Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 05, 1919, Night Extra Financial, Page 21, Image 21

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r '
Out'of-Town Games Against
Dartmouth Have Been
Full of Fight and Good
WAY from the scenes of Franklin
Fletil. wliprn ovurv Inrh nf the (rrtrl.
iron is known by Pcnn playcra throiiRh
jicrsonnl contact, it is only natural to
suppose that the lied and Blue does
not play as sood a brand of football. .
This tiieory may bold true in con
nection with n number of series, but
it is n total stranger in relation to
1'enn -Dartmouth Raines.
Tho big Orecn has battled the Quak
ers twice at Boston. Ono game was a
Dartmouth victory by 7-3, but in 1017
tlie Red nnd Blue snatched a 7-0 do
cision. Tenn was beaten in the city
of books and beans in 1015, but nt
that time n 7-3 reverse was n moral
1015 Kxamplo
That 1015 conflict is indelibly im
pressed on the minds of tho few l'cnn
men who saw the game. It came when
football nffalrs at the University were
in a state of unrest. Howard Berry
hnd iust nuit the team after a snat
with tho coaching staff, which was
headed by George II. Brooke, and Grant,
Stack and Welch, three of the mem
bers of the varsity, had been declared
There was only one quarterback on
the squad Bert Bell. If Bell had been
injured there wasn't any ono who could
have' been sent in to cnll the signals.
Dartmouth, of course, was a big favor
ite in whnt little betting there was.
Bell had been through n poor season
and Venn looked like a 1-100 shot. Bert
was the only one in the backfleld who
could punt and the kicking fell on hini.
He found himself in that game and put
up a great fight. His boots averaged
forty yards.
Moral Victory
The Quakers put up a great battle,
and there was no scoring in the first
half. At tho end of the third quarter
the Red and Blue led by three "pOintB,
but in the closing minutes of tho game
the Green put over a touchdown on a
forward-pass play.
Tho only other time the Quakers
played at Boston was two seasons ago,
when they won by a touchdown. The
score came on straight, hard football
with no fluke attached. .Toe Strauss
battered his way over the goal line
through tackle.
All of which goes to prove that tra
dition is not exactly working against
I lie Bed and Blue when Dartmouth is
played on the Polo Grounds Saturday.
Confidence Not Shnlien
The Quakers were handed a 10-0
reverse by State, but the defeat has not
shaken their confidence. Most of the
men are veterans; they know they can
play the game nnd all of them are sure
(lint they could beat the1 Bczdck ng
"regation it they had another chance.
The rumors about n shake-up in the
personnel of the team is all oft. It is
not likely that thero will be one change
in the line-up from the one that btarted
against State. If there is any switch,
it will be Bud Hopper in pjace of
Bay Miller at left end. It has been
Kolwcll's policy to interchange these
two players. .
No Changes
The line will remain the same, and
thut nlso goes for the backficld, unless
the coaching stnff changes its collective
mind in the meantime. Practices at
Franklin Field these days are not only
most severe, but nlso most secretive.
The Quakers have their fighting spirit
aroused, and the Big Green team is
going to catch tho Bed and Blue in
the middle of n rally, just as Penn
caught State in the center of a flare-up.
Dartmouth hasn't lost a game this
season, so the Spears combination, also,
should be there with the old confidence.
Bowling Results on Terminal, Costa,
Keystone and Casino Alleys
FlU'ald. H8 10
Sauna' ra 181 ll
Hrady. .. Ill 12
ICoeml.. 100 134
Marks... 147 151
lcp. ... 48 45
Totals. 743 794
143 Wood..,. 170 140 17R
1111 Miller... 100 141 122
ins Williams 171 1R3 10R
IBS Harlow.. 184 153 140
142 Hayes... 181 140 182
Totals. 7S0 709 747
von li'K hi Jii
llcCartv 138 130
Church'l 117 88
i:hrl'an 70 ...
r,ourt... 137 1RR
llalsall 123
ildcp.... 100 70
14 Hlckey.. 141 141 141
104 KrelK... 147 132 127
lilt! DowUm?. 123 1MI 107
... O'Conner lfl 143 141
inn Cross... 104 171) 109
170 Totals. 741 704 785
Totals. 727 713 031
fichade.. IM 1H2 JJR
Slattery. 73 U2 07
(lllds...! 7K 121 OS
,(- lO'l ml inn Tflfr... I4fi lfiK 07
I.owery,. 1U7 iu in
Welner .! 110 130 Kill M'Keller 130 00 ISO
L'hatham 121 147 118
Trenton.. 80 132 10S
lidep. . .. 100 100 100
Totals. 651 091 801
cDflnTTKfi nnnns
Totals. 007 008 597
Iortnor.. 185 137 ml M'QInnls I!i 14 124
McOurry 150 sn 150 Carpen'r 70 109 12S
Icdoucn 81 82 94 Zlegler,. 118 108 118
McOre'r, 11 119 119 OreBory. 90 127 102
Chllds.. 101 112 101 barker., 187 107 80
Ildcp..,. 23 23 23
Totals. 040 538 031 m , , .
Totals. C04 K23 870
nirkhead 115 132 109 T.aw. . . . 1811 ISO Ut
Sheffield 148 120 111) ToWar,.. J-ja 187 139
narr..,. 13H 131 10(1 Percy. , 110 119 110
MoPaul. 01 H7 131) Qlmbel.. B8 130 101
ilaker.. 117 117 11T Dufteo... 128 133 143
IIdcp....7oTojro Totas
Totals. 070 1157 000
133 137 144 ir.-im'ton 188 158 181
Mulhol'd 108 115 07 Nichols,
142 102 io:
Schaejc'r 02 92 02 rlz... 112 122 128
McDePtt 00 108 84 Thomas. 120 116 81
McKenna 103 140 17(1 Stokes... 101 123 151
Ildcp.... 81 81 86
. 2& Totals. 728 620 843
Totals. OflFOSS 020
Rolled on Keystone Alleys. Nov. 4. 1019
rjreen'ell 170 170 213 fttorck.. 11)8 193 171
Service., 148104 157 McMa'n. 220 223 174
MeDo'eli 142 168 144 11. Quest 164 104 187
Younr. . 171 174 162 Warner. 160 108 200
Harrrson 147 201 158 Campbell 214 171 170
!!p Totals. 787 008 831 Totals. 003 940 008
&', ' Merwa.. 167 102 ISO Shaeffer. 147 208 153
ffiv. Rimer's. 182 155 187 It. Zler. 168 192 ISO
Bfc ..tt,' Lambert 178 187 100 Drown.. 224 180,182
$?, .iames. . 104 103 200 Blind,.. 143 ......
".",".. . Conant.. 189 154 142 Price.... 222 164 165
V W. Zler, i... 195 147
K'- ToUls. 803 881 807 A .
Totals, 000 048 782
!? Hardy.. 148 180 1R Savlll... 155 13 103
.' Smedley. 208 231 1R2 Wells, ., 177 171 153
JRr - Bmlth.,, 108 107 150 Hot 148 181 175
Bfv, Alkens,. 100 141 142 Kick.... 215 154 207
EV, .Ijalle... ylus 170 182 Lunxren. 223 078 205
ST "Tofals. 01B Bill 848 Totals. 918 842 033
Epr Ttodxers. 150 201 140 Fehr. ... 100 189 178
Wf Durnell. 188 210 23U Moyer... 214 183 160
K a Dakley.. 146 168 14H Hldcr. ., 195 184 148
Br' Kane.,, 178 185 202 Mulford. 108 188 182
W Hartley. 100 137 201 Obi...., 175 168 221
Totals. 830 021 033 Totals, 043 012 893
lillitner. 101 97 101 Roberts, 07 103 107
bDley... 100 82 110 llewley. 85 95 100
,f)rrer.. 102 114 107 Iiucbley. 13$ 04 87
Latshaw 127 118 109 Whyt. 90 118 121
Wagner. 11SU11 104 orerdorc no 1ST ill
Ir-- .it r','ib- p51 sr m Totu 18 b" 3
Forty-five Round Bouts
or Anything in Mexico
Illsbee, Ariz., Nov. 5. Tentative
plans for forty-flvc-round prize
fights across the line at Naco, Son
ora, were announced yesterday by
local promoters, who recently held a
conference with Cordovla Florcnclo,
chrcf of police, and Judgo Iticardo
Moreno, of the Mexican town.
Under a recent ruling of Gover
nor Ilucrta, Cananca and Naco arc
placed in the same district, and
Florencio is in a position to govern
this section in all unimportant af
fairs that do not interfere with lcg
islaton of the state. The latter re
cently gave local promoters full au
thority to stago prizefights of any
length, provided tho sport was kept
clen .
Construction of an arena in tho
old bull ring will he started immedi
ately. Tho ring has a seating ca
pacity of approximately 20,000.
Use Whole Set of Bows Through
Fairway Putt by Hand
With Paper Disc
New York, Nov. 5. Election day
visitors at the Sleepy Hollow Country
Club in Scarborough watched a pair
of archers start from the first tee and
actually defeat a pair of golfers at the
latter's own game.
Dr. Joseph Blake, the noted surgeon,
who has recently returned from France,
paired with his friend, F. W. King,
also an exponent of the bows and
arrows, matched against C. G. Com
stock, one of the club's leading golfers,
and A. J. Sanderson, the Sleepy Hol
low professional, and beat them by 1
up in eighteen holes.
The archers used a collection of bows,
for different purposes nnd distances,
similar to. the golfer's array of wooden
and iron shots. For the drive a bow
..nJiln nt n rmwar fnrrn nf nlnptv
lounns was cmpioyea, ana me average
distance was 275 yards when held at
an nngle of forty-five degrees. Corres
pondingly lesser motive forces were
....4K.tnnt ftf ihn nnnrrtflph fllints. A
novelty was introduced into the arch
ery for use on tue greens, instead oi
an arrow Doctor Blake and King
"putted" with a email paper disc 4
inches in diameter, nnd when this
lodged over the golf hole the "put" was
regarded as having been made.
Tom Campbell Breaks 600-Tape In
1:14 When Frost Nips Shins
New Haven, Conn., Nov. 5. Yale's
fall track meet was run off yesterday
and was featured by Thomas' Campbell's
exhibition in tho 000-yard race which
he ran in 1:14. Campbell is holder of
the worli's indoor mark for this dis
tance of r:13 nnd his performance yes
terday was very creditable considering
tho heavy track and the cold weather.
He later won the mile race to 4:41.
Kelly and Costello at La Riviere
A cltUens' testimonial committee of Bast
Falls, of which Iran Croolts. 4253 nidce
avenue, la treasurer, will tender a testi
monial dinner to John B. Kelly, champion
slnitlo sculler of this country, and Paul V.
Costello, winner of the association slnct.
sculls event, at tho Cafe La Klviere. East
nivor drive. November 18. Both oarsmen
are members of the Vesper Boat Club, uf
tho Schuylkill Navy, and won the titles In
the annual championship races of the Na
tional Association of Amateur Oarsmen at
Worcester last Aucuat.
RUdlJlU. 101 79 102 Wlthrow 71 88 R.",
Allen... 10.-, 132 100 Beam... 88 118 93
Wllnon.. 102 128 120 HlKham. 05 108 122
Williams 125 07 118 Rlch'son 89 120 111'
Wlso.... 115 141 140 Sl'Crkey 115 90 122
Totals 348 507 583 Totals 438 531 533
Bcheffor. 124 172 101 Osmun. 158 114 10(1
Hill.... 107 91) 18S MoC'key 185 103 1311
Part.... 03 110 97 Kenney. 100 148 Oil
O. Bert. 1311 117 118 Khoades 158 151) 1311
Eyre... 108 81 113 Colllson. 171 129 147
Totals.. 508 382 880
Totals.. 72S 734 038
Jamison 132 142 110 Oustke.
13U 11V 134
120 120 147
Himey.. liu 127 bii u. .
Hliby.. 03
Jester.. 110
77 83 Loflln... 99 173 100
90 157 Littleton 123 1C0 113
lloberts. 100 110 165 Ilurr.
125 134 110
Totals.. 503 535 501
Totals... -.97 7011 015
102 94 130 Tnirram 1411 171 155
Moyer. .
Delser. .
131 100 83 Myers.. 131 10(1 155
170 112 121 Hoar. 100 11(1 72
118 113 10.1 Illblerd-J0l 124 121
130 111 141 Webster 121 111 140
Totals.. 031 530 601 Totals.. 721 088 635'
Frank Moran Scores K. O.
Cumberland, Sid., Nov. B. Blc BUI Mc
Fadden. of Philadelphia, sllshtly outwelfthed
made a sorry showing nralnst Frank Moran,
ot Pittsburgh, before the Cumberland Ath
letic Club at Narrows Park Rink last night,
having been knocked out early In tho second
round of what was to have been r twelve
round go. Moran knocked McFadden down
threo times In the second round.
Harvard-Princeton Footbal
At Princeton
Saturday, November 8
Will leave Broad St. Station 0:05, 10.O3.
10:23. 10:40 and 11:00 A. M., stopping at
West Philadelphia and North Phlla.
The use of the earlier trains Is advised.
Special Tinlns Returning After Unine
On this date all regular train service on
the Princeton Branch between 10:30 A.M.
and 6:63 P. II,, both Inclusive will be
All stops of regular trains at Princeton
Junction will be annulled after 9:34 A.M.
and before 7:20 P. M,
Pennsylvania R. R.
Harvard vs.
At Palmer Stauium,Princeton,N.J.
Saturday, Nov. 8th
Tickets on Sale nt A, (1. Spalding A Bro.t
1210 Clustaut tit.
Dopester Shows, on Paper, Why'
Downey's Eleven Will Bo
1919 Grid Champion
La Salle Prep will have won the
Catholic school championship when the
whistle sounds bringing a close to the
1010 grid campaign, according to
one of the team's constituents. Here's
the way lie dopes it out:
"La S.Vij's 0-(i victory over St. Joe
Snturday puts the Blue and Gold In a
fine position to win the Catholic olinin
l)ionhIp. Several wceks ago St. Jo
seph's and Villanova Prep played a
scoreless tie. Now that Lii Salic de
feated St. Joe all that remains for the
former to do is win from West Phila
delphia Catholic High : but, in the
meantime St. Joe must win or at least
tie Itoman Catholic High."
No Game With Catholic
This same La Salle constituent says
that nn open date was kept for Cath
olic High, but Coach Glendon's, team
was unable to find room on its schedule
for the Blue and Gold, for some reason
or other. Despite this, La Salle still
will be able to claim the title providing,
of course', Catholic High's team fails
against St. 'oc.
T.n Snlle Im deserving of more credl
for its victory over St. Joe. despite the
narrow margin of but three points, ac
cording to Conch Downey. He says sev
eral of his players went into the fracas
hardly in fit fettle to play their best
game. McBride. who started at end.
was handicapped by -a bad ankle, and
he had to leave the field nfter the first
quarter. Other players hurt before
the contest were Callahan, center, and
Poppert. fullback.
Plays With Broln Wrist
Poppert played throughout the game
with n broken wrist, while his booting
foot handicapped him greatly because
of a bruised toe. Callahan's playing at
the snap-back position was short of re
morkable owing to n bad arm. It was
his first game for two weeks, having
his llrst game lor two wccks. nav mg
been put on the injured list nfter the
fefl!n mix.
Conch Downey wns highlv elated with
his new backficld find. The new dis
covery is Brenuan, who wns removed
from tho line to ono of tho halfback
jobs, and he proved himself a con
t sistcnt ground gnlner against St. Joe.
La Salle's next contest win oe pinyeci
on Snturday agninst Williamson Trade
School, on the latter's field.
Lcnguo (lanio Tomorrow
An Intcrscholastlc League football
game will be played tomorrow after
noon on the V. 11. It. Y. M. C. A.
grounds, Forty-fourth and Parksido
avenue, when "Nig" Berry's West
Philly Hpeedboys lino up against Gcr
mantown High's eleven. This gnmc
originally was scheduled for Friday,
but it lias been advanced until .1:0
p. m. tomorrow. The second league
match of the week, between South
Philly and Central High, wilLbe decided
Friday on Houston Field.
Two soccer games arc on for today.
Upper Darby High plays at German
town High, nnd Hnverford School op
poses Friends' Select on the latter's
Ex-Yank Champion Returns to Red
and Blue Cinder Paths Again
Earl Eby, the interallied 400 meters
champion, yesterday returned to the
University of Pennsylvania where he
will complete his course nnd don togs
with Concli Robertson's squad which
nt this time looks pretty good for the
coming indoor meets. Kby was a mem
ber of the American team which took
part in the games at Stadc Pershing
.Toinville Inst June. Kby appeared here
in the nntionnl cbumpionships but was
in poor health.
I I I It
HlllllH T.
Cold Garage
Direct Heating System
Keeps the auto warm in the coldest
er and makes the garage comfortable,
It is portable. Uses kerosene.
Approved by leading insur
ance companies. Tenth suc
cessful season.
Come in and see demon
stration in our showroom.
910 Arch
'These prices include war tax, and
MOBILE OIL, in 5-galIon sealed cans,
light, medium or heavy body.
Morelite Headlight Lens (any size)
a pair' $1.15
Violet Ruy Headlighc Lena (aiiy sizj)
a pair $2.15
Macbeth Headlight Lens (any size
a pair $4.00
These Lenses all comply with N. J, ana Pa, Stato Laws.
680 North Broad Street
ESTMlMgllUU 1008
Coach Roper, Now Councilman, Puts Princeton Through',
Long Drill Harvard Hard at Work Foot
ball at Philadelphia Navy Yard
Staff Correspondent of the Ermine riibllr
Princeton, N. .1., Nov. G.
-tOACH, now Philadelphia Council-
man, Bill Bopcr, pnssed '..io word
tills morning that he would let down
the gates this afternoon and allow the
student body nnd any one else who
cared to see the Tigers nt practice,
Monday and Tuesday Kopor's young
charges worked behind hermetically
sealed doors nnd no one except players
nun cniicucg were pi'riiiumi io see wnai
was beiug pulled oft within lest some
Harvard picket doing outpost duty
slioum get wise lo the proceedings.
After it was learned that there would
be open house this afternoon the stu
dents hastily arranged to have a parade,
led by the university band. This per
formance was scheduled to take place
at ,'i o'clock, just before the hard prac
tice of the afternoon was to begin.
Long Scrimmage
Yesterday Bopcr sent the first varsity
mid the second varsity against each
other in a long scrimmage drill, in which
lie tried out several tentative line-ups
in an elTort lo get a line on the tim
that will meet Harvard. Itoper still
says Hint there arc seven line jobs open
for the seven men who show up to best
advantage in these Int three days of
practice. Davis's work against the
Gold and Blue was of such a brilliant
nature that lie held down the varsity
left end position esteniay attcriioon. n,.,,,, who is nmirni'1ilnjs his fiftv
whilo Bigton went in nt left tackle ticnd- tliii-rl birthday, was the oldest of till
ing tho return of Stnn Keek. Keek was ,, pOI,tostnnts for the club honors,
on the field in uniform, but did not get tt titl it wns easily seen that his sight
into the scrimmage. has not been dimmed one bit through
The backficld presents an even greater K. ip ,na,ie ,,rfcct s,Cnre.
nroDieni man noes uiu " in ," -i
return of Lourie. Trimble and Garnty, ,
Kopcr finds himself confronted with the
task of choosing a backficld from some
twelve men. nil of- whom have earned
serious consideration. Yesterday's com
bination consisted or strumng, i-oune,
T , b, , fJllrl.itv tl, backficld that,
apl)earC(1 ut0 suri, B00,i advantage in the
first three contests ot the bchedule
AH Get Chanco
After this had been tried out, how
ever, Bopcr sent in practically every
backfleld man on the squad. Scheercr,
Wilraer, Destcfnno and Murrey are all
brilliant defensive backs, while riclieerer.
with hU loni? twistinir mints, nnd Mur-
...... ...111. Uia .InnrroenUR llrnrt kicks.
would balance any running attack und
lound out it formidable combination.
Beside these men, MacPhce and Knox
nro entitled to close consideration, nnd
ol it fnst retnrnine to his early sea
son form. Surely it will take a wise
man to pick the Tiger 'arsity before
It takes the field esaiuroay aiicruouu.
After the scrimmage work, Trimble,
Wllmor nnil Sohocror were drilled in
punting. Schcerer continues to punt
about fifty-five yards, with an occa
slnnnl fi."i.vnrd twister, while ilmer
and Trimble nrc both gaining in aceu-
.. !., H,n nlneemont of their mints.
Later Strubing, Murrey and Don Lourie
pincticed drop kicking irom uu luigiv.-.
of the field. , it TT
Up at Cambridge yesterday the Hav
nni tn,Unm wns n husv nlacc. Condi
tions on the field did not favor Uie
workout Bob Fisher had planned for
the team he is going to use against
Princeton this week, but he went
through with the program, nevertheless.
The drill included not only a very thor
niiBh session between the. varsity and
the substitutes, but also a few minutes,
of the hardest sort of play between the
regulars and the scrubs.
Harvard to date has not shown much
that has not been seen in games of
other years, but this fall has been ,
working out a few additional plays for
its running game.
Harvard will have every man on the
No lnotallntlon
Street, Phila.
Special for the Week
Prices on Penna.
Guaranteed on a basis of 6000 miles by the man
ufacturer, all fresh stock.
Size pn-cc
30x30 & Clincher Vac. Cup $20.15
32x3 S. Side Vac. Cup $23.70
31x1 Clincher Vac. Cup $31.70
32x4 S. Side Vac. Cup $32.25
83x4 S. Side Vac. Cup $34.00
34x4 S. Side Vac. (Inn 3 A 7n
we apply tires without extra charge
sipind in shape on Saturday. This
means that even Iiockwood can lie used
nt tackle if need be. If Pliinney staiid
thu wear and tear of the next two davV
work he very likely will get a chance' to
piny against the Tigers,
Humphrey did some good kicking and
will hnve the call in the big game.
Ilnlph Horween was active and it Is
proposed to send him out for some ac
tual football tomorrow.
Captain Murray is working with tlie
same backfleld that has been used
since tno middle or lust week
nm n n n m r- iA
W AM H Ffif!
Local Comes Into His Own as
One of Best Wing Shots in
City in 15-Bird Shoot
In a drizzling rnin mid driving wind.
which made the white lliers heavv and
flielr flight uncertain. William i'Wpv
ot tills City, yesterday came into Ills I
own as one of the bcsl wing shots in l li'rnr, an end of many years' eperl
t lie Last at the regular election day I nice, and Duc Mellow, tackle, lire
snoot nf the tort Side Inn Gun Club, the mainstays. Both teams nrc rich in
m. it iiiu-iiiiuMi. iiy winning tne mam i
nf nnp cutrjC!(
eveni. n nireen-oirci snoot, irom n fell
Girl Breaks Swimming Record
Honolulu. T. If., Nov fi, Frances fowells
Si'hrotb of San Krnnclsro. broke her own
American record when sl, won the women's
fifty ysrd swim In 50 1.3 seconds yesterday
Never was such
right - handed - two
sllsssiTinsnriiiiai. miiisi nissi iiiiii 'I I'M
I Only at HAIIFM1! I
& rrrr- si iL?xAwjusvhsntrii-. m
M Ii2North 1 1. 1
isk in ... i .u. ikj
Jandldoamlmn m rea. Hi
ilk mSm&.js4ikm
H "Crochet knitted U wfflrMfMtM HK JiH RH HH 9.01 THk
ib mm . . ,,.... m mmmmimvmmi hih7 OsiaiaHHr mmm-vat lammmm
WW Mm M..JLX. J " plain ana WMWMWUWMWf Wwffl tsHBsW WWHI VMUK MHKmMW
H HI i ill O B.F In r ttW mm WmmSmW
M v wm jr vm '"- " - H v
. . iAnarna-
Tl UCJ 3 M K1 nm --. .. .. -...ra
I I r - IUI VI JU&I Efi.lS.LWV mH.ai&L
( ..,,,ffliiiiiiiillllllllllllllll k
i lOTiTI i fwmtmkl TT 1 Dil ct nri r
i Ji ' il 11 k I ill ill Ifflf ! I J n il dJ w. 1 1
B I, HI II llffi m II HIV Ann B -71 Si " M I II I
W'h ' 11 H &e national joy smok&
as you puff out of a jimmy pipe packed
with Prince Albert! That's because
P. A. has the quality!
You can't fool your taste apparatus
any more than you can get five aces
out of a family deck ! So, when you hit
Prince Albert, coming and going, and
get up half an hour earlier just to start
stoking your pipe or rolling cigarettes,
you know you've got the big prize on
the end of your line !
Prince Albert's quality alone puts it
in a class of its own, but when you
Toppy red bagt, tidy red tint, handiome pound and half pound tin
humidor and that clatty, practical pound crystal slat humidor with
tpenge moittentr top thai htipt the tobacco in suci perfect condition.
R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, N. C.
Frankford and Holmesburg to
Play on Community Field
Frankford A. A. nnd Holmesburg
square off against each other in the
most important game nn tho schedule of i
either team on Community Field,
Wnkellng nnd Large streets. imiiK
ford, on Snturday at tt o'clock. Penn
plays Dartmouth in New York the
same day.
The rivalry between the two teams
Is intense, nnd as both have the best
aggregations in the long history of the
two clubs, a close and exciting game
is forecast.
The two teams hnve met each other. !
with the exception of a feu years when
Frankford was disbanded, every year
over a span of more than sixteen sea
sons. Frankford had the edge on tho
early games nf the series, but of lnte
j ears the contests have nil been wins
for the big "burg" team. This year
Frankford hopes to get started along the
victorious path again.
Johnny Scott, formerly of Lafayette,
is the bright star of llirlmeslmrg. Luke
and Diamond, two other Lafayette men.
and Bert Yeabsley. an extraordinary
line plunger, stand out also.
For Frankford Kddle Hill, formerly
ot ( nrnell. coach and Imlllinck; (Jap
turn rinh ltrmmer. iinnrtnrluii-l: ! Knrl
v...i,r..i !... .. i.... . i
tliis year. Holmesburg wns scored on
and beaten by Conshohocken. Both i
teams will present' their regular line-
I ups. .
i ,
70,000 Shooters Stalking Deer
Madlwin, l.. Nov. P.. With 70,000 ileor
huutlnt; licenses Issued this fall. Indications
1 are that tho larsrest number of hunterH ever
l before knoiMi In Wisconsin will bo In the
i woods during the open season. November -!1
to IVcembt-r 1, It waH unnounccil yesterday ,
1 by W 13. Ilarber, of the state conservation
I commission. Last year's total was ."2, ono
- fisted - smokejoy
A mid-Autumn Special jH HIBflHsB Wr sUHf OsBisHbI HHHIDsK. iHllb.
s. Mipgp11!!; HHVfHIl
ifpM i lllliiKii' I! I I llllllilll 1
figure that P. A. is made by
our exclusive patented process
that cuts out bite and parch well
you feel like getting a flock of diction
aries to find enough words to express
your happy days sentiments !
No matter what your past luck has
been on pipe smokes or makin's ciga
rettes, you lay your wad across the
boards that Prince Albert will make you
feel, like you've hooked a new lease on
smokesessions 1
And, P. A. is as good as that listens 1
f 4 1 F i
1 ? r
ra3 J M
- and such elegant
overcoats as these, C
so smart in appear-
Hi i
ance, and so won
derful for value,
will go like wild
fire at
Can You Wear A 36,
A 37, or A 38 Size
Just 300 Extraordinary New Winter Suits,
all 36, 37 and 3S size. These are regular
$35 values, but to round out the overcoat
sale, we offer them at
Every $30$32'50$35$37-50$40
Overcoat In Our Store Reduced
Men, here is your opportunity to wear
an elegant warm, stylish winter over
coat for $23.75 that positively cartnol
he duplicated cither in quality, style or
appearance, unless you pay $30 to $40
elsewhere !
Quick Action Necessary!
Tiiis money-saving offer is for three
days only. Crowds of men will be
present and you must come early to
get in on this sale, for the lot is limited
ft 0.75
V - kK&.&a 'llllllllllllllllllllUHIIIIIilllllllllllJlllI;
iWBj mWtMk v?' ilk.
. ''I
; v
. '-vi
: '. il
"c u " -o M '