Tiffi ., EVENtNGr TUBIIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1019 1 $ t i T ENTAT VO PER UN ACCORDO SU F1UME La.Francla Prende I'lniziativa di una Proposta al Governo Degli S. U. rubllihM nnd Dlatrlbuted Under PEUMIT NO. 8l. Authorlted by th act of October 6. 1017, on fllo at the I'ostotflco of Phila delphia. Jn. A. S. BUULKSON, rostmaster General. SADOUL CAMPAIN BEGUN ParleU 4 novembrc 11 glornalo L'Uco di 1'nrJgi nnnunzla cho la Francla lia prcso l'inlzlatlra di presontnrc n Wash lngton una nuova proposta per slstcmnre lo questiono (11 Flume. II gtornalo dice. pure, clio la mossa dclla Frnncia o' sostenuta dnll'Iugliil terra. Roma, 4 novembrc. TInglilltcrra ha deciso dl sostenerc la soluzlonc pro posta dall'Italta relatlvnmente alia nuestlono dell'Adrlatico cd ha dato istruzlonl a talc scopo all'AmbascIatorc Inglcso prcsso gll Stat! Unltl. Cio' eecondo quanto nnnunzla il glorualc "La Tribuna." II Conslgllo Nazlonnle dl Fiumc, tcoondo 11 dctto giornalc, ha uftlcinl mento notlflcato lo Fotcnzo dcll'Intcba dplla dellbcrazlone approvatn da quel Conslgllo 11 glorno 30 ottobre, con la quale si reclama l'anncssione nll'Italia fcotto 11 princlplo della "sel-dcterrnlua-tion.' II "Glornalo d'ltalla" dice chc e" probablle che la Frnncia Bottomcttcra' nl Supremo Conclllo della Corjfcreti7a delln Paco un nuovo progctto conccr neiit la qucstlone dcl"Adrlntlcn (Jlcmenceau o desideroso dl tcrinlnare In sua presldenza del Conslgllo del Ml liistri dl Frnncia con un atto chc rendu strettl o duraturi i legami dl umlclzla franco-ltallanl. Paris! , 8 novembre. 11 Supremo Conclllo dclla Confcrcnza ha deciso dl inviare un'altra nota alia Humanlu, tonfermante la rlchlesta fatta nclla nota mandata 11 17 ottobre dai govcrnl fran eese, inglcso cd amcricano, ma non ri messa da alcun rapprescntate del go rerno itallano. Ill governo rumeno non avrebbe rlsposto n detta nota pcrche' l'ltalia non vl era compresa. La Dcleeazlone Itollana a Parlcl ha espresso la sua sorprcsa chc la nota non e' stata mandata anche da parte dcU'Italia. La rlchlesta nella nota tnviata alia Itumcnla o quella che lo truppe rumeno slano rltlrato da, Budapest. Notlzie glunte alia Confcrenza della Paco Indlcano che lo sofTerenzo della popolazlono in Vienna sono intenbc, como pure in Budapest, per la mancanza di vlveri e combustiblli. La situazlone in Budapest e' resa poi grave dalufprc benza delle truppe rumeno ,le; qaall avrebbcro fatto bottino sopra vlveri e nirnl ftnecic dl vettovaElle.r6enza ri- guardo alio raccomandazloni del Su-v premo Concilio. .. II Supremo Concilio ha oggt appro- vato uno schema dl trattato da essere concluso tra cli Allcati c le potenze 'as sociate e la Grecia. concernente la nrotezlone dl razzi ed altroiinlnoranze. II Conclllo ha anch? , deciso dl rlehledcre il coverno Dblacco di apri ro il troffico sopra cerfo'ferro vie cho traversano la fronticra tra "la' Polonia c la Germania u uotd -TjllYarsovla. II Conclllo csaminera' f. qucstlone del futuro della Galizla orfentale, un tempo territorio auatriaco, pra'jbccupato dalle truppe poiaccaef ,jty UPHOLbWplflN HAWAII Must Adopt American Standards, Baron uoto icu Japanese mere Honolulu, Nov. 4. (By A. P.) Baron Goto, forner minister of foreign affairs in tho Japanese cabinet, made this statement to tho Japanese of Ha wall before depirting for homo on the steamship Kbrct-Maru :" "It la fortunate, that the Janancse in Hawaii must adopt tho standards and must learn tie English language and frsln their r.llldren jih that lancunce, not in Japajcse. IThey must leallze fully that t!y are a part and parcel of tho body Mlitlcs or tho unltcu and not tho.lody politic of Japan French Socialists Back Captain Who Deserted to Reds Parh, Nov. 4. The public campaign for tho election to the Chamber of Deputies of Cnpthln Jacques Sadoul, tho army officer against whom court martial proceedings for treason nrc pending in connection with his defection to the Russian Bolshevists, was begun at a mcctltue of the Socialist party. Captain SnJoul's name appeared on the program as "honorary president" of the meeting, although ho is still with tho Bolshevists in llussia. Among tho upcakcrs tho most pic turesnuc nn JMnumno Laumoncau. a woman with flaming hair, who urged tho election of Sadoul whllo n. waiting the coming ot n social revolution whlcli should establish him as tho "pcoplo's commissary." Captain Sadoul's friends here have Initiated legal steps to defer the court martial until ho returns as ho Intends. JAPAN E SE COUNCIL RAPSPEACETERWIS 1 IMPORTANT 28TH ANNIVERSARY OFFER FIFTY YELLOW TRADING STAMPS FREE Favors Impeachment of Cabinet Because Treaty Is Unsatisfactory RACIAL ISSUE INADVISABLE TO DISCUSS PLEBISCITE Commission Under Peace Treaty Will Meet In Paris November 10 Paris, Nov. 4. (By A. P.) Novem ber 10 has been fixed by the Supreme Council ns the date when the plebiscite commission created under the German peace treaty shall meet in Paris to dis cuss the elections In the various ureas tho polltlcul affiliation of which is lo be settled by popular vote. The United States will not be represented even un officially at this meeting, Tho Netherlands have been advised by the council that it adhere to the decision previously reached not to iccoguizc the Dutch ownership of Ger man ships purchnscd by Holland after the opening of the war. Belgium lias asked tne council to rc lcusc ships from Finland loaded with material destined lor ueiglum. The question has been referred to the arm istice commission, which it Is expected will allow these bhlps to pass through the Baltic blockade of soviet Russia. Honolulu, Nov. 4. The Japanese privy council on Thursday faorcd the Impeachment of tho ministry of Premier flora and the Versailles peace delegation for the unsatisfactory peace terms, ac cording to a cable received from Xokio by the Hawaii llochi, n Japanese dally newspaper here. ToUlo, Oct. I!S (delayed). Japan made a mistake In raising tho racial issue at the Peace Conference in Paris, it was declared nt cstcrday" meeting of the privy council by "Viscount Klvoura and of the snecial com mittee of the council which examined the German peace tieaty. lie wan criti cizing thj, government for the failures, ho declared, that hud been scored In Japan at the conference. Speaking on behalf of his fellow com mitteemen, says the report, Viscouut Kijoura laid especial blame upon the government for having raised the racial question, declaring such action was un timely and Inadvisable. The withdrawal of the racial clause had produced an awkward situation, the viscount added, cen apparently having resulted in the distinction between Jap anese and negroes being ignored. He also regretted the Japanese delegates had failed to insist upon Japanese oc cupation of tho South sea Islands. of tho body pjlitlcs of tho United States Tho statenent is significant, in that the languam used in the schools hus Dcen a viuu ,ssuo in numui. SOVIEJ BANS FIRST NAMES Peter Petkp'f Will Be "Petkoff One' V Oldest! Child Stockholm, Oct. 15. (By A. P.) Leaders of Iussla's soviet government have banned the giving of Christian panics to children, it s reported, because they are. considered "reminiscent of the reactionary lystcm,' It is expected an ordert.wil;be isavjed soon forbidding tbeltuse. Numbtrs aia to be substituted. Thus three chlldrenof a family named Petkoff may, irfffutire, be. known as "Pet- KOU Oue( i,wu uuu vvM ,......-. mZ" ' '""" England Won't Sell Colonies London, Njv.S, Viscount Milncr, secretary for&hIeolonies, has sent a iornm to Hik fmjvernor of British Guiana denylsj: theJBritish Government has any lntemon. oc selling urmsu Guiana or any3ritjsh West Indian col ony. Jj A dispatch1 tronj London August 3 quoted the Nrtional News as saying a suggestion that the British West Indies be cedla to tm United States in part paymentof G-eati Britain's war debt was seriously Jelnp considered on both sides of tMAthntJe. Shah EVllsrltlsh Treaty London, N6w Lord Curzon en 12 15 Chestnut Street Purchasing Agents' Orders Accepted ' 'I For Tomorrow Semi-Annual Sale Trimmed Hats at Extraordinary Price Reductions Ono of tho largest ovents of its kind this scabon. est huts arc included in tho Sale. (10) 8.50 Trimmed Hals... (20) 9.50 Trimmed Hats... (28) 10.00 Trimmed Hats. . . (15) 1250 Trimmed Hals... (1013.50 Trimmed Hats .. (16) 14 JO Trimmed Hals... (25)15M Trimmed Hats... (10) 16 0 Trimmed Hals... (15) 1750 Trimmed Hats... (10) 18 JO Trimmed Hats. . . (11) 20.00 Trimmed Hats. . . (19) 2250 Trimmed Hats. . . (16) 25.00 Trimmed Hats.,., (27) 2750 Trimmed Hats... (18) 30.00 Trimmed Hals.., Our new- l.aln ha1 nrwii .huh of P'erftfch In reply tojBt neaitn, ine biw at tne couch tween Pefla J.'JsW. his malestv. a brief speech telst of his prM8l Ills pleasure E.ifeitgrecment be- tiJ9ritain, wnlcn, sttpject of much tin Mill." IlU-WQMl! rejoicingly twwwholhive tho welfure of Persia ab IwtSaSSs V jfX', Vjjl Several Killed liiFrflnoh Wreck Paris, Nor i.iTBJj' A.P.) The Slmplon cxpfelimflelat a standstill ' between Pont'SurJirorine and Sens about sixty miles soiUMJist of Paris, at 10 o'clock laat'uljBlt'was run into by u train bound fat Ueaev. Several per sons were kitlod a&LHtyiumW Injured, The authorillea hsvipwio to the scene of the wreck. U&Jim ALL WHITE LWIDRY TUBS . fUrz Cn tie lid to Irirttre. da vrllh Shmfeo-f Doernco notlia we I'll 0CltOKf. pleUi line ( without mnr I , rienti. An ut Hihed In Hnd out 1 hp 11000111 whlto f mill runner 41i luu nriro iar with 1 com- prouuua, THECMM.,')RIHAFFr CO, 3214 CHKSTNUT STREET VflRa Novo Means Sticking to the Job A Novo Pump will stick to its job 60 minutes an hour, 24 hours a day if need be, The Novo Engine Company 13 willing to stick to its job just as faithfully, in order to deliver the kind of Service that Sggjgk backs up Novo Power. AraJy.rV KSMEnai4t IHtallB.P. FurnUUiU SlTSj? 31 lwt.ro"0i.tf. Outif for Pump. "fci.?" -i. Apply ftr full ftrmautn. NOVO KNCillVli CJO. CIuac EBuncnt.WefKt.lCai.rtta Factory and Moln Of f icei Minilnr.Mlch. t 1 T 1 CL or. j. jacoo .nniiiion oc ,o. 1744 Market St., Philadelphia F"jffiffl 4m3wh,J 'HEraHjeJa. 77"aBhBJEr zZ.-Jb -J- JI'TTHL gTtfn 4r fcJg " a "fwnn. J vliH n, mJA- tz li n npcxsntmU 1 7 .79 $2.75 All-Wool Crepe Poplin . . . 3 Inch Illnck. navy nnd inldiilKht blues, 1 In vi nu and seal brown, taupe. Plum nnd Hursundy. 1 $1.75 Storm Serge, $1.35 Half-wool In nay nnd mldnlBht lilucs, broniui, sra, ereon, Uur cundv nnd Mack SO Inch $4.50 All-Wool Coating8,$2.95 B4 Inch. Attnictho Scotch mixed ef fects In hlnrk-nnd-u like and brow n-and. tun 1,1 1 llroilitrs I'lrfct rioor, houth. Mail Orders Filled 0 HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE Phone Orders Filled i&pp Market Eighth ONE YbLLOW TRADING STAMP WITH ; mibert EVERY 10c PURCHASE ALL DAY I Seventh Sale! U. S. Navy Blankets 5.25 Superior quullt) made ror the omcers of the nay. Of lino grade white lambs' wool, with Just colton enough to preent ahrlnklng. Slightly eoIIkI I $8.50 Blankets, $6.65 Hest grade white cotton, dainty pink or blue bonlers Silk binding to matcii. LHjllhlo-bcd size. IJt llrotliern First Floor. North K$ijmt&tmiv4'Sl',vtf't't 3W A New Series Tomorrow! YELDJ TlPQIH' AIMIS Jl m jA Wv) 1 (J (act a Ny ' Prices Far Below Value Rule the Anniversary Sale All Purchases Made During November Will Be Charged on December Bill, Payable in January, 1920. Those Not Having Charge Accounts With Us Are Invited to Open One Start Your Christmas Shopping Early Enjoy First Choice and Avoid the Last-Minute Crowds , f g frmi'tt'&'4,ltl0'?A4rn To Every Purchaser of One Dollar's Worth or More i Series "12XXG" & "12XXH" Good in any Yellow Trading Stamp Book, no matter how many other fcottra stamps you may already have. An excellent plan save Yellow Trading Stamps und ex change full books for Christinas gifts. More and More Men Are Buying Suits and Overcoats IN THIS GREAT SALE! Present High Costs of Clothing Make These Groups Conspicuous We ordered early and in large quantities many months ago. Fabrics and tailoring as good would cost fully fifty per cent more today. T1"" ' l ! ' 1. iihim II !! mi. it- .1 II - M J $35, $40 & $45 Overcoats Doublc-bicasted ulsters, ulstcr- 1 etles. Also conservative form- fitting styles. t ...! f.. $30 Sack Suits, $21.50 Two- and three-button effects. Uestfa bucs, cvicfully tailored. Serge trimmed. $30 Overcoats, $19.50 'Many conservative models in this lot, also ('ouble-breasted ulsters and ulsterettcs. $25 and $30 Suits, $17.50 Splendid specimens of good clothing at a low prkc. Conservative patterns. Wr fM ilH Tv life I ifflmro 1 B S II --? lap'" 4 $26-75 HHtllll The Anniversary Sale Comes Just in Time to Make the Way Easy for Women & Misses to Have Smart Winter Outfits at a Cost Governed by Strict Economy New garments beautifully styled and superior from every point of view! $40 ILsters and Ulsterettes, $31.50 Double-breasted. All tho new weaves, licit all around. $50 and $55 Overcoats, $38.40 Trimmed with high-grade satin. Con servative models as well as new styles in ulstcis and form-fitting coats. t! j Boys' $15 Suits with Two Neat patterns, in theviot and i Eissimere. Skirt-coat models, ! Sizes 8 to 17. ! I with belt.i. 4., ..... ....... Boys' Two Pants )$19'75 Suits of Crompton ' y 1'ractlo.illv two suits In one Cont !lnl with Kliakl Very -warm and iTvli?n.ih Sizps 7 to 1G onlv. I.lt Hrotlirr Second Floor, 7th Street Boys' $10.50 Mackinaws, $7.39 " Convertible or shawl collars. Helta. Sizes 8 to 17. JM M It MttlhMVt u .Mf Boys $18.50 OvcrcoaU, $13.75 Doublo-bredstcd sk rt-coat moilel wlih woolen HnliiB Some with u quarter Venetian joke Sizes 9 to 18. $27.50 Velour$1C.75 Ton Coats 1V Lai go kit Coney or plush col-j lars. Blade, green, henna, Buigundy and navy. Twoj illustrated. ! $40 Suits Tailored U97.50 I Of serge in navy blue and black. Trimmed with braid; convertible collar of self ma tciial. Satin linings. Illustrated. Beautiful $39.75 t)XL Dresses Li Velvet, jersey, satin, crepo de j chine, serge and georgette. j Handsomelj embroidered and I braided. $42.50 Top Coats, $29.75 Of velour, polo cloth, broadcloth, silveitone and clour de laine, topped with great collars of seal, kit coney or opossum. $50 Velour Coats, $39.75 Slashed pockets and large collar of seal. Satin lining throughout. Smart colois. Sketched. I It llrotlieri SCCO.VT) TLOOR $62.50 Stunning Suits, $49.75 Duvet do lame, plain and checked velour, broad cloth, silvertonc and tricolmc m Poilu, beetroot, lose, taupe, brown and navy. Hae rich seal col lar and pockets. Sketched. Chic $10.50 Skirts, $10.75 Of silk poplin, taffeta, wool plaids and serge. Plain or braided. WAISTS Save! The Anniversaru Sale Pre sents Styles in Everu Way Remarkable for Their Small Costs (F i '""Voile WAISTS, "$2.49 Pleasing design with collar- less effect in front, large collar back, embroidered de- i signs and inset lace raednl- I lions. Georgette Waists, $4.90 Have embroid crcd design c- Innrllntr Ittmind tho neck and well down the front. Na y, bisque and flesh. Georgette Waists, $6.98 Very lovely. Collarlcss; richly embroidered and beairi front. Flesh and -white. Pictured. I.lt nrulliern SECOND FLOOR iS?i Vr7 fW$6.9& Women's Fine $8 New i $ LACE SHOES ( An Anniersary Sale item that will benefit to the sum of seeial dollars those who act promptly and choose from these styles. Tan Calf: Hae perforated wing tips. Walking and Louis heels. Black Glazed Kid: Outside straight tips. Cuban and Louis heels. Brown Kid: Neatly perforated outside straight tip. Cuban heels. Black Gunmetal: With mat top. Perforated wing tip. Louis heel. The above hac welted soles real leather throughout, livery foot can be fitted. Misses' $5 Shoes, $3.45 Patent coltskin and gun metal. Sizes HVi to 2. Boys' $5 Shoes, $3.98 Gun-metal. Sizes 9 to 13M:. J jpJ85J Young Women's 1$0.98 $6 Shoes Patent coltskin and gun metal. Military heels. Sizes 2M; to 7. -. Children's $3.50 Tan Shoes, $2.69 Dark tan lotus leather; chiomo elk soles. Reinforced toe pieces. I.lt llrothrr-F'rst Flooi. North Subway Store Tactory blemishes a now pair tor for unj that fall Women's 75c Footholds, 49c Heel - le, ankle - strap rubbers from a noted manufacture! All sizes In lot .Men', fl One-nnrlilc Aritlr, $1.59 Mlnaen' und Children' 7Bo liilli ltern, 05c Itoya' & Voutlm' VI. 10 Itubbrra, 89 Mfli'n 1 KtlhberH, ?!le Anniversary Sale ffers Savings in ouseliold Helps Prince Mascott Stove, No. 8, $29.50 Sold on tlin I lub Finn: No Intcrfotj No lttr-H. lliui fx hole reersl 1I- PupIpx srnto end Ulai lift otT nickel triinmtiigH hoay caM tidH find flun ll?H11 OUtK lllsh UT niil(t triniiu 1 Ml . II .-:. I H.7V5 iVfcrJSr 8 tgiZZ? Vi CL'SS'' 1.38 National f $Sv S $3 Carpet Sweeper . r-io Celebrated ' Hy i ireno Make Inibor . Itant fcalurea All aro $5 Castiron 5 nutal und taf beat Pvlinnr lallbrltllo brushoa I1 1 K&ZSt ml Mi. Par or Broom, 37c I our Hewed, tint corn imiiY Ilmd Let Thfo Be the Solution to Many of Your Gift ProblemM $3 to $5 SILK CHEMISE, $2.69 Of crepo de chino or satin. Sam ples from a prominent New York maker closed to us1 for this Anniversary Sale at a surpris ingly low figure. Pictured. Also combinations and satin bloomers from our own stock greatly reduced, because slightly rumpled. Tailored or laco trimmed. No mail or phone or ders filled. $1.75 NIGHT GOWNS, $1.19 Special purchaso Three ex cellent models in slip-over ef fect. Of nainsook with laco and etnbroideiy. No mail or phono orders filled. k Mc-jffa" ' f L IV ' 7 A&I..J.V. 7 iffSJS $2.69 GOc FANCY APRONS, 39c Round style of lawn, trimmed with fine laco, pockets and ribbon bow. Ml Brother. SECOND FLOOR. btovo i .. 07c o $3.65 i i-rf Stove D. J fe S $.95 rtoor luree! SJSSl J;f llimm Ilr,d LL. j aah lit Ifw! I I ,ll Sold um A iii .. IfiiiSI 1 J It a not liar I r 1 i 11L-3 II name for , Iff '-Z3 ! -g r Heavy tin. 4- rjgSZZ Waldorf ' j5ii '?L"'L i !".SL , j$3u Toilet Paper I b?S !QB-J' $1 Mrs. PotU' jS Waaher, "$TT6'7iiir"'rir:!?ad i-98 ESS 1M .i.ou oai- pi iron A MiiTiTnilffl vanized y ixini-oiniKv Ju&jsi3r& m i--U am rfc.T.liaSi-' Mtkrl-l'lutetl III il ! itti..vk Wash QK h . se. vt thr W Jh !1,r?,tSfrih - t Hilt iiaiiuir TOMORROW 1 $2-50 Hemstitched Damask Table Cloths 1 m mA Fine quality mercerhed damask. Floral designs. Two yards long. Watch Daily Advertitetncnt tor Similar Big Valuex Lit llrothera First Floor, North $3 Crepes K clelmne ) Anniversary Sale brinrrs them at wholesale cost 40-iueh. K cning and street shades; also white, flesh nd black. No mail or phono oidcrs filled. Mam Arcade ' Satin Royal, $2.50 35-indi. Evening and street colorings. Colored Taffeta Silk, $1.98 35 inch Black and light and dark shades. White Habutai Silks, $1.69 & $1.98 Yard wide. Pino imported all silk quality. Plain Foulard $0 49 Have soft finish; fashlonublc shades. Yard wide. I.lt Jirolliera First Floor Soulh TS TRIMMED FREE ReadytoWear & Untrimmed HATS They arc a revelation in aliic.giving actually won derful for eierjone fortunate enough to share. $3.50 Ostrich Bands, $29 Two tips. Black, bea er. taupe, navy, Cop enhagen and peacock. i $3.50 Untrimmed Velvet Hats, $1.98 j Combined with hatter's plush, j Black. Smart shapes. .$6 to $7 Ready-to-Wear Hats, 53.97 Velvet in loll brim and mushroom effects, trimmed with fancies, flow ers and ostrich bands. Pictured. ChUdren's $3 Fe $5 Untrimmed Hats, $2.49 Velvot combined with beaver, in plain and two-tone effect). Large shapes, t Hats, $,95 Blight finish felt with band and streamers. Ait iiromcr .v irni fjucr. fiorui SHAFCO IJiKte,. mairr-"- mT" r-i w T xis b' LS&it' lrA sf i, ,ft H 'fiimiUH 'i H ibt 1, III 1 I imM' !