Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 11, 1919, Night Extra Financial, Page 18, Image 18

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    -fytr"J '--?!?,' Vil ' JFSSJfJV f-jj
Sft rW!S3g ' 'vlfe4W'L' '"''T'B
"Miracle Man" Still Popular at
I Palace At Other
STANI.KV "Mini Itrnrtf.." with H-EMif I
O'ltrlrn Stnr tij Kipm, Walter?. PI
rtctt-il liy i:nlpi trw lc"t 'lm
The wrtltling of Drivmbrr tittil Mn
1 not always linitpy. nt wltm-M this
nernnil starrinc vrlilflo for IIiiRfnr I
O'llrirn. lloliort IMo.-nu 1ms the part
of (he elder mini vim is Miiitten by tin-
rharmt of n omiR woinnn whom he
marries ns u lmsltic-t nrrniiRPinniit in
order flint her fntlier maj not he ruined
finniieinll. Ilnvlus prenehed to his I
foster sou tlint women ore not to he
Typical Shows at Casino, People's,
Bijou and Trocadero
Prrttv now scenes. nlent of artinti
dniiRhter of Hie friend j an( mlno of the Uml that tnrts the
feet n mount: feature .loe uurtiK s
Twentieth Centur.v Mnids" at tlie
C'u.muo I'd I.ee W rotlie, oue of tin
put before business, tlie elder man pro
eeeds to suitw from bis own theory. .
When the rii I is broiiRht to her now .
house the Mtimtinn resolves itself into I
the old raw about youth and joutli and
age not wanted when it is old.
Eugene O'lSrien supplied the matinee j
Klrls with the evpeeieu neaii inrui.
They will not have any disappointments
about his pmd looks. At the paaire
In the pla-t wlu-re lie appears lu the fae
tory, it is not too niueh to say that he
does l.ot look very boeomiui?. although
he uVfS get n elianre to art. Mr. I'desnn
gives a good rhnrneterixatlon as the
elder man. and I.ueile I.ee Stewart is
the saenfic in;
nf lin ftltniH
The stnr is somewhat nrenehy with
Its numerous titles. The lighting is all
right nnd the direetiou eapable.
"Jannn." the new IVixmn nntuvnl
color movie trael pieture. depiets the
beauties of that rouutrj. "Ave Mai in"'
nnd "rnut" were the musical selec
tions. AK..tIA "Itilm retttrtmN." with W. S
Hftr. Ftor lv ' di-tnfr Sullivan. HI
r.ot-il i" I. I'titwri lliUjrr raramount
AVl.nt with William S. Hart trjing
to b- a comedian and succeeding it maj
not be such a long while before Chnrles
Chaplin comes forth in his promised
Shakespearean repertoite. A lot of
genuine fun marks this piny, which
provides a new character role for the
cowbot actor.
At the opening of the play the regu
lation western -saloon dunce is in prog
ress und a letter informs the chief
dancer that he has inherited a modiste
shop in New Orleans. When the hero
goes to see his place of business he is
elevator shy and poses as u detective
because he does not want am oue to
know flint he is a "John Petticoats"
or a he drc'maker. as thej are known
out in his country. A girl in the home
where he l".ircN supplies the hue in
terest and there is u bit of drama in
the villain's forsaking the girl in the
department store.
Mr Hart looks well in evening clothes
and he acts with a new feeling that
stems to have been missing in his for
mer attempts to be all dressed up. It
Is also unusual for C. Gardner Sulli
van to turn out this type of storv. al
though his effort is a good one. Wini
fred Westover nnd Ethel Shannon have
the important feminine roles, while
Walt Whitman and (icorge Webb por
tray the other characters
Continuing Attractions
F()ltHi:K'l'".ntH'l V'are." Victor
Herbert's new and tuneful musical
tinned! . sumptuously staged nnd
capitally cast. Moves at 11 rapid
gate of mil th and melody, both
fresh nnd clean. Allele How Intnl.
.lohn 11. Young and .liitk Pono
hue are featured.
Ult(tM) ".lohn l-'erguson. ' St.
lohn Ervlne's powerful drama.
The scene is laid in lieland. The
titular clinraeter is a sort of mtil
ern .lob, greatly afflicted, whose
faith lu iliWnc justice is sure and
serene. The acting Is mining nnd
M)i:i.l'lll- "A Little Journey.
cotncd of deft haracteriation, by
ltnchel Crolhers. tells the story
of a Pullman romance. Philip
Wood nnd Mnrjorle Davis head
an excellent cast.
M ff "The ruknown Purple."
a sensational melodrama of science
and mystery, (icorge Probert and
Jean Stunrt head the cast. A
scientist's Invention of a purple
ray that makes a man Imlsible is
tlie plot basis.
CIIIWl f V "Some Time." musi
cal comed. ISnok by Itida Jolin
son S oiiiig. music by Kndolf
Krinil Prank Tinnej heads a
laige cast of ilevtr songsters and
dintnatlc novelty with enough thrills
scattered through it to make the most
blase vaudeville natron sit on the edge
LTATIIDCO AT lCITU'Q l"f I'N m-oI. I'rotl Adarth has n funny
rtnlUrVLOnl ll I H 0sklt nnd Sammy Duncan proves that
he has lost uone of his ability as a
comedlnu. Among other gootl nets may
Mm iv." tVortlnw nnrl r.nnrl Cknui!'1 mentioned Joliuuy Clark in a pan-
Mum Display and uooti oiiowlolnlmc .,.,, ,,, ;)It.tm.P(( romi 0t
Combine to Celebrate
Gala Occasion
a varied and pleasing program.
I Stweiitccti !enrs nro. It 1
I onened Keith's Chestnut Street Theatre
lone of tlii' most pretentious uiudcUllc
houses in the country. In honor of
the o!cnt this is "nntihersary week"
I ut the theatre.
"Mums" of vnrletl colors erect pa
trons as they enter the theatre. And a
good show helps to entertain them until
th- last tniii's of th" eit march.
Kor n big laughing feature the man
agement could hardly lune selected a
better combination for its week of cele
I It H 0 A 1) W A Y There are many
I splashes of good comedy in the tabloid
joffeicd by Hobby Heath and His llath-
Keith I ing ISeauties. It is called "Pclioes of
the Ileach" nnd laughter reverberates
throughout. Others who met with high
np'iroval were Klass and Termini,
comedy musicians; Frank (lardner and
company in n lnugnable sketch, and
June Chesney nnd company. "A Tem
iiernineutnl Wife." with Constance
Talmadgo lift tlie star role, is the photo
play attraction.
CKOSS KEYS "The Spider." n inns
icnl comedy tabloid, is the headliner. It
brntion than Roger Imhoff. Hugh Conn i q nDove the average, of such offerings
iaVloM'n l&riimV '"- "?'"?" 7 both stag-'
,i, f. ,.,.,!., :., .,,.!, -,iin ft l.n a tii.cn nir anil storv. Jack Iylc anil uollj
seen here before, but it' improves by i Austin have n pleasing act and Harry
rcnetition 'tircen. liie ctimcmito, m-uh--. j.,i, .m
Maliel JlrCane. well Known lie?
offers ii simu t revue in winch she Is as-
isted bv Tom Itrinn. Lillian Hroderick
nnd William 11. Taylor. The KirkMnitli
Si-tees, always we'eome Keith Nitors,
i brought back with them from "oyer
I there" a batch of clc!cr interpretations
that delighted.
Walter Ilrewer, the "jolly jester,"
has a batch of new ones that are screams.
A pleasing no!elty is contributed by
I'lida Morris, fnvoralih known ns it
character iutis(, Catthv songs and
good stories abound in the act piesented
I by Prank Sabine and Harry (iodwin.
The ever-welcome animal act is pres-
' ent in l.enn tlnuticr's "Ilricklnvers,"
I whit h includes a group of really re
ntal knble dogs. Then there are William
must popular comedians in burlesque. , ScwM nnd Elba Most, in a clever
heads the big company. mw. nuncne. , ,,,.! corned!, and Claire and At
Donna Ilaig and Owen Martin are some 00, acrobats of prominence.
of the stats in the ensr.
PEOPLE'S "Watch the - Slide"
llariv Welsh is the scintillating stai
in the "Follies of the Day." Itespou
sibtlitv for keeping the fun going nt a
llveh'rate rests with WeWi in Harney
Cerard's show, lie is helped in keeping
the other players "on their toes" by
Exelyn Cunningham and George 1 .
Hayes, in "Polly's Going Vp."
KMOr A new ie!iie and burlesque.
"Two Wise Fools." keeps audiences
laughing, (ieoige Hart and Anna Cap
Ian lead the eompauv of wide-awake
comedian". Howard Hasting's "New
Kewpie Dolls" are in "Hazzlc Dazzle."
with Tom Howard as coinmnuder-in-chief
of the funmakers Theie will be
amateurs to add to the gayety on Fri
day. 1 ROCADKKO The'jovial Pat White
and his "All New Gaiety Girls" opened
with a bigger nnd liwlicr show than
e!cr "Cae Nightmare" is the name
of tlie vehicle around which is woven
a wealth of full, inii-ic and dancing In
n bic cliorii" White is assisted In
Mnrtv Pudig. Elvn Grieves, Harry i E,
Kpltnn nntl Rpksip Hnkpr. I1-1
fJLOIlK -Drama usurps tlie jdace of
comedy for a change anil proyes a wel
come !isitor. "S'ibmaritie F-7" is the
Ihnti sincers: Mounn Grey nnd sis
te'r and June Edwatds are aiming the
other successful nets. Pictures hino
their customary place on the program.
WILLIAM PENN "ltubeville." one
of the liveliest attractions in utudeville,
:s the henilliuer. The scene is laid in
n country grocery, where men of nil
talents assemble and have a gooif time.
The act met with approval. Good re
sults were also obtained by Emily Dar
rell, Mav and Ed Ernie and several
other tim'elv acts. The atttactive photo
play feature is "Lombardl. Ltd."
NIXON The show is full of pleasing
surprises nnd up-to-the-minute coined,!.
"Oh Mike." u musical tabloid in which
many pretty girls and li!rly comedians
nbotind, is the featuie attraction
Others who appeared to athaiitnge were
Duval ami SvmomK Mu'tlc Fisk and
George Llo!tl ami William Sisto, "the
Italian statesman." A gootl story is mi
folded in "The Voliann." the photoplay
attraction. Leah Bfllrd nppcnrs in the
leading role.
NIXON, OIIAND Paul Decker nnd
company head nu excellent bill. Decker
In nr,tinti.tirr In "TliA Ifltliv Itnr. n
comedy sketch which brouglit gales of
laughter. He has strong support nnu
makes the most of many opportunities.
The children had a number all their
own on the program. "Dogvllle. one
of the cleverest of animal nets. Hamp
ton nnd Hlnke. singers! William Jerry,
the "frog mail." nnd 'JMcmorios, a
picturesque sketch, were much ap
plauded. Comedy at Orpheum
David Helasco's comedy, "Seven
Chances," was presented successfully
by the Mae Desmond Plnyers nt the
Orpheum. The scene is "ladles' day"
nt a country clubhouse, nnd Jimmy
Shnnnon must have u wife In a short
time or lose a fortune. Ho proposes
to the single Indies present, seven In
nil ; is rejected, and. in dlrc'(8trnits. tells
his woes to Anna Windsor, a decorntor,
who ehnnges her viewpoint conrcrning
liliit nnd helps him to snve the legacy.
Miss Desmond lcvealcd comedy talent as
Anna, and Mr. Fielder was romantic as
Jimmy. Scyeial new fnces, besides tho
old favorites, were seen in the lengthy
New Travesty at Dumont'a
Humor and roynlty, unless it .is of
the variety that constantly occupies the
minds, of stago authors nnd pertains
to currency, aro not synonymous. Hut
It has taken Dumont's Mlulstrels to
make them so. The lending skit Is en
titled "A Reception to tho King, Queen
nnd Crown Prince," nnd It furnishes
plenty of fun.
Richard Leo put over "Futuristic Re
cruits" In n fashion that seemed to
please. Charlie Hoyden and Eddie Cas-
sady, as well as Emmet J. Welch, hav4
new material that Is of a high caliber
Franklin ond Ward and others la
sketches, and llnrry Patterson In lnH
personations, complete the bill.
... ' 3
to Wear
To Order g
1206 WALNUT ST. 1
Serges & Tricotines, $10.50, $g $45
tVere S3S.80 SS5 M5 nOW. . fj
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Drews, sgUjar now. . . D Ji ,JI
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CoatS 1!rf Sfi5 ud to si-s
now. . .
Cloth Skirts now $12.50
Beautiful selection of Blouses
HI, $99 1
rctett bv
"The sp(e llrltlp' " nh oiivk i
t'hrlea Glbln Selert plat
-j 'Following her success in "I'pstnirs
and Down " Olive Thomas is appearing
i In her second movie under her new pro-
( moter's banner This one shows her as
a girl who is married to a man jilted
by the girl he really wanted N'ot un
like many marriages in everydav life,
this one was the result of a quick tern- I
per ns well as spite. Tlie hastily mar
ried bride happens to be helping her
vaudeville partner to secure some
needed money, and when the proposal
Is made to her that she accept tlie money
she departs, only wishing to lie left i
alone True love triumphs in the end
yvheu the boy realizes that he needs tlie '
girl -bride
Olive Tin. mas has a pleasing person ,
ality, but she is apparently lost in this
picture Just whose fault it is is hard .
trt rlnfnrniine lint if looks' n thnilffh Dl. I
rector Gih'vn could have brought Miss
Thomas a little more in the foreground j
Robert Ellis has the role of tlie husband, ,
and Claire tin Barry is the vaudeville
partner Others in the cast are Jack ,
ilulhall and Irene Itich. ,
REGENT -"IApnrhe." vltti T"r..th TU1
ton Storv bv Adlo -tuMrctun -ui.l -1l
rected b Joseph Dft Grass,. Paramount l
Play ,
Dorothy Dalton is to return to the
spoken drama in "Aphrodite," an-
nounced In New York, but the movie i
fans will continue to see her, as she j
has a number of pictures made and
ready for release. The oue on !iew
has to do with a Parisian dancer, who
is the wife uf the lender of a criminal
gang. The wife runs away , but an
American girl is mistaken for her bv
the husband The girl is somewhat in
disgrace because of her conduct witli a
millionaire, and when she meets the
wife of the Apache, whose it-semblance
to herself is so striking, they rhangi '
places. There is a murder nnd the
wife is suspected, but in tlie end she is
cleared of the charge i
Miss Dalton has plaved these dual
roles before, and has a gootl undi i -standing
of their requirements Macy
Harlan is the Apache husband, nnd his
ebnractorizntion is a fine piece of work.
"Robert Elliot is another who knows
just what to do with u role Othets ,
in the cast arc Austin Webb, Alice
Gale and Louis Darelny. !
TIONS "The Miracle Man" will re
main all this week ut the Palace)
Theatre, where it is meeting with the
same welcome that wns accorded its '
initial showing. Thomas Meighan and
other stars appear in the George Loane
Tucker play, based upon the story of I
five crooks nnu a patnarcu, strong lu
faith. . .
Iltirglitr by I'roxv Is the iniet play
nt the Capitol, with Juris Pit kfnrd as
star. David Powell appears at the
Vlhnmbra. in "The Teetli ot tlie Tiger.
hilu at the Market Street the same
lilsy Is on view At tue 1.01 ust nuu
Strand. Ilrvant Washburn is the star.
In 'Why Smith Left Home," and the
Imperial has Pauline Frederick, iu
"Bonds of Honor." The Helmont is
featuring Bessie Love, in "The Fighting
Colleen." and the NewMnnheim opened
last evening, with varied film at
Actor-Lecturer Discusses and Quotes
Shakespearean Plays
Sir Johnston Forbes-Robertson con
rinded his series of three lecture read
ings in the Academy of Music before u
large audience last night with pas
Sgcri from "Othello," "Kiug Lear"
jr. Mil 'V'--'. , , ... .,.,. ,,...
He spent mini "i m ". ,.,.....,
iinou "Mucbeth." nnd his aualogv. in
hk"nrctaclng remarks to the readings,
WiwVejT the character of Macbeth
mo that of Hamlet, wns illuminating.
tfO rrMtllucs. as has bceu the case
rfurta all f I'M Wies, were more fas-
gi ruuii 'v1. oil"." i"..-.
tJtoVjAc-Awi lastuigut tue amazing
.TCTWaa.to natieiu flW own per-
"-7. - 1-1.. I f .!..
IH iiin H.uaiair,i in iin,.-
ot uuman creature, ivp
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