Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 11, 1919, Night Extra Financial, Page 21, Image 21

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I , Jit ill J s
Panthers Have Held Red
and Blue to Pair of
Touchdowns Since First
Game in 1915
WAKN13II. the boss of the
'Ittsbiircli Panthers nntl vrcoRiiizrii
rlinmpimi of coarhei. snys lip cores
nnthitiK for n defense, lie is frank in
tiilinittiiiK tlinl Ihe onlj defense he hns
is liis offciiso, nml n plnnce at l'enn
1'ltt scores of the lnt four jearx hears
lit the statement of the master tutor.
The Qunkrr has eonie to blows with
the Panther four times, nml in that
quartet of Rimies imlj two tniirhilnvviiK
lmve been scored, while l'ilt ban shown
n runnltiR attack that was Rood enoiiKh
for S." points, which was composed of
11! touchdowns and a Held goal.
On the other hand, the l'emisjlvnnia
s.'stem calls primal ily for a defense
nml then for an offense, and this also is
borne out in the statistics, despite the
lop-sided tlKines of S."i to 1.1 in four
ranies. Discarding foi the minute the
1H18 contest. I'itt has scoied 7 touch
downs on the Quakers, unci considering
the great scoring macbiiie built by War
ner, this is a tribute to the Red and
illue dcfct'ie.
Two (ircat Fights
The first battle with I'itt was waged
in Ulli". The Panthers won after n
gieat tight, 14-7. The following jear
the Quakci-M journeyed to the Smoky
t'ity and lost. 'JO-0. Another memorable
tilt' was staged at Tianklin Field in
mi7. with I'itt victorious. U-tl. l-ast
season the S. A. T. C. eleven was easy
pickings for the I'nnthers. the Red and
Ulue dropping the decision by 37-0.
A singular fact concerning the game
this vear is that virtually the same
team 'that faced the 1'anthers in l'.Jli
will battle for the Iteil and Illue this
year. I'itt, on the other hand, has
Virtually a new eleven.
Two vears ago Heine Miller nml .Joe
Van (tinkle were the ends; ('ml Thomas
and Kilrtle Mavniml. the tackles; Jerry
.Icrauld and Herb Deiter. the guards;
"Wrny. the center; and Hell. Light,
Straus and Kerry, the backhcld. The
only ones who are not on this jear s
NHWS of the kind Tiger rooters
want to hear is contnined in the
minouncenient today by Hill Honor that
Stan Keck, the hefty left tackle, will
again be in the line-up when the
whistl" blows for the Yale game next
Saturday. Stan is once more pro
nounced fit to enter the game, and Ills
debut at left tackle means that HiK'S'i
will bo released nnd u battu-rojal will
ensue between Davis and Hig er tor
the left wing job., with the oil. N fn
oring Shad 'Davis for ills brilliant
playing of late. Secret practice was
again on the boards yesterday. itn
the single exception of Keck s return
to the gridiron, it looks as though the
line-up will be unchanged at rvevy Ha
ven. Witmer's calculated blocking ot
the. whirlwind Eddie Casey, while not
hncctacular. furn shrd a good example
of head" Play nhli-h justifies his reten
tion in the bickfield quartet.
"n' rtfd villas." would nUnd ml
tor play " rlitcn about ' "i . '.,,
. a' - Llnrirnrr VPKI v"I Uili
JUrSi.r whi went through
even a
nr nf Saturday's frame at
Princeton put
in an annearanca. Jlmmv Knox, iiowt-vir.
l?st no time In -tortlne the scrubs work InR
n'concepTons ot hat Yale I- dev.lop'ns
tfnm thl fall, and next Saturday Bob
KlXr will K down to watch- the Blue
icalnst the Tigers.
The Yale football learn took a day off
yesterday only Cnitaln Tim Callahan and
Howard I Campbell of the Players who wero
In the line-up lam Saturday vlsltlnr the
Bowl, where the second varsity met hs
Hcrub In a flfteen-mlnuto scrlmmaee The
rtr.alnlna players were given an "''"no".""
walking exercise for seneral condltlonlns
purposes. All the , "auad are In tip-top
otdltlon. except rulltaclc Frew Webb, who
cumplalned that his side t-oublcd him An
min!iilnn Bhowed that he hod broken
two ribs In the Brown carpe lie expects to
lie, able to play against Hanaro,
iiom Saturday. -em
The entire varsity team, with the exfe;
-l. .. WuM.n -nnl.r nri HArtOn. r!7
Eiiard. took the Meld fcr practice yesterday
v.lth the Colgate football squad. In J -od-nun's
place was Drowne. who showed up
erceotlonally well In the game with
ter here last Saturday, nd
place was Cornelius
Far from being disheartened at the 20 to 0
leteat at the hands of Gettysburg, the Villa
l'tvs. squad was out for practice yesterday
In iira.il nrnnnratlnn tev thn.Army game
at West Point on Saturday. The Qettysburg
score does not Indicate the supero exoiDition
put up by the Main Mne team. Captain
SIcQeehan's playing was the outstanding
feature of the game.
Frank Cnnaparr, captatn of the Columbia
eleven, has been dismissed from the squa.l
hv Coach Fred Dawson because of Insub
ordination last Saturday. John Kennedy,
of Manchester, N. M.. captain-elect In 1017,
v ho joined the navy before the season
i.rened, but who returned to college this fall
lias been chosen to succeed Canapary. He
lms played left end In all games this season.
Mot of the Brown regular came through
thi Tale game In good shape although Al
hrought and Brisk received Injuries that
may keep them out of the Dartmouth battle
thin Saturday at Boston. Brisk, trowever. Is
expected to be in good condition by the mid
dle of the week. ,
rAnfth finenre vesterday benan to rebuild
tne Dartmouth foctball machine hy holding
ptactice lor ine men wno aia not piay m
the game on Saturday or who played but a
short time. The problom of forming a new
It is unfortunate that misunderstandings
seem to be so easily created in tse auto
mobile business. A policy of "fair and
just dealings with every one" aids us
in avoiding many such happenings.
cuv a. witiev wrf
Jhige Distributors
The Goat Is Dead;
Long Live the Goat!
Annapolis, .Mil.. Nov. 11, Fall
ing to make good on his first trial
and letting (Jeorgetown defeat the
midshipmen on Saturday one brown
goat. "Hilly." has lost bis chance
of going In gloiious raiment to the
army-navy footbnll game In New
York on November -I) as the honor
guest of the regiment. Mike Curley,
cheer lender. Is authority for the
statement that bis place will bo
taken by a big white goat with an
evil disposition. The inhHilpmcn
arc not going to pin their faith on
a mascot who makes such nn in
auspicious showing the first liny.
squad are Van (linkle. Merry and
At the end Hay Miller is better than
Van (ilnkle. and Alex Wray Is as good
a guuril a's .lernuld. However, Hruiiner
in tin backtield does not compare with
Howard Herry.
Hut, all in all, the Quakers, appear
to have as good a team If not n better
one than in 11117. Warner has lost
most of his wonderful linemen, and their
places have been filled with men reputed
to be not half as good. On paper it
would seem lluif renn has a much bet
ter aggiegation.
I'itt. however, has come fast, and
they will catch the Quakers when they
arc' at the height of their power on
Saturday. The I'nnthers reformed after
talcing tiieir beating from Sjracusc, and
have trimmed (ieorgln Tech, Lehigh
mid Washington and Jefferson in suc
cession. Many Penn Cripples
Vnless the pbjsical condition of the
Penn eleven improves Warner will find
the (Junkers in a somewhat crippled
condition this week. The Dartmouth
game was rough on the boys, nnd all
of them are carrying bruises nnd scars
of the engagement.
Herb Deiter is suffering from a badly
swollen and bruised ankle, nnd It is
doubtful if he will be able to return
to the practices this week. I.tid ray
has a1 cut and swollen lip. nnd Hud
Hopper is nursing n twisted shoulder.
.Tolinnv Tityel's fnce is beginning to
look like'Oinrley Kid Thomas's "map,
and he also has two severely bruised
ribs. Light, Derr and Thomas also ui e
in poor shape.
tvrl.flcld Is the chief worry of the Green
u.th .mil It will require all his time anil
n emy to elnie n creditable trio or men be
hind tho Dartmouth line
A mni.rn.nl la t.mv nn foot Hi the COllCBC
of the City of New York 1o request tho au
thorities to permit ino mvuui.-iiib iu ciibu.o
football next yeur.
!. t... .... mm lnl.ir.1 In flip snme
with Hwnrthmore. Frnnltlln and Jlarsnill t
varsity eleven went Into action esterdai
Ir prepir.itlnn for the same with Ursinus
next Nalunlnv nt I.nnraster. Coach Dickson
a pleased with the showing made by hlu
p!aers last week, despite the defeat.
The l.af luetic Collrgr varsity football
scmad was given only n llcht workout on
arch Field jestenliy. Tho afternoons
work was d-voted to Umbering up exercises
and a signal drill. All the plajcrs came out
of the game with Dickinson In excellent
ihtpc. not a man reielvlng any kind of a
tut or bruise,
Although Conrh Ileidek gave his squad a
llcht practice yesterday, with hut three dais
of preparation for tho Cornell game this
week, the l'enn Htnto vanity will have Itn
work cut out for II. Indications are tnat
Kiiuch nnd Haines will be cnalilo to get into
the game with Correll. nnd this will greatly
wertken the Nlttany Vallov 'joys. Bnuch's
onklo Is healing slowly and he will hardly
be In shtpe L-jforo Ihe Pitt same
Coach nennett gave the Haverford gridiron
squad n rest jesterday. after Saturday's
victory over Johns Korklns, and no fuotball
K.BB were seen nn Wulton Field. Today will
Inaugurate stiff scrimmage for tho Main
Urcrs' contest with Dickinson next Satur
day, when Vlllanova will probably journey
down for a practice tilt
Several Thlgll plajers received hard
Lumps In the Penn State name on Saturday,
and consequently the men were given a day
of rest ytterday Tho rest should do the
niavcrs good In more ways than one, as
several ol them are on engo ana in aanser
i.f going stale. Mike Wilson, the end has a
fiacturcd nose; Hob Good, a sprained ankle,
nrd I'ors. an Injured knee.
With rrerch back In the line-up to tear
holes in the opponent's line, and with re
newed confidence frorvr their victory over
Boston, conquerors of Yale, the Rutgers teail
was given a rest jesterday in the piepart
tens for a victory over West Virginia on
Kncouragfd hy their llctory over Car
negie Tech last Saturday, tho Cornell foot
ball squad resumed practice yesterday In
a hopeful framo of mind, though fully con
rrlous of the fact that In their next game,
that with Fenn Stato. they wilt face one
of the strongest teams in the lJast, The
regular coaching staff will be augmented
this week by Arthur Hoffman varsity half
tack of 1016 and 1017.
There was no rest for the Army team
yesterday. Although the Notre Dame clash
was a stiff tryout for Jhe Army the men
came through in fair physical condition,
Herrick and McQuarrle, however, are In
the hospital, and will not set Into the
Army's strenuous work until later In th
Coach nienn Warner gave his Flttsburgli
siuad a rest yesterday In view of the fact
that the rollege nrtthorltlea declared a
holiday so that a celebrntlon of Saturday's
victory could be staged downtown,
Eckert HQrses Racing In South
Rending, Pa.. Nov. 11. William n. Kck
ert. who Is campaigning his string of light
harness hones over tho Carolina fair an 1
melnv circuit received word that tho ba
gilding Tommy D., 2;08, bv Tommy the Irish
Uoy, of the Fcltert stable, nnlshed serord
to tho bay mare Lillian T., 2:02!;, by Iloy
Patchen, In: the classic, "Old Otory" frre-for-all,
purse $000, the fenturc of the Tar
lioro, N. C, fair light harness meeting.
Leadership of Eastern Basket-'
ball League Will Be De- j
cided Tonight
Won lt I'd.
uermantovvn ... 2 o
1 1 nniilen " n
I North riillailflpliln . . . 'i I
I lie Nerl I I
lUndlng n :
Trenton . . . . . 3
I M!ii;nri.i: run wv.v.n
I Tonight Ciimilen nt Cernuinlnun.
AledneMiliiv Itcndlng til Cnnitlcit.
I Frlibn lie Nerl ill Trenlim.
Siiti nliiv r.crm.utlovwi ui lie
I. eon
.Mir l n -linnilriplilii nt Keiiillng.
Cnmilen tlerntaiilovvn
Steele.... forward lllntk
It'nntiihell forward Powell
llolln . retilrr r,vv retire
Kerr.. guuril slmlTiillncrr
llelghan . guard rrumklc
I line nf hnlvoi Ivventj nilnules.
OTIIi:i! (l.Mi:s TONIGHT
Northwest Chiirih League First
Iltltrh vs. Mllvet-Covi'minti Itetliiins vs.
Ilrrvel-Hlitilte League Itliliurilsoii Me
morial nt llenrv relloMvhlu.
Gerniiilitown t'linrili League Covenant
vs. Mount Alr rrrslijterl.iii: St. Stenlien's
,vs. Ylnkrllelil.
I The llaslern Hasketball League cam
paign is olilv with us a week mid alrciidv
we have Mr. Crucial Contest. He
makes his first appearance tonight at
Immaculate Conception Hall, Chew
street hud Chelten avenue, when (ler
mautow'ii and Camden come together.
They both came through the opening
week without n defeat and the winner
of tonight's clash will have lone posses
sion of first position. 1'roin the prfvnt
trend of events Manager Dave Hennis
is due to receive n few of the breaks.
"The same line-up will take the
floor," le said this morning. "I see
no reason whatever of making nnj
changes in a winner, nnd I believe our
fellows have been encouraged by the fact
that they have the fans in back of
Americans Show Class
The North I'hiladclphia Americans'
gave a slight sample of their ability at
.Moose Hull last night, when they took
Trenton' into camp to the tune of 111
to 17. The I'oth l'rancers really showed
some signs of life, nnd as n result of a
little teamwork and passing managed to
make the season's iccord so far for field
goals with eleven.
Mullrr did not show up on account
of injuries received in Saturday's game
and Dunlenvy took his place, while
Ilrown moved bnVk to guard and Gross
to forward. Here Jimmy hail the
chance to run up the floor nnd shont n
few goals. He dropped in four on Hilly
I.loyd and Al Cooper thuoght that was
enough, so he gave Jimmy a chance to
show they nil look alike, and he added
another for good measure when Hnr
gruves supplanted Lloyd,
l.vrrv man on tne Home team scoreil
with the exception of Suils and even
fleorge Detrieh. who played but three
minutes, landed one, Dunleavy starred
nt forward and Oscar Orimstead had
t on lome bv several citv blocks, lonii'
managed to tally once, but Orimstead
secured two.
Rally In Last Half
The Americnns did their best work
in the last fifteen minutes. With five
minutes of the second half spent, the
Tigers were only two points behind
at 1--1 when the veteran Harry
Hough enme through with a long shot,
the best goal of the game.
In fact his basket was the lone tally
from the field of the visitors in the en
tire second period. The home tnlent
then proceeded to add (, goals going , Jimmy Murphv, of West Philadelphia, has
In Tlnnlnnvv fVnss TW-ieli Iti-nvvn l,een training diligently slnco being .11s
t0 ,,","." n5' r 'mi r .' i)V 'charged from the army In May His flr.t
nnd Orimmey two. The shots of the h,out since getting Into civics again will
latter were hrs usual one banders and 'ho next Mordnr night with Mel coogan
he had ncar-'ems on a dozen more. I
(iriiumr showed his true torin last Charley Ilenr returned to the ring last
night and was all over the floor l"e,1 llv dcfe.uing Youns rteno tu imd
rie Best Built Truck"
Confident of Trimming
Lynch Tomorrow, Ban
tam Champ Will Issue
Defi to Feather King
- Jerries Cltv Itennv I eonnnl won from
soldier llartllelil. Mel I'mignn defealed
722 POUNDS, MNGSIDE'lffllSX"" 7 '" """rr,fc ,K"" """
I Lancaster, Frt. lolinnv Mnlgnkt defeilted
I '
Hy LOUS 11. JAI-K1
f- wiunii
IIIIHMAN is confident of
lug from Joey Lynch at the
Olympiu tomorrow night- vi much so
Hint the champion is preparing to seek
additional laurels. Not being satisfied
with the possession of the hantniu
title. Herman announced today that be
would issue a deli to Johnny Kilhane,
!':; pounds, ringside.
"There is n dlflerenre of only four
pounds between the bnntam mid feath
erweight limits." said Herman, "and.
frnnkb . I believe Hint I would be
sluniger at 1:2- pounds than nt US. I
have "ecu Killiane show in several con
tests, and I am of the opinion that if
u match is arranged at the feather
weight limit 1 will piove in, self n twin
titleholder." AnnouiKcnicnts to the efTecl that
L.vnch and Ileiimiu arc In meet al IIS
pounds tomorrow night are erroneous.
Hermnii sn)s that l.jnrli has agreed to
conic in at that figure, while the champ
himself will eiilcr the ring nt ciileh
weights. However, if the New Yorker
succeeds in scoring with a hit) maker
the crown will be lifted from Herman's
brow, l'ete said todn.v that he was
down to ll'.l pounds and probably would
answer the bell nt th.it weight.
Since being discharged from the
Culled States uiivv on lVbruary 10,
Herman has participated in n total of
nineteen bouts, and so far this season
lilts been the busiest for the New Or
leans hid since lie deposed Kid Williams,
l'ete plans to continue bolng regularl.v
until something definite is accomplished
lelative to a meeting with Kilbnne, then
he expects to rest up prior to getting in '
fit fettle for the crack at the fcalhei 1
Following his meeting with Lynch. '
ITII the entrance of the Auditorium
field comes the return of Marcus il
liams ns a matchmaker. Williams Ini
been in the pugilistic profession in the
capacity of manager, trainer, promoter
and mutchmakcr for many )rars. To
night his first show nt the Auditorium,
Labor Ljceuin, Sixth and Hrovvn
streets, will be put on. The main
melee will bring together Larry Hansen,
of Rrooklyn, and Wbitey Fitzgerald,
of West Philadelphia. Roth iu ex
ponents of the slugging school, nnd
neither depends much on cleverness. It
should be a tough, interesting tussle.
Leo Stahl vs. Frank Rrittou will be the!
semi. Other bouts are ouiig 1 niton
vs. Jack Perry, Happy Jack McWil-
Hams vs. Tyrone Costello nnd Willie
i N'elson s., Lew Minsk.
.Tnmnlca Kid, the negro. Is a clever nnd
Milfty boxer He meets ono of the best mld
illevv eights In the country when ho answeis
the gong agnlnst Jeff Smith at the Atlantic
City Hportllg Club Thursday night. Marcel
Iloduit, the Frenchman, will show In his
tirst bout before u shori crovvrK Ho will
meet Jlltz Walters, a local favorite
Johnnv Mahoney, nf Ilazlcton, has two
Philadelphia engagements this week. He will
I box Eddie Mullen at tho Cambria Friday
1 night, nnd tho next evening
wilt ippear on
tne Rational program
More money is lost through bad
book-keeping than bad-judgement.
Men whose records show exact
trucking costs over a period of
years never buy trucks on a
price basis. They have learned
that anything less than the best
is extravagance.
Prompt deliveries.
Evening Ledger Decisions
of Ring Bouts Last Night
Olympla Joe lleiijainln defenleil Joliunv
llriimnile. Tonunv .laniiMiu won from I
llrovvii. Untiling Mink bent I'utsv Yviillnir,
'ii-lile llnlrhlnson outboveil Joe llallev nml
lommv t'lenr wulliiiii'd rrunkle Jerome.
Jlinlitv McCnlie.
Detrolt-ollke tl IIOVVII KnocKril mil .iiiiiiim
O'lliigen In the second
PittsburghJoe VtrWh won from Irish
1'ivtsv Cllne,
Trenlim Arthur Stlegel Mopped Joliunv
llrpllii. Iiftlil Joe Christian knocked nut Mil
Wright. Ilrst.
svnieiisr llfiinv Yntgrr defeated miin:
lletniau has two other bouts in view,
lie is matched to meet Jolinii) Huff In
an eight -roundel' ill Newark. N. J.. No-
ember HI. Negotiations are on for a
ten-round session between Herman nml
Carl De Maiee at New Hedfoid, Mass.,
November 17.
Ilerinan siijs that all negotiations for
n twenly-iound championship mW nt
New Orleans with either l'al Moore or
Joe L.vnch have been diopprd.
Johnnie Diuminie, hntiiliinppcd 1
height nnd teach, lacked coutidenee in
Ills six-round bout with Joe Henjiiiiiiu
ut the Ol.vmpiu lust night, mid the
latter was an eas) winner. 1)11111111111'
gnve a tille cAhihltinii of 111 overcoat,
or somethiiiL' like, wrauulug hlne-oll
nroiind the Krlsco lightweight almost
tluoughout Ihe bout. Referee Lou
Crimson bad his own tumbles separat
ing Drunimle from his viselike clutches
on Henjainiii, who was haniliiiipped be
cause of the Jers-y Cit) lad's hugging
and clinch ihg.
The best bout on the program was
Ihe opener, nnd that was a clown ex
hibition. Frankie Jerome had the au
dience in "oiivulslous of laughter be
cause of his antics against Totiuii)
Clcar.v. The latter was the winner.
Ilughie Hutchinson won over Joe
Dailey, nn alleged knoekerotit: Rattling
Mack's height and reach enabled him to
outpoint 1'ntsy Wallace and Tommy
Jamison defeated Al Ilrown.
'r on tho sidelines for n long lime, but
i Ided to como back, and now Adam llvan
ih ir.o'tlng after Hear.
Frcl Jordan, th navy heavyweight will
uitkp nn effort to rcverso the revult of his
uut with (Jetrge Wnrd when he meets Pplke
Mi Fndden at tho (Invety tonight. Pouts are
iilso borked at tho llijou
Sntlor I'etrofikv. the former marine Is
keeping In condition. "Fete" bhoutM in hts
bout with Harry Oreb that he was a real
"cavo man."
l llurgy, recently discharged from the
navy, a knockout star with twenty-seven
knockouts out of a total of thirty-two bouts
is here lifter featherweight competition
oung Ilretcher, winner of two amateur
tournaments, is training lor a profeisloml
career He is a 125-pounder, nnd l'nt
u Mnlto Is his manager.
A sneelfll train will hrlnir several hitnrlrri !
.Tn. T.vnrh mnallliiBnt. Im.n Inim Sa... V'n.lr
for tho Tete Herman match nt the Olympla
tomorrow nlpht. m
.llmmr Ilnnn han called HTinlo ValtrftrV
hluff Valpar can hae a hout with Johnny
Kilbnne If ho will post $1000 for welsht,
!!: pounds rtngnlde.
Charier Tltt la pore a
Uw Tendler refuses (o
hoxps I.dllo Moy nt I.jnn,
n a boll becauitQ
meet htm. I'lttn
Ma?s Xo ember
Ilohhy rtrnnld snjr. "the kid In golnc
ocr," nipanlncr thnt ioulilana has been
Finned by Nate Tevli to take a trip abroad
for feath-rwelcht loutp.
K-ddlr Mo, nnd not IMdle orpnn. will
bo Georee Chaney's opponent In the lattor'n
attempt to cime bnclc nt Ilatttmore Friday
raUy Wallara held up Max AVllHamsnn
for tho lajt three rounds of their fifteen
rounder In Rilttmore., ncroidtnff to n ringside
f n
Registrations in Eastern Dis-
trict Forecast Very
Large Season
The Koolball Association nf Lastern
lViins.vlviiiiia nnd District held its rcgu
'nr monthly meeting Inst night nt tin
Fourth Street Club, 11- South I'mnll
ttcet. Delegates fiom nil the league
,ind associations were piescnt, eiepi
Ihe Referees' Association.
The chairman of the registration inm
niillee leporteil tint t this season sur
passes all other seasons in the nuinbei
of icgistrations. A coitiinuiiicntion from
Secietnry Cnllill. of Hie I'nlteil States
I'notball Association, staled that the
constitution and rules of the eastern
district, as timended. had been accepted
as presented.
The committee, having in charge the
game nt West Chester to encourage the
pla.ving of soccer in that vicinity, ic
porleil that the Viscose team had been
selected to play a picked team.
The matter of assigning leferees was
laid over until the next meeting, pending
the action nf the referees' association.
Season In Minor Circuit Will Start
on Tuesday, November 25
The American Haskethnll League will
inaugurate the cage season in Tray
mine Hall tin Tuesday evening. No
v ember T. when Mount Cnrmel op
poses St. Coluiuba nnd Oirnrd clashi
with Dobson.
President Allen announces thnt the
P.. It. I. team has changed its name to
Touchdown Wins for Tigers
(ilrnnlvllle, Pn Nov 11 Olrardvllle
ueot down to defeat at the hands of the
Tigpr A C liy the score of fl to n
Introducing to
you a new collar
designed for com"
fort and style.
Tow on sale.
rannnii.lrlnnl'lrrrm in i
Open Evenings
fS November 12
Here's a Genuine
Waist-linr? suits, semi-conservative, conservative and
all the newest novelty styles. Cassimeres, worsteds, flan
nels, herringbones, etc. Overcoats that are perfect fit
ting 55 different models in Chesterfields, ulsters, ulster
cttes, etc., plain and fancy materials.
Every Suit and Over
coat represents an a6
solute saving of at
least $10. You'll not
find their duplicates
elsewhere. See them
first and you'll surely
agree with us.
Becker Superior Clothes
$30 32.50 535 537.50 HO
$2.50 Value
Fine quality skins; perfect
fitting, soft and pliable; tan
and gray. Capeskins. Ex
pert attention Sn fitting.
Scams guaranteed against
ripping. Special.
Moiled on Costa's alless, November 10.
llosworth Hfl 135 Itn Tlorke.. 178 138 lr.n
ivniie . in lsii ioj riug'aia in iss 121
i alms . lin 14'J 1 mi llrovvn.. 15.1 174 122
V i lllvcr Ihll H'J 132 Mlllls.. lfll 114 ln.1
TaIor. 1811 137 1HT Mundorf 121 140 187
Hdcp... 1 1 1
Totals 701 (182 700
700 760 750
illINnFICIAt. ft. F.
I'm .. 145 132 130 Cowlcv
114 143 09
vlillh'nr 1.111 .. lis Ifenner. 11B 121)
Mutphv. 137 168 114 Haughfli 1B1 1117 16(1
IHIlv . 16(1 141 Kin i;,slck.. 125 170 181
'nilg't 132 isn 137 McCanny 132 I5S 107
line .. 132 125 ... Sheer 100
Idip 21 12 II
Totals 073 803 708
I'nlais 721 750 740
i-'ltp'ck 145 110 118 nromley 130 . . 110
P2 01 151. Morrison lift 1.11 till
Nulty 130 122 137 Donllng 1511 121 101
I. Vlnhon 120 130 147 It.t'houso 143 140 118
.l.ln'nry 132 115 141 I'revv 107 128 107
Kitehln. ... Ill ...
I'dlals 025 Col 072 Hdcp... 18 30 18
Totals 073 070 087
I nomas. 122 137 135 Aeker... 120 132 160
ulisley. 164 152 145 Hl'.lts ISO 130 130
n . i-i tTr rinttftps
I oTgood cigar BbHm ' m
I '1 tH' COnPes m-
I I ;;:'j the day's "l
Henrietta H'-1
HI Eiaenlohr' 8 Masterpiece WfWs&Kl 'I
I . SiSP m
I 13 cents Two for 25 cents W&$3m im
J Perfccto size 10 cents.straight -H - fl
. I ESTABLISHED 1650 Vwllw H
KEEP ON BUY1NO W,.3. fl. JttMLnJ -fl
p-VJJW'.i-JVT-V-- WIIlllltlllllll-WltVllllllltltl jj rfMBTlll'l H
WPm K IP Iw m 0nly0ne B I
1514-16 Market Street
NEWS 1514-16 Market St.
After-Sales Satisfaction Guaranteed
$1.00 Value
About 150 dozen, represent
ing the entire sample line of
a New York manufacturer.
Every color combinations
and plain, in pure silks.
t flp
I 3
120 20M30 Pclmefer XS3 144 lis
100 ... 1ta Hayro.. 1711 14i 168
184 108 1011 Itaudall. 160 161 108
15 15 16
Totals 689 786 721
722 730 80S
Ilrovvnleo 148 121 14.1
Hcbel . 101 220 174
Murray. 177 112 172
KIIP'CK 137 120 105
Foulke. 170 167 1117
Wood.. 141 1D1 14f
143 107 141
J l ... ...
120 150 141
152 144 183
... 10J 121
31 45 ...
801 800 855 Hdcp ...
727 720 780
rim, NAT.
Ketlly.. 177 181 10 Ommerle
Flt7p'cl 127 Wilson
Heck 151 146 103 Watters.
ilrac-... 18il 100 140 Cooper.
Ouest... 107 173 145 Hdcu...
Weltc 100 158
Totals 841 634 814
841 871 700
Levis. ..
150 172 150 Knlpo... 171 ... , .
187 130 160 Thatcher 107 130 1st
121 138 148 Hrure 140 140 181
10.1 1011 174 t'ostlgan 151 15(1 1111
188 103 157 Thoenehe 167 113 lsii
.Muiicn. lllil 147
Totals 767 802 704 Hdcp . 6 0 ft
Totals 707 085 808
177 148 123
158 144 lift
173 173 1011
1HJ 185 162
44 62 b-i
The new Stutz is the same exponent of
power, beauty and comfort that lios made
it for years "the most talked of car in
667-0 N. BROAD ST.
I Store g? ' '
Open Evenings Wl fl
--- sfl
4l 1 n
Zl 2 m fl
Tfeiff N i
7 J
Jc&zx&ri m kb i -- ail hbbbi
IK Iv S m
flli 1 ' H m
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Wv fcU
11 1. f KRn
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