r 7 i EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1919 15 ry rd it ( v. '- fr f r GERMANY HAD 810 U-BOATS WAR Admiral von Cappello Tells Why More Submarines Wo'ro ' Not Built SKAGERRACK BATTLE HURT IJy the Axsnrlntal IVcm TJorlln. Nov. 12. Vie" Admiral Kdunnl von Cnprllc. former mlnlstrr of flic nav.v. wns bnmbnnlrrt with qtirtlniiii 111 to why mote submarines were not built, nn nsto linvr- made the submarine campaign siirrrssful. Ilrcklrrs nt the national assembly tibeommlttre'n investigation into the. wnr, having failed (n pet much infor mation as to why the submarine rnm pnljrn was not avoided, changed their taeties to questioning the former min ister of the nnvy on submarine con struction. The admiral replied succinctly in an endeavor to show why submarine con struction wns retarded ih tftlO, and why it jumped Enormously In 1!U7 and 1018. Count von Hernstorff gauged the ses sion correctly when he nsked the corre spondent:, '"Arc you roIiir to nttend the performance this afternoon?" 8(0 IJ-Hoats Hullt A summary of his contribution to TJ-boat construction was read by Von Capelle at the start of the sessiou. "Klglit hundred and ten submarines were built before and duriliR the war." Raid the Jumier minister of the navy. "Of these forty-five were constructed before the wnc. ISO were built during the administration of Admiral von Tir- pltz and 570 were built by mc in the two and a half years I wns In office. "f took office in April. 1010, ijnd In the nine months remaining In thnt year I ordered built ninety U-boats. In 1017 I ordered I'OO: and In the nine months 1 wan in office in 1018 I or dered 220." It was here bis questioning began. "Why wan there such n discrepancy between 1010 and the two following years?" demanded Herr (iothcln. Von Capelle replied sharply! "There are n number of reasons why ho small a number wns ordered In 1010 -llrKt. the Itelchstag took nn overwhelming stand against the submarine, mid I could not start to build, because I saw myself In opposition to the government: second, I bad been out of the naval service and was unawnrc of the tech nical Improvement in U-bont building and had to give Intimate study to the subject : and third, the Rkagcrrak bat tle caused serious damages to our boats. Their repair held up the con struction of other boats.," Mines Made U-Itoat Work Difficult Germany had decided to live up to international law and not sink mer chantmen without wnrnlntr. continued Von Capelle, but he said he thought that in the rail of llll'i the admiralty nan Issued n second order to attack Urltish ships because England, "poisoned against us, had made the work of I boats very difficult bv mines which cov ered the entire North sen. There was n demand for mine searchers, torpedo boats and motorboats, which further re duced l.'-boat construction, he added. Admiral von Capelle nsserted he had been consulted thrco times wltb regnrd to submarine construction by Dr. von llethmaiin-Uollwi'g, the first time when Herr Struve (a member of the Uelchs stag) had presented to the chancellor n memorandum uiging increased U-boat construction. vhich had been signed by Ocorgc Gotheln (another Ileichstng member) ; the secoud time when in lfllt the chnncellor wrote, saying U boat construction must not be left out "of considering, showing Von Capelle said, that the chaiiccllor counted on n long wnr, and, third, when Von Itcth-. mnnn-Hollwcg' telegraphed that Deputy Fischbeck bad expressed doubts whether Germany had enough U-boats, whereupon Von Capelle said he visited the chancellor and assured him that everything was going well. UNA DICH HONE E 01 LLOYD GEORG Nitti Assicurato cho la Questiono Adriatica Sara' Risolta con I'Onoro d' Italia Pul)llh-i! nnd retributed Under , , PKRMIT NO. 341. Authorized by the net nf October (1. on nip nt the 1'ostofTlco of Phlla- 1BIT dctphla, Pa. A. s. uuni.nso.v. Postmaster General. .? n.I'!., .'- "nvombrc. Krnncesco Mttl. l'residente del Conslgllo del Mi. nistrl d'ltnlia. ha rlcevuto dal 1'rlmo .Mlnistro d'lnghilterrn I.lovil (Jeorgc l'nssicurniione cbc una slstemazione dclla qucstlonc Adriatica arn rag glunta con onorc per l'ltalta c kll In teressi dl tuttl gli Allcatl. Cle' sc condo unn Intervlntn concessa dall'Co. Nitti c pubblicata dalla Prcsse dc Paris, rapprescntante l'unlonc del glornall dl t'arlgl. Nitti ha delto ehc egll consldero I plan! per in soluzlonc del problema dl Kiume. preparntl dal Mlnistro Tlttoni, eccesslvamcnte. mocicrau in carattcrc. Itoma, 11 novembre. "II Ilelgin dopo "aver sofferto I terror! della in yaslone, conoscc oggl gli orrorl dclln I'ngratitudlne. IItnlia e' ancbe vlt tliha delta ingratitudinc degll unomini." Cosi' dlssc Onbriele D'Annunilo al pootn belga T,eo KocbnlUniky cbc para KOiit)' D'Annunxio nella sua en I inn risn luta alia "passlonc per il sacrlficio agll ideall cbe nnlmarnno I santi, 1 perfee I ed i martlrl da Son Francesco d'Assise a Oulseppe Mnzzlni, 11 grandc patriota Itiillnno e rlvnltizlnnarlo." D'Annunzlo dlsse pure: "I,n situa alone n Flume cambln' profondamentc dopo 11 rlfiuto degll Stat l Unlti nl pro- getto del Minlstro drgll Kstcri Tlttoni, II l'residente Wilson rigctto' la solu alone proposta dall'Italia, la quale era insufficiente ed intcramento dlsap provata da mc. Invece il l'residente Wilson replica con nuovc rostrixion I. Solo la malnttla cbc lo ha colpito puo' splrgare, se non giustlllcnre, la sun accanlta opnoslonc senra precedcntl. "In seguito a clo' questo e' II dilem ma: se 1 Italia c' dlsposta a xnttninet ters 1, ncccttando le comthslonl del l'residente Wilson, clo' cqulvalerebbe it dlveiiire servn o nf sulcldlo dl una grando polcnzn, o II Covcrno Itallano rlnunzl al mandato affidatoglt n dlcblarl alia Confcrenza dcllo l'ace: Nol non possiamo ottcnere l'nbbandono dl Flume da parte dcllo trupnc cho l'banno occu pata, o provalc, Invece, vol stcssl di slstemare le cose qui'. "Itigunrdo a mc ha dctto D'An nunzlo la soluzione c' molto scm plice, lo dovro' rlmancrc qui' con I mlel compagnl, con Flume, solo contro 1'intero universo. Nol acccttlamo le responsnbllita' del nnstro atto. Sc at- taccatt cl difendcrctno streniiamcntc. Flume e prouta per II martirio. Nol combatteremo da soil contro le offese e lc inglustizlc." Raid I. W. W. Meeting at Portland Portland, Ore., Nov. 12. Police last night raided I. W. W. headquarters here and took forty men, who were at' tending n meeting, to the city jail. . 'I'm France to Trade wun nunn. TtnalK. Hullrerlnnil. Nov. 12. Gt eral Grazlnnl, tho Frenclt rcprcttei. "d tlvc on the interallied military ,' Jj mission to Jiuunpesi, nan inmniini) Hungarian uovcrnmem inui mo j?n flntrnpnm.1,1 lina ilnMnfPfl reOnened' Mnm.n...n liAliriinH VrflllPIt Htlfl ITtl gary, according to n Iliidapcst dlspatj to inn uazcuc oi a riinmori. v b' Comeback-proof your car or truck with Columbia S 1 UKAtifc. tS A 1 i JlKlbS They are guaranteed to give satisfaction and n definite quantity of "juice" for a definite time. There areno comebacks to Columbia Storage Batteries except in the form of reorders. The same kind of comebacks are .the only ones to Motor Parts service. You will y M g be so well satisfied with j ' ' -" S the first sample that you fTlm,! - M will cntvin laf.V fn win.. Qlva your battcrj' what ever Its make the benefit o our expert Ignition service. MOTOR PARTS COMPANY flour h MflKfietn Zenith CnrburHor li!rirk Pint on Hlnsn Alohnwlc Tirw M. I. .Spark Duff M. V. Cable 847 N. Broad St. y ' ' ; '... 4 That's why Spur Cigarettes have won. There are plenty of cigarettes of merit, some claiming one pleasing- feature, some another. But there was room at the top for a still ' better cigarette one that had all the goodness of the others and then some! 4 SPUR Cigarettes were made with that object in view to fill that place at the top. The choicest American and Imported tobaccos were blended by a new method that brings out to the full that good old tobacco taste that smokers are always seeking. Satiny, imported paper was used. It is crimped, not pasted, to make an easier-drawing, slower-burning cigarette. - Then these super-cigarettes were put into a smart "brown-and-silver" package, three fold, to keep 'them fresh and rich in that good old tobacco taste. Lastly, Spurs were priced at twenty for 20c the lowest possible price for a cigarette of highest possible quality. Smokers tried Spurs. Their verdict, every . where, has been: "A high-bred cigarette!" QQffxtthtfyM 20 for 20 cents iiiiiiiMM i m mium m n rnmii h h m tiHHi m m HHHiiiinii mm muv i4Jiria j It is unfortunate that misunder standings seem, to be so easily created in the automobile busi ness. A policy of "fair and just dealings with every one" aids us in avoiding many such hap- penings. GUV A. WltLCV JKsiiettt Jkidie Distributors 394 WORTH BR9AD STRe6T, PHILADELPHIA ft From expensive ledgers down to si mole memos, there are 7atinnil i r " i - - .-.. j ,, I "if Blank Booh, each the best you j can buy for the price. Regular Accounting Requirements and Special Purpose Blank Books in all sizes, styles and bindings Eagle Marked ! rJa?MsF .NATIONAL . Cthis New and Wonderful Premium Sf (dm m f otcTA g Sn) 1 f a tpT4 g cm) W f I W w.HiTii I mrv H ' gi 1 FL.QATIW C- J I FLQATIN G J f 1 ll v j J ' I i u J ' ,-i Br l (SHirf fVcur our'mij PKtMiw copoh V. ; .-(I f f 5 Cakes Free for SO Coupons from. OCTAGON SOAP-POWDER Let us introduce you to Octagon White Floating Soap pure, white, slightly scented ; just what you need for both toilet or dainty laundering. We want to give you five cakes of Octagon White Floating absolutely fre, so that you may give it a thorough trial. Your toilet and bath soap supply for many weeks needn't cost you a cent. Save the premium coupons that come with every Octagon product. No matter whether from Octa gon Soap, Powder or Cleanser, they are interchangeable, all of equal value. When you get fifty coupons exchange them for five Free Cakes of Octagon White Floating Soap at the Octagon Soap Premium Stores 122 N. Eleventh Street, Philadelphia . 323No.WashinKtonAve.,ScrantonfPa. 93 No. Main St.,Wilkes-Barre, Pa. einfeiLiu ilii Or if not convenient to como to anv of these stores, mail your coupons direct to Colprate 6 Co., 30 York street, Jersey City, N. J., enclosing in the same enve lope a letter asking for the five cakes and giving your full name, street, number and city address. Write very plainly. The five cakes of Octagon White Floating Soap will be sent by parcel post to your address. And even the free cakes of soap have coupons which may bo combined with coupon from Octagon Soap, Powder or Cleanser, to bring you many beautiful premiums. The Regular Retail Price of Octagon White Floating Soap Is Always the Same As Octagon Laundry Soap THIS SPECIAL OFFER WILL EXPIRE FEB. 1, 1920 111 ii y 3liw 7 7 tmKk,. II lli, tf octwjqESk 9H m V llii., iouRfeSnP ' m K TsTTOlHKSilTfis' Urn .-. '-I wmmmmmmwmmmKmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmAm 1 i ; ,t- " ;'. W. n f V5 ,tJ, s. . .vi.1 Lliillill1liriWi&Hfiiilil I-" '-n.A.j.iiitjJt J nsrsxTrawT! i i,.. ..' .. :'s.iii,sJja)-WJ. .l.Ai,,.-. .iiiawik.J' . .ii ''4H