Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 13, 1919, Postscript, Page 17, Image 17

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I '
Standings of Schoolboy
League Football Teams
lntersthoIiiMlr lninr
(I. W. I.
Ufiitrnl llluli .
Hrl I'hlli. IllKli '
, Ncprtlirnl IIIeIi . 3
I South I'lillii. HlKh :
Country Club to Build Links and . M'ftU 3
) i n
I I) 4
t 0 'J
PAYENT $60,000,000
Homo on Farm Site, With '
Sabbath Game v '
HA1JDOX COUNT11Y Cf.UI! ionics
llglit nut ntid H uiiiiiiliniMiK for 81111
i!n (,'olf This wim tin1 decision -1
niched lit I lie 11 11 mi 11 1 im'ftitiK of the
Hub nml to 11111 ko it even nioif upiiealliiK
tin' club is nlso 111 fin or of roiuoviiiK
to 11 fm 111 Kite, iilcal for Rolf, which is
neurthc iii'ciit courso, letting out
oiRhtri'ti holes oor tlic I1"i ucics of
forcil, biillilitiK n new clublioiio. nml 1
otlierwWi' I'ooiuiiiK coif in the .leie;.
P It Miihlletou. .Ir.. pirsldcnt of
tlje 1 Inb, liii innile nil this possible not.
oulj l pi win ins the flit 111 site, but
nlo b niukiiiK the club 11 piescnt of I
n linniNoine check to ioer up its pics
cnt Iliiiincinl (lefieiencv, 1
l'lisidrnt Miihlletou innile 11 deter- I
mined Kpeech 011 Suinhi.v coif Mini put it
ai l'oss, wltli the aid of A. II. Kinlej. 11
I'hllndelphinn. whose expeit iews 011
the MibjiM of the pinposeil site for
the new (oui'-e weie ieieiid with
fin or.
At tills point in the speeches after
tin1 minimi Imnnuet. Iicllm Veiinell. 11
jouthful hoinebiid of CollitiKswood.
was tendered the cilstodj of the Ilriir
I) Mooie 1 up. Iij iilne of his htiviJK
won the chiiinpion-hii of the club for
the dleinK season.
William M. Klinn, his pal from bm -hood,
mid a fonner winner of the
( luimpionsliip, won the Mlildli ton cup
in the mutch pla IniniUc'iip. Theetwo
joiiiiKsters, went to m liool together.
''pln.M'd 011 the Mine foothill mid baseball
teams, nuhlied tngether ns kids at the
old ('ollinnswood (Viniirj Club, mid
both hni" cleaned up a Him k of golf
pnes at Iladdniilield this M'libon.
The second, wlm lij II. A. Senttcr
poml. was a siler knife, and the tliiid.
bj 1 V. I'.iecioft, was a silver match
box rilnii also won the II, !. Moore
cup. in the net icentd mortice, ten
sioies for the season, "I ."i. Other
mi'incc winiieis weie: .1 It. Mer
cier. 7L' 1 ; l.eltoi Vennell. T..l .1.
Ii UeniliiBton. 71.lt; Chillies Hunter,
7"i.(l. and II. I'. Yearslej, 7fi.fl.
The Course .f. Itercen nieiiioii.il cup,
a new nwmd this seasop, for seenty
two liolcH modal play handicap, was won
by ,T. II, Mercier. The Knwrnor's cup
was won bj (Ju T. Hills, mid the de
feated eight, bj Charles WiiRiier.
rriem.V (Jiitlil . . would like to hrar
from nrit class honn lenins T.ow Specter.
ni North Third street
Inlcrnrmlemlc 1 emus
I'piiii ( harlf r .1 ! "
l.rrmunlnwn Afiiurmv 1 I 0
IplMoniil .... , 1 1
I rlrmls' Ontnil I 0 1
IntrrMchnliiMtlr 1anu
Urol I'lilla. IIUli nt (Vntrnl lllr.li. ,
smith I'hlln. High nt lYnnkfora llllh.
Internriiilrintr I?nirne
IV1111 ( Imrtrr nt (Irrmnntonn Academy,
r.plwiniiiit Armlrnir nt FrlfndV Central.
Other (lames
Chestnut "III nt St, Luke's .school.
Itnililonilrlil IIIeIi nt Alilniton IIUli.
Media IIUli nt l.niiMlnuiir lllith.
Knilniir lllsli at IIiisttown-Treuilvfrln
tiiiMlliiirr lllch nt Wilier I'nrk llllh.
He Cnlhnlle HUM nt St. Joseph's I'ren.
llncliiml Illicit nt Colllninnood 1 llcli.
Wenonnh Military ArnilemT nt Catholic
lllch. Sorrcr
(lermnntowii Frlfmts nt flermantown
lltnlnxlon Krlentl nt (Irrmnntown HUh.
French Bet Heavily to See the
Ponies in After-War
French Pedal Artists Coming With
Italians and Everybody Else
Kloen Kuiopeiin blcjcle riders are
011 their way to this Voiintry, word be
I11K leoUcd sailed last night that the
men liae sailed on the Preiuh steam
ships l,afiijotto, I.a Haioie and La
Kianee Hefoie sailliiK the men agreed
to terms mid siciied contiaest to ride in
the si -ilny inie at Mndisoii Square
(Jarden. .1ni tliiR November 30.,
In the pint me four Italians 01
inrdeiiRo, Ants, Chnrbonup mid Ilros
in: three Trent'limon Dupiiy, Hylo and
(Jodior: three ItelgimiR Russe. Spied
sens mid TibeiKheim, and one Swiss
Oscar 1'kk.
Announce Big Schedule With Inter
collegiate Crown the Goal
Mate C'nllmr. Nov la rrobnbly the bent
schedule that haw ever been arranged for a
Slate wrealtlnir team hdr announeed eater
daj by ManaKer Harold Hneiran lleKlnnltiff
op I'Vbruarj 14 the team will ennas:e In i
dual meet each week-end flnlnhlnK the en
Mm at Philadelphia 111 the. annual Inter
ci llewlate chnmplnnahlp
Four meets hnve been arratiKed for the
home floor, with I.ehlirh, Cornell Penn and
Princeton A return meet will be held with
l.ehlah at llethlehem and the nnnual tusale
with the Naai Academy will be. held at
Tho pcehdule for the aeanon of 1020 fol
Ion a LchlKh University, at State College,
February 14. Cornell University, at Stato
Colleee, February -1. University of Penn
slanla. at State Oolleue. February is
Naval Academv. at Annapolis. March II,
Lchlch Unheralty at llethlehem, March 1.1
Princeton Unlerlty, at Stale College.
March Jll. lntercolleitlates, at Philadelphia,
March iO-27
I'nrls, .Vov. IS. Kvidenced by the
colossal 8UI11K spent daily In France on
jewels and luxuries, the French post
war passion for spending nml specula
tion was demonstrated also by figures
published by the MinlRter of Agricul
ture, which show that nil lecords of
lacc-track betting by pnrl-mutuel were
exceeded in the first rnec season Finnic
linn seen since the wnr.
Three grent elubs govern racing in
France. The sum that went to them 11s
their 4 per cent of the totnl amount!
handled by the mutual machines was
$1,000,000. The total amount bet ut
all the race meetings was nearlv !00,
000,000 francs, or about SCO.000,000
Cannefax, Jackson and McCourt
Have Same Percentage In Billiards
Rauch and Haines Unable to
Start Game Against Cor
nell Saturday
Fans IS'oio Want to
Buy Pat a House
l"nablo to show their appiecla
tioii b electing him Mnyor or
something, the fans of ('lnolnnntl.
according to (larrj Herrmann, hae
started n movement to bu 11 houi'
nml lot for Manager 1'ut Moiiiti,
of the world's champion Hods, so
that they can keep him in their
1 lty nlwnjs
Jarkson, lletrolt.
McCourt i lerlaml
nnnefnx. New lork
Rrlsrlt. Chlrnio
Miiiipoine. Mtlivnukee
(inieiir. nurraio
litis. Itrooltlrn
Ileal, Toledo.
Denton. Kitnim Cltv
I. ran. C'lnrlnnntl
3 .
rifclantl. Nov. 13. Today's si lied -ule
of the three-cushion billiard tourna
ment brought together Charles Otis, of
llrooltljn. nml .less Lean, of Cincin
nati. Chnrles McCourt, of Cleveland,
placed Hugh Ileal, of Toledo.
Clarence Jackson, of Detroit, will
oppose Hyran Gillette, of Iluffalo, nnd
Tl T. Pnnneffii. nf Wu' Yorlf. will nlnv
Tiff Denton, of Kansas City, in to
night s matches.
Southern Title Cross-Country Run
Islington, Vn Nov 13 The fifth an
mini Rnuih Atlantic cross.countrv chnm-
ptonshlp rnce will be held here Saturday
during the football game lietween Wash
ington and I.eo and the. University nf South
Carolina. The University of Virginia, V
p I , Johns Hopkins, and WashliiKtnn and
Leo complete tho list of entries to date. I
State College. 1'a . Not III The
I'enn Stnte football olrtcti 1eaes here
tonight for Ithaca, where tliev will
nieet Cornell on Satiuda.t. and in spite
of the two iccent lctones oter I'enn
nnd I.elilgh, the coaches and plajers are
none too confident "nf the coining
Injuries have slowed tip the Blue and
White aggregation to some extent, while
it is felt heir that Cornell is just be
ginning to lilt Its stride, as was evi
denced by its east win over Carnegie
The I'enn State team will enter the
game minus the seniles of nt least
two of Its best plajcis. Itaucli, the
star gunid, has not rccnvciet' the use
of his injuied niiMc, and Haines, who
has- been putting up a great gninei at
halfback, was knoiked out on -the lirst
kickoff in the I.ehigh game and had to
he carried from the Held.
Charlie Waj. the .sensational half
back, seems to have reioered from his
injured shoulder and he should be in
shape to stait the game, ltobb 1111
doubtedly will 11111 the team from the
epiartcrack position, as lie has been
nlarlnc a whirlwind game of late.
The game Saturday with Cornell will
be the first meeting on the gridiron
since 1012, although a game scheduled
for last car was cancelled because nf
the "tin." In 11)11! and 1011, Hill Hoi
lenback's unbeaten team took the meas
ure of the lthaenns. and Conch ltezdek
is hoping to score another ictory this
ear. However. I'enn Stntc will be
considerably outweighed In the big red
team. .
The I'enn State Freshmen will ncconi
jinny the varsity on the trip and will
meet the Cornell cubs just previous tn
the varsity game.
John Hummel Will Be Playlng-Pllot
of the "Pretzels" Ball Club
Heading, I'n.. Not in. - After 11
business meeting and luncheon jes
terday, the director of the Heading
ltaseball nnd Athletic Assoc intion an
nounced the nppointnient of .lohn Hum
mel ns plnIng manager of the Heading
International I.engue teifrin for the
coming season and F. t). Sliollenbeig,
n local nrvspaicr man, its business
The selection of Hummel as plajing
manager was urged liv fans nil over
the city, and it is believed the former
llrookljn Dodger will be a big suc
cess, in his first managerial position.
Applications from seteial other pla
crs weie considered, but Hummel was
the iiopulnr choice.
Colgate-Syracuse Battle Draws Big
Demand for Pasteboards
Hamilton, X. V.. Nov. Ut 1'iep
aration for the Stracuse lontest con
tinned todii on 11 slopi) lleld which
iretented fnst work and ns 11 result 011 j
tllnism was not at Its highest point 1
among the coaching stall 1 lie stall
was augmented toda b) A. F. l'eter
son. inplnln 11111I centei of the 1111.1
team, Cnrioll. tenter of the 11110 tentn.
nnd T. T. Sullivnn, who pln.ted end
on the lDl.'t team.
During the practice both the offen
sie and defensive weie winked on in
scrimmage. The remaining two dii)s
will be gien liter to jinlisliing jihi)H
and the assignments of men Otei
flO.OOO seats hate been sold foi the
gnme Satiiulay.
Rivals to Meet After Layoff of Two
Years Due to War
The Hobart Club will Journey to ttlver-
Qowdy Signs With Reading
Reading, l'a., Nov 13 Pert tl llubbs,
setrelary of the Reading l;stern League
Uasketball Association, announced here n
terda having received the signed con
trait nf lUluood (Hank) tlowdv a formir
DeNerl and tlreistock star, ai a member
of the Hears ' Howdy has bVn In the
n v for the past two )ears and will
make h debut with Jt-adlng against Cam
den Iclrr paired .with Oenrge Morris
nunrd Secretary Jlubba also nnnountvj
to roll p so nf I,ou .Martin th former IJ,
nf 1 cage star. Gallagher and IlarrJ
.Hugarman. as members of the. IUadlnJ
Iranklln A, ,., a 1.11-pound Irven hat
open dates for teams nrrerlnv guarantees.
1' J Kaunte. 31 Memphis street
ton wlifrc ie
Hr.Kht rifM on
Holmrt Club
mept thp
National Bird Gets Sympathy State
Fish and Game Body In Session
Nation mI(1p protection for tho Rirnt
bnlil pu'rIo. the national bird of Amor
len, was stroiiRly nrpnl nt n inrotinK of
tlio Pernio Ivnnia Stato KM. nnd (Jnmo
IVotootivo Association at tlio Citj Club
lartt niplit.
A campalKn was inauKiiratrcl to lift
tho ban on hnnters in (JOMtrr (ount
Tho clnim was nmilo that ChrMor hail
boon stooUod itb pnmo bought it Ii
tlio public monoy, but that to furnish
pastime f tho imp 1 if Ii nil shootinc
1 uis barred, o that Sir lte.Minid TnlRht
I bp prp.orod for tho focbtintois
Big Heavy Scores Another K. O.
w Trlfn, Im Nov 13 -Dick O lirlfii
ncalintr -00 pounds and atandlnp mx feet
peven lnchf, mab ctit to rthtwini nnd
knocked out by Martin nurke former n
tlonnl mnatfur chRmplon, tn the tenth
round of a scheduled tent -round bout here
l(fan . . Wt end .
rinVe . left tnrkL
RiiHlnn. left surd
WrlBlU . . renter
Webber. . rleht Kunrd
H Plerson risht tntkle
Ske rlftht rnd
Kuan . nujrttrbak
t'roiji rlRht halfbitk
Plpriion left htflMrk
l.rrnlnuer .. . fullback
I Hi'ferer Smith, V and t
Itnond Kobart Time I J t
I ierlnd
loraj ( lev en
I easier
H Hilton
L'mrtlre On.
and 11 mlnuto
Club Plans Big Tourney
Pawn Pushers Soon
The tournament committee of the Krmik
tin Then Club is rUmnlntr what will prob
nblv be the larcest end inot Important cheti
meet held In T'hil idelphla for mnnv ears
Tlie tournev for the championship of Thil
i delphln will be open tn every cliesa plaNer
of Rood stand iuK vho deslrea to partiel
pate ur.tl twentv entrlrs have been received
Hfler which the tonunlttee reserves tho rUnt
tn nterpt or derllne nd'Iltlonnl entries
Naval Air Station Beaten
( iiih Mm N J., Nov in The Tape
Mav A A placed the (apo Mnv Naval Air
station in their flrt basketball piup to
nlRht The (.Vpp AIhv A A won h a acor
f an tn 11 Tho pa mo was very rough
twentv fouls helnj? called on the air station
and fourteen on the t'aro May team
Just qs it comes from the Cow
Natural Af 1 1 1z Clean
Its quality does not vary
IS the "cream line" always the same 'in the milk
you buy? Is the flavor always the same?
Get Walker-Gordon Milk every day and you qan
say "Yes" to both questions. The same cows fur
nish Walker-Gordon Milk every day ; they cat the
same balanced rations of clean grains and sweet
alfalfa hay ; they are always cared for and milked
under the same exceptional conditions of cleanli
ness; the percentage of cream is kept constant
from day to day.
This unchanging quality of Walker-Gordon
Milk, the regularity with which is is delivered, the
knowledge that no milk could be safer for even
children to drink all make its users highly satis
fied. Telephone your first order today.
Distributing Accnts for
Philadelphia. Atlantic City
and Vicinity
TVIrplion. I'oplnr S30
HI L-i i
i in vj
I Lithography I
A complete
Lithographing Department!
Bound ami
1..00SD I.eaf
and Supplies
WHEN large quantities of letter-heads,
envelopes or other forms aro wanted,
llthoBraphy offers the most attractive and
often tho most economical form of printing-.
In our factory vre have a complete, mod
ern nnd fuly equipped lithography
department, ready to execute your work
promptly and up to the supremo standard
of quality found In all Mann products.
New York Offices: SGI Broadivay. Founded in 1848
Get a Small Bottle! Freshen Your Scalp! Stop
Falling Hair! Remove Dandruff! Grow Lots
of Wavy, Qlossy, Beautiful Hair You Can!.
llealdrs doubling tlie
beauty of your pair
at once, you will
Shortly And new
lialr, tine anil downy
tiew lialr crowlnc
all over llm'calp.
at Brit, but really ):-.
'(Jolt H"'(
bbbbbbbbbH'''"'' laaaflaLLK
HaaaaaKLl ' ' " 1aaaaaaaaB
BaaaaaMmylfH'' vaaaaaaaaaaM
B ' !''"i ' laaaaaaaH
'Hm:'"' ," "OaaaaaaaaK
Ki5r- " "slilaaaaHl
mgt? '? "VljBaaaaaaaaaaV
jjm '-' aSJaaaaaaaaaaaak
M & I ''l'""' ' HsaiaiaiaB
j&t v ?st 4)v , aBLLLLLB
imtSU" '''laialiaiaiaiBH
rV s J? ealLLLLLLaVo t-vS J'iV'IJ ilililslHiilililHtilH
n ' '
Packard Delivery Serves Public
and Pays Merchant
L . World's Greatest Department Store 'Built Business on
Delivery Uses Packard Transportation
Principles and Packard Trucks
INCE installing its first motor truck, the
largest store in the world has increased its
field nearly four fold. Its local deliveries
now cover an area of five hundred square miles.
The really remarkable part of this service is not
the length of the routes covered but the fact that
they a,re covered daily and some of them twice
a day.
This bringing the goods to the public's door
is the great merchandising achievement of the
modern store.
Although the cost of living is high, how much
higher would it be were -it not for the system
which brings a great many people to one centre
to. do their purchasing?
v t t
Successful merchants recognize that the Public's
sense of values is very acute. Any element of
service in their business must be run with the
greatest economy so that it takes its proper place
in the cost of merchandise.
' The rule for economical delivery service is to
haul the maximum number of packages and ton
nage with the minimum of equipment.
Compliance with this rule gives cost of upkeep
and length of life precedence over first cost of truck.
More Packardsthan ever are being selected for
this work. Perhaps 'because there is little guess
work about selecting a Packard.
Packard facts and figures are established and
are constantly being amplified by tests in every
transportation field.
In this delivery field especially the importance
of having one high standard for the whole Packard
truck and building every part in the Packard
factory in order to keep it is recognized.
The one outstanding fact about Packard trucks is
their consistency of performance as evidenced in
the records of department store Packards, many of
which have gone over two hundred thousand miles.
More study has been given department store
delivery than to any other phase of truck trans
portation. Yet even here the Freight Transporta
tion -Department of the Packard organization in
your city can help by keeping figures up to date.
Call upon them. No charge for service.
Packard Trucks Are Now Available for Immediate Delivery
Packard Motor Car Company of Philadelphia
319 North Broad Street
BRANCHES Atlantic City, Bethlehem, Camden, Harrisbm g, Lancaster, Reading, Trenton, Williamsport, Wilmington
GOOD ROADS REDUCE TRANSPORTATION COSTS. The products of farm and factory can be
moved more cheaply along good 'roads. Buy road bonds and help bring down the cost of living
' - Vjfe ir-i H 'e1 Hh"k
HV .5 ""
-: i, i" ?f v"
- iiiiiial i i lasmii i ii i .,, ,-r MMmrinii lilt i i---