I - '.' r m Jaii SVBXNO PUBKL.C lEDGER PHILADELPHIA, FBIDAT, OGTOBEft '21 1919 'I,"'" " VAJ -, . , ; ; , '. v J 'V fit. The industrial Health and progress of Philadelphia is indicated by the money her workers save "ir. ;C4'! , i-. u .: . I'rV' I Pi r V v:v- i r, -;' 'It Si ' :ws c -. w?l teri .-. fV VfT.i v, .Kf To establish a constantly growing bank account, even a small one, builds the worker's confidence in himself in his employer and in the industry he helps support It produces an easing of anxiety for the future that makes him a more cheerful, a faster and a'better workman. The thrift of the workman gives greater support to the industries in Philadelphia than in any other city of the country Just one of Philadelphia's banking insti tutions carries 270,0.00 wage-earning ac counts, to, which have been deposited over $150,000,000 of labor's money 150,000 of Philadelphia's citizens own their own homes more than double the percentage of any other city And the per capita wealth of the city is more than three times greater than that' of the country at large. One of the most constructive contribu tions to the quality of Crew Levick lubri cants is the Philadelphia habit of thrift that has bred the confidence and initia tive of our workmen Confidence in themselves, in us and in your appreciation of quality the things upon which their future rests. in. Chicago Boston e. - Crew Levick Company ox Jb'jniiaeipnm Qm of ike County's largest producers and refiners of oil vBS bubsidiaoy Cities bexvies.fi&& NGw?vk Syracuse x t' 9- ,..--r.v- 'Fsrs K&wmflm liifWi fr 1 liill mil ' &mnKmmmmm :fc- J lif H I i Hi r . Jlla , II 1 i r' ( h11 Mil i P.' .Ztt.&K fJTiiTFTMTilrrTrrtlfriTWwTWBWlIlMlinfTiyl ffll I Will n HtiI ' -'teii.'- SKmis w P" Straw I -": ' '.vyv'" '.- Let every loyal Philadelphian help to make this great city even greater "tsV V' I l c! -i 'vS 'I, -iS f. : ,; . I 'kaommmaamamtmmamm v ' m. !,'' v" ' .- MsTiT' '(-) in I'm mm ' . ' ' it 'u. - V 6 . -, " ,. .;,, V " . j. T-. 'A. i( 1l ti .v t. .ll-l. -. Vti t rf ,,'.!.'' . 'lUi."r ' "-.