o T ," .fi-iHr EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY,' NOVEMBER 13, 1019 v- . H t li li KV t 15 I It W , M r i? . r -f TVae Mystery of the Red Flame i Copyright, 1010, hv Me Van Co Copirldit. 11U by Kxenlnit Public l.cileer THIS STAKTS THK STOKV Hugh Onrlnncl of tnc United States customs sen ice It aisiRiicil to ills covnr the uliercnboiitH of 11 rrd din inond NimiccU'd into flip country on the ntpamslilii Doni l'cdro. lie nr I'cptH it position nn iiKslitnut tn C'nl oni'l Wharton, n collector of iintiutii" mid Ri'iiiK, who ha The Hton. (inr lniid linn reason to Mint' tlie dia mond was to1ru before it was xnillK jsleil. Itroinlej Ilarnes. (im land's dilef, arrests .lolinsnn, stewaril on the Doni I'edro, mid llartlej Ctiirier. a dinnioud lealer. An iiiiin.xiuii note warns Dora, niece of Colonel Whar ton, of an attempt to he made to Men I the diamond, and Doni reinmes it from the safe. Amy Smith. (tenant, tells (inrland of Dora's pint of the transaction nnd of the ilia ninnil later belne stolen bj (!Inlei. He dropped the diamond in his haste to Ret rfnay and Am found it nnd buried it (inrland and Harms hasten to HedRenater House, where ( olonel Vhnrtou. n victim of npliasia. Is des ierntcl trjing to say something. NI) IltiliK IT CONTINTKS n(IN'T Mm think the effort will be -L' too much for him?" lie spread Ills hands in a ilepreeatiiiR XX 11 J How can I tell nu. how I hac a recline that n lie Keeps mi up n mm be able to speak intelligently." 't'lie path nt was sitting up in bed Bow, supported bj the loving hands of A mil S.iiuh. He clnnccd nt Dora with tenderness nnd then pointed his tingt r in ' the dlreitinn of .linne You jou jou !" he exclaimed, and then fell bm k fceblj The smooth face of the fellow le fleited the satisfaction he felt. His fer .., i:i. ... ..!..... .....1 iri uni' i',ii jiii iitiiviii '(ientienien lie said, with une i pected iifTnbiliti . "win tortme this poor man mil longer'' It is unite evident ! thoughts Kieiitliing m emeu to lie xv hat lie wants eicn though it mn b I working out smoothh and jet I was disappointing to xou." j fnr from mpp The picture of Doia While .Injur was speaking Colonel I Whnrten sobbing on the lneiist of her Wharton ln theie ipuetlj cjeing liiinn,1Ilf i,.nuiliied with me hid nnd in with n ncicr changing gn7e. It was effaceiilde pathetic to sec a strong mail thus ' rj.,,, jt'(1 l,ianioud would be le stricken While 1 was wondering ihat ' ,.,,.,,.,!, the gineinmcnt satisfied, the ehoiihl be done under the circumstances . iln punished' Hut what did all these the man in the lied seemed to aeipnre , ,,., ,f I ,,u to lose Dora? l-esli ;iriigtli. H u supirm,' ..ffoit of l.,,() m(, ,,,,, u, s ,th more than the will he snt up straight, without ns n.lemess ,.r .li.nnniids If v,e lmd sistaucr from nnj one I.irrv one mi...., i,,i i,.i, t ..i,i the loom was startled. It was as though one who a entering the portnls of death had snddenh inised himself to life His face was stein now He pointed his finger nt .tnwic for the thinl time, but now it was with delibeiation The long expected words came from his mouth firnilj and distinctlj : "You xou villain!" he ciicd. "How dare jou lime the cffronteij to stnj in mj hotisrV" Virtoi .Injur was shocked, but he xxas not the onh one. Those words came finin the lins of tlie sick man with a'l tlie solemnity of a l'licU'iucnt. The colonel turned to Hnrnes and once more he indicate ii J.-n lie I the glass or fashion nnd the mold of "Take take himnwax The sight i form He might n glimpse of me ns of the man is more than I (an hear ' !'' passed and if luurdcious looks could Heisniascal. He he is at the bottom ' have killed I would bine been stunk of all my troubles" .dead on the spot. His head fell on his bieast and he1 The next moment I felt n soft hand lurched over on one side. Loving hands put into nn own nnd looking around cared for him and in a few moments lie gaed into tlie benign countenance of xas Ijlng on ins liniK witli Ins ejes closed and a peaceful look on his face "T is it fatal?" whispered Collec tor Frend. in an awed tone. DREAMLAND ADVENTURES 111 DI)I)V "The Hidden Magician" (I'cnvV mill Oo-ln-ln air in India. Thvy hefiirml Slirchn, who Aim hern ttnlen Im Itamiln-Khi. a crtirl iiiihii cian. Yhcn the earnvnn itf Rajah Ihr-Hubii (inneciM, Uaniiln-Iitii nnd Blteebn disappear. Oo-la-la in de emed by aingh-Mndii. a ipy. of steal ing the rajah' daughter and tmnina her into l'eggy.) Hanida. Kin's I'lot Rixiti i-rv-'L. ii AMDA-KIN S sudden appea.ance beside the well nstonislied Oo-la-la nnd Heggj ns well as Hajah Mir-Hubu and his followers. "(ire-whillickers, now I know where ho disappeared to." whispered Oo-la-la III rcrei "111. nni ilmm t in el Tib tnreat of tlie rajah s to tlirow me in there (mil till the well in on top of me seared him out." "Who are you''" roared the injah at Itnmda-Kin The nnswer of the old Hindu startled Peggy nnd Oo-ln-ln. "I am Oo-la-la. the niKgiiinn," said llamda-Kiii, "I befriended jour poor stolen daughter. I.ada" he stretched out his hand toward Peggj- "mid tor that this px 51 sorcerer tool; mj tine joiing bodx for his own and i hanged me into his own old, worn-out frame. ..ii me suine nme uc ciinugcu j.iiuit iiuu i. i.- t: 'i. .. ' i i i ...i.. !..... tnis girl neie. This jnrn bounded so sillj that Pcggj nnd Oo-la-la broke into n heaity laugh. But Ilajh Mir-Hubu didn't laugh. He looked as if lie beliexed it. As for Singh -Mndu, the master spj. it fitted in so well with his own storj which was xxhnt Hnmda-Kin intended it to do that he grabbed nt it like a fish leaps at a tlj "That's what I told jou This man speaks the truth," shouted Singh -.Madu. "What nonsense," died On-la-ln "I nin Oo-la-la. This man is Hamdn Kin xvho stole jour daughter, I.ada. from the garden of jour palace " "Ah " Hhouted Singh -Madu, point ing n skinny finger at Oo-lu-la "If jou were not Hainda-Kin how would jou know the plnce from which he stole Lada?" "True' True'" said Hajah Mir liubii, nodding his head thoiightfullj "Guard well tliis man until we get to the bottom of tins affair." Singh-Mnclu, onlj too ready to get Tevence on Oo-Ia-lii for throwiiiE him into snecziuB tits, moved to Oo-In -la's I DOROTHY DARNITYes.'a Way Out Is a Valuable j OH LOOK' J WOKIDER I LETS FOLLQw"1 )PM' A CANf CRAWL "M gktA nO SIREE-THERE'i POOT PRINT, tM POOT PRlNTftj j WHERE THEV j THEM UP '-" f J ANDSEF H ) GOl M IrJ, BUT NONE COMIN OUT H '" l d, ' 'x 'l: rhm ' -- -'" rrr-" , . ;!ri ., rJL, - r UJifii nt!iy jj ... u-t jj. .hu.j! ,jiw1'i n'j ii,nr.k-,j. ww-ftK " -W fliN I . J l' ' L" , A i " r f "l xl ' ' 'fTtiiMnn "- -' - i irfi ilr h-.- tA..,.., fijttfthiM "iiiijiniini in i iiillmMitoiiiiiiiatii mi iMJiMiiiiiAi.iiih i i i n i n ifljliief ifitillMiiii .iiiityittiifeiriiii I Doctor Henderson shook his head. 'It's a crisis, hut I'm sure It's n I till n for the better. I'm sine he will Improve from this moment In the meanwhile things had been happening In that statel) old bedroom Iturton HnpRood stood ilitectlv lieliiini Victor .Iane while Colonel Whnitoii , I was making his ihaniatlc iiicusntlon land the moment It was concluded lie ' slipped n pair of hnndeuffs nround .liiMu s unresisting wiUts I "Thej 're real becoming to joii." he grinned! us he led the licensed mnii . down the stall wa i Doi tor Ilendersiin, smiling like a basket of ihlps. hail now icsumed his most professional ninnnei. I "(ientienien.' lie (ailed on I. as If I nothing out of the nidinnrj Imil nr cm red. "(oil ienll must clear the I tonni Six patient needs unlet and We tiled out of I lie apartment jii-tj as solemnh as we had mine in. At the iloorn I pnil-cd to take one last look -. tii. '... ....... 1 ..4 tl... Imnil nf end of wora u muicm -.mmhi mi m- "'', ; the bed. her pictt him k head pillowed upon the hi east of Aunt Sarah, sob- ' . I .... . !. : . 1 Tl.. It l.ino ili.leiith Wns it ioj ? ns it gilef Or was it the nnturnl leaction thnt was to be eipeited nftei suih a stiniii upon her neues' Once out in the sunlight I felt the frieni'.l hand of Hronilej Hnrnes upon nn shoulder ,, .... 'ili'u tiiiiiiiir mil nm. IiiibIi. lie Riinned "We !.. ,l.n4 , 1. 1 .11 got the thild link i of evidence Inlinson Glacier, ,Inuc! Who will he the ,t,,t i ' l .ii. I nni nnswir I had un o II beliet. bul I did ii"i "-" to put it into wolds. ! I the I Hie Ittnled lieasurc TT WAS n lelief to get out 1 tool air after thnt nene-incking scene m the sick ( number. 1 liniicil uir after that nene-incuing the sick (hamber. 1 hnneil I against the uuc-covcicd column 01 ine nnreh and tried tn rolled nn seittcicil , onlj hne felt lep'iid for all the torture and agoin of mini! I had undeigone. As I stood tin re the Mi repressive Hapgood came out of the house lend ing his pnsoner. The handcuffs on .In nc's t li in w usts had not lmpnned the pettish disposition of the man He had pliijcd for bis stakes and lost, nnd f loni the malignant look upnu his thin fute he was not a good loser His languid ninnncr wns gone and he wns cursing his mptoi with all the xigor of a pirate. His long hair wns uilTled. his stiingj niiiHtndie mussed and his clothing in (Harder. He was no longer xuni .-sarau nnj ine nuxictx was over and the dear old laih was herself again The ficshnrss had ictiirned tn her xeneinble checks and tlie kindh side, seizing him b one aim. Haj.ih Mlr-Hiibu tinned to Knmda-Kin "(Irent magician, jou say ou can turn this girl back into the form of nn lost daughter. Do so, and I shall send J nu aw in loaded villi gold and jewels and hoiiois " "One other boon. 1 crnxe," ciied Knmdn-Kin. his ees lighting up with an evil gleam. "Punish this impostoi " ',MI .""isrii proiioscii llilow liim lllt() tl)(, wp ,,' ,,'. hm t,,,,.S. "It shall be as xnu sin," declared the i the rajnli. "but first gie ine back nn I daughter in her true form." it,,.,,,!,, to,, i,,...i n i i i .."T " ' ,'' "..,"": ;' "' "7 ..' -iniiiup, nn ward took un his sword ami ImsL.t and plaml them beside the well Then he spoke to the injah. "The magic that I use. Oh. Unjali Mir-Hubu, is vurj powerful and must not be beheld b human ees. Theie foie, while I use it, all here must sit with their bin ks to me mid mm their heads with then garments, not tinning nor looking In spite of what ton hear, cxen screams nnishouts or other queer sounds. niso will the magic be spoiled." At once the lajah and all his fol i. -- ' lowc.i obejed, tinning then hat Its and (oveiing their heads Hien Smli Mndu buried his head in his ( lonk hut he kept tight hold upon Oo-la-la Kninda-Kin grinned hnriihlx, nnd ad- xnnied upon l'eggj with ins swoid. It wns plain that he meant to tlnow bur into the well and then prodiue I.ada. claiming that he had turned l'eggj into the rajah's .stolen dnughtei Hut Oo-lu-la was rcadj for him. He wined his free hand before the old Hindu's face "Sneeze!" he xvlilupcird. ami in nn instant itunula-lxln in nn lm.t.lnt lllinnlil . Iv li nnnl into n x-lnlcnt ht nf knpczlnir. "Kiipi.. ' ri'iieutul On-lii hi, imttiiiK Ins linnd be- nentli .Siiigli-.Mndirx elonk, nnd nt ontc the ninster kiij bei;nii to snee7e so lmul that he lollul helplessly uiiou the L'round. Info tho well wllli inn. IWnr " whispeicd Ou-Ia-ln. "I.enrii its setict i l vp Rot it it s n tclecrnm fiom nnd jou i nn suxe us both nnd give I ""' "P""1 .ieii(ini Stemnslilp t'uiii Lndii badi to her futhei." Woikins Pnny Informiiifj .laequettc thnt u berth last, he tied the bucket rope beneath , ' u,,,' r'ened lor him nu the I'ckcj's nuns und loxxeicd her into the ' Amazoninn, nlilili .nlN tomoiion we l morniiiR. f'oinolioir Kill be told tcha't l'eggy indi in the well.) c light in her shrewd ejes once moie sug j gcstctl the fountain of eteinnl outli She was a pu lure In her steel -coloied dress, the rare lace collar kept in place Mm the old -fashioned biooeh, anil the mn -while hair parted in h ' mulei stood the ipiestlonln mj ejes. wlille hair parted in the middle. g look ill "She's up in her innm now . sobbing, i It's the In st thing for her It will bring lest, and, I hope, pence.'" M,(i not,inB, but looknl in the .dliiction of the ilwr when1 the wnteis i ippled on, oIiIImoiis of the tiagcdj and ' f nnw.,lt ,,r nr,. llilgh, she said snfth, and the inothcrh wn in which she pronounced in inline wmt to ni henit, "I never doubted jou from the stmt Your c,v aie honest Hull's all I needed." I am nfiaid iu ejes were bluricd nt that motniut, but I mnnliged to iimr mnr: "Hut hei but Dora ' "That." intciiupted the wise old mill. must lie left to tunc. Who inn t(liiv' " Ann In,. I . . I she left me ns noiselessh as she had i nine. I was moused bj (he oiie of llromlc) Haines: "Well, bnjs, ale jnu going out to dig diamonds 01 do ,ou intend to spmd the ilaj die.iinlngV" I stalled guiltilu In nn thought of Dora I had almost forgotten the dia mond Less; tlifin n intinite had ehllised fiom the time we left the shkioom, but jii that time mj mind had bicii going iner all the iwcnts of the past few dn.is. 1 looked about luislilt "Where's Ilapgood?" I asked. Haines ghuued nt me iniiouslj "Hull Aiiurself togelhei, son." lie ml- Msed. "Ilnpgood's gone to the cit with his prisouei MVic got the tluee of them theie now." .....! I ..!.... t.. !.'.' ' ""i"""-"'" " .-,,,. ..o ,,,t ,, ,, ttllil'p ,int VPL.(, was going on Ijrmme of li tin I don't know wants 1 hope he hasn't skip- pi d. lie's the most import. tut bird of tlie whole floi k " Dm tor Henderson joined us and we still tid in the dii 01 1 ion of the .summer house. "I think I'm going to pull What ton lluoiigli. he said, in Ins piofessional waj. "lie's icsting ipiietlj now. You duips (lesene (icilit for this. You (nought him good news, wliith, ns l'e of ti n said, is the best niididiie nnj doc tor i an picseiibe "IJuitc Hue." agiced Haines iiupn tientlj "Hut let's get down to mil digging " The, won seemed to remind the doctor of something A blond smile spread oer his wholesome (ouuteiinnce. " '1 on fellows will need a spade," he said "I'll go and get one." "What Mill ic.lllj need fnr this occa sion. Ik sain (iieeruj, is n silver mule It's going to he a xery impor tant fiiiiition and should be nppio.ichcd in a i cri miniums manner." We laughed at his little jest nnd pro- i ceded on oiu waj I looked around for Aim Smith, but she wns not hi sight. Hinmlex Haines must hnve had the same thought In Ins muni, tor lie tinned to ine ahiupth. heie s the girl? I don't know." 1 said, somewhat disconcerted 'I told her to stax heie until we mine out of the house. We wnlked niniind the summer-house looking for the place where the diamond wns likelj to be hidden1. Twice and tluee times we made the louinls without locating the spot. l'ltiallj tlie sharp ers of Haines deteded a little pile of biushwood on the side of the house lie cleared it mvav with his foot and lexenled a space of freshlj dug earth. "At last!" he cried In tiiumph "Now we can get down to business." There 'was some good-nntuied chart ing as to who should manipulate the spade and the ihoice finnlh fell to me 1 giasped the implement fnmh, hut before I could sink it into the earth we weie interrupted bj a crj from the house. We iooked in that direction nnd found Aunt Saiali on the poich, ges-tlciil.-itimr wildh. Doctor Henderson l-hunied oxer to her, followed bj Hrom lej Ilarnes. I hesitated for a moment, I censorship, inn led on ine iiiiter s coi niid then joined them. The dear old lespondence with her fiance, latlv was in ipiite a flutter. ' All went well and eeij one wns ap- ' I was passing the loom of M Jules paientlj happj until one dnj .lane, nil .Inccniettc nnd the door wns open I ejed, told Olga she wanted to tall; with looked in and found it nil upset I n der ordinal-.! circumstances I would not think of going into a guest s room. but in xiew of all that has occuried heie todnj I felt no conipnnetiou whnt ex er. And, gentlemen, what do jou think V" "What?" we asked in (bonis "He's gone SI. .Incquette has gone and taken nil of his things with htm ' "(iiiod nddnnoe! ejaculated Doctor Henderson. .lust anno!iince eiosscd Hlomlc! Hnrnes. the merest shade of the placid fni e of The thought of the prize piNnnei of the lied Dininnud case slipping thiough his fingeis xsas gnll and woimwood to the old man. but he did not saj a wold As foi mjself. mj feelings weie he nnd expression. I wns moi titled, hut I knew thnt I was piimnrih lespon sihle nnd that the case would not ue (omplete until tlie diamond was le overed nnd Jules Jnupiette placed be 'iliid prison doors. Hut while I was thinking the old lad was prattling. "I looked ever where, in the closets and the but rail drnweis. to see if he had 'eft anjthing. Hut theie wnsn'f am -thing except these scinps of paper in the waste basket. It looks like the fiagments of a telegiaph slip and thought Id show it to jou. IlnrncK hnntrhod tlie little bits of ' K'lloxv iinpor from Iicr linml nml the '"""t moiiieut n down on nil fonis on the porch. triinK to pieio them to - , Bother. He made one combination nnd t""1 nnotni-i, nice n uiiui pin.wuir xxitu toy blocks. 1 iniilly he gnie n shout ! Of tlllimnll. Aiie Kcuuniiivi . ejaculated jionor Henderson. My emotion mis too great for wolds. Thing to Leave Behind You By GEORGE BARTON uitior ol "The World's Greatest Military Spies and Secret Service Agents" ' I tin mil to Bin lies with a look of in , ipiin in mj cms. "Well." he answered. 'the fli'"' Ihlnir in older is that diamond After I Hint we'll attend to' the Humlian "Was the tclrgiam of mix service toicnih anxious to get the flrst glimpse of ou7 iiskid Aunt Saiali, tliiiiili "It has been of grcatf sen Ice," le plled Haines, v 1 1 1 a gallant bow. "be- cause It puts us on the funk of a ei cleer rascal." We started for the summer house again nnd I picked up the spade and began to dig. The slmip ulge of the iiiiMi-iiu-iit nuiu, lino nn- -u y ensilj. It seemed almost loo (iis. ' iinplement sank into the sntt eniiii cut nt mv woik Instill amid the eheer lug, bantering icuuuks of mv cum paiiions. "The mliuile jour spade strikes a hind siibstniKC," said the doitor jo cosely, "jou will know that ou hae leached the hidden ticiisuic " "Theie won't be urn haul sub stance," I replied laughing, "bemuse there isn't nnj tin box in this case. Ann tells me thut she put the diamond In a chamois bag. about tluee fi 1 1 he low the sui face " All the while I kept tossing spade THE DAILY NOVELETTE BETWEEN THE LINES Hi KMXAIitiTll A. I)e ItAKIt OMiA wi and (!c ll.(!A wii a senior in linnidiiiR sdiool Jcoige was a junior in ( ollege. i Thex nut lit a ( ollege house pint! anil, well ! Olgn was shoil with crj l.nge ejes nnd n xerj small mouth. She woie her linir. black nnd shining, p.iiled in the middle, pulled iiiniut1j down nice hei foichcad. puffed oxer the mis and higli in lurk. When (ienrge (nme to cull. she w her giniidnintlier's i oinli. ' whidi was icii Imelj then limited it linel. ninong tissue paper when he left. Olgn's diesses weie uifllj most im prai tit nl. but she was piuitiriil bemuse she made Hum hcisclf She could plai a guitar spftlj and loll her ejes at the and loll her ejes at the . anil, best of nil. she ener Hut when It caine proper moment was a good list to talking Olga wns a failure. She couldn't sa am thing fiinnj nnd her v.oids seemed to jump out in n shmt, sniipp! win Olga (oilldn't talk well, and, foitunaleh. she knew it siMip didn't talk nmdi As fni (Iioigc he wns big and nwk ward, but loads of fun. He could make liis, thumbs go out of joint nnd Olga would cover hei big ejes with her little hands and beg him not to be "so , naught.!." mid said she wouldn't look, but be kmw she wns peeking thiough I her fingers He liked to lime her sit ' curled up beside him, and play soft, slow music on her guitar while thej both looked into space. Yes, thej weie deeplj in luxe' Then the house-part,! ended nnd Olgn mine bach to school, tell into the in ms of her waiting ioommiiti, was diagged upstairs and, lights turned low, (on fessid the whole stoij to nidC-ejed Il,up' . , , n, The next din a special i nine for Olga it was a litter fiom (icoige, mid Midi n letter! Olga showed it to .lane and ciied nnd laughed nlteinntelj as she . i ! r i.l... t.tiX. t!n,,i 1l ii Hi. iiwlfijtf I icnil It lOl inv "!" ('"" " " " , M a mastcrpuce. a rloier, iieu-winien lettei. and Olga was wise she knew hei answer wns expei led to lie c(iiiiiij ns either it just hud to be! Moieowr. she knew she couldn't wiite a good letter nn! inoie than she could tell a good storj, and she knew .lane iniilil. And .lane did Tine love should not deceive, but Olga, in her disiie to keep (icorge's affection while uwny fiom him, was ilespeiate. She lealmed her shoit coniings and she did her best to outwit Hi phi So .lane, under Olga's i an fill her She flopped down ou tlie tut among the pillows nnd looked up into Olgn's questioning ejes. "I enn't go on with it, Hoomx. ' she said in n hollow !oicc. "I cm'! go nu deceiving him nnd mjself. "es, I tried to make myself believe I don't love him, but 1 do his lelteis me so wonderful. 1 " "Stop!" Olgn cried. "Do jou mean !ou lime fallen in luxe with nn lieorge.' i Jane nodded miserably and the tons bounced off hei cluck. "Yes, she nnsweied simplj. Then despeintely she went ou "And I've lead bitwien the lines, it's me he lo!cs; it's my letteis; it's the gill I've put into mj letteis me me!" "Oh. Jane, how can jou?" and Olga sank down. She wnnted lo (ij, but she didn't, so she whistled lunxeli That night the maid mine patteung up the stnirs witli two inuK for Olga One wns "(ieorge Hotter," the othei "Stanley JIllls." She louldn't think she went mechnniciilly down the stairs and into the leieption loom (icoige caught her hands awknrdlj and, utteilx ignoring the tall, dink man beside him r ' said : im jo,, imo, Olga, tell me tlie tiutli i mo'" I "Oh lienice. xv Hit's the use if , ' uon't believe it, OIrii I know ou I Inxe me nnd I've come to explnin exeij thine. 1 xxns so cra. nbont xon thnt x hen I xvent nnnj. I xns nfrnld iu letters xxouldn't hold jour interest, fo I Bot Stnn to xviite 'em for me And now. Olgn. he's fullen in loxe Mth ou. nnd lie snvs he's rend between the line- and knows joii'iv his by liglits He told me so this morning." Hut Olgn shot out fiom the inoni flinging n "be right bnik" to the sui piised mnii xho ttnred nfler hi r In a moment she returned drugging a ho -wlldeied Jane across the loom after spade full of eaith on the side of the" hole I wan milking As 1 pio- Ricsscil the Intel est In i nine moie in tense. Haines, the doctor nnd Aunt , Sin nil liimeil in el- in tlieir excitement line iiiinous iii.imoiiu I'resentlv I got down to the prc- scilbed depth. At that moiiient tin nii,, .ti.i MiiM.e a foieign sulistnuee ,1 looked down and discovcicd It was a (liamols ling the bag that liifd been so ginphliiilh descilheil bj Ann Smith I iih Led It mi nnd thrust nn hand on I)1(, inside. It WHS I mjll.x ; I IIU11H" n hnriicd cxainiiiatlon of the iliit Haines the Inside. It wns tnititj!. I made a and the doctor scrutinized cci Indi of the hole. It was no use. The Ked Diamond was gone' We stood tlieie ill silence looking 1 inouinfiilli nt one aiiothei. Suddenlj I the sot let dawned upon e.idi of us The slim el on the ginpnd the soft ness of the 1'iirth ' 1 .lules .Im (piettc had been theie nlieail of us and hud dug up the tiensuic and lied with II ' (CONTINTKD TOMOKItOW) "(leoige, dear,' she explained, "it was .Inne who wiote these lettets I was trjing lo deceive jou and, hut lit oi go had taken her In his nuns. He had kissed lint twice when she sudden -Ij icniembcied mid wliispeied, "Intiodiuc them deal." (iioigc laiighnl. "Thej don't need un intiodilclion. hnnev.' And tliex didn't. (I optrichl. tall), h Hie Hinder sinirnte. Inc. Hie next iniuplelr nox'elrlle Hegln niug Again a Ay P (ttl SQUINT OR SMILE? I,ft our t jrn, of prnrllc 7 U1 JVHI IIW llliilllllll Optomptrlftfi Opt Iri nin CO. .vHtfo. eLEHIOH MIS. niiiTni'i.AX s, PHOTO PIAYS THRU w Company r ofJmerica AIKI,. 12'h. Morrl. ft-I'aaflrunlc Avs. Alnambra jint uniiv(it2;Eg.u:5i. TO!l XI IX In "nOUOII-IllDIM! HOMANCC" APOI 1 O BD & THOMPSON STS ArxJLLxJ MATINEE DAILT M!i: Ml tlllAV In "I WIN PAWNS ADPAniA CIIlISTNUT nelow 1BT11 AKL.A1J1A to A M tnll:151'.M "JOHN'" I'KTTICOAl S" it u in nn' I.. . , .-...r-s m,rir. KTI1KRT AND tJL,UE.DlKlJ sijsoumiANNA avb MA mm TOIJIINWH'S "llli: i.irn unb" BROADWAY "r.? A m" jack ncicronn in "lll'WlIiAK HY I'KOXV" CAPITOL 2 MARKET STREET 10 A M tn 11 13 1'. M PAiir.iNU rRnnnnicic in "HONDS OP LOVE" rf-V" nMI Al Oln i. Mnplnwonrl Aves E K I.1NTOI.N In "VIRTUOl'S JIUN r-;mr?i7CC main st, manayu.nk LMlKbOb MATINEE DAILT Tlir.DA I1ARA In "IX ItEI.LE iiussn" FAIRMOUNT :0V nSe'SxiVOt TACK riCKTORD In "IlUROI.An BY PIIOXT" -AIII V THEATRE 1311 Market St. rAMILY O A M. to Midnight. SPECIAL 'THE OPEN DOOR" CITU CT THEATRE Below Sprucw. 3D 1 rl O 1 . MATINEE DAILY MARY MILES MINTEIl In "A IlACHEI.OU'sl XVIl'E FRANKLIN WiaMPZSSg r xv. onirFiTii's "HKOKBN HLOSJ.Q.XIS ' GREAT NORTHERN "JtfPSSFK CONSTANCn TALMADOn In a Ti;.Mi'i:nAMi:NrAL xvirK" IMPERIAL ""Sl1,??.?! WILLIAM nU.SSF.LL In ' SIX TEUT FOUIl" I C AnCD 1ST 4 LANCASTER AVI Lfc.AUE.rx. M4T1NT1R OAILY d xv. aniPFiTii's "UIIOKKN IlIXJShOMS I IDCDTV UROAD COLUMBIA AV. LloCrX 1 I MATINKE DAILY EUQKNR O'liniHV In 'THH I'BHFr.CT LOVUn" 333 MARKET SZR?fi,?lf?F WILLIAM IttTSSr.LL In "SIX t'Ulil' lUL'U" MOrim -3 SOUTH bT. Orchestra IVHJUcXj Contlnuon. 1 to 11. DOHOTHY PHILLIPS In THK ItlQHT TO HAlTINUSS nVPRRRDDIf ??d . Hn UVtKIAMJ-s,d' ' '(iiir"riv(i iJkh"i:lf- iVTh'oI nnn An ct a i inrrnpn m nrad Ito(.k!and nniinnT xx'AHWICK in "TOLD IN THE HILLS" n lOITI' A 40TH 4 MAIIKET STS n,UtLNA MATINEE DAIIJ ENID HENNETT In "8TI3PPINO OUT" by tho Hell Sjndli'atf. Ine KIkA f Wm fHrifl "SU bU H IB ivntbnriMn ivnio ' ilOME VICTOR WATER HEATER rem coat. pJ.it iirinclnlei constant iiipplri H tn ,10 Eftllonn lo. Ilcnta ridlatnrf. too There l nothing Just ns rood Free Dook Reeves Stove 38 & Foundry Co. So. 2d IIARDWOIIl) AMI l'ARIU I .Till Cltmllt llork (ttiuriintrril. Mmlenitc I'rlies MOISE SCOPPITT1 1ll (III.S10t ST, IMione l.nrilst .11119 sr Young Men "ws Don't Get Bald Cuticura Does Much To Prevent It Dandruff, scalp irritation, etc, point to an unhealthy condition of the scalp, which leads to thin, falhug hair and premature baldness. Fre quent shampoos with Cuticura Soap and hot water do much to pre vent such a condition, especially if preceded hy a gentle anointing with Cuticura Ointment to spots of dan druff and itching. Soap 25c, Ointment 25 and 50c, Talcum 25c. Sold throughout the world. For sample each free address . "Cuticura Lab oratories, Dept.6M, Maiden, Mall." Slavs' Cuticura Soap ihavei without muff. i'iinToi'i.As ITakIwU Get the Genuine .flfijxjil and Avoici?i;tffl,3 I 7&vJiZirtf?& Economy tUi" in Every Cake S5 'S & P' 'St'CZX The following thcatics obtain their pictures through the STANLEY Company of Amer ica, xvhjch is a guaianteo of early showing" of tho finost productions. Ask for the theatie in your locality obtaining pictures through the Stanley Company of America, PAI ATP l214 MARKET flTRCET I -L.,-XI n i; A j to j jr, r j, THE XIIRACI.E MAN" PR INCUS'S. 1018 MARKftT STREET ( IIEIl.HTON 1IAI.I5 In "iin; hi.ai'k cIIllLl:' RFf .PNT-MAllKl:T hT I,e'"v i7m 1VL-VJL.1N 1 11 A M to 111'. 11 DOItOTHY DAMON In ' I.'AI'Al'Hi: RIAI TO GCRMANTOWN AVE. iH-U ly' AT TULPEHOCKEN ri-OUENCE llEED In "WO.XIAN S LAW" RUBY MAUKCT hr BCLOW 7TH f tn 1 1 K U MAiicim-iilTi: t-r.AHK in" 'WIDOW IIY PltOXY" SAVOY 1'-'u MARKET STREET ,, "A 51 TO MIDNIGHT , i:arle xvh.maxis in "THE W.ACK GATE" STANI FY MARKET AnOVE 10T11 r.tfiENi: o IlllIEV In "SEALED HEARTS' VICTORIA MARKET ST. AB. 9T1I viviurxirt n ,x m to 11 :15 P.M. OLIVE TIIO.XFAS In "THE SPim IlllIDE" THE NIXON-- 'IIlDLIaER THEATRES W BELMONT B2D AB0VE market IlILfMR nURKi: In "HALUK LOVi:" CEDAR C0TU AND cr-DAR AVE- DOIHIIXS FAinnANKS In "HIS MAJESTY 1IIB AMEIIK'AX" XVLiUCVJm isoTII AND 00TH DOlTdLAS rAlIHlANKS In "HIS .XAJEbTY THE AMEniCAN"' FRANKFORD "ls $nD XVII.LIAM TAnNUM In" "THE SrOlLEIlS" II 1MRO "ONT ST. k GinAHD AVE. JUII1UU Jumbo Junction on Trankforil "I nOHEUT XX-ARXVICIC In "TOLD l. THE 1IILUS" I OH NT 02D AND LOCUST BTUEETa L.VWkJX Mati. l:10.fl10 Evcs.0;30 to 11 DOnOTHYv DALTOM In "THE MARKET OF SOULS" NJIXON MCI AND MARK1DT STB. Nly.V-l a.,B. 7 and 0. IICRItErtT RAXVLINSO.V In "THE CAIITEH CASE" Dlni 1 B2D AND EANBOM STB. tX-lVxJI,l MATINEE D. DAVID POXVni.L In "THE TEETH OF THE TiaER" CTD AlXjn QEHMANTOWN AV. J 1 r-UNU XT VBNANQO DOnOTHY OIHII In "TUHNINO THE TA1ILES" WEST ALLEGHENY -,;- DOItOTHY DALTON' In "THE MAHICET OF SOULS" JEFFERSON 20STT'I AN?.Ag5Si? ENID HENNETT In "HTEPl'INQ OUT" PAtJk' H1DQB AVE. & DAUnilN ST. r-rrv Mat '.' IT. E UtlStoll. D XV. OIHFFITH'S "HIIOKKN HIXDSSOMS" By Chas. McManus m DON'T BE WITHOUT SLOAN'S LINIMENT Keep It Handy It Knoxvrf No Kqnnl in HcIicvitiR Pains and -Aches SLOAN'S LINI&IENT has been syjld for 38 years. Today, it ii more nonular than ever. There can bo but one nnswer it produces results. Applied without nibbing, it pen etrates to tho nlTlictcd part, brimrinc lelief from lhcumatic, twinges, sci atica, sore, stiff, strained muscles, lame back, nnd other exterior pains and sprains and the result of ex posure. It leax'cs no mussinoss, stain, ciOEfjetl pores. Get n large bottle for greater econ omy. Keep it handy for use when needed. Your druggist has it. Three sizes -35c, 70c, $1.40. Tte Pawnee Pipefess Furnace Cuts GmBiltsYs In thousands of homes, church es, stores, etc., the intro duction of the inexpensive and eqsiiy installed Pawnee Pipe less Furnace has resulted in a remarkable improvement in heating, in comfort, in clean liness at a fuel saving of from 25 to 40 per cent. Heats every room comfortably in zero weather from one reg ister, but keeps cellar cool. Insures proper ventilation. .-' '!' II . .... .. . . . I urlle J nr llooKlet, HtirnN linnl nr oft mnl or wood, Moder- iJsacJSjtoa.Co, IlciitiiiK & riiimtihiB fvipplip',. IlKptny Itoomn 44 to 50 N. 5th St. 506 Arch St. STEXXI'.HIP NOTICES Pneftfnffer and VrclRlit Perxlcev NEW YORK to LIVERPOOL Carmnnin Nov. 15, Dec. 19 Orduna Nov. 21, Dec. 23 Veatns Nov. 25 NEW YORK to -PLYMOUTH CHERBOURG and SOUTHAMPTON Maurctania Nov. 29, Dec. 23 NEW YORK to PLYMOUTH. HAVRE and SOUTI IAMPTON Royal George Dec. 9 NEW YORK to PLYMOUTH, CHERBOURG and LONDON Caronia Dec. 1 3 NEW 'YORK to PLYMOUTH, HAVRE and LONDON Saxonia Dec. 1 0 NEW YORK to PIRAEUS Pannonia Nov. 22 N. Y.L'DERRY GLASGOW Columbia Dec. 6 PHILADELPHIA to LIVERPOOL f Anglo-Chilean Nov. 1 5 PHILADELPHIA to LONDON Vestalia (via Boston) Nov. 20 PHILADELPHIA. BOSTON to PIRAEUS, CONSTANTINOPLE and SMYRNA River Araxes Nov. 22 Pier 16 South iw X.VM.MJT ST.. riiiuni:i.rni x. State Bank of Philadelphia Fifth and Bainbridge Sta. STEAMSHIP TICKETS KERR LINES Sailings from Philadelphia FOR ROTTERDAM S. S. "CLAIRJON" Nov. 18 FOR HAMBURG S. S. "KERLEW". Sailing Nov. IS A Steamer Late Nov. Through Rates Quoted to Baltic and Scandinavian Ports Via Hamburg KERR STEAMSHIP CO., Inc. 615-617 Lafayette Bldg. Philadelphia, Pa. DII Telephone Keystone Telephone "LonibiAd S201" "Main 40J" EARN-LINE .. n r.t . nrerporitlell JM1 U. S. Snipping Board Steel Steamert General Cargo Regular Service Philadelphia-Manchester SS "WEST CHETAC"....Nov. 15 Philadelphia Havana SS "LAKE FLUVANNA" Sailed Nov. 1 S S "LAKE GALERA". . . .Nov. 14 For rates and particulars apply to Ear n-Line Steamship Co PHILADELPHIA F L.O R I D A IIY SHA . PHILADELPHIA TO JACKSONVILLE l'Aiu: oi: ww round inir $27.55 r; $49.59 Including meats and stateroom accommotla. lions. 8t?amer salllnar every Friday 0 I iL Balllnti nUo to baannah, Ou, I'ull information on request MKKIIATH A. UMSKH TKArNr'V TO. lMrr 1H Ho. Del Aw. Tfl. Ixiuiburd 1000. SALESMAN United States or Abroad tlentl.'uiun. 40, fcliire IU yeiiru maiiucer nf merrhiindiKS deparlment of large romern. Uenlree.lo inake flianne. lCinrrlencpd Imnort ml Dulort.nuini njienks Trrntb, HpJiuMi ami iVriwiir 4. jJ8,, i.tf 8fiW,r if. u , J HkIkJ fl Iv6jw "'' rn' WW. nt!l2 I ditiLI Mm rTinpli IrJtW I 'IfflSjS'J 'Er UF' 139-141 Federal St., JJ' laH rtgft I Camden, N. J. ,1311 Walnut St. $0oitofjraplj3 Kecarbtf OLD FELT HATS J RENOVATED I r WIit bur b new w one? llrlnit ronr old - find to no. ihiii! i ril.UKKT HTK1.ET. Ctimtsnr. 2 CTAD UAT rl eAMIMn Toothache during the night? BAtJME ANALGSIQXJE BENGUE brings case and a relief from pain. Then you can sleep Tki. L.mlnt A C... N. Y. 1 BUILDERS' 1 1 MILLWORK I j Doors, Sash, Mouldings, l j Columns, Etc tHE HANEY-WH1TE CO. !': rmni . :;i 17th and Glcnwood Ave. ($ ::; 5S ::j: Office & Warthouss jM ii! 21t and Glcnwood Ave. ;: Si: j: g: Lists From Plans and ? Estimates Given Km i.nt'cvnnvM, lloth hexei Our graduates are in constant demand (or Kood-paylnR positions. Qrogs Shorthand, tbe eaay. upeedy nystem. Cnmplete bualnaw and aecretarlal courses. Dy and Nlcl.. Classes, intensive training. Enroll any time. Call or write (or full IIArHlllnra and .alalnim. K& rim.A. nusiNKss college nnn cnlleeo or Commeree 1017 Chestnut Ht.. l-hlladelphU THE TAYLOR SCHOOL ""'''! OreuB Shorthand. Touch Tyrewrltlnir, Hook keeplng A Hpcrctnrl.il Courses. Day & Night. Strayer's Business College rhlliclclphla's Greatest Business School. 807 Chi-Btnut St. Thone XValnut 88- hl'AMSII TAIIRIIT IIY Xin. 1.IXION DIAZ, grail, from Xliidrlil' ITnlrer. A 2111, T.wl.O. AITTI1XIN- IlICnRT! ATLANTIC) riTV. N". J. HOTEU- BLACKSTONE Virginia Ave. and tho beach. Capacity ipacity.1 nerlcNK I . ii I c-ffient, I np. uuu. oea water oains. special AmeriCM vmn. t up oauy; European piaiw daily. Modern ci.ra.tlvo batha dpnnrin DAVin nwnn Ownpr and Prop. HOTEL CONTINENTAL Ahai open. Alwajfl ready. Terms mod- ratc. x-nono or wnie m waiBii Luncan. ynurik I ATLANTICCITY.N.J. 1 i AtvAmerican. PlaaHotel of DislmciioRawiRealComiort I I r IRE PROOF OARAGE. I Virginia Ave close to beach and Steel Pier. Cap. ilGO. Am plan prlv. trntha. run'e watur, elevator. Open nil year. J. 1,. l-Ki:i)S. Owner HOTEL JACKSON VI re In hi Ave., first home from Boardwalk and Hteet Tier. F'.reproof, private bitha; runnlne water In rooms. Uuropean fl. 30 day up, American JJ day up, elevator to street. No cabaret H. J. RROQAN. HOTEL AUSTINE Fact no and 8t. James Tlace. Open sur roundings, opposite Catholic and Protestant churi-hes. JJ.00 dally, special society. u. iv. anmiw THE WILTSHIRE Vlrcrlnta nv and Reach. CaDacItv 33(7. Prlv. naths. runnlne water, elev.. etc. Amer plan, J4 up d'ly. special wkly. Uklet. SAM U i: 1 1 ISLTi IS, owner; N,J. COILINB, mgr. TRAYMORE auanticciiy lWRID'S GREATEST HOTEL SUCCESS WPI T SRORO Kentucky Axe. nr. Bch. 5 up xvkly. American plan t!5 up wkly. HOTEL BOSCOBELS"'".!:," weekly ; phone 117. A. E. MARION. wesunin5ier to Rt prhatP baths, run. xvatcr. 14upxvkly. '-' "'" up dally, l. nuhre. WASHINftTON. 11. C. Burlington Hotel American nnd European Plans, 431 Kooms. 222 Baths. S2.50 to $5r V. T. MILLER. Mer.. Washington. D. C. I Ivo minutes irom everytning VmOINIA OLD POINT COMFORT HOTEL CHAMBERLIN FINE AUTUMN GOLF xXjiSwlmmlnx Pool, lilL Bath nd Treatment, CEO. F. IDtMS. ftrtnit Mcnm, i Auk Mr. l'ogter. 12th nml Clirntnut "Cook's Toun." 225 S. llroart Ht. iir.itxiiuix BERMUDA THK lnnAT. WINTER HESOUT (rurnees Line, XVhllchall St., N. T.) PRINCESS HOTEL HOWid A, TWOnoacn. Managers 3 Seafood XX Europein j mt. Write S.i Mittier f J ., o ,fc iincun lire, in HOTEL FRASCATI I FRANK J. anAT, JIanager Opens Dec. 8 TOURS CRUISE TO SOUTH AMERICA Through the Panama Canal Sailing January 7 Vlsitlnpr Jamaica, Panama, Peru, Chile, Argentine, Uru guay. Shore Trips included; 00-Dnj- ('nilae, 12,(100 Allies l'rlfr l(12fi to H1715 THREE SPECIAL CRUISES TO THE WEST INDIES , lly Oreut XVIille Fleet. S, 8. Kullluc Jim. 10. Jan. SI. Tel,, SI XTruxel Hie Amerlcun Way llooklets mi Itequeflt Whenever you travel carry those spendable everywhere American Express Travelers' Chenucs. American Expreii Trarel Ocpartaeol " tvunamaKer'a .mhiii no or, JUnlner Htreet Eniranca . rlil(a.. ,J'.V rho SDruce t i mi.! i ii1" f!ii",T H ' i