail) iufoimntion Hieie was to be given out about membeis of the football team. Klnal Scrimmage III the tinal .scrininiage of the sen.,,,, held on Cuivei-slty r'lchl yeslenlnv af ternoon mure spiiit was shown than in any of the woikouts since the llaivaid game. The Tigei-K have been iiiifoitun ate in having veiy bad weathei all vvtel, until .vcsteiila) . After a M'Cict drill hail been held .."steiila.v. the gates weie thrown op n ami virtually the entile student limit, led by the Cuivci'slty Hand, maichetl m singinK "Hail, Hail, the tiling's All Heie.' This Was followed bv the usual 'cheers for the team nnd tlie individual I membeiH nf tlie vnrsit). Last night an other pantile formed al the Cannon am1 a mass meeting was held About thiee-ipiaitciH of the stmluil heie have arianged to mnke tin tup t,, New Haven. Some of them went tins morning. The majority will not go until tonight. Arrangements weie imule fm special trains to cniry the students, but nt the lost minute the lailiuail a , ministration called them off. nutl the students now have to get to the uinr I of battle the best way they can I Vale Twenty -Hiree Times Winner I Vale and Princeton have not met on the gridiron since 1HIII, the war pie I venting formal football contests In 11117' ami 1!I1K. -I'pon tlie otcasion of tlion- Pickering Hunt Races ; , roMoititnw t v.w.ixv im.i, rny II MiK riMIIIMXVII.l.i: ' , Point to Point Itutr tfntl I'iikerinir hallene I flip Cross Country Knee, the feature events TakM 12 2'.' or 1 .2.1 train on Headim: Autolsts take Lancaster Pike to Devon and thet) Bute Hoail Ihrounh Valley forge tiA.Mf: ni:t"oms .iinvi: t.sT.t ' V .i r Winner l.oser siIIIP 1S7.I Prim etint. .Vale a (u a IsTil v.ii,. , .. .Princeton a iu il Is" Vale .. .Princeton ll to ll Isis Prlniiton ...Vale . t i,, o IST'I Vale . 1'rinteton n l. o lssti Vale . . Princeton o ij o lssi Vole . . . .Princeton ll tj o ISsj Vale Printeton . o t. o ISS.I Yale . . 1'rlnceton 11 lo o Isst Vale ... I'rinietnn o i.j o iss" Ptlin eton. .Vnle... n to .1 Isse. . Princeton. ( ., Yale. .. . u ij o Iss" Yale Princeton lj to 0 ISSs Yaie ... .Printeton 10 ij o lssi I'rlneelou.. . . Yale . . to iu o, ls'in Yale Princeton . .IJ t , o 'sal Yale . ... Printeton pi lo o IMI- . Yale Printeton IJ b o IS'U Princeton .. Yale .. it tj a ls'ii Yale., .. Printeton .'I to o, lvi", Yale .. .. Printeton 'Jn to lo I IS'iil Printeton . .Yale . . 24 to U Is1, r Yale . . Printeton ii to o Isms . I'rlutetuii ...Yale .... ii tu o Is'Hl ..Printeton . Yale 11 to to l'lnii Yale I'ttnceton J!i lo ;. Hull Yale . . ..Princeton 12 to ll PniJ . Yale Printeton 12 tu r, Pm.l .Printeton. ... Yale. . It to fi 1 5H4 Yale .. . , I'rlnteltiu 12 u n lllll'i Yale Princeton 2.1 to 4 Paul Yale ...Princeton o lo il I'l'lT Yale . . . Princeton 12 to 10 lulls Yale Princeton 11 to B llni'l .nle Princeton 17 to ll I'llo Yale Princeton . .'. to .1 1011 . Princeton. . . . Yale .. il to .1 ' rilj Printeton. . . Yale .. ll to ill lata Princeton. .. .Yale. . . .1 m .1 mil. Yale Printeton.. Ill to 14 Hill . Y.tb- Prlnceion 1.1 to 7 1 Kilo . Vale Princeton lo to u SHULER AND MAYER RETURN Ithaca. N. V.. Nov. 11. A rejuve nated Cornell football team, possessed of an effeftivo plinth anil trained especially in defensive play for the oc tasion, will meet the I'enn State eleven, one of the gieat teams of the Knst, on Schoellkopf rielil, toinoirow ill the last game of the home season. Al Hinged bv the schedule makers as the climax of (he fall atlivitics here, developments of the last si- weeks make it eel lain that the game will be iu fact lis well as iu name the most interest ing and Hie most significant of all home t unless mi the l!M!l Cornell schedule. Ilesltles (he game itself, which prom ises to be a line treat for football fans, the till) has been set aside for the fall reunion of giiitlunlcs of the uiilvetsity who ale expected to 1 etui il iu large utimbeis. The Cornell eleven has shown a high inoiale and plenty of pep in its prepa ration for the State game, ami rcptuts from the practici; Held are that the im provement shown in tlie game against Carnegie Tech last Saturday bus not mil) been maintained but that Hie eleven has developed greater offensive power. The baekfleld lias been strengthened by the leturn to form of Shitler. f tl 11 -bin k, and C. Mayer, light half, who for the last three weeks have been kept out of the game by injuries. Tlie de velopment of substitute backs like Mae-' Ken.ie, Livingston and Lechler iu tin last three weeks lias been so encour aging that Couth Hush for the first time tin's year lias pjenty of good backs from wiiitii to choose. Captain Shiverick already has dem onstrated that he is close to 1!)1." form when be was one of the most biilliant halfbacks iu tiie Hist. im 1 1 na IM.I wLf a'i QM mTTtsH f it . islllNTanvs Waller Rennie vs. Joe Nelson Ivan Scott vs. Joe Stahl Johnny Buff vs. Mickey Russell Mel Coogan vs. Jimmy Murphy III I.I. AN'DV BRENAN v. SCHMADER Beckett vs. Dempse.y IV .IOSKPH l!i:t'Ki;TT knocks out M'sieur Carpentier, which he will very probably do unless the Kreiicbmau has come back liOS per cent since the war, .loseph will stuuil out as the premier boing Kuropean. We will then have a direct issue between Km ope and America antlt while it may prove to be a joke 'light, the lTuiopenn clamor will give it some piestlgc. As it will he an international affair, why not open the list league of nations conclave by announcing : "In this toriier .1. IScckett, of Knglaud." "In this corner .1. Dempsey, of America." v tfrilVRV, gentlemen irill now open Ihe league of nalioni in a foi mal manner." PICKIN'C an All-American team this season will be almost as easy as decid ing definitely, without further debate, the name of the party that won the war. ' C Ol.d ATI!. Syinvinc, I'iltsbnrgh and Pennsylvania are now all ilamorina for the cxwits lo pick the other team to tern. Every little hit nnani a liifle mme in the nay of moial support. "SIMON-PURE" BERRY Speedboy Coach Says He's Not Get , ting a Nickel and Is Amateur "The intimation that I am being paid fn'r my services," sa.vs Howard Ileiry, AVest Philadelphia football coach, "is absurd. 1 turned down sev eral lucrative olTeis fiom college teams back in the summer. 1 want to keep my ninateur status untarnished so that I' can have a cliauce lo make the Amer lean Olympic team for the games at Autwein next jcar. So, having re fused a gootl fat salary offeietl by a cer tain Peiins)lvania college in older to fctnj among the 'simon pines,' it is Inn illy likel.v that I would risk my hopes of taking that tilp to Kurope for the j Ton (Inlhiiw llmt sllcti n inli nu tisutif ,.( coach at West Philadelphia High wnuhL have paid." ' ijQSOGOM ; or SUIT pKH3V Custom Made j Vwr Correctly Tailored i w All Woolen Fabrics Delhcry flimruntml Wltl.ln 2 Veijkn Harry I. Jacobs & Co. , 906 Walnut Street CII.X. P. M I.I.I viN'Wnlnut 730 ACmMon Sole Shamrock IV Is Towed to New Dock -rr Ne .,rk. nov nsh.,mrocii iv sir A BIFF! BING! BANG! A unman jiiijiimi a aiiicmim a vur' iim iltririvr, ttrtH put mprbourd Ht South Jirookljn an1 toil.iv will lio towetl to sptty Islnnd where she will be hauled out for the winter and next April fitted out for the cup rai.es which are expected to be hvld In .lulv Sir I'honidM haw his racer uncoeretl for the I firm time In flt ears. i Dempsey Won't Fight Yet c (hhiittci, Nov H .Jork Dempfte worlds h'dyweltht champion, will not enaao hi a ting rontest bofore March Jack Karns ihe tlttehnlder's manager announced last niBht me champion will be ensaeed until that time in making a niovlnn picture. iJempaey finished his circus engagement In little Ituck i Ark Tueda i Saturday, Night, Nov. 15 loo Tint I (7. h. Kudo Kunnus Palsy .lolinsioii . K, O. .Toe O'Donrnll l.ohhv I)n in. Ituttllnir .Murray lohnny 31a honey h, rrankla Kite Larry llanMon . rneiry l.ee TUUeta ut nonatth'H. 33 SjltliSt, Ni reKertatloiis. held after 8 1'. M. l OU can't beat them for J comfort. It's just like pillowing the feet. You can walk twice as far antl stand twice as long on your feet in these famous comfort shoes as you can in ordinary shoes. And whon you stop to think that they only cost you $4.95 the pair, how can you afford to pass up the op portunity? Try a pair. S AT NATIONAL A A. S CA.M11HI ,. (.'. Hums i. Keener. Jlgrs. KensliiKtoii Ate. & Somerset riun.ir i:vKMNn. mi v. htii i:i)Illi: MIII.I.IN vs. JOHNNY M.XHONEV rouu utiu:r star iioutn FOOTIIM.I, University of Pennsylvania VH. , Pittsburgh University . FRANKLIN FIKLIJ. NOV. 18, 2:30 V. I'reshnien vs. lilskl Hiliool. I;3I) . m Reserved euts. S't.nn, K, SI.BU, On Jul. liimler una A. A. OfflM, r ule WARM, DURABLE COATS ($wMW0ft COAT COAT. Wfi tor onlj D2 1 10 Kiuctly like. tut. Heavy vvool'llnetl slieeiisltlii lollur. bltle, ptitkets. ifnlH.l IV rist I'rnlertnrs SUrs (rum 3d to SO In. LetiKtli 31 ins. Can be worn on either side exactly like cut. .50 Mm -Jmm mwm i'if ! sjaaaBgwwmiLiii in i Si Il for 9i BBBEjtMwB WJ 1 JHk?lll , f wmk?mBBMm KKK.mtAtCvjS.m' WslsHHBBsMsWv. id mmmta9mzs3mQ"v. "" ". 1,1 : WA mtAWA niiiiiBiiisV HHHQH Hffi Vrom 30 to flO MVKUT-OIIK C nniHU'IlKT-UKIl 0 C fil'',P!?i and y 1T t'orilurny l'linln y IOernlU. a pair J U'onluroy Vet. X O Wortli 7.00 I All Color I All filieiT MORRIS FINER, 812 VineSt. All Mzeti- Workmatt'H f)prn UHiniifm t r-rits. 'Mnll )r!?rj Fltteil in, Iterrlnt of Trlr vmrfTTa rrril COMFORT SHOE Aik For No. 217 Ulack Vici Kid Sen sible rromy toe, Flnt licel, broad shank, ham cushion sole. A ser icpab!ceery day shoe with n dressy appear mice. Others equally re markable in value at $3.95, $4.95, $5.85, $6.85, $7.85 and $8.95. OTHUt MU1IUV .SJOHUH NEWARK SHOE STORES GO. Ltrgctt Cbtin Store Shoe Co. In Tie WtrlJ. 298 Store in 97 Cities. ISjM Market St.. ttttvvcrii lSlh and 13th. .. . 'r.",,1,i u"ni it.. iiPitr jvntritct, ?.Z;i Ij'ns riKton Ave., Iict ynrk anil Cumberland ?.!5 li'slnuliii Ave., near Hart i.ane. 1.17 Norlli Kill m near Cherry. Hi Sunlit St.. near ilh. ..'.'ii 'I?11'.1.1 B'-,(1 st" "''" Clieslnut. ii.in N. I ront hi., near Dauphin. fltlM (lerniantovvii Ave., near C'ttelten. '.i'i. Sull,h. Jiotweeii tlroatt nntl tilth Sts, ".'?.! 2'"".r.UhJf.r 'x,, neiir "' ai Ntirth Htii. lmtvvee,n Rnco and Vine ai, .';! yttrU.'i l,1". 'l tth nnd Blh p i'V.'i ,..l:5"lfV,, A n'r Orthodox Ht. rjlH II I ilce Ave., near Columbia. VI Kin St., MitllUMilik. HII ILrmnnlnHK ..m l.t U.M...I . W i 1 - .-..., ....... wi .udiri.n i v.srrtDri t CA1E.', UIUH.NUTO.N, IHUSTOL, C'IIJSkk ,r .i 'V i' r rtl