Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 04, 1919, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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    '- J
,jirmfrN public ledger Philadelphia, Tuesday, novemb.er ioit)
,' r8'"' !af !!."' "" V WANAMAKER'S st.oj-.ti WANAMAKER'S st-a .. WANAMAKER'S cZm, "
Wanamaker's Has Been Elected as the Store That Will Serve the People Best
The Morning Star Makes No -Noise
in Its Rising
At no time is there anything more beautiful in
the heavens than the glory of the early dawn when
the waning moon, the morning star and the first rays
of the rising sun appear together in a clear sky.
All great developments of ideas come modestly
and silently to fruition without blare of trumpets or
pomp of praise.
To be' sensitive to inspirations and sensible to
modest endeavor, to encourage honest intention, to
further true patriotism in national, state and
city-wide advancement of the public good, is to help
the start and finish of great things.
Nov. 4, 1910.
Black Lynx Furs
Lustrous and silky and very luxurious in appearance, not to
mention being becoming to all ages and almost to all types.
There are little choker collars, muffler collars, small and large
shawl collars, big animal skins and stoles of varying length and
breadth one short, broad stole is arranged so that it can be worn
as a. cape if desired.
Prices run from $42.50 for a little animal scarf to $265 for a
Muffs to match may be had at $65 to $150.
(Second Floor. Cheatnut)
Every Woman Apparently
Wants a Woolen Scarf
At least that is the way it seems
to us from the number wo are sell
ing' these days. They are one of
the good, sensible fashions the
sports suit has pade popular. We
aro even celling a number to
women who want them for warmth
in the house.
The new styles are in the pret
tiest colors, with camel's-hair,
brushed wool or Angora finish.
They aro $7.50 to $22.60 the lat
ter price being coatees with long
ends and pockets.
(Main Floor. Central)
Fluffy Ostrich
Feather Trimmings
Are Quite the
Debutantes like them to trim
dance frocks and party dresses
and matrons and older women
find them useful to add a lovely
touch to evening gowns.
.All the lovely colors of the
season are here soft shell
pinks, coral and flame color,
deep rich purples, canary, tho
fashionable henna, turquoise
blue, green Bhades, taupe and
grays, and black and white, of
There are several widths, the
ostrich is soft and curly and
most effective, -and the prices by
tho yard are from $2.25 to $3.50,
and the soft pompoms aro $2.25
(Main Floor, Central) (
Many Kinds
Literally scores of styles may be
seen in the Corset Salon tomorrow.
Those of mesh are $2.50 and $3,
and poplin cost only $2? others of
hand embroidery and real filet
cost $40. In between come plain
materials; broches and tricots;
laces of many kinds; eyelet em
broidery both machine and hand;
and silk. The majority of these
brassieres are priced at $2 to $10;
the finer novelties are $22 to $40.
(Third Floor, Cheatnut)
PRESS Boards to
Renovate Your
Old Velvets
No wise woman discards her old
velvets these days especially
when velvets are so much in fash
ion for hats and gowns and wraps.
She simply uses a press board and
makes them like new I
Here are press boards in three
practical sizes 0x18 inches, $9.50;
&c24 inches, $20; 10x30 inches, $34.
'?& ,(Maln Floor, Centrnl)
PUR Cloth Neck-
pieces Are Most
Comfortable Now
And they aro in such pretty, be
coming styles that more women
than ever before are wearing them
this year. ' '
Some aro straight, others are
capo effects and there are imita
tions of karami, mole and seal
plush, $5 to $27.50.
(Main Floor, Central)
S to Silk Waists
Some dark striped messalines
have just been received and are
made with low collars and high
low, and with "skirts" below the
waistline. Price $5.50.
White habutai shirts, extra
heavy and very serviceable, are
priced at $10.75.
(Third Floor, Central)
-fcTEW Oriental
-L Looking Scarfs
Are "Tied" Dyed
That is, knots are tied in them
before they aro dipped in the dye,
making a curious but very pretty
They are tho softest silk and
come in pastel coloringspurples,
browns and greens, orange, yellow
and so on.1 Quite novel and de
lightful for gifts, $10 each.
(Main 'Floor, Central)
TERRY Bath Robes
for Women
Enough for three hundred women
and priced ai $3.85. They arc of
good weight, clean in color, being
pink-and-white, lavender-and-white
and black-and-white, and alto
gether remarkably satisfaptory.
Kimonos lately come are of Japa
nese silk mado up here. -The color
schemes aro all of the dark Oriental
type, and tho kimonos are bordered
with satin ribbon, $7,50 is tho
(T(ilrd Floor, Central)
New French Gloves
for Women
So famous is the French glove
for its fine skin and its excellent
fit and finish that most women
prefer it to any other kind.
These new gloves havo not been
here long, and nre just tho kinds
wanted for this Autumn and
$3 a pair for "French kidskins
in white, tan, black or gray over
seam sewn and finished with two
$3.75 a pair for tan, gray,
black, whito or brown gloves,
pique sewn, with two clasps.
Tho skins in every pair are
soft and flexible, nnd the gloves
will be a pleasure to wear.
(Main Floor, Centrnt)
FIRST of all, of course, tho mar
. velous ancient and modern,
jades, rock crystals, lapis-lazuli and
agates; the ceramics and embroid
eries which are a delight to all
lovers of beauty and connoisseurs
of art.
But wo should like to mention to
day a few of the modern objects of
particular interest to people ar
ranging their houses for the Win
ter. These arc
The jardinieres of powder blue
with medallions, of crackle ware,
of black and white hawthorn and
of five-color ware. They vary in
sizo from one to hold a five-inch
flower pot to a huge floor jar.
The vases and jars, which can be
mounted for lamps, as well as used
for their original purposes blue
and white and black and white haw
thorn, five-color ware nnd others.
We made a particular efTort to get
pieces which are copies of the good
old work.
(Fourth rioor, Cheatnut)
A Special Sale of Young
Women's Winter Coats
Just When They're Needed!
at $29.50 to $38.50"
Hundreds of fine Winter coats of good, all-wool
materials, in new and desirable styles.
$29.50 for wool velour coats in brown and blue,
well tailored; collars to button high, belted all the way
$32.50 for excellent coats of an all-wool mixture
in brown and heather; slit pockets, button trimmed;
also brown, blue or gray velour coats in becoming
$35 for plaid-back coats in brown, tan and gray
coats for cold-weather wear, because they have plenty
of warmth.
$38.50 for dress coats of silvertone velour with
wide fur collars ; Pekin blue, brown, reindeer and navy
blue, finished with pleats in the back and belted all the
way around.
All these coats are much under the usual selling
prices and all are in 14 to 20 year sizes.
(Second Floor. Chestnut)
More of Certain Sports Coats
That Were Almost Too Popular
There were not enough to go around in tho first shipments and sev
eral women left orders to be filled as soon as we should get any more.
They aro the soft, delightful suede cloth, lined to the waist with
chamois and as warm as toast on a cold day. Also when motoring you
can button the big roll collar up tight around the throat and fasten the
cuffs over. They are three-quarter length, double-breasted and have a
belt with a large bone buckle.
In beaver, leather, mole and dark brown, $47.50.
Scarcely less liked are these $57.50 camel's-hair coats, of which there
has also arrived a second shipment. A seven-cighths-length sports model,
belted in the natural tawny color. These, too, are very warm and unusu
ally good values at $57.50.
(First Floor, Cheatnut)
This Will Be a Winter of
Home Delights
There will be more entertaining at home than there has been
in many a year.
And more people will find time to get acquainted with their
families and learn that no pleasure equals that which can be
found in a happy and congenial household.
The Player-Piano
Will Help
It will not be necessary to go outside the home for music.
With a very few exceptions, you cannot hear as fine music in pub
lic anywhere in Philadelphia as you can have in your own home.
A player-piano or a reproducing piano will play for you any
thing you like, from the music of the masters to the latest comedy
song or dance. . 4
Haines Bros.
Marshall & Wendell
J. C. Campbell
These are the eight famous pianos sold at Wanamaker's and
at Wanamaker's only in Philadelphia. They are in both player
and reproducing piano form and there are a great many differ
ent styles.
Prices range from $600 for a player-piano mado in the same
factory that makes tho Angelus and go to $3300 for a superb Chick
ering or Knabe Ampico grojl.reproducing piano. And any in
strument may be bought on convenient terms.
(Egyptian llnll, Second Floor)
Velour and Silvertone Suitings
Are Decidedly Favorites
Most women choose them for suits and a great many for coats.
These aro all-wool and of the finest quality. They are 54 inches wide.-
In plain velour, the prettiest colors are tan, beaver, dark brown and
navy blue, from $5 to $6.50 a yard.
In silvertone velour there are dark blue, Copenhagen, oxford, mahog
any, tan, green or brown at $5 and $6 a yard. ,
(Flrat Floor, Cheatnut)
New, Warm, Winter Coats
for the Children
Hundreds of coats all brand new, all in those heavy Winter
weights which mothers like to have for their children when cold
north winds blow.
Cheviots, silvertone velours, soft woolly chinchillas,' plain
velours and lustrous broadcloths arc the materials; the colors arc
dark, mostly, and the styles aro most varied, but always attractive
and suitablo for children. Many coats havo fur collars, some havo
collars edged with fur, but every last one has a good warm lining
and an interlining as well.
$12.75 to $652 to 0 year sizes.
(Third Floor, Cheatnut)
Tho bronzes for book ends and
paper-weights elephants, tigers,
rabbits, frogs, wrought with the
peculiar Japanese feeling for ani
mal life.
The lovely apple-green porce
lains for lamps, flowers and deco
rative use.
Tho cloisonne enamel incense
burners, bowls, ginger jars and to
bacco jars.
On all these modern things the
prices aro very moderate.
ftfje Cftrfetma Carb
of Itfng George V
Has been reproduced by permission and replicas sent us
from London. It is a booklet with a beautifully colored scene of
General Maude's entry into Bagdad.
Also we have just received replicas of tho Christmas cards of
the Queen of England, tne Prince of Wales and Queen Alexandra.
They are part of a new importation of very pretty English Christ
mas cards all in the form of booklets, and nearly all with calendars
attached. Some are hand-colored, COc to $3 each.
(Jeuelry Btore, Che&tnut nnd Thirteenth)
When Wintry
Winds Blow
It's Time for
Fur Millinery
Brisk winds and cold Novem
ber days furnish just the setting
for these lovely fur hats all of
which have the charm of new
ness in addition to their other
Not very large in shape, tHcy
have smart lines that promise
the becomingness the well
dressed woman requires ofWicr
Hudson seal (dyed musk
rat), soft gray moleskin, nutria
and natural gray squirrel are
the furs, and they are used alone
and with the rich brocades that
are so much in vogue this Win
ter. Prices start at $25.
(Second Floor, Cheatnut)
Handbags of Silk
This l-ich fabric should not be
confused with cotton or wool duve
tyne. In tan, brown and blue, with
shell-finish frames of the finest
quality, it makes very distinctive
A bag in an oblong shape is $15.
One in a deep pouch shape is $20.
"(Main Floor, Cheatnut)
Indispensable to a great many
women, since they may be worn
inside an Autumn coat before time
to put on Winter things, and in
side fur coats after the bitterest
Winter cold has come.
All white, all black, black-and-white,
and black-and-purple, with
sleeves and without. The first cost
$3.50; the second, $2.
(Third Floor, Cheatnnt)
TF A MAN will read at the break
fast table ho might as well do
the thing thoroughly give him a
rack to rest his newspaper on.
Brass racks, $2.50; nickel, $2.75.
(Fourth Floor, Market.)
A SANITARY metal hot-water
bottle and bed warmer has a
flannel bag and a 3-pint capacity,
$1.75. (Fourth Floor, Market.)
pAME TABLES of the folding
type arc 30 inches square and
have covers of leatherette, $2.75.
(Fourth Floor, Central.)
pUTLERY of the better sort is
scarce at the prcseijt moment.
Steak sets of knife, fork with stag
handles are $3.50; others up to
$9.50 a pair. Beef carvers are $5
to $15 for a set of knife, fork and
steel. (Fourth Floor, Central.)
QOLID brass umbrella stands
with handles, $4.50. (Fourth
Floor, Market.)
TT7HITE enameled shoe-polishing
' ' boxes arc indispensables to
good grooming and good housekeep
ing, $3. (Fourth Floor, Market.)
rpHE curtainless shower fits the
faucet on the bathtub, and no
tools and no mechanic are required
to install it; moreover it gives the
exhilarating needle-shower effect.
$7.50 and $15. (Fourth Floor,
SMOKERS' articles, such as metal
stands, smokers' kits, cigarette
sets, ash trays and smokers' lamps,
will be found all together in one
spot. (Fourth Floor, Central.)
$2.25 a Piece
This is a reduction over the
usual price of this longcloth and
it is a well-worth-while saving for
women who are in the habit of
buying this quality for underwear.
It is a particularly popular
weight for Winter undergarments
and it wears and washes very well.
30 inches wide.
(Flrat Floor, Cheatnut)
Time to Put 'Em On!
Warmer underwear in cotton, wool or silk
that is made righ't and fits right.
Men's underwear, $1.25 to $18.
Women's underwear, 75c to $18.50.
. Children's underwear, 50c to $12.
(Men'a, Slain Floor, Mnrket)
(Wnmen'a and Children', First Floor, Market)
We Can Put the Right
Overcoat On Your Boy
If his ago is anywhere from 11
to 18 years we can fit him in a
double-breasted, belted-all-round
coat, with ' convertible button-up
collar, a coat made of a fine, warm
woolen overcoating, in a gray,
brown or greenish mixed shade.
For the coat of this type that wc
can put on him tho price may bo
$25, $28, $30, $32, $38 or $40, but
it will be as low a price as a coat
of such quality can be regularly
sold for.
If your boy is anywhere from 3
(Second Floo
to 10 years we can fit him in a coat
at $16.50, $18, $20 and up to $40,
and it will be as fine a coat as the
money can buy at retail anywhere
in this country.
If ho wants a Mackinaw, and is 8
to 13, wo havo here a good choice
of these warm and handy garments
that boys like so well, especially
for skating and other outdoor
sports. These are in brown, blue
and gray overplaids, all made with
large button-up collars, and rea
sonably priced at $12, $13.50 and
r, Central)
Cut Steel Beads 75c a Bunch
Use them for makjng the fashionable flat chains, for tho equally
fashionable bags and for trimmings for gowns and blouses.
(Main "Floor, Centrnl)
Fine Warm
Winter Overcoats
for Men
Each garment of the best grade
that any man can now regularly buy
at the price $40 to $100.
(Third Floor, Market
Men Who Prefer Shirts
With Starched Cuffs
will find that we have provided some, of an unusually fine quality
of woven madras and in an unusually good-looking lot of pat
terns. White hairline stripes on dark grounds and larger colored
stripes on white grounds.
These shirts all have plain bosoms, which may be worn soft or
with a little starch in them.
Price $3.50.
(Main Floor. Market) '
Men's Mackinaws and
Sheep-Lined Overcoats
are splendid for their warmth and durability. For men and boys
who are outdoors much in cold weather they cannot be excelled.
Mackinaws with large shawl collars, in various colors and
styles men's sizes, $10.50 to $20; boys' sizes, $14 to $16.
Sheep-lined moleskin coats with large shawl collars men's
sizes, $16; boys' sizes, $12.50.
Sheep-lined vests, $6.50 and $8.
(The tlallerj. Juniper)
If You Want a Thanksgiving
Dinner Set
Now, Is Your Opportunity
We have some hundreds of American dinner sets, all new from the '
potteries, which we are selling at large reductions from the regular
prices. They are by far the best and most unusual sets of the kind we
have had in a long time.
On one group, which we are selling for $25 a set, there is a saving
of almost 40 per cent.
These are sets of 100 pieces in three attractive border patterns with
coin-gold handles.
The other sets in the new purchase are priced at $25, $27.50, $32.60,
$35 and $37.50 a set, otherwise one-fourth less than today's regular value.
All the sets in this group are in open-stock patterns.
Taking this collection as a whole, it is probably safe to say that it is
as good as can be found at the prices today in America.
(Fourth Floor, Cheatnut)
V w
1500 Yards of Irish Double
Damask; Genuine Stuff
at $5 a Yard
New goods of the good, old quality. Real double damask, every
thread pure flax, finely bleached and in a beautiful satin finish.
The width is 72 inches. At $5 a yard these goods represent the
highest standard of value regularly obtainable today.
As a rule, damasks at the same price are not as sterling in
character as these goods at the present time. There is a rich
assortment of floral and striped designs that will do credit to any
dining table.
In the same purchase there are napkins to match the linen at
$15.75 a dozen, 24 inches square.
The best purchase we have received in many a day.
(Flrat Floor, Cheatnut)
Linoleums and Plain Carpets
These are the better grades, which particular people want. "'
Inlaid linoleum, $1.75, $2, $2.50, $2.85 and $3,50 a square yard.
Printed linoleum, $1.25 a square yard.
Plain heavy chenille carpet, 9, 12 or 15 feet wide, $13 a square yard.
Three-quarter widths, $3.35 to $5.25 a yard.
(Seventh Floor, Cheatnut)
Vacuum Carafes at $4.50
These carafes, which are in heavy nickel cases, will keep liquid hot
or cold and are a great convenience in many ways.
$4.50 is much less than their regular price.
(The Gallery, Cheatnut)
Quilts and Blankets
"Good and Plenty"
The cold wind blew in more lots of quilts and blankets, one of
the new arrivals bringing eleven boxes of wool-filled quilts; some
covered with figured cambric and finishetTwith a border of plain
sateen'to sell for $10 each; the others, covered in a choice of four
patterns of figured sateen and bordered with plain sateen, are
priced at $13.60 each.
New blankets have come in to sell for $10 a pair in double-bed
size, woven of wool and cotton in wWte with borders of pink or blue.
Another new lot is composed of whito wool and cotton blankets
of a finer grade, with borders of old rose or of blue, double-bed
size, price $15 a pair.
The low-priced stocks have been replenished by the arrival of a
lot of part-wool blankets, size 60x80 inches, with borders of pink
and of blue, and these are among tho lowest-priced part-wool
blankets in our stock, $7.50 a pair.
Both in quilts and in blankets our assortments are very large
at all prices, tho blankets at $7.50 to $46 a pair, lamb's-wool quilti
$1Q to $67.50. down-filled quilts' $12 to $45. those at the last named u
price being filled with fine eiderdown.
In between, both in blankets and quilts, we have any number '
of different grades to select from, at as many different prices. 4
(Sixth Floor, Ccat'rnl)
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