Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 24, 1919, Night Extra Financial, Page 9, Image 9

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Gimbel Brothers
Store Hours 9 to 5:30
Store Open All Day Saturday
Friday, October 21, 19l9
Tremendous Sale of Men's Overcoats at
Delay in Reply on Trans-Siberian
Railroad Charged to Internal
lly the Assorlatcil Trevt
ToUln. Saturday, Oct. IS. The .lap
nnejp Oovcrument not ltnvltig ni yet re
plied to the Ainericnn note concerning
ro-opprat'on in the administration ot
the Trhus-Slbcrlnn nallrond, it i tin
derstobti liere that the United States
Government lina dlpntchrd a second
note on the (subject to. Japan.
America, according to report, n.v,
in effect, that the length of time Japan
1h taking to reply to mo lormer note in
dicates the important o which the Jap
anese Government attaches to the sub
led at inKiie. and1 intimatei the United
States completely sltnres this view of
the matter. The note Is said to express
gratification in the fait that General Oi,
communder of Japanese expeditionary
forces in Siberia, lias signified his in
tention to bring about complete co
operation between Japanese and Amer
ican troops. Nevertheless, the United
States makes it clear that America is
nnxinus that n definite policy relative
to Siberia, including the question of
the withdrawn! of American troops, be
announced, mid in n perfectly friendly
tone requests Japan to forward n reply
to the original note ns soon as conveni
ent. Information has been received by the
Associated Tress that the Japanese
renlv will bo fortlicominsr in a few dnft.
Further investigation seems to indicate
that the reason for the delay is the con
troversy between the moderates and the
extremists and the difficulty of satisfy
ing tho military group in frnming a re
sponse. It Is apparent here that the
result of the negotiation between
America and Japan" will determino
whether the two countries shall in
tho future co-operate In solving the
Siberian problem, or whether America
is to pursue an independent policy.
It has been learned Lit Admiral
Kolchak, head of the all-ItussTan Gov
ernment at Omsk, is trying to sohe the
Siberian crisis, and recently asked the
Allies for n credit amounting to $300,
000,000 to be ued for militaiy and
economic purposes. At the same time
he is said to be seeking additional allied
troops to guard the Trans-Siberian
Railroad between Urkutsk and Omsk
as substitutes for Oecho-Slovak troops
who wiil soon return to l'urope.
Siberian banks, co-opeiatiug -with the
Omsk government, have succeeded in
arrancine a credit of $25,000,000 with
Japanese banks, the interest rate being
7 per cent. As security they have de
posited in he Osaka Mint gold bullion
to an equal amount. Negotiations for
credits of S3o.000.000 with American
banks and SoO.OOO.OOO with English in
stitutions hae taken a faoiablc turn.
8panlsh King Welcomed Warmly In
Victoria Station by Large Delegation
tondon. Oct. 24. l$v A. I) King
Alfonso of Spain, wliove leguiar isits
to England were suspended during the
war, armed in London last night. He
was met in Yiitoua Station bj Lord
Stanmoic. lepresi nting the king. Prin
ters Routine, the staff of the Spanish
embassy and mnuj ot the Spanish
The nlntforni of the station was car-
npled nod tlrnned. The king greeted
Princess Ueatiiie affectionately, kissing,
her on both checks, auu after that thetc
were family greetings. Lord Stanmore
delivered ft mescage from the king and
imprn. and uii infoimal recentlon fol
lowed. The pnrt, was photographed,
oml then ilnnr to the Uilz Hotel.
The Spanish ambassador had met the
King at rniKeMoue anu accotnpauicu
li mi on nib jouruej.
Women Physician Chosen as Aide to
Labor Congress Envoys
Tokio, Sept. 14. (Correspondence of
the Associated Press.) Four women
advisers accompany the Japanese dele
gation to the mtei national labor con
gress in Washington, two of them as
nrlrlKPiK In the official delegates and
tho remaining two as achiscrs to the
delegates representing the interests of
capitalists anu inoorers, respectively.
Ko-Ko Tanaka, wife of Odo Tanaka,
Is one of tho advisers to the govern
mental delegates. As a suitable can
didate for another female adviser to
the official delegate. Dr. Tomoko Inouyc
was nominated. Miss Inouve is a grad
uate of the University of Ohio, and is
the only Japanese female physician who
has Btudicd medicine in America.
8hortag So Acute That Government
Takes Stocks and Places Embargo
Manila. P. I., Sept. .(Corre
spondence of tho Associated Press).
So acute has become the rice situation
in the Philippine Islands that the, gov
ernment has placed an embargo on the
cereal and is attempting to import 3000
tons from French sources at high prices
to rejuce the shortage. The shortage
Is said to bo the result of hoarding bv
Filipino middlemen nnd to the lack of
proper facilities for distribution of the
cereal in non-producing areas. Crime
has Increased since the shortage became
The government has fixed retail prices
for rice, taken oer the stocks on the
basis of those prices and is handling
the distribution.
D'AnnunzIo Sends Message Asking
Help of American "Brothers"'
Home. Oct. 24. A message to Amer
ica from Gabriele D'Aununzio, leader of
the Italian irregular troops which are
holding Flume, is printed in newspapers
here. It bears tho date of October 12
and was brought from Flume on October
10 by Whitney Warren, the Amer
ican architect who went to that city
early in October to offer his services to
Eight paragraphs of the message were
suppressed by the censor. The remain
der of the nppeal addresses Americans
as "brothers" and imlorcs their help
for Flume, which, the message says, "is
fighting for liberty
Terestohenko Favors Move; U. 8.
Official Ready to Transmit It
London, Oct. 24. (Bv A. P.)
Michael I. Terestchenko, former Minis
ter nf forelirn affairs of Jlussia. who
fled to Sweden from his native country
in 1018, has proposed to the State Coun
cil at Moscow that n peace offer be
toade to the enemies of Russia, accord
ing to a wireless dispatch received here
fron liernn
It la reported an official representa
two or inn umtea Rimes is in aiawov
iuM ' ullUuf to submit the offer ta-the
Fall Overcoats : Winter Overcoats ; Ulsters : Storm Coats
A very great shortage of men's clothing for this season was foreshadowed long ago less clothing, higher
material and labor costs, and firm prices, to say the least. Checked up in every conceivable way, the warning seemed
very real, and the Gimbel Stores protected themselves and you by giving
Orders for More Than a Million Dollars' Worth
Today we announce the first large distribution of our good fortune for every garment is a real big bargain.
Ulsters big fellows to ride in. , Great Coats storm fearless.
Town Ulsters short enough to walk in. I Ulsterettes with waist seam and belt.
Chesterfield .Overcoats silk lined. Heavy Overcoats.
There is choice from over a hundred fabrics; there is choice of styles, so that you buy exactly the desired
thing, not merely "something that will do."
Forty-Five Dollars
BifVLJ Wjr"&K
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Street Dresses
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Depend on Gimbel standard of tailoring and linings and depend on the garments holding their shap
as is the usage that overcoats get. $45 it sounds too good to be true! .
Men's Leather Coats, $35 I Men's Raincoats, $12.50
One Thousand Worsted Suits at $45
Single- and double-breasted; the late good models both conservative and extreme.
Gimbel clothing service stands easily first in Philadelphia because Gimbel clothing is kept good clear
through. Any well-pressed garment looks "good" in a window. But your clothes should keep on looking well in
actual wear should be made to stand man's carelessness; can't be fussing over one's clothes all the time. But
Saturday Overcoats at $45. 4mi,,. sffnnrf .
1 tm A
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:1 1
: Afternoon Dresses : PV Dresses J Business Dresses : Dance Dresses
Club Dresses : Sports stme ' ""T". ,
Sale of Women's and Misses
Dresses at $ 1 7.75, $27.75 and
$37.75 Sowings of 25 to 40
Including fashionable this winter;
Apparently every dress-tabnc tnai m
Surely every fashionable color;
The new "silhouettes."
tl:.. ci-ian i Women s Dresses
. ,.,11 Tricotincs in ciow-blue and black.
Georgette crepes-
Street color Ueorgetics.
Afternoon style and colois in Georgette.
Taffetas mostly blue.
Serges in dark blue.
Very lich Satins in very rkn colors.
Kur-trimmed Velours.
Chiffon and Georgette dance-dresses.
Shea 3i to 46 in each price group.
Misses' Wool-Jersey
trimmed with
brushed wool
Sale-Priccd : $27.73
-in light colors
Crepes de chine in pink anu wnne.
Figured Georgettes in fabcinating designs
and colorings.
Figured Crepes very lich, dark effects.
Nct-and-Jaffeta evening di esses.
,rn(.n.a in etrppfc rolnrs.
Thirty Styles in Misses' Dresses
Wool jerbeys dark and bright colors.
Fur - bordered Poplin dark blown and
dark blue.
Satins blues, browns, black.
Taffetas mostly daik blue.
Georgettes dainty, and dark colois.
Velours in coat-drcbS effects.
Tricolines. v
Colored Nets in dance-dress styles.
Velveteens richly cmbioidered.
Spangled Nets.
Sizes U to 20 in each price group.
IjK Assy Xs
Women's W6ol
Tricotinc Dress with
Sale-1'riecd : $27.75
worth double but we
have only a few hundred.
Fine fur felt; well fin
ished. Styles the best.
Seal brown, green, gray,
olive and black.
dlmhcN, Ninth nnd Markft.
m t t i V T 1
Captured a Handtui ot exceedingly
"hat We Can Sell at $269
and $279
And r.utn.t' is one of the most fashionable among the
"practical furs" of the winter.
Sports and other lengths.
Wonderful collar-treatments.
And gorgeous linings.
Special Fox Scarfs
Taupe, )
Brown. At $55
Black-dyed V
Cliuhfla, Fur 8alona. Tlilrd floor.
Special Fox Scarfs
1 (At $39.75
Black-dyed )
Glmbtla. rirt floor.
"Character" Styles
With Gracious "Bend" or
Droop Women's Ready
Hats at $2.95
and $3.95
Silk velvets and panne vel
vets. Trimmed with ostrich fan
cies or fur or ribbons or
Roll, droop and straight
brim effects, besides smart tur
bans and new tricorne treat
ments. Mostly black.
Olinlit!". Urst floor and Third floor.
Women's Handsome Winter
Every Coat Gimbel Standard.
Each style hi full range of color and size.
Each style brand-new.
Save $10 to $20.
Coats at $29.75 .
Save $10
Tailored styles.
Wool-buiella in daik green.
Wool-elours in black only.
Coats at $35
Save $14.50
Diessy toats of bioadcloth tailor-lined
throughout. Black, blown
and taupe.
And snlertone-velour coats in a
good-looking, straight-line model;
and in brown, navy blue, deer,
taupe and oxford.
Coats at $45
Save $20
Unique Coats of silveitone, lined
throughout and set off by huge
collars of seal-dyed French coney.
Biown, oxford and taupe.
. Also at $45
Save $20
Sveltline Coats in Sizes
4oy2 to 5412
Wool velour, with seal-dyod
coney collais.
Black, navy blue, taupe and
brow n.
Olinbeli. halons of Ilrfn. Third floor.
Fifteen Hundred
Regular, perfect goods from the Pennsyl
vania Knitting Mills, are ready -
At Savings ot 4U
Men's $5, $7.50 and $8.50.
Boys' $3.50. For ages 8 to 14.
, f
The boys' sweaters open down f:
Both open-front and pull-overs for men.
Glmbtls, 1 ourtli floor.
k N-
A Special
Lot of
Gimbels bought up a laigc supply of niateiial-ieiunants, odds and
ends and short pieces, and then had them made up into ties. That's
why they're priced at Gjc. It's difficult these da.vs to buy a tie to sell
less than a doliai.
Neat, attractive patteins of atious colors. Some conservative,
some otherwise.
Stitched and lined neckbands.
Pick out one or a dozen you'ie the "judge."
Specially priced at G5c.
(iliubels, I lrbt floor.
Gimbels $15 Extra-Trouser Suits for
Boys Have All Seams Taped
and double stitched and lPinforced at points of btiain. Moicover, they'ie
made of extra stiong boys' wear suitings tweeds in gray, brown ancj
olive mixtures. Smait belted Norfolks in Tiench models with slash
pockets. Both pahs of ttousers full lined, ages 8 to 18, at $15. With
out extra trousers, at $12.
Boys' Finer Extra Trouser Suits
at $20 and $22.50 Ages 8 to 18
Fine all-wool tweeds, blue theUots and daik green whtpcoid.
(lmlifl. Third floor.
JV"t 1 11 III
tAt ,.ff I
Tailored Suits Sttr at $22n the Subway Store
Represent Savings Well Worth While
At $22
Four smart models at this remaikably low price.
Of buiella, whipcord, diagonal and herringbone cheviot.
Strictly tailored fashions, with belts and collars that
fasten high or can be worn open at the neck.
In black, navy, brown and gieen.
Misses' sizes, 14 to 18 yeais. Women's bizes, 36 to 44.
Dressy Suits at $29.75, $35 and $39.75
Some have fur collars. Latest fashions.
Save a Fourth to a Half on
Girls' Winter Coats at $8.65
I Practicnl school and dress-up coats. Of silvertlp, cheviot
and plushes.
Girlish loose-back and fltted-back models, with large col
lars that muffle up at the neck or collars that cross over and
fasten at each side. Half lined or lined throughout. Choice
nf reindeer, navy blue, creen. blown and mixtures. For ages
Girls Coat 6 to 14 years. Special values at $8.ua,
At ,U5
(Ilnibcln, Hubwur Storo.
Children's Coats at $6.95
Your choice of corduroy, chinchilla,
zibeline or cheviot; double-breasted, belted
and empire models; 2 to 6 years, at $6.95.
Corsets at $2
Models for slender and medium figures.
Topless style or low bust; of pink coutil
nnrt nnveltv urwiiu. " v
1 rw
Olmboli, Bubnar Hlore.
Special Christmas
A Conreid Talking
5 Ten-Inch Records and
lOOOExtra, $99
Needles for v
A first payment of $5 is re
quued, balance in small monthly
""fP ' ninibpla. hubw Wtorr.
600 SamDle Silk Petticoats at $2.50
Of fitted tusser top, silk flounce, others all messa
line. Beautiful assoitment of colors, vaiious models,
at $2.50 OlmbflB, bubnuy Wore,
Boys' Schoof Suits at $11.85 and $13.50
With Extra Pair of Trousers
Norfolk styles. The Knickers are full lined. Save
a third at $11.85 and $13.50. For chaps of 7 to 17 years.
u intra ui q.ii.00 ,,ft ruiadflnlilrt. Wubwuy More.
Large Manchurian Fur Scarfs at $37.50
With fox brushes. ,.. fcllIl. .
Men's and Young Men's Suits and Overcoats
( at $22.50
Unusual good choice in the season's newest styles for Fall and Winter.
Suits include cheviots, tweeds and cassimeres in neat mixtures. Exceptionally well
tailored. Good range of sizes. 1
Overcoats comprise single or double breasted, semi-fitting or form-fitting and full
backs; neat mixtures and plain fabrics. Many have satin sleeves and shoulder lining. All
seams are piped.
At $22.50 you save a third.
Men's Trousers at $3.50, $4, $4.50 and $5.
(.Imliflt. SiiIiho More.
125 Women's
Sweaters at $6.95
All-wool, fancy sample sweat
ers; wanted colors; slight sec
onds, but not noticeable. Price,
(ilinlirlK, Subuar More.
Silk Blouses
at $3.95 and $5.50
Ciepe de chine. Flesh, white,
navy and black. At $3.95.
At $5.50 Messalino suit
blouses; in navy, but trundle.
taupe and black; semi-tailored
model; 2-in-l collar. Sires 34
to 40.
llmbeU. Hubwar Store,
Men's Outing Flannel Pajamas at $1.95
These were bought months ago, hence the low price $1.95.
(llmbe.s hulmuy More.
Women's Shoes at $6.90
For Street and Dress
Gimbels pi ices are as low, if not lower, than elsewhere. You get
quality as well.
Tan Kubsia calf, black kidskin with fawn-color tops. Patent
leather, gray kid and brown kid. Also patent leather wjth gray buck
Well made and nicely finished, French and military heels, all
sizes, at $6.90.
---ttjiibel. hubuai Store,
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