F"fTCW"ji' vM ' f(T lf-- -ti VPt . ' EVEXDsG PUBLIC LEJ;El-lMULAJ)l!LJilJA, TLJ I'KHDA V, XOVlttJBtflt Kl, 1!)1U 3 L . iSflMteWC BODIES UNITE i flLJ.Whs LT.JIpt I I 1 1 I I II 11 II II linillllf ruKurrtRUflKDii LUXURY TAX ON MATRIMONY i?ATJ?nj?rj?n tat t at attpqt? cttv t THE AUTOMATIC FIREMEN1 The first five minutes Moro can be done In the first Ave minutes after a Tire starts than In the following five hours. The time to fight a fire is when it is small. GLOBE Sprinklers are always ready to take advantage of those first five minutes. GLOBE AUTOMATIC SPRINKIXR CO. ' 2033 Waalilncton Ave. Diciilinon 511 The enormous pUn ol the Nillm Crpv Mfe. Co . ClBtlnodti, ci. is protected bOLOMi Spnoklers. 7'ojfi of aguol:agun Plans Levies an .Guld'liinmwd Spec tacles, Fancy Canes. Flags, I'lant Fats and Summer Overcoats FOSTER ATTACKS SPROUL IN TALK SHOULD WIFE GO TV SCHOOL Representatives of Seven Com munity Organizations Agree to Co-operate in Improvement WILL START NEXT MONTH I l!ppirpiilliiK the tliouimicN of per-. voiim who live In -.oven coiumiiniticM jnt outside the city, tin- I'liilcd Civic As mcintinn nf I'lipcr lnrb Township vv us planned ill a meeting nf icpri'iictitntivcs of tlu communities last nieht. Tin' rue in fiivor of ritiolnir piiiiiikIi "Jncl aswicintlnn. which will be formally ,t.imi tlip town Kiivertiini nl. It seems munched nt a mccti,,,. ncM month, will ,- 71 ,!," u,, nilvnncc Iip interests ,' th" lnvnhlp ,, M.ntntion is bended lij n iimlrliiiiiuiiil Him iiciji ucvi'iop it H3 ii i csiticillllll .tv tlOII. SppaKlur; of lu.Mirj tucs. as nunc iiiip things tlip .lapniipsp fool thc.v can srl nlvvn.ru Is when jnu buy it thcalre ticket nlotiK w itlinut . for tlicip l nn iiuunnl or a soiln fir a snappy striped shirt, it ' Mnj festival ling to of ". ,vcn. might lie p11 to conslilpi' tlip sjstcni iu i One of the iwrtt striking fciitiiro of llif Jiipmu'sc town of NuKiinKuKiiii. i tin- INI is the villi! tax of .M) son n tutm. I'm or gmiiim would nuse fiom this liroiiil, spenilthiift liunl of niti-s. The nuthorilirs of this town, which 1'iiirtoii llolines seems to lime missed in hi swine nrniind the ninn. lune ioihp down haul on luxuries. They have Wedded Girls Under Fouiteen Ex empt, Is Interpretation Here .MariiiiKo. ninoiiK I'lillailclphla in teiprcters of Hip school Iitvv . is rcii ernllj regarded as one of the "nrirpiit , leasons" which may eteilv a girl uihIpi Select Audience of Workers and ''V.''"", fr".ni Koi",c, '" M,,on'- Police Hear Labor Leader's ANTI-VICE LEADER IL! r- NEW MAYOR Charge Against Executive SPEAKER'S WIFE BARRED AsspltlllK stands pat that with Thin tnii.v seem like n lit t lo thine In the casual render, hut to one who under- slnnds tlip pmii t natute of a tsulm , Veil, the thins is nnlieniil of. lOUl rinilllPlI spci iiu'irs nun nun.. .,,,... ..i i 11 """'" I , . . . . ; .nni Unit stHle linllci. ill e ' hlleil mil I' - tlicir own Ideas nlmiit what is,. hlM.i.v. "."' ''' f1 7JThl,IULli nn.l I.. ' detei,." Wllllnni Zchiilon l'.i.ter. radl i i...- ii it.. .1..,.. ..... iuiil.es it hard for the nnll anil the , ..... . - ..... ..,.... , I III llll.li uni itiiiiiriiuvi i Mil I nn,' ti i i I . , . . not n. much oinioseil to luxuries lis Hum ""NKm.ltic itiiioiiK tin' ii nun .. sen u jciir nnc i mpinlipis or tin- Auinlftntiiulcil litliiti' ','" .siiiniuer uvci'iniil. Then' is nn ieiord Winkers of Aiiierien ami it police in ' ,,ov ol Kiiw'i'iiliientnl Ice. ins m ins mi-oiir usuitist lislit -weisht iinloii Miits for winter weir, linweM-r. The niolcction uftoiih'il h a silk iiiiihielln i tavnhle Itendins's problem s to whether fourtepii-jenr-old Trances hupo, who is tn be married Monday, should he utilised to ntteliil school after uiiurlusc hs recalled a Mirietj of sm.li discs in this city. "Scariclj a j ear passes." mid Henry ( .1. (ildenii. diieetur of the ilepiirtmcnt iocinoi- Spinul f (ompnlMiry edtiiiitlnn. "thht I'liila- the steel bnions;" ilclphin doesn't lime a ine of this son in settle. In 1IM Alnslstrnte l.oyic iinpused a line, which the wilier n ml ..i i-.. i e .t ....n.i..- .......i i in mini inuerner ninn. neca ce n niur- :,. 1..I1.,,, ''ill n'liiicr ii me Minvnin n-'-in in i.ri ". , ...... i i tt t . . "ic populiili ,, ,,i.sk, fl" n.,,!!,,,,... ,lf tecn-jenr-olil I alian sill did not at I'liKiised wlicn nrics.nr tn. which is iiillineil to til extent of -0 .it'll on both partus wlin to the euejit ol I veil a iui- tend school. Jslic was en j ears old and niaiiieil befoie she I wns fmit teen, list oilier iniiRlstriiles, i h(ieer. hnM' Htrreed with .Mr. l.ojl lil ll interpietation. .Most of them put . men wlin met in me .mericnn i asp In the section wiiitli mijsiIiiI i ,,n Srhmil Asociatioii loom. nia be excused fur WOMEN WON'T CEASE The oictnil.atiuns lenrpsputpil in Hip! new association are the Wpstovpr Hills i Tuiirupmciit Assoclutiou. the Iliirwoml l'ail Imprnvcmeiil Association, the i Nelelibotthniid Club of Mlllboiinic MIz-illT 11IAI IIM-1 MAi-ilT Uelqhts. the Drexel Hill Club, the Ily- N RHT-WA K Nln HAR T '"" Improvement Association, the MIVJIII iinLIMMU I mull Hishlaiid Paik Innirovpineiit Assncia- tion and the IxlrlilMi Civic As.sociatioii. A. .f. ICIIuks. of Kirklvn. is teiiinor- Mrs. Josephine Battilialli and,aiv clinirintin of the orgaul..Uion mm-, inittee. . V. Schumann, nf llarnunil ' Two-Day Event for Purpose of Pay- Mer uaugnter ruzzie ian., is sccrciary. .... The bylaws committee, winch finish - si ml or IC0P11P moip than tlnce suit- ciisps on the occasion of tluii wcililius celebration 'Phere is it lirst Kile tax ol -0 jen par kite. l'las wnilis is cvitlelilh one ol llioe CHURCH BAZAAR TONIGHT I'here U nl a plant pot lax alnns the piimrn-e path nf liixurj - .0 'en n pol. j carl,'. . Two bits to a cn. Hie tax nillectni nl Niiitiistikuni- hi'S puidiiu. NnsnoKa riiii - is a unman ' Doctor Delk Tells Interchurch Federation Moore Gives Hope of Clean-Up GAMBLING OPEN, HE SAYS I. Hampton Mimic us Ma.uir is wel- ioiuciI hj (litiichtiien "willi a H'iie nil jot mid lplipf." tlip Upi lr. Ihlwin1 Mejl Itclk .esterilu tidd the fall I t- , ins of the Intcichunh I'edciation. CharsiiiK that Raiublms of all mjiIsi is ciiiiied on openly under the ccs of Hie poliic, DnctM' DclK tnlil the (hutch- I Sun- IS1H, Chestnut street, that Mn or -elect Mooie Abington Police cd its wnrk lust nisht when the dele- ', sates adnpted the tules mid icsulatiniis . siisscstcd, liicluiicil I. II. Jlcteult. Wcstovcr Hills ; T. II. Meloj. Dicxel The (.hip of Mis. .Tosephiiip UattiiiiJli ,,, Valler tiuthric. 'llarwoo'd I 'art and iter twenty-cislit-ypar-nhl dausli- ' W. JI, Itnclim, Hishlaml I'ntk; W. .1. ter, AVrstilpna, held by the authorities,! nf Abinston township ns public nui sancps, is puzzling Montgomery comity. The mother and daughter refused to return to their Ios,n home and in sisted upon walking nl night throughout that section, sleeping sometimes on inwns, on porches or in tiolley btu tions. The husband and father is David Uat tiunlli, said to bp wealth. It is un derstood his home is open to the mother and daughter. The two women will be sentenced in Xorristown Saturday. "Walk, walk, walk that is all they would do," II, S. Lever, chief of the Abington polite, snid, "They would not go home, and refused to say why." JLTho lied Cross of .Iciikiutown was in terested in Hie case, and Mrs. ,T, Sppuccr lirock, of lljdul. and Mrs. II. Xorris Harrison, of Jpnkintuwn, in vestigated. "There may bo some domestic trouble which has not been fully revealed," Mrs, Hroek snid. WATCHMAN BURNED AT FIRE lVrkitis, Mill- It. Ililllis, I'll - Steele. Klrkl.Mi : V. t bourne Heights, anil AV worn!. Other delegates to the organisation meeting include (5. 12. Hill. Drc.xcl Hill; V. W. St. .Tnliii and C. V .lohnson. Millbournc Hpishts; William 15. Craven, Hywooil: !. ltj lteljea, Westover Hills and II. II. Murtry. Highland l'nrk. "LAND YACHT" APPEARS ing Off Mortgage A ba.anr anil supper for the bench! of Mantua Avenue Lutheran Chinch, Kotry-litst street and Mantua ineuuc will be given tonight and tniununw in the church. The ptUptnc of the enter tainment is to P off " moitgage whiih lias been burdening I he chinch for 1'liP women of the nm- Kedeinlioii of Lnlmr ln-t Sntiirilnj . AUTO 'SHERLOCK' IN DEMAND Dlscustns the action of business men AUiu anr.ni.uorx m uti.iHinu f -I(ll1St(PUIIi ,vh(( ,,.,,,,, ,lini , ,,., , Hull cit, Kicfer nsscrtt'il that if u City Detective Swain Is Champion hi id) nf wniKnien had escorted the pie Stolen-Auto Recoverer In Country Mushnl I'uiiil Hall Sn stiiiigeiit weie titles gntciiiiiig Hie ailiiiisslon of his audience that roster's """ """"'' '""" "" '- iirct, under agt was not inliuittei . I'n cc were almost i . as numeiiuiK ns c'olhlns woiKcrs, ?, . . . ., T ... . , ,,,,, , p has pledged his co-operation in miiKIng ! lister tame to this citv to tnantfi A ,,ri.i i,. ......i.i tmM.r. in im-nciii- rM,n,i,i,.li,l,lii niotnllr clem. "We shall i ft (if S'-.lO. ,;,.,. ,t. ,.1,,. ..1,11.1 Mini, .iu ii ni'ii , .... ... '., . !.;... ...t.l ti.iii . mi win.. .I..,....,, .-. .... ' " "w mil OSK IllC lllipossitiie ill llllll, sjuu or xounger. Hi-r inpseiitc in seliool i ,i. , ,!.,;,,.. lines niiiic liorm to other i hildren I linn i ),M,r Dell it noes giinil tn hci'scii. Dpcnusp ineie Is alwajs a certain iimmuit uf gossip that is not good for ihildicn. Our law rriitiiring chlldtcu to iitleiid nhooltill sixtcin j en rs old is n geiiernl one", Hie clothing worKers for a sift (lOll In Hi" striking stcelwnrkers' cause, i A ched. lor KIOO.IMM, lust pa.Miient on the gift, was mnde to the Amciitait idem of the Chamber of Commerce nut I ,.r I..,, ,, llmnpiiiif V4iiii.iiI uimlil linvi. City Detective Tiuciiiaii Swain is tin j lll( til(, Htntc police iu .Inhnstown in champloii stiileii-uiiln I eiev in the J fifteen hours, i njiiti-x . I "lint (iincinor Spioul shmds )nii l . ., .. , .. , ,, w.iuti i wuii MP sicei uaroiis. iiiu rosier. After a lour ilaj sojourn nt Mush- ,. . ....i, ;. ,..,i . many yeat.s. ington. I. '.. nl the invitation nt Hii.Miumd I'lillmiiu. the supiriuteiidi'iii ol tmlicc theie, Swain leinteied ten stolen uiilos valtiitl at .S'J."i.llim. t ll' ..i.e-ntinii a few months ago pledged .leturiied to ibis cit tml.tj. i,0l, towaid the fund and Inno already ' Swain h Xl'TS. donalcil 9000. j ft,, ll,w .M nil When he spies u The bazaar, which is teceiviiig nr ,llUKi. number lie nabs the inr. The tides fiom many Lulheian i butt lies. , lm(, (lf Swain Jins leailied I he lour piomises to liavc a store of fancy "' ' otiruprs of the I'nitcd States. ..c.i ii.t.mj enitiihlc for I'hrtstinas ;, .n.iwieiit I'lillinaii. nf Wiishius- iisciui ......e.. . ....... i ,i... , ""I" '-' -, , -.,.., ., ,.. ...... :. . ..--;.:. : ,. "ifts One ot me aiirnciiniis m ";, tnn. lieanl nt mm. ami asuen ;iii.mi iicici't.iu inc iigiiuciinu uriicccuiim ns ,PI10tit will bo "Ye Old-time ixtrcucn, , jIM1,t,,,. if la. wouliln I Id asiiiiigion , i.,ttcn it is otlcnsive. Designed Especially for Tourlnj3, uorp n,.p oltl-fashioiied goodies 'llhne Swain for a space Captain When he liuished speaking he said Hi'intlno and fishina TriDs !he serxei' tomorrow evening. Soulier said. "Suic:" . , Ii" was going to I'ittshuigh. i... .. ....... n ....... iinni. ., imwl t.ii.i.i ! 'I'll,, wmiinii iii charge ot Hi UrH,r",r PUPILS HEAR LECTURE in western l'emishitnin. mid lie sn linlhing. " 1'iister said he was "diuggcil up in Hie gutters around South street" in this, hi-, home city. "If I leiiined nne thing'." lie said, "us I pusstil hack nuil I'nith iu friuit of Independence I lull it wus that Amriiiii stood for mid iilwn)s." Speaking nf the nft in.il miners and the iiiitiiii tion against their stiikp t- 1 sueil In .luilge Allllcrsou, he eluir- made his stuteiiieiils in a icpnil of the coinuiiltcc on cimc tlghteoiisncss He dimgid w idcspicail i violntiiiii of the laws ugnlnt gambling iu clubs ami other iiigani.atioiis, , "lletting nt college football games 'is opctil? thniigh iiuietl) pniviilcd for," VETERAN CALLED AS RECTOR!""'' '" "Pn. -stieet cu.im,.is ,,. ' plnnueil wheic every article oflrreil for . ,. ... , ,u... u -, k. n . , ' sale can only he obtained by some St. Matthew's Church Offers Post to n,H,,m flf , hll'lir.P. Wrsi of ail. there Chaplain of Ninetieth Division me some chinches where milling mid i SI Matthew's Lpisiopal I'timcli. I ';; .'!'''" ""' ' "'" -'" "' " i:;gliteenth street and (iirntd iienuc. ! trnction. ' nfter being williout a r-clor or assist-' , ! '.' illll! f"'' "" suppo.l of law ant for two M-ais owing to the war. aludiiig men mid wuinen icsp,sil,lc for hn- unnniinntisl called a xetenin nf , ' '!' arranging nt games, ciirinviils mid j he war as rector. He is the Ilev. " !'"r ","' '"".'Uns In ,, ,. H,t gam Clnr..,,,... Ile.lieit Itee.e. former senior I "!" '" H"'1" ' l'"hibitid iliuiilniii of the Ninetieth Division Mr. Ueese accepts the call and hn fieedoin Hist, last entered upon Ins duties. lie is a giailit j ntc of the Theologiinl Seminar at Al exandria. I'nor to the war he wns in tor of Timitj Church. Victoria, West Texas. Mr. Ueese was cited for linuery by Major tienernl Ilcnr T. Allen, lom nianding the Ninetieth Division. Hear $20,000 Commission Suit The &ll.(HHI suit of I". A. Wilcox, n I'luieiuc. S. C lawyer, against Mm tin Mulonc. I'hilndclphln llmiucler, is being heard tod.iy by rnlled Stales District Judge Dickinson. Will ox claims a $L'(l,(HIO coinniissiiiii for selling S-I.-.IUMH) worth of stock for Mr. Ma-loney. time kitchen : Eleven Blaze at Horses Die In Ellwood, N. J. A watchman wns burned about the face and hands and eleven horses died in n fire that destro.cd the stables of .the Kelly & Moorchousc Construc tion Co. nt i:iwood, N. J., this morning. The xvutchinnn, whose name was not learned, was burned while lnlplng to X" rescui four of the fifteen linrscs in the stable. He was treated by a phiciaii. The const! net inn company is build ing concrete roadway between ltcrlin, X. J., and Atlantic City. I I..,n1u runs on linn niiiii'. i..... ........... -- You can tour the countiy in it. and i tabic: -Miss i.iiin ixruuei. ...... . . : 11 41... il.lu fn.ni llu i-iv inin. (Mr. ll-lill ScllWIirtZ llllll .MIS 11111 (III 111.- .-.(,... ...' - ...... ....... ...... --... i.i. . n...i ...... ui...... ..n nt. 1-..1,... ..nl.,. tnlilc : Irs. 1 loriuuie srLilL, iuju t.uu ..in -7' i" v.. n-. i nv.. , , Y Al 1 Hut.. .illf four ndjiistable cots, wherever the tar1 ice cream table i Mrs. 1. Hu . nut halts for the night. liable: Mrs.', llauird. 1 M. pond, and It's an innovation iu pleasure cats I Mrs. W. Miller, utility tabic. am', was designed by. . 1.. Scheimer horn. architect for Dale It. Kitler. I'liil nilcliihia sportsman and grandson of a I former Mayor. It is now waiting to be used in n garage at 'lliuty-scU'iith and rilhert streets. This nmelt) In mitos xyas. con structed with u view toward satisfying the hitnian desire for convenience and comfort on touring, hunting and fishing flips. There are iiccoininodatloi s on this forty -fic-horspnowei; car that rival ti.e best in the most up-to-date hotels. There is room enough in it to carr ever thins from a toothpick to a port- uhle washtuu, benefit Mis. II. Moore, dimly i valued lit .sjl.illtl Delougcti in ii e win ' ooils ; , t'itv 'taxi can t., nun " ""' Marv inliieil nl S170O.' wns taken Hum the Clermont. I Concrete Cniistructinn Co. STRUCK BY AUTO Deaths ol a Day 'LIVESTOCK DAY" AT STATE Girl Receives Fractured Skull When Confused While Crossing Street Prize Animals Will Be Placed on Ex. hlbitlon at College Heller heef. noik and mutton will' In discussed at the "Livestock Da.v bration held Stiite Collece. Show annuals. The show animals are tnos ele ,mii breed - liliun. wliich Hemming miifused. police s;iv , as she .viis crossing Walnut sltcct dingnn irIIv nt Sixtv -third, Helen Dougheil . eighteen car.s old. was siruci. i nn iiutoniobilc driven h Mrs. ilheliiiinn toilnv at. Venus Iv.inui I .-,. i'.".-, stnnili Sixtx -third street. JIis. Kettenr ions nie iiinuiii sn ing stock and feeders are on exhibition. , ,, fitersit.v llospilnljin heinuto- Uiobilc iiikI then sitrri'iidcicil to Hie the college has prepared Tor Hie unci- pii,,.. Miss Dougherty iceeiviii n nntionnl livestock sliovv to he 'held at frni'tnifil shull and lacerations of the Chiiugo in Decenibcr. Last car Slate )lf,mi. Magistrate Harris held 111-. nan ior n iun.n.i . . . - ... I i...ii. i.n.i I in r.nniiiiiinii iiiiin Hill - . i ,. ........ ... vi.ihi ,. .. I I.. ..1 :.. .l.n .Inn. I nF i. 1 V UlirUI' llllll l"' - . lVI'lll'l.l in ..,,.... . lln humanlhn itaHo, - "fZ? iJS I he-rin "' ' ir is possible in ihlsjar in cool, a sx- . , narrow, first prize ouADlf cocrse dinner, cat it, start. a taking I '"' ' '7''... " ... ". .n,fc ,1 under SHARK mucliine, lie on your cot and read the "" ""' ""', ' tirst .)ri7.c on cross MEAT DISCUSSED iiui.uiK, ' " .'v."".-- "."" . . i t ftoi. nf ntro veiling paper until it is time to go lo ."."pHze moue in Hie sheep anil Dr, Nathaniel Glldersleeve ii- Vndiniitel Cllilerslccvc. nrofessoi ot niicrobolog mid bacterio-patholog.v i in the lnivcrsity ot rcniisy ivnnin, noieii lecturer, research worker and author of dental and medical literature, died Tuesday at bin home in Lnnsdovyiip. Doctor' Oildei'slrcvc was forty -eight years old. x. He was horn in Sullivan county. New York. In 1S7 the family moved to T.-A,.ui nniinM I'n where Doctor CI II - derslecvc speiit a decade in tlic tanning nnil liiinher litishiPss. In the fall of I....I The macliW is jiantry . cellar, dining room, study and sleeping quarters all tin own into one. with ail the pots, pans, table and collapsible cjiaira that go with it. , CLEANING BIDS ACCEPTED I-,... ti... iccnr-intlnn SDreaulna steer chissps, winning over SI 100 in all. -....i, Tenderloin The show animals owned by the col- Propaganda It Equals lenoerioin 1 .1 -.. ..-eemxlml Ixv lUIMI III Ll 1, ..... n-J II .tllllt llllll lot' It'll - iprp mis ji-ur in- "; "' ' , " " . nift "",' " " " . " " i llli.- iiv School Children Enjoy Geography at University Museum At l.tst the study of griigrapliv ha lieen made a joy tn I'liIIadelphia school (liililien. Yesterday iifternooii 1000 of them iiowileil the auditorium of the I'lmerMty Museutn and listened with uiiusiiul inleii'st to a lectin e b Curntm II. I . Hull on "The Smith Sea I lands." The link of maps show ing the ihanges made by the war was mnde up by laiiteni slides nnil motion pictmes. Lectures arc now being given two and thiec duvs u xveek to enthusiastic niiilienips. Tlic course for the winter includes talks on virtually the whole of the world, and museum authorities are just as much interc-teil in teaching the city's school children Its wonders ns they are showing the uiu-eiim's rale licasiiMs to "grown-ups." ANlGaBinnin (n Jewelers Silvcrsmillis Stationers Jnexpensjve Gffe ojT Silver R. UNVEILS TABLET Pittsburgh Conference In Wrangle Over Changes in Bylaws Ittsbiirch. Nov. III. Ycsterdav's sfs-iinib of the l'eiiiisylvniiiii State Cou- Sr Ctrj&tnas Giving Tio newest productions and linparfatfons notv on cfspay Sn a Dcjvartmcxjfo. the department of nnimnl hiisbandry as dcrloin stunk was- ill-cti-scd today by fercnec of the Daughters of the Ainer superior to those of n year ngo. IX- the cilv's vpicuie-. following ndilre--c-j j,.lln Jt(,u)iition were marked by heatc nerts will tell bow cattle, -beep anil the subject hist night at a meeting discussion ,,,, t. revision nf the hv hogs can be most prohtniuy raised nn iler present conditions, sliovv the kind to pick when buying and point out the pitfalls that mny lay iu Hie way to a successful yenr. DAYLIGHT-SAVINGBILL UP .e i... l,lllt,, lciiuin NIllIP 111 llllll tJiinic Vi'otectivc AssochUion at the Citv Club. . , Dr. T. Chalmers lultoii. secretin- of the .association, snid shark nicnt was i jlolir tli'V. ii, .t ii wns nirccd. sharks ale liuiu to catch. Councils' Committee to Consider Measure for Resuming 'Sun Time' With the lines sharply drawn for nnil I A. Scott fellowship in hygiene. Since 'I he increase in street. . then lie bud been connected with the hif.li Ibices for the University iu various capacities. .(..;. ifl.S. and the incn 1 Doctor (iililerslecvc wns a member of collection is ?..l,ins J i . i:..i .,.!!!. . .,,! fi-n. Quick action on the Vote Canvass to End Saturday Official count of tlic returns from the November I election, it was stilted to day, will protiablv ne coiiipicicii . jlingte is in-iiij, s under the dircc- AuiliMir'ud ami Davr -nrntnmptlt tnedlClll SOCICtlCS llllll lln- tcrnitles throughout the country. He is survived by a widow, Mriv l.lbabeth Stewart tJildcrslecve: two daughters, the Misses Ann mid Siirnli Hildprsleeve, hnd two sons, Nathaniel and Stewart. Director Datesman Changes Front and Costs for 1920 Rise Street cleaning mid EiirbagJ collec tion contracts for 1020 have been awarded 'by Director Datesman ut the j high figures submitted weehs ago by the usual contractors. Street clpiiniinr. ash removal, etc.. - " ....."- ..-......,,.. , . . , ' -:-... . ..... . . 3 81)0 he entered the meciicai scnooi oi mi i. us .m- . .-.. .-.,............ ........... nKiniiM, uiijnisiii -si., nm .... ........... , Jtap d pmgtcs, !'.. ,.'"v,,rf". .'" , : ' ' b:' ' .".;.... ."' t , "'vi.;. . V". . ; -in ,: sti i "'"lr,""y . .'.;. i. , . , : , made ti.c .omit 311(11 Uoctor CilKiersieevc neiu ii i iiiiiiius ,"""; "...i".. ;-", VI".' " "l,ul "" "'" " "' .!..., ,.r I.nl.,., A A. Scott fellowship in hgiene. Since' ; increase in MV" '""'"e "v" ' governmeiit. , . I ' he C. of f-mmou 1'leas. int-.-.'.-iii. ,nni i. inc comiiuiiee win tiiscu me nni reasp for garbage introduced recentlv b.v Couimon Coun I ..'ilmnn Williniu .M. Lewis. Tbiitv-sec- Ouick action on the propnsuls came ,t ..-nni. U nroviiles that nt 'J a. m. late yestprdny, after Director Dates-I ti,., iast Suiiday of March time will man had assured icpnrters that no k,, advanced one hour and on the lust contracts would be awarded until to- Suiiflay in October be set back one day. The itwards were announced nfter j10nr the director held a conference with New York citv recently ndoptpil clay -Chief Hicks, of tlic liurenu of Street . iKi,t saving there between .May nnil Cleaning. September. Champions of the ioeul I Director Diitcsinuii offered no e- j iiiensuie hold tliut daylight savins I plnnntinii for bis change of front, lint should he adopted hcie also to prevent declared that the new charter destroved i a jumbling of train schedules between the hope mid possibility of any com- this city and New lork. pphtive bidding. Ills action occasioned no sirprise, as it wns generally believed Hie new high figures would go through without any attempt to force tlic cou ti actors to reduce their estimates. 1 laws. Mis. Hubert T. lteinuuiu, chair man nf the cuniiiiitlec for revision. In ti oilui cd a set uf bylaws unproved by the committee. An amendment wns adopted b.v the delegates dividing the1 state into tlnce sections, to he Known as pastern, cent nil and western, nnd giving each seel ion the privilege of having two delegates on the state nom inating committee. Tin' member- adjourned lo unveil a tablet' ut the r.loekhi'iisc iu conitiicm oratinn of the Trench occupation of the fui'ks of the Ohio Jt lit I r Miss Helen Jones Miss Helen .loncs, formerly principal of Hie Henry Arniitt ltrowu Vublic School. Seigcnut and .laspcry streets, 'died Tuesday nt her Imme in lilenside as a result of a paralysis stroke. Miss .loncs wn's horn in Kensington nnd educated in the public schools of that section. She became principal of the Brown School nt its organization 1SS7. She retired in 101(1. Vuneral service will be conducted Saturday from Hip home nf n niece, the Tlev. Walter Whiteside, of the Glensid. Ilnplist Church, officiating. John Wills John Wilis, a prominent coal dealer of this city, died Monday after a pro longed illness. Death was due to a rheumatic condition afTecting the heart. Mr. Wills wus in his sixty-sixth year. Some xenrs ago Mr. Wills was active in Democratic politics in this city, and at one time xvns secretary to the Demo cratic: city committee. He wii' horn iu this city, received his education in tjie local public schools nnd later was employed at different times by the Pennsylvania and Ilaltimoic and Ohio Railroads. In liSl5 he became engaged iu busi ness -for himself and built up a coal business. He is survived by a widow and one son. William Singprly Wills. IJc will Dp buried fiom his late resi dence, llO-'i Lehigh avenue, today. Countess Benoist D'Azy "Word was received here yesteiday of the death of the Countess Caioline .Mary URGES CO-OPERATION WOULD SHUT PENITENTIARY Necessary In Successful Business, Mr. Peirce Tells Alumni Co-operntimi, not competition, is the j great thing in modern business was Prison Society Secretary Wants' emphasized h Thomas May Veirce, Jr.. (..,... p.,t . e-.i ("in an address Inst night to tlip Alumni Convicts Put to Farming 'Association of Hip Veirce .School. 1120 Closing of the Eastern Vcnitcntinrv j Vine street. nnd sending of the convicts to prison To make business nnd, with it. lite farms was proposed by Albert II. Vo- n success, he said, it is necessary to tnvy, secretary of the Vcnnsy lviinia ' take an Interest in the human, personal iiisoii nucieiy, wiieii cuiicu us' a wit- side of affairs iip-s Inst night at the investigation int conditions ut the penitentiary bv the State Hoard of Charities, Mr. Vnlaw thought prison evils were chiefly due to idlencs-j. The grand jury is also investigating the penitentiary , Members spent some time nt the prison yesterday, question ing convicts. I Visitors nic still excluded from the piison nnd inmates closely confined. I SERVICE MEN HONORED ' German-American League Welcomes Eleven Members at Banquet Eleven former service mcu who nic members of the German - American League were welcomed home last night Human nnturc, he snid, is a factor in all business, putting life Iu nil trans actions mid milling the joy of life into the conduct of business. C. W. Vnn Artsdnlcn, president of tlic Alumni Association, also spoke. READING LAMPS Tlenoist iI'Azv. of I'aris, iu Aleppo, , i,r .he leairiie with a celebration nnil Syria, November 1. Slip wrts the sister hniicpiet in the rooms of the Philadelphia 4 II of X. Scammou Jones, of this city, nnd during Hie war was nvvnvded the 1 rench Wat' cross for her service as n nurse two miles back oT Hie firing line In France. The countess was the widow of Ilcnoist d'A.y, for many years a naval attache of the l'lciich embassy In Washington. Charles Gorgas Charles florgas, one of tbo oldest auctioneers in the city nnd n direct de scendant of John tiorgas, one of the early settlers of (leriuautown, died yes ':erday nt his home, 7MB1' (Jermantovvn Avenue. He is survived by a widow and a daughter. Mr. Gorgas was horn seventy-six years ago In (Jt'rmantovvn near the house In which he died and two blocks from the site of the home of his an cestor, whose name appears us n mem ber of the congregation when the Men. nonltes built their log chinch about J70!'. For many years Mr. (iorgas followed nuetionecrlng nnd conducted many sales Ip'atid around I'hilndclphln. lie retired .several jearti.tiso. He "its n member of M fltj.MIfhflH't, ).utb,Cr?ii ,hli!c!iL (fcriafHitovyrt. ., . Quartet, tlcrmantown avenue abovo Le high. The former service men me Allien ' Hebenspreit, Joseph Gesscllcr. Jr.. , James Ilagau, Harry L'lmer, William ! Versusou. Albert Smith. Charles Lull- ' rents, John Wnlters, Opcirse Fallagar, John Schvveiger and John Fliss. Each of the service men was given a silk umbrella. Cornier Stute Repre sentative Frederick .1. lleyer, Magis trates Wrigley nnd Costello mid others addressed the veterans of the world war. To Confer on Bath Bill Today A public meeting will bo convened by the law committee 'Sf Councils this afternoon .in room fiOl, City Hall, to consider a proposed ordinance lufro duced in Seiect Council last June by John I Flaherty, of the Thirteenth ward. The bill 'provides for the li censing nnd regulating of Turkish, Russian and other bathing establish ments. Invitations have been extended to the director of the Department uf Public Snfetj-. the city solicitor and tho Yiroprli;torg nf all tucli places hVougliButjlIie cjtj'4 ,T ' Lijina ReB'ardlessofthe amount of ad vertising we may do the built in character of the Paig'e car cannot be changed. Our adver tising can only multiply the fa vorable impressions which our present customers have of us. CUV A. VWILCeV Jhvsideni cAijpc "Distributors 394 (MQRTH BR9A0 STREET, PHILADELPHIA "isrv ', t ,.;, i ; ' lj ' I ii l i.i i i mi I II 111 I ill , I ll I Cidarctlc -Cases Candlesticks VTnAcli Boxes Don Don Dishes ii . . Card Cases Lircad li ays Ejrc-Glaes Cases Cake Dishcp Flasks Compotiers ' Pocket Knivc s Plaj'onnaisc and ni.MO PJVlll-l Tt-MJK A Dowls I Ii CONFIDENCE in the knowl- m edge that you are correctly I m attired Is bom of careful i ' I selection i $ftj HHHPPHHH Only u few nunufac- m m BWVB turcrs c u n produce fig m mm Vl( M clothing which satis- Ej 1$ mm A my ' actorily meets the W llflj mmi ll J' 1 AV j j 133 Iwj mm .. . vV 7-ktm u v a c 1 1 n ir standards lW, 1320 Walnut Street gfl WlA V' uM 1 which we luirc' 1 I W K R-lrJ? &m 11 ! I5t tlicsc houses alue Jacob TO ra k rlU P1 '1 Rccd's Sons bu5incsS l,ot Wi ij W& mmb.ffifi '1 v YMi M only for its olume, but alsti ' ' '""" S W Bfv'Mll'V IIm ' for tllc P,ct'Kc wllitl1 a m ffl Vvii v yuiB sivi5 tiicni to sei1 suci1 ,i w i yA mWmE -lWm Mote as ours, ffl& iaf&mmmmmmmmmmSs: $4 mmmjMjmmm -jj ,nt V(J i s$m , scarcity .tlicy arc bcnilin.; rgj ! m Fall and While Suds urr every energy to keep us Wl f J ini'crf $30 fo $S0 fully supplied witlt garnictiis ' fig Orei coats, "Sim- On" and winch arc a cicdit alike tu KM ' ijw l hcaterfield models, the niakct and omsches. ma KA s',rt to $100 well (quipped to supply you fjm m Orcrcoals with Ftu Collan.' " ' $' j ''? & md si. io lo $175 ' penon hiftiiinK from wlitcli M Fur.Lincd Overcoats, tfrA- satisfactory selcL- VM C3 25 to $600 tion fan be readily made. yj I JACOB REED'S SONS I i 1424-1426 ObeslbnniiilkSihredt B Hand VVroucjlit Iron Standards With Decorative Shades ol Painted Parchment Arc Most Satisfactory for Reading THE ROSENBACH GALLERIES Now, then, where's that Overcoat? J You need it for two reasons I Your health. J Your, appearance ! J Good men are more in demand than they ever were stick around! J Good men can look .better than they ever have in one of these top-notch Coats of ours! Ulsters in fine bea vers with a soft, deep richness that will make you look like a million dollars! 4J 'Handsome friezes, cheviots, and Shetlands in soft tones of gray, green, olive, brown, deep russets. 1$ Some with faintly visible plaid patterns blending with the color scheme. Backs of fabrics of bright contrasting col ors; some are plaid backs. (ft All - around belted Ulsters, Ulsters with back belts, Ulsterettes with waist seam lines. J Loose-fitting Over coats draping royally round the body Great Coats to Jap yourself comfortably in, in the car. I Chesterfields that are conservative with out being antique. fl Slip-ons, box backs, form-fitting models for dress parade. J All notable values at their prices, and selling today for less than we could sell them if we . had to replace them now ! S25, $33, $40, $4,1 to $85. Perry&Co. "N. U. T." lGth & Chestnut Sts. 'M i v I ? -SI ll ! fl jh m -4 f a ' -u v ' -.'.. ji-f: ,- . -