' ptfy;J W"-,W V'r tywSfi JT , A.' 7? . 'ir EVENING-1 PUBLIC LEDGER pklliADELPHIA', TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1919 v ifirv MANAGERISSLAIN F IGHTING ROBBER Randolph Street Bakery Em ploye Gives His Life Guarding $1100 on Last Night on Job CASH UNDER LIFELESS BODY A lone automobltq bandit shot and instantly killed a fifty-clght-year-old bakery manager last night when the man put up a fight to save $1100 of his employer's money which ho was counting. Thn shot was fired after the man ager had recovered from the stunning effects of a crack on tho head and was getting tho better of the Intruder. The assailant escaped, but the loot for which he had ,fought was found under the dead manager, the bills stained with the blood he had given to defend them. Tho attack occurred in the store of the Sacta Bakery Co., 1117 South Itandolph street. , Morris Raiser, the manager and bookkeeper, who was killed, was round ing out tho last day o his employment at the shop, having determined to quit and take another position offered him. Raiser lived at 1820 South Sixth street. He had a wife and five children. Bandit Has PaVincr Twelve men were working in the bakery when the attack and attempted robbery occurred, but Ilmscr was the only person in the front store nnd office section. Several persons saw the big wine-colored limousine drive up and stop a short distance nwny from the bakery. One man got out and en tered tho shop, whilo another stayed at the driver's post. The engine was kept running. Shortly after the bandit enteral the bakery loud screams were heard. Charles Solick, 2058 Orkney street, and Max Math, 1M57 North, Newkirk street, employes, burst into the rear of the office in time to sec Raiser, blood streaming from n wound in his fore head, struggling across the floor with the intruder and then fall dead as the bandit placed his revolver to the uiun acer's heart and shot. Pausing but a moment to see that Raiser was past helping, the two men ran after the fleeing bandit, calling for beln as thev ran. Solick nnd Math were hardly twenty feet away from the big limousine when the bandit dived into the rear seat' nnd the driver started rapidly away. There was no license tag on the rear. The two employes pursued the auto for half n block, but it turned into Federal street and they were rapidly distanced. No other machine was at hand in which to give chase, and the bandit and his pal made a cleau getaway. Math says the s1ner wai about five feet eight inches tall, weighed nbout 150 pounds and was bmootli hhaven. , Detectives Heeneke, Pagilotti, Rago and Hardlmon, of the Seventh nnd Car penter streets police btntion, are work ing on the case, but so far have accom plished little. Meager descriptions from three different persons vary so much tlmr liev nro unable to tell what sort of automobile the bandits used. The bakery is situated in an isolated part of Randolph street, there being few houses in the neighborhood. Police believe the bnndit and his com panion were thoroughly familiar with the workings of the Sacta firm. The at tack was planned nt a time when it would net the maximum of cash, if suc cessful. All the wagons of the firm were in nt the time, aud the drivers had turned over the day's receipts to Raiser. Man Instantly Killed r.TnmlnntInn of the dead man showed that tho wound on his head had been caused bv being struck by some blunt weapon, probnbly the butt end of the revolver. The bullet had killed him in stnntly, snid physicians nt the Mount i jiMHHi fVflKK99&0raj 1m&HHHK CROMWELL TO SAIL ON MYSTERY YAGH Ity Ledger Photo Service MRS. IIEKHKKT L. CLARK Chairman of (ho Philadelphia committee in charge nf the IJryn Mawr College ilrivo for 92,000,00(1 to increase teachers' salaries was Sinai Hospital, where the body rushed utter the shooting. "My father planned to quit the bak ery job after he finished the day's work," Morris Rau-er, Jr., eighteen years old, said. "Before going to work he told me he had secured a better job." Mrs. Raiser was prostrated when no tified of her husband's death. Several jcars ago nn employe of the Sacta firm was killed in a some what similar manner when he attempted to prevent n hold-up. SOCIETY "MINERS" WAITING Men Who Offer Services Say Action Depends Upon Oeevlopments Philadelphia's society strike-breakers arc ready and marking time for the crisis to come which shall demand their services in the cnVtern coal regions. Tho fourteen joung men, members of the Philadelphia Cricket Club, who declared recently that they would offer their services in ense of necessity to mine coal, believe that their offer lias sown good sce'd. AV. Griffin Grlbbel. who is a nrime- moveHn the enterprise, said today that ether sections have followed suit mid that similar offers have been made in Pittsburgh Cincinnati and other i-iihw Tim psychological effect, Mr. Orihbel uuievcs. has been the most important remit obtained. "The matter now rests, not with in, but with future circumstances." lie said. Other society men who made the of fer are 'William G. Hamilton, AA'cbb nnd Daniel Dougherty. T. Russell Swift, I. K. .Iohnon, Folger Darker, .1. Itarton King, Thomas Gucker, P. Doultou Karnshnw, J. G. Lerter, Jr., P. H and Edward Levis, Dushman Xcwhall, AV. A Kurtz and AA'ilson Potter. T where In Now Jcrs I I inland rnterways, I to the spirit of t I they are expected "Whitemarsh" Bound for Ama zon Exploration Voyage, Stotesbury Stepson Admits TO LEAVE HERE THIS WEEK The "in story Miehl" AVhltemafh 1 to tnke her crew of adventurers re cruited In this I'lty un tho Amazon river Furtncr llinn that the public is to know nothing. The rumor that the AVIiit"mardi. which bcfoie the war was .owned by K. T. Stotesbury, was to cairy with her the "AVhttcmnrsh being equipped for trip up the A m n 7.0 n river. Sorry I can rot give you any further details." ,,.- II i ,. I- - II - i ine mystery aiiciil is now noniu- ' ...I !- X- 1 t fll.l! I !.- .jitm'.v, HiiuuK mini); inl ays, accllinntltig tho crew clanger and adventure nectod to encounter during, i the next two cnrs in the wiwis ot me. Amn7on. The crow of tho AVhltemnrsh has ' been selected in full. It is reported ' the members are now plying up and down tho Itancoras crook. Rut in- quirles ns to the exact whereabouts nf the vessel elicited the brief state- i merit. "Somewhere in Jersey is the AVhltouinrsh." I The acht Is scheduled to leave this poit this week. The present owners ot the AVhitc- j marsh haw not been discovered. First i I repot In that the wssrl was to he equip ped for u trlii to southern waters were made in this city two weeks ngo, when' I nn ndwrttsefnetit in a newspaper called for a ciew ot men "afraid of nothing" ' for n trip to Mexico, Central America I and South America. I rho crow was lecrulteu from appli stenson of the Plitlndelnliln i financier, was confirmed today in n .cants for berth- who crowded u little telegram to the liVKSlMi Pi, nr.ic South llroail street cigar store for this. I,EDOi:n from Lieutenant .1. II. R. ,,l. P. Knmej, to whom tho applicants Cromwell. 'weie icfoncd, Insisted he knew nothing The telcguiin received from l.loiilen- i of the proposed adventure, saw that he ant Cromwell, who is now In Doug- I had been instructed to get the crow to la. Vo.. lends; gethpr. ah h 7Y 1 i . - i i i I Sj, Innl fil- fl o fl (Fh FRW T1 o vv j ivy u - n i ne oirawiinage a uotnier v ncoura fa (DTP r1! rlj Ghrishn lier Plan to as Shopping IF YOU HAVE A CHARGE ACCOUNT HERE, ALL MERCHANDISE PURCHASED FROM NOW TO DECEMBER 31ST MAY BE PAID FOR IN JANUARY The Silence that Gives Consent to Thoughts "Eureka!" says the gentleman in the dark suit. He has found the big idea. Noav he Avill be able to clean up at four o'clock and get in that game of golf. The Noiseless Typewriter is a big help in business. It enables your secretary to work helpfully beside you Avithout annoyance. It eliminates the chck-chck-clack that used to make a mockery of con centration. Have you SEEN it? Ask for lloohltl and hnprtsiie Lilt of Uitrt NOISELESS TYPEWRITER The Noiseless Typewriter Company, 833 Chestnut St., Philadelphia 'Phone Walnut 3G91 North Broad Street is fast specializing as an Automobile district. Val ues are rising there properties are becoming scarce. Right now we have one of the very best unimproved corners on North Broad Street, with a frontage of 196 feet. AVe are especially for tunate in having this so, too, will you be if you buy it. And the Price is right. fiEAIT0B? Citu Oflee, Chestnut al 13tti Boulevard 0 flee. Cor. Rlalna Bun Ave. Oak Lane Oflce, Opposite station fPpUrSsf Ifresh paint f aefeveAe"j Think oi This: We've spent thousands of dollars advertising our good work; thpusands more for good paint; more thousands in salaries to our expert painters. Would we risk the value of this investment by doing less than best work? Kuehnle PAJMTER ttS.l6thSt.!2E,i: Get our ett'mat no obligation BONWIT TELLER & CO. r iJie Specialty &hyb OriainatiotU CHESTNUT AT 13th STREET Distinguished Interpretations of the Current Modes in u JEUNE FILLE" FASHIONS SPECIAL FOR WEDNESDAY- An Exceptional Offering of MISSES' TAILORED SUITS Usually Priced at 58.00 The various models of wool velour, silvertone and duvet de laine, include'd in this collection, express by straight lines or graceful flares some of the season's fav ored modes for Misses' Suits to wear with one's own furs. Such minute details as the hand buttonholes and excel lence of tailoring illustrate the fine character of these specialy priced suits. The color range comprises all fash ionable shadings. Sizes 14 to 20. f i MISSES' WINTER SUITS Developed in "Goldflex" and Rainbow tweeds, in Sport or plain tailored models. Straight and pinched-back effects, in desired colorings, 45.00 to 59.50 MISSES' DAYTIME COATS Fashioned in Silvertone, Muffet cloth and plain velours, lined and interlined. New collar effects, straight and belted backs, and double tie belts; in colors of Brown, Navy, Pekin Blue or Taupe. '49.50 to 89.50 MISSES' DINNER FROCKS Typically young fashions are emphasized in charming frocks suitable for Dinner, Dance or Evening wear, renewing the Panier and Crenolines of long ago days, in Metal cloth, brocades, Grosda Londre, Taffeta, soft Satins, Duvetyne, Chiffon, Silk Nets, Chiffon Velvet and Laces. 59.50 to 225.00 ii: '4' "7 Now is the Time for Every Man to Save Money on a Smart New Winter Overcoat There arc hundreds of them included in the gieat Profit-sharing Sale of Men's Clothing smart new Ulsteis and Ulster nttes, and other dressy new styles, ns well a.s the nlways desirable conservative designs and fabrics. They ate from our legular, "Tried and Tiup" sources of sup ply and are inatked nt low prices only possible through forehanded placing of contracts. There are Overcoats at $23.00, $27.50, $29.50, $54.50, $37.50, & $38.50, $47.50 and $58.50 Us Typical values $27.50 is about pres ent wnoiesale cost J or the Ulsters and Overcoats in the Sale at that price. "Alco" Overcoats, in the group at $38.50. The lot at 558.50 is composed of Hurt, Schaffner & Marx Overcoats, of fine Hockanum woolens. Reversible Leather Coats, at $47.50. (The Coals at $29.50 aie autumn weight.) Thousands of Suits Are Included in the Sale The special prices aie $23.00, $28.00, S3l'.50, $30.50, $38.00, $11.50 and $46.50. Of paiticulav note Men's and Young Men's Suits, with two pairs of trou sers, at $3.00 and .$;58.,"0. These prices are less than pres ent Wholesale ValUe. ,,- MrnUrUiB t Clothier Scionil Floor. Hat Men's Shirts at $4 Right from our own work 100ms comes this group of men's fine Mercerized Madras Shirts with fibre-silk stripes. The dis tinctive, rich-looking fabric is made into Shirts that a man may well be proud to wear. If we were purchasing the material to day the price would be one-fomth more than $4.00. x StrawbrtJge A rlotli . r L"h1 Slorv Uli'htli SMr.el TILj WH w3 1 J f 4 I & ' DAILYM fiys)3ip W&PECIAIJ r Safety's ouvt;, Crossing I I : i The Sale of Women's Fine Dresses Continues To-morrow Excellent Assortments, and Savings Averaging More Than One-Third This is the remainder of a very advantageous puichaso of some very smart, new Dresses of the finer kind all high-class models( as you tnn tell at a glance. They are delightfully varied in styles and developed in the most favored materials of the season. Dresses, Special at $30.00 Satin, crepe de chine, crepe Georgette, wool velour checks, serge, crepe meteor, figured crepe ile chine. Braided, beaded and embroidered, lilack, blue, brown and taupe. Dresses, Special at $35.00 Tricotine. satin, erene Georgette and serge. in various smart models; several models effec tively braided. Black, navy blue, and some in blown nnd taupe. Dresses, Special at $40.00 Figured crepe Georgette, plain and drop wtich tricolette, velveteen, satin, tricotine. Beaded, embroidered, braided. Black, blue, taupe and brown. Dresses, Special at $45.00 Crepe Georgette, tricotine, serge, satin, vel-eteen-and-satin. Beaded, embroidered and braided. Some lovely beaded crepes Georgette. Black, navy blue, taupe and brown. Dresses, Special at $55.00 Fine l'aulctte, sylvanette, crepe Georgette, satin-and-tricolette combinations. Beaded and embioidered. Black, navy blue and some Dresses, Special at $65.00 Fine tricotine, duvetyne, Paulette and tricolette. Beaded and em broidered models. Many individual pieces. Black, navy blue and some in brown,, .-y strj bndse & Clolhlcr Sfcond Floor. Market Street ft Children's Woven Sleeping Garments Sizes 1 to 8 years At 95c TO-MOKKOW Children's Sleeping Suits, woven cotton-and-wool mixed, in natural shade, with feet. Only twelve hundred in the lot, including sizes 1 to 8 ears, but with the greater quantity in t-izes 3 and 4 years. Mothers who failed to get a supply befoie will want to take advantage of this great saving. OIIU1UI1U(.i- . VIUH'I " - - The New Skirts Are So Smart The dressy velveteens, some so attractivelv braided, $8.75 to $20.00. The heather-mixed jer sey cloths, made in smart sports style, at $13.50. The practical Silk Poplin Skirts, in black, blue and taupe, at $12.00. The Baro net satins, in black, blue and taupe, at $1G.50. And the smart est novelty plaids, some very elaborately plaited, 15.00 to $22.50. Mrau brnUe . C'lollilei M. Lond Floor, lentrf A Favorite Perfume for a Holiday Gift If vou would be sure of giving her Toilet Preparations scented with her favorite perfume, for Christmas, we suggest that you make your selection now. Among delightful odois aie Tanty's Toilet Water in MU GUET, VIOLETTK or ULAS scents $1.30. Arly's LA BOHEME Extract, $1.50, $2.00 and $5.20; Toilet Water $3.04. LILAS Extract, $1.30 nnd $3.01: Toilet Water, $2.00; Sachet $1.30. LADY MARY Toilet Water, $1.50; Extract. 78c, $1.50 and $4.10; Sachet $1.30. Combination Sets of Lady Mary Toilet Water, Sachet, Ex tract and Face Powder $0.24. atraUrlJne t. I'loihler Aisle 0, Centre Warm Flannels OUTING FLANNEL Stand ard grade, in medium and light color-combinations; 27 inches wjae25c a yard; 30-inch 45c u yard. BATH ROBE MATERIAL In attractive designs and color-combinations G5c and 75c a yard. SirawbrldKo 4 I'lothler AIbIo 13, Centre Sheeting, Pillow Casing Of excellent bleached muslin and in widths that make up to best advantage Now at Decided Savings Pillow Casing, 12-inch 32c. Sheeting, G3.incli 55c a yard. Sheeting, 90-Inch- 75c,a yard. Strawbrldsu . Clothier AUIe 13. Centra J Speaking About Smart, Sturdy Coats For Women This reason certainly favors them, and one isn't limited to a .single group classified as "prac tical." Oh, no indeed. The Top Coat, smait nnd sturdy, built for service, tailored to a nicety, is an adjunct of every fashionable wardrobe, and conies in Elegant Camel's-hair Cloth Some aie decidedly sports-like the one sketched ($115.00), with its great fur collar, seems just made for "a good time in the open." Without fur, $75.00 and $80.00; with fur collar, up to $225.00. All are in that peculiar shade of tan known as natural. Heather-mixed Jersey Cloth Heavy-weight, lined throughout and warmly interlined, with well-tailored collar and rovers, and belted all around. Price $55.00. Coats of Fancy Mixtures Some belted all around, some with free-swinging back all in full, enveloping styles, $25.00 to $37.50; also in this group, some two tone velours.1 i- Straw brldse Clothier Second Floor. Centre I VflBK Mt I'cnlly there's vo reason why some boys should ,idi mound like tttii when parents can sure substantially by takwy immediate adrantayc of the suvtnys presented in Overcoats in the Profit-sharing Sale of Boys' Clothing There are hundreds of them included providing for the needs of boys of all sizes and ages. Every Overcoat in the lot is marked at less than our own notably low prices. For instance Warm Winter Overcoats at Savings Not a Day Too Soon To Order Engraved Christinas Cards Our supply of artistic Die stamped, Engraved Cards for personal Christmas greetings, is now at its best. Design after design, each one distinc tive, whether simple or elab oi ate. To-day is the best time to select your Greeting Cards 50c to $2.75 a dozen. NOTP " xou hae your card 1 wi plnie rcsiFtercil here, or will bring: It In. we will place your name on the Cards you select, at a nominal extra charge. In ten ilaj or two weeks after the order n placed. Struwbrldeo & clothier Asle 10, Centre At S15.75 Small Boys' navy blue Cheviot Overcoats. A smuit belted-all-iiround style, with black plush collar nnd cuffs; warm woolen linings. Sizes 3 to 10 years. At S13.73 Junioi and large Boys' Overcoats, with convertible collars, half-belts and waim lin ings. Sizes 0 to 17 ycais. At SI 1.73 A miscellaneous collection, consisting chiefly of one and two Coats of u style. All sizes, from i) to 17 years, in the lot but not in every style. At S18.30 Chiefly large Boys' styles, with convertible collar, of daik mixed cheviots. Sizes 12 to 18 years. Warm Mackinaw Coats Under Price At SI 0.75 Of daik, rich plaids, with convertible collar and all-around belt. Sizes 8 to 18 years. At $11.75 Of fine warm fab rics, well tailored in comfort able new styles, with shawl collar. Sizes 8 to 18 years. Reversible Leather Coats, now $25.00 Genuine lcathej on one sido and trn gabardine on the other. Very warm and serviceable Top Coats for boys of 12 to 18 years. Two Hundred Raincoats Special Sizes G to 10 years, of black rubber, at $4.00. Of rubberized tan fabrics, at $5.50. imj V Mrtiuui '1e &. Clothier Second Tloor. Filbert Street. Kast Boys' Blouses Under Price,, $1.10 , Two styles in boys' sturdy Blouses nt n saving of about one fourth Fancy-striped Madras Blouses with collar attached, or Fancy-striped Percale Blouses with neck-band. Both are of excel lent quality, in attiactive striped, designs and colorings, cut full and well-made. Get the boy n good supply at this special price $1.10. . r StruuliriUce &. Clothier Second Klour, KaBt Store STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER MAItKEt STREET EIGHTH STREET FILBERT STREET' Interesting Values in Women's Kimonos xmd Bath Robes Special at S 1.95 Bath Robes of narrow-wale cordu roy. A pretty model, collar 1 e s s, with a pocket and gir dle. Special at $6.50 Break fast Coats of wide-wale cor duroy, in Co penhagen blue, rose or wistaria. Special at S8.75 Grace ful Bath Robes or Negligees of wide-wale 'cor iluroy, as sketched. I n rose, cherry, Co penhagen blue or wistaria. A cosy stylo for winter, with full length, set-in sleeves, convertible collar and sash, shirred on elastie in back, as shown. T f Tr " JiilJuiicat: vnept: xyiihuiiim Special at $2.95 In llghVf blue, pinkJQr rose, hand-cmbroi4. j eicu in iiviiii alloys. , i I M.nn...o lmHHn. ...Illfi. .nJ I broidered f3JSS to $8J5 Strawbrldie t Clotklt Third Floor. Filbert Street,, WA ' W 'M ti i i 5 1 7 I J . I 7 -i ivi Ml " -M M ! JJI $1 -.3 ii "J Si H vVJ t , mn .-,. It? : j j ,"