'V - - J!iJi?lslJN'CS l-fULIC LVDOmi I JilLADELPHIA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1910 22 r 1ST It I . U- l;- 8 A II& r 1$ I. w I'KJ 1 WONT PARLEY WITH BOLSHEVIK! nrlrs wore nlroiidy lining Hie present j clineil to lake option on eoinmiinlcn ntrifc In Jtiisilix Id htreiiKtiiou mm Influence. , Ki'fi'rriiis to (lie Mi-rullnl peaiv ntl vleea sent liy tin IloWtevlMts. Lloyil (icm-Rc ulil tlie Allle lind ulwitys de- were rapidly nmiroitrhlne Omsk. Ail- MntiH inirttnrtlii!? tit romp from linxtlln mlriil Ivnlclink wis Kf 111 there, however. fOluitriri tlirousli Irri'ipntiMlliio iium- and the fate of the place would only rliH, and he llmiiRht It Inadvlsaldc oflie iIitMimI as the result of the linttlrs depart fiom (his practice. ; ' ho fought shortly In front lie admitted that the r.cl-dievlsts of the cltj. lHfflm&tift Lansing Declares Government Will Ignore Conference At tended by Reds DENIES CHANGE OF POLICY Washington, nv. II. -The 1 nited Slates (iovprnniont l liostile to iim project rontemplatin? nunpiiniiUe with the ISoUhrvhtH, it was made known lij the hlK.ieit imtlinrit at tli State Department, and nllt not piirtiH pa an. mfTenre to which Unx-lnn Bolshevist rpprc.spiital'nc.i are admitted, whether fit eotifereurp Involve the Unltle slot's, merely, or the whole of Itnssia Seeretnri l.nt. ins emiihal.ed the Ktatement that the soviet govern -ment of ltti-sia W fiiithlexx ntul ireaeh erous. and that N'leolai I.eiiine had de rlnrrcl acn-enients entered into liy the Bolshevists would not he olierved. anil that if an effort should he made to re vivo the 1'rinkipo eonfeienee proposed rlitrinc the earlier essi-ms of the pence conferenee. anil to include ii11-lti--iiiit factions, the UoNhevists as well a l jied mid Herniated powers' representii tlves, the I nited States would not take part in it. Mr LnnsiiiK indicated that the pnl toy of the I'nited State, in respect to Russia is the same poln-j de rlared several months ngn. when this coverunient invited ail nations to out- j law the lloKhevist regime in Uuiii. . There hud lieen no exchauKe of views between the State Department and the British (ioverninent on any new ltus sjan polic. either hefo'ie or since l're- mier T.lmd (ieorse, of Great Britain. I last Satiirdny declared in a speech, j after referring to the failure of the t l'rinkipo project : I '1 hope the time is not distant when i the powers will lie aide to renew- that attempt with better prospects of sue- j cess," It was added at the State Depart- j raent that Frank I., l'olk. under -sccte i tnry. representing the Inited States on the' supreme council of the l'eace Con fereace in 1'aris. had nt discussed the BtiRsiau situation. On the contrary. . Mr Bolt; has informed the State De partment that lie has refused to dis cuss the Kussinn problem. There is no prospect, it was staled, of eartv recognition of the Omsk (iov j ernment. ami there is no oilier covert) - tuent in Bussia containing any promise, whatever of representing the whole mi tion. as (ieneriil Denikin. the Wnrk leader in the sontli. and (icnenil .Inden Jell, the white." or anti P.nWirwt , leader in the northwest, both lime recognized the higher authority of Hi" Omsk Government, nlthoilgli neither h In n position to take orders from ami to co-operate closelv with Admiral Iol chnk, it was stated. LLOYD GEORGE DENIES TREATING WITH REDS London. Nov. 1 1. - Premier hlnul ' Oeorge said in the House of Commons that no person at any time on his behalf or with his knowledge had.. Interviewed Bolshevist representatives' In order to leant whether negotiations for peace might be opened and upon yyjiat terms. i The premier announced that it was I proposed to call at an carl, date an international conference, at which the ministers of the a'licd and associated powers might consider the various problems which the Peace Conference as jet had found itself unalde to set tle, among which was the problem of Russia. I Mr. l.lovd fieorse detailed the difii- eulties of the position of General Ueui- i kill (anti Bolshevist leader on the southwestern Russian front I, saying lie was hoMing with a small army a f-ont of BlOO miles, with marauding bands in his rear -a territory of such vastness I that he was unable to administer it I properly. The premier'offered to give the House nn opportunity Monday next 'o discuss 'the Russian situation, but he pointed i out the dangers of a public debate on such a delicate subject. Meanwhile he , assured the members that the govern ment would not inaugurate a new pol icy or burden tin: country with any fresh commitments. The premier announced that John II. Mockiinler. member of the House of Commons for the Cnmhichie division of Glasgow, had gone as a special com missioner to open up the trade and commerce with southern Itussln. The settlement of the Russian prob lem, the premier said, was most es sential to the reconstruction of the world The conditions In that coun try, he declared, were a contributing feuture to the prevailing high pi ices. Likewise, up said, the German reaction- 0. IBS 'IM fhTH XI """J Th mvuac uidi Founded in 1865 IS e biiill C. J. Hcppc & Son, Downtown 1117-1119 Chestnut Street, Uptown 6th and Thompson Strcet3 Mason & Hamlin, Weber, Hcppo Pianos Aoolinn Player-Pianos, Pianolas, Duo-Art Pianolas Victrolas yvsV TJ SS. vir Order Christmas Victr At HEP our ola FaT? JLi Evory year thero is a large shortage of Victrolas. This year the shortage will bo greater than ever, because tho demand is so srent. You should order your Christmas Victroln NOW, at HcppeV., and your name will bo placed on tho waiting list for Christmas de livery. If It is not convenient for you to pay the entire amount at the timo of purchase, settlement may be uvrnncjeil through our Rental Payment Plan, which applies all rent toward tho purchafo price. There is no dissatisfaction when you buy a Victrola The Victrola is the standard of all talking machines, and every body uses Victor Records. It is because the Victrola was made to play Victor Records and because it plays them better that we sell tho Victrola exclusively. It is better to buy a Victrola even if you have to wait a short while. You will bo thoroughly satisfied. You should order your Victrola today at Hcppo's and thus do nil that is possible to avoid disappointment. Call, phone or write for cataloc;uo and full particulars. NO W Your VICTROLA And SO NORA Are Ready for You NOW Indications arc thnt tho usual holiday scarcity of Victrolas will he repeated again this season. Of course, you will have a Victrola or Sononi for Christmas', but why not order it now and insure having tho style you prefer? Wo will deliver it whenever you desire. Call and see our assortment. Prices $25 to $1000 Wo Will Make Terms to Suit Your Convenience Join Our Record Club B.B.TODD, 1 1 i'iIHuHSIm INC. 1306 Arch 228 Market Pianos Player-Pianos Victrolas Sonoras OPKN SATURDAY EVENINGS VICTItOI.A XIV ttfOO Full Stock or Victor Records s4VAfc u Victroia; $25 TO $350 ir The Diamond Centre of Philadelphia ,r Our stock of diamonds is of tremendous size. And, to meet the demands of our ever-increasing patronage, it takes many hundreds of diamonds each month to replenish our slock. As diamond importers, cutters and setters, with this immense business, we can well afford to charge but a very small profit jon each sale. Small wonder we have been called "The Diamond Center of PMUrlp'phia." Ill- Downtown -1119 Chestnut Street C. J. 1IEPPE & SON Vmuvlecl in 1SH5 Clnp Trli-e fFt"m adnpteit In 1S31 Uptown Cth and Thompson Streets &&w&&m&&wmm.himimimi 'ssMssmmmssnsss m ii;ii!iiiiiu!:iiiiiiiiiHini!iii!iin!iiiiiii!iiiiii! Luxurious FUR at about half price Not having any thop rent can offer Russian Mole, Sable, Seal, etc., at a lower price than gopd Furs can be obtained at any retail store. Shippings on approval MAISON RVSSE Phone Gtn. i800 id "vsam j if Is it still in service? or in the scrap heap? Did it pay for itself . in earnings? economies? or expanded business? wit.cr .iiuirs' iiiuiiitiii Milltulro riiiBR li tnrioiu srails fron S9.no to $330.nn YOUR DIAMOND a IS HERE TIip larilca M-K. sollrl cold coll tanv rlnc.s-, jit left, nrff set with ppifprl cut diamonds of upark lliiB lirllllnncy. A -3-td-oinit diamond., ssn.nn I' l-3-carat dlainond. . . SR.nn '" W -curat diamond .... 119.00 P 'i -carat diamond.... 1l4.no '! 11 -carat diamond..,, I38.no ,V -carat diamond.... 1 75.no , '! -1 '4-cnrat diamond... 371.00 IT D-carat diamond.... 40S.OO 1 - 3-cnral diamond 74.1.00 The Rpntlcnipn's 1 (-IC. olld pr.ld rii Irs. nt riElit, nrp also BPt v.lh pprfect cut diamonds ot richest brilllancj-. .- rtouuil helchpr, H- carat diamond .... S50.00 7! Grooved belcher, U- cjirat diamond 45,00 f Klnt belcher, -carat diamond 7B.O0 P Tooth niounllnp, t.- carat diamond 118,00 Fancy tooth mount ing, -earnt dia mond HS.00 '' -TOnEravPd claw, ty- carat diamond 17.". 00 I! f J moved belcher, t- earat diamond .... 2.12,00 H Platinum irynsy, 2V4- carat diamond 038.no II IIIIJIHI I IL-lvjjSN l II ' Get a Dependable WATCH Our ten- jenr rrpair Cimrnnfen with pery watch. VU. v(iiiM)(i. J r&P NmnlleM Ilrarclf t Watch Minlf Otfc Mtjt KlrlnS. f Vv Os Itl II- ilvS Hamilton f -Wflgi It'll' ijfes Wnltlmin ii l ur wide ranffo of mens wntchos '" lowurd W. includes prices p to CjOCfl I 1 tLJ V Jr -IIH - it; 75 CJ2 ' 1 OE30E iono: n Every Man Saves $10 M'hrn llr Iltl)n III. OVERCOAT 3C her. SnecLillv tail noreel by ua durjnff tho dull eenson. we t now pais them on I to you for only I 22-90 a 9luk 011r Ne- Ifftlon While We Hut i"ir Kll II 3 S S2 0. PR0SEN & CO. si226 ARCH ST. . thmt nttr eienlnK (111 0 o'clorfc otsmitt.; sssaoeaoti.. ,.ajo are still running after 8 years WE HAVE A BOOK, just published, which gives the history of the first 50 Pierce-Arrow trucks made. One was destroyed by fire, one was retired after seven years drastic use, and the others all remain in continuous operation, still paying dividends to their owners. Where are the first 50 trucks of any other make? If even one survives, it is- not the type its manu facturer is making and selling today. The original principles of construction main tained and improved in Pierce-Arrow design ared now standard practice. They have proved their reliability. They give results which make first costs unimportant. Write for a copy of "The First Fifty." Apply its lessons to your truck problems. F oss-Hughes Company 21st and Market Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. Bo the one man In the crowd that can say 'My watch in right," and hnvo the others wot their time by it. Only ouch deiK-ndahle timekeepers will yon find in our Immense stock, including the WflMmown JUkIii, lliiiiilllnn, Howard, Illinois and Wnllhiini watches. We have the IiirRewt election of Indies' bracelet wutclieN In the rlty Among Hi Sn1K i tr t rndXi? ... &1U.UU watch with Wal- $19.00 $7.50 to $1000 Kluln Jeweled movement 11-IC solId-KOld thum jeweled movement 14-K. solid Isold or Klein movement band H-IC. $10.00 white-cold bracelet watch, Octa- Ron-shaned case, hand en- 5?QQ f( cravwl. 15-iewel moement Jv " yJ I Other bracelet 1 watches Lavallieres Our exten sive ranee of lavallieres Includes many at modest prices and Others a s high as li o n n . o o Among our largo i-toek v o u can make selec tions from cold laval- I lleres and p n n l n s or n (i 1 1 num lavalleres set wfth one or many diamonds. The solid-gold lavnlllero shown Is set with an un Uhually brilliant diamond, very attractive des'un 17-jewel Illinois i $28.70 ! "PRESSLYN" PEARLS i iwmm I fcJSWggpH I ; iliMfSniiiii I Made in 5 qualities. Each quality absolutely guaranteed not to break, peel or discolor. Hot or cold water, powder, perfume, any preparation containing alcohol or acid will not affect a "Prcslvn" P'-arl Vecklice. sjaaaaaaaaxaxioqggg UP to Ask for 280-page catalog. Grade K" 'Trewilyn" 10-Inch graduated pearl necklace, beautiful creamy sheen, jC (C solid-gold clasp OO.UU Grade "D" "Presslyn" 18 -Inch cfi 1 ( f( graduated pearl necklnce . ... DlvF.VVf (Jrado "r"' "Presslyn" 24-inch graduated pearl necklace. 14-If gold clasp, set JJQrt (( with brilliant diamond iJfiU.UW Grade "IJ" "Presslyn" pearl tQf (( necklace, with diamond clasp JJVJ.VV Grade 'A" "Presslyn" pearl JMC (f necklace, with diamond clasp JJ.W Other grade "A" "Presslyn" pearl necklaces, with diamond clasps, tEj Art , . VWWIWV Mail orders filled promptly W" fl r'sCCT&N ht ...." s.-2f ArljnHPei a-i ."' rux wrji nv ffi00yC Vist' tl-X n t a & . . . J 1 1 I I -I VIUnrYrrr 1VTAPKET ST.23 N.W.CoR.OmlHesTNyT ST. snn MARKET ST. WILLIAM H. WAN AMAKER. STORE NEWS ' ! 100 of the Finest . Plaid Back Overcoats Are Ready Now! Just in from the tailors and especially marked to sell for $55 $60 mi ill liii fmws'iiivtf' M Mil A' if 1- THEY are won derful fabrics, cut in the medium length, ulsterette model with deep collars. So attractive are they in fabrics, with silk linings and Scotch plaid backs, that we are quite sure none will remain after the close of the store tomorrow. $35 to $65 for overcoats in many styles and fabrics. No limit to selection! Young Men's New Suits (Silk-lined) $50 $35 $40 $45 $50 ONDERFUL Suits in all fashions most wanted. Fabrics, of course, all wool. Double' and single breasted, waist line models. Handsome cloths. Saturday's demand for suits and over coats w i 1 1 be ex tremely heavy. We will appreciate it if you will make your selection in the morning. ' J W Wool Hosiery Gloves Mufflers! GLOVES MOCHA, BUCKSKIN, CAPE, TAN, GRAY AND MASTIC SHADES $3.50, $4.00, $4.25, $4.50, $5.00. MUFFLERS SILK KNITTED MUFFLERS $5.00 to $15.00. WOOL, $3.50 to $9.00. WOOL HALF HOSE SPECIAL HEAVY ALL WOOL HALF HOSE, IN PLAIN COLORS, $1.00, $1.50. Ill . -iinxp wnn i ArlDM OUDUIUm. iii iu inrtcc aiwucj wrm fa''wa j p ' "jmrrM ' ! fVHE SWITCHED.. TO THE LOVEKIN 1 pillllllllllllllllllllllff 1 H "You're too late." he said over tho phone. "Pv already I 6,1fiiT) I 1 I nrderd another heater and I t'y eolng to be put in tomor. I t U l H row." One of our representatives went to see him that B , , m hob t U iilcht Tho order tor the other heater was canceled' and f I B a "Lovekln" Installed Instead. ....vi-n I k"-jtl U ' : H Let u tell you why this man "switched" to "Lovekln I " H I u heater approved by tho U. O. I. and thousands of I II . I H M owners. Send for booklet, I 1 , ' 1 H I LOVEKIN WATER HEATER COMPANY ! I , 39 Laurel Street Philadelphia I fflf-M . moammgjaiigmium : imffjiMMM William H, Wanamaker 1217-19 Chestnut St. Y BRIGHT'S DISEASE Why Sutler Longer) Drink Mountain Valley Water The famous curative water from Hot Springs. Doctors Endorse and Recommend It. Mountain Valley Water Co., 718 Chestnut St. I'lione Walnut .8101 Served at 1edln Clubl.jHotls, Cafes and,T It. R dlnlnc car', Sold by flrst'cjass trocerJudruiHflsts, icf or direct bjtMjs. ssEsnszzs nnnr- I I fell"!' A mi wSBBm :! tmt,l V