'VI? ' h ?- 'r i -.Kr 4 .tv V, EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, TfelLRSDAT, XOVEMBER 13, 1919 18 GIFTS, AS USUAL, HANDICAP TO RECEIVER IN LYNCH'S VICTORY OVER PETEY HERMAN , . 1 . l-m. IT HAPPENS IN THE BEST REGULATED FAMILIES HERMAN GIVEN CUP NO TEAM HAS CLEAR CLAIM TO FOOTBALL TITLE THIS SEASON , AND LAMBASTING IN , SET- TO WITH L YNCH Champion Has Foe Looking Like Hero of Hich-Crossitiix Episode at Finish, but Early Advantape Entitles Contender to Verdict -iV i C? """ Wi y It ItOltKKT W. MAXWKU, Sports IMItrr K.rnlnK I'lilitle l.rilnfr I ni(,i,llif. I'M. ' ' '.' I M I 'i A1 . FTKll riicivinj: nil artistic loving (ho nriiti members of (lie I'etc .. Herman rcccixi'd nu iirtitir Indue from Mr. .lor Lynch, of New York, nt the Olympiu A A. last nlshl. Mr. I . tn-li nlso tumlr sure that Mr. lint-man's complexion wiim the exact shsule of tin roi". so then- would lip no riot of color, when the champion cot nil dulled up ntnl xvorc a hominet in his Imttonhole. AH of xvhich .-hows that Mr. I.j licit i n pretty Rood su.v. Herman didn't liavo it Chlnntniui's chnncc to win. nml the members of the adinirtitiiui society should have known It. No one omi do himself justice after u gift shrxxer. In baseball, the Bint who in called to the home plate and handed the llm-nl horseshoe or the ilk innhrclla or the traveling line ntnl other such Mock cifts nlwnxs make In hw . listens to the applause nml then strikes out. l'nt Mornii couldn't win the world scriei until somebody swiped the dia mond wal-h ihnrm he received from the Ileinics In (Cincinnati. Therefore. Herman should consider himself lucky that he wasn't absolutely ruined or ioiall wrecked, lie left the rliis unnsisled, whlcli probably made the double hnricleil jinx ver) sore. All he hnd left was the loving cup, the roses and hi title. Still, what, more could a euy expect?" One can't have cTcrjtluug. Ah. no. Mr Herman received at the Hrst special show of the winter season, and even his worst enemy couldn't accuse him of beinc n hum receiver. He received punches in the face, head and body from .all itnglc. and not iyicc was he offside. Ho allowed Mr. l.jnch to show his limit upon all occasions, but cot acquainted only with the knuckles. Taking it all in all. Mr. l.xtich made a hit. In fact, he made social hits, once almost scoring a hujlscye. fill' rnh runt 'i in cm ii mice rery inui'h ,! y mtieh unit were rriiiri'iiir n leore irnrn inr iwnr was ovei . I'rilnlps they were so well pleased irith the show that they Knitted to see more. Then nyaiit, perhaps they did not want to go out into the rain. That van be argued both tatys; Lynch and Herman Each Greeted With "Hoorayr As S FOR the battle, the bij; event ot words to that effect. Lynch enteicd "Hooray for Lynch '." Herman followed shortly afterward and the crowd jelled "lloorny for Herman!" Then enme the siver lovius cup. which was unveiled right in front of the clubmen, and the roses. The nip was placed hi-the center of t lie ring where everybody could have a look, and ISabe O'ltotnku climbed through the ropes. faabc is the new announcer and he is a bear. He nNo is a great football player, and-hopes to prove it some da. hast year he was on the ll5g Island elcwii. hut was such a good plajcr that the coaih kepi him out of the earl games to prevent him from getting hurt. They were saving him for the big game of the season, and as the big game never was played, llabe still is a great football plajcr. Anywaj . O'Uourke stepped into the ring and lifted the loving cup to its feet, lie cleared hi throat, held up his hand like a guy about to make a fair catch and there was lit cathlcs silence. The crowd wanted to know what it was all about, liabe then identified the loving cup nml the roses, and the spectators breathed easier. They knew they had not. been deceived. But the niiummcer was not jet through. He still hnd important work to "do. Dncc more he demanded silence and uns. rewarded. The fana had to learn something else. Thcj did not know cierj thing. Therefore there was a Wgh of relief when Italic pointed to one corner and .shouted, ".Joe Lynch, of fJ JO'awk!" Walking to the other corner, f Herman, bantam cluimpeen !" V T WAS a good thing ltnbr took pals in the leindup. or nobody would hare known who was fighting. Lynch. Piles Up Points Early THKN came tlio fireworks. Ljnch was there for no good purpose and Herman discovered it right off the'bat. The New Yorker, who had trained faithfully for the fray and weighed US pounds ringside, looked pule and drawn. His cheeks were sunken, bis neck seemed scrawny, but his arms were in excellent shape. Ie started after I'etc the champ and socked him Indiscriminately, to say nothing of haphazardly. I'ete found it difficult to keep bis face out of Lynch's hnnds. No matter how hard he tried to keep to himself, he alwajs found a couple of dozen boxing gloves in the way. It was no night for a monologue. Joe was the aggressor from the start, and nfter landing a couple of jabs fell into a clinch. This was I'cte's opportunity to show something and he fell flat, as they say when using slang. Lynch was just as tough as he was and the champ was the first to break giouud. After that they' took it easy and used up the remainder of the round in shadow boxing with each other. In the second Lynch again was off to a Hying start and socked the title holder with everything he had. Herman seemed to be waiting for an open ing, but it was like waiting for that ri:l."i express which sometimes arrives at Port Indian, I'n. The opening wasn't there, and Lynch proceeded to pile up a cluster of healthy poiuts. Pete, after receiving instructions from' Sammy tioldman, his manager, did some good work in the third and had the better of the round. He used a left hook to good effect and rooked .loscph on two separate and distinct occa ' gious. He had Lynch a trifle woozy, hut did not follow his advantage. He was conteut to wait for thai afurementioned opening and was crossed mostly with leftH and rights. Lynch was going good in the fourth and fifth, using a left jab and right cross io good effect. Joe's right, however, was n trilie careless and missed Pete's ehiu several times by a margin of a hair. In the sixth, however, i'etc busted Joe on the nose, much blood witi spilled, and Lynch looked the hero of a hkk-crossiug episode. AT THAT, Jasiph row A fie J'orfc the hit rounds and l.ddie Meade should speak harshly tn his fighter today. Someday he might in'it nil sir sessions. That's some thing to yvrk jor. rpHE preliminary bouts x.erc very good, the first being the best of the lot. " It only lusted one and one-half rounds. Hay O'Malley punched the tar out of Andy Jtivers and had-him? tlowing toward the floor so Often' that Lew Grlmson enllcil a halt. I loth boxers were satisfied. The ne,t scrap was almost as good as the first, because it lasted only two and one'half rounds. Little Hear xvas slated to appear against Victor Ritchie, but-tjie, Indian hnd'n date or something and didn't appear, for that reason allow jis to state that Little Hear i n wise gink. Perhaps he sajv Victor in qvtion once, and no one can blame him for keeping the other engagement. TDATSV iJOHMAN not Joe Slavin's wl& r bloke from Ilazleton stuck around Orimson hung out the flag of truce to prevent Patsy from being knocked for a goal. The third preliminary xvas terrible. .Toe Mendell acted like a tramp and either has gone back or didn't try'. His opponent was Krankie Howell, of some place, xvho had every appearance of being- a sailor In our navy xvhen .he entered the ring. Not being nble,.to curry a battleship xvith him to prove his Ideutity, he xvore a s'ai)o('hat. T(int xvas the, tip-off.. . Fraukie and .loir just wasted one-hnlf hour wandering around the ring, oud xx-e don't kuoxv who xx-rtu because we fell asleep.- Just the same, it was a ham act. DAVE A8TKV, of New Vork, beat .Joe Dorsey in the semixvind-up because he tipraui; a nexv nttnek xvhich could not be solved, Dave had a double jihift which xvos a cr;iss between the one used by (Jeorgiu Tech and Dart 'moutb, horsey, not having a college education nnd splits his infinitives, ,wm unable to provide a proper defense and many big gains xverc made on tilswap. t t f 0$VE Aslty t'icd to gain through cdp anil n hale of blushiiii: roses from Herman Admiration Society. Mr. I'etc s mid I'.ddie l.riris's yuritii eiijoytd the perform- ' me ewnine. it was litniy excitins, or the riiis first and the crowd shouted i lie waved one hand and said, "I'etc the tumble In identify the princi i,is iililp to win only fnttr out of friend from Port Jtichmoiid. but a until the middle of the third, when Ltu Orimton, but Lcuf stopped "OrTVl-O-LtTir rT OiDrVT HAFTYX1 (" I AT 'sSr-AW TGr'A kCK'suaTO R 50 Me7) 5& Yoo Moo - I Garl I 'ST'n'V AT THE . VsHYT IS IT ? I f JevsitSLRY- 'WHY m HOM6POR V VC AaPTei 508CDY OBftO K IH MV NAW 3$ c'" I Ho T I D b I K I ?4Fyc. 'jav S rt- '5cvT"Iv"","5 cc H w l.H Jt'd SOMESODV WITH THIMW UP M? J, , T. AMn J ' WORRY WHETHER YOU TH vSAE NArAE KTf R CVfk TSTV, tmiCm- & BELiee IT VSR MOT - Ob- 1 0VzJ$my 1 Ji WILDE DOES NOT Briton Demanded Expenses for Flock of Friends, So Invita tion Fell Flat A FOXY GUY ALMOST .llliiiny Mile did not see I'ete Her man in action hi! night. The fly weight champion of the world was ten dered an imitation to come over from New Vorl; and see the bantam title holder box .loe Lynch, but the Itritoiu who has announced himself as being on a ilriistirf trip in the I". S. A., could not see his way clear. Willi the invitation to Wilde to ionic to Philadelphia was nn offer to pay hi carfare, hot"! expenses and everything for himself. Wilde thought he would like to have coinuany on the two-hour ride over, however, and demanded all expenses, including a suite of room:-. taxi- privileges, etc., for himself, hi wife and n party of friends. .lack Hanlnn. matchmaker of the Olvinnin. inndc a slicchll trio In Yi.u " x-.'..l. c... tl ...L ,.f l :.... u:i.i.. in, n n'i .in- iniMi-i- in ii,ini , , i no visit this city. I tn t xx :ien the Eng lishman conveyed his slight requests to the inviter. it was decided to call off all invitations to the invited, nfter a long distance call to Philadelphia. ."A foxy gazunks that Wilde lad. h'liine." said .loli ii Sherman. "Nope," tcplied Arthur Ileeb. "he would have heeii. jinil lie got away with it." DEMPSEY DEAD? Rumor Out That Jack Was Killed in 1 Auto Accident Down South New York, Nov. HI. A wild rumor was circulated along upper Hronwny last night to the effect that Jack Demp sey. heavyweight clininpinn of lie ......i.i 1...1 !.... i.m.j i.. L.. -.. i. ii. accident in the South. . Denmsnv was sliirhtlv iniiireil n f,.,,. !thls nun in no nutomobilc neeident. While on his way to Toledo to light .le-i xx illard Dempsey was hurt in a follission. Once when he wns train ing for illnrd he ran into -a motor cycle and was slightly hurt again. Dempsey's liking for fast driving led to immediate credence of the rumor he had been killed In u car. The champion is now touring Louis iana with a circus and will go to ('ali foriiin in n few days to work in urn tiou pictures. 3000 More Yale-Harvard Requests Than Tickets Cambridge. Mass., Nov. II!. A total of ,"'.', (IIHI application, .".ill l( I in excess of the seating inpacity, lias been received for tickets for the Ilnrvnrd-Yale football game on No vember; 22, it was nniiounceil last iilghi. Tickets xx ill he mailnl on Sunday night. m '.5vhol5"jx)ur Barber? ervici . "Don't get ih- idea th(it s just(because we give you g "quick servile " you don't K get your moneys xvorth. " S M That's just why we have f S 20 barbers and 10 manl- 3 curlsts. iRooert Koch's 5 (Formrrly of llrllerur.Hlrstford ?3 llarher Sliop) s S at 1417 Walnut St. 1 m Sfl Iisrhers 10 3lanlfuril H SE HERMAN BOX IJuicK m ERSilOP ATTENDANCE RECORD ' FOR SEASON BROKEN At Least 175,000 Will Have Seen Penn Play This i Year: Tickets Handled Efficiently FEW SEATS REMAIN r.y KDWIN .1. POLLOCK F 'OOTItALL attendance records for one season, nt I raiiKlin r lem go smash this xveek with the Pitt -Penn battle on Sa'turday. and the new figures ill be boosted to a much l)igher mark wheen Cornell idnshes with the Iteil and lllne on 'riintiksgiviue Onv Alicud.' i ioe to f.0.000 persons have watchcil the Penn eleven in action from he stand. nt Hen Franklin's plny- "I'outid. and it is estimated t lint nearl.x fi) It will spo the Pitt and Cornell ,. ,, . i, ,ui.v ,.,fi ,.f ;'- win,, r i . A., x,ld V t : ll is ' 1..(UlflO for the season. A'hl 1 t.r this ire the :i.iiihi speciniors a, uic inn- mouth name in New ork last xxeel It is safe to say that 17,"i.tllMI- will have seen the (Junker machine this year. This has netted n handsome sum to the I imcrsily Athletic Association. 1 it u i .1 niesavcr io icon spoil. .inn-n i- j were conduct d nt n great Ios in a I spirit of patriotism during the war. , and the lied and Hlue certninly is de- ' serving of the heaVty response and syp- ' port given the team this year. I The offices of the Athletic Asocia i lion in the trnining house yesterday were seething with activity. Kvery one ! ii hustling to necoinniodnte the great I demand for tickets. All day there was i 'I long line wniting for tickets, nnd the 1 erviee given nt the box office wns not onlx thornuch but rapid l,"'T "' ' i ' i i ven oflieioiitlv bv Major M.vlln ,1. ' I'ickeriiiK. the graduate mnniiger. Ilusy work i i-o nuio ii woni'to ,, i, io io n' At It.Hll" Pickering anil lit stuff. The graduate manager, .lini (orman, lm i secretary, and a flock of other assist 1 nuts, including Sid Thayer. Traex 1 Purse, Kd Vnre, student managers, have hustled nil season, but even yes terday, when immediate action was re ipiired. there was no confusion.' Kvery -j Hung was conducted in a very business ' like manner. f Lspetdnl care has been taken to give -Indents, alumni anil public fair treat ment The undergraduates have the BARRACKS is made with this reinforced Otv long CablcCord Buttonhole. An exclusive feature of 3& rJOJ7 ars 1 OLDEST BRAND IN AMERICA f UN1TCO tHIRT A C04.LAA CO. TOT. M. Y. gaiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiii.cS KM.I.dW TIIK CKOXVll TO AI.I.-STAK MlldtV AT NATHINAI. A. t,. I llh and Catharine wlreeta SATl'ltllAV NKillT, NOV, 15 Joe Tiplitz vs. Rocky Kansas rnlRV .luhi.fton x. K. O. Jne (I'llonncll llohli) DiijIp is. Ilutlllne .Murray Jolinny Mutionpy . Krnnklfi Itlce l.nrry llanurn v. Krankie Ponlfrey TkWt. on snlf. nt DanailD'a. 3.1 H. Ittli fit. Nn rrrrntloiiH held aftrr ,H I', M, I'OOTIIAI.I, University of Pennsylvania VH. , ' Pittsburgh University rn.ANiu.iv riei.D. 0v. is, biso p, m. rrtuhn.Fn in. Kl.kl Wfliool. ll.'W I. ,XI. Rsvfrvrd rl.. .MI. U, tl.ZV. On salt iiiKlte'aifllllrlllllB m Walter Camp Pays I'isit ' Here and Goes Golfing Walter Cnnip. Yule's famous football dean, who is recognized "as the leading authority in the country on the great fall gninc. paid a visit to this city jesterdnj , hut he didn't sec the Penn football team for two reasons. One was (lint the (Junkers aie at Pine Valley and the other was that he wanted to get' in some gol!. Mr. ('limp was u guest at the Knla Country Club, and played a foursome witli W. 11. Syke.s against W. S. Stevenson and P. DcLoug. The match was all square at the cud of the eighteenth hole. Hill Sykes is authority fun the statement that Mr. Camp is not only n golf enthusiast, but also n crackcrjael; player. ...... ., , . , " r vlien i mm' to puivhasmg ickcs. They get the choice seats, but "'"'" than four tickets aie allowed to st,..Ioilt. TI. .,. ..,,. ....... fm. ., ,,,. .,, ,. ,., r ,,, one the nsvoi'lfllioll. After the students the nluiunl come next in the matter of distribution. Thru come (lie piililic, and tile policy of ,. ,., lirfit s,,m,(1 js fimm. The first patrons at the window get the best seatf V7- A cigar is the most personal thing you buy it goes into your mouth! I'm skeptical of a cigar I know nothing about. I prefer to know what the. cigar I smoke . contains and how it was made. .' I want to be satisfied that it was pro-' duced under sanitary conditions. ' I know that is your feeling, too. My forty years as a cigar-maker have been devoted not alone to bringing a cigar the ADLON as near perfection as is possible by human minds and hands It covers a long and painstaking Five Sh apes-Govcrnor, lScCpronadr Club Perfec(of2 for 25c; Pert V . ' . &) Wr . - ' .. i ;v:. ' . -.., SYRACUSE IKES I Segal's Return and Thompson's Good Work Place Hoople on Bench GET READY FOR COLGATE Syracuse. X. Y.. Nov. 1,'!. The an ticipated shift in the Syracuse Univer sity lineup, rumored as cominc before the Orange left on its eastern trip but postponed until after the Hucktiell con test, today was n rcalify. At least, so say reports from the Orange rump, now guarded by a small host of lojrni students to prevent the intrusion of Colgate spies. Vffi, (illicit, wlio has played resnlnrly at right guard, has been shifted to left tackle, replacing Donley, xvho played the position nfter it was vacated by Hoople. Segal, who has been out of the game since the Hrown contest with an injured shoulder, letiirns to his posi tion at right tackle, where (iulick played lifter Donley was shoved to the other side of the line. Thorno-on. the new man appearing in the Syracuse first line, has shown on so well ill right guard since lie xvas given his chance aftcrTitiliek wns moved to replace egal, that lie evidently lias gained first crll at the job PLEVEN Dartmouth and Colgate in East and Ohio Slate in West Have Best Records, but Must Overcome Worthy Opposition Before End of Schedules IN THIS .SI'OrtTLKlHT BY OKANTLANI) RICH Copyright. 11)10. All rlRhts reserve!. Football Dope I've found a teay tn solve this mystery And thereby bolster up my modest pay; I dope it us I Ihiuk the seorr should be And then J bet my coin the other teay. The Champibns IK W'K are to evolve any answer from xvhat remains of the fragmentary nnd badly shattered dope the footbnll situation seems to be about as follows- I In the I'.nst, Dartmouth should beaten u sturdy claimant for the golden scepter, Her victory over (lie powerful Penn' State eleven nnd her drnw with Col gate leave her high in the list. Ilnrvard, after her tic with Princeton.- can have an unbeaten record by stopping Vale. Hut even if the Crimson flutters coyly above the Jllue, Hnrvard's record will not be set up to the Dartmouth standard. Then we come to Colgate. If Colgate heats Syracuse, Larry Bnnknrt's machine can deserve nothing less thnn a draw xvith Dartmouth." These two elevens will hold the hulk ot eastern prestige. If Syracuse slips a noose around Colgate's neck, which may ensily happen, then Dartmouth can let a liattlecry ring ngainst the New Hiimpshire hills, and order u new laurel xvrenth that will fit snugly. rjARVAfll), if she bents Yale, may protest this award, hut Harvard ii will then hare beaten but one strong learn, where Dartmouth has bealcn Venn State and Pennsylvania and has tied Colgate. In the West IN THH West it has now become a matter of some one hooking Ohio State. This Ilnrleyized machine is the only eleven in the Western Conference tlint linsuH been stopped. ' Ohio Stnte bus u great machine in many xvnys, hut it isn't yet safely through the wilderness. Kor one thing, Ohio State meets n formidable oppo nent in Illinois. 1 Chicago, Michigan. Wisconsin, Illinois nnd Minnesota hax-e nil been i nicked nt least once, but the Jlarley-Stinchboiiib-Wlllinms combination has been too elusive to dale, I Whether it can get by for the rest of the season is another matter. Wo might sny "yes" and we might say "no," but it wouldn't mean anything in this modern football hurly-burly until the game is played. OHIO ST AT It, like Colgate, has no soft and woolly roadbed to follow for the final details. AND we recall five years ago belijg charged with insanity because xvc sug gested that n properly handled forward pass xvas n good ground-gaining, scoring play. SCRAPS ABOUT SCRAPPERS Ry LOUIS not "The TTTAIrKK .IC YY Hig Swede' .10IINSON, of the Washington Senators, but a Dane who hulls froiji Snvaniuih, (in.. Invaded Philadelphia unannounced and unheralded. He i" n lightweight. How good is lie? .1 lie sais tins. "Who has he fcighj?'.' was asked of Johnson's manager, to xvhich he replied that be didn't care to say. or words to that effect. Walter comes here with the purpose of starting from the very bottom, and he will be given his opportunity next Tuesday night when he meets .loe .Inekson in one of the bouts at the new Auditorium A. A. Ilrrnmn Tiulor will put "n the first nf his biweekly shows nt the Allnntlc City Siioit Im; Club tnnlsht. Jamaica KI1 vs. .left Smith Is the slnr elcht-rnumler. Itlm WnllPlR nml Marcel nnrlull gIhsIi tn nnother elcht-routnl fuss, while the third uiip will be between XVnlter Itenny anil .llmmv Mencle Hlllv Devlne opens the show with Jlmmv Temller. Ildille Mllllln will hnw tn hts first hnut of the regular season tomorrow nlchl when he lakes on Johnnv Mahoney. of llazlelon. at the Oambrla. A. C. Joo McC'arron boxes XX'lllle McCloskev In the semi, nnd other numbers are Charley Hear vs. Johnny Mor gan; Kredtlv Turner vs. Ynumr Ktlpalrlck, and XX'lllle Tercuson Jlanny ".misers. Ilille Kexnlre will maka his first appear ance In Phlllv since returning .from over seas Tuesday nluht at the Auditorium, lie X .vlll box Ilarrv Murray Tn another bout study of human nature of a man's tastes, dislikes, prejudices, etc. I make it a point to know where the tobacco leaf I buy was grown; and how it reached me. And in every process of manufacture I personally see to it that the ADLON cigar comes to you your lips as I want -it to come to me. The "ADLON is the net result of some five hundred individual tests of tobacco com binations or blends. It is a Havana-filler-and-shade-grown-wrapper cigar has none' of the tang nor "mustiness" so common in ordinary cigars. It's mild yet as full of fine flavor and rich aroma as any man can wish. And it carries my word of honor that it is produced under unexcelled scientific and sanitary methods. You'll see the point of my claims after you've smoked your first ADLON. Step up to the nearest cigar counter today and ask for the large-size Corona shape ADLON. I-resldent 44 Clmr Company Perfecto dr fe trim lirown nnd finish thn mmirou on. II. J AKKI I .Inlr Henry (111 meet lvlil .lnffi. Tk. wlnil-un ivlll be between Harry Drown nml i""M"i"'i .in-iiiu.wi iiunuee. I.ltlle Hear will In. on the sidelines for some time, probably a. month. HI contest at Hie Olyinpla last nluht was cancelled owlns tn pains In his left side. Herman lllndln sa.s he bad to call on" several other bouts for the color-skinneii battler. At Thompson Is another boxer who Is forced to be Idle. Ho will rest for two weeks during whlih lime Al xvlll have his teeth fixed. Then Thompson nays he will Issue ehallencea to Allentown Dundee. Tuskv I.ee and Harry (Kid) Hrown. lliifdiey Itntrlilnsfii. Is nfter hlcirer izmn now. The Twelft warder has been Ueeplns himself In perfect fettle, and his handler w-anta to pit him against the tnp notchers Pete Herman. Joe Lynch, Joe llurman in fact, any of 'em. Pinky Crosby is hero from Indianapolis He Is a middleweight. And "Pink" wants to start off bis rlKht ofr the reel. "Urine on .left Smith. Ilarrv tlreb or Mike O'Doxrd brins 'em on." he sas. Iletuix' Leonard xvlll box at tho Olympta Thanksgiving afiernoon. .iKalnst "a man who will make him bustle,", as Ton Haln sa;,s. Willie .larkson xs. I'.il .Xlornn xvlll be on the same pros-ram. Knx' Smllli, a Camden heavyweight xvlll be seen tn local bouts tn the near future. He dbl a lot of lwxlns In the armv. AXIllte Itercer. a llR-nounder. has tolned the stable ot .XI. mutant. Including Youns Kddle Hector and Mike pundee. Longfellow, 10c 4 ' t a ' v-b i,: ri JfMeii T4 , rt' ' UUU1IU UU1 ,,iwu, -is; vpm T t ':.