EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER ' 13, 1919 I i " If w 20' NEWS OF FINANCIAL WORLD NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA STOCK QUOTATIONS p c? &-! ri: W ?, i $ ,jf lie. n r i' NON-TAXABLE vs. TAXABLE INCOME Our circular for November takes up the question of the Income Tax, comparing the net return from taxable invest ments with the income from non-taxablcs. Also it offeis a selection of choice securities yielding from 5 to 8 Copies furnished on application Edward B. Smith & Co. BANKERS CSrAIlMSUED 1S3I Ifftnterj .V'lo York nml rhilcdclthla Block EicJiciiibm rinr,nr.t.i'iii mi (liriicut ?t. m:w YORK M.W LONDON KASTON ALI.1.MOHN MARKET SLUMP CHECKED . BY SUPPORTING ORDERS Initial Advances of 2 to 15 Points Made by Stocks Hard Pressed in Previous Sessions Values Based on Earnings The value of a prop erty is based almost entirely on its ability to produce an income. We offer investments secured by properties which have produced under all conditions steady and liberal in come return. Due to market conditions these securities can be purchased at prices to yield over 6 VI For particulars send for our Circular Letter No. E-49. Ghandleiu Company Franklin Bank Bids. Philadelphia New York Boston Now Yoili. Nov l.'i DNtinrt 1m liiowmenl uiiH hiiwt in tin1 stock mat -Kct nt the oiicnlnij this mninltiK. lnMies whlnli uiffrteil itrentest ileii relation in tin- tinclitifc of tin1 lat few dijs mi lled - to 1" points. Instead of the hcin nelllng prevail e tluit wns in eUilenee nil tluouph jc tot 'ln ' tmdin?. there wns n illiposl tion to hope tlint the worst linil been ntseil Mnnv who hnel "locks for vnle lefrninei fiom olTerini! until n little iiiiibipnm liutl been inrtile in the earh (lenlliiRs. The initial ilealiiiRs lellecteel n libetnl , Mippl of MilipoititiK circlets, which evi i elenth had lieen distributed milting t Jn most MiliKiahle spots. (lenei.ilh the ehniiRes in the first few minutes consisted of ndtiinccs, in some j ruses of n violent rliium trr, R.iins e- I tending fiom 1 to lfi points In the Piter tindniK pressme wns notrel in mum stocks again, anil home issues j ii'Mi'd to iindei jesterilaj's lowest pi ire. The Rientest gnlii wns made in (ien ernl Motors which opened up 111 points nt 5!il." nml then leaeted to -"!. Mexican IVtroleum opened Ui II noints to 111.", nml lenetrd ill the fol- lnu tin. nilra in 1111 1'iilinil Slates Ilub- bci was stroui; nil tlirnuch the first lif teen minutes aelvniirltiK - to l-()'c mid Ktmlrbnkrr wns one of the weak fentures. After opening up l1". nt 111!1.. It diopped to 114V.: 1'ieue-Airow was in better demnnd nnd lelleeted suppoit iidvitnciug Hi to MS and lifter relating to (iC.'l had a lilii It mllj to (IT. Tnited States Steel opened up 1 mint to MUX., hut wns ofTeied In huge blocks possibh to foi tifi other holdings with cash pi meeds nnd folded to KKHi I'.iildwin Locomotive made a tiulii of :!, to 111 and then Welded to Kill I. in knunmin wns in fair deinand ud uinring i points to S7. Soiithein l'acilie aftei ndi nines and t evictions showed a Rain of 1 point at 1'W. ieiv York Bond Sales Summary of the lnlllluM trnncac ions on the Ni York Stork lrlianffo Am Tot HI "o r.s tnnn n Am -melt & H 5 t (10(111 nli 30(1(1 "0 '4 Am Tel Tel ts inoo '"' U moo I)!Hk 1)000 0' s nun) 9C4 Am Tobacco Co Ca 'JOIlll 0! Anclo-FrHnon as 40i)(i 101)11 1(1000 18000 !00(l 101)0 Oil 00 11)011 1(1011 A T r nm, . 11 in 01 : l II. 07 I S ! P.V 1 I ' U SURPLUS (EARNED) M 112, $2;00'0-QQQj it PLAN AHEAD for the care and final distribution of your Estate as you would for any other business matter. Consider the advantages of appointing this Company your Executor and Trustee, and con sult our officials freely without expense. BE PREPARED ! A Saving Fund Society nnd . Insurance Co. Investment J'cnnn. Kallroad System B S25 000 ; Pittsburgh, Sisicinnati, j Chicago and SLLJy.Oo. Consolidated Mortgage tiJ2s ' Due May I. 1964 TAX FREE IN PENNSYLVANIA .Guaranteed Principal and Intersit. by Endorsement by Pennsylvania Company (Lines of P. R. P.. West o( Pittsburghj TltfM. t)oncln nrr a flrht mortcner on r21 mllpft of ruiid (Inclucllnc th mllracr fnim t'lltsbursli to Columbus unit from Imliult nivollri to LotiUvUIr) nnil br a mortcniett on nS2 lullcn Hubjrct tu on $1,118,000 under !)llir lioiidn, that In. n tnortfCiiKe lien on it total cf 1107 mile of nud rampriNlnx that IKirt of the 1". R. It, ,stfm brtcen the cltltn ct rittshcircb. X'nlcimbUN, ( hicclKu. IufSlaDmiollic. C'lnrlnnutl and JiuUTlllr. Circular on Itequet To Net Almost 5 Per Cent. Erlce: Biddie & Henry SOCIO ' moo . i i Bait &. Ohio cv I -noo ni, I loon H'i i looo . H"' oooo n Halt & Ohio B 3000 " l ;oon 'v4 ' Heth S Corp rd ?ooo r C Cairo looo ' i - r f & St T. 4 .1000 "l Cent rac Ity 1st nooo . Ches S. Ohio 4Ws 2000 14Mi Ctiea & O cv 4 'is 2000 7H'i i-lic." Ohio rv 5s 1000 S3 Chi U f- Q cm 80011 '0Vt Chi M & bt V 3'ja looo IS C JI & St Paul 4a 200(1 niOi C m S- Sir c 4 Ha 10(10 is looo 'i CMS. St I' Bni 4 14 2.1000 " CM M & St V cv 5s 300(1 "I .100(1 " I 1000 t Chi & N W 4s of 87 4000 . B Chi ft N W Ch of 87 10(10 !"Vj Chi li 1 & Pae fd I i moo . nMi 1000 0Vi ' 1 1000 Mi Chi It I & Pacific 4s I looo . 7ST' 1001) . . "S'b i Chili- Copper 6s 10000 .... BS'A ,10000 . . . US i 100110 ... s.i 1000 . US I C of N' Y 4's of ' May '&" 2110(1 HIUl ' , C of N Y 4'js or I Nov '57 I 1000 101 ', C nf N Y 4b of 63 2000 1011 C of N l'n of CG 11100 0" City of Paris 6s 2000 llS'Vi 1000 . OS'S, 1000 0.1 2H000 l11-i 23000 uav 2000 . 05(V!i Con Gau Co cv 3000 . 1)0 Vi ,1000 0Vi B00OO 00 Vi Den & Rio G 4b 1000 03 Vi Detroit I'n Hy 4jH 1000 71V Dom ot Can 6s '31 2000 113'A 3000 mvi Erin P. P. 4a 1000 .1H T.rle RKcvD 3000 4.1 V looo . . 4S44 Erie (ieneral I.la 1000 . 4GVh looo 4(1 Hurt & an fd Rfloo 83Vi 1 Hud S. JIau In 2000 12V4 .looo l?'!, 10000 Pi's. Ill Cent 4a of 53 8000 OBTd 0000 CO 'i Indiana Steel 5n 2000 . . osw Inter Her M 6s 2000 . 05 2000 00 0000 . . 03 loooo on Iuterhoro .Met 4VJs 2000 . tl 1000 . 22 t(Xl I) . . 22 Inter Hap Trans fd LclilRh Vul Co.il 6s looo lot Louis & .N'nsh 4a looo R.I Manhntun i:io 4s 3000 .IK 3000 . &H loooo on Midi ale S & Orel Ss 2000 00 V4 1000 . . HO 3000 Hfl'l 10001) 8.114 Mo Pacific gm 4s 1000 . A7 NY O Hit lUlr.r. Is 2000 . . HI N Y C II 15 1515 44 3000 . 75 1000 754 N HP. 1515 fls 4000 . O.IVfi 1000 03 1000 . . 03 1000 . 01 N Y 15js ct ds 10000 . . 7 N '1 elciihoo" I'-aS 1000 . H4''i y n elephn" 4j 1 10000 . .. fl'M 1 .v 4s 1000 .. 7R N . , 1 v Cs 2000 . I0l1,i N01 1 1 n Pacr c 3s 8000 B314 10(111 "Vi 1001) .I.IT-i 100O . . .'..Ti 2000 . . 50 Northern Pacific 4s 1000 . . 77Vi Northern Paclfia Bs 3000 35 Noith It of Cal 5s TOOC) .... o.lVf, Ohio Con Rwy 4s 4000 . . H5 Ki Pacific Tel .1 Tel Eh looo 89 1000 HO Pc-nnu. 15 15 Bs loooo 01 0000 ... 01 2.1000 . ..ill 20000 VI 18000 . . 00? Penna It It en 4',5s looo . Ul Penna Bin 4 Us looo . . HJT'h 3000 . . 82 Reading 4s 1000 . . 82 'H 1000 . . 82 St & San Kran In 3G000 . . . 30T 2000 . - 30 Tf, 4000 40 1000 . . 40 2000 . 30 Ml St l & San V Se A 1000 . nnv, 1000 . 50 1 2000 ,10 NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS BIG STEEL DEMAND Increasing Inquiry Noted In All De partments Railroads In Market In its wccKh review of tli( Iron nnd vterl Uncle, Hip Iron Tiaile Kewew .ivill s.a,v loilnj : "With the coal strike ollieialb ter initiated, and the steel strike In its Inst stnee of dissolution, the fnetor of lnbor unrest lins assumed seeondarj import ance for iron nnd steel iiianufnotiirers. The chief problem nt this time is how to hnnclle the Inrse toiiiiiice of unfilled 01 del s 011 which delh erics are pust due, and to necomniodntc the insistent de niniiils of consumers fm fmtlier mn tcrlal "Ijittle iirogress lins been mndc in tPcluciiiK deferred oblinntions which lune been piliiiB up bj reiiscui of the loss of production iluriuK the last seen weeks, 111 fact, spec ideations t ill 111c pbutiuj; in upon the produccis 111 11 olumo that oflsets the liicuMslui; output It is clem In ret' tonnuKes of iiiidcliucd 1H1H cudcrs must lie 1 nrnc d over the mills. into lflliO. Pur noli unci s me kecpinc I up their stcncl ncnnnie 11s the ileninuil eveeeds the suppli "The inil tnniket ciintinues to show liiucli nilivitj as the miiils nre looking foiuind to icstiucd piivute coutiol. At t'liiciiRO. western lines uie closlnR orders for 11120 deliicn, totnliiiR inO.OIKI to J(M).()()( tons The New- York t'ential sjiteni is about to come out for n lnrijc tonunBe ill the inst wheic the Iie Knilruud is, liRiirliu; on IMUKW to .'SO.CHIO tons and the rennsjlvaniii lines east continue to negotiate for 200.000 tons. "IlelBium has pliued 20,000 tons of open hearth mils with the Steel Cor poration for first ijuuiter nt a leported ?," nihnnce. "Cnr repniis for domestic roads jilncid at ChicaBo tall for about .'1.1.000 tons of steel. The t'uion Tank Cur Co. has placed 4000 tank cars. The I'eiiiis.ilvnnia Ituilroail 1ms placed orders for 2000 toix of plates for forti loco motives, which it will build at its Al toona shops. Plate mills, which eath in the jeai weie htiiiBr for business, now nre sold up for two or tlnee mouths, and one milker has advanced its pi ice S2 a ton. Sheets tire en dilhc ult to obtain and premiums of S10 to vSl.") 11 .ton me beiiiK pnid " FOREIGN EXCHANGE j.si; xi, in, ,iu. 1.,. vu.v.i.i ... (droits was Riven ns 1111 '"cplnnation for n i.allv in MorlinB exrliance this nioin iiiR, it beinB ciuoted nt -1 12't for de mnnd and 1 1:14 foi cables. Marks were close to the low record, nt 2 7.". Prunes were quotnl at !l !!0 for cobles nnd il.li'J for checks nnd lire cublcs were nt 12.:i."i and 12 .'17 for checks After the fust few minutes the market de eloped n souk -whnt lenetionary tin 11. ' fl . -! . ..... n . 1 Sttiss rabies f).4S, checks 5. HO : St t, & Srn It n 1st Builder cables ,li7s, elieclts Jc'U; pese 1000 . .. 0274 tns cables Hl.tlS, checks 111.00; Stock 1000 (ii 'holm cables 2!1 35. checks 215.20 : Chiis- stt 1. A Kouthnst en Itlmiin c.nhlis oof.n. rlipcdts 22.U5 ; ( o 1 4000 87 Vi pcnhnRen entiles 21 10, checks 20.11.1 . Southern Pacific D Uelgian tables S.70. checks S.72. Ttiible j 2000 . 77 cuiifuc- l.no for 500s; fi.40 for 10() Fo Pacific cv 6s ' ' - Dlv Rlm in t i soo i 600 000 tsoo 100 .100 200 ton 1700 coo 1.100 joo 400 H00 300 400 5700 4 coo 4000 200 100 1700 1100 too too 1.100 ,100 1400 .'10(1 1050 200 3100 400 400 !00 2100 400 300 too jsoo 1000 500 20000 700 100 400 .100 l)0 CliOO 100 400 500 100 400 700 hOO 200 MO S0O 2000 CO 100 17011 too 3300 00O 400 rjoo 400 200 hOO 400 too 100 1100 100 700 400 C00 COO 200 3100 200 too 13 HO 400 2H00 2000 2000 :ioo 400 200 200 .100 100 400 300 1100 ODD GOO .100 4100 1200 1200 2100 100 OSOO JOO 1000 2000 207.1 2 JO COO 700 100 1430 rioo 51)0 200 COD 2700 31100 2200 3300 Hlch .. Alliance, Ilumely .. , ,11'i 0 AJax I5uhber SO .. Alaska Gold Mlnea .. V, .. Allls-Chalmcrs 4214 7 Allls-Chalmers pf ... fl.1 8 Am Agrlo Chem il'.i Am IJeet Sugar 01 8 Am ISosch MHRncto ,.I2.'?4 . American Can 55 7 American Can pf ... 102 1 Am Car & I-Mry 131 7 Am Cnr & Kdry pf ... 1 ISIS .80 Am DriiRKlst Sjn .... 1054 . . Am Illdo & Leather . . 3 7 Am Illdo ft I,eath pf 124 .. American Ico ... 4214 .80 Am Intermit Corp . 115 3 Am Unseed Co Tl'A 1 Am Locomotive! 05 7 Am Locomotllo pf ...100 . Am Malt & Grain . . Sl'S . Am fillip & Commerce 3.1 !4 4 Am Smelt & Itef . . f.O 7 Am Smelt & Itef pf IdOJ-a 13 Am Snuff . . . 121 .1 Am Steel Foundries 40'n 7 Am Steel Kdr'es pf . . 07 7 Am Susar lief ...MS's 10 Am Sumatra, Tobacco 00(4 20 Am Tobacco . .. 2r0U 0 Am Toliacco pf new . 09 94 7 Am Woolen . . . , ISII'i Am WrltliiB Paper pf. fiSU .. Am ZIna Lend & Sm . 17 0 Am Zlnu 1, & sm pf . m 4 An.icondn. Copper ... CSVi . . Atsets Kcnllz.ition ... 4 As'n 1'Vy Goods 6 Associated Oil 110 C Atth Top Ss Santa Fe . SS 10 Atl llulf & V I S S.llit . . Auto Sales tout ctfs. . . Iti'i . Ilaldwln Loco Wks .. Ill . Iialtimoio & Ohio ... 71ft3 4 Dnltlmoio Ss Ohio pf.. SO N nairctt Co 121 Untopllas Mln'nR ... t'i Pethlehom Jlotors . . 30 5 IiPtlilchem Steel H ... 0BH N Bethlehem Sll 8r pf ll.t'4 . Ronth 1'islierles . . . . l.llii Ilrklvn Rapid Transit. 10i4 nklyn P. T ctTs of dep 13?4 10 limns 111 os .. .110 .SO nuttn Copper Ss Zinc. 0 . Htitto & Sup Cop ..." 24 . Putterick Cc "J7 .. Caddo Central O & It. 28 4 Cnllfornl.i Packing .. 7S'J . California, Petroleum . U'i 7 California Petrol pf . 77 ? Calumet & Arizona . 7I1-S 10 Cmirilan Pnc'fia 14S 7 Case .1 I Thresh M lr 09 5 Central Leather .... 07VS 4 Cerro do Pasco Cop.. SH'i 4 Cert n in-tc.ee! Prod Co. SO K Chandler Jlotors ....111 4 Chestpeiko Sz Ohio .. SB .. Chicago Ct Western . n .. Chi Mil & St Paul ... 4214 . Chi Mil Ss St P pf ... j2'4 7 Chi & Northwestern . Ml? C Chi Pneumatic Tool ..107)4 . . Chi ltock Isl & Pao . . 2GT'o C Chi H I & Pac 6 pf. 1V4 .. Chile Copper "0 3 Chlno Copper 30H Coca Cola Co 40J4 Colorado Fuel . Iron 41 U Columb Gns & Elec 1 Col cir.iphophone . . . . 7 Consolidated Ons .... Consolidated Textile . . Continental Candy . . . . . Con Interstate Cal M. . Corn Products 15e . . 12 Crucible Steel Co . Cuba C.ino Sugar . . . 7 Cuba Cano Sucar pf. . . Denier & 11 G pf Dome Mines a Elk Horn Coal Corp. Kmcison-Hrantlng ... 7 Kmerson-Hrantlng pf fill i:ndleott-Johnson . .. 7 nnd!cott-Johnon pf . Erie . . Erie 1st pf 8 Famous Plajets-L .., Fisher Body Corp . . Flsk Rubber 2 Freeport Texas 2 Gaston Win & Wig . General Cigar Co. . . . 8 General Electric Co 12 General Motors Corp to 01 soli .14 1291 17 5i 217 41?ic M14 lC?a 13 Kb 3.1 Vt ZVA 92 1204 IO8K2 24 Ofil's 127 41 SOU 21 7SI2 11,7 205 ES'i, 8H .3T'3 2e 1 04 SOUTH FIFTH STREET ,1000 107 20010 101 j .-000 .IO-.V2 I 1000 KIlVi 2000 . loi'.i S00O . . lO.lVn 2.1000 1115 '4 10000 . . 10514 S0OO 105 Texas Co Cs 4000 . .. 101 3000 101 ' I Union Paclfie r I 1000 fltTii Union Pacific fd I 2000 . 77 3000 77 Vi I U K O B & I '21 I 2000 07 23000 . 07 ! 2000 . 117 ilOOO 07 j 27000 . . 07 I 1000 07 2000 07 i u k ot n n & I I rets of 22 10000 . . 071 I 2400(1 . 07 7n 07000 07 lie U K of O B & I , rets of 29 loooo .. OBld 200000 . 011 20000 OflS. 10000 . 00 'i 1000 . . . 00 'i 100000 . . 071h 30000 OH 71000 . . Oflli, U K ol G (k I'l" French 'ails, Noi Bank Statement 13. Tin- weekly stnte- l! Gen Motors Corp deb 4 Goodrich B !' 7 Great Northern pf . . 4 Gt Northern Ore Ctfs. 40'B Greene Cananea Cop 40 Gulf States Steel . . . C7 4 Haskell & Barker Car. SS li Homestako Mining . . ! l Inspiration' Con Cop .. W Interbor Con Corp ... . Inter Con Corp pf ... . 1C Int Agrlcul Corp 22 (I Int Harvester 131 Int Mer Marine 53 (, Int Mer MarliTe pf .. 104H . International Nickel . 2514 . . International Paper . CO Low 30 V, 80 iy 4 1 ft A3 112 Ji 01 12.1 .14 i'o 10J K.1?i 1M!4 10H 32 124 4214 113 72U O.T2 105W 3IV4 is's 100 Yi 121 40 III 13S 04 2S2 00 H 110'A (17 ?4 1774 ll'4 t'54 4 S2 110 88 ir.ou M li 108 j 38 ft SO 120 Ji 1ft 20 ft OS 14 113ft 15 10 ft 13?4 117 OH 23 H 27 . -8 7S 44 77 71ft 146ft 00 0.1 VI S.lft 4Sft 110 so 0 4156 02 Vi 00 ft 107 ft 264 r.i ft 20 H 39 H 40 41 CO (II no ft 34 12 17 84 4 212ft 41 81 IBft 1.1 33 30 ft 02 i2sy, 103 H 144 23 ?4 0.1 121ft 3014 38 Vi 21 73 1(17 2SB 8.1'b 82 f.1',4 83"4 40 CO ft S7W dS SSJS s it; 22 131ft Sift 10314 3 1ft a 1 Vi Vi ft Ti ft lft 11 SO Net ti ciir. 30Ji 80 2'. - Y 42J4 V4 93 ., 92J4 '4 91 12.1 ' ss y 102 - 134 IV 1I5J4 10 12 124 - 42ft 113 - 72 ft Wi 02ft- ft 1084 - ' Slft-t- 34 4- C9 100 ft- 121 - 40ft 03 13S 04- 2S2 -I Jb 00 M ' 110ft- 2M S7?4 1 17 H ' SCft- ft CSft ft 4 S2 - 1 no 12 88 H 1B1 - 2ft 15ft- ft 108ft- 38 .10 - 120J4 1ft- 30 4- HOft-l- 14 113ft- ft 15 10ft lft 13?4 120 ft 0 - 24 In f Dlv High IOW 100 .lewel Tea 23 100 2 .Tones Bros Tea 28H 200 . Kan City Southern ... 18ft 1300 4 Kclly-Sprlngilelcl Tlro.138 100 8 Kelly-Spre T 8 pf. 105 100 .. Kelsey Wheel .... 71 000 2 Kennecott Copper .... 31ft 4800 1.20 Keystono Tiro & Rub. 53 3100 0 Lackawanna Steel ... 87 100 .. Leo Ttubbcr & Tiro . . , 34 100 . Lee Rubber rts 1 700 3.50 Lehlsth Valley ili 300 12 Lorlllard p Tobacco .188 100 7 Loulsvlllo Ss Naanvllle.llO 100 1.75 Mnnhattan Shirt 30 1400 .. Maxwell Motor 40?4 100 Maxwell Mot lBt pf .. 68ft 100 Maxwell Mot 2(1 pf . . 33 200 7 May Dept Stores ....115 11100 10 Mexican Petroleum 100 t Miami Copper . . . . 1 1400 1.20 Middle States Corp 27 - 1 28 ' 7.1 - ', 443 77 - 71ft- 115ft- 00 - 05 ft- B5ft 48 ft- 110 50 9 41H C2ft 80ft 107ft 2?4 30 -40ft 41 -1 00 01 noft 34 12 Yi 17 I- ? 8514 I 212ft- 5ft 4lft4 1'4 81ft ft 10ft ft 13 - Vi 33 30ft- 1 92 128?4 103 Ya - 15 24 95 ft 121ft- lft 39ft- lft 3854 21 -, 73 -1C7 288 t 85 Ji 82 -f3Ji C6ft S8 05 S5Ji- .1 10 22 13IM SI ft - 103 ft ft Ub H ft I'M 2ft ft ft ft 234 194 lft ft itt ft ft C7ft 07 ft ft 3,100 400 900 non GOO 200 too 300 100 100 500 COO 100 300 100 BOO 500 2. 100 2. 1200 400 COO 1800 3.190 3400 . 100 100 300 CoO 800 4.100 1830 400 1100 1000 ion 200 10400 100 1800 200 COO 1000 200 1400 900 1800 400 7100 300 12800 8 2000 700 300 200 200 1C200 700 148110 500 200 2000 10800 200 700 1330 .1000 1100 0300 800 2000 530 300 1100 430 000 1C700 300 4200 3500 COO 80 00 100 900 41000 300 1700 100 100 100 500 1000 too 100 100 2400 2300 300 100 750O 100 2100 100 4 Mldalo Steel & Ord Minn & St L new . . , Missouri Kan Ss Tex Missouri Paclfia ..'. Missouri Pacific pf .105 . 25 . 58 ft . 51ft . 15 . lift . 28 44 ft 3 Mulllns Body lift 3 National Acmo Co.... 3Bft . Nat Anlllno & Chem . 07 5 National Cloak & S .. 77 ft . Nat Conduit & Cablo . 12H 0 Nat Enam & Stamp .. 77ft 5 National Lead Co .... 81H . Nat R It of Mex 2d pf . a SO Neada Con Copper . 10H ID New York Air Brake. 119 5 New York Central ... 71 60 New York Dock 4S .50 New York Dock Pf . . 01 . New York N H & II. 32 7 Norfolk Ss Western ..100 7 Northern raclfic .... 85 5 Noa Scotia S & C .. 70 4 Ohio Cities Gns C0?4 .SO Oklahoma Pro Ss Hot. Oft . Ontario Silver Mining Oft 7 Oregon It R Ss Nav Co 30 Yi 5 Otis Elei,ator Co ....130 . Otis Steel Co . . .10 3 Owens Bottling Mach. CI fl Pan-Amer Petrol Ss T.109 3 Pennsylvania R 15 .. 425 5 Peoples Gas Chicago . 40ft . Penn Seaboard Steel . 31ft Pero Marquetto 23ft 5 Pere Marq prior pf . . 04 3 Philadelphia Co 32 Plercc-Arrow Motor . BSft 8 pierco Arrow Mot pf. 104ft . Pierco Oil Corp 19 5 PittBhurgh Coal of Pa. 13 Pittsburgh & W Va . . 30 8 Pressed Steel Car .... 99ft 8 Pullman Co 121ft 6 Ptinta Alegre Sugar .. 82 2 Ray Consol Cop 21?6 4 Reading 78 Remington Typewrit . 81 B Repub Iron & Steel ..111 4 Repub Motor Truck . . 52 ,70 Royal Dutch NY... 97ft .. St h San Fran 17ft . . Saxon Motor 18 fi Sango Arms Corp .. H0?b . Seaboard Air Lino ... 9ft Seaboard Air Line pf. 17 5S . Sinclair Consol Oil .. Sift B Sloss SheCt S & I ... 78 Southern Paclflo 105ft Southern Railway .... 24 5 Southern Ry pf I Oft 1 Stromberg Carb 77 4 Studebakcr Cor)) 110ft 5 Stutz Motor 100 .. Tenn Cop Ss Chem .. lift 10 Texas Co 293 .. Texas & Paclfia 41ft C Tobacco Products .... SB . . Transcontinental Oil . 55ft 3 Transua & Wms Steel. B1 .. Union OH 37ft 10 Union Paclfia 121ft 4 Union Paclflo pf 7H 4 United Alloy Steel ... S0J4 7 United Drue Co 143ft 10 United Fruit Co 180 .. United Retail Stores . 95 . . U S C I P & Fdry . . . 25 2 U S Food Prod Corp. 77ft 10 U S Ind Alcohol 110 ..US Ind Alcohol rts.. 40ft 8 U,H Rubber 120JJ 8 V S Rubber 1st pf ..113 BUS Smelting It & M. 71ft 5 U S Steel 104ft 7 U S Steel pf 114ft B Utah Copper 70 4 Va-caroiina Chem ... 72ft 8 Va-Car Chem pf . . . .114 B Va Iron Coal & Coke 72 Wabash pf A 29 4 Westinghouse E & M. 51 Ji 4 WeKting E & M 1st pf CS Western Maryland ... 11?4 West Maryland 2d pf 20 4 White Motor C . Wheeling & L Erie . Wheel & L Erie pf . 5 Wilson & Co 1 Willys-Overland ... 7 Willys-Overland pf . . Worthlngton Pump .. Wells Fargo Exp . Hft 21 ft t-Oft 30 Ji 89?4 80 51ft 2.1 28 H 18 ft 130 105 71 31ft 4ft 8.1 31 1 447s 188 110 30 40 ft 08 ft 33 115 100ft 25 50 ft 60 ft 16 lift HYi 43ft 4 1 ft 3Bft 07 77 ft 12H 77 81ft ni4 1BH 119 7 lft 47 fil 3H4 99Jc 84 C8 50ft 9 Oft 31 Yi 128 3B 00 107 ft 42 39 Ji 32 ft 22 04 31?4 00 ft 104ft 184 C2 30 98 121 80 21ft 77 81 109 51?4 90 IBft 17ft 7t?S 9 17H soft 70 104 ft 21 CO ft 72 ft 113"0 109 lift 203 4.1 80 5.1 CO ft 37 121 07 ft 50 ft 143 180 ft ,92 25 ft 77 109 39 118 113 714 103K 114ft 784 72 ft 114 72 284 53 OS ll?4 20 04 ft 13 ft 21 ft 80 ft 30 ft 8954 78ft 51ft I.t Chge. 11.30 Pie 2.1 - 28H 18 ft . 138 -105 71 87 31 1 4.1 18S -110 -.10 - lo?4 08ft 31 115 190ft -1 2.1 -50 ft 51ft 15 -11ft-27?4 4,4ft 41ft t 30 ft B7 77 ft 12 H 77 110 fll 3i 100 to34- i ft 4 2Ji 2 1?4 1 ft 34 ft 3ft 4ft ft ft U ft ft Yi ft ft 9 .1 1 OPENING LOCAL MARKET QUIET AND ABOUT STEAD Y Apart From Electric Storage and General Asphalt Price Variations Were Confined to Fractions Little or no excitement attended the enrly dealings in tlie locnl mnikel. Aside fiom Klectric Ktotngo Ilntteiv, which siilTeied n further cleelliie ot .!'J.i"0 to 120, price lllictuiitions weie conduct! within the smallest .fincticuuil limits. The tinding dm lug the lirt hour wiih fnlilv nctlvc nml well distilbuted with 11 notable nbsenee of the nciMUls ness which nttendecl the late dealings .vesteidiiy. I'lHthcr elllng by the mole timid lioltlns wns in evidence In different pints of the list, but tills wns coiinter bnlnnccd by the buying oideis which lind been nttrnctccl bf jtsleidnv's, slump. Considering the temnikiible elevation iniiile by Klcctiic Ktoinge Iliitteiv in the leiciit uniiiteiuiptid forwnid movement MAY OPTION CENTER OF INTEREST IN CORN the initint recession wns relatively small. (iencml Asphalt pieferied niiccs'inon' had 11 thin mm Let declining ."MO to 10(1. The other locnl stocks ruled eoin pnrntlvclj slendv. l.ukc Kulieiior Cnr potation, which sustained the brunt of the lliiiiidnlliig movement yesteiday. opened 2.1c higher nt 20. 1 nlted (!ns Inipiovemi'iit wns well tnken nt ni. nnd Pliiladelpliln Electric nt 2.1, both juices unchanged fiom Inst night's dosing level. llulTalo nnd Susquehanna preferred on small transactions advanced tiOc to ."O'j. Huntington nnd Hieind Top juc fened was off 2."c from the Inst snle nt II. Win wick It 011 nnd Steel wns tiiichnngcd nt S '4. AUGUST LEADS BREAK" ON COTTON EXCHANGE ?s Trade Light, but Market Is Firm ft lft Ji H "1 A 'A oft 30 Yi 12s 311 CI t 109 42 H -40 33H-22ft-04 -32 C7 ft -15 ft 104 ft- 1 10 - H f,3 - 1W 30 - Ji 09ft- 8 121 - ft 8(l'- 2M 21ft- ft 77 - 1 81 - 2 109 - ft 51 2ft DO - Ji 17ft- ft 18 - 1 80JS H 9 ft ft 17 5i lft soft- 1 70 2ft 104ft r- 'A 24 - ft 00 ft 7244 2ft 113J4- lft 100 -11ft- 293 4.1 .. 80 -SSJ't, C0ft 37 121 - 07 i 50Ji 143 - 18Bft 110 40 ft 129Ji 113 on Stability in the Cash Article Option Drops 115 Points on Initial Sales Market Quickly Recovers ft 3 lft ft ft ft ft Chiengn, Nov. 13. Dealings in coin were llghler this nieiriiing, but the 111:11 Ket wns firmer 4111 a nillj in Miuiities nnd stability in the ensh niticlc. Trade was centeied in Mav which nltincled nearly 7fi per cent of the inteiest shown. Commission houses cipciated on both sides. The wentiier wns idenl for ruling and husking corn nnd, while lcceipts were ngnin small, conditions were niiiih brighter for nn inci eased movement. Heceipts today weie seventy-eight cms. December opened ni Sl.MO's to Sl.IlOM. ngainst ."j!T..10,. nt the close jesterelay, and later sold nt Sl.oO'Ji. .Inininiy wns quoted nt SI.'Jlvi to S1.24V. nt the outset and moved up to $1.2r'i. or Vi cent nbove jcsterelnv'.s Inst pi ice. Mav opened at SI 21r,s to SI. 21, ngainst SI. 24 nt the end jesterday and improved to XI. 2."'. Offerings of outs veie limited and the market wns firmer on scattered buj -ing bv commission houses. Strength in the cash nrticle nnd an nppnrenl good demnnd for ctpoit for choice grndes hnel n bullish effect. The lcceipts here todn.v weie f. enrs. December stinted nt 71'j to 71'"sC nnd Inter sold nt 72c, or ie cent, above vesterduy's last pi ice. Mitv started nt 74 to 71c, ngainst 74;sc nt the end jestetdnj, and advanced to Tfilfce:. The receipts of wheat here today weie 00 enrs; nt Minncupolis 222 cats; nnd at Duliith, 111) cuts. 1 lft ft 1 1 ft ft ft Extra by Dow Chemical Co. N'eiv Yoili, Nov. IB. The Dow Chemical Co. has declntcd the regular quurteily dividend of 1-14 per cent unci nn etrn of 1. jier cent on the common and legul.ir cpiailerlv dividend of ln, per cent on the preferied stocks, nil pajable November 15. Hooks closed November (1 to November 111, both inclusive. 74ft 2ft 1035, 11414 79 -72ft 114 72 -29 53 -05 .. 11W . 20 .. 04 ft 14 ft ft K ft 1 ft ?4 4H GOVERNMENT BONDS P'ltiamn eounnn ?s 1030 Panama resistered 2s, 11)30.. 1'iui.iinc. (uuiKin -'s 10(k Pnnamn reBlatereel 2s. 1038.. i'ancima coupon :ts locu . Pnnnma roKtstereel 3s. 11)01 , Philippine 4n. 1031 Philippine 4s, l'HI . . Philippine 4s. lino II S ciovt coupon l 1H.I0 I' s Oovt reulsterpcl Ss 1010 U S Govt coupon 4s 1025 . r S (iovt reKlctereel Is. 10J.1 t)l of Columbia I'-n.ls 1021 Jllil Ask '))-. .. 00 VI .. 99 Vi . . ss III SS 01 fu on u no 02 on mo 100 1(111 1, 1011 mnii mi. linii, 07 COVl OX IlKl.T WKATHKU rONDlTIMNS evv erk, Xo 1.1 Tlie fnllnwlnff tern rrnturen M.Te recor.lp.J in the cotton hU tills mornlnu Clinrlestnn wntl Tnmpa (I'l Seivnniiah (I'l. Ansusta mill Jacksonville. 01 AVIlmlnstoiT ill' Marnn Pensneola anrl New Orleins M, Oalvcstnn .is Corpus Chrlfitl anil Montffonierj. 40 Atlanti. 12: MerleUm add Vickshurff 10 Knoxvllle and Shrevtport 1) sn Antonio 32 Mem phis l.lttln nnrk 20 Old iliomn Clt unit Abilpne. 20 There was .SO inch of pre cipitation nt Knoxvlllo '.'IN at Atlanta anel 01 at Charleston Killing frosts wero irporlcel nt Shrpveport Little Hock, Mem pills nml Nashville New Yoilt, Nov. IB. The cotton mnikel had n better tone today than the volume of unexpected selling orders nt the close 1nst night might have sug gested. Willi tlie etc option of August, which luoke 115 points, liist sales were oulv 21 to 50 lioints net lower. This wns due hugolv tu aggressive support given by some of tlw lnrgo spot houses, collided with n better feeling ns to securities nnd killing fiosts in mnnv IinrtH of the belts, stopping nil ginwth of cotton in Oklahoma, northern Ton, Aiknnsns and Tennessee Shottly nfter the tijieniiig, the list got ftitther Kiippoit on ieioits from the South, clnlming Hint spots hnd refused to nllow the diop in futures nud were being umjily piotectcd by bnnks nnd holders who hud plenty of niouej with which to finance their cotton. Some of tlie old bulls also nssisted the mnrket, nnd nt the end of the first fif teen minutes it wns nctive. firm and back to Inst night's closing levels. December lanuarv . Mnrch . . May ... . .lulv feeptember Hid NEW STOCK RULING New York. Nov. 13. It wns an nounced nt the New York Stock Ex change esterda that the bonrd of governors hnd ndojitcii the following ic solution : "Resolved, That in the opinion of the governing committee when a svu" dicnte is formed to jmirhnse or under write securities to an amount stated in tlie invitations to subset ibe thereto it is not consistent with just nnd equitable ptinciples of ttnde for the mnnnger or lnnungors of such syndicate to allot pnr ticipntions tlicieiu to nn amount in ccess of the nmount specified in the invitations to subscribe unless all sub sci diets conseut to such allotment." Test. Today'n 11:00 close open a nv . 30 204T2.' 30 00 . 3.1 10 31.(10 III OR 317.1 .14.85 . . 31 1(1 .'IJ 00 33.1S :u m sj on . . . so.r.o .. . Philadelphia Stocks mint of the ISnnk of Trance shows the following changes: Cold in hand In creased 435.005 francs, silver in blind decreased 1)00. 157, notes in circulation decrensed 21.102,i'."i. treasury deposits decreased 4(!,SOO,710. general deposits decrensed U.344.532. bills , discounted decrensed 103.057,231, advances In erensed 2.37K,.r00. There w ere no fl esh advances to the btnte during the week. Reserve Banks' . Discount Rates Official discoutit rates nt the twelve' , rederiil Heservo bunks were as follows- (The first column gives rnies tor mi .ortrwls Itll til Rllll 1 IK'l II lli II L' 11 fift((Jll- dnv maturity, the second for n period of sixteen to ninety days. The third and fourth columns give the rates for iu eliscouuts of collateral loans seemed b government bonds or notes). 111 111 00 10 to 00 15 days clays 1.1 dsys devs 11 10 Net Low ni rbre 30 30 . . 40 411 . . BUSINESS NOTES Liverpool Cotton r.lvei-nnol. Nov. 13. There was more tuMiilrv for Hiint cotton toduv with fjirlccs easier on the Imuis of u decline f tmlnts fur lnlelelllui! at 2:1. 02(1. The sales were 10,000 bnles. The re- lit. ... "7IXK1 hnlos incliKlincr ROO VPlfia i.Vir VWU .-, - - JclfS Anicricati. tuttires opeued easy 47000 5000 11000 4000 3000 51000 10000 52V4 32 Si 02 51 3000 7000 5000 2000 1000 30000 3000 Ot 02 02 02 01 02 02 Boston New Vork Philadelphia . . Richmond Cleveland . Atlanta Chlcaso . . St Louis . Mlnneapoll3 Kansas City Dallas . San Tranclsco I 4. I 4' ') 4'I 1. 4 i'l 4 I 4i 4 '4 4, 4 4. 4; V-V 4 ;, 4 4", 44 4 4 4 3 4 5 44 4, fi5 4 4 '4 4. " 4' 4'i 44 4 4', 4"! 4'i 50 'L' 120 11)11 5 10 M. 20 45V, 4211 25 " 77-Si 2 2 37 Vj 54 llleh 23(1 Am Stis. 30 47 Am (!as. 40 00 15 & S t c pref.. fiOlj f(S4 KI Stor..133 120 C Asp pf.100 200 II S. li T l 100 do pref. bVi 100 Key Tel. 10Vj 5S0 Lk S Cor 20V, 51 lteh Vol. 45"- 302 l'a It It. 42 SO 1'hil i:ieo 25 10 tltending 77 15 Ton Uel. 27' 300 Ton Mln. 2 325 I'n Tiuct 3791 S5.ri TT a 1... 51V. 1075 tl' S Stl.l04V 104 00 War I &S 80? 8 Net chanKe made bv comparison with last sale on Sew York Mock UxchanKe. fale in IlONI 1 1 10 Net J10U0 HlKh Low a in ihiee 2Vj Interstate IIwvh 4h. 30 30 30 -2 '.f.i a'iL!. 04.00 04.00 04.00.02 1 VtV4K... 00.30 00.30 00.30 .02 3 I'hila Elcc , ., 1st 5s.... 03 03ii. 03Vi V. So completely sold up for tlie coming season nre the production! of the lead lug manufactured h of men's straw lints 50K.4- 1;, that in at least otic case the ftietory j;o'" 11" called in nil the samples in older to leiij it)" niuke sine that no further business Huiiiu ue taKen. 5 .. s1), Vi 10',i.. 20 11 V) 45' 42 i 77 H 37 'i (, 54 Vi 104V4 o M FINANCIAL BRIEFS Wliilw information received jesterday from Yokoliania wus to the effect that raw silk jiriccs remained stationery, advices from the innrkets in China told of general advances for all grades. Ite- ports fiom Canton were that pi ices hnd advanced from fifty to seventy-five cents and cableH from Shanghai told of inei eases of from twenty -live to fiftv tents. Klnshiti No. 1 was being cjuotccl in Yokohama ut $1410 a bale. Dr. E. K. rratt, formerly chief of the buieait of exports of the Depait uieiit of Commerce, and .7. H. Tregoe. siieictiirv-tie.nsiiri.r nf the ISntiolial Associutiou of Credit Men, will be among the principal speakers nt the hrst annual convention 01 tno ahhuciuivii Uress Industries of America, to be held in Atlantic City enrly iu December. The average price of twenty nctive industrials decllued 3.00 per cent jes terdny to 107.15, while the twenty rail roads 'declined 1 .23 per cent to 78.57. This represents a drop of 12.47 per cent in the industrials from the peak level of 110.02 made on November 3, and vir tually canceled at most all the gain made during the period of the reckless speculation starttd in the last week of September. The Hank of England minimum dis count rate was left unchanged at 0 per cent. This dissipnted recent ru mors of the nossibilitv nf n further ndvance in the discount rote of 7 per cent, to uttiact funds to the London market. The New Yotk Subtreasiiry gained ?ril7,000 from the banks jesterday, making a cash net gain since Friday of .?257,000. Do Your Christmas Shopping Early Liberty Bonds Bought, Sold and Quoted Call, Phone or Write Liberty Bond Department 1417 CHESTNUT STREET Member New York stock llichange Keystone, Race 2000 rtiiiacieipiuu dioik jcnance We Always Have un llund u J.lst ut lllcli Grade llonda Correspondence Invited Belt, Spruce 250 CllAnTKUr.il I860 TltCSTliB Ft , tSpot prices wen-: American, middling ', t ABr. SOWs good middling. 25.42a; tVnl mldilllnif. 24.72d: middlug. fully . 23.12d: uidiuary Jow middling, 21.07d: good ll).ri2d, and prdinnry, 18..r)2d. BAR SILVER '. ,wb imcWitnged in Loudon TUtr wm3(McWni Lack S Corp of 23 000 ... OS Lacka 8 Corp of &0 3000 .... 05V Lehigh Valley en 1000 .... 70 U S Rubber & S000 .... SBVi 100O .. 80V4 (J S Rubber 7 10000 . . .103 15000 . ,103 (J S Steel Cs 2000 .... 011 1000 . 08v; 6000 .. . 0814 1000 0V4 Wilson Co cv looo . oniii B000 . 06 1S000 .... 0(1 1000 .... i)0i,, 11:15 IIIh Low b. m. Liberty 3.... . .$100.04 100.00 100.04 Liberty 1st 4s... 01,80 04.80 04.80 Liberty 2d 4s... 02,80 02,04 02.04 Liberty 1st 4V4. 01.80 04.80 01.80 Liberty 2d 4ffW.. 02.84 02.70 02.81 Liberty 3d 4Hs.. 04.00 04..r.0 OLM Liberty 4th 4V4. P2.8-1 02.00 02.70 Vic Notes 394 s,. 00.38 0932 00.34 'Victory,, 4.94U.M. 09.38 .09.30 fj9.30 MONEY-LENDING RATES PIIILADELI'IIIA Call, 0 per cent; time, 0 per cent; commercial jiaper. three to six months, ,rTi per cent, and six months, 5 ami 0 per cent. FOREIGN FINANCE COMPANY New Yorlt. Nov. 13. Organization nf the Foreign Kinance Corporation to deal in foreign securities, with a cap italization of ?10,000,000, was an nounced toduy ...,, Arthur M. Anderson, of J 1'. Jlor- gnn & Co., will be president. Directors will be J. T. Morgan. II. I'. Davison, James S. Alexander, George F. Baker, jr., George V. Davison, Harvey D. Gibson, t'harles II, Sabin. Seward 1'rosser, .lames Stillman, Albert II. Wle-fflii nnd Mr. Anderson. The or- eanization is incorporated tinder the laws -of New York. Extra on Eastman Kodak Common Rochester, N. Y., Nov. 13. The Eastman Kodak Co. has declared the regular quarterly dividend of 2 per cent and an extrn of "Vi PC ceDt on the common nnd the regular quarterly lVi per cent preferred dividend, payable January 7 to stock of .recoul No vember 19. LIVESTOCK 'QUOTATIONS ChlfUEO, Nov 13, HOGS Eltfmatrd ! relpu. DO.OOO htd Left over. 10 111, Slow Flrt ! Mwut SCo lower. Average cct yeeterdav S14 83. , ., -CATTLB Eellmntetl rercllpl. S00O ha, SURBrEetinfeted jtcelpti, JILOOO bead, . f, " i LONDON STOCK MARKET j n,E C0Ils,ming interests continue a conservative Exchange Opened Flat, but Rallies, chemicals and drugs. J ""S,01;1, j . . r ., j n. .... 1"' markets will bay today, w itn in Mines Up and Down uncling of the longshoremen's stnki course in ouyiug uue ic ci, line. ,,f iho lnnesboreinen s strike stocks nf criuln druirs are going into cnnsiiniition rapidly, but prices are not nffected because the imiorts are not of fered on the market, having been mainly consigned to tlie manufacturers. Makers ot heavy chemicals urc .unwilling to .. ..l e 11101 nnntwiwitu nti'lntr i made that the Uauk of Cnglnnd rate th(l .nJty determining costs while remained unaltered at; ti per rem. inuor is so testiess. mho uuuii is nu Indou, Nov, 13. I ollovving tlie acute, weakness in securities nt .evv York jesterdny, the stock exchnnge innrkets here opeued flat today, but later rallied when announcement wns fter weakening the oil group im proved. Shell Ttnnsport and Trudiug was 10 1-10. Mines moved up and down. Further losses occurred in Grand Trunks nnd Argentine rails. Tho gilt-cdgeM section was better. French loans were flat. DIVIDENDS DECLARED vnncing on caustic soda, nlum nnd pot ash salts. In tho essential oils there is an acute shortage, und sharp price ad Minces are announced in almost the en tire list. Minn rclnllera nrn CTMltljr lllsttlrlicd over the recent heavy demand for the eltort vamp type of footwear, -iiiey -nl n in time n uiulilen change in style fiom tho present style of long vamp shoe t,i tin. c.n...iratnn,l French Vailll) Will tauso dealers who have large sums tied up in long-vamp shoes-for the fall and winter business considerable losses. Bell Telephone Changes The Hell Telephone Co. ot Pennsyl vania announces the following organiza tion changes: II. L. Iladger, formerly division superintendent of plant at Pittsburgh, to be chief engineer of the companies; M. H. Downing to be gen eral superintendent of traffic; P. C. Staples, formerly division mnnnger nt Philadelphia, to be assistant to the president; G, S. Iteiuoehl. formerly division manager nt Harrisburg, to be division manager at Philadelphia; A. AY. Lincoln, formerly publicity man ager, to be executive assistant; J. M. Itepplier, formerly division manager of Atlantic coast division, to be publicity manager. United State dypsum. peclnl 1 it"r cent on common and Quarterly K per cent on preferred, both payable December 31 to etoclt of record December IS. Northern Ohio Electric Corporation, cmar terly 1H per cent on preferred, pas able December 1 to Block of record Novimber is T H Bymlneton Co.. Initial dividend of 214 per cent on common. payaDie January i c , " ' " "1 ,; , " W n,llpnte nclvances to atock of record December 19, and quarter. , name of Hudson Heal, Indicate advances ty cf 2 per cent on preferred, payable i leb- of as much ns 100 per cent since alny, "JffliB'JSH R.ficb0TrBlj,r. JWe thti May prirw were bldfor the ty, quarterly of li por cent. paat,le Jan- best brown nklns. IHacK and soutnern ""'"J"0.' "-?i'lsDJ?lbi!iJ?i.nm,..i ,klni ndvnnced T0 per cent compared of 110, payable Dcfmbr 20 to atock pi rec WJJI ord Novimber -?i can In sharp contrast to the declining vnli,r,u nf fiinni. furs registered at the mictions in London, reports on the sale of muskrat, so widely used under the What's Coming This Winter? Will business slump? How about European credit? Where nre the best bonds? BAB'SON'S Barometer Letter ot November 4th Boes straight to the heart of things, and outlines the trend of events so clearly pointed out by present fundamental conditions. , Report on Requeit As a sample of the service being used by 8000 of the country's nbleat business men, aoopyof this letter, "What's Ahead This Win ter?" will be sent to Interested executives gratis. Atfc on Voter Lttttrhtad or Bulletin sin Baoion'i Slatiitical Orftniiation Welleiley Jlllij, Mail, FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY Member Federal Reserve System Capital $5,000,000 Surplus $16,000,000 Main Office: 325-331 Chestnut St. 43-53 S. Fourth St. ADMINISTRATOR Broad Street Office: N. E. Cor.1 of Broad and Chestnut Sts. GUARDIAN a U.S. GOVERNMENT BONDS ALL ISSUES $50, $100, $500, $1000 DENOMINATIONS MONTGOMERY & CO'. NEW YORK 133 S. CTH ST. PHILADELPHIA CHICAGO TELr.rnoNICSl llc-ll. Lombard 4320. Ke.vslonc, Main 2381 (joicrumeut bccurltlea Department May, Muskrat la tt uey Anicr taraat premitatUm ot Ita yoreer Jl j U :' '' -' ' V rJ"t4r'frr"1 -' i s '" to "t " 'i v - ' U' Sh L ACTIVE LISTED STOCKS BOUGHT anci SOLD ON COMMISSION HARRISON & CO. BANKERS 106 SOUTH FOURTH STREET Member Philadelphia and New York Sqck Exchange!. vl .m v.1 igw a i- ji .,, .. &M W l 7 " tJ r h A