w jwpjypl Mwffi ' .wWw Vh'1''' fvt- m frt)'WW"1Mff ' i . 'fa PttBLlO LEDGER PUlLxVlJElMllA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1919 EVENING OLD PARLOR SUITS MADE EQUAL TO NEW t The, Mystery of the Red Flame By GEORGE BARTON Author of "The World's Greatest Milltaru Spies and Secret' Service Agents" Kttonilrucled t'fiiiolilerecl Mo Poliilfd 5g I m r ) :v 1 Fe B If 1 IV I t Copjr'sht MID, bv the ram Co. Copyright. 1910 liy r.tenlng Public Ledger . THIS STARTS THIS STOKV ITiikIi flat Intnl. of Mio I'nltccl Rtntri riHtoiiiM mtv ice, is n'lfcti('l to illsrorrr thp whi'tciibotiti of n ir-il ilininonil MtntRitlcil into the eouiitn nil tin" stiMni'sIiip Doni IVtlio. lie nn'pjitK n position ns :iviistniit to Colonel Wlinitnn, n collector of mi tltiurs nml Kdiif1 A Mt fiom Doc tor Hcii(lciion, n nplRlibor, vtnrts n roiivcrsntion nlmut illiiiiitniil, nml the colonel ilivpinjs thu Stnr of tlie Koutli, tin- jewel for vliltli (iniliitu1 Is limiting (larlnnit has teiison to beliew tin" ilintiinnil wns stolen be fore it was smuggled, ltiomlev Itnino (Jai land's chief, in rests .lolitison, Mew mil on tlie Doni I'cdro, mid Unities (ilarlcr, u ill.inionil deal er. An anoinnious note wains Doin, niece of Colonel Wliaitoii. of an at tempt to lie made to sti.il Hie tin-" lnond, and Dora reiimws it fiom the Mlfe Ann Smith, a servant, tills (lailand of limit's pait of the turns action and of the diamond later being stolen In (Jlnlei. lie dropped the diamond in his haste to get avvav. nml Ann found it ami luiiied II Garland and Humes hasten to Hi due water House AND IlKKi: IT CONTINl K.s. 'I lie Third I.lnli MY HHAItT heat fast as we ap . . ., , ,, , ' nioacheil the entrnme tn Iteilrn pioached the entrnme to Hedge ---- ---.., i tin in jirii , mniii'i i,ii nil, ,.i it ,v ,,,,, House Although I had sienlto have the iidlectoi explain that In fiw d.i.vs there, the pi we va- nn" "nt ,l'11''1' f(" """"KKlli'R''" water onlj a - ,.,..,..,., . i ..t , ' do intiinatelv associated with mv hop - I and finis that 1 lould not think of it without emotion The ill Ivor of tin laviiiib swung thioiigh tin ritniint ,tw I .UCWa.V ,1S I II 1. 1 1 . .... i iiiuku in- mis iiciiisiiimeii m muhiiig mi nun run iiiv in nic week, nun in a thrice we had stopped at the side pOt I'll Iiiiiton Hapgooil lumped out befoi" the mnihine hailed, and he was follow e I In I'olleitor rre.ul. who climbed to the gi oiinil with as mm li dignitv as the ciicumstnni es would pciinit I liel-d Am.v Smith down and then ltiomlev Bnrms mined us While we wen glouped on the pori li Dentin Hcuilcison came out of the fiont door and lit sight of me his honest f.ne lightul with nleasuie "(itirlnud'" he 1 1 led impiilsivetv "You'ie uist in the nick of time. I'm at mi wits' cud m.ivbe vou inn blip me "Kirst,' 1 inteintpled. "tell me it .laiqnette and .la.vne ale still at Ilidge watir I louse'" "Yes" he lejoinnl bllteily, "I'm norr.v to siv thev .ire." ' I'm glad." I letortcd with an m phnsis that riiiised him to look at me In astonishment "Thiv'ie u) in the biilioom with Colonel Whaiton." he said, "and I'd like ou to i nine tlieie at oiifc " 1 tinned to Ann Smith. "I'll have to go in the house a while " I whispered, "and in the mean time I wunt vol! to locate the ,spot whcio vou've buiied the diamond, anil I'll join vou in a few niiuulis." She nodded and walked in the dim Hon of the suinmci house IleudeiMiii looked after me in suipnse, but befote maklng an.v explanations I intiodueed liiin to Collector Vrciid. I'.ionilcv Itnms he liml met befoie and was glad tn lpuevv ins aciiuaintam e Kiiiuilh I jketched to the doctor the mmiucuci of DREAMLAND IIY nJlY "The Hidden Magician' (PriOU "ml On-In -la air m. fmlin. They befiicinl Sliriha, n tilth himrii pn-', irio n iri7i Itnuiilii-Kiii, a unci mngutiin. Win u a cm at an ii;i;iontir Ilamtta-Ktn ami Ftlitrhu lUiniira). Pengy ami On-la-hi hulc in a lirr, but at c found hl thr giant rfcfiiunt of Itajah Un -ilnnu.) Kanida-Kin Appears TDKOfiV swung high in the an as the t riant elenhant snatched her ttonii her hiding place in the palm tree. She thrillril ns slit- vills tnspel nnvvni'il. lint "trnnKf ti 'av she wns tint afraid after thp firvt itaitlcil liiniiiiMit. fur tlic Kinsii of tin- rli'plinnt's tiiink was ei'iitlt' anil the Klint in its rjc was f l icnill . tlioiiRli raise liiov oils Tlic-rc was a shout from the lnmh's followers unci Kajnh Mir-Iliilm liim self junipeil to Ills feet vvlien tlie slant elepliiint, vvliirluiK l'i'Kjrv in a liirle, svvunK lier tlown ut his feet "What strauce ilnld is this i online down from the sk ''" exihiiined the son In this wicked ninsiei.ui He rajah Singli-Mada, still violeiitls tinned towanl On-la la with IjIiizIiik sneezing under tne spell cast ovei hiinle.ves "Vile wieteh. jem merit death hv Oo la la, taught his hieath for a j fm stealing and hovvitt lung mv child, moment and let out a jell of tiimnph. hut I, Mir-ISuhii. will have meiev Tmn "Ali-nh-aa anion: This is-ah aa-hir Imcklnti) In I tine loim and fiee aehoo' This is aa ah -aehoo!" her fiom vonr vviteheraft nml I will "Humph' Is that a name or h I Ift co A.ve, in mv iov at hiu le sneeze?" asked the iajuh. icoveiv, I will even load jou with gold "This is ah aehoo! ; our nil- "! priiious stones." nilioo little nh -aehoo dnrghtei I "Alas, this is not vour daughter," aehoo! nchoo! aa-an-aehoo!" sneeed answciesl Oo-la la "Cue me hut a Singh Maelu I f'' houis and 1 will tiv to lind the leal 11,., intuit loiiTinil fnrttnril nml lmlr ' l.tlll.l. I'egg bv the aims, looking down into lier fare witli iiiiestioninc tenderness ".My little daughter? Mj little I.ada?" The rajah saellj shook Ins head. "No. no, it can't be. Tins ehild is sweet and lovable, but she is not mv l.ada She ib older; her ejes nie blue, not brown; her noe nnd mouth are differ ent. You have inude a mistake, Singh -Maclu ; a mistake for which jou should be thrashed." The sharp tin eat in Itajah Mir-Iiu-bu's voice brought Hiugli-Mndu out of his sneezing fit in a huirj-. "Hut this must be I.aela, jour daugh ter," he protested. "Wasn't it n inn -jricinn who stole her-" Isn't this thnp ere" pointed to Oo-la-la "n magi liau He has changed her looks with his magic, but she is I.ada, jour daugh ter The whole thing is as clear to my detective sight as the nose on jour face." DOROTHY DARNITPapa Had Better Not Get Sick ( HELLO SOAPY ! f Ft?OM MV I 1g OT AN 7 Wl NAW- I C OH I KJOW HERE j LEAD OrTm f MOWS THESE? 0E WttJZ. H WHERE O YOU GET UNCLE 2LEKE M&OLUZTWW (vVISHTIHAd! THERE'S SOMETHING L, t ,ul Jj THEY BELONG, Tof 1 OUST THE THH AIR RIFLE' j S -mfZ.. PLiJ, Iflflfl C" ( VU, CA.M..US& ' i 4.1KRffi ) PA ft A j Z THINQ Jj ?J (CopyrigM. W by The- Bdl 5ynl.i Ine CHA.'i rWA" MI i&J Ji, j- t i. J sir miiirnfrafcT . 'Jiiriw"-"-'--" r ri it ' "iiiaSiiiiif'irMiiil tiiffrr naitn- -"" --' '-- - ijjiirilfciiirr - rr - , . ' -' irfiMiir .jim ' ' '', , Witf.iitBihi i ' . : ir. liitetMiiii ppnts. cxpinliiril In lilm liow iiniipooel ini PattKtx (lie SKK1 liill Mint liml briMi liictl In .In.Mic. tnlil li 1 in ln i nlli'dtir I'll nit liml dismissed the iliiuae of smiigRliilR and lcpcated Am.v Smith's stor conceinlng the buried dlninond. Aninrenient was ileMlcted upon eveiv line of liii countenniue. He fall to gnsped. "You bilug wonderful news," he said, finallv. "and 1 think jnm comint; at this time Is providential Whar ton's improving and this morning 1 vvns hopeful that we might be able to nuke him speak. Hut the. best he can do Is to utter the lirst svllable of a wonl mid then Mon sluirt You know thnt is one of the lommon phases of the form of aphasia with which he is afflicted. "When Doia i omes into the room he looks at her niouinfiillv and then points to this puppv of n .lav ne. As a I'tin seipiencc of all this, that fnxj Il1n7.lli.111 hns peisuaded the gnl that her uncle wishes hei In mairv .lavne And she's leached the stnge vvlieir she is willing to do it 1S gad. sir. thev vvwc talk ing about going off and being ninnied when 1 cimc dowustaiis " 1 felt a sinning sensation in the legion of the hunt, but I moistened inj lips nml managed to siv : "Miss Whaiton is of age mid if she w mts to m.iriv the man 1 suppo-e she has the right to do it." ".Mnn.v that fellow'" ciied the doe tin. fin mush 'Vv'h. I'd iiiiiier lose "n nst mm in.iii see ner uem . n n "Doitm. I s.inl "do jmt think it t.i i...t.. ...i i ivt. ........ :c ,. rt ..,.. lie noi i eo ei Miiiu.iin, ..(, ,,! n(,j, m moteMlnn nnv tiealment I could possible devise." "Vow another thing-would u shoik I. ,.,! I,,,,, I l,lu ,,,,k,l,,l i rtlti. it inn ''" " '" l ".I" in iii "i ....,.,,, ...... , , ,,,, If I, .!, , !,. -HI I", ............ ,. ,. . .... ...... llT1( f sho-k it might lie the veiv thhv to lestoic to him the powci of soeei h Yirv well, then. I'm willing to go upstans. even -it the l Isk of offending Miss Whaiton So we ti'ed up the bio.id stmwn.v I ml in n fashion The ptticnt lnv on his back on one side of those old fashioned, four-posted mahoganv bedsteads which weie so popular in Colonl.il dins, but which are now ngnidcd In most pel sons as telns and callosities, lt.v bis .side and leaning ovei him with snlu nude ill even feature ot her fai e was Doia Whaiton She did not glance up but spoke in nii uinliitonc to Aunt Sainh Ciill.v, who was s( at eil m n ihnir on the op posite side of tin bed That dear old laih seemi d quite mtsliid with the weight ot liei woe Diu-ctlv behind her stood the Itiiillinn with Ills eves gluul on the man in the bed. "Ah I" he cued in his caiefull.v eiiunci.ited llnglidi. "the ilnn doctor is li.it K again and we ine all so glad." Sieing inc. he tin n-t out his vclvetv paw and took me bv the hand. "And the vouug Mr Cinlmiil this is indeed one gie.it plc.lstnc " We weie all aioused bv the loud, ilieeiv voiic of Dot tin Ilendeison, "Hello agnin. Whaiton," he called. "I've got some good fiicnds here who want to see jou And thej've not tome emptv -linmliil Thej've got some good new The piticnl lifted himself Eighth on bis pillow and glanced nt tin new e'omeis It mchui! to me that tlieie was ADVENTURES 'Sneivc'" said ()o-l.i-ln. "Aehoo! Aehool' Achoo!" went Singli-Mndii in anothei iaiid-lire of suecycN. Oo-In-ln turned to the rni.ili "You see with jour own eves that this is not jour daugh ter. Ask the gill herself who she is." "Who nre vou, niv'thllel?" nslicd the infjh "And whence do jou (111111'?" "I am I'eggv." she replied "I came fiom Ameiiia just a little while ago." IIu ! How did jou come from Amei ica?' asked tlie rainli in aston- l-llllll'lll "TliroiiRli Hie ln.iKie of On la la," leplieel I'c'kkv. who Kuevv of no other answer to (jive 'Aihoo' I told vein so' Aihon' He lias her hewilehed s() that she sajs what he wants her to Aehoo! Aehoo'" snee.ed SinKh Madn. "It must he so." s,ne Itajali "Mil Itiilin. looldii? into IVgsjV e'Vis "Vou have T.aela h sweetness-. I.nila lint in i Yon ,uc I.ad i tinned into anothei nei I "I will give jou lust two minutes,' loared the rajah. "If vou do not place her before me in that time I will have vou thiowu in that well and it will be filled up with ilnt on top of jou. ,s he uttered this diie threat. 'i'eggv heaid a splash in the well. Hut the, "It's a lie," lie ciied passlonatelv, otbeis weie looking so intenselv nt Oo- "and it's more than that. It's a frame-la-la that no one else noticed it. up to discicdlt me in the ejes ot Miss "One minute is gone," cried Singh- Whnrton. I know who's hack of it Mucin. , it's that cad theie," and he pointed Suddenlv theie was a stir beside the to mc. "He thinks if a doubt can be .well, and theie stood Kamda-Kiu, tlie put in Miss Whaiton s mind that she Hindu magic inn He bowed low before I will throw me over and that he'll have the astonished rajah la chnnce." "T will take thnt offer, Tt.ijnh Mir- . "You're the c nil." 1 cried impulsive Ililbu." he trietl. "If )ou will load ly, "for daring to mention her name " me with gold and precious jewels anil Wonderful ine the vvavs of a woman let me go my wav, I will, witli mv Down in the depths of mv h'e.ut I felt magic, give vour daughter bnck to jou " sine that Dora still cared for me; mj ' common sense assured nie that she had (Tomorrow tall be told hoio no love for .Inyne, jet in the face of Itamila-KiH fount a dailc plot I these two facts she rushed to his resiue. n look of eager expectancy in Ills eves U.V this time we had Hinged ourselves around the bed. 1 had a rtmllictltiK' feeling It was a feeling ot discouifoit mid of iiwkwnidness, but with it also was a sinse of the diainatlc cide of the thing. I was thinking of this when I heiiid the voice of Doin Wharton, char and jit with a ceitniu ticmii lousnes.' "Doctor HenilerMin. this seema vein iinneiess.iiv. ou have the light tiJi sivi iiiy uncle, but "Hilt." he Intciiiiplcd. blnndly. Ink lug the wonl out of hei mouth, "but so hnve his other fliends, unci I can nssiiic jou. Doin. that eveij Hum 1 have biought with me into the loom has the Inteiest of vomi win If at heart. Collector 1'ieail. who hud taken an Iminedlutc liking to Doctor Henileisou, rubbed his hands and nodded nppiov iuglv. "The Mist of thesp friends." con tinued tlie doitor in the tone of a lei tiner, "is Collector 11 1 nil, who hns a wonl to saj to Colonel Whuiton." Kicud p.iusid as if waiting for the applause to subside. Theie was n mo ineiit of sti allied silenic and thin put ting the toitolse shell glasses moie In mil on his nose and tiiug Colonel Whaiton with nil othual, but jet a benevolent glaui c, he said: "Colonel 1 ah that is I am given to linileistaud that vou uh have sonic inteiest in a ceituin Ited Dinmoud." The sL U man glanicd wlldlv at the speaker and plucked nervouslj aL the bed coveis It looked us if his ivcs would pop out of his head. Also t am given the liupiessum that vou hnve been gicatlv ilistusseil bieause vou fe.iicd the ilinmoiiil had been smuggle el into this countij " Still the siik man stand at him with that wild, gl.ii in,; stnic "If so,' c outiliiii el the Collector, ill his most npprouil phitfoim stvle, "jou in.iv lelnve join muni at nine. There could be no attempt to escape duti on this diamond because it is not a duti able m tu le " He paused In mite t lie e ffei I of this nnnounci me nl 1 1 is. love foi the elin liriln must have been fullj sntislicil, bemuse Coloin I Whni toll Incatlieil a sigh of lellef, anil then, smiling for the (list time since he was stiicken. lav hack on his pillow foi n moment of luxurious lelaxation Hul the pmsv collei tin continued ns though he weie mldtcssing the iisiinl Inige anil enthusiastic audience. "You ask me win this is so nml I tell vou thnt it is so because the dia mond in iiuestion is an antique, and nntiepies under the generous and' far sighted dispensation of our lnwmnkcrs. aie fiee fiom dlltv " I noticed that Doia AVhniton listened to tins explanation with distended o.ves and puled lips It wns not difficult to imagine her feelings under the cir i innst.inies Suiclv she was thinking of the useless saiiiliec she had made, of the houis of unnecessarv iniseiv, and of the whole ti.iln of bad luck that hail followed m the wake of the Ited Dia lnond. I wondered If she would look mi wav. She elid not She stared nt Collector I'lead while he was talking and after that chopped here cjes to the Moor. So fai ns I wns concerned she did not appc.n to know that I wns in the loom. Oh ! the unfathomahlc depths of a woman's heuit ' The limitless extent c1 hei faith and the unimaginable feiocitj of her resentment ' Jacnuette had followed the words of Collei tor rirnd with absorbed interest At lirst he secmicl niciciliilous, nnd after that the lleeting chnnges in his fine would hnve purlcd the most e liert phjsiognoniist. Victor .Itune listened with a sneer curling ills thin lip, hut the geneial effect of the an nounccinent was one of profound relief The atmosphere wns cleared, Ilvidentlj Doctor Henderson thought it was the psj etiological moment to spring n second smpri'c. He turned to the ninn on the bid. "We hnve more news news deeplv affecting h gentleman thnt has been stopping at this house." 1 turned to see what effect this an nouncement would have on Jules .lac quette. Hut he was not present He li.nl cviilcuth gliiuicd f I oiu the loom The good doctor wanted me to accuse ' M'tor .lajuc ot l.vini; m tlic ronspnaev III till1 JVI'll llillllOIHI, UltL I ItKllllA thought that am thing i might s,i would be misundeisiooel and icseiiteel bv Doia Wliaitoii. So the task was dele gated to Itui ton Ilapgooil. "I have heie," began that gentle mail with the nir of a conjuier vvliei is about to pull a live lahbit out of a high silk hat. "a one-hiindred-dollar hill It Is nuinheied K-.ISSJMKi.'Ni, I mention litis f.ie t to itletitifv it as one of a mini ! hei of similar bills that were diawu fiom the bank lij Colonel Wharton We have the pi oofs of that in blink and white Colonel Whaiton was bunioed out of this inline) hj a gioup ot un piincipal swindlers. This moiiev we were able to tiace to one of the hunch "He made the mistake of passing one of the notes in this village. In that wav be levelled his ideutitv and gave evident e against himself. He is in this loom now. Tlieie stanels the man ' And as Hapgood fuiisliid this longest spieih of his life he pointed a sliiunj linger in the direction of Vktoi .lavne The fellow's face assumed a gieeinsh hue and jt looked as if be would drop to the floor. Kilt he recovcied quickly, and I have to give him credit foi u lot of grit. lie stood up theie and faced I us ' tlll lllost "'''hunt maiinei ' ' ' ConirlBht. 101(1, by the Bell Syndicate, Ine I mil partlv attribute her mistaken gen eioaity to her love of fair plaj . She wanted to help the miller dog She spoke now with llimness' nml dignity.' "It sccini to me Mint if Mill gentle men hnve mi) tiling agninst Mr. .Injne jou nie going tlie wiolig wnv nlmut pie sentlng it." The fen et -like eves of the conspiin tor blinked; he grnsped nt the stuivv thus picseiitcd. "I was given a hiindi id -dollar bill as the lesult of a, business tiniiMiction with Colonel Wharton," he said, "but evcrv thing else Mint lias been sahl is false and I defv am of jou to prove to the i ontrnrj." This was uttered with an ail of in jiliiel inline ciicc which inipresseil the gill. She tinned to the sick num. "I'licle. tileiise tell ine whnt jou want me to do." Whniton inised himself up on one elbow. His cjes weie glailiig and he was in a stnte of great excitement. He looked nt Doin and then pointed a lean linger at Jajne. "Take take tnke !" he ciied in a i linking, stammering voice, and then fell bin k em the pillow exhausted GIVE CHILDREN , AUTHORESSOF Helen Sherman Griffith, Now in City, Believes Knowledge of 1 oung Should lie Confined to the Fanciful and Nonsensical Chililten should own and lend bool.s It develops thill imagination nnd stmts them llniiKing foi themselves cailv in life. Itet.iuse Helen Kheimnn (iiilhtli be lief's this is pci Imps whj slie has been the successful author nf the "I.ettj seiics and now is in this citv wink ing for the interests of "Childien's I'ook Week," whiih is being observed in till paits of the eoiinti v . "Little folks lentn the lealistic tilings of life soon enough," said Mis. (liithth todav, ".mil I believe while thej ale joinig their knowledge should be con liniil to the- fanciful and nniisensicnl. llj this I do not mean Hint thev should be given winng impicssions, foi thej aie the hnidest things to nil their little minds of "I believe that moie cine should be cveiciseel bj the uuthor and publishei in the matte i of atiuiuej. However, there is no linim in ilicssing bunnies and pussjeats in sinibonnits and apions; in linving dolls tell each other stories or in pictuung cows jiniiplni; over the moon "Childien love these stoiies. Not so long ago u publisher told me that chil drcn tlidn t want fairv tales am more For SORE GUMS USE ROCHELLE'S ANTOS The Antiseptic Mouth Wash TIGHTENS LOOSE TEETH Tar hnl bv lettllnff IlruicBiMts and Dc- i irtniint Mtirpte, JtirliitlEng llettelhn. IM! ( lirxlnut St. ISrunt'rt IlniK stureH c.lmhpl ItrutliprN Tli I.nncHtlPr vc. Ilrut: Store. 40th nml Ltincnwler Ave. Iliipnrhrn. KOlh nnel llRTerfnrtl t.oilfrcs. 30J1 lliuprforil " lllue Cut II n If Drue ISIorr. 1008 Ijinran. ter Ave. J. ('. Wlntpr. 3(lili nnd Snniom l.lnxs, 314K Mnrkrt V. A. DfKrlch, OOtli and Olrard Ae. MalrlcU. SMh nnd VVyuhittliiic Ht'tlitvpll A t'limrrtin, Utl and I.nnit. dovvnft Illiitkttood, n?l nnd llrard O. I.. Ilclwlar ,. I'o., 10th nnd Fnlrmtuint Art. System P (tfl .8 "Rjr ot Coal Mime Management rCt j. il. r l uners to,tiie owners or r.oai mines or coal property an unusual service : We undertake the manage ment of coal mines and operate them with econ omy of production. We make appraisals to de termine mineral values the possibility of increased development as well as to inventory value of ma chinery, buildings and other equipment. We assist in financing coal properties if they are or can be made competitively merchantable. Investigate the Peabody System of Coal Mine Man agement. PEABODY COAL CO. CHICAGO Doctor llendeijton leaned over nnd felt IiIh puWe. Then lie spoke in n con fidential tone to Collet lor Tread. . "lie's been Mils way for days. It's the most clearlv deflnell case of nphnsin l'vcj ever had in my pi art Ice He enn only pronounce words of one syl lable oi the Hist Njllnble of longer words. He stnmineis nml stuttcra like a ninii with mi impediment In his speeih, The onlj diffeience Is Mint the stutterer bj n violent ili xic.nl iffort manages to express himself. Whnrton can't do Mint Invniinhlj he stops nt the slim t vSpid nnd goes no further. We hnve to guess nt whnl he is tijing to sny." "What do jou make of it?" wills pered Trend, The doctor shrnggciT his shoulders "Jnjne Insists Mint the words of Whnrton menu Mint he wishes Dorn to liinrrj the whiffet. Dorn seems inclined to think so, too. So what can I do?" At this point Colonel Whnrton raised himself on his elbow ngnin. He wns evidently going to tiv nnd express him self. I turned to the doctor, (COXTINMWU) TOMOItHOW) BOOKS," SAYS (LETTT' TALES anil that he wns not considering them nt nil, Thai publisher linil not con suited the children. liojft iove "Ticns ine Island" and gills love tnles of benutiful Cindeielln and I'rlnce Clinim ings." i "Anntlier thing I find childien all iidoie is the nuiseij ihvnies," continued Mis (iriflith. "It is here they listen to the hnrmonv of ihvme and thev love it. As thej glow older this tends to stiengthen their interest in poetij, nnd is excellent training, I siucerelv be lieve thnt some of the gieat classics shnuhl be written in simplified foini tn acquaint the childien with the stories, "I hope thnt mntheis will tnke n greater inteiest in tlie books they select for their childien. doling ns they nie, thej foi in ideals about life nnd people. The stoiies and books which fall into their hnnels foi in the nucleus for these ideals. 1 urge patents to take more line to lend to their little ones and se leel their leading matter " rnoTori-AYH PHOTO PIAYS -THRU r COMPANY r .OFlMERICA All-inmkm 12thi Morris ft Panpyunk . ninamDra Mat Uallsat'J.Uvna.UMS Ave. 5S.U. ijaviu ruvv ui.l. tn "THUTH OK THi: TIQKH" APOI I O nD THOMPSON bTS tVKJ-,-.J MATINHU DAU coiuxni: ortiFriTit in Tin: oi.i.viMcns' ARrAHlA CHKSTNUT Helow 1CVUI t-IKsrkJlJ- m A M toll;15F. M W S I1AUT In "JOHN PIITTICOATS" RF I IPRIRH nrtOAD strekt and ULULD1IU SUBQt'niIANNA AVB. i:.ll HKNNUTT in STfiPPlNU OUT ' 3ROADWAY l". CONSTANrn TAI.MAUOn In "A TK.MPi;nAMi:NTAI, vviki;" Ave M. PAPITni 722 MARKET ST. V-rtil 1 Li 10 A. Mtoll: TACK PICKPOItl) In "Buuar.An ut proxy" colonial a,-3 & wrr;?- CONSTANCfi TAI.MADGi: In "A TEMPMIIAMKNTAI. WIKB" CMPDCCC MAIN ST. MANAYUMC THHDA HAI1A In , "I.A HUM.n IIUPSE" fairmount201 IllfVANT WAHimiTRN In UAItD AV. MLY I "WHY SAIITH I.KIT HOM15" , -A rzr-r M,r., St. rAWllliI 0 A. M. to Midnight. ROBERT WARWICK in "IN MIZKUUIIA' ATIJ CT THUATRn Relow Spruce. O IrlJl, MATINKIJ DAILY , Was rimiT" - - .... IJ iinvrTZTW I I-MIV1.11 OCCIA.V MUSIC I W. ORIFFITIIS In "IIIIOKIIN ItI.UKhO.VS" CDC AT MnRTHFRN Broad St at EH. Ullinx iwivtiisiiui . -to. 7 i 8 p m IlOROTHY PIIIM.IPS In "Tin: mniiT '10 happiness" INIDUDI At GOTH & WALNUT STS. llVlrHtxlMIU Mats 2 '30 Ilvgs. 7 4 9. PAULINE frkdi:rick In "BONDS OF HONOR" 1 I C AFMTD 1T & LANCABTLR AVU, Lt.AL'C.rS. MATINKH DAILY nntrm.AS fairiiankm in "HIS JIAJUSTY THE AMr.RICAN" I IDCDTV DROAD A COLUMHIA AV LlOHrVt I MATINCB DAILY ROI1KRT WARWICK in "IN MIZZOURA" 333 MARKET ftRSEZ TFStfg DAVID TOWKLL in "TEETH OF TIGER" IlTI 423 POUT!! ST. Orchestra, itivLyiu ccnlinuouit i lo 11 &LSSUE HAYAKAWA In -1111; an v v horizon" OVERBROOK 0M av'rf"" DOROTHY PHILLIPS In "THE RIUHT TO HAPPINESS" BROAD ST. AUDITORIUM && RORERT WARWICK In "TOLD IN THE HILLS rri iditv A th market stb. LUltNrt "MATINEE DAILY TAULINE TREDERICK In "THE TEACE OF ROARINO RIVER" $10 Ajn Tlrnt-rUM llnrk OnnrnntiTil Slip CoTcrt to Order SI Etch U'n rarrv n larirA Helcrterl fltrtU nf rpholntcry Goods soiling nt wholesale 'American upholstery co. ntilxst nnd Lin-peat Hoima at ltd Kind nl Arrh Sh Write or l'lionn RALPH BINDER 415 Real Estate Trust ItuildlnR S. K, Cor. Ilroi'tl nml ( liml nut Pninleu Antiaeptie Methods Manicuring:, Expert Operators lianna,S.E.Cor.13th&Sansom Il'r I :Icy. SdemUk Infants ! Invalids 9 THE ORIGINAL HALTED MILK Rich milk, malted stain, in powder form. For infanta, invaliaaaaclgrowuig children. PurenutriUon.upbuildtniiiiwhoIebody. Invigorates nuraing mothera ltd the aged. More nutritious than tea, coffee, etc. Instantly prepared. Require) no cooking. Sabititatcs Cost YOU Sune Price BENEFICIAL LOANS! At Legal Rates on Household j rurmture, Real Estate and Endorsed Note. Call, Write or Phone Walnut 1175 BENEFICIAL LOAN SOCIETY Llecnpcrl-Mnney Lrndera Liberty Building (10th Floor) I N. E. Cor. Broad & Chestnut Sts. MrrntKfd by Mntfi Hiinklnff Omminiloneri - ill cm tier oi I nnmiipr or commerce Member Itourd nf Trriile JTcmber l.euut Reform Hurcnu to Kllml-i iite ine. jonn iiihfk jii, incnrpnrnien rilOTOPI.Afl The following theatres obtain thoir pictures through the STANLEY Company of Amer ica, which is a guarantee of early showing of the finest productions. Ask for the thcati d in your locality obtaining pictures through the Stanley Company of America. PAI ATP 12H JIARKET STREET I -Lj-H, hj,-, A. jr t0 11.15 r M "THi: .MIRACLE MAN" PRIMPPCQ l" MARKET STREET 1 fMlVCOO s !(IA M toll tin I SI KINO tlAOOOT-CLAIRK WHITNEYJn "THE MAN WHO STAYED AT HOME" RPrFMT .MARKET ST Uplnw 17TII ICVjE.1N 1 ii . M tJllP. M DOROTHY DALTON In "L'APACHU" RIAI TO GERMAN-TOWN AVE IMrtLIV AT IIILPEIIOCKEN iT REX BEACH PRODUCTION "THE OIRL FROM THE OUTSIDE" P 1RV MARKET ST. DELOW 7TH rvuoi 10 A M to 11:15 P. SEMITE HAYAKAWA In "THE DR.VOON PAINTER" M. QAVOV ,;U -MARKET STREET kJrtVWl SAM TO MIDNIGHT EVELYN OREELEY in "ME AND rAPTAIN KIDD" CTANJ PY MARKET ADOVE 1CTH O 1 rtlNL,!!, I ii A jt ,0 n.jB P M EUOENE O'HRIEN In "SEALED HEARTS" VICTORIA MARKET ST AD OTH OLIVR THOMAS In "THE SPITE RRIDE" m THE NIXON. NIRDLINOFiR THEATRES c? BELMONT MD A,JOVI: MARKET HESSIE LOVE tn "THE nUIITING COLLEEN" CEDAR U0TH CEDAR venus tlESSIE RARRISrALH In "HER PURCHASE PRICE" COLISEUM "MaK - IH'Wl . CNID URNNnil' In OOTH "aii-a'iAU uui ' FRANKFORD 4715 ""'" a. SEVNETT HATHING GIRLS In "YANKEE DOODLE IN JiERLIN" II IMRH niONT ST. GIRARD AVE. JUiTiucy Jumbo Junction on rrankford " LILi LEE in "ROSE OF THE RIVER" I OP! KT B2D AND I'OCUST STREETS LULUJI Mati 1-S0,3-Sfl Evks 0;30 to 11 HRYANT WAblintlllN In , "WHY SMITH LEFT HOME" ' NIIVOM 62D AND MARKET 8TS. 1N1.A.W1N 2:15, 7 and 0. LEAH I1AIRD In Tills VOLCANO" R TOI I B2D ANP SANSOM STS. rUVL.l MATINEE DAILY DAVID TOWELL In """ "THE TEETH OF "JHE TIQER" QTR A Mn (JERMANTOWN AVE. O 1 rVZ-MNL' AT VENANOO HRYANT WAPHntlRN In "WHY SMITH LEFT HOME" WEST ALLEGHENY i5,, DOROTHY DALTON In "TUB. MARKET OF SOULS" ICCn'n'DQOM 20TH AA'D DAUriHN J fc.r r kKoUiN bth. mat. daily ROBERT WARWICK In "TOLD IN THE HILLS" PARV RIDGE AVE. & DAUPHIN ST. rAlIk. Mat 2:1R Ever. 0: to 11. D. W. ORIFFITIIS In "BROKEN BIXJSSOMS" By CHAS. McMANUS RADIATOR COVER PROTECT your motor from the wln ter's cold with a 8A Radiator Cover, Savo cranktne and gasoline. It not at your dealer's, write. WM. AYRES & SONS, Philadelphia Makers of 5A Motor Robes Seeley's Adjusto Rupture Pad Increases cfficiencn of a truss 509i Thumb Screw Regulator, PttmlM AqMll, 1117 IM.. $2-00 GREATEST RUPTURE RETAINER Tim Hflf-ndJuntlnc fitnre of tltU Tnd iiihko It easy to wear nnd ttif Thumb hcrew Kmulnlnr nlloun of ntterlnc pre ntirp nt will Most rupturen srow bIomIy worip bernuMft triiHries tlint neemed rUht In tlif beginning were tint Our Improved itpnllnnffN nnd ntUnnced mctliodn Innttre Improvement for eery cane nnd cure innny, I. B. SEELEY, 1027 Walnut St. Cut out nnd keep for fi-nr , CHARGE ACCOUNTS KASY TERMS At the Leading Stores WKITi: l'R PAKTICUI.AltS FRAMBES & CLARK 1112 Chestnut St., Phila. 040 Guarantee Tr. Hide. Atlantic City 30 N. Third St.. Camden N eu ralgia and shooting pains BAUME ANALGSIQUE BENGUE gives quick relief. In tubes and easily applied. Get one Thot. Lxmlnc a Oo N, S. stiimiship noTirr.s ) .htn ViA-) Phffadoiphia-" ASNC -LINES S. S. Hakushika Maru Now Londing for COPENHAGEN AND GOTHENBURG PnltlnB About Not. 17 From Pier 70. South For Rates and Particulars Apply to American Steamship Navigation Company Knl Kntnto Triint Ilitlldlnr Walnut SDO riillailrjphta KERR LINES Sailings from Philadelphia FOR ROTTERDAM S. S. "CLAIRTON" Nov. 18 FOR HAMBURG S. S. "KERLEW'.Sailinir Nov. IS A Steamer Late Nov, Through Rates Quoted1 to Baltic and Scandinavian Porta Via Hamburg KERR STEAMSHIP CO., Inc. 615-617 Lafayette BIdg. Philadelphia, Pa. Bell Telephone Keritone Talepaoiio "Lombard 62M" "Slain 40" EARN-LINE it o pi. Mi'I'WIItell 'Ml U. S. Shipping Board Steel Steamers General Cargo Regular Service Philadelphia-Manchester SS "WEST CHETAC"....Not. IS Philadelphia Havana SS "LAKE FLUVANNA" Sailed Nov. 1 S S "LAKE GALERA". . . .Nov. 14 For rates and particulars apply to Earn-Line Steamship Co PHILADELPHIA BERMUDA Ideal Winter Vacation Tlesort Sfnlco to b reinmed In Dm., 1910, br FURNESS BERMUDA LINE Tast, twin-screw, palatial iteamers S.S."FORTrrAMILTON" Wallit from M, . i)ee, U-lt-il H Cinn Tn nitytlHfutlutt S. S. "FORT VICTORIA" H.OOt Tons Displacement "No. pasiports required for Bermuda." "Schedule of sailing, cabin plai3 and rate sent on anplication." FURNESS BERMUDA LINE Furaess Jtovsa, WhIUhaU 8t Nw 'Jork t 'i. k"ip ,iic Mt-t ' s Z.r' J&3 I llfMff liHiiBH If yjC LJv l s5 WmBmifmm 'sltBzi i iWSKi KH-Kt. 'WirWF'MrTHPK , PABCEL POST iK FORD OWNERS. NOTICE jzgz: The O-L-O Mnnifnlrl Hnl Inntanlly ntartu Tortl Corn In coMut V .vuuiiiur. iicBiH n npoi on Jtianiioid. mv rormnK icasollns Immediately, thereby Inill.ln. ni.l.l. Ibk.Ih ' ii.uttiin 4uii i niutllllK, Snve uur Ilnrk Do Lesi Crnnkln Price $2 Money rcfumled If not satisfactory. Hartley-Farrell, Bourse, Phila. Airf.ntw Wnnttvl Phon Tyvmhnrd 1.17K ANT1 HYMAN ARE SYNONYMOUS Nil nltl.rVuihlonml drctul of a ic-ntlat at mr nfflco. Fifteen rear a.n I Marled cinprlmrnt Inc In clrntlxtrT. and toilar I ? I'rniid lo hit I nm able to tt-cat Hid ijiot Kdwlllro tooth J?" ."'"J'litelT nalnlfM wbt. IrcTh f "!" "amine Tonr Filliarii. tVOr ant! I.oo HYMAKa-tr 9th & Market Sts. PHILADELPHIA OIL BURNERS for Heaters, Ranges and Furnaces We Burn Fuel Oil U Doe ,ho Work or You Don't Pay. liPZS? We Guarantee Our Burners Cheaper Than Coal. Safe, Clean, No Aahes. AcrntB Wanted Ash Pit GEORGE J. COLES &., Tlio l'oster MannfactiirlnB Co.. Inc. Phila. Office, 830 Walnut Street IN Send for Circular Describing the NINE REASONS WHY! 10U SHOrJM) HAVE A VnARCE TOP ON lOUIl HAS HN0.I5 Talented nnil BtiaMntcca by W. H. PEARCE & CO. 41 SOUTH rlECONIl ST. Hell rhono. Lombard 4113 "SWEET AIR" r( ine modern Method of Painless Extraction of TEETH "SAFE AS, SLKF.r" Ono It 3 teeth extracted IT "i.uuui iin-in nr iianuer. v J JiiRt the. thlnp for nervous people no III effert follow Its use. ":"," DR. MOSES S. E. Cor. 7th & Martet St,. formerly on staff of prominent TosnHl "Who Loam the Most Money on Diamonds at Lowest Rates of Interest? Fridenberg's Loan Oilices 87 Jf. llth St., bet. Fllbrrt A,t, ') We reconstruct, up- noisier and polish your old suite equal to new. Leather, tapestry and velour. $8 $14 $24 Slip covers, all pattern of cretonne, at reaaona- Die prices. Fireside Chalrn from $18 up. Our representative will call at any time and estlmatA for sou Industrial Upb. cc turn, Co. Show Room & Fact lory AVrlf or 1'hnni ito r. i ii i ii ni . Walnut !; Corliss Laced Stockings 430 Heed BIdg., Phila., Pa. V Talking Machines Repaired UUTe cVVrl?, HANGED d i- aT .Wk'nS.niachlin. parts jq iTllYrH ST"' M"Mne R'PIr Sh" 49 N. 10TH ST. msrarevT Furniture Re-Upholstered Call Lombard 8CM Representatlvs will subratt " yV gav - Mcmifold Htcr L IMlBMIn "toitjxiadln BSjw.1 "' !"'" i )ttaL ""I.1,"", , hum. f PAINLESS!?! (ill til V i -ii ii ' ' J .Hit ,Jlm pyL tn ib Fm - .,-." ...... ...., uDfe amir m furnlturo at lowmt rates. Ira-r, I medlata attention and flrsy I vmss wotk Euaranietta. CHKHTEItFlKLD Ul'IIOI.. 8IKKKD VUKNITUBIS C. 2i0 CI1K8TNUT BT. DIAMONDS BOUGHT Brine ua our diamonds If you want to realize the highest possible price tor them. No matter what others tell you they are worth, get our price beforo you sell. We pay J3 00 to JI0O.00 for each diamond more than others pay. bee us and be convinced. We buy any slue, shape or color. Pawn tickets for dlamondn bought KKI.I.Y A CO., MAM, 03? CIlENTNrtt ST. Phone Walnut 734 Mile Ul-ltt, Trlvnle office Sd floor, over Child.' Rett, Sugar Bags for For one or two spoons of sugar. Taper Napkins and MotmncK., uyster lloxefi Restaurant !; S!,"e,,J.?b tvttit -uper. Monet l'si wrapping 1-apMr. paper Bags, Twines. i EZRA IXVINSON20 br!J0rIle,,F1c' m rf . . 1,1 A ppv m W'M