'.TgS'?!-' tn'TTTJH H EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1919, iW ti. m ii f . ? li h. is- I . to K. U V l : '.a. TURN THE BEER VAT NTO A SUGAR BOWL Malt Sirup Answors Question What to Do With Our Ex-Breweries PALATABLE AND CHEAP "StiKiir. sugar; who's snt tlir "tis'irV" asks tlie homewlfr. Hit ipirrj Is cho rtivcit by n myrlnil of otlior liters of tho wirrlinrltir Iniliopdtpahli' to tlio Anicrirnn Utile. Ami I'nrlp Sum. a bit wrinkled li liN many in cut worries, liitonml hi well os pxtpriml. but Riillniit wltlinl. rast those troubles nsltle nnd iiiimwii tlie question of his niece with liiomiitness. AwonlliiR to the elonRiiteil but fill -seclUK iivunenlar patron of these I lilted Stnte.s, kooiI may be brought out of evil nlicl sweetness rule where bitteine-s reigned before The beer uit of the bieweries Mat tered throughout the land hold 11 Jem vcdy for the sugar stringeney that is as far from nn '-' 7.". pro.luet as the afore Bald "near beer" belies its elaini of proximity to the obsolete and neailv ex tinct lager and buck. Opportunity for Ureuers Here And right liere in rhiladelphia. with scores ot bieweries mole or less Idle, the United .States Department of Agii etilture finds opportuiiity, and right at the imeliologionl moment, for the "leopard to ehiinge his spots," and tlie disfavored brewer to heroine the leseuer of the nation in its sugar eiisis. In malt sugar sirup lies the eure. saj the specialists of the lliiienii of Chemis try, who hae investigated ariojis miIj Btitutes for sugar. Findings of thee experts arc thus eet forth in the weekl bulletin of the Department of Agriculture: "In addition to being n sweet, malt sugar sirup has a delicious ilimir, Minicwhat resembling that of honej , which adds much to its palatabllity and yaluc as n sugar substitute. Commercial Prodiiitlon Itegluivlng '"Vhile malt sugar has long been known to chemists, its production on a commercial t-calo is onlj beginning. Walt sugar simp is made from the same grains as beer, and inn be made from corn or potatoes or nuj plant contain ing starch, ltarle.i, which was used until recently in the manufacture of beer, can bo used now to prodiiLV mnlt jBiigar sirup. "llicweries, with er little change, can be used, and are now being used, for its manufacture. I'p to a certain point the process for making malt sugar sirup is the same ns the process tor making beer. "Malt sugar sirup looks ery much like maple sirup. It can lie useil toi i everything that cane sugar is used for i While i,s use on the table maj not be quite as convenient as sugar. It is a most excellent substitute for table use. For cooking and baking pin poses and for making candj it is not onl equal to sugar in convenience and food alue but is superior for some uses because it will not so readilv crjstallize. Used in .Manufacture of Candy "Malt sugar sirup is now being sold in large quantities to comiueicial bak eries and candj and soft-drink iniinu facturers, who lisp it in place of sugar. The whnleale price, as quoted in re cent advertisements in trade papers and elsewhere, is fiom seven to nine cents per pound in barrel lots. Main " fetuil grocers do not handle it jet be cause there has been little demuud for it on the part of housewives. "(iroccrs can now obtain it and no doubt will be glad to do so as the de mand for it incr-ases. Housewives can well conserve their dwindling supply of sugar by using it in cooking, baking and homemade can feet ions, and even on the table for sweetening coffee, n.it tneal and desserts. It can be used for every purpose for which sugar is used. If the housewives want it, the grocer-, will get it." GOOD GOVERNMENT FUND 'Dr. C. F. Taylor Leaves $200,000 to Promote Efficiency That the late Dr. ('. 1". Tnvlor left a fund of approximately SJUO.Iint) to promote cflici.-nt government and to further popular control of government is announced bj the three tnistees of the fund, Thomas Ilaeburn White, Samuel S. Fels and C (J Hong. Doctor Taylor, who died November 4. established the fund in Mm. 1M14. Sinie that time it has been in active use Among organizations which have benefited from the fund are the 1'ro portifliial Representation League, tlie Bureau of Municipal Itc.scarch, tlie Na tional Municipal League mid a number of organizations outside the state, in 'which Doctor Taj lor was interested. The fund was not used to promote Philadelphia's new charter. Hold Rummage Sale All sorts of things are being sold to day at a rummage sale at 'Jl'Jti Market street for the benefit of the building fund of St. Leonard's Anideiuv. Thirty-ninth and Chestnut streets. The sale will go on tomoriovv Ai tides offered at the sale were gatheied to gether by graduates of the neademj. MASK AND WIG ELECTION COMPLICATED BY BROTHERS George nnd Murdoch Kondriclt, Only "andidales for Prcsi' dency, Each Acts to Assure Success of Oilier in fitdlot Fight mail JPiioNr: onnnits tiluwh 3ST0HE 'DrKNS DAILY 0 A. M. AND CLOSES SlSO P. T. The fact that two In others weie the only candidates for the presldenev ol the Mask and Wig Club when the elec tion was held last night lias developed i omplicntions, the lesuit of which is that the organization is not quite sine whether it lias a new lender. Itefoie the eleitinii Murdoch Ken drlik, named as a possibility for city nlicltnr, was placed on the ticket by the nominating omiiilttee. Ten d.ivs befoie the election unidentified persons iittnched the nnnfe of (leorge W. Ken diick. .'Id. to the bulletin boaid as can didate for tlie same ollice. Last night only one of the brotbeis was on the scene. Murdoch, noting his brother's absence, made ,i smceli iiil whlih he declined the nomination. He said, "(ientleinen, although the Ken ilrleU family ma.v have its squabbles and , troubles in pilvatc. the. alwavs stand together lu public or in the fai e of a thiid part.v. So, 1 wish to withdiawi niv name 'rom he b.tllot is candidate for president." So sajlng, he nt down, ."ienrge . the ltd, being the only lemalnltig i nil -didate, was elei ted tirorge the ,'!d. being absent at Ihe time of his d'ctinn, was nonplussed to dav when informed of It. "Wh.v. I stnjed uwm fiom the meet lug on pui pose," he said, "because I ,v anted Miiuloch ,o have ihe job. I didn't wnut II. I told them 1 wouldn't i mi. Hut I don't want the ollice, Mur doch ought to have It (icoigr the !ld was asked whether hi- would lefuse Ihe position now that be had II. "I don't know." he icplled. "I'll have to think it over and tall: about il to Murdoch." Miniloili was iioncommital when up pio.iched this moinlng. "I don't see that this thing has an public Inter est." he said. "I lefuse to make nil i omineiit on the nffaii SIX HURT IN TURKISH BATHi"'::,1!,;;"!! '': J":;,,?'"' Five Women and Child Slightly In jured by Falling Plaster I'ive women and a ihlld were slighth injured Inst night when a celling in the Turkish bath establishment of Solo mon (ioodnian, Seiond and Vine streets, fell upon them. The women, scnntilv cl.nl. fenied the building had lollnpscd. and their screams, as thev endeavored to est ape. diew a large crowd to the seene. Those hurt weie: Anna Koken and her four-year-old child. Small. -.'!7 North Second stieet: Sophia llluc stein, l'S Not th Second street; Sarali I.lttcu. HI." Noith Second stieet; .leu nie Kresnff. IIMI'J llaverfoid nvenue. Hebei'ca ltluinbeig. .'ISO I Ilnverfniitnve line They wue treated bj a ueutbj doctor. dun at that addiess mid was appar- I'litl.v very happ.v . Neither Ihe friends nor relatives of the man and woman knew anj thing of even an acquaintanceship between them, the polie sn.v . a The poison swallowed by the two sometimes does not effect denth for seveial weeks. It mn.v be several more d-iys befoie phvslclans at the I'nlver sitv Hospital nre able to determine their chalices for recovery . POISON PACT UNEXPLAINED Man and Woman Continue to With hold Information With the ultimate fate of the man and woman who tried to kill them selves bj swallowing poison tablets in n Chestnut street hotel on Tuesday still if doubt, no light on the motive for the attempted double suicide lias bieu found " The woman. Alls. (). II. Tiist. for merly of ."10." AVniriiigton avenue, has been separated from her husband for several mouths. The man. Anthony Peters. D41S North Twentieth street, MEN'S, WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S 0 Direct From the Makers YOU SAVE Middleman's Profit Hip; Assortment of Styles and Colors In Fact, Everything in Sweaters METROPOLITAN KNITTING MILL 2S29 Kensington Avenue rh.Krn.19KI. Open Kvs. Full tine of Hand Knitting Wool A vvsjf f. ft'AVv'I'VIR vs f,".sH!.' bsiLn ', Our Prices Lower Than Other Good Philadelph la stores- Business Men' needing new capital for a BoinB business or de siring to buy, sell or merge will find our Business Trading De partment in a position to render a valuable service. We aie in con stant touch with indus trial activities and have in our files at the pres ent time inquiries both for the purchase and for tho tale of established industrial plants. Business Trading Department Elkins, Morris & Co. Invttlmen llankris Land Title "Sldg., I'hilu. "OROOF We see overcoats marked $75 which we are selling for'$50. That is one good reason why we are so busy. Men are quick to recognize value when they see it. Manufacturing our o w n clothing explains the differ ence in 'price, to a great extent that with the fact that Ave have made it a policy of our business to sell in volume at indifferent profits on each sale rather than large profits on a few. William H. Wanamaker 1217-19 Chestnut St. 1 Street Car Fares Reduced on Public Service Lines 'Serving New Jersey Cities. v Company Accepts Low Rates Recommended by State Public Utility Board. Beginning Sunday, Nov. 16th, Riders will pay 5 cents for first two zones and one cent for each additional zone or part thereof. Penny Charge for Transfers. Under new rates 5-cent Riders will predominate. v Public Service Railway Company 28th Anniversary Sale Bills for Purchases ' Made in November Not ft Due Until January, 1920. Friday Anniversary Rargalns! Remnants of 75c to $1.25 Drapery, yd.jffic Madras, poplin, cretonne, sunfast, hcrim nnd mniqulscttc. 53 Lace Panel $0 OQ Curtains, each . . t0iy 4G Inchon wide, 2ti yards loiif? While In (1 to t cleslRiii. 7uc to $1.50 Sample Line of Fancy Nov- A Qc to $o.9S cities, each u CiIoo bnxea. liundUcrchlpf bovc". tin nicks, pin cunhlon, Kilcr recelcr3 lok sets, waste hnnkrta, etc Coercd in cretonne, d.imnk or tapestry. $18 Ccdary Chests, $14.89 lleil ccdnr. S'lro 34x19x19, $1.15 Window Shades, 85c ItlRh-Krndo oil opaque In wanted ;olors SprlUB rollers Fixtures. Nit Mull r l'linnr Ordrrn I'lllril on VpliolHtrry t.lt llrothfTR THIIID FLOOIt Mailorder! Filled HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE Phone Orden Pilled m ma?!XM t rL-,-.,... m. -n Market I U1U X ULLVW TKAUiNU.STAMF WITH hth I EVERY 10c PURCHASE ALL DAY Filbert Seventh FRIDAY BARGAIN REPRICING; 28TH ANNIVERIIRY SALE! Many entire stocks specially marked for tomorrow's double saving opportunity "Friday Bargain" Dar of our great Anniver sary Sale. h e ' Friday Anniversary Darpainl 75c New Process Floor Covering Square Yard $1.35 Cork )7l Linoleum Saitarc Yard 1500 ynrds, remnant lengths. Many of the same designs. Please hring Mzcs. No Mail or Phone Orders Filled. 47k U9 M Washable" Bath Rugs Less than half price because slightly rumpled. Only one to a customer. $6 Rugs $3 EQ 36x72 inches A ,J v $G Rugs $1 cn 36xG0 inches jyj $5 Rugs 36x36 inches Ml llrotticrs FOURTH FLOOI1 1 Women,s& Misses' Modish Wear atLow Anniversary Prices The way to dress smartly and save money on the cost is told plainly in the items that follow: Women's & Misses' $27.50 Velour Coats Women's & Misses' Swagger $3;7 Broadcloth, plush, plain and plaid silvertone and velour. fashionable colors. Large collars, some of seal fur, handsomely top the chic belted and ripple styles. Silk or satin lining. One pictured. $$ m 4nwMpp fr-fer.'1'' ,5 m 'Mm lift V 'i 'ji ii' t &"' " "fU, i . 1 lliPssBWS-C $ Handsome belted and graceful ripple models with large warm kit coney or plush collars. Navy, burgundy, henna, green and black. All Women's and Misses' $57.50 Seal-Trimmed Coats, $49.75 Developed from plush, bolivia, polo cloth, silvertone and velour. Thev are de signed with yoke back, full ripples, belts anu snappy pocKets. ine large collars i of seal give tho look of luxury that par- j ticular dressers approve. Satin lining. Women's $50 Sports Suits, $39.50 Of wool in brown and new shades of blue and green. Jackets feature plaited back, cross front belt, convertile collar and slashed pockets. Peau de cygne lining. Pictured. f Misses' $40 Tailored S07.50 1 Serge Suits u Modish jackets with smart stitching or braid and button trimming some with velvet overcollar. Satin lining. Smart! skirts with trig belts and clever pockets. ---------- ----------- --4 Women's & Misses' Charming $50 uresses, $3y.75 These handsome models show the Russian blouse at its best Have silk cord at waist, gold stitching and flowing sleeves. Choice of tricotine, Georgette, satin and velour. Illust7-atcd. l.lt Ilrollifr SHCOND FLOOR A Real Service for Men Who Need Clothes These Prices Represent Actual Savings of 25 and More. New Suits and Overcoats, made of highest grade woolens. Materials bought months ago, when prices were much lower. i Heavy Overcoats $35, $?0, $45 Values f)e 9 Beautifully tailored gar ments in stylish lengths. Single- and double-breast ed. Conservative models, i fprm-fittmg and ulsters and ulsterettes. ........ ....... $30, $50 and $55 Overcoats, $38.50 Korm-fitting models and loose ulsters as well as coats of con servative cut. $30 Overcoats, $19.50 $40 Overcoats, $31.50 $30 Suits, $21.50 Two and three-button models. Excellent fabrics, carefully tailored. uJP MM 13' LJ v J u i ' I'll im fJT 9 && High Grade Suits $35 & $40 Values $ &o7o Some modeled on very con servative lines, others of youthful, snappy cut. Single- and double-breasted. English model coats with slash pockets included. S25 & S30 Suits. $17.50 Substantially tailored. Conserva tive patterns in cassimcre and cheviot. Boys' School Overcoats, $1 0.75 $18.50 Val. A A special lot. Double-breasted skirt-coats. Woolen lined. Some with one-quarter Vene tian yoke. Sizes 9 to 18. - Boys' Two-Pants Suits, $15 Kinds, $9.75 Exceptional values. Neat pat terns in cheviot and cassimcre. Sizes 8 to 17. Boys $10.50 tMackinaws , '7.39f l.lt llrotlirr Second Floor. 7th St. Women's $8 Shoes Are Priced Anew $y.65 4 HATS TRIMMED FIIEE i nj I .VI j I iSTl x ' ' ' Friday Anniversary Bargain! Good looking footwear of fine leathers in plain and combination effects. Have welted soles and walking or Louis heels. Good range of sizes. No mail or phone orders filled. Men's $7.50 Strong Shoes $5.98 Just tho right shoe for the man out doors. Tan calf with stout double soles. Young Women's $5 Shoes, S2.98 Lace model lu vnrlous leathers, rialn imri lun.inna effects. Military heels. '7es 2 Mi to 7. Infants' $2.50 to $3 Shoes, $1.98 Black and tan Wc?skln, patent colt ekln and tan Russia calf. Sizes 2 to 5. -ii hi hi in .4. T Ttitr Ttnvs' Shoes. S2.dfl IBlucher and lace styles in gun-metal. English and broad toes 1 Broken sizes. Ut Brothers FIRST FLOOR, NORTH 4 Children's $3 Black Velour Hats 1 ?sf .. P3pj 0M txwt- ja ap jp j.' A II tu s . Qualities that deserve approval and in the best liked styles, trim med with broad band and streamers of rib bon. One sketched. $3 Feather Turbans, $1.97 In ailnus shapes, trimmed with wings. Black nnd colors. One sketched. Matrons' $1 Ready- lo-Wear Hats, $2.98 Of Rood quality Lyons velvet In gracefully drap ed effects, with Bros-graln l lbbon trimming. First Floor, North Men's $3 "Springtex" SUITS 2-19 jllilmA $1.29 $2 Colored Petticoats Vvirlmi Anniiipmnni linmninl Only a limited quantity. Satine and cotton taffeta with plain tops and flowered flounces; also a few plain colors. Wc carry a full line of extra-size Petticoats. Lit mothers SECOND FLOOR Friday Anniversary Bargain! fl.55 $3 to $5 Knitted Sweaters Sizes for women, children and Infanta OX WALK 10.3(1 A. M. Slip-on and button models of pure zephji yarns i also some of fibre cllk. Variety of colors. One pictured. Not more than two to a customer. No Mall or 1'liono Orders Tilled. SKCOND FLOOR .nwf A a 43l mim Xi'.'Si iTvA i a r y m"j ri S 1.49 $2.50 Navy Blue Dress Taffeta . . . ! Friday Anniversary Bargain! A very superior quality; .all silk. 35 inch. Lim ited quantity. No Mail or Phone Orders Filled. Tub Silks, $1.98 &.$2.98 32 and 36 inch. Plain and, satin striped ef fects. New colors. Black Satin i Messaline. S2.49 35 inch. Standard colored-edge dress quality. l.lt Ilrothers FIRST FLOOR, SOUTH Women's $1.75 Cotton Ribbed Vests & Pants, each Fridau Anniversary Baraain! ?1.49 Heavy fleece lined. Extra largo sizes. Women's $2.50 Silk $1.79 Ton TTninn Suite Lower part of lino cotton, Children's Vests & Pants, each 69c & 79c Extra heavy, fleece lined und ribbed. l.lt mothers First Floor, South Women's $1.65 1 S'l 90 Vests-& Pants, eJ ' Wool finish. I'eavy weight, co'ttoa rinood. Women's 75'c to 85c Pants Samples. Lisle thread and fine cot ton Lrtce trimmed at knee. 49c Girls7 $16.50 )$ Cheviot Coats I dHZ3 (Srfv. cii'.i,, i 10 M Friday Anniversary Special! Wanted colors. Patch pockets nrtj Knll Villi llnnrl QIva Q Ufw to 14. One pictured. . Tots' $11.50 Coats Melton cloth, corduroy and chinchilla. Smart models, some with side pockets. Sizes 2 to 8. 7.98 Dresses, $7.98 to $25.98 Serge, silk, jersey, velvet and seise - and - silk combined. Sojse showembroidcred dc sfgns. Sizes 8 to 14, MJ mother. SECOND FLOOR ,. j . 5 I4T nitOTUEBg 'Pi- 85 Five Hundred $2.50 Voile Waists Friday Anniversary Bargain! Several models are plaited, lace edging is freely employed and some styles have embroid ered front. Clever collars with revers and collarless necks are featured, it.Viitn lipmnt.ltftrl. ing prettily finishes nearly all. This is nn excellent opportunity to select tho Inexpensive waists you need. One pictured, Lit Brothers SECOND KLQOU, XT' V . i iu.v ' hBacirlJ WW Friday Anniversary Bargain $10 Acme Adjustable Dress Forms, ' Adjusts at neck, hips, bust and waist. Size A adjusts 32 to 42; size B adjusts 36 to 44. First Floor, South 52 House I $ .49 Dresses I Fridau Anniversary Bargain! Clearance of chambray, striped gingham and per cale. Several models, some with detachable belts," pockets' and white pique collars, others in vttateo effect. One sbctched. 1 fl $1.85 Japanese Quilted Vests, $1.25 J Lit Brothers SECOND FLOOR Fridau Anniversary Bargain! Swift's Pride Soap onc Powder, Six 7c Cakes 7 Prince Mascot Stove No. 8. $29.50 Sold on f luh I'lnn. No Interr.t. No Kxlrus. lias six hole rer.lble Duplex grate, end plate, llft-orC nickel trim, mlncav heavy cast has. and try separata flu. tlean-outx. lllch shelf, nickel ffj.ia trimmed " Lit Itrolhtrs 8d Floor Cast Iron Cylinder Garage Stove. $6Lg5 $1.75 Wash Boiler, $U9 Metallic i bottom. Friday Anniversary Bargain! Clearing away a jobber's entire surplus stock at better than wholesale. A well-known brand. The maker uses only extra-heavy cotton yarns. Gray only. Closed crotch, reinforced gussets and double-stitched scams. $2.25 Shirts and Drawers, each,$1.79 Natural wool yarns about 70 per cent. wool. J ................... ,.. $1 Silk Neckwear, 65c Hiocacles, noelty figures, etc Almost unlimited arlety. Largo size four-ln-liandn. l.lt mothers KJRST FLOOR, SKVLWTH STRKKT Clothes Baskets, 55c Ko mall or phone orders Sturdily mads ot wood wpllnts . Hoofing JTelt. Htff lllsh-graile felt (not tar) paper. lias stood it sevrntylwo hour water test. About 103 sq, ii. in foil. a I sbbshMs ;i,1T'HHTKKKi(, S,',,J or re