TO-- iTfs- fii' i ) T f'Jj 1 'I' fi. '-'OTi'J "sW ,' wc, TS, f it', K SL. i hi r V Iff-- 1, TOT G05SF ABOVT- PEOPLE Nancy Wynne Tells' of Todays Debutantes She Talks of the Winter's Big Halls Other Matters Till' (Vbiitaiiti- nffnlra fur Imlny will be tu Knhupvliivl; lea tu introduco Man mid tin iMntier-ilmiri' wlilrti Ati-i. DiiUmiii MtMims will rHu for Mary Nnrvin mIhi is lior nlw. Sinn l.ilm 'lixl; is tin- ilnimliter of ili .Iiuiii - l-'tilitit'ilm-k-t, nf 'J.'!7 I'ii-,t Itittrnliou i S iiiari' mill the ten will li. pwn tin re She is a slit or nf Clmr "lullc l'dtiai'stock, who iii.tile ln-r ilcliut M'vcrnl coMHis iij?n, iiml of Mi-('luri Falun loHv lm inniTii'il Kdltli Ht'iiitli last .lime Minn of (lip ihlmtiiiitcs will toi'i'lvi' nt tlic tui nml nf tbi' iniit.v will Rll Ollt t Him Altt'llllls lllimr lit till' llnilnoi ulii'i iwiiil, MAUY NOUIHS Is t!u iliuiRlitcr of tin' Hii'lmiil Nonisi's, of flu- Palls ff Hi'limll 111 Him- mntlu-r mis Mlm Siunb tin- si'coiiil nf tin- live Kood luokiiiR Dobsoii wKterx. Mill'y 1,1 wnn1 n "1 v.-iv ilitnty nml ilnii'M with the r(1uisiti' lii'Yi1 tor wlilrli tier fnniih is fni" l (in is vi' i, v iinpiilur nml Inn l iinfn 1,1 kimkI tlllll'. WV, J.' tt,ik abou onnn-N priviloRc t It'- Ih'Iiib ii ci' til i lumen lior muni r if .iljnilt tin- nidi V Didn't yon ! ! tlii'in ,i : 'Tliei-e ain't feoin' to bi' no inMwintcr Irill?" Ami illdn't yon n In ii "Tlinv ain't Biiln" to lie Ho liriii'ilirk-H?" ami tlii'li tin- lii-Nt tliiiiK Jim Know ).,ii ln-ar tlmt tin- lli'iii'ilii'kl will bi' rIumi this jour nn Dcri'inb"! "J(! iiml now mt(ril.iv I l.i'iinl tlmt tin' midwinter ball is hImi on tin' caipi't ami i to bi' cni'ii in IVlininry on tbi' (it!) of Hint inoiitb, tin- Tilil.iy before, thr mm nml Aiwiiilily. Tlmt i i'iIms bi lii:: lnlls for the en ton lii'snli's the balls Riven bj iinllvlil uaH fn" tlu.i nr that debutante: the' two s-.i'iiib,ii's, C'hiirit.v I'all, Midwin ter Iieiieilu-lis and Itul Mniiic ou thy I'M' of Ash AYi'diii'bda.i . (iuliij soini', (Ion t om think'; Till! m-isdh of (kiuciiig clii'-HP- for tho jnmiKPf Ki't is ou ugi'lu. mid timiglit will lie thi' niiiiiii; of Mrs. (Minrli-4 Stown I WniN'a cl'im at tin1 Hellevue Tlieio nri" a number nf diii'ii'i- bi'firr tlip o'iss nml every one is iniiclilv I'M'ited iner the lirst iiioet iiiK T!n'ii''ll be new niemhers, both bojs and siiK, who have attained the age for "iilianee into the eltf-K .since last year, and Mime Mill not be there whn were inenibers last year because thej wi'i hae Rradirited from the lanks of tue scliunl set to debutante Class. JIi's C'lurli's da Co-la is Kivins u dinner t 1 iglit lor Helen Hope Mont goini'M . who will ko this year for the first mm The Haninel Cioziers are givins a dinner for ilazie Cliance, who is Mrs ('id pi's nieee, oil know, who i.s ftiioth t new lneinber this jear, and ho mi Alula Kiseiilney, who-e inotliui vns ill s l-'miny ltalul. tind I-abel da C'.sra, n sister of .Ii'.-sie. Mis l!uh I,p I'onte will give a din liei foi her uaiighcr, Lillie Stmvnit, licfoic the il'i-s, and ilrs. William DraH"ii iJiiingi' will entertain for Kianees (ierlmid, Hie daiirtliter of Dr. and Mii. Aithnr (iyhaul. TIM, dam inn classes which me alwnjs lieM at ili.s. Unbrit it. MuntKoin crj s home, in Villanova. "ktarted up j(stenla nftPinnon. There sre two, jou know. 'I he fiiM is for the younger iliildii'ii, from seven- to nine jeais yl Ki' hiicli as l'niiline Mnnn and I'nilty llysenn.irren. Miialf Katheiine and Trnxtim Hare and others nf that age. In the older ela-s Hie ihib'-en ranse in !!(; iriini ten to twehe Mid mnmii! tliein are Nancy Thonren. I'mily and Alne Vain. Constance llnt'lier. Mai MonfKonierj , lllcanor and Conway Clatke, Katherinc Hnowden. Mnry Clarke. Helen Chance, Alice Criiwold, Xme and I.aleen lk'i'ridge and sev eral i)i nil's. r.'in . ii. the country borne of Mr. nn! M Mni.tgiiinery, is a lovely place and ill l,i rce dance room is exactly fltKil tor -iie!i an affair as a piivatc dam ins lass. Slis. Montgomery lias lui'l ' i -e i lii-spo meet there for sev eral iars. TTk ! almost a big boy 'now, but it J-X happened when be was not so big, and -" it was a serious matter when lie lull a icy bad hint in liis neck nml Hie doctor was hunt for. AVdl. the doctor came and he looked nt linn out the top of his glasses and then he took the funny long -tribe out of Us lit ;le ("i-o and -aid: "Let me take voii i teiiipi'in,tme." A,ud .laikio Mid, pliiintivi'ly: "It isn't "my leni perture that hurts, it's 111 front." NANCY WYNXK. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Mr mill ilrs Thomas Jefferson Dobui of Chestiuitwold Farm, Di'vcil? liuve issued invitations for a large (lance to be given nt the I'itz-Cailtim on Fridnv evenin;. Jii'iuar.v !), in honor of their d.iugliter. ili-s Sara liertha Mr and Mis. (ierirge ilcF.idden, of Ulooinlield. Uu.-eiunnt. ,wniontertain at dinner on Sutiird.iy e'veuing in linnor of Coloui'l and ills. Jiiliu C (iioome. ilr. Uobeit l'.li-s, of New Yoik, will spend the week-end with Mr. mid ills. Mc Faddon ilrs Ki.bert Learning Moutgonierj , of Aidros-en, Villanova, will eiiteit.nii 1 at ilinner mi Saturday. December -1. in honor of her daughter, iliss Maiv Uinuev ilontgoiuei , before the dance which Mi and Mrs. l'aul Denckla Mills mo giving in honor of their daughter. Miss Fram oh Mills. Mrs. Montgomery will spend the week-end with Mr. and Mrs William J. Clothier at Valley Hill Farm. I'lioenixvillo. .Mr and ills. J. Franklin McFadden, of Uadiior Valley Farm, Jto-emont, will give a dinner of tvvcnt.v -four eovcm 011 Suiida.i in In nor of Dr. and Mis, iu hi'iuie It.iKtianelli, of Itome, Italy. Mrs. Iiiisli.iiielli was ilis.s Minion llawle h'JKea her marriage and is a sister of jj3?s II I.aussat (leyeliu. lnvltatigns have been received in this cit Tor the loeci.tion nftOr the.weddiiig of Mis- Alice UUiue Thayer, daughter of ilr and Mrs. Ilenjniniu Ilowditch U'liayej. of 40 Fast Scveiitv-ulnth ktreet, New York, mid Mr. Mnynnrd Cady Ivlhon. 011 Thursday, December 4, at tin Hotel St. Uegis. Miss Until, daughter of Mr. aud Mrs. Charles Wheeler. Jr., of Yllloliova, will be the guest of honor nt a dinner to be given at the Itlts Carlton. on December 20. beforu the Iicnodleks' ball. ilr and Mrs-. John White Oeary, of Kunset aud (lonimntawii nvenueH, will hare nr their guestH at the opening per formance of the opera on Tuesday night. November -'". ilr. and ilrs-. AV. Frnzicr Iiunlson and ilr. and Mrs. John White Oeary, Jr. Miss Harriet J. Cninao, daughter of Dr. nud Mm. I'hurlcn N. Uaucker Caniut', of Nuvv Yin It. will be tlm guest of honor at a hiuiiII reception ou New A-par's Dir at -I o'clock, to be given by Mvi, (ieorge MiCIclliui, of 111(1 Spruce stret. M Ueiiinmiii (ll.vde Wells, or Montgomery avenue, Ilryu Mawr, will give a, small dance nt tho Merlon Ciieket Club, op Filday evening, Jan. uavy -. in honor n! lier daugliter, MIr Jji'tty W(l ami her itepkovv, Sir. I (iinve, Vlllatiuv.i. have Issued iinlta tlnus for Hie dlniier-dnuee to be given at the Itllx-Ciultnn. 011 Monday. De (ember --. In honor of .Miss Helen Hope Wllsnil. Mv. and Mr. William A. I.eibrr. ol Iliittonwnnd Hill. IIi-mI Mawr. and lu'i debutante cousin, Mis IMith Newlin. will leave for New Ynik on Tnesilin ' where tlim will attend the linr-e shmv I Mrs. William Heur.i Hiiglies, of Cued ' li' 11. l.rui .mitt", will iil-o aceninpaii tliein. Mrs. Haloid A. Sands, of l.onghoitf.e. tSr.ui ilawr. is spending a few da, in New Yolk this week. .Mr. Hands is taking 11 lilislm tlip thiough Hie Hoiith. Mr. and Mis. Isaac II. Clothier, of Sunn brook, Kadnor. will lenie mi Tuisday to attend the hoi 0 -how in , New Yolk. 1 iliss I'Vimiy SiiinlekMUi ha- leturned to her borne. JIlli West Ullteuhouse Siuime, after spending the summer at Nnrragansett l'ier, Cnptnln nml ills. i:dmd I'lorens Uiiilius and famlh, of Methlehem nike and New .street. Chestnut Hill, moved today to the lesidence of Mr. .Innies W. Cooke, at tiiiueis Station, which thei lave taken as their iiermaneiil iei- denee. ills. Jluj MUloi Hobbs. who is vis iting this iiinntn at the imitation of Hie Woman's l.ami Aimv of Auieilca. will be the guest of iliss Clbilbelb Lelghtoii at the School of lloiticul ture forrWinueu. Ambler, ou Tae-d.i night. NWcmber n. tin Wediiesda' she will make an address at the Art Alliance, followed by an informal tea. when the piiuclpal garden clubs and agrieullural swifties of I'eiiul vania will be her hostesses, ltefore the meeting she will be etiteiliilued nt luiichenn nt the Acorn Club bv .Mrs. Ciarles Davis Claik. .Miss Anna Haul- Su.Mler. of Car penter lane, (ieimautown. will leave on Salmday for Colorado Killings, where fr seieinl mouths she will be the guest of .Mr, and .Mis. Charles ,1. Wright. Mr. and .Mr-. Theo., Ii'. Tiusens. of CollingsMiiod, N. .1., minnunce the en Kiigement of their daughter. .Miss C.uo Ivn IClizabetli Tru-ens, to .Mr. Kobeit I'. Ciinningha Ir., of New Yoik. ALONG THE MAIN LINE ilr. and .Mrs. I!. I. deVoiing. of Overbrook, have Issued cards for a dance, for their daughter, iliss F.llita- beth deYoiiiig, on Wodiie-day ovouiug. November Lili, at the Overl k (iolf Club. Mr. Franei-McNally spent the week end with hi- parents. Mr. and .Mis. John F. McNnll. at their home, 011 dverbiook .avenue, (hotbiook. CHESTNUT HILL iliss Uosnlie Hurst, dauchle.' of .Mrs. James U. Hirst, 7401 (icrmniitovvji 1 nvenue, will leave on Friday to visit I ills. Krne-t du Font, of Keiinett I'ike. I Wlliiiington, Del., to nttend the j ,cruiiss. ifrs. William S. Cristiian. uf the (loldeii Swan Inn, Mt. Airy, ha- gune to I'ittsburgh for a short visit, and will riturii Ptio end of the month. ' ilrs 13. II. Jlnbinsnn and her small snii will move this week to their new home on .Mower street, Mt. Air. WEST PHILADELPHIA Miss Ilonnie Tote, of 217 South Fort -lirst street, is visiting her brother-in-law and sister, ilr. mid ilrs. Otho il. (iraves, of Fa.-tmi. Fa., where Telephone, Fur Storage and Iiemoclelbir at Reasonable Prices . LUIGI RIENZI CORRECT APPAREL FOR WOMEN 1714 Walnut Street TCsses DINNERDANCE-EVENING DIVERSITY 5IATERIALS AND MODELS MANY HEAFTI- FULLY HEADED OR Fl'ItntlMMED, OTHERS VERY SIMPLY MADE C-ACEFFLIlY DRAPED 57.50 145.00 235.00 SUITS COATS WAISTS FURS II I MH-.... 1 I Faultless Filtinff National Favorites BIV. A iLsoixv v siyy? t JjM SHOES """"" Wji , ffifl I Dependable in Quality.' (LrKji I If 3 j Unfailing in Fit. Uy m ' 1 Utmost in Style. J'Im' I V- lW (kd 1 A 1 10 a y s f Reasonably vMwA Jh, w ' 6 Im These are four rea- '' jp y JnM J 6 YM sons wlif D o,rothislE ff fi m Kjj Dodd shoes are wornsssK' w IKS IIIIII by the m o s t discrim- r J 1 10 inatiny women of to- "rip 9 ,00 Sturdy Walking Boots ii ii I ii Illustrated above, is one of our many subxtan- 1)1 II i II j Hal offerings in all Ko-KoCalf or with harmonizing I Ml I ( tops of ooze. Smart walking heels and famous IJa ' j Dorothy Dodd flexible welt soles' ' Vt ill if Comer Twelfth and Market jlj j ISVEXIXU PUBLIC Mwjiiji 'k & vfik 1 W . . lyjw SsKA5a. Tk ' m& M mm' I'M, 1 t MI.SN ilAK DDItSON MUCItlN iliss Nnrris is Hie ilehntaiite ter o.f Mr. and Mis. Ulili.inl Nnrris. She will be the guest of honor at a dinner dance to be giu'ii at the 'minor Hunt Club by lirr aunt, .Mrs. W Dobson Allemus , she Is being oNteusivel,' enlertaineil. .Mr. and .Mrs. ('raves will ghe a budge party, followed by diincng, ou Sutuid'iy cu'iiiug ill honor of iliss Tele. ili. and Mr-. Unwind 11. Liggett have closed their eoltage In Chelsea and returned to their apartment, nl the nortbeart coiner of Fighteenlli and Walnut streetx. Mr. and .Mrs. S. K1111-, lormerly of 171!) North Cielghton -treet. -have re moved to .",100 Faikside avenue. T.I10 wedding of iliss Helen Christine, daughtei of .Mr. and ilrs. iliirdo Mackenzie, mid Mr. ltalph l'ooth Ilui'haiiaii. took place on Wedne-sla, November ii. SOUTH PHILADELPHIA ilr. T. It. 1 Inncock and Mr. T. V. .Mm ray. of (ialveston, Texas, are the giie-ts of ilr. Fdvvai-d Choice, of South street. ilr. and .Mrs. A. 1'. D.ire. of .1". South ISoceliwood street, entertained tlielr card part at their Inline on Wed- no-ilay evening. Their guests eluded ili-s Katbr.ui il. Ilaggeitv ili-s Julia Donahtieiliss Flsie Locher, ili Janet Craven. Mr. George Linton. ilr. Thomas Coinoifonl, ilr. Hihvnrd Lockbart, of I'ittsburgh, and Mr. Tones Lnnsdowno. NORTH PHILADELPHIA I -Mr. ('ml It. Slanger will give ' inusicale tomorrow evening at his i i.t,i.i;., 'iiiiii v.. 1 il, 'riiicoKiiiii Lh'1,,,1 I in aid of the missionary societv of the Lutheran Church of the Apostles, Sus- iiiehnuiiu nnd 1'ark avenues. The iniiginin will include vocal mid instru mental -elections by Miss Louise Itur- lego. iliss Mamie Foot' . ili-s Fdna Minimi Lindner. Miss Doia Stanger mid ilr. 1 lioinas K11I11111I-. ilr. and Mrs. William 13. Newell have (turned fioni their wedding trip and are nt home at -.17 F.i-t F,-al street. (ferinantown. 1 lie limit. Iietore lior mnrriage, was Misn Viola Herrmanu, o .Mirtl, 1 itlccntli stieet. TIOGA A novel bazaar will be held this aft ernoon and evening in the lecture audi tin iiiui of the l're-h.vteii'in Chinch, Spruce 29S8 ' ll 1. Ii m h 1 J;RD(;J,K-- HJLADELMILA, WlID, . , T I logo and Sixteenth streets by the. uuinbeis of (he church guild llneli booth will represent 11 din of the week ami the nit teles suitable for the house bold woik of that day ullt be for sale. Wednesday mid Thur-dii me after iiiuu tea dajs, tea being -erusl in a tliialiit tea 100111, mid with blight mule. An interesting fentui f I In euMilug eiii-eitainmeiit will be the lantern slides -bowing the photographs of Hie uieni biis of the ohm cli mid congiegatlon, taken when the were babies. The affair is in charge of Mis. I'lederick II. Schneider, piesldeiit uf the guild: Mis Itoland Uuiliaff, vice pie-ideiit; ili-s Anna ilcKillan. Miss Mnbel I'leiiiiiig. secret 111 ies; Mi .lean I,ed wltli. treasiirei'; Mrs, Hei licit P. Welt el. Ml-- ilartha Did, ilinilois; Mrs C. A. West, ill-s i:il.i Dick, .Miss Ktitbr.ui r.lllott, Mrs. .lo-eplune Hew lett. .Mrs. 1,. I!. Snuler. Miss .lenii I Walker, iliss IMith Welsh. .M)s, 1;. Minins, .II-s .Mary Davis,, Mrs. tleorge Wor-ler. Mrs. 1'. V.. Weitet. Mrs. Wllhiir Sinltb, iliss Hlsie oung, Sn. A. llenileks. .Miss Martini Dick. ills. Julia Seattergood, Miss ilny Spratt, ills. Ilentley Collins. .Miss Ulcanor Di-niate-t. iiis. .Imaes Ci'awford, .Mrs. I'. 1 I'laiisnni, ill-s i,oia Crump, ills. lJob ,eii Wilts. Mrs. linger William. Mrs. !D. 1'. Siiler. .Mis. H. It. Lewis, .Mis. I'obcit It. I.ittell and ili-s Dorothy liudls. STRAWBERRY MANSION Mr l'hillp I. Fngel entertained at his luiuie. .","j:,l Oxford strict, on tils liiithil.iy. wliieh tell. on Armistice Day. Those pie-eiit were Mi l'lniuli Fngel. ills- Helen liligel, Mi .Maltha (ireen heig. All Flnienee Ureeiibeig. Mlssj Adalaide fiieenberg. ili-s ISJ'inch Dem tiow. ili-s Doiothv Ito-e.ilield. iliss 'I'e ie (Inldlieig. Mi-- Jd.i Slmnp. ilis iluiiba I'ppi heimer. Mr. and ill-.1 David Fngel. ilr and Mr- Joseph C.irlitx. Mr. and ilrs. llairv Denibow, , ilr. aii4 ill-. I. llairis. ilr. ,loseih 1 Fngel, .Mr. Jack (ireenberg.' ilr, ('purge Dcmbow, ill' Willinm Stiauss, ilr. Harry Apfelselinitl, ilr . ilichacl Nor man, ilr. Flunk I ovv'ihvvk,v . ilr. Joe Ilrovvu. .Mr. Michael Jacobs, ilr. Al-J bert Hall. Mr. Manuel Cohen, ilr. Mn- well Dowkow-k and ilr. Henry Kan Ian. A featuro'of the enteitainiuent vfas Hie acting of the Misses (Ireenberg and the tJayiiig and siusin thy Uiiseutield. of Miss Dm,,- KENSINGTON Miss Joanelte'lteainer, of Keusing 'Ion avenue unit Cloaitlelil Mi cot, is spending a fortnight vi-iting friends In Knohi'stcr; ,. . Mr. and Mis. Hairy Schoeubiit hau'iMf William Wolt, .vir. no neri ruie roluriicd from (heir hone niooii and ill e! Mi James Mo.vl, .Mr. Artliui iliigil nt hnme nt UaKi Fast Ciimlu'rland I Mr. .Marcus Katz. .Mr. O-iar Kind, stieet. Mis. Sehnenhiit befirfe her Mr. Henry Fleisber. Mr. 1 li- 1; b i-h nun liage was iliss Olga D01 fner. er, .Mr. Daniel Stein. Mr. Jeioui, 1 Li.uihhciiu and ill'. Lis) I'nwci-. Dr. F. J. Mitchell. SOIIll Fast Alio-' '"jgheiiv nvenue. will spend the week-end mM'WloiK. The iinnunl meeting of the l'enii-vl ( Mrs. C. Angler, of Fast Columbia vania Society of .ila.vllower Iiisnud avenue, enteitained the uioinliers of her mil- will be held 011 November L"'. at anl ilub nt 11 luncheon, at lior homo, on Tuesday ii'i.Tiioon. aar k1 .:.. gw; w ,iras ?-. .11 (K CIi 0 A. I A. tiV J (kk rfnn KJjsT n ' LI I 111 IT It I I twAW jffniry m ZRtirfnsw $ m t 4 r'ii w - a m vvrj! a a w u VLthja , irr-n lto 1 -i i i f. u txr&w uw ihjf" : zvts I; 5 HCQHi'n'' ---5r H J 1. "? ' f liT ir Kf mP C w -i v- "y,: -z --z 1 L . d K -ArtP9 Pin H J-- .nn v i -Tjll - r'U, IlllllM "iliinTSrJ I1 r j$y ' i i -i , "' 'NcwYorl '- V 1422 Walnut St I t T- f n11,r.,fffl i H . id iTk '& (f T If: Ml ui Uv.llv,vuy.-.tu.iuiu m vj, -w-wr biv M U yM IT t RITZ-CARLTON I 1214 I ABOUT JAN. FIRST j I mw sthe, iSocial cSeaAon j j Mt Jbowth or- Mtihep . j III: '' 1 JVc prese?it at this 1 ' I ' time a wide and varied , 1 ' , " collectiofi of 1 m - i Wt JILLINERY' FVR m , ' TAILLEUR j I w ' - A i, 1 VJf"1 : 1220-22-24 Walnut Street 'JtSk W I Adjoining the St. James Hotel "aT j$ Plain and -Ss. TfRW. J: Fur Trimme d J TtVlf ' 1 'II Attractive models of Silvertone Yiu' I Mf Vj I ill 'Is and Velour, some with dyed ,' ' W W I I Opossum and Seal Collars. W I ji l i ' 'ff& JT i SPECIALLY PRICED M i j-T I iff Till Il Plain Tailored IJvJI I i wk $58 l I' WJjf Fur Trimmed . plJ VW jmj Hn XT .$ . WISSAHICKON .Mrs. Finn. S. Whltioinb 1 nti rtaineil 011 Tiiesdm eu'iilng at her home, '-'I,'! ltoehelle itu'iuie, in honor of Miss Hess Klose. of .Milton, I'a . who is spending the tint mini in Wis-ahh koti as the guest of ill-'s I.ui'V I'oi. (Ither ipusts weie .Miss Foi. iil-s Until Day. of Caiining ton..Del. : .Mrs. W Smith, ili-s Orr. ills. Joseph Ciille. .Mrs. Jineph .('. Ileuder-iiti, ,lr Mrs Carl Johnson. Mrs. Wlllain Adelhelm, Mrs. Jnmes Dobson Scbulieli!, iliis Helen De Ilnven, illis il.u-a Wmttnnii, ili-s il.ulle Slheiw I and Miss Kathleen l'oir. Miss Klose ami Miss Fox lime guile to Wilmington, Del , wheie they will be the guests over the weik end nf iliss Illsie Heck. ROXBOROUGH M,.s WIIII11111 l!nll;or nf V.. Vi.i-I. is'the' guest of ill's Itobi'lt II lle. of Uldge avenue. 1 ilrs. Hubert l,e Tort, of Hermit lane, eiitet tallied the members of Hie Aid Society of Hie (Irnce Lutheran Chinch n( her home, 1111 Wediiesikl eveiiing. iliss Marv Frame, daughter of l)r Christian Frame, of M Itldge nvenue. of Hm month hT NowfWor,',l,''? "flrt of Hie mnntli ill, New Jersey. MANAYUNK Di. mid .Mrs. 1. How land Shaw, of I'Jl West Chelteii nvetme. (lermantoiu.. lire reieiving congratulatintiH on the billliiol a son. James Shaw, 011 iioii day.Noveinber 10. ilrs. Shaw, wlm was nilzabitb Nassau, is the 'giiim1 daughter of Mr. James (i. Marco. Im ninny-.vein s a prnmiiietit business man of this -ection. Dancing Class Meets The Freshman Ham Ins Cln-s hi' its meenngs on November 1, 11 lie Waltz Studio, Walnut -ti t. ami T 1 1 mist on' alleiuiite Saturi'il eu'iiuu duilng'thp season. The nieiubei- in elude Miss ilargcrv ilasll.aiim. All--(iladvs (iliislmrg, iliss Helen CAilu. iliss ilargeiy lilssinger, Mi .Iom Lnwongiuud, iliss KlUnbelli AII1111111 ili-s Louis,' XtigMuith. ili-s Aug. Ii Itamjieiger. ill-s Lilliaii ilaik-. Mi-1 llorntbv Loeb, Miss Jane D'llsiuu r I ill Juliel Fshner. Miss Fiun'es ""v;:1"' -;'t r,?"1,, "I "' .""-1 ,.Mi-s Alloc Marks, iliss ltosalic F.eig ill- Fdith l'ineiis, iliss M.iigiiiet .Koch, iliss Lenore Snellenburg .Mr. Fdgar Uo-eiiau. ilr. Alfred Snellenburg, Mr. Joseph Thnuhnii-ci .Mr. Jerome (!io-kin, ilr. Fiank New -beiger, .Mr. Walter Silverinail. Mi. Al , but (iieenbauni. ilr. Morris I'ern-tein. I.Mr, lioliert I licn, .Mr, liouen Md'ii, I Mayflower Sons to Meet the Hotel Stenton. The following office rs will be noai- .OY.lIivL U, 1910 jnalod for the ensuing .uar (lou'inor Mr. C!oorgp Cliainpllii ilason : deputy governor, Mr. Walter Lippiuci tt , sec- ond d"put governor. .Mr Ashbil Welch; laptain, Mr James Frederick Fnhelisiock: elder. Itev. llniM St. Clair Ilnthaway: tieasiirer, .Mr. Heun lies ton Helknap; seerotar, Mr. llenn N'liiton Lewis; bistnrimi. Colonel .Insiah Cirnnville Leitehi surgeon. Chniles Win- slow Dulles, il. 1). Members of the board of assistants: Mrs. C. Ilowniil Colket. Mrs. Hornre Wells Sellers. Mr. V. Spencer Miller, Mr. Fuller,,,,, L. WllMo. NORHISTOWN itr. Samuel (1. llnlui. of ,"il ,'.. Samuel 0. lln-in. of .ilJ Hull. sius'T, liriugepoi 1 , uus iiiiiioiiiii'eo ine 1 c nrrnrreinnlit of bee ilniiphler. Ml-s ttnfli ' Itnliii. to .Mr, Jlurolil 1. .immirmnn. I 0 f Ml' nnd Mrs. . hin Zim- meiinmi, of 20 Hast Freedlej -Meet, DOYLETOWN Fromineiit women nso;'inted will, the local needlework guild, .u-leidnv pii- Hiinineu nt iiinciieou nr ine rxieiut 1 en- ler Ilii.lrting. Animm tl.o-e who ncteil "TT ,V. ,? s, " ""m v Mhlnn ii. Piuigau. MrT. .'h K , am, jr,w Ti0)ltin Mathews Moore, ilrs John C. Swill lie ih C 1 1 k The xccnml lnontl I,v iliinee gain lie in the Dm I. -low u the Itm helors' Club. jM i; 1 1 OIFT BLOUSES Fascinatainig utew tlhemes off Paras and excBimsjve Milliard adaptations m JoveSiest models ffor Clhiirflstmas W'fJMICN- OK KOnUTIlOt'OHT Attn MAKlNii si:i,i:rTioNK titih i:auly i.v oudkji to si; i'I'ui: stvj.ics wnir-n vu may iih i'nahi.i; to iutucati; ni"oniii:TTi:s in i-lain and kks i unn i;i''i''i:rTS. m:ui:i. i:.Miiiioini:m:i) and iutAmi':i; T.n,oiti:i) ckki'i; .di; ciu.i:s and WASiiAisi.i': '-'A nun's. Very Specially Priced ' $2.50 to $45.00 The Shops of Sensible Prices 127 S. 13th Street AND 1337 Chestnut Street IS -Chestnut Street 1214 These aro great days for choosing a Winter Hat at Allen's. You can easily make a selection, as our stock is so varied and complete and you can always be assured of style smartness, excellent quality materials and the best of workmanship. We have made a study of millinery for over three-quarters of a century. Lovely Velvet Hats Extra Value, $10.00 and $15.00 These- Hats are fresh from the workrooms and will be disposed of quickly at this price. Fine Velour Sports Hats $5.00 to $8.75. have been much Sports Hats they come in Taupe, Jay Blue, Allies. It while we have the qolors you -"The mil Street Shop NEW YORK jfJn Any e Hagedorn Special armory, will bo held November 111. Two dances will be given In December, '. " " , 7. 7ZT7Z SAM S. SHUBEKT ?a"T A0T 8 N wi,,i,r (i.nieii's Hmir.m.A.meT.mMU "Monte Criito Ir " wl11' "" N- Y. 1 ' J Cmmittvu-brltte ri,,,mi( St ol'KHA HOI Hi" TONlnllT s-iii..ihiui-ji. Mn( Wml-A fiat. "SOME TIME" wuii 1'ha.S'k tinnj:y ' . .,;znrr.x:. 7i.r. : ; LYRIC TN...l. r ,. ' Hill AM) wpst s Tlinllir "f Tlirlllern .TI.,E UNKNOWN PURPLE" - . . - - APLLPHI ""' ;- . -' Wh. UAl'llKl, CIlfiTHRns 1 OMKDV HIT A LI TILL JOURNEY PEOPLES Kon Ac' ""'' I'umhermnd. S'sFOLLIES OF THE DAY . i linnr wi-im mui OeorBo rjtivm DUMONT S ,,J:,""'"VL-!,IVn4:w I'-l' 1 r i Nn,"',rr "v" STS' 1 aim rnuwv 1'HlNrn A T & T Wn 1 mi ti 1 8th. Mm Today V.M011NW 20th Ce enlury Maids Will, 1:0 wnOTHK' UNI t:ilslTV .Ml Sl.t ,M Mitiinluy a :m I us lllii"ltil"l I-, (ne Or .lulu, II 1 I11I1 VV HI, ine, il Vllrnliv In Jcrnsa- i Ine Mmwph 1 Mi 11I.111, Allen, inc. complimented on our line of Black, Brown, Amethyst, will pay you to shop now prefer, $5.00 to $8.75. Where Fashion Reigns" PHILADELPHIA B Thirteenth Street Ju3t Below Chestnut Sport Suit An extremely clever model that is pleasingly different from , other sport suits. While retaining the plain tailored type, it is, entirely original in effect. Created in a new wool jersey suiting, in the favored color tones; silk-lined. Q.50 11 Storket SI. nt, 10th. 11 A M. to 11:15 EUGENE O'BRIEN In I.'UEono Waller nnil IMmuntl rloiildlnr'a "SEALED HEARTS" Cant Include HOIinilT KDESON Next Weck--or.tlAI.niNR TAIinAn In "KI.AUH OP TI1I3 DUSEUT" M MMtKirr kt -suconu wnuit of i.mrgo I.onne Tuikers Amnzlng Photoplay JnjfUfo II U (JVI7 V1VPT- UTlnwil nl,rt. , , .. ..a I A . '. ''s. 20, s ir. and m AvolVl' tho Crowds i-enormance to ARCADIA Vn a CHESTNUT ST. HELOW 1CTH X 1" A M 1J. 2 a .is, r,.4n. j ,5 0:3,, P. M. WILLIAM S. HART '" ,J0W - . J. l'BTTl COATS" ".'.S?'1' "tE'VK CAKTM3 ,., ,ln.XHI: 'MVISllH.n IIO.ND' A-KII- rATTV AHnt'CKLB In "Ilnysetd" n i x o n e COLO-NIAI vi - ;io. 7 An 11 t nr Virtuous Men I-eaiufin K. K. Uncoln V I C T 0 R I A MARKUT STREET ABOVE 0TH I II A SI. lO 11 1,1 V M. OLIVE THOMAS N'. WU -Wiley BDABCAJra;: ,C A'P I T 0 I 724 MARKET RTREET -' n A,M KS- X'r'- n45 74S' 0A' I."' rauline Frederick ' nsos op , . LOVE" 1 DPPCMT MAnKET BT. B.l. 1TTH KllLllliNl BOHOTJIY DALTON . In "L" APACHE" 11 A. M. to 11 P. M MARKET STREET ATJUNIPEIt CONTINUOUS VAUDEVILLE "SUBMARINE F-7" vaUd.viiu, NOT A MOTIO.f PICTURE8"'""'"'"' BROADWAY Utmi Snyder"Av.. THE SPIDER Mua'"9 JACK PICKFORD "n"" -J Proxy" CROSS KEYS market st. net. com BOBBY HEATH ?n"yiiii30iiATifiNa . . j OIRt.S UNIVEUKITY JIl-HELM- Sat. 3:.10. FrM lllustrntp.1 Iwlurc. Ur John H. Pln ley "With Allenby In Jeru. nlpm ' rullowlng Mogs by Alrplnni- I 1TTF F Theatre. 17th & Do Enncv. JLJ , AST TIME TON1C1HT The Theatre Parisien Players XUEULE DE LOUP" METIIOPOI.ITAN- OPERA HOUSE THE SUBSCRIPTION SALE IOH THE GRAND OPERA REASON lM0-2f Il METROPOLITAN OrERA CO, N, Y. WILL CLOSE TOMORROW Subicrlpllon price remain same aa last Mason OpenlllB M . Tt SentSnl.M t T I Performanr'1"v' "-' lleirln. l'' I '. jLXHllffi 1 Mlhn?? U"-J I IV I II U IV li uvuuu TICKETS .NOW HEADV FOR DELIVEItf. V"! urnsTniivrirt.- - . .......'..,.. ... ,-, .-xjiutjivo i-in&ATHmariF: TtT!t ITWT ntll.'H T.-nr ....,.. .. . . . V" 1, MGIITS AT S 1.1 STRIKES A HESPONSrVH POPULAR CHORD " North American SAM II. HARRIS Presents THE HAUNTED VIOLIN A New Play by Crane Wilbur SEATS HELI.IXO I)Il THE LAST WEEK Forrest Last 2 Weeks EgvRB- MAT TOMORROW, 2:15 THE GEO. W. LEDEREH PRODUCTION OJ- VICTOR HERBERT'S Greatest Musical Comedy Success ANGEL FACE TREMENDOUS COMPANY np YOUTH' SEATS HELLINU 1XH THE LA.ST WEEK Broad -ast 2 Weeks nv?j;i:'J .11 A 1' JU.MUHROW, 2:15 "THE REST TLAY OP THE YEAR." i.inliiB uullitln. iii I r 3J jonn rersuson ' SEATS SEI.I.1NC, TOR Till; EAST WEEK ACADEMY Or MUSIC m Tonight 5 Sat y MAT. 2:30 BELGIUM r.O. . T5l, l, $1 50 nt Hcppo'a 25o at Door EITH'S ANNIVERSARY WEEK! MABEL McCANE TOM I1RYAN. LILLIAN BRODCRICH nml WM TAYIX3II IMITOK. CONN ft COREENB .SIX KIRKSMITII SISTERS ElMa Morris. Waller Hroner & Others. ANNt'AL CHRYSANTHEMUM SHOW! Walnut lat: ;rf0Trr".25c, & ?1 lomght, 25c to $1.50 It Happens to Everybody riO TO THE WALNT'T IP YOTT Ann NOT IV THE HMIIT AND REE A UNIOUH AND DELIOIITn-L COIEDY Inquirer. Next Week Oeo Choos Offers the Musical Hit The Love Hunter A fijmphony of Beauty and Lingerie. PALACE RINK ffitf Roller Skating Afternoon & Evenincr DANCINO After Hkutlne, Monday ft Thur. NlKhts. RACINO Wei!nBdy. SATHRDAY N1I1HT LADIES' RACE. HKATINQ CON TEST rox. Trot Tuesday and Friday. OLE MANSON FTLm?it,,Qt HiMr Him on "lOO" AMERICANISM- METROPOLITAN OPERA HOUSE Kllday. November 14th, 8.IS V. M. Seats -'.Oc to tl.TiO, llox Seats 12, Now on ale, 1108 Chestnut St. and at all holsl ticket oftlces. ACADEMY Scats at Heppa'a, 1110 Chsstnut Philadelphia w Orchestra ? Tomor.8iB Soloist; Mme, Mar Raret Malienauer, Cos traito. , - - . ii i , . ORPHEUM Mat- Tomorrow. SBo, 05e. JIA,?,D.n0ND SEVEN CHANCES $3 yov n "nm isth chatu" 1c3 B1JUU KEWPIE DOL12TT Trocadero t pat yhitc 'wn9mt iM v-M li 1 i M yantnei a wwiug, .ir, Mr, and JlrS. Afau'WItoU, of A'par . ' 'f,Wt . - . r ri. Jtk 1 I I V, ,.'3V k' ss V ..