Lj'-.t JJxmK ...- rJuui.AiHtni -,.vM&fcSirTJi" TV i m'.w&mnwwgM'-i-.JT "4wnwT"Tr-1'; ' '"wranT "-.T'Tj"wBtr'-mrTii-i- "sfW'R 5rw,&HKr 'j""r'-r'' - frr ffir ! . ?tp 'V ti'Tj pjTO" 7 X VARIETY BYBNING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA:, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1919 QUALITY CTn A W T T T T"" T! C T VTT TTT"r SERVICE - - J w m m m W. - i w. jT M H Innaaai r i W B Jl m. F 7 jkJw M. M -y lJ B l & iiiimii -AtmJr ' M B B H B B lv VALUE The Annual Profit-Sharing Distribution of Men's Autumn and Winter Clothing Begins To-morrow ! Large Quantity, Great Variety and Unusual Values! fiSiffllliililSaS- . INlfiHul 111 mil III I 1 1 Ev "&vj . 1 1 P r NEVER BEFORE have we had so large a stock of Men's Clothing as we now have NEARLY A MILLION DOLLARS' worth at our retail prices, and considerably more than a million dollars' worth if based upon present cost of production. In other words, it would cost us nearly one-third more than we paid to replace the Clothing we now own (although such a quantity could not now be procured at any price). Practically all of our present stocks were purchased months ago, and it is a fact only too well known, that cloth, trimmings, labor, and every thing entering into the production of Clothing costs much more to-day. , Therefore, it is entirely safe to say that our en tire stock, marked as it is at a FAIR PROFIT ON WHAT WE PAID, and not on the basis of present cost and market value, is ' Worth Considerably More Than the Price We Ask But that isn't all. To some men the fact that WE HAVE THE GOODS great quantities and wonder fully varied assortments of attractive 'new styles is even more important than the saving of money. AND SO we say, if you have not been our regular customer, and do not find Clothing to meet your requirements at the store you have formerly de pended upon, you will find a COMPLETE ASSORT MENT HERE. We now have 11,000 Autumn and Winter Suits 9,000 Winter-Weight Overcoats 1,000 Autumn-Weight Overcoats 6,000 Pairs of Men's Trousers 600 Men's Raincoats" 500 Men's Leather Overcoats 400 Fur-Lined and Fur-Collar Coats 500 Youths' Long-Trousers Suits We have not been tempted by the higher cost of production to lower our standard of quality, but rigidly adhere to our rule to sell Clothing of high character and reliable quality only, depending upon the well-known manufacturers whose Clothing we have sold for years THE STEIN-BLOCH COM PANY, HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX and the makers of "ALCO" Clothes, also several other houses not nationally advertised, but equally reliable and whose Clothing we guarantee for satisfactory service. THE STYLES represent the highest achievement of the best Clothing designers in this country. Since the war, they have given free rein to their artistic skill and vied with each other in creating the smartest models ever produced in Suits and Overcoats for critical men and young men. Wonderful variety and, considering production conditions, exceptional values throughout our entire stock. But the pur pose of this announcement is to emphasize The Extraordinary Values Described on This Page Attractive as are the prices in our regular stock, we have gathered for this great Sale, through the co operation of our manufacturers and by forehanded ness in making our contracts and purchases, a num ber of EXTRA-SPECIAL lots, which every man whp needs Clothing should see TO-MORROW. We have planned to add to our large regular staff of salesmen to-morrow, that every customer may have prompt and efficient service all day long but we sug gest that you come before noon if convenient. - MCn's and Young Men's Overcoats $23.00 SPECIAL. Where else can you find such a value? Dependable, warm fabrics, chiefly in plain practical models. Better bo early. Winter Overcoats at Special Prices Men's and Young Men's Overcoats $34.50 SPECIAL. Ulsters, Ulsterettes, Chesterfields and Box Overcoats. A wonderful collection of fabrics. A real profit-sharing value. , Men's and Young Men's Overcoats $27.50 SPECIAL. The "AIco" make. Storm Ulsters and the dressy Chester fields. Good Oxford fabrics, well tailored. Less than present whole sale value. Merts and Young Men's Overcoats $38.50 anTrf! A.T. Wart- RMinffrinr &. Marv .... . J. .i.i. -. ji y ana VUCO manes, onservauve iiiuu els in dark Oxford; Ulster3 and Ul sterettes of plain and fancy fabrics. Hart, Schaffner & Marx Autumn ' Weight Overcoats $29.50 SPECIAL. Men's and young men's styles; in dark Oxford fabrics: very smart-looking all silk-trimmed. All sizes in the collection to begin with. Hart, Schaffner & Marx Overcoats $58.50 SPECIAL. Finest fabrics, finest satin lining, best tailoring. The man who would expect to pay his tailor $100 will bo interested. Men's Reversible Leather Overcoats $47.50 . A smart belled sports style. Gen ulno leather on one side, with reverse of tweed, cheviot or homespun fabric a limited quantity at about one-third less than present valuation. Men's and Young Men's Good Suits $23.00 SPECIAL. Conservative and youthful styles; well made of good fabrics, including Suits of medium weight serge. Exceptional value. An Attractive Lot of Young Men's Suits $36.50 SPECIAL. Including the smartest waist-seam styles and the favorite belted-all-around sports model. Sizes 34 to 42 in this group. Men's and Young Men's Reliable Suits $28.00 RPKCIAL. Remarkable value at this price. Single-breasted and double-breasted Suits, of reliable me dium and heavy-weight fabrics. "Alco" and Other Fine and Handsome Suits $38.00 SPECIAL. Men's and young men's Suits of fine worsteds and cassimeres, neat, fancy weaves and plain blue, brown and green. Men's and Young Men's Smart Suits $31.50 PT'CIAL. A variety of conserva-" 1 youthful styles, all of thor- depcndable fabrics, well Heavy and medium weight. Men's and Young Men's Fine Suits $41.50 SPECIAL. A splendid, attractive group, including the season's smartest models. Sizes for men, 35 to 46; for young men, 34 to 40. ig Dress Suits, 0.00 and $47,50 wo- and three-piece llcnty of "stout" sizes, ted quantity of Hart, Suits. Cutaway Frock Coats With Vest, $40.00 Dark Oxford fabrics, finished with bound edges? Correct styles at an attractive low price. Guamnl' ofTo Made f m-i'T. IF' Our Plan to Encourage Early Christmas She If you have a charge account merchandise piirchased from Nv 1st to December 31st, inclusive, n paid for in January, The plan inaugurated by us nine years ago has proved to most practical and undoubtedly the most successful means of a ing an early interest and actually inducing our customers to L their Christmas shopping earlier than they would do without i mutually advantageous arrangement. . r Delaying tho buying of gifts until near Christmas is a;hab -n.. ..Sovatnn Wnaf. families must bo nrovided Vith clothme.and household necessities in November, and naturally wish to haVfttthe i.m .c mi,ov nniv)insp. nut of the wav beforo buvinir trifta.mBut ni- ninn removes entirely that reason for delay. Our plan fori year is this: , x iM rn i,,a nil mil- Minrnro nistonipra the onnortunlr .rS iv tatvjttattv fnr nil mcrrhnitilise boutrht fronl morrow, November 1st, to the last day of Decembwr'jj Tn nriW in mnintn.m our regular routine svstl Lnnlrlriianlnn nnrl nldn lll.Tlt. VOII TtlilV cllBck Ut) VOIU i,..od a mTT. WTT.T. HV. SKNT YOTT AS'USUAli ON CEMb'eR FIRST, including all purchases-made on Nw ho, lot nnrl thi-nnn-Tiniit tho mnrtfli nf November'' Thlft nif lr nnirl'in Tlprpmhpr if vnn sn dpsire. hlltvou.ar vited to take advantage pf the privilege of pyik for IL 6 i i ii 31 fit it? purcnasen maae aunng me inu iuwhjuo nnm raiilv vmir hill fnr December nurchnses. - , Tf von have m charere account here and if you" not, now's.a good time to open one BUY NOW'ANJN IN JANUARY. ;