i H - -jyw-4-j'M " i-y ! S1-'V,W v t$0ii?jf' - - r MjSf-v w 3ii . EVENING WBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1919 25 ' LONG TIME SINCE HANOVER WITNESSED FADING OF GREEN AT HOME tow w i.-n1"'' ' ' o? TWO LEAGUE GRID GAMES ON IODAY feentral Picked as Victor Over Oermantown Northeast South Philly Tussle TEN OTHER MATCHES ON N By PATJIj FltEP By the time ibo sun sets behind Uio vet goal-poles on Houston Field tBts afternoon, the triple deadlock for the runner-up poaltlon In th.a Inttrscholas tic Lengue raco w"l have been broken. Ther is a Drobabllltr of a tie for first place being made and n slight possibil ity oi uontrai lilRti, cnsmpions ol iuih Busumine a solid and sereno station atop the league ladder. Two league mutches are on for deci sion this n w on the reanecttve twin erldlrons nt Tnenrv-ninth and Cam bria streets and Twenty-ninth and Somerset streets, the Mirrors meeting Oermantown High and Northeast High opposing South Philadelphia High. West Philadelphia High leader InJhc Inter scholastic League bv n onc-polnt mar cln, is not scheduled for league compe tition today, nor is Frankford nigh. C. II. S. Conceded Victory The Crimson and Gold already has been conceded a victory over German town High, because of the latter's ap parent weakness for several reasons, in cluding tho loss of half n doten regulars owing to scholastic IncHtrfMHH' T7n less Northeast Hih is able to stop Cnach Johnson's Southwark eleven, tho Mirrors will become undisputed leaders. However, if tho fl-" "hlladelnhians Xlay up to form and trample over the Tchlves, the league leadership will re ult in an even thing between tho for mer and Doctor O'Brien's machine, each with a total of four points. Of tlit interscholastic elevens only Central High's goal-line remains un crossed to date. Defeating Catholic High, Wilmington Hlfih, Lower Mcrion High and Trankfoid High in rotation, the Crimson and Gold has piled up a total of 110 points. In tho Lower Merlon fracas, however, n field goal was tirop-klcked against the Mirrors, and thus far this three-pointer hasbeen the only score made by Central's opposi tion. Three Cornered Fight After today's league scores have been handed down, the chances are that Cen tral High, favorite for the champion ship, will have two threatening and dangeronB rivals. Oermantown High and Frankford High are virtually out of the fight. They will be used from now on only for the purpose of being trampled on by the other four elevens. At the present time "Nig" Berry's West Philly Speedsters are recognized as -i the most serious contender for the dladem In O. H. S.'s possession. South Philly has a very good chance o8 eliminating Northeast High this afternoon. All It has to do is defeat the Ijehlgh avenue Red and Black. And if 'Coach Johnson's youths succeed then Central High will fear the downtowners as much as It does West Philadelphia High. The Crimson and Gold has won the Glmbel Cup In the last two years, west fnuly was runner-up in 11)18, and South Philly surprised the scholas tic world here by winning the title In Besides the two league contests on today's schedule, ten other matches be tween school, prep and academy elevens will be decided. Three of the Interaca- demlc League teams, who start their own little warfare next week, have hard c roOTDALIi I UNIVERSITY OF PENN. STATE COLLEGE Franklin Field Nov 1, 2 0 P. Jf Freshmen vs U. of Va Fresh , 1 IS. Kes Seats. J2. II. 50 On Sals Olmbel's and A. A. Omce. Adm. SI prior to came. Phlla. Jack O'Brien's $ 8 Months Roxlnir fours r ICoroll for Tournament December 2(1 15 hi JC vor, loxu Detail jr How & CHESTNUT 4th floor pace itsi roone uoox 12 ' ramnna A C Burns & Feener, MTs, VamDna . w. uenslncton S Hoinerset Friday Evenlnr, ortober aist JOE UORItEIX va. IIKJIMAN MILLER Four Other Star Iloats 1 ! neiVIMr LKSSONS clten Dx expert Vaa4Ya taeher. AM pupils an taucht prUotelr. Insl leacner. upen ereninss. nsnt prUotelr. Instructlea Ivan a yoirr own homa, own aomi. S. E. Oar. flth and Vina Sta. DAU kya-v, Genuine SID Value v Only tlO pairs apportioned amons J K& iMBEH2rn SSSnM m bbbbF:? .MaalaHVfflr 4aU BBl JBBBBBBBBBM'-iaBBBBaaBBaraB SySJ aHF'laaHRa M-:-i2KHi&r t, mmrj. ii ara gone, wo don't know when ire ran ro to tna lactorjr ana set their like In leather, style and supreme ralae. Ic eoata mora to manufacture these shoes now than we nik (or them. It you need show this winter, set them now beforo tomorrow night. 3R.& L. Stores SSF 1538 Market St. Hen's Shoes Only Interscholastic League Team Football Standing W ... .. .. - ""T. 4n.&llt nMU w t ,y ... i-niiA. men.. 4. u i a t'rntrnt Hlih ..... 1 1 0 O 2 Main I'hlla Illsh... 1 1 0 O 2 Northmat Illth .... J 1 1 O 2 FMNllfAnT lll.t. ft O . Orrniantown Illch'.. 1 0 1 0 0 TODATB rOOTBAI.Ti SCHEDULE Ieogiio Oamea TwrntrwitiiUi nnd Cambria straets. ' w iimiinw Juan TS. POT1II1 1'niIIMlNnniA IIh, at Twoitr-nlnth and Somerset streets. Other Ouiti tVert Philadelphia, lltih at Lanjdowne lltitli. Meat Philadelphia Catholto tilth at Ger fnantown Awideinr. Frnnkfnrri Will at Chestnnt Hill Academy. Media tilth at nidlrr I'ark Illch. rathollo Utah at Radnor Hljji. Ilarlir Illnh nt OarmantowtrVrlHids, Hi. Jjnka's nt Rplscopal Aradrmr, Yfmt Chestrr Illth at Wnodbnrr filth. MoiMtonn Illrh nt FrendV Central. Ablncton Illrh nt Sirarthmnro Illth. 8Kvr Friends' Select nt Wilmington Friends. games on. West Philadelphia Catholic High meet Oermantown Academy on the latter' field, St. Luke's School v. Ill come diin from Wayne and play Epis copal .y! idemy at Sixty-second and Walnut streets, and Trlends' Central will act as host to Moorestown High School on tho P. It. Y. M. C. A. grounds, Forty-fourth street and Park stdo avenue. West Philadelphia High has n tough assignment to cover at Lansdowno against tho local high school which holds tho record for total number of points scored this year. Other big games arc on between Catholic High and Radnor High, Frankford High and Chestnut Hill Academy and Darby High nnd Oermantown Friends. La Salle Fit La Salle went through the final workout yesterday in preparation for the game with St. Joe tomorrow. No scrimmage was indulged in because of minor Injuries suffered by certain mem bers of the team. The team that will start for La Salle probably will be: Ends, Burroughs anu uornari; tacKics, iirenuan nnd Higgins; guards, Toth and Taylor; center, Callahan quarter, Feeney; halves, McAnlff and Trainer or Brcn nnn ; fullback, Poppert. Brennan has been tried at halfback and has shown up well. "Should he start nt half Larkin will take his place at guard. The game starts at 10:15 a. m. on Houston Field. on Every Pair! . Prove This Tomorrow! THE saving you make on every pair of shoes bought here is positive. No fictitious values II! J Downstairs location low overhead expense. JIt costs us less to sell shoes q That's whyl f.Ennlish ponied iwitb broad flat deels. with or wilhoit Rnbbej, aiso wtia oroaa lot combUlaa comlorl and style, Block Gmmelal Calfskin. 8 ttorea In this lot. After they rAras ALL a BO jJJetHari SejbrnNeni ! miChesitmlSl I 35ovOnbtaU& Store m " 1 ! Wing-Tip J nm- 3 Bronze Effect 5 ZZ$ 'in Black H v , or Tan, nwa HiniviBiria 728 Market St. 44 N. 8th St. TTtH Men's and Women's Shoes A. A. U. IS RISKING NO ATHLETIC STRIKE Ralsos Pay Per Day for Travel ing Athlete From $5 to $7 for Expenses The national legislation committee re port containing the proposed amend ments to the constitution, bv-lnus nnd general nthletlc rules of the Amateur Athletic Union as prepared Uy Justice Ilartow S. Weeks, chairman of the committee, was yesterday mailed to the ileipi?ntpfl elected by tho various active and allied members of the Ama teur Athletic Union to attend the annual conentinn of tho national body In Bos ton, November 10 and 17. Tho nmendment to General llulc 4 Is sure to meet with the unanimous np proval of the competing nthletes, It calls for an increase in the amount of expense money that an amateur nthlote Is allowed to ask for, receive or accept for meals and lodging In traveling to and from an nthletlc meet, from $5 to ?7 per dav. The present rule was placed on tho books several years ngo when the cost of living was much less than It Is today, nnd It is expected that this proposed amendment rlll be adopted unanimously. SPORTS AMONG AMATEURS Franklin A. A., n 188-pound tr flint football team wants cames Teter J l'nunce. 34 Memphis street. The Rrlsnold Worater Co.. baeketball team will put tnn teams on the floor for the comln season Qames wanted Paul Herb care Orlswold Worsted Co. Darbj, ra ITelrome A. A . a first-class basketball team, wants prnmes with home teams Ernest Schuiti 1553 South Thirty-third street. Shot Tower, a second-class basketball team, has a few open dates for traveling; teams of that class J. Darro caro Shot Tower Playground Front and Carpenter street? The r-alhflhder Ilaakethnll Tram would like to arranee ir&mes with any third or fourth class teams either at home or away J. N, GoUalsh 3050 Kenslneton aenue. Stetson 'Mission, a first-class haskethnll team .wants s-amea William A Briscoe. 228 North Fifth street. vmfQitru&iJmtf fe Here's an Important Message For Every Man Who Appreciates Genuine Values We confess that the "unseasonable weather lias retarded clothes buying to some extent and that is mainly thereason why we have placed on sale a limited number of fine clothes. Every suit and over coat is of high standard latest style creations for the young man and his elders ; clever variety of patterns Herringbones, Worsteds, Flan nels, Cheviots, iridescent clofhs, etc., in plaids, pin stripes, checks, plain and solid colors, mostly all silk lined. Here's a rare chance to buy a really good suit or overcoat far below prevailing prices. 1950 Real Bargains in 17 A T T Q I TITQ and i H K A H M A W IK H H s& W smmsssmmotrsmm OVERCOATS This is undoubtedly the mosbt daring offer we have ever made. In face of the almost prohibitive prices in men's clot lies, Becker's DARE to come forward with such bargains that will draw economy seeking men like steel to a mag net. Get here early tomorrow and you will come across values that you would think impossible. Becker's Super-Clothes $27J2 $35 $37J2 $40 H2-E lFur-CoUar Great big warm 0'coat3 7 OgT in fine Oxford gray cloth, ,JmL K sVVXaNWWKI I u .- LMkft.y J $1.95, $2.50, $2.95, $3.50 SWEDE BUYS HORSES Dig (Sale of Lexington Winners to Be Exported for Foreign Tracks Lexington, H, Oct. 31. Manrlco, 2:07V4, winner of the only slx-hcat futurity ever trotted over the Lexing ton Orand Circuit track, was sold yes terday by the Walnut Hall Farm to Christian L. Mueller, of Sheden, who wilt export the voting stallion to that country late In November. Three brood marcs, two colts and one 3 curling were nlso purchased from va rious Lexington horsemen and will be shipped with Manrlco. This constltutis tho biggest sale of harness horses for foreign studs made here since the outbreak of the war. The price paid for Manrlco was not made public. Strangler Lewis Fears Not Scissors Ed ("3tranler") Lewis Is all lit for hl coming ntruffRto with Jo Htpcher for thi world wrentllnff chnmplonitMp which will rnkA place Mondaj nlirht at Madison Hauare Garden "SUcher Is a remarkable athlete, ald !uls 'but despite this I bellevo I will prove his master I han tried out a defense against his terrible "body scissors hold which will proe of. crest help" Clymer Schoolboys Owlm Well Clymer School's youthful natators proved meat expert In the ninth annual grammar school swimming meet decided In the Phila delphia Turngemelnde pool. Hroad street and Columbia aenue icnterdny afternoon total ing; 40 points In the Ave events which tested the proficiency of tho contestants Olney A. A. football team would tike to arrange Hundav games w Ith all semlpr.i teams during Nocmber and December and offering a filr sruarantee John J Kramer DG27 North Fifth street Jasper TteserTes. a-flrst-claes team, wants Barnes with all teams of this calibre O W Miller. 2625 Coral street Kastwlrk A. C. would like to book rames with any 1.1 to mo-pound team at home for No ember 8 IC and 22 V. Laurie, Woodland 814 The Hntrtle C. C. a first-class traelln five has No ember s and 21 opon for out of town fives offering fair iruaruntees A J Qreen. 2041 North Bambrev stroet. Cornell Harriers vs. Harvard Illiurl, V. V., Oot31 While the football team Is flKhtlntt It out with Lnfayette to morrow n Mtuad of Cornell c ross eountrj runners will meet Hirvarl ner tho Crimson homo cojrso nt llelmont. Miss -K", V, VAij Jai i!ti:tt t '.x v ', . . OVERCOATS TROUSER SPECIALS Tho largest stock In town strongly made, wear-resistlnir "Superior llraml ' truuserB In corduroy, heavy twills, worsteds Nearly all patterns s i -)IVlXJLilV. VINCOME CANCELS HOLMESBURGDATE Suburbanites Schedulo Strong Attraction in U. S. S. Miohi- gan for Tomorrow 'i.ho mnnnRcmcnt of the Ilolmcsburg fontbnll tenm nlslics to nunounco that the Suhurbniiltc will not plnj the Vincoine clcn tomorrow nftcrnoon on the lIolniesburK rtoudiIs, but lnatoitl thr team from the United Stntcs steam ship Michigan will be the attrnctlon. The (ontest with Vlncome long had bern nutlclpated by footbn.ll fnhsK nnd, v Ithout the slightest prellmlnnry notice, Vlntnnie informed tho Holmeaburg munniccment on 'Wednesday that it would not piny. In spite of the fact that only the evening previous c cry thing was satisfactory. The Holmesburg officials nrc sntlstlcd that they have as good an attraction, and the players are nil determined to mnko a showing after the disaster nt NorriBtown last Saturdn ngnlnst Con el ohocken. There will be but one change in the line-up tomorrow, Kurtz replacing Ktlly at end. llert Yeabslo and .lohnnj Siott will be tho bneUlleld as usual. HOBART VS. RIVERSIDE Strono Independent Eleven to Battle New Jersey Team Tomorrow Ilohart Club, of West Philadelphia, mil IHvcr'idc plav on Weston Field, Itiiprside. N. .7.. tomorrow afternoon '1 he klckoff is scheduled for I ; o cloeK. Itlverslde Dargremberir Clolmont Wrlnharper l.lahtcap 15 OMrbeck W 0erbeck Hlndea T evlno . Walker Jobnson Hobart Club , ., M Lcin .. .left end McCarthy left tackle Sullivan . lett euarn Wrlaht center obler .. rlBht iruard Klnley . ... rlKht tatkle , SUes .... right end Taan .... quarterback Hereon right halfback Cross .. .. left halfback ,ibIhkh . . fitllhnrU naws Iteferee Osmond Central Hlah: Umpire Flaair Unlerslt of PennsyUanla Time of periods 15 minutes Battling Mack Gets a Shading Atlantlo tltr. Oct 81 Mickey Russell, of Tersey City, shaded rtattllnn Muck, of Cam len In the wind up nt the Atlantic Clls Pii'rtlnB Club last nlaht. Whltey riURer ;, niiii.ii.inhli. irae Johnny Tymin. n fellow townsman, a tcrrlfla laclne In the olKht round emlwlnd-up ijaV(yJ1i'ieVSrWVV',e'V'sTV'e. aiasBBr .ssali.Esm bbbbD BASKETBALL BOOMS :T Three Leagues Have Been Or ganized in Last Month- .Na tivity Is Represented AMERICANS AT TRAYMORE Daskctbnll Is duo for n big revival tt, thn tinpthnont nentlnn .Itinnm tln toming season, nnd up to the present time three new leagues have been or gtnlzcd. The Northeast Church League was"the first to get under wny, nnd now comes one composed of teams that were members of the Northeast Manufacturers' Hnsebnll League. This organization has confined Its efforts to the bnsebnll diamond, but nt n meeting Inst evening n basketball league was organized and a glance at the line-ups of the teams shows that some good cage contests are due to be placd, t)n top of Oils announcement Is one from the Nativity Catlmllc Club that it will have a league all of its own that will have tight teams (lames will he plnjed twice n week, and on Hnturdaj the big Nathlty team, the pkk of the league, will entertain. The Nntivlty Club has won a place in the forefront of athletics in Philadel phia, although they only have gone in for spoils on a large scale during the laRt car. In the summer they sup ported a baseball team that plnjed ns often as bx times n week, four on the home grounds, nt Miller and Ontnrio streets, and on numerous ool islnus fif teen thousand fans crowded the open lot. Iloxing nlso is conducted In the club house n lnrge ring having been pre sented by one of the members. Tommy O'Toolc, the former star. Is boding in structor. Hugbv und soccir teams nnvc been orgnnlnd nnd there Is some kind of n Bportlng cvfcnt every Saturdnv or Sundaj afternoon on the lot nt Miller nnd Outarla streets. OTHER SPJ3RTS ON PAGES 26 AND 27 Gloves At Tremen dous Savings Every well-dressed man wears gloves. Here is a chance to procure a fine pair of capeskin gloves, gray or tan, with plain or embroidered backs, at one half their real value. Every pair guaranteed first quality and to give satis faction. This is but one of the big money-saving events daily offered in Eecker's Quality Clothes. IN THE NORTHEAS ' $1 .65 I Woven Madras and Pongee SHIRTS WORTH $3.50 ISth and Chestnut ft MP clasB' Your Clothes Than is Necessary? Frankly, Prices ARE Higher Than Ever Before, But If You Use The Right DISCRETION You Can Save $5 to $20 on Prevailing Prices. All FamOUS Adverted Brands of Clothes at GEORGES Suits & Overcoats wmmm-mmm'mmm p FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN 26i $29i $33i2 $37 up to $75 jm) Vou EXPECT to pay MORE for clothes than BEFORE, but you never. expected to be confronted with suc1k ENORMOUSLY increased prices as pre vail today. All reliable dealers are doing their BEST to keep prices down, and it resolves itself into a ques tion for YOU to decide which store offers you the JMfMwMmm3 mil liUittiC- Ifl ' W Ir7l Iut It .Julli kt Kl aJBIriC-'rf TV S'!p wwmm mm WsSwmm mm Wm&mSi mm Ik M4 R A smart la,sBaj'SW button douAWmkiM'fw Vi bit breasted Wfl l sack model KJJS 'EL"1!? vv that is UpSbJI iMlf, Vv find i n g (LK IB V wide favor Vt i-km ivm.-)i vy J IS Br5 among the HyMF W( beat dressed WmWm Hj wSK Mil men. II BK iiM :& 1 The House of Famous Clothes for Men and Young Men Why Pay $5 to ?20 More for most value at the price you pay. We offer you the BIGGEST MON EY'S WORTH in 'his city today and you have only to compare our val ues to realize this fact. We are able to save you $5 to $20 on prevailing prices for two very definite reasons. (1) Onr foresight in having made our biggest purchases at the time of the sign ing of the armistice, when prices were the lowest. (2) The enormous volume of our busi ness in our 3 big metropolitan shops, which enables us to buy for less and sell at a loicer margin of profit. Our varieties of styles and patterns are ten times greater than the average shop and the number of famous nationally ad vertised brands we carry are fully twenty times greater. Try us I 5th and "21 k M M yi ivl il n i a- & -AM J i 1 l , t- & .1 J. VT M 4 i. m JiJ 13 "? r M VJ Open Every Evening Open Every Evening r OPEN i icvns. fV " aUALITY CLOTHES 1514-16 MARKET ST. Chestnut ? Open Daily TUI 6 P, M., Saturday Till 10 P. M. 1 ibmi firm ttof JIm IjtimZ Z7.7rwBTr7sf'to Tff TV k9ysfT C$4- T -. w rr ljWlJ'VVi laVVBatyiBVfyirtasjB)sl fmfsifm lutkjiiifllttty$ WV U, MMVUUWU... ,,, XWr': to ' V) f I M 'r ) 5fJ J-ik., , Jt .., f . . 1 D , . f r , i -v. . 4 . 1 .- . " '' ' i VT -J. C1UTTLMI V afr ." i fc. - a fr"aaiME. IC-Ji JWffSluBBsSiMslssaBsBsas mamnmmmmmmm .jsmm