L nwHiTw yry, ?fjyi 'svjwjfr "sp" "v' t a1, " '! k 5, 1919 EVENING PttBLIC LEDGER PHILABiDLPHI A, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER l X i;t a life; l I. S I. nr- I ? ? iv. r !- U. L zs In. 1,1 " lltt y. l5- ;..) t & i I f -ftf! feet This Free Book It tells the general rules of trading, com mission charges.ho w to give your broker instructions, etc. Ask For No. T. 11.-610 E beg to announce that we are now connected by private telephone with Philadelphia, Balti more and Boston. Philadelphia Number, Locust 7u'l (Not, i Imn.,. m riumbi r) Baltimore Number, St. Paul 80 Baker, Sarruthers & PcSJ 15 Broad Street, N. Y. i. " '" H. Br FRANKLIN MANUFACTURING CO. (Franklin Automobile Company) 7 Per Cent. Cumulative Preferred Stock $100.00 Per Share Circular on request FRANK A. BARTON. Treasurer. H. H. FRANKLIN MANUFACTURING CO. 101 W. Marcellus Street, Syracuse, N. Y. An for Read This NEWS of a ONE HUNDRED MEN are now forming a Syndicate of 100, 000 for the purpose of buy ing leases in pro en territory under the direction of one of the most successful and widely known Geolocistf. in the entire Western cind Southern fields. The Corporation will he under the direct management of ex perienced Oil Operators and successful Philadelphia business mm. THEKE ARE 100 UNITS FOR 100 .MEN AT $1000 EACH. Each of these 100 men enters the Syndicate upon exactly the ame terms. If you buj a SI 000 UNIT, jour interest in the Coiporation will be upon precisely the same basis of any Officer, Director or any other stockholder. There is not a share of promo tion stock and not an "inside" or "ground-floor" offer of any kind different from the offer to be made available to you. Every dollar paid into the Syn- YANKEE OIL (TKMPnitAnv 139 oraii'is gr jLJB A isf.nvsno I'TSC & tr. After Lunch bmorrow T 7ISIT the commodi- ous customers' room of our Philadelphia Office. Thousands have been attracted by the tremen dous strength and activity of New York Curb Indus trials, Oils and Mines recently. See the continuous quotations and get the latest market news. JONES & BAKER SECUKITIL'S Widcncr Hldjj., Philadelphia 1'K.m Jit", Wali-it GOGo .n.., Kj.r 22'JO Pirtt I r t j t U tttl New . nrl. 0 frnit I'Ht.btifgh Chino 1U i u" 'I t Opportunity just 100 Men Different, Better Method dicate will be held by a Phila delphia Bank as Custodian, and in the event the S100.000 Syndl cate is not completed within u stated period, jour money will be returned to you in full by the Bank. There are no note, bonds or preferential ibsue of any char acter whatsoever against the Corporation. It will enter the oil fields for the purchase of leases and producing properties with $100,000 CVSII in bank. The offer is limitid as to time. ovvinR to tho terms of aRrec ment, and is available only in U.M1S ot 51.UU0 each. Kemcmbcr that we will accept onlj 100 subscribers. Wc antici pate an early closing of our of ler. Act promptly. We employ no agents or sales men. None will call upon ou. The entire proposition will be forwarded to jou by mail, to look over, by addressing a postal to CORPORATION South 15th St., Phila., Pa. ir'if'prrtxtrVlat , UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT LIBERTY AND VICTORY LOAN BONDS Wc buy and sell Liberty Loan und Victory Loan Bonds on commission at cuircnt market prices. Denominations ?,"0, $100, $.")00, $1000 EovjAno B. Smith &Co BANKERS cs-i iii.iiii:i Ira' Members ,Vric York and Phllatletphtit Ztock KxchanQel IIIII.MII.I.I'IIH till Chestnut "it. M' .nttiv S:.U I.U.MION KTON Al.l.i:.NTON IENTIAId TMJST & Market and fourth Sts. a PHILADELPHIA n ,NOT JUST RAINY DAYS It i-- more cheerful to think of saving money for the sunshiny days thnn for the rainy days when a thrift" account may help to ndvance your business interests and incieae your joy of liv ing. CAPITAL O SURPLUS 1,375,000.22 O.S.Foster & Co. established 19"0N 25 BROAD ST., NEW YORK Ask us for complete data An oil-gas-public utility corporation which has paid 12 per cent in dividends this year. Active on New York Curb THE TURN OF THE TIDE THE TIMETO BUY BONDS IS WHEN THE PRICE IS LOW AND THE YIELD IS HIGH. THAT TIME IS NOW. STUDY THE EVIDENCE. SEND FOR YOUR COPY OF "THE TURN OF THE TIDE." BAKER, AYLING & YOUNG LAND TITLE BUILDING BOSTON PHILADELPHIA Uncommon Position Marketwise Needham Tire Co. Cumulative, Convertible Preferred Stock Send for Special Report describing remarkable growth and exceptional earning power of Company. Price $90 and accrued dividends Fairman & Company DREXEL BLDG., PHILA. Eitabli.hed 1002 Burgess, Lang & Co, Member Boiton Stock Exchange Uotton, Man. rrai m n in mm htch km m H EH m ll IS LIED IPST RISE IN CORN PRICES IS LED BY DECEMBER Stop-Loss Orders Reached in I All Positions Offers of Oats Well Taken aHAi.v iIki.t vr.ATitrn tohkcakt ( hlrnrn, Nov .1 llllnoln and Mlnnourl Part clou'lv tnnlieht ami Thursday wnrmnr WMcunj n -XTnuettled tonlunt nnd Thursday, probabl. rain, wnrmrr MlltieAotn Unsettled tonlKht and Thur ilnv, probably rain or nn Iowa, North Dakota ami Houth IJakota Unsettled to nikht, probably rain or snow, colder hraaka Part rloudy tonlirht. warmer muth colder northwest Kansas ealr lonlaht nnd Thursday arm"r IoiiIbM. colder Thurada Montina l'art cloudy tonlnht nnd Thursdnj colder south, wjo mlnit rioudi and unsettled tonlBht anC Thursday, colder. ClilniRo, Nov n. There mis pro iHiuiKod .troiiglh slion In tlio corn innrkct todnj, foIlonliiR some Irregu Inrttj . Tlio iiKivi'inont upwntd ns In' lij December, and ninnj ftnp loss nt tiers were reached In nil pnvltloni. AinoiiK the lnfliieiice- were predictions of unsettled und warmer weather, hlislier luitcs for Iiok1 und stlfTiios in tin caah article The tightness of the latter was ticm mated b car shortage, which com pelled shorts to cover. The lniiiiB side nppiand to he Knin. ing adhereiits, dilc to ttie bullish show ing of cotton and secmltie" 11. W Snow estimated the jleld per acre this jear at L'S.Ii builitls nnd the total ciop nt l!.S"i,()(IO.tll)0 husheN, against '.'.."S'J.lll 1,000 bushi N. the gov ernment's harvest ligiucs last ear. He said that the iimllt. is the highest re poitt'i1 for man j jtars Oats weie lluiicr, although the mar hot nut (onsideriible pto-uie eailv ami was Iik lined to ding foi a time. Offer ings weie well taken, with' continued free Inning h a hading Ouialm concern. The big bulge in coin foiced shorts to cover Hirelings fimn the couutr.v vere light. l.cHdlnc futurea ranged aa folloua t'orn (new dtlherj) Vest Open HlKh Iw Cloae (love !.' i in', 141 i am i s i an .Vla 1 .10 1 .IT, 1 JV 1 .l.'V, T1.S1K 7Hii 711 73 'j, nv. 72 75 7-H 32 .II) .l.-i 10 3,- .10 3". 30 2d 70 :a 117 2d 7n 2.". 77 2(1 R. 2.-i 00 IS ll-i IX 111) 1H R-i IS S-, IS 77 IS 7!i FINANCIAL BRIEFS i The average price of twenty active industrials established a new high level on Mondav at 1I!U!.. an advance of 0.00 iiii tent ; the twenty railtoads de clined 0.11 per cent to 70 00. Raising of redistount rntes by the 1'ederal Reserve Hank is a sign thnt the ost. bunking authorities feel thnt some effort, however blight nnd gentle, should be made to an est the Inllatiou now so vigorous nnd flsgraut .Stockholders of the Ilrond Street Hank iinnnimouslj adopted the resolu tion for conversion to a national bank. The institution will continue to operate for the net thirt.v dnjs ns n state bank, nt the expiration of vvhhh time, after dulj advertising, the bnnk will le eciw a national charter. Directors and olh(eis have been re-elected for another onr. The board of directors of tile Key stone Telephone t'o , having arranged for 'he fmnuchig' of the automatic tele phono ei"ipnient, have decided to defer rn.me.it of current dividends on the deferred stock until the turplus of the (ompauj shall be SI, 000,000. Robert Gleudinning & Co. announce that II l'ercivnl Olenilinnins and Htanlej A. Welsh have become asso ciated with that firm. The former is a nephew of Robeit filendlnning and the latter is the son of Charles V. Welsh, members of the firm. The semiannual stntement of the Itrvn M.lvvr Trnt.f dinuu tntn! i-i,j,,r.n .is of Sclitember 30 nninuntliif in 1 lit --(i ill V te innri," 44S,,.i0 and deposits pf $1,120,037. " " - There bus boon listed on the I'hihi- rloliilini h.l. Tvr.linn Tl'li'iin n.i (leljilna Mock l.xcliange, ,f.((,(,(,00 nd- tiiiii'iiui ui-iinui .irtutu,L I iillllllllll siofKt iss.iic(l in oxclinniro for So' 4nfl nm. fimil. inr i insim- tlio ntiinnnf nf ,,.- nion listed to $18,38.",7ri0, and reducing 'In amount of preferred to S8.400..",00. AMERICAN EXPRESS TRAVEL DEPARTMENT announces A CRUISE TO. SOUTH AMERICA Visiting JAMAICA, PANAMA, PERU, CHILE, ARGENTINE, URUGUAY Sailing from New York JANUARY 7 . , Returning to New York MARCH 8 Beautiful New Cruising Steamer: By special arrangement with the Pacific' Steam Navigation Company the S. S. EBRO will be used for this cru,ise. The EBRO is a splejndid new twin-screw steamship built especially for cruising in the tropics, and luxuriously equipped with every modern convenience, including beds' instead of berths, electric fans, outside light and ventilation for every room, passenger ele- ' vator, two veranda cafes, both shower and tub baths, large promenade decks, many single rooms, no more than two people in any room. The Great Cities of South America. We shall visit Buenos Aires, Montevideo, La Plata, the Andes by rail, Santiago, Valparaiso, Antofagasta, Arica, Lima, Panama, Kingston as well as brief calls at other ports. Cruise Price, Including' Shore Trips, $1625 to $1745 . Write for Detailed Announcement - TO CALIFORNIA TO FLORIDA 0 TO EUROPE TO JAPAN-CHINA Tours at frequent intervals With extension to Cuba. Battlefronts tours sailins Tours sailing January, throughout the winter. Five attractive tours. November 22, Jan. 3, Feb. 7. February; March, April. IMPORTANT: Book now for -Europe in Spring of 1920 Write for lltuMtrafd Bookltti. AMERICAN EXPRESS TRAVEL DEPARTMENT Wanamaker'i Main FIof Jl"Per st Entrance, Philadelphia, Pa. Phone Spruce 5 TRADE HEAVY BUYER ON COTTON EXCHANGE Prices Touch New High Levels, December Crossing 38 Cent Mark COTTOsJ VliVT WKATltEn CONDITIONS New 1nrk, Nov, R The following tern, peraturen were recorded In the cotton belt thla mornlnir: Abilene, Knoxvllle and Nnabvllle. 3N; I.tttle nocU and Meinphln, W. Oklahoma City, 44; Atlanta and rort Smith, mi Meridian. Bo, Shreverort nnd Macon, 52' VICKBtiurc and Monliromery, M: Autrunta and Wilmington, no: rharleet ton, 00j Ieneacnta, Pavonnah and Jack sonville, (12: New Orleans. tW. and Tarnpa, 70 Froat waa reporteil In a few points. There was .ill Inch of precipitation at Now Orleans and rharlcston, on at Sa vannah and 1 40 at Tampa New York, Nov. .", -A big hu.viiiB movement nt the opening of the cotton mnrket today sent prlcon" to new high levels, December crossing the US-cent innrk. In ndditlon "to decided strength in New Orlenns mid Kiwi-pool .vesterday, nnd in both mnrkets iignln this morn ing, sentiment wns Influenced by initial stiength In the stock mnrket, frost in western Texas nnd In some of the most northerly sections of the eastern belt nnd bullish news ns to spots, The trnde wns ngnln n henvy buyer this morning nnd commission houses nearly nil had orders on the same side of the mnrket. Offerings were light nnd scattered. There wns n good denl of rcnlizing nbove 3H cents f(;r December and .TT.fiOt for .Innunry, hut there was nlso trnde buying nnd rehiring bj pre-holldny sellers, which enrried the nctlve months nbout "" to 0,'l points net higher. There was a little more cotton for sale around .'18.18 cents for December nnd H7.12 cents for March, which caused icnetions of 10 or l", points. The receipts nt the vorts for the tin, are estimated nt -l.'.OOO bnles, compared with 4.,!i1'i bnles Inst week nnd -7,-lns bales Inst jear. 11 oo l 30 Trev cliiso Open n. m p m TVremocr . . .17.25631 37 fill 38 l'J Jinuary . 30 701P7.1 37 25 . 37.31 March . . . . 3(1 .10W.11 30 75 37 02 3 88 Mas aS.SlieHll 30 23 30 50 30 34 Jul . ... 35 44045 35 80 .... Heptember . ..31O0 33.50 Hid. LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS Chlcaso, Nov S HOC1S Receipts 17.000 head HlBher Hulk J14..1l)lfri5, ton. $15 10, heavy 14 10JT15. medium. U4i in 10, lleht, 14. 50191.1, llaht llithts. S14W 14 01, heavv packing sows, smooth $14.15 14 40? packing sews, rough, $13 7.1f 14 10, pigs $13 7.14M4 40. CATTI.n Receipts, 17.000 head Firm. Heef cattle, medium nnd heavy weight choice and prime, $17 25tfTln 7.1, medium and good tin .100:7. common $8 21frl0 50, Ignt weight, good und choice $14 3? Ill 50; common and medium $7 25ft113 81, butcher cattle heifers. $(131W14, cows $0 25 1- 75, canners anil cutters $5 2.1tf?0 21. veal calves. $17.1018. feeder steers. $0 50 12 75. stneker aters $d10. western range leers $7 30W.1.1 25, cows and heifers, $0.50 C12 50 MtKEP Receipts. 31 000 head Firm T.ambs $1214. 85: culls and common $8.10 Iff 11 7.1: ewes, medium good and choice, $0 75R cults and common. $.!0.50, breed ing $ 73012. Pittsburgh, Nov 5 HOC1S Receipts, 1000 head Lower Heavies $14.75l!15: heav vorkers, $15 75flil light sorkers, JIB 1015 71 pigs $1501.1.21 SHEEP S.NI) I.AM11S Receipts 000 head. Steady Top sheep, $10 21, top lambs $14. CALVES Receipts. 1IH) heed Steady. Top $10 Knnsaa Cltj. Nel 5 1IOO.S Receipts. 12.000 head Higher Hulk. $14 ROHJM.lo; heavies $14 104M5; mediums. $14 5(HfH15 10: lights $14 21&11. light lights, $1413114 81. packing sows $13 ,10 W14 2,1; pigs. $12.75 014 10 CATTLE Receipts 20,000 head Market uneven Mostly steadi lleivv beef steer. choice and prime $1.1 COfiflR.2.1, medium and good $11 7.111 50, common. $0 5Of0 11 50. Itght. goo,! nnd choice. $12 (IISSIS: common and medium $si?12.c,i: butcher catt e. he fers $0 1 .CI3 50. cows. $0.35SI 11 .10, canners and cutters. $3fl 31: veal calves. $1.1ll! 75, feeder steera $813.50; sleeker steers. $1 7'3lo SHEEP Receipts, 5000 head Market, best Iambi steailv others weak I,amb, $12 7514 75, culls and common $7.10 117.1 earllng wethers. $1) 21HJ10 7.1: ewes. $(117 73, culls nnd common, $1,1 7.1. breeding ewes. $7..10f14, feeder lambs, $11 13 Kaat St. rxillls. 111., Nov .1 HOGS Re celpts, 14,000 head Higher Hulk, $14.75 1101; heavy. $14 7i115. medium, $14 70 15 10, light weight, $14 40CM.1 01, light lights $14 25 J 4 71, heavy packing sows, smooth $12 5013, packing sows, rough, $11 50l12 .10. pigs. $13fiO14 50 CAl il.r. iteceipis p.iuii neaa Mteaav llfef steers medium and heavy, cholro and 'prime $17iiflS5(), medium and itood J 10 75 fl7S. common. 8 SOlO.Tn: llBht. cood and choice. 114B'1R2.1: tomrara nnd medium. $s14 butchers' cattle, heifers 57 Will; cos JO 5oeil.30, cannet-a and cutters, I$1-.w0 50, veal calv es light and handv ,,iBht 14 .'.nst 18.25: feeder steers, JO .10 2 ntnt-ker ntttr. IflnflOlO. hUnKr- nlptii .-lOOO head Steady Lamt)" $12 nOH.7.; culln anrl rommon, MfiM'J. xarllnK uetherfl. $11112, ewes medium nn.1 choice. $." .'.0tg7,0, culls and nommon f 3u5. THE WEST INDIES Three special cruises to the WEST INDIES by the luxurious great White Fleet, sailing , JANUARY 10 S. S. Pastores JANUARY 31 , S. S. Calamares FEBRUARY 21 S. S. Toloa TRAVEL THE BUSINESS NOTES Manufacturing furriers nro Ionth to ndmlt that the nnseasonnblo weather in hnvlng any detrimental effect on their business, though they nrc not so snn Rulne nbout what inny happen to dupli cate orders if the theinioirlctcr persists lu Rtnylng up. Mole, seal, squirrel, heaver and Ko linsky nre ngnln the favored furs for millinery purposes this senson, despite the fnet thnt they have held this posi tion several times in recent . ears. The high prices ashed for laces appear to, cut no figure In the buyer's mind nt the present time. An Inbtnnce was re lnted vesterday where nn up-stntc buyer purchused several pieces of beaded lace costing $30 a jnrd. This order wns supplemnnted by further purehnscs of material priced nt 518 a yard. Additional rates to llnnihurg, IJreinon nnd Danzig, Issued by the shipping bonrd, show a tariff of Jl.W) per 100 pounds on canned goods and provisions tn ITntnhnt't nn1 Tl,.n,,tn nml Q1 Kn in Danzig, Refrigerator riugo Is listed nt $3,r.() per 100 to nil thice ports. Philadelphia Markets GRAIN AND FLOUR WH13AT Itecetntd IPrt.HSR bushels The market wns unrhanfceil, Tho quotations were hd follows: Car lotn. In export plefttor. government stand irl Inspection standard prlceR Ni. 1 red winter tS..", No 1 north ern sprlntf. S2 3U, No 1 hard winter, J2 30 No 1 red winter, ffartltkv. $2.37, No 1 red. smutty, 2. 81, No I red. trurlicUv and smut ty, $2,34. United Hlates Grain Corporation's purchases of hHt were based on thp fol lowlnp schedule nf discounts No 2 wheat 3c under No 1. No. 3 white He undor No 1 No. 4 wheat. Hie under No I, No ft wheat 14c under No 1 Tor all wheat otherwise conformlnj? to tho specifications of No .' or better, but delcjent In test weight tho ills count from the No ft price will be .'lc ier bushel for ench one-ptund deficiency In test welKht Wheat Rradlnft below No ft for reasons other than deficiency In test welshls will bu bought on Its merits Smutty wheat will be discounted according to tho degree of smut, but In no case less than 2c per bushel under the corresponding regular grade Uarllcltv whent will b discounted Just aa heretofore 2.'vper buhel from the regular grade Mixed wheat will le dis counted from 2r tn ftc according to quality and condition of mixtures, but unless other wise Instructed the trade ma count on our taking Nw 2 mixed wheat nt Philadelphia Just as heretofore, I e 2c under the cor responding regular grade CORN Receipts 138ft bushels Supplies were small and the market ruled firm and higher but trade was quiet We quote No 2 ellow In car lots for local trade tit $1 08 ii?l 70 on spot OATS Receipts, 1R 074 bushels Tho market was quiet but offerings were light and thp market ruled firm Quotations. Car lots, aa to location No 1 white W 4 fa hie. No, 2 white. Rl4 G?R2c N" 3 hite. 60 V& Sir No 4 white. ?8V.f77ne Fr.OUR Receipts R00 barrels utitl r.,7ft3 -14rt lbs In sacks The market was dull, but mill llmltn were firmly m ilntntned. Quotations wer an follows Per inn lb packed In 140-lb lute sHcks oft winter, stralsht western MO-H-10 2ft do do near hv to 7ft 10, hard winter straight. $11 3i C?ll ftfti do, short patent, $11 7ftt7M2 2ft, spring first clear, $H 2.riI "ft, do. patent, 12 1 0 Sf 1 2 2. do short ritent $12 ftOffp 12 7ft. fancy spring nnd'cltv mills patent, famllv hrands $12 7ftff713 2ft IIVR KIDT'R wna In lienr reiuest at for mer rates Vi ouote nt $71T7 S3 per barrel f In sacks, as to quality PROVISIONS There was 1 fair Jobbing demand und prices generally were flrmlv held Quotations Reef, in sets smoked and atr-dried. 5r,c, beef knuckles nnd tenders smoked and alr drled. ftllc pork family, ft7c, hams, S I cured loose, 27 IP 28c do skinned, loos3, J4(27ct do do smoked 2(1 (y 27c j hams, boiled, boneless 41c; picnic shoulders. S V cured loose, 21c; do, smoked, 22c, bellies In pickle loose, 20c, breakfast bacon, 35c, lard, 32c, REFINED SUGARS Supplies were small and the market ruled firm on a bisis of He for fine granulated DAIRY PRODUCTS RUTTKR Tho market was quiet but steady w 1th offerings only moderate. W'a quote: Kresh, solld-pnrked creamery, fancy, high-scoring goods, 71t873c, extras, 70c. ex tra firsts, tW&'tfSc, firsts. ft002c; seconds, ft"(Fi?ftSc, sweet creamery, choice to fancy, 72ffC74c. fair to cood. ftH7270r. prints Job bing at 7 78c for fancy and G0(Q75c for fair to good IXjGS Really flno nowly-lald eggs were well cleaned up and firm, but unattractive Mrck was little wanted nnd imgular In value we quote; Free cases, nearby firsts, $20 In iMr crate, nearby current receipts. lift RO. fnlr tn cood SIR WW 18 00. western extra firsts. 120 10, firsts, $1R DOCflo .'(), nearby and western seconds. $1)1 80018, In ferior lots lower, fancy selected eggs Jobbing; at 7413)700 per dozen CHUn.SIC Demjnd w,as fairly actUe and the market ruled firm under light offerings Quotations ranged as follows New York, whole-milk, flats, funrv, 3333Hc; fair to irnnrl. 31 s,i(!D!t2lA c Wisconsin, whole-milk. fancy, 3K334c, fatr to good 31S2c, Job-J urn? sal en of rancy gooas, 34yoac, POULTRY LTVn Sold fairly and fine desirable-sized stock ruled firm and higher under scarcity Quotations row Is fine, weighing 4 lbs and oer apiece. n37e do. medium size, good quality. HSffBlc; do. poct 212Hc Chick ens, line quality, 30fi?32e. do. Inferior 24 2Rc. Old roosters, 21W22C Ducks white Tekln 3207 .-14c, do Indian Runner, 28 30c Geese, 2tl30c Turkejs 3230c. Pigeons, old per pair. 323".c: do oung, per pair, 28(0'S0c. Guineas youns, per pair welgh- AMERICAN WAY s- and over apiece. it7S01(8S, 14 VI; lbs. nplecc. ll.ftnSM.dS. lfol-H lbs BPlecr. $1 10t&l 30, Weighing 1 weUhimr iriilnon. rtlrt tint nn air, II luoti .u. unuoniiu r in uesiraoie-sizen hipck boiu fairly and ruled firm under light offerings. Following are th quotations: Turkeys, western spring, 4Ti(iPI0c; fowls, freshltilled, dry-picked, In boxes, weighing1 4 pounds and oer apiece, 40cj weighing 84 pounds, n'ftf!Mni ftmnllnr nlkes. i!7fib31t: fowls. fresh-killed, In bols , dry-picked, weighing 4 lbs. and over nptece, 80c: weighing .14 lbs., yittfUJc; smauer sizes, ai f ouc; roosters, dry-picked, 24c; broilers, Jersey, Ice-packed, 40(iMMc do. other nearby, chnle. lce-nacked. 3Ut88c: ordinary to cood. 30 3c, broilers, vestern. Ice-packed weighing 1 (i -j jns -apiece, iioixio roHBiiiiK hii;i- ens. western, Ice-packed, weighing 4 lbs, and nupaiiG, fxccpiionai joib wcro hlnhrr- welnhlnit IIV Pis., Mo l .western. Ic- pacHKl, vvfiiinitK! i-v ia ids. npu ece. 20C28Q: western milK-iec cnicKcns i: to box. 17 lbs tirl nnHor In rinsf-n. nr Hi 43&40c; IB tn 24 lbs tn dozen. 42rfi43c. 25 to 30 lbs. to ".."--- -. t ;i z. .-.--r " 7. "..- in nozen, i-iflc; ao 10 ;i- ins. dozen, per lb, 34935ci 31 to 36 lbs, to dozen, per lb, AJ-ivHrfCj in to a ids. io dozen, per lb. 31CDA2et 43 to 47 lbs. to d07en, per lb., 3l33c: 48 lbs and over to dozen, &4&3le: spring ducklings, nearby, as to quality, SflCMOr. squabs, per dozen, white weighing ii 10 xi. idf. par uozen. fwwi". white weighing 0 to 10 lbs. per do7en, $R8.50. white" weighing 8 lbs per dosen, $07; white, weighing 7 lb. Per dozen, $4 r.01?ft.2ft( white, weighing 0 to 04 lbs. per dozen, $2.B0W3 ftO; dark, U.CUUS.-Jdt mall and No. 2. G0cO$2. FRESH FRUltS rhnlce stock sold falrlv and valuei ceh- Lerally ruled firm an follows: Apples. pt rbush hamper, $lt?f2.2fi; do, per bbl., $4 &0 Ttf t .iu . ranix'rries average cwu. pt crate, $l.ft0ff(2 ftOj do, extra fancy large, per crate $2.7ft3. Pears. Seckel, pi r bush, SiUl I no; ;i1o, 7efcr, per bush., $l$o 2 Jft Grapes, Concord, per pony liskt., 30 5? 3Jc, do. Wine, per Jumbo bskt . $1.15iyi 2"i lemons, per box, $1 lP.trl0 30 Oranges, California, per box. $J,(0Ti7.ftO. do. Plor ida jwr box. SS "iKHifl b.i. Grapefruit, Plor IJu. per bcxt $2. 10W3. VEGETABLES Potatoes, onions and cAbbafte of line qusl Ity were Kenernliy firmer with demand ai sorbins tho limited offerlnKS Quotations. White potatoes, nearby, per b.kt. No 1, Ii(oQll.l(i; lower Rrailes, nU5ci vvhltn potatoes, per l"i-ll. sticks Nt 1, $3 WtiP i 10, No. 2, VlUi in; vihltu potatoes, l'enn slvanla, per eM , K 0UW3 Hweet potatoes Southern No 1. per bbl , "J1 501 do. No '. per bbl., Sl.T.'il.LTi, Jersey, per b&kt., 7."icSl in ChIiImru, New York, domestic, per ton, tttr.lO, do Danish, per ten. i.UU 4(1 Onions, per lOO-lb. sacks Yellow, 3 4 PARCEL POST TWO OLD RELIABLES Old Reliable Malone Phone, Poplar 3123 Between them provide happiness for many Philadelphia boys. Call now, select your bicycle, pay a little each week, and by Xmas you will have your Boy's or Girl's present paid for. Cash or terms. ,OUl rellahlo Malone stands behind every bicycle ho sells. Old Reliable St. Nicholas knows the quick path direct to your boy's heart, and he recommends a bicycle. Great slnuchter In prices of all sun dries for the holldajs. Old Reliable St. Nick GEO. C. MALONE 1203-05 Girard Ave. OI'J'N KVKNINOS steamers of 'the -! , ' Inr 2 lbs zF IWi Wiiy f H'xtJh -,' v, ir Br ''C-.V-V? r PABCEL POSI For a Pretty Spring Garden Plant Simon's ?ulbs Now Ready for Delivery HynclntliH, Tulips, Narcissus, Crocus, Lilies nnd l'eontcs; also a nice assortment of Ferns, Palms and Follneo lilants. SPECIAL OFFER 1 $2.55 .Worth of Bulbs for $2:00 Value 6 Hyacinths $0.50 fi Singlo Tulips ........ .25 6 Double Tulips 25 12 Narcissus 1.00 12 Crocus 20 1 Chinese Lily 15 1 Calla Lily 20 And Copy of Our Bolb Citato; nil mailed to your Rddress post paid for J2.00. If our SPECIAL OFFErt does not Interest you, we win man copy of our Bull aiaiog. niiuia or cnarge. Mention ViibHo Ledger witeti uraenno I.N.Simon & Son 8 Market St. Phila., Pa. 'GETTHEBESjff Pf ADVICE ANL i jjfjcAjjwmvjm LltelCAS kGPATEST Mt 4 rrrnt rirntal establish ment . Ifi vfnrrt nurrenfl and tlinutuindn nf tmtlentN ar Drool flint mv uork 1m PAINLESS & PERMANENT I triiaru titer comnlftte untWf fic tion. ,Mv Drier urn lOMrat nosnih Ixaminntton and rxtrartlnn 9th & Market PHILA. OIL BURNERS for Heaters, Ranges and furnaces We Burn Fuel Oil ll Do" ll" Work or You Don't Pay. We Guarantee Our Burners Cheaper Than Coal. Safe, Clean, No Ashes. leenln Wuntnl GEORGE J. COLES gSr The Tostrr ManiifnfturlnB Co.. Inc. Phila. Office, 830 Walnut Street "SWEET AIR" , The Modern Method of rrJ rainless Lxtracuon ol TEETH "Safk as si.i;r,r" One to 3 teeth extracted Wllhnut noln rw rlui.n. jut me tnintr ror nervous peocle no 111 fftt follow Ufl up DR. MOSES S. K. Crtr. 711, X. M I . e. rnrmerlu on staff o prominent gosptinll We reconstruct, up holster and polish your old suite equal to new. Leather, tapestry and velour. $8$14 $24 Slip cavern, all patterns of cretonne, at reasona , Die prices Tlrealde Chairs trom JJ8 up. Our representative .vlll call at any time and estimate tor you Industrial Uph. & Furn. Co. Show ltoom & Factory rite or I'hnns 11(1 N. IQtli HI. Walnut IliH GUNS U BARGAINS h American-English " HK8T -MAKi:S H S Every Gun Guaranteed Las iiF.rni:sr,NTi;n FRIDENBERG'S LOAN OFFl'pn ,NINTII & KUTTONWOODa dTj3 HOW AUOUT VT SORIK BIONKT n DIAMONDS AND JEWEUIYT IIATF1 I.D1V AS IV. IVAt-TEnS' l'AWNSIini. 004 VINE ST. nnviwii to CITV Furniture Rc-Upholstcred Bm IB .''-,,"V y S i-fli ' WEf SIPk I le, m free, m 1 DR M PS'i I TTIWMI lIMIHlV Alh Pit Call Lombard SM .,, RepresentAtlve wll autxntt amples and coat. Bet ntn ' furniture at lowest rates, Inx, mediate attention and firtt class work iruaranteed. CIIESTFJtFlEI.D Ul'IIOl. t . filKltl'.D FlIltNITUItR C. '. S CHKSTNDT 8T., V .. Talking Machines Repaired I iinrtniinF Cfll T AV11 l'VfllAN(ll'l Wo carry a full line , J, of all tnlklna mochlne 'parts . People's Talking Machine Repair Slop v 40- N. 10TH ST. UASiaiuN Sugar Fur one or two rpooni ot sugar. Japer Naiiklns and;-' Toothpicks. DyBter Ioxe? Wax Paper, Totlt rapeP Bags for 119 ('arris all alien. Wrapping Paper, Paper TlaRs, Twlne EZRA LEVINSON20 hrE1r,rn? UMBERTSCLESS."81- . w PRINTING r Mfl m m w f JKi V7 il SMAU,QyANTITtSATRASQAlEP g..nt.s.xJajinJJx.iAMm,nrJi siwirasiesviMfsn, " A ulpit; r --r a - V ux 4 " 'v -'1 n -'n, ''Ssak-wj.lLuJr. ik'jMj