tl" m START WORLD AIR RACt JULY 4 NEXT President of A9ro Club .An nounces Purposes of Globe Circling Derby PRIZES TOTAL $1,000,003 New Yerli, Nov. 7. Ainu It. tlnw ley, proMldont nf the ero Club of Amorlon, ntinoiiiKoil 1nt night tlntt llio nrrial nrmind-tlic-unrld "dcrliv" would be flown bctwpi'ii Jul.v 1. tiVJO. mnl Jon. 1. 11121. l'rizps tntnlln $1.0110. 00(1 nrc bring nrraiiRpd for tlip contest) which is under the direction of the Aero Club and the Amiiil l.rugur of Aiucricu In Mr. llawlej't nunouncenieiit the purposes of the "derby" win set forth In part as follows : "1. To op-n the world's airways and introduce the use nf land and water airplanes and dlii(!lb!"s for air travel, transportation and touring throughout the world. "1!, To streiiKtben the cordial rela tions and hearty co-operation for the development of International aeronau tic which exist between the national nero clubs of the countiies aiKHated with the International Aeronautic LVil eration "S, To encourase the study of, tile world's possible airways iu relation to, the world ti attic and commerce. "1. Stait a movenvift to establUh alrpotts with suitable landing facil ities nnd supplies for land and .vnter an planes ami dirigibles tluoiiKliuut the world. , "o. To foster the c-tablMimeut of permanent nerinl transportation and mail lines throughout the wor d. "G. To make Known that the planes which have Mown across the Atlantic are to be followed by planes capable of cumins iiO or more passengers, and that the HritMi dirigible Itl".4 is to be followed bj dirigibles many tunes larger. , '". To foster the design ai. I con ktiuction of efficient aires nti with a view to n greater range of tlight and greater safetv of air travel. "8. To test the icliabititj and econ omy and bring about improvement of existing aircraft motors. "!. To bring about increased effi ciency In the design of airplanes c-pe-ciallv fitted for the tianspoitatiou of passengers, mall and merchandise. "10. To foster the practice of tlyiug bv chart and compass and navigating the air entirely by the use of instru ments." POLICE THREATEN STRIKE Norrlstown Cops Dissatisfied Over Chief's Getting Raise In Pay Norrlstown, Pa., Nov. ".The mem bers of the police force here tin eaten to go on strike unless they nrc given a bumcient increase in salary. The dissatisfaction was ci.iiscd among the police officers wlun thej learned that Chief of Police Komanus e'cllmnn was to get nn increase in salary equivalent to $1000 a j ear. When war was declared I'liief I ell man quit the police fone, as he was A captain in the National Cuards. Later he was promoted to major. At the time Fellman severed his connection with the police force lie was reieiviug a bala.ry of .$1400 a jear. Recently the watch and lamp committee, of which rimer Heidcmnn is chairman, agreed to give Major Fellman $2-100 a year if he would again take churge of the police department. Town council has ratified the action of the watch and lnmp committee, which holds good until January 1, WHO, when the new town couucilmen take their seatR. The police officers are being paid at the rntc of ?10H'i:i a month, or about $1300 a year. They say thut when they appealed for n raise in salary the amount granted them wns$S a month, while the chief gets a raise of S80 u month STREET CAR DYNAMITED i Explosives Used In Knoxvllle When Nonunion Crews Operate Trolleys Knowlllo, Tenn., Nov. 7. (By A. P.) Major General 13. AI. Lewis, com manding federal troops in Knoville, is investigating three attempts to dynamite street cars manned by non-union crews and the firing into a car during the last twenty-four hours. Two of the attempts to blow up ears failed because dynamite placed on the tracks was not primed with percussion caps. The third attempt was more suc cessful, a dynamite explosion shatter ing glass in a passing car and demolish ing the tracks. No one was injured. Yesterday marked the first attempt of the street railway company to resume nijht bchedules since the strike of its conductors and motormen several weeks ago, although daylight service was re sumed a few days after the strike was called. More than a thousand federal and state troop1 sent here primarily be cause of the strike are held in readiness for duty either here or in the coal fields, but so far (jnve not been called upon to quell outbreaks. OH, LA, LAI PARIS SHOCKED Crusade Begins Against "Shimmy Shake and Other Contortions" Faris, Nov. 7. The expected cru sade against "the shimmy and other disgusting exhibitions of American Im morality has begun in earnest, Pro ' fessor Sandrlni, prosldent of the Danc ing Masters' Association, declared what he called the "revolting American con tortions" officially barred from his own dance hall and other leading establish ments. Said the famous dancing master: "Paris is resolved not to suffer any " longer American immorality In the form of the shimmy-shake and other revolt- Ing importations from' Amorica. "Tbey poison the poetry of the really fins dances, such as the Venetian waltz, the Maxixe and other fascinating creations. 'Everybody with refined feelings will be with us in our crusade for clean dancing." ' RAILS NEED SIX BILLIONS Editor Pleads for Niiw Capital for Rolling 8tock , Chicago. Nov. 7. (Hy A. P.) At leaBt S,000,000,000 of new capital must bo invested In railroad facilities vritli.n the next three years if the roads ore 'to become able satisfactorily to handle the country's commerce, Samuel O, Dunn, editor of the Railway Ase, estimated in an ntldrcKH today. Any legislation Involving the rail vnys nhould be dffilnnrtl with that con sidered, he said, addlus that the roads K during the next three yearn should buy . F.4RU least OW.1AJU ireiKUl euro, wv.uuu Afloc6nioHve8anrJ'10,000 passenner cms, GIRL OF 14 YEARS ADMITS MANY THEFTS . - - With Two Boy Pals Robbed Fraternity Houses and Stolo Automobiles Illi.irii, N. , Nov. 7. Confessing n foil- fratemitv house robberies nt Cornell ITntverslty. and to having tolcn at .least six automobiles in op erations ranging from Kuffalo to New York cltv, T.eon Simpson, nineteen ours old : John Harding, fifteen, nnd Daisy Vnrburton, fourteen, had n'prc 'bi'iunry hearing in the City Court jes terdny. Thci were arrested when they re turned to Ithaca from Dlmira In a sto'en automobile to make a raid on tin-tlii-i Cornell fraternity house. They admitted robbing the Delta I'psiloii Fraternity house October 11 iind then going to lOlmirn, where they stole a car and drove to Buffalo. Com ing bnck to Ithaca by train, they robbed hc Delta Chi Fraternity again and then left for a plenum? trip to Buffalo, Niagara Falls and Canadian cities. When their money was nearly gone thnj returned nnd on October 28 rifled the Delta Chi Fraternity house. Then they enjojed a trip to New York, do ing the theatres nnd shops nnd living nt expensive hotels, lk'turuing to Kl mirn, October 21, tliey stole another car nnd motored to BulTnlo, and after an other bit of high life returned to Ithaca and robbed the Kappa Phi house on the night of November 1. The money, watches and other valuables stolen ag gregate .f.iHMi. watches, fraternity nins and u revolver were found iu the tioHscssion of the trio. POLICE WERE NOT NEEDED Expected Election hlots at Cumber land. Md., Did Not Materialize It cluimnil, Vn., Nov. 7. - (By A. I ) Po'icemen sent from, this city to Cumberland to help quell a threatened outbreak between political factions re turned late last night with the report that no disorder had occurred. Uequeit for the officers, it was said, was made by County Judge Hundlej, who feared an outbreak on completion of the count of votes from Tuesday's election for county clerk. Fewer thau twenty votes separated the two candi lies and on receipt of reports that members of the rival factions were arm ing themselves, the .judge placed the "ountv cou'Hio'isc under guard and telephoned Ilichmoud for assistance in maintaining order. Bitter factional fi-i'ng, it was said, marked the cam paign. WEARS COAL NECKLACE Fashionable Paris Hostess Displays Strlnfj of "Black Diamonds" Paris, Nov. 7. A necklace of "black diamonds" meaning miniature coals was displayed b a fashionable Pnrlslun hostess at a "freak dinner" Wednes day night. It was the hit of the even ing. The wearer explained to her guests thut nny one can buy diamonds nnd pearls, but (oal can't bo had for love or money. AUTUMN RESORTS ATI-WTH' I'lTY. N. .1. rirf7J& i ATLANTIC CITY.N.J. AivAmenicaa Plaa Hotel of Distmdimwi5RealComtort ! riREPROOf OARAOI, I i capacity coo. Il&ffcrSJluzAtA B,.aaiaiBiaiiaaiianaMlaU Orv the Ocean. Ftonll Eleven sfcrriaarfGjmfcrtl SpeaaTFaTlTernvs WiHi3 AXeatch.Xyr HOTEL JACKSON Ylrclnla Ae.t first houne from Hoardwalk ana oieei i'ier. rirrproor, private biths.i runnlnft water In rooms, European (1.00 day up, American $3 dav ui, elovntor to Mreet. ' No cabaret a J. UROQAN. HOTEL AUSTINE I Pacific nnr fct. Jamea Place. Open but roundlriBBi opposite Catholic and Protestant churches. $3.00 dally, special weekly. . J. K. JUIVIieW, THE WILTSHIRE Virginia av and lieach. Capacity S30, Prlv. baths, running water, elev., etc. Amer, Plan, $4 up U ly, special wkl. nklet. BAM URT KLKIS. nwner: N J. COLLINS, msr. HOTEL CONTINENTAL Always open. Aln ays ready. Terms mod urate Phono or write. M. Wnleh Duncan. WELLSBORO Kntucky Ave. nr. Bch, $5 up Uly. American plan $10 up wkly. HOTEL BOSCOBEL1"; .Av"S,peu"1 ujt weekly: phone 117 A. K. MARION. I.A1CEWOOD. N. J. UURELINTHE PINES LAKEWOOD, N. J. w III oxtmti NOV. 15th, 1919 FRANK F. 8IIIJTE. MClt. wif.mvoon. s. J. WILDWOOD nV-THB-SKA Delightful Tall climate Invigorating nt Kir. ReAdlnjr trains leave Chestnut Street whsrf weekday.. B'.IO A. M. 4:20 and 6 P. M. Sunday.. 7:30 A. M. (l,23 excur sion), B:50 A. M. and S V. St. rOOONO MOUNTAINS Mt. Pa. TTn Onrwnorl Modern: elegant location, fall ft winter rates. Bklt. E.L.AE.V.Artinan. RniWENKVIM.n. PA. PrltJnmen Inn I,sa, mrf resort ; renuomen inn hllh Iocs . , bllth toat'ir. bath's, fish's;. Tennis, O. M. Carl WASIIINOTON. P. O. Burlington Hotel American and European Plans 431 Rooms, 222 Baths, $2.60 to $5 n. T. MILLER. Mirr., Washlnrton. D. C. Flv. mlnutss from .vrythlns. ; VlltniNIA OLD POINT COMFORT HOTEL CHAMBERLIN PINC AUTUMN SOUP wfmra!n. Pool. Sssfaod Uuiiint. isrtrr curoi Bsth and Trestnunt. v jr CIO. f. lltMt, Mssuir 'tttrsil MnrM. Is. .a Ask Mr, Foster, tilth and.Cfaestnut "Cook'a Tours' XU H. rtrood St. MTISIO Ragtime Piano Playing Taught in' 20 Lessons Uooklrt upon Request ChrUttmen School Popular Music H20 Chtstnot SbFbllacXpUa 23 :iPPl HKDisdI iiiHiiH w EVENING TUBLIO MYSTERY, IN ATTACK Assailant of New York Woman Mas querades as Man New York, Nov. 7. Airs. Louise aSS.nllllllf. nrni,ffllnif In M,.u tJl.nni.....,) I --...l ....... I. . l.F ...If. .'III. ll.l.fll , was apparently a woman disguised In' innns clothing. Mrs. Shongood was In her room alone. Some one entered nnd In nn Instant had attacked Airs. Shongood and beaten her about (he head and body and then fled. Detectives arrested Airs. AInrgarct Alorrissey, thtrtj years old, a maid em plojed in the household. PARCEL POST Somerset Sweater Shop Cor. Somerset & Kensington Av. Bar Direct from the I-tory All Worsted Shaker Knit Sweat ei's The Followlnr , H,,3,le" v -necK luii ovei1 Sweat ers. V-neck Coat Sweaters. Shawl Collar r . c v-oni owcai- ers. Our Price COLORS I HoAtlier Mlxtnre, N'ofy, (Iretn, Brown and Mnroon $7.98 Eerular Iletall Store Price, ll'.OO Vl'o are rrcozulrtil as lieaiilqunrters for Setrs of oiery description for the ivnole. family. Don't hsstUte, refonded If net Your msaer chMrfullj ritlrIy satl.factery. mm mmn mp Established 1900 WU V WE' SAVE YOUMONEyM Send for Our Big Bargain Catalog xife Mexican Diamonds tlicy aiiow a blue white lire like a r'al diamond, our new tooth mounting for gents n th bfst val un ever offered- Tiffany style for lariiea Rlns are a-okl-ftlled, ffuaran tefd 1 icarn.ift with ' -pnrat Jlexlcan Diamond. Sale price only $1.00. Order by mall or call at 430 Market tttreet 2 ;0 additional for 14 Ut solid gold mounting for ladles or $! for sen tlemen, MEXICAN DIAMOND CO. O-en Kien'lmrs. 430 Alarket St., Phlla. 3" $0.00 Men's I Overcoats I Walter' Pawn Shop i 904 VINE STREET i .. BONDED TO TIIK CITY Full-Dress Tuxedo Suits Frock coats nnd high hats and black suits to hire for all oc casions. S. F.. Cor. lath Jl -tlatn-brldct-. Ph. Filbert 4:08 ' f "la tlda Meann Llfel" JaS3ijtirirf7ar(l IIMWIW.l IHIIIMM all II I I mmtm?Ma With this 1nexpensl vibrator ou can Improve your complexion, give rest to Urd nerves, rellee muscle noreneBs, BtlfTnesa, neuralgia and headaches, Eery home needs Ia Vlda. TIght. com pact, simply and easy to me. No parts to oil. nothing to get out of ordr. Built for a lifetime of sen Ice. Parcel Tost 15c. Frick-McCIay Electric Co. 10 SO. 13TII HT. una. S KTerythlng Electrical for the Home DIAMONDS BOUGHT Urine us jour diamonds U you want to realize the highest posalbla price for them. No matter what others toll you they are worth, get our price before you sell. We pay $8.00 td $1.00,00 for each diamond more than other pay, See us and be convinced We buy any size, fchapo r color I'nwn tickets frr diamond boueht KELI-V & CO., iCAXI, 032 CHESTNUT ST. Thona Walnut 7344 nlt 21-22. Prlrwte offlee liti floor, over Child' Best. DIAMONDS BOUGHT OUR MANT YEAIta Of KXPEntENrn ft OUK HONKBT A REMABLE M!3JtOD8 IS TOUR QUAKANTEE."apfe,iion(la needed at once to All gs&SRhtrZli sizes, H to to carats: will pasTrom $10 to 12500 each (cash). We must have them and by spII Inn our diamonds to us YOU wu,b AT LEAST SAVE 10 to 40 PER CENT. Don't sacrifice your diamonds, aa the present con ditions make us pay hlrher prices. Estates bought. Est. 10 years (Private) phono Wal. 71 4H, Also old told, -silver, platinum bouiht. The Diamond Shop ?'& Barney, Fall Opening SPECIAL RAltOAINS In Men's and Dots' Up-to-Dste Clothlnc at th. old price. Call and Look Us Over. Barney L. PolfaSft Men's Hats Cleaned" llloclied and pot lo 7ftr latest Stjle I Hilten' Hats (Manned and Ulocked neasonable. No Parrel Post CHAS. CARPEN l!Jt nibert St.. Pblls. . CLOTHING Washed Mhlle In 10 Minutes WITHOUT RUBBING N.rr Tablet ("- Wi-f Ubrtr, Jiii.Fonn. miTTON a ooodwin CM Ho. ?(Hh St.. Phlla.. Pa. AsWts . wantej. Buy Pirect from Manufacturer Rcadr-to-Mmr Misses' Ladles' COATS AND SUITS " Also Bults tt Coat. Mads to Order AT A IIIO BAVlNfl A. MARKMAN ? vinut st. Elevator Bervto S000 STRONG MEN WANTED i me ciriToi. depabtmenx stoke 417 MAHKKT HT. To Wear Onr 8TKONO WORK RnOES pggiW.85 5 $7.00 Value MAIL OBnKltH aTH,T,En PAINT Heavy Inilde and Outilde Oua ran teed to cover raint. $20 Gal. Sf.'JJ: Qt0" wwu ai Wflnlnrs Buy 'from- the Manufacturer 8TZWAr. m ffQBTH UXK ST, V ftliongoo,. tl. rty-five jears old, wife ;-:7 JJ, l",,, n r ",7 r,Tl ' chapVl of Andrew J I.alr Hon. Arch and of Charles Shongood. Cnlted States ft .,':' Tl,tif. "? n Hot"?, tii 7.1 For 1 1"'' ' .!" "''J:., auctioneer for the southern district of ssie by druggists supplied by smith. Kline ,. .-"VAiTS". .1.1 H ' "S'Ii,,'i.10m;j! New Yoik was attacked and sncrcl, I rrcncl, i- iiooij. Sito-o.. 'JrlSX'l&U'oSVfurrv VouS I 'no' AtV bentcri win In Ih.,1 nt lini. lmmn 'l'l, 119 N. Third St.. lumilell. ,. .1. K of 0 nui.ion No. B. A O . I Phi.. 10 ("oirrniNl rtYi2ji&i M I Miller's T 3V -HBl I !! !! 1 LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, PARCEL TOST HF.11K is rnuop Koop Mthtnln, Hnefr '," LVv.nfrnm', r. ,C- nrSS.2.,n.V The bei.t Hair Tonic on the n,'l1',,!JS,"lv'n ,rom ,3J U I'0UI,n "l Up market. I'reent dindruff nnd I ,,,,, ," v.,... . .,., , . ,. ,.. I .la hair from falllnir nut. II .."V?'.1 -N'.".. 4 1S.A1 I.I.IA V. widow of mle lh hnlr nrow Ah.nlule. I EDUCATIONAL llolli Heiea BUSINESS COLLEGE Our graduates are In constant demand for lood-paylnit positions. llrem Shorthand, the easy, sreedy p)stem, Complete business and secretarial louraes. Day and Nliht i:iassea. Intnoslie training Hnrnlt anytime Coll or write for full'1r'..1Pl',0ltue- I'lIII.A. lll'SIM'.SS Cfll.I.I'.OB and Collere of Commerce "117 I Itestnnt t.. I'hllndetohU I r,lM i i . 71 Philadelphia TurnKCmeinde Ifchool ooened Seoteml-, ?ll, n.".... I Sulinmlnn, Drawing nnd Nopdleworlc to chll- dren 7 to IS enrs for J7 per jar. Knroll now Tooklt Jlroac) und Columbia Ae, K.MILIK KniDKR NOHRI1 SCHOOL OF ' r.Xl'BESHION AND NTAIli: AltV iTtl uh..inV,. T,1' .O,orj ''"? ''" t714 Chestnut Street Hpruee 34M ,..wi n i.. - ...... - ...-" "? WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY CIIAMUBRS INSTITUTE Fall form tng Men and Women pplv a04ft Arch. i Private Lessons .H'i?""'''., 'jnuues. i ....... ... ...,.-. i, i, ,i .-., in.inrv mish wiliiman an Hnce wt locust 4no DeVO(l Manor ,n ln.'!ln "nt.. Co1- "" .7 , ... Vocstlotnl Work, Don. Arts, becretarls." Social .Scl . Art. Music, Edith Samsoj. Prln.. Uoi ltd. Daren. Po. Beatijs .XtK Nov. 5, at 1008 Ml trmm vt . JOHN A ANCK aRrd 74 ItelatUc ami frlunda lnvlud lo atrvlta. Mon l a in at tlie Oliver II. Hair UuUillnv. 1VJU .hot nut st Inr private ANDREWS. .Nov 3, MARIA, DeHAVKN to, services, Hat 1 p. rn . at resldenco of brotherin-Iav. John DoHavcn. 400 WnuiliHwn irSo-.Cm"yBKi1odi,i.N,J ,nt "rlw"'- UAILEY. ANNA W.. widow of Edward nal!e. Relntlics and friends Invited to fu neral services, 3pm, Second-day, Eleventh Xionth I0th. corner King and llaJley sts , Pottetoiin. Pa Int. private. IlOWER At Torresdale, I'd Nov. tl, OEOHDH It., son of late Henry and Lucre tla Elliott Bower. Imerul services All hints' Church, Torresdale Sat.. ;l:10 p. in. Conveyances will mtet train lediluff llroad St Station 2:L'7. Int. private. BUHitOlVS.-Nov. 4 CHARLES II aon. of Anna E. and Charles II Iturrous. Rela tives and friends. 41M Dist. Police. Protection Lodce, No. 1MJ. I O. O. F., Philadelphia Lodge. No. 64. L. O O. XI . and West Phlla. Protestant Club, Invited to service, Sat., 2 30 p m, parent's residence, 5114 'Ihomp son st Int Westminster Cem Friends may call Frl eve. CARTY Nov. 0. CLIFFORD, son of Herbert A. nnd Eleanor Cartj. ased 3 eurs. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral, bat.. 2 p. in., 2143 S Milllck at. Int. Fern wood Cem Remains may bo viewed Frl , 8 to 10 p. m CIIOI.ISTER. Nov. 4. CHARLES II CHOLISTER. ased 75. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services. Sun., 2 p. m residence of brother-in-law, Samuel M Lew alien, 1038 N. 21th St., Camden, N. J Int. Colestown Cem. Remains may bo Viewed Sat. C ILLS Nov. 5, RICHARD S, husband of late Elizabeth Ratlz CJIls. acrd (111 Rela tives and friends, William C. Hamilton touee. J.0 000, F. nnd A M . Tristram II. Freeman II A. C, No. 243. Invited to fu- ner.ll senlLps. Him . J n. ,n . son's r.l. dence. Eduard C ("ills, 017 Gesner st . , West Phlla Int. Arlington Cem. Remains!' I ILMJ ------ .- : 111(11,1 tn ftlftwf-ul Urt Inott W ii f 11 n m I I f'llllKKCT ENGLISH ulao IV.nrh nn.... nn;i ixninanne u .iler? tnee wnucnsro". ' ,".....' V'":!; . '."."V't. ..r"V!.'ecl It! He allies and friends. SundaV Nord s,r 'Phone Pjy", "" fnXd 'kSi.'. ' ' r I parents' residence 14U1 N I'Rth er Inr I Vfinnv an. 11. f. nrknl. Vnrrhvnwl T may t- iieweu Ha' , t 10 p m i .,..,, ,ir,u. ., . nn. ptivaio. vaKviue t-era. LIPOLLO Nov 5. LOUIS I IPOl.LO, eon C1t,,5;VorV, 'i- - .....r,,.,. of Felix Cinollo nued 13 Relatlies and , ,S,VVi L.nT, ,-ii , "' C'7"'1!1?' r,w ' 'friends Iniited to funernl Mon. n a in. "f William If "editlev Sr . aged 3 Rela from M fnihr'g r..M.n,. Hii p,.,vi,iii, (lies and filends invited to funeral. Sat aie solemn hlmi mass of renulem at st Mnrv Maciifllpnn Chnrrh ul 111 n m In f Hoh Cross (.'em coits. Nov. . PAtrr.TV:. wifA nf Wil liam T. Colt and daughter of Charles W, and Elizabeth Krctschner, aged "7 Itela- flt.sai nli1 f flonrtu IrtifltArl In fiiruie'ri t lan lia. J Frl.. On m 5047 V S-flnhnrii st. Inr' conenlence of family. Hillside tm. OUNLIFFE. Nov. 4, ANNA, wife of George D. Ounllfte, ItelatUes and friends Invited to funeral, bat. H'.Sq n. m. -."-4 Human at., WlnsahlcHon Ilequleiu maua St, John the UapUiU Church IV a. m Int, Old Cathedral Cem Auto funeral Remains may be viewed Frl, ee. iai,u:tt - Nov d. ciiAm.ns uai- LKTT. aged 4S. Relatives and friends In vited to seriet Sat 10.30 a. m . 1014 H, Farrnffiit terrace Int private DRVCNNY - Nov 1 MAltU VR12T ., wlte of Cnarlea F Devenny and daughter of Thomas and Margaret Del lard. Ilela thes and friends Invited to funeral, Sat 6:30 a, m,, 3181 Memphis st. bolema re quiem muss Church of Nativity iu a, m, Int Hol Bepulchre Cem DUVINK Nov 7 KIC'IIAUI) IiKVINn, asred 70. Duo notice of the funeral will be Kln from 31 N 34th t DBWEE3. Nov 5 i'llARMIS, sou of Charles and late Kmma Uewrep, aged SI, Relatives and friemli employes Heading Transit and Llglu Co Anialgamatetl Asho. S and K. K I;, of A . Invited to funeral, Sat., I! p. m . father's ret Id once, b04o Hldga ave.. Uoxborough, Ta. Int Jtoxborough Pres, Burial Qroanda. Friends may call Frl., 7 to 8 p. in. OINSMOIIE. Suddenly Nov. 8. at Oer mantovvn Hospital. THOMAS HUailEB, youngest son of Archibald A. and msle W. Dlnsmcre, aged a years 1 1 months, 2ft da, Bervlces at home of parents. 412 W. Chelten ave.. Germantown, 4 p. m Thurs., 0th Inst. HurJal Stroudsburg Frl afternoon BAnNHST. Nov 4. WASHINGTON EAIINKST, aged 84, Funeral noon. Sat,. Methodist Episcopal Church, Denntsvllle, uape ;.ray county, n. j ELLIS. Nov. 0.' JENNIE O.. widow of I w. Roland Ellis, need 48 Relatives and friends Invited to funeral, brother's resi dence, Morton Yerkes. Buckingham, Pa.. Sun., 2 p. m Autos will meet tro!les at Doylestown between 12 and l:3o p. m. Int, Doylestown Cem. EU8TACE. Nov. 3, LUKH i,, son .if late Luke and Annie Kustaco. Relatives and friends, St. Anthony's TAB. Society, In vited to funeral. Sat , 8:30 a, m., 2S33 Annln st Solemn high mass of requiem. St. Anthony's Church, 10 a. m. Int, Holy Cross Cem Auto service. FENDIU8 Nov, 8. I.OU1SA. widow of Henry Fendlus (nee Feldmann) aired 7 Relatives and friends members of Arrhcon fraternlty of the Holv Tamllv of St Peter'a Church, invited to funeral. Mon., 0 a m , B64 N. 5th it. Solemn reouleni mass St. Peter's Church ID n in Int Most Holy Redeemr Cem Auto service , FIT-KJERALD. Nov. 1. FRANCES J., dauirhter of Frances and late Edwin Fitz gerald ased 22, Relatives and friends In vited to funeral. Sat . 2.30 p. m.. mother's residence. 2455 Ingsrsoll st. Int. West Lau rel Hill Cem. Remains may be viewed Frl., . GALLAGHER. Nov. 4 ORACE 1 GAL LAGHER daughter of late Anthony and El len Gallagher Relatives and friends alst St. Charles's B. V, Sodality. League of thu Sacred Heart. Holv Rosary ana Altar Society and cmployea Murphy Bros., Invited to funeral, Sat., H,30 a. m 2241 Federal st solemn requiem nmsa St Charles' Churco 10 a. m Int Holy Cross Cem Autc service OAVIN. Nov. B. JOHN J. GAVIN, son nf Anna M. and late John J. Gavin, need 20. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral Mon., 8 a. m.. mother's residence, 1033 Hoffman st. Requiem mass St. Thomas's Church 0:30 a. m. Int. Holy Cross Cem, Auto service. GOODMAN. Nov. C. BENEDICT S . hua. band of Rika, Goodman, aged 02 Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services. Sun., 2 P. m.. 2132 N. Gratj st. Int. private! Rodef Shalom Cem Harrlsburg. Ta., and New Haven, Conn,, papers copy. GORMAN. Nov. 4, WILLIAM. C hus band of lata Susan M. Oormsn (neo Mc Feeley) Relatives and frlenda. employes U. S. Mint: Jefferson'Club, 15th ward. In vited to funeral. Sat.. 8 30 a. m.. 225T N. Chadwlck st. Solemn requiem mass Our' Lady of Mercy Church 10 a. m. Int. Holy Cross Cem. Auto funeral. GHAFIGNA. Nov a. at loll) Greenwich sr.. ROSA, dauahter of Christina and the late Salvador Romano Announcement of funeral Inter. GRIMES. Nov. C THOMAS, husband of Hannah Grimes. Relatives and friends, Court West Philadelphia F of A.: T. A, B 8ociety St. Gregory's Churchs Veterans of the P. It. R.: Southwark Council, No. 4, A. O, s. E., Invited to funeral. Sat., 8 a. m.. 5140 Thompson st, Solemn requiem mm St. Gregory's Church 8:30 a. in. Int. prl vate. HAaLER. Kov. 0. CHARLES, husband of Mary Hairier. Due notice or funeral will be given from 1834 E. Madison st HENRY. Suddenly. Nov 4. FJIANCIS T., in of James A. and Haran it. mnry ano grandson of late. John and .Sarah McGln nis. aged 23. Relatives snd friends em ploys. Surpass Leather Works: Hibernian a. yi.1 niiiDiNr. vticnu owvta. -.u, ytvurv io runersi, nat. D'au a, in., parents resi dene 623 W. Westmoreland st. Solemn rs- ?ulsm mass St. Veronica's Church 10 a. m nt. Holv Penulchre Cem. jiur-vitiiKii. -suddenly, cov. o, aniun L.. son of lata Anton and Teresa Hofmeler. aged 48. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Andalusia, Rucks county. Pa Sat,, ft a. m, Mass st, Dominic's Church 10 a, m. Int. St Dominic's Cem . HOLMES. Nov. 5. EDWIN, husband of Mary E. Pennlason Holmes, of 53 E, Col- llnra IV... Cnlllna-Burnnri N. J. Due. nnlL., of funeral will h aiven from Martin Evnw1' & Bon, 2800 Diuuoni st. UI14TII.S UntTSTOW Mn tl IAIIV A mtMaw itf Hnhrrt tt. )Iouton. Dun notice 'of funeral i"K'n.u'1 ". "". llUlllf..nn friend! in- Lodfft NO Rl 1. O f) .. llnlv Varna Rocletv of Aacenalon Church. emnlov. of Prosresa Section Iairue laland Navv Yard Invited to funeral, Hat . 8.30 u m., realdenc I of narenla. 842 N KId at Soiemr, hUh rnaKf of requiem Aaeenalon Church 10 a m Inl IJolv Semilchr. Cein t.RVICK. At Ventnor. N'. J liav 4. KATIIUIIIN'R WICKKIISHAM. dauithter of , lute nichard nnd Martha A. Levlck Fu ' neral erv)... and Int private I UIN'CI Nov tl. ANNA MATILDA, widow, I pf William 11 Ionu, a-d 7 Itelallves Hnd I frlenda Invited to aervlre, Mon.. 2 n m , t:u'3 Hlttier at int IVrnwood Cent Krlenda timi raM Sun ee I.UIIBn. Nov B HIIM.IAN J , huaband of Ilebecc.t t.uher u-ed 4rt r.elatlvea and frlen.ll, Ahn1i.a Tnt.Am ttAr.nflntal mi In. vlled to funeral. Krl . to a m . t.08 N. f.Jth at. Int. Hnr Nebo tfer:. JteCrl.lOlKlll Sudden!, Nol. S PAHAII lrtov. of .Michael JIct'ulloUBh Ilelatlves and friend" milled to funeral sen Ices, Sun L' p m , parlora uf Thomas r UroR-an. s : cor Stth and Vine ls., W Phl.a lot llarlelgh Com . Camden. N J. Autc service SICI'IIIU.II'H NM tt. CMZAHBTII. dauirhter of Hugh and late Elizabeth lie Phillips Ilelatlves and friends II V. M Hodalltv of the Cathedral Court Isaholle, No. 120. D.lUKhtera of Issbelle. Dti No 34. L. A. A O jl , Invited to funeral, benther's resident e. Dr James J Mcl'htlllps, a 1 1(1 Vine ;t Solemn reiiulem mass at the Catlndrat J" ? ,m Jj F'4"1 9'.- AV" funeral Itemalna may b lew Sun, tnjtter H n Tn MKl'ONNVIIEY. - At Florncn N. J Nov. 4, JOHN HOWA11I). liuhun.i of Mar rnirrt Meconn.ihfv and son at lat Jontpli and Kllzdbtli Meconnfthe. npUtlee and "i iimtcil i" iuiiti I. rpaiiit-ne-p. aa PL. "h'l Houlel.ird, Plorence. Sat., 'i p. m. Int. Odd Kellow.. Cent,. Uurllnirton. MEHCBH. i:ioicnth Month Cth. at hr home. Oaks Penna . EMMA I. . widow of Henry Mercer Funeral services nt her home, Liewnlh .Month Mli. at .' 30 p. m. Int at Hchuylklll Friends Meetlnr. near Phoo n Vlllle P Cnine.tnces will meet train ai Oaks leaMnB Ilrnad St. Station at 1:0? p. m. MEJtZ Nov 4. CAUL W . son of Alfred FHEDA fnee Strobell ivl.fp ' "enry Xletz. kkc Hfl r.elallves and i friends also t'onirreitatlon of Erloeser 'liiinli, muted to services Run .1 p m ,i Erloeser Church. XInscher and Tioga sts iiema'ns irav he rlewcd nt 33no E st from 11 a nt to 2 30 p m Int nrilate llreen. mount i'piii. Auto service MYERS Nov S CALVIN II hushand of late Louisa Mvern tnt Wlltlstitnl tnlo. i tlies and friends all societies of which he n nieinDer. invueo to luneral. Hat . 2 I m 1318 B Eyre st Int. private, North Cedar Hill Com Friends may call Frl . 8 p. tn NEELY On Nov r,. IMS). MARTHA J., wire of Alexander Neely. Relatives and friends Invited to funetal services, on Sat urdaj at 2 p m , at late residence, Crest mont and Trcmont nies , Crestmont. Pa. Int nrlvate POWERS Nov I. JULIA A., widow of James H Powers nued SI Relatlies and friends Invited to funeral, Sun . 1.30 p. m.. son's tesldence. Georce W Powers 2tUh and Maciilno lune. Int, Trinity Lutheran Cem PRI'.HLi: Vol. 4 MVHOAHET widow of James E Preb'e (nee O'Brien). Relatlies and friends Invited to funeral. Sit 7:30 n tn 1H20 N Judson at Requiem lilh mnsB St Elizabeth's Church 9 a, in. Int. pr'Mit- nt Old Cnthedrnl Cem ..POWERS Nov 5. ANNIE if widow of John II Powers, afted 71 Relatlies and Irtnds, ulso Muranauua Council No. 33, Uetrren of Pocahontas. I. O R M , In ilted to funernl, Sat . 2:30 p m . from residemo of J W. Vlckers, 2728 Rldee ave. Int at American Mechanics Cem. ROCKHILL Nov. 4, ELWOOL, husband of RelVmta W. Rockhlll aged 70 Relatives and friend- luilteil to funeral sen Ices, Sat., 2 p in , son-in-law's residence, Fred W. Endirott. Slarl on. N J. Int. Colestown Cem SCIIILLINOER Nov. B, SOPHIA widow of Mllliam Si'hilllnKer aced 75 Relatlies and friends Invited to funeral. Mon , 1 30 p m resident e of son-in-law. Dr. .1 L W Reenter 1 SO N Broad st lui. private hCHO'CCK Nov 4, EMMA MT dauirhter of Marwaret and late John Sihoeck Rela tlies and friends Invited to funeral. Sat, 7 30 a in . 2131 N, 20th st Hlih mui t hurch of Most Precious niood 0 a. m. Int. Pottsvllle, Pa. Auto sen Ice t( HWART.. On Nov. 3. EFFIE E . wife of Albert Schwartz. Funeral servl, en lert ' " "' "l residence of son-in-law. Rnllln owperthwalte 12r Avondale aie., Had 1 '-. n. m. UI N- 3?'h ' Camden. .V. .1. Int Arllncton Cum I'rlenrts may cill Trl., 10 i v m . NLKBUBTl N'ov 4. at 1021 Wilt St., IDA 13, wife of John II. SIeder. Rela tlrs nnd friends, Washington Camp, No li'll P O nf A Invited to funeral serv ice kit , 2 p. m.. parlors of IVedrrlck Mimn, Jr , 10th st. below Montgomery ave. Int. private. Remains may Ix, viewed Frl.. after 7 p. m. SMITH. SudJenK. Nov 5 ADAMAN O . husband of lulsa J Hmlth, ned 73 IlHa. tle and frlenrlj, Montgomery rd(re, No. 10, V. nnd A. it , Oriental Chapter. NV 183. R A C : Cnrlnthtim Chnsieur Commdnderv No M, K. T. . I.u I.U Temple. A, A. O. N. M. H and members of St Luke's Lutheran Church. Imltet to funeral serlces. Mon , 3 p. m npts Kirk and Nice. 11301 German town ae fiermnntown. Int private. Friends may mil Sun . s to 10 p m hMYTIL Nn 11 MMtYJ wife of Clark R .Smith, nged H3 Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Mon 2 30 n m . (122 12. Vftrk ave , Pensauken, V J Int private, Arlington Cim . Camden N J Train leaves Market st ferry I .10 p m Friends may call Sun . R to n 3D p m hOOY Nov MARY J wife nf Richard Boos, aced no Relatives and friends. In vited to funeral serires Sun , 1 p. in resi lience nf nnn-ln-luv, Isaac Wilev. 7120 Ed mund st Taicii Further services In Till Ivtown Haptlst Church 3 p m Int adjoin Itur rem RemalnH ma he ieued Sat. ce. STHEN Nov 0 JAMhS, grandson of late David and Mary Steen, aced 10, Rela tives and frlendsi Troop No 28. Roy .Scouts of meilca. Invited to funeral services. Mon . 2 p m.. grandparents' residence. 240 N. Howard st. Int private Greenmount Cem R.TRASSER Nov. 4 KATC. wife of Wll Ham Q. Stiasser (nee Fisher). nred 70 Rela tHes and friends invited to funeral services, Frl , 2 p m.. residence of son-in-law, El mer M Halev, 14.r,7 E Montaomery ave. Int. North Cedar Hill Cem Friends may TAYLOR Nov 4, CHARLES FREMONT caw 'inurs aner a p TAYLOR, M D. Relatives and friends In vited to funeral service, Sat., 2 p, m., 1032 N. 131h st. Int private. THOMPSON. Nov. B. MARTHA, wife of Robert A. Thompson Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Sat.. 2 p. m . 2556 N. Slat st Int Mt Peace cm WALSH Nov 5, M FLORENCE (neo MAROERUM). wife of William Walsh. Rel atives and friends Invited to funeral. Mon., 0.30 a. m 440 HlKh Bt . Oermantnwn. Sol omn mass of requiem Immaculate Concep tion Church II a m. WERMUTH Nov B, TRANCIS J , son of John and Anna Wermuth (nee Lennon), area a iveiatives ana menas, iioiy name Society of St Veronica's Church, court Glenwood, No. 101 F of A members Glen Social, emploses Fletcher Works, Invited to funeral, Mon . R 30 a m parents' resi dence. 23(1 W. Glenwood ae Solemn mass of requiem Pt. Veronica's Church lo a. m. Int. Holy Sepulchre Cem. WILDE Nov 4 MARY L" wife of Frank Wilde ond daughter of Bridget and late Archibald Chalmers Relatives and frlendt Invited to funeral services. Sat., 2 p m 1234 N nurns st (1,1th and Thomp son sts.) Int Fermvnod Cem. Rcmnlni be viewed F"! eve WILLAFER Nov II WILLIAM E. WILLAUER nephew of late John W. and Sarah R. Wlllauer. Relatives and friends. Washington l,odge. No. 50, F and A. M.: Harmony It. A. Chapter, No 52, Mary Com mandery. No. 30. K T : Phlla Conslstorv, 32d degree; Lu Lu Temple, A A O. N. M. S.; Clncinnatus Ixldge. No. 20iJ. I O O F. . Pontaxet Tribe, No. 145, I. O It M ; Rich mopd Branch, Y M. C A Relief Asso. and employes P. and R. Rwy , invited to fu neral services. Sun , 1 p m.. 1003 E. Cam bria st Int private, North Cedar Hill Cem Friends may ,lew remains Sat . 8 to 10 p. in WINKLER Nov 4. FLORENCE JO SEPHINE, wife of Eduard Winkler. Rela tives nnd friends Invited to funeral, Sat . R a m 423H Oeden st Requiem mass Our Mother of Sorrows' Church 0am Int. private Friends may call Frl eve WINSHIP On Nov fi EMELINB WIN SHIP (nee North-Lamb), residence, . B43R Whitby ave Friends mav cull Sat . 10 30 to 1130 a in services Int private WOERNER Nov, 4. J FREDERICK, husband of Crlscllla Woerner (nee Welst), Relatives and friends Invited to funeral serv ices Sat . 3 p m,, SO0 Loney st , Fo Chase. Phlla Int Lawnview Cem. Omit flowers. WUIISTER Nov 0, EMMA A. WUR STER (nee Marshall), wife of Henry A. Wurster Relatives and friends invited to funeral services, Mon . 2 P. m , husband's residence. 2313 S 22d st. Int Fernwood Cem. Friends may call Sun . 8 to 10 p. m YOUNO At Henryville. Pa Nov. 4, SOPHIA E If., widow of Philip Young (net Hutnacher Relatives and frlenda Invited to funeral services. Sat . 2 p. m., sister's residence. 3220 Aramlngo ave. Int, private, Oakland Cem. Remains may be viewed Frl. after 7 P. m. Stroudsburg and Reading papers copy, ZIMLICK Nov 4. AUGUSTA, widow of Henry J. Zlmllck, 5000 areene st Oer mantown. Solemn mass of requiem. Sat., 0 a, m., St. Vincent d Paul Church. Int. Calvary Cem,. St. Louis Mo. Friends may view remains Frl., 7 to 10 p. rn. trnKltTAKHH . M h'T? -Vn.. ., jQrfltJYLERS I.f&l'LJ"' BROAD XWb I Wt-x flfflMWHIlJ. NOVEMBER 7, 1919 PERSONALS nnr person knowing of the where abouta of Thomas Kltislmmons and Mat thew Pearce. or the heirs, devisees or alienees of either, communicate with Charles Kahy, 410 fifth at . N W . Waahlnuton.n C. LOST AND FOUND HAG Lost Not 6. tan colored Gladstone bair. on flowen are . 5ft. Aln , between Itoer and Devon ate . ubout f t m Iteturn to 74ZD Devon at., tit. Alr Iteward CtiU's Ijobi. - cows, btarini.- tar mark of "It" on hide, straved from .Tones Inn Liberal reward H Harris, ltlO'J S Ith st liNVKIXJPi: Iist, lirre enielope. contain Inn L' bonds and deeds and lot In laurel lllll Cemetery, about 1S:30 p m . Thurs. tin, In elrhth floor ladles uAltlni: room, Wanamaker's Please ccmmunlcato with J. K C . locust 0414. HANDBAG Lost. Nut T.. at St Paul's Parish Hoiirie. Chestnut aie . chestnut Hill, ladles' bflk handbax. containing eold iatch marked C P It irold ihrtln and loewei i.ioerai rewarn ir returnee! tu l,i I'etiner. reeneini Amis, ai Allen Ian Ml IT I)st, black unjt murf, on i.tmvtier.aijj m ior appoiniment. Hlnhuay, Wednesday between Lnimhorne mid Philadelphia, suitable eward. Hobe- aon. Pennlnitton N. J. HELF WANTED FEMALE HELL TELEPHONE OPERATING PERMANENT POSITIONS OFrERED TO TOUNO WOMEN HETWEEN IS AND 3 YEAP.S. ill rr.n week- fop. rniT weekss $1B B0 PEIt WEEK IN 8 MONTHS. Wli'H JtAPID ADVANCEMENT THEIIEAFTKH. SHORT HOURS INEXPENSIVE HOT LUNCHES COMFOHTABLG IlEiT ItOOMH SICKNKS8 DISAMILITY I1ENBPITS CAREFULLY CHOSEN ASSOCIATES CALL PERSONALLY ANY WEEKDAY, I1ETWECN t A. M AND MP. M.. TO BBR MIS3 UYAN. 1B31 AUCil ST.. I'lillf rxoon. TUB BELL TELEPIIONE CO. OF PA. RILL CLERKS IN BOOKKEEPtNO DEPARTMENT APPLY HUKEAC OF EMPLOYMENT WANAJfAKER'S 1 TIOOKKEEPERH ON Ct-HTOMERS' ACCOUNTB EXPERIENCED PREFERREP APPLY HUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKEIl'S CHAMRERWORK and wraltliiff. experienced colored irlrt; 1 In fainlU : Rood wages. rhoneLansdnwne 3171 before 10 a. m CHAMHEIIMA1D and Mtchenmsld. colored, at the Harvard Apta Phone Swarth- more 233 CIOR ROLLERS buncn makers and learn ers, male and female; Rood pay: steady work 172S Illaiis. near 18th ond German townaie C0I.0RI8T ivanted. fem.tle, on lantern slides Itrlgcs Co.. (128 Callowhlll H "iLlVLADY for Ice cream and cako store. I4UI Locust st . between 0 nnd 12 e m 1 CORSET SALESWOMAN WITH KNOWLEDGE OF FITTING ATPLY BUREAU Or EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S DRESSMAICERS APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S l GIRL, capable, for downstairs work and assist with waiting; no one not Ilklnfir the country need apply. Write Mrs. Geortre R Packard, Vlllaiiova, Ta.. or phone Bryn Mawr 84 hefore 0'30 a m any morning. CAMPBELL'S SOUPS ESTABLISHED 1869 GIRLS AND WOMEN MUST HE OVER 1(1 YEAHS OF AGE GIRLS MUST FURNISH PROOF OF AGB FOR KITCHEN WORK PREPARING VEGETABLES MEATS ETC. ALSO GENERAL FACTORY WORK KTPTArvr t!vipr.nvMrVT, I MINIMUM STARTING ItAlES i INCLUDING UONUS I 14 AND IB FOR 4S HOURS I TIME AND HALI' TIME I OVER 4 HOURS I INCREASED AUTOMATICALLY i PLENTY OF OVERTIME 1 JOSEPH CAMPHELL CO. CAMDEN, N. J. 100 GIRLS WANTED OVER 1(1 YEARS OF AGE IV NEW DEPARTMENT NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY LIGHT, AIRY FACTORY DESIRABLE STEADY WORK B2 WEEKS A YEAR HOT LUNCHES SERVED AT LESS THAN COST GOOD PAY: EXCELLENT TREATMENT LEARNERS PAID JI2 WEEKLY LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO CO. 3D AND ONTARIO STS. GIRLS 14 TO IB YEARS OF AGE GOOD OPPORTUNITY TO BEGIN A BUSINESS CAREER ATI'LY CADET HEADUUARTERS EIGHTH FLOOR WANAMAKER'S GIRLS OVER 1C. FOR LIGHT WORK APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S GIRLS wanted, and Arch sts. Stephen Greene Co , 16th HOSIERY Experienced winders Strong knitters Rib hands wanted learners taket, and paid while learning WALLACE WII.HON HOSIERY CO Orchard st, below Unity, Frankford HOfSE WORK Girl to assist with S dren and light duties, no washing. Pamhrey st. Diamond f090 W. chll 3004 OPERATORS ON TOWER MACHINES APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S OPERATORS EXPERIENCED ON CUSTOM SHIRTS APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S OPERATORS ON POWER MACHINES APPLY BURP I' OF F.MPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S SALESWOMEN OPPORTUNITIES IN SEVERAL DEPARTMENTS APPLT BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S SILK SPOOI ER nn artificial ellk: rood par, rteady work. Aprly at once Robert Lewis Co. Itiihmond and Brill iu., Brlitesburg Philadelphia. SALESWOMEN WE REQUIRE SALESWOMEN FOR VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS- NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED. APPLY EMPLOYMENT BUREAU LIT BROS. STENOGRAPHERS, S. wttn no less Ulan year's experience, wanted In broker's of- flee salary t20. P 815. Ledger Office. SWEEPER for laca curtain flnlshlntr room, Apply North American Juce Co., 8th and Allegheny ave. TYPIST EXPERIENCED APPIY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S UPHOLSTERY SALESWOMAN WXPERIENCED IN HANDLINU LACE CURTAINS ATPLT BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKEIVS. HELP WANTED FEMALE ri'imi.sTKiir woniiuns i:.rnuiKNci:i on taiilb wortK .... AND OPnrtATlNO APPLY HUnRAU OI' KMPLOTMENT AVANAMAKEIl'S WAiTrinssus tVIIITH FOn T13A HOOf APPI.r HUHKAtr OK KMIT.OTMENT WANA.MAKnil'H WAITKKHHKS Wanted, colored uallreises In prtvato loirdlng school Apply In person Itnncroft Hehool. Itaddirfleld. N J. WAITHESS and cliambermald. colored: good ,,!Vfe? ,$?J?lr 'olieu'ekeeper. Jefferson Hospital 10th and Hansom WAITHKHS , Applj Mrs A T. Slade, wynnevenod. Pa . or Phone Ardmore t!3l. WOl'AN Catholic to take full cliarue of houso In suburbs and .' children: smstl iHimiy. , FrnHni: irooo nome ror me right Aarty Phone Tlooa ?d('.o htt,an to Bn TX AN nf dlwlty and education, with PA., business .itwrLnpA' .,.... ....I.. lilBhift hours. Apply ",07 Denckla Hulld. Ing hetvcfen 1 '?0 to 4 P. tn. WOMAN for housework 1413 N 2d st. who can cook. WOMEN FOR WRAPPINO EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY APPLY HUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S ,. WOMEN FOR CLEANING . DAT AND NIGHT SHIFT APPLY HUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S WOMEN AS.i'.f;FT..wniTKHa' O0r PENMEN APPLY lirREAH OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S YOUNG GIRLS IN PACKING DEPART. MENT DRIED FRUIT IllCsiNEPSAP. ,.i run iao IS. KUONT ST. r0.FNOWPMAN: usled for outdoor posl Hon that requires eood address, tact and rers.vnnllty l .110 Ledger Office" YOUNG WOMEN we nwumn young women l"OR VARIOUS DEPAJITMBNTS EXPERIENCE NOT NT.CES3AIIT APPLY EJrPLOYJIENT RUTIEAU LIT BROS. YOUNG WOMEN AS CASHIERS AND INSPECTORS APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S HELP WANTED KALE AUTO BODY anil wood worker", wanted to work on watons also. Beheld Bros . 1703 Jackson et. ' NEW YORK SHIPBUILDING CORP. NORTH YARD CAMDEN. N. 3. BOILERMAKERS '. : Flratilass mechanics - , . . HOLTERS Good, hujky Americans who want to learn shipyard trades FLANGE TURNER Eicertenced hand and mtchlns , LABORERS Stsady work; standard shipyard rt Apply at the North Yard Employ ment Department. Camden, or to Mr. Bhenkle, Stats Employment. " Bureau, 1521 Arch at., Philadelphia. NEW YORK SHIPBUILDING CORP. NORTH TARD CAMDEN. N. J. BOY Large steamship co wants bright, active boy for office work; must bo over i;. i, or . vearo niKn scnooi education pre I ferred: (rood opportunity lenrn attractive, remunerative business. Apply Mr, Turnbull. I 211 Bourse. BOY wanted for general work In large office; excellent opportunity for advancement. Apply eighth flcwr American Stores Co.. 4th and Noble sts BOY wanted, real estate office. Apply 601 V 40lh st BOYS 14 TO 1(1 YEARS OF AGE GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR P.RIGHT, ACTIVE BOYS ArPLY CADET HEADQUARTERS EIGHTH FLOOR WANAMAKER'S BUSIIELMEN ON MEN'S CLOTHING APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S CABINETMAKERS EXPERIENCED APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WA-NAMAKER'S CARPENTERS WANTED! GOOD WAOE8, STEADY WORK. APPLT JAS. KRICK. SON. SUPT.. 11RANN STEWARD CO., FRANKFORD AVE. AND BUTLER ST., PHILADELPHIA. I CARPENTERS. 25 wanted; union rate: 11 i hpurs for 10 hours' work. Apply after 8 a. m. to Mr. Dougherty, Empire Engineering Co. Inc., 2218 Chestnut st. CARPENTERS First-class men wanted for work In Wilmington; SOc per hour. Apply with tools, J A. Under t Co.. 023 Market st . Wllmlnirton Del CAItPENTERS Concrete form carpentsrs; overtime Job. The Austin Co,. State road and Hellerman st . Tacnnv. CLERK rublln Ledger Co desires a clerk for accounting department: must have a, high school education and be able to qualify for a bookkeeper Ask for Mr Wlest. Oth and Chestnut sts CLERK Young man. not over 10 yearn, who can operate tjpewrlter In office of Iron and steel: excellent opportunity for advance- ment: reference. Apply C B33. Ledger Off. DRAFTSMEN Men who are experienced In th design and laout of factorv buildings, design and layout of power plants design of heating and ventilating systems or gen eral mechanical drafting. A permanent position, an oppor tunity worthy of Investigation. FACTORY OFFICE EJfPLOYMENT DEARTMENT. THE GOODYEAR TIRE fc RUBBER CO, DRAFTSMEN. 8 HIGH CLASS. EXPERI. bni:bu, MBUHANIUAL. IN LARGE! YORK DOLL REPAIRMAN WE REQUIRE AN EXPERIENCED DOLL REPAIRMAN: GOOD SALARY. APPLY EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, LIT BROS. MS gELP. -WANTED MAXJB-. DRAFTSMAN familiar .tv. Al.,.t.. . puts, switches, transformers. to. nnl .? Ji'f?." 'oenglneerlnr department, Ed, O.' Iludd Mfir. Co., 25th and Huntlnr Park a.Ve n.FT5MI?N wanted. MperlencnJ, on bufld. Ine eonstruotlon worlt. Apply at onao. Turner Construction Co.. 1713 Sansorn Vt, D1irl!?MlCN , ,nd ,'ners on .tructurai ELEVATOR OPERATORS JS??... nnQlTIRBJ LICENSED ELEVATOR 81Su?8i,ito,5r,au,"muaw! FUKNITURn FINISHERS, nXPERIENCED .kxui ij;iAU Kit' KfllI'LaJIMBNT WANAMAIOSR'6 HARDWARE WAREHOUSE FOREMAN Must be experienced In general hardware warehousing; excep tional opportunity for th right man. M 010. Ledger Office. .- - HOO ISLAND SHIPYARD WANTS SHIP JOINERS 'BIUCKLAYERS Must b familiar with conduit work. ,' LABORERS PASSER BOYS Must be over 18 year, and furnish proof of w Plenty of work ana good ' working conditions $ ft APrLT ,J. Mr. Sbattuck". Offlos 1B21 Arch t.. '. OR YssW Employment Office f-M Hor Island if i VJ f ' H0SIETIY, nELPER WAED 5n "s on flat rib machines S . , Fin. chance ii to learn something new 11 Good pay WALLACE WILSON- HOSIERY CO. 7 Orchard et. below Unity, Frankford f. HOUSEWORK Japanese or colored men and wife or 2 Japanese men for gentle man's country house, near large town: 3 In family; state references and wages, p. o. Box a. West Chester. Pa IJBORERS wanted, white and colored; goo Ap'nl?mB"1l.a?foKper' Co" Swdslani P., LAUNDRY MARKER AND SORTER .,. COLLAR STARCHER MARKET RTREET LAUNDRY 1308 FILBERT STREET LAUNDRY HELPER IN WASHROOM MARKET STREET LAUNDRY 1308 FILBERT ST MACHINISTS BOILERMAKERS AND CAn REPAIRMEN WANTED BY THE CHESA PEAKE AND OHIO RAILROAD. APPLT TO J R GOULD. RICHMOND VA If M BROWN, SHOP SUPERINTENDENT. HUNTINGDON. W. VA . OR. W P HOB SON, MAbfER MECHANIC COVIN'GTOnT MAN TO IXJOK AFTER THE ELEVATOR SERVICE IN LAJtGE RETAIL ESTAB, LISHMENT; QUALIFIED TO OVERSEE FORCE OF MEN AND PRODUCE GOOD RESULTS. P 310, LEDGER OFFICE. MAN. live, ambitious, wanted to learn the .,';nC8 "I Must: salary while learning J.10-'!,'., standard "ne; well-established firm. P 300. Ledger Office. OFFICE ROY. Are Insurance office; goofl op portunity for one with brains and two: etato age. salary and experience. P 312, tiFFICE BOY. 14 to Is years of age: ex cellent opportunity for advancement. Ad dross In own handwriting- giving reference and' salary desired, M 014. Ledger Office. PACKERS AND WRAPPERS OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS. CHINA. ETC. APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S PORTERS .FOR FURNITURE DEPARTMENT APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S HOOFERS. Ayply Warren-Ehret Co.. 38tb and Gray's Ferry ave. SALESMAN Wanted, an experienced paint. also vsrnlsh traveling salesman! no other need applyj state axe. experience.' territory 31809.-TJedgTr OflcV """ ""T IF YOU ARE TIRED OF MOVING AROUND FROM ONE JOB TO ANOTHER LOSING TIME AND MONEY OOODTHAR OFFERS TOU PERMANENT WORK TUB YEAR ROUND. EXCELLENT WORKTNTJ CONDITIONS AND A CHANCE TO BARN RATES IN ACCORDANCE WITH YOUR ABILITY. ALI-AROUND MACHINISTS BORINO MILL BENCH AND FLOOR LAItaU IATHB GENERAL REPAmitAN BLAClCSMTrnS CARPENTERS SHEET METAL WORKERS Apply tn person or write at once to FACTORY EMPLOYMENT OFFICE! THE GOODYEAR. TTRIJ ft RUBBER CO. AKRON OHIO WANTED 80 UNION LATHERS, tl PER HOUTt 40 UNION PLASTERERS, tl PER HOUR. APPLY AT JOB LONQ JOB JPILNTUATON0CORPORATION, J M j-i.ii iril j;i Jitl wl 1 I rl'l SI ,1 . m "Vii s n V 'I Sr -rf A-.f? ' s . : fclii.kJiriMailaiMSit. a.