r 1 &$"'& fyfylf 4 1 I A - EVEMNO PUBLIC LEDGEK PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1919 THE GUMPS Andy Does a Little Imagining ! Copyrlcht, 1019, by th . Trib-n. c. By SIDNEY SMITH J.b6KNQ AT THAT 0R RtNY AHATSOlAfcWHEfee TWAT Wouu-D. JUST SulY YHeifc Docket book o NVJSi.U'JvKJyhN Weo Q AIM- OUST lrAAG,!M&?- Sun parloftwo batns whh showers' Tut LATEST THNftr N fUWBIMG- VACUUfA ClEANfNa$ERVICE in ons of- the &esT locayonsA OUVT ACfcO& THE ATfte&r ROlV A PARK. - SOOT HERN SKPOSUBE ALU LAKG OOTIDS fcOOJA - OANfTfcfc S&&VIC.E- ST&AM N&AT- AU Y6UK: ice fOR POR.TV DOULAR5 A hAfcNTW- ae vgo QcOnc? CfcKxyP o WHERE I?. Th&RS A FLAT MKE- TWAT? AO WNERg - I3A1C Oust imagine a 4w ( Wi n "rv ! o fJo I eViO 4!y xjsTc P I 0 H fell J3g ' " J ff &ATW, PETEYThe High Cost of Living 'i' r ffy C. 4. VOIGHT The Young Lady Across the Way iii i iwi mm rn i ii i pi -iniiw i r( J x IP' ! II I "' ,,fc "PACKAGE FO(C- Mtss Mabel.. i II &?M Ul 1 1 . . -TTA ., , Z3II r.A-rr . r7. v r .-vmrj, v 1 1 oh. AREMT hey BtAwiiFui.1- myjm(m&m j - r: ( s llii'JP -"T OHcte ?Tev .' Thev Just y WmmMm I "'P1P AMVowe w-) HUH- It &Z&S!$T( CAMEfROMMW- M SNOOKS J WK SEE A PACKASE-COME )') I II j TZ-GOfr' II 1 Up Liam.V -s m .- t.v, K I C sy 'I 37-- 50ME N. ) L? 5 COUAK CORSETS) -, I '1'he youne lndy across the way says eho ocrhcard tier father Bay that the home team couldn't fiud tho visiting pitcher until the tev cntb inninc and she imaginca it mutt have bren pretty trying to the spectators to have the game start bo late. MOVING PICTURE FUNNIES Cut out the picture on all sides. Fold clotted line 1 Its entire length. Then dotted line '. and so on. Fold each section underneath. When complete turn over. You'll find a surprising result. Save the pictures. ."CAP" STUBBS-A Star in Grammar B EDWIN A soritTinES vn sy Chu, aw , iOMETinES VA3W KIN-AK . inbl Duin i 'wiir.l!' .i if Ttn, I wir AUYSATTV CBOt'Rr, WITM "l""lillt" Ti" r i r . v int- pii n irnn -(rr uu k IHBHIIIIIHsllH 1 iiTvpK m. tfl (eSPST l II J n- - H ii i i TMr SGfA TffJ? GENERAL STOREKEEPER PUT UP RAD THE BOYS WORRIED, BUT NOT FOR VERY LONG : : -:- -:- Bu FONTAINE FOX WD WMEM you KMOWAtirni nine nnoui ruun uiKniMii vCSjOn you mv rdnM tin: x i flSTVIIlT tllM V VJssis s fflcs. v' XvE-isoA'. rw .'iVf ; u if.Sr X I tiie. j1 I i rt - !SJ, ' GOEMVRwsTl-dVT Y ..ewiKn ywfW g AN UP-TO-THE-MINUTE COURTSHIP DIFFICULTY ; ' - i -rCMoonj Mln I.VOl'Vl'o tht.(i that kep buwclnj RtoUod tn tht,JrplH)" "7 W THCT SICK CA05- J; 'sgir-fiNC so wa r i, . WiKU A.t SO M AND j&F ? "T UV,W- OW1K6T0TH6 &&m? 1 ' 'JK to? thet Avi KSpsP SCHOOL DAYS By DWIO SOMEBODY'S STENOGMafy Doodle Can Find Out Easy Enough CcprrUht, 1019, br PubHa t4(er Co. By Hayivard lliuirc lUe MWASOUbl MIAKIAl . AWTER,MARY? J UJWW WlMlSAM VVoRREo ?y laurrc "it m u I tAWrUU uas.1 Miami AAJO ASKED AtE T2 HITCH UP ! 00mmm u in h'hwi.ljiiji .-. M M gi j ... i,iM , ?. nu N5 feu 1 DE.AB iiiv r r x . rv r. bub iae t ihb - ii v,n fit A& I"16' y iHH --at i"-1-" ":.) HOCf BUCKWHEAT DDAIT KMOW. WA&SO EV- CITE&J BUT I CAM FIMD Ot EASVIf I fern OHtAuor V Dlb V0li SavI - 1 sUH tl t 11 1 7 1 Mr- XV TES ry UCT BBBBk ' I 'w t" ilrj sHm 1 - fs& ': " FHELLSTaAll6HTi J I DID AMD IF H " "V" - J ., ,'fl 4 W ) rj ''I N l 1 t I ..,- . in- -- " 1 ii. k ; MT ' ' ' lrf . V-