Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 13, 1919, Postscript, Page 8, Image 8

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XTCvwvTVfi ..nni.in y.iniia'MR PTni.AnKnr.pm a tttttpmti a v vnvrcXmiiyR ia mln
.1-J T OJX1 XJL1 VI A V. i-J-l-V JJUJLM-UJ.1 X .L-t.-L--A.-.J'-l.l4.ft. AJ.J.AJk. J. AJ. U J.IKJJLAX X ) .V-T J JIJ AT JULJ' JL- J .J.IS) JLVJL.V
.L'Onorovole Giuseppe Beviono
Preso a Sassate dai So
cialist! a Chiari
Miss LoivclVs Anstvcr
to "These Little Men"
"It ti futile to nrutip with your
"They will not be convinced.
"I couldn't tell tlic-e little men
the 1 1 lit li nliout them. It wouldn't
be like."
Amy Lowell Poor
Sport, Say Hearers
Published nml mlrlbutiil Under
nm.MIT NO. lilt.
Authnrlxr-d by tho net nf October l.
1017. on flln at the t'.ntnrtlce of Phila
delphia, Pn
a. s. nfni.noN.
Pontmnstrr General.
Komo, 1- novembre. Vniii diordlnl
Kiuo nvvenuti nelli'ltnllu ettenttioiinli'
a cntipn delhi cninpnxua clelto-ale. I
soelallstiNinpedirono die I'Oit. (iiuep.ic
I'evloue. Bin' t"oninii.-:ii in I milium per
l'Afrpoiinu(irii in Anieiicn. parlnsxc In
Un fomlzlo n Chiari e la mi.i rnrmzu
fu presa a Minute.
A Mnntcbclln I .ncitilMI .i nbban
donnrnno a mimiIo1p, feremln nil e.
deputntl Teo e D.ilnmllti inentre Nta
vaiio diseutendo.
Dopo un publilleo dihattiinentn n
Bertluoro tra t'oniauilini. candlilnto
Icpiibblleniio, e Caiatl. ni i:lll-tii, i
Bostenltori di I due candidal! eiuiero a
cotiflltto, I "tin bnttiijtlhi avvenne a
sassate bastounte e revolveratc, v
parecchie pristine rininseio ferlte. due
dcllc ipiali snuo luoriboude.
( tintlnueri Trom rnicr tine
nuide the request there be no debate
nt the meeting."
l'rofesor SchelliiiK liatdi the chair
of English Illerature at the Cniver
dty of I'eniisylvnnla.
"Tlili affair l more n 'rasp of bad
temper upon the part of Mi" Lowell
that it U of bad faith upon our part."
.nlil l'uriix Weston, secritary of the
In Miss Lowell's letter to Mr. Wes
.ton. acceptii'u' the invitation to iulilip
the club. Miss Lowell wrote, in part:
"Tin re is one tliiiiK. however, ot which
II inn tirinlj convlnecd. and that Is thai
I will not take part in mi) discussion.
'debate or ntittliliiR of that sort.
i I
Iinllrd Tlrgiimrnt
"Of course. I should be utj Rind toj
I lime nnbod) else sn) aiiNthliiR they
, want. 1 nlwnjH like lo have people1
speak nfter my tnll, but tinjtliliiK ap- i
pronchiiiK mi nrcnnbril eoiitrmcrsj to i
which I must nRnin reply, I think is al
Hasr J - ,v T7 f K A oft k
1 ' ' ' ' ' ' jM;lil
1 - tJfifflmm aHB
m&z r- "fMMWMmk-m
S8S3wa!w3as '
CIWTIt LI . .SI1I(!T()
Knur former soldiers, members nf Hie iiirrlcan ru-glnn. were Idllpil,
and seeral others seriousl) wiiiiuded. when persons said In be members
of the Industrial Wnrltcts of (lie World (lied on an Armistice D.i)
parade in the western Washington illy as it passed Hie I. W. V. ball
Itoma, 1 1
Comifnto t
I'roeurutnre del It
cinrnnTe M1 t'onn'
.... ..L.nun ,ln Hnl Inl. .1.1 In
... , , .. I ....... 111...'. . I . F IIIM ....... .III". ...
noveinbc- intardato .-1 mnn int , is, , sti, ,..,.,
ttolno h.i piescntnlo nl .,!! ,. ,i, ...i.i-,.. i vbnll l.n ,.li
uu'n''ina coutro il
d'ltalla." cdilo dal
opinion on I lie subject
I iMightid to hear nnv one who wishes
..t. it .t.... t .i: ...
T1 f . It 1 ' I! . ' Sll,, llla. Illl.l' llll. Ill "..IUIIS 1. 1
nddueendo die In un mtleo'o -cutto dal , tlmt is 0 mpnt f,.m ,, rKisso,
Big Kesiuti si cout.nevano itiMilli .ontro ,, j,,,,!,.,!,! ((.lmic."
i.0'1.'!' , ... Mr. Weston, in reply, wrote. "There
II ( omitalo lm doninnihito .lie il , iptntip,, f turning tlie meeting
fiimuiiii- m iiiici-.sIU -,-, ,, a ickk'- nto debate. on ma) be asked some
ydelle guareutigie. ,,ucvtions. if jou are willing to have
Parlgl. 1L novembri' Ln Deleg.iion- H;'" I"1' t"..' ""'"r . . .
Americana press,, la Confcrcm..! d.-llii iir- "',f'M- "fern.iK o what lie
Pace ha infoinnlo il Su.irenio Coneilio , '''""''d III" er) nmu-ing cootre
della K.ia inlcnzione ill l.iM'iare la u'my- snl11 . ' fur s riij lireach
Francift per i niiirl di dicembr... of faith goe.. le.ue Amy Lowe I to
Anehe la Delegai.ione Inglesr lia the club oflieinls. who sa the) lmy
espresso lo stevsi, des-jdrrio c -i crede wrilten exideiiie Hint she knew the
perelo' die la t'ouferen.a cmicludern' nenlng was to be an evening of ills
I suni lnvorl per la Hue del corrente . eussion. liut her nieusation that theic ,
mr,,, i wiin a couspinu to attack lier verse
T membri delta Dele-gazione Amerl-iLs ridiculous and absolutel) without n
cana nrohnbilmente -ulpernnuo da 'n,:,..t." '""? " ."!'
Brest con il pnpore Amerirn. ma In
Wl.tln tin. ..Inl. ..flieinl lire in n de
fensible position. I would say that the
t'ontemporar) t'luli members owe a
trunk npolngv to the loenl specialists. J
not 'la.Mnen.' who were urged by the
committee lo loine and take part in
the discussion, and then when Miss
Lowell drew over her shouldcis the j
privilege of her sex and dis-ohcil into i
tears these members assuuinl without '
warrant Hint these bononibh invited
speakers were 'outside the bounds' anil
by their demonstrations yielded lo the i
pielensions of Miss Lowell thai she I
should be treated as a snerosciiiit per- j
sonage. the high prlestress of free I
verse who wanted onl) incense from.
Snow Halts" British Shipbuilding ! ''"'' nt'oI.vn,s
London. N'nv. l.'t. Sliipbuilding "(irotesque." Saj.s Mr. Watts
work on the ('l)de. T) ne and the Tee "This is grntisque. Por the t'on
rran virtually stopped today by n heavy . (emporar) Club people, if the) have
snowfall which seriously affected also nny memories, must be aware that Miss i
the mining districts of Wales, north I Lowell is the uame woman who, writ
England and Yorkshire. The storm cc- jug nf tier prospective advent among ,
tended as far south as the Isle of Wight, j them Inst year. aid if she came 'she I
London was slight!) sprlnUIrd b) the would wake up nil the old ladies whoi
fall. slept during the meeting.' since she
data della loro parteimi turn e' stain
definltiymente tissnta.
Berliuo. 1- novembre fill Allenti
hannn preso eiiergiche inisuie per riol
Tere la Hituazinne politicn deHTii
gheria. secondo rapporti da I'.udapest
al Lokal Anzeiger. Sir (leorge Clink,
emissario degli Allenti, ha invialo a
nome del Supremo Coneilio un ulti
matum nl I'rimo Mimstrn I'riedrli'h,
notlficnndolo die tin (inbinettn di coali
zione bisogna .sia formalo eutro -IS ore
od nltrimenti dovrn' abbandon.ire l.i
prcsidenz.i del con"iglio dei ministri.
was 'a pastmistress In the in I of tlnovv -mi;
band grenades at old ladies,'
"Apparently Miss Lowell belongs to
the one nml mil) union nf literal, v
hand-grennde thiowers in the country
lind oblects to nny infriiigeiiient of her
Miss Lowell did not go lo bed until
." o'clock Ibis morning and therefoie
could not be disturbed lo lell of the
meeting nt tin1 club.
"Miss Lowell is not awake .vet." n
woman friend who iiecompaiiicd Miss
Lowell in this citj aid at the licllevuu
Strntforil. Turns Night Inlo l):i)
"oii know, she never goes to bed
until about ." o'clock in the morning."
I he friend explained. "She tuius night
inlo dnv nud rarely can be seen carliei
III mi .'! o'i lock in the afternoon "
Itiissel Dunne presided la-l night. In
the brief remaiks preceding his nctual
intiodiictioii of .Miss Lowell, he made
some refeicnce to two of her poems mid
said he would like lo have her explain
something about them in 1 1 1 cnutsc of
her remarks.
Mi.s Lowell pieceded her address
with brief cchiiiei-cmcuts nf the two
poems mentioned bv Mi. Dunne. She
iheu adjusted a folding standing lamp
to her satisfaction, explaining that the
adjustment was uici"sarv lis it seemed
to be, not because of nnv artistic
temperament but beinusp nf the
physical requiicinents of the operation
of reading: she lend most of her re
mark'. Miss Lowell then deliveici' it scholnr-
Iv consideration of Wall Whitman as a
poet mid as a piophet and us u man
with a "un ssnge.
She declared that Whitman was not
the so-called verso llbre nor a prac
titioner of It. She even doubted if
he ever lend nil) of it or knew
what it vn. She told why she felt ns
she did.
She recognized Whitman us n great
and powerful man. sometimes an urllst,
bill he believed most of the time lie
was an unconsi ions artist and much of
it he was no aitit al nil.
i'rofessoi- Sp.trth followed, ngieeing
siibstanlinll) with Miss Lowell.
Mr. Morris Opens 1'ire
Harrison Morris now In gun mi at
tack on the new poeti) lie severely
ciiticied Muriel Monioc. editor ot
I " Poetry." imlii ntiiis that while he was
one of'ils llnam ml supiioileis, lie was
I fri'oilelitlv ilisgiisted w Ith it.
.Mr. Mori is eulogied Willi Whitman
nml rldiciihd Carl Sandburg mid "II
I).." whom Miss Lowell gieatly nd
I mired. ,, , . , .
I When Mr. Moms was at the height
of bis lcgrcls for the lidicule hitman
hud passed llnnugh Miss Lowell, in
I mock nnguisli and teals, cried:
."What am 1 going through now?
Mr. Morris said he hoped she was going
i through a letoriniilloii
After the laughlei al Miss Lowell f.
I assumption of the role of the persc
leuted had subsided. 1r. Morris pro-
. ceiled Among other seircls be re
I vealed was that he onMsinnally wrote
to liniriel Monioc the following query :
TVe offer this t'20 liCeiuUful Iwnd
painted pnlnrgement H-"i cnp3t oval
shape, Tour choice of enla pastel or
water color With a iMndcnmi fr,inic In
makes of I'ircamMan wmnut with pearls
on Inner edge; hIko all-KlU and full Bold
leaf burnish, "or the atttoundlnKlv cheap
price af 7 50 $1 00 will secure our
order. Bend our bet photo ou desire
enlarged in todav, as this offer runs for
1T da only, W will explain details
throucrh malt Addre
It. D. Wood Hide 4tHI Che-tnut Ht.
Between them provide happiness
for many Philadelphia boys.
Call now, select your bicycle,
pay a little each week, and by
Xmas you will have your Boy's
or Girl's present paid for.
Cash or terms.
" - riojnfiriphiii. va.
1 ifitSSif
I $95
i If
'.' ill 1 -jKT
' "J cf I
Dl&J.J I
O'd lellabln Malon MriicIs behind
every bicycle ha tells Old Reliable
St Nicholas known the quick path
direct to your boy's heart, and he
reconimendB a bicycle.
Great i-lsughter In prices of all aun '
dries for the holidays.
St. Nick
1203-05 Girard Av5.
Cheering, Beautifying Lamps
Electric Lamps
Parchment and
Silk Shades
For the effective illumi
nating nnd embellishing of
halls, dining rooms, libra
ries, living rooms and bou
doirs. An assortment of
new, exclusive designs of
highest decorative value.
Lamp shades in every dis
tinct material and color can
be rupplicd to order, to har
monize with your furnish
ings of any room.
Dougherty's Faultless Bedding
Hair Mattresses Box Springs Bedsteads
"For noil's snkp, why do you publish
"ticli Hilly tlilnus?"
When Mr. Morris tint reached the
bright of hN nsnult on tho moderns In
poetry Mlssi Lowell Interrupted, rising
nml xiivlnir with tritrs In her eTOH :
I "I wnnt ,nii to iinilrrstninl Hint I
I refused nbiolutely to enine here tonight
nml tnUv nny pnrt In n discussion or
lo HiisVvcr nny iiuestlniis except those
from the Hour. Hut I hnve lmil to filer
mi orgunlzcfl uppnsltlnu, t am nut
stiong. I upend inv time going nrotinil
me rnuiitry speiiKing for tins enuse.
You got me here. It wns not fnlr."
.Mr. Dunne (o the Itr.seue
Mr. Morris Jinil letlred during this
nml .Mr. Dunne now utteinpteii to re
pnir the ilmnnged ninenltles. He sulil
, lie hnil Htlppnsril it wns timlpmtnoil Hint
there wouiil be more or less expression
of divergent opinions mid insisted tlmt
no ilelinte ns going on.
"I inn nlwn.vn willing to answer
iiuestlniis from the tloor. .Miss l.oweii
said "I stlpulnted tlmt there should
be not discussion of the stntus of vers
lihre ns nn nrl. I mn rendy to answer
liiestinns. I mndc it understood tlmt
I would not come here to meet nn or
ganized attack. '
Mr. Dunne snld there was no organ
ized nttaek. Miss Lowell thought dif
ferently and said nfter the meeting
that the questioning of her poems nnd
I he railing qn critics known to be hos
tile i oiihtituted mi organized attack.
"You hiie broken faith with me,"
(he said to Huri.s Weston.
Mr. Dunne gave assurance that there
would be un further nssnult on the
school of poetrj of which Miss Lowell
is a lender.
"Oh, es. I Did"
lie undertook to hay for Mr. Morris
that that gentleman lind not intended
lo nrgue the question of vers libre (so
eillledl; but .Mr. Morris promptly
spoke up mid said, "Oh, jes, I did."
.Mr. .Morris meant that he had sup
posed his discussion wns quite in or
der. .Knowing otherwise now, be re
sumed, nnd though somewhat nt a dis
iidvantnge, finished his remarks with
one more criticism, which wns mild.
Mr. Watts, who had been asked to
discuss the modern poetry form, did
not renil his prepared remarks, which
now seemed Inadvisable. He did, how
ever niitke reference to n poem Miss
tititil fttJnrBTTY Hill jj
Tbr Permanent
For longer-lived, rustproof
sheet-metal products uia
18 to 50 more durable than
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proven by eminent authorities ex
haustive tests.
Specially adapted for uie near pea
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Specify "HAMPTON" Metal for
Roofing. Siding. Lathing. Culvert, Sky
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Our talO'tnglneen are alicavi rtaia
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Sot the" Hampton Tat" Book.
25th and Wharton Stf.
Makers of the Famous PENCO Metal
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Tartar on Teeth
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All Statements Approved by High Dental Authorities
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Velour or Bolivia Coat
W re f tore all the original beauty
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See how teeth glisten
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Film is the basis of tartar. It is the. source of die
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That film is what discolors not the teeth. It holds
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Millions of germs breed in it. They, with tartar,
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Dental science, after years of searching has found
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A 10-Day Test Supplied
We now send a 10-Day Tube to anyone who asks,
we are starting countless people toward cleaner,
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Pepsodent 13 based on pepsin, the digestant of albumin.
The film is albuminous matter. The object is to dissolve
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The way seems simple, but pepsin must be activated.
The usual method is an acid harmful to the teeth. It is
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Send the coupon for a 10-Day Tube. Note how clean
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Read the book we send you. Learn the reason for these
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The New-Day Dentifrice
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4 g
Ten-Bay Tube Free
lnt.M12U, 1104 B.Wutmab Av..Chlcgo. 111.
Mail Ten-Day Tube of Pepso
dent to
T.owell lind rrurl, clrelnrlnR, by Indlrec
tlon at least, that the cuscntlnl part of
it wag dragged from antiquity.
Miss Lowell interrupted to ay that
a particular line wns taken frorli Edgar
Allan I'oo and appeared quoted in the
l'rofoRior Selielllng van the bright
particular hero of the evening in In
tellect, tact nnd navolr falre. llr wns
n living, breathing poultice on the
wounded intellectual nnd spiritual
anatomies of the participants in the
acrimony. 1
Gravely, jet with emphasis, he stated
lie was a literary catholic. He recog
nized beauty wherever he snw It, no
matter in what form, nnd loved It all
and recognized .IIs t.owell with n
courtly bow ns an exponent of one
great nrt form.
The last event before adjournment
wns the vivn voce passage of a motion
by Professor Rebelling that tho cllib
disavow nny discourtesy to the guest
of honor.
Mist Lowell was naked after the
meeting why she did not debate. 8lic
snld : -.
"Wo had the fight out five yenrs ago,
They fought us and we beat them. Wc
are recognized and established. It Is
futllo to argue with our onnonents.
They cannot be convinced. They will
not be convinced, BIy God, I coulrtn t
tell those. Mlttle men the truth about
them. It wouldn't be nice and it
wouldn't do nny good."
She laughed.
Willys Corp.
Proferrod Stock
Pays 8 par year
Price $100 a share
Particulars em JttcuMt
Garstairs & Co.
Msmtors Philadelphia and
New York Stotk Bxehaagss
1419 Walnut Street
71 Broadway, N. Y. .
"The Best Built Truck"
V .
More money is lost through bad
book-keeping than bad -judgement.
Men whose records show exact
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years never buy trucks on a
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Prompt deliveries.
rSJMrT slfliPitsmPMSmW ' J 11)
Sale of Excess Stores
and General Operating Supplies
Bids to be opened November 25th, J 91 9
E. I. du Pont dc Nemours & Company, Inc.. solicits
proposals for the purchase of certain surplus stores and
general operating supplies left on hand by termination of
Government munition contracts, located at Hopewell,
Virginia; Penniman, Virginia; Carney's Point, New
Jersey; Haskell. New Jersey; Pompton Lakes, New
Jersey; Gibbstown, New Jersey; Parlin, New Jersey;
Barksdale, Wisconsin; and Wilmington, Delaware.
The materials consist of Machine Parts; Electrical
Supplies, including Motor Parts, Etc.; Pipe Wrought,
Galvanized and Black, Cast, Brass, Etc.; Pipe Fittings,
Sheet Iron, Galvanized and Black; Bar Iron; Valves
Various Sizes and Makes; Wire Screen Copper, Gal
vanized and Black; Pulleys Various Kinds and Sizes;
Tool Steel; Hardware Bolts, Nuts, Screws, Nails,
Rivets, Sandpaper, Staples. Wire, Tacks, Tools of Various
Kinds, Etc.; Gaskets and Packings; Belting; Link Belts;
Lead; Paints and Oils; Window Glass, Doors, Tile, Etc.;
Lumber; Chemical Ware, Glassware; Earthenware;
Hydrometers, Thermometers, Etc.; Fire Brick; Pipe
Covering Asbestos, Cork, Magnesia, Etc.; Rubber Hose;
Brass Castings; Brooms Various Kinds j Cheese Cloth;
Automobile Parts.
Sealed proposals for the purchase of the above materials will be
received at the SalvaRe and Reclamation Section of E. I. du Pont de
Nemours & Company, Inc., Room 3150, du Pont BuildingyWilmington,
Delaware, until 12.00 o'clock noon, November 25, 1919, 'at which time
they will be publicly opened and read. All proposals must be accompanied
by a money deposit in the form of a certified check, made payable to
E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company, Inc., in the amount of 20 of the
total amount of bid submitted. E, I. du Ponf de Nemours & Company,
Inc., reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to accept that bid
which it is deemed will best serve its.interests.
"All materials will be sold as of their existing location and condi
tion. Bidders may inspect the materials at the above points of location.
Such inspection will be permitted by pass only. Applications for passes
should be addressed to Salvage and Reclamation Seqtion, E. I. du Pont
de Nemours' & Co., Inc., Wilmington, Delaware.
Schedules of the materials have been pjeparecf and may be obtained,
together with information for bidders, upon application to the
Salvage and Reclamation Section
. I. du Font de Nemours & Co., Inc.
Wilmington, '' ' Delaware
t V