rV' H"' t LI s. --m V.' Wi3MKG ' ltJBLIO DUKRlHMiBHiA:, tfftroY, bo&R- &; sa t - . ts ,i. ? MMAITRE-DE-HOTEL CATCHES : HORSES A LA FRED STONE m... V v-t r. k,'El Capitan" Pflug Named Deputy Sheriff and Immediately Comes to Blows Figuratively With Darby Police When He Ropes Outlaw Equities .. ,., nATOIHNG horses n In Krcrt Stone -' In a stjlc Hint would If-nd color to S.,u iUcmlngton portraiture ot life in the C$ -,wld-and-woo1cy is the latest 'nccom (rtnlishmcnt ot Fritz PAiic. ceuial ninitre- ;i? ."lUe.hotcl ot a Chestnut street enfr, whose jazz dancing to tlic nrrompnnl ment of a Hawaiian orchestra lias hitherto been his most signnl accom plishment. The story came out last night while the hosnitablo Frit!! was finclinc tables for a pnrty of riiiladclphlii political highlights. Xot long ago "el capltan" I'llug en Ornngcr. y n testininnial tn Vrltr.'s ardent f-ervlre ns bonlfnco extraordi naire, Sheriff, (irnnger made hltn a dep uty sheriff, In due time Yrjtx wni sworn in and decked out with a sheriff' badge and authority. . Since that dinner night Vi'Uri has been itchlug to exercise his niithority. but found no opportunity because of the vigilance ot the. Upper Darby po lice. Fritz lives In Uywood, just be yond the Sixty-ninth street terminal, nnd the district Is covered from the Kernwood station on old Italtltnorc pike. Hut yesterday Fritz got his long looked for opportunity. Several of lit neighbors reported that two stray horses from a farm on i est I hester tcrtainett a party of Chester political I nine, near lllgninml J'arK, hail un luminaries, including Sheriff "At" locked the stable door, bled themselves into Uywood and banqueted on prlid chrysanthemums and asters while dev astating the rolling lawns. The Uywood citizens Indignunlly ap pealed to the Fernwood police station for redress, but. Chief Itousall was hav ing troubles of his own with several recalcitrant policemen who had tempo rarily beru dropped from the forco for alleged dereliction of duly. There was no policemen to send out, to nrrcst the horses,. Ildt Fritz nrrested them. In wild west Htyle '-'el capltan." shedding bath robe nnd sllpperssfor shoes and sweater, and wenrlng the deputy sheriff badge, went niter the horses. It was n long, hard chase but eventually, with the nld of a lasso fashioned ouaof a clothesline, FritR ran them dotvnim old State road nenr West Chester pik. Thereupon the enterprising deputy locked them up in his own garage, declaring lie would not release them until tho damage to his neighbors' property had been repaired or paid for. Hut while Fritzwa ushering guests into the cafe last night to a foxtrot syncopation, nn Upper Darby police man came along nnd relensed the offend ing equities from the l'llug garage. Non Fritz has declared war on the polliv department, ot ms home district, nnu at midnighf had set his face westward toward Uywood looking for revenge. FIND "DEER-FLY" FEVER GERM; NO CAUSE FOR ALARM HERE Investigators of Public Health Service Announce Discovery. Disease Prevalent in State of Utah, They Say Another germ has been tracked to Its lnir, hut apparently has never come to this city. Investigators of the Public Health Service, who today announced discovery of the germ, call it the bacterium' tnlarense, nnd say it is the cause of' "deer-fly" fever, This disease occurs among the rural folks of Utah, nnd h believed to be carried by Hies. The germ, according to the govern ment scientists, lends to a fever, like that in ordinary blood poisoning, which lasts for three to sir weeks. The ilrst J case known to have ended fatally was i reported this year. ! Health officials here said they knew jof no cases of "doer-fly" fever in this 'city. I'rlvnte physicians likewise could (recall no case ot the kind, but were in terested in he Public Health Service's announcement. The discovery of the germ. Dr. How nrd S. Anders declared, js "another peg in the holes of our knowledge of tuc production ana propagation ot (lis case through tho media of insects." Doctor Anders said it emphasized that mcdicnl science must watch insects closely. It is possible, he added, that at some in lure time other diseases ns important n typhoid fever, yellow fever and malarial fever will be found to be propagated by insects Just ns those three maladies are. "As for the bacterium tnlarense dis covery." he continued, "the germ is no doubt localized just as the bacterium causing Texas-fly fever. Hut there Is always tuc jiossioiiuy mat some cases may go beyond the border. A person may ho infected, travel by train, say to ESTORU orKNS DAILY 0 .. M. AND CLOSES AT Si30 I 31. . MAIL 4 I'lIONi: OKMtfKS l'lMJillH VAST STOCKS OF THE KINDS OF MERCHANDISE YOU WANT HAVE BEEN BROUGHT HERE AND MARKED LOW TO MAKE BUYING EASY You may safely trust to the co-operation of this store to guard you from paying the high costs now prevalent elsewhere. Small profits not only benefit you, but they serve our purpose iby keeping stocks turning and creating a big volume of business. . $1.75 to $3 Metal Hand Bag AF Frames... i vtll Majority Worth Double&TripIc ! Very beautiful From 4 to 7 tnrli Rrlclit silver, cold and French gray finishes. Narrow and broad ctlrcix. with lone link chains. Some Iwm" jeweled clasps. Jcwelrv Set ion HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE Phone Orders raud Mail Orders Filled Market Eighth ONE YELLOW TRADING STAMP WITH EVERY 10c PURCHASE ALL DAY Filbert Seventh A Very Special Feature! At Oil V tUC J1LIV AA. suc MUSLIN Misses' $40 to $50 Fascinating Dresses Sllk-and-eotton weave with soft, lus trous finish. In cream, plnlc, light blue, nllp, malse, caOct, reseda, gray, navy I $1.50 Faille Poplin, 98c Hllk-and-cotton In Holland blue, ;ray Copenhagen, taupe, old rose, reseda aim navy. yara wiae. Ml Ilrotlirrft First Floor, North, $?-J75 gv a7 -Lt Ej""' & wSMmWl m Wl t l 1 1 1 v f I '" : AW ' ' W & m mff - r ll B V-J IK? 4r II ' ,,r 3jX ,1 H B w&$ m va3U This Item Lends the Special List l'rc purcd for Tomorrow's llusy .SellinK nnd a Worthy tlcadliner It Is! The" vast i"an'ge Of sty'cs depicts tjie most (iaptivntinp; ideas in vokuc this sea-.-.on while many entirely new notes are in troduced in designs and trimmings. See the new Jitnic nnd drnocd styles, enhanced with the most beautiful embroid ering and braidinc;, and also note the charm of the new neck treatments as re ealed in dainty vestees and winsome collars. The ranee of materials offers jersey,' velvet, satin, taffeta, Georgette and com binations, Colors include .all .that arc fashionable, showing liberal assortments of navy, Pekin, green, hernia', tan, brown, also black. One sketched. Misses' Ultra-Smart! SJQ 7c T-'iilnmrl Suits O (Tailored Suits The materials are rich and beautiful, I embracing duvet do lainc, tricotine I .1IUI, 1 . sil- vertonc. broadcloth and plain check vc-! Poilu, brown, beetroot, deer and rose I I taupe. j I Among the styles are iauntv rinnlei (effects with cross front belt and high j scat coiiar. One pic t lord. Lit llrothem Second Floor Womens Apparel of Elegant Quality Stunningly Staled and Reasonably Priced Look where you will, compare and inspect the farther you search the more firmly jim will become impressed with the fact that our values are truly superior. 5CCI J wwj ( Fur-Trimmed Suits j Developed from Duvet de -'-' j jLaine with jacket showing inverted plaits", j J narrow cross-front belt, chic pockets, the j new chin collar of seal and fancy lining, j j Others notably smart are- of scude vclour, ! silvejtone, chevrona and mixtures. OncS j sketched. I Beautiful Dresses Of tricotine or satin in black and the fashi'onable navy. Some effect ive models button down back, have girdle with sash ends, dainty collar of lace and embroid ery. The new chenille trimming adds a touch of smartness and beauty. One sketched. )45 Handsome Silvcrtonc ' VSCO.50 .! j Coats I All fashionable colors A Sill)',,! fit It'nfof ltMA llnitn. ,Ar.H ,....,.' I 1 1. . I .... .. v .. 01,11,11, uiivivl i. j uaa-l IUIIU uuit; I j feature large buttons as trimmings, have! ! set-in pockets, rich opossum collar and! plaid silk lining throughout. j n. sp Tomorrow! Boys' & Girls' S3 Shawl Collar Sweaters $2 Mixed yarn In navy, maroon, dark Oxford and brown. Well madft nnd finished with pocket. Button front. TUbbed cuff Sporting Goods Dept., Second Floor 3H!irf!liSaiS !- NewsEaordinaryLWnmpn'e $7 FaH SHOES I $ To closeljr-carninc these styles, qualities and workmanshipi means to surely conclude that desirable footwear is obtainable without high cost. Well made, good lookinir fantwonr Black and-tart leathers, brown and black kid and patent coltskin. Welted soles and leather heels. i Women' Smart Shoes, $8.98 ! Bjown kwl with light tan top. ! M IIC Trff Hand welted leather heels. soles and Louis i Alsdfifine blac'i,gla-.cd kid 'in, bfeaulrfBlr-'iietv.;modcls.' Cuban i tifrIl i! -i :..SSIi"Fa11 sh9s. t- Tan; black calf, black kid- a'n'jl eojt"'-' skin. Latc!5t.Jfwsshapes.,.;w'',' -' 1 I ' 111 ' ll ! i y '. i'. t -. J.lt 1!rotliri-I''lrHt Floor Xor n Children's Footwear on Which You Can Save Substantially Ik-gular and high'cut. All leathers Natural toe shapes. Children's Shoes, I5 l.lt rirollicrB Second H'loor 2000 Square Yards at a Special Price New Process- Floor. Coverings Infants' Shoes Sizes 1 to 5 at $1.98 to $4.98 Misses' Shoes, Sizes Uh to 2, $2.98 to $5.98 Sizes 4 to 11 at $2.25to$4.98 BigGirls'Shoes Sizes ,2Vi to 8, $3.98 to $8.98 7oc Grade SquarcYard Chlcngo, flndliccomo 111 there. It in tha same way with typhoid. This city Is free of typhoid fever, but a traveler mny become infected elsewhere throuRh milk or wntcr, come, to this city nnd develop tuc disease licre.'; LIKES COMMUNITY kItCHEN Woman Saya It Has Great Future After Giving a Trial "Tho belief thnt mnny persons have idiosyncrasies of tnstes In food is wrong," in the opinion of Mrs. James Udell, who hus conducted n community kitchen in Uvanston, 111., several months. Sirs. Odcll explained the methodt of opcrntlnB her kitchen before tho New Century Club. She wns enthusiastic in her belief that tho community kitchen liad ns hi? a future ns the modern bak ery or laundry once had. Touching on the subject of domestic help, she said: "Welfare work for the well-to-do Is nbsurd. The secheinc ot the community kitchen Is to help, not then rich, who Hhvuys have servants, or the poor, who rnnnnt nnord lielp. hut that large eon- tingcut who caU pay for plenly of well-J prcpnrcu nuu propeny served rood nut in these unusual times find It Impossible to set help In the kitchen' Mrs, Odell snid tho work of the com munity kitchen wns made moro efficient through the uso of a thermal dish, espe cially Invented for the Evonston work, which had plenty of food and kept it warm several hours. STEAMSHIP FIRE CONTROLLED Vancouver, D. C. Oct 21. The fife reported in tho hold of the Drank Trunk steamship l'rince llupert was under cohtrol, nccordlng tn a wireless mts en go early today, The steamship left hero last night for northern ports, but when fire broke out In her hold she put hack and is due here today. &3U HaM: American and Chinese Restaurant' l A N O I M (I 10 1'. M. to 1 A. M v H .x tgcfasrw-iiivy w L U, :igHTrjrT..i ii mu. r.in.k.tH Oecn rem II .1. II, to I .1, Af. Business Men's Lunch it A, -M. to P. M. Cholnf, nt Itnnflf ATpAtn. two VecrMiihlftt. nreail nnd nutter. Ten or . r?"k, U Coffee, Dessert , OUC II SPECIAL SUPPER A to R .At. 83c, 75c 60c and 50c Danctng-NcCovcr Charge-Orchestra 15th & Chestnut, J ii ii JI II & lBMii A i-X ll aJ)l Founded in 1894 Here Are Real Clothing Values Men And Young Men Suits and Overcoats TAILORED FOR US BY THE KIRSCHBAUM SHOPS SUITS Fine flannels in grays, blues, greens and browns; un finished worsteds in pencil stripe designs; cheviots in new Autumn colorings. Single and double breasted models for young men and business men. Many of them quarter-lined with silk. OVERCOATS Double-breasted ulsters in rough cheviot weaves; Chesterfields in fine vicunas, full satin lined; fitted dress overcoats in blues and grays ; form-tracing topcoats in herringbones, skeleton-lined withsilk. 3 55? Tomorrow! Last Day of This Great'Salc? ) &m m ii Men's Fine Overcoats i 5w Your Last Chance to Secure These Exceptional $30 Values at This Price Tho remainder of the 500 garments in this great sa' will go tomorrow, beyond doubt. You Pocket the Maker's Profit and Part of Ours We bought them advantageously because a reputable manufacturer needed cash quickly. Wo are selling at Jess than our usual narrow margin of profit, be cause they are providing our stocks. A Snappy Double-breasted Model With Belt Substantially tailored, smartly cut one of the dressiest styles of the season. Materials are gray and brown meltons. One-quarter lined with Venetian cloth. Taped seams. fmjBL I H of 1 . iCSa'f illlfl ' LJlr ' TlrJi! fl wSifll '-III iffll yvf ,rXI if lil ffl' I m 1 If if I n Ml ft t'l ll f'Ujlw'fMi' $30 Men's Suits & Overcoats In a Great Sale at 25 J'cr. . Cent) .Less Than 'Actual 'Value $10 Kinds Tailored from woolens wc se lected months,, -ago. SUITS Of worsteds, cassi merc, cheviot, tweed and flannel. Young men's one- and two-but-lot'rt mp'dels with "high waistline. Also conservative three-button styles. OVERCOATS Featuring the popular ulstercttc, double breasted, with waistline effect and belted back. A wide assort ment of fabrics and colors. Boys' Two-Pants Suits, $12.50 & $13.75 if hi CSWntrtt inllinel firm to ' " 'filNorfoik style. Tlain materials and Pv, r B 'fancy mixtures. Sizes 7 to 18, ' MJlg LIT MEOTlliiKS.-rm Ik v 'r ' t Boys' Norfoljc Suits, $10 Also Junior Norfolk and Middy styles. Some with separate white pique Eton collars and cuffs. Oliver Twist suits of blue, green and old rose velvet. Sizes throughout 2b to 18 years. Ut Ilrotliern Second Floor. 7th St. Vl.llJOoj- lllcJfew Bi.lU, 85c $ 154 Slipover JNigiit ! Gowns Vh amazing chance to s.-nc brought about b.V means of a special purchase. On Sale JO A. M. Limited quantity. Soft material in round neck stylo with hemstitching and smocking. Sizes 15, 10 and 17. Not over two to a customer. No mail or. phone orders filled. One sketched. Sills Envelope i , Chemise, .$2.98 .Crepe do chine. I,acc- - ..., u luiiureu I 1 siyics. ! Silk Camisoles, 98c tin tc A. I Droldrr. SUCa.VD FI.QOIl ltegular Two yards wide Select from a varied as sortment of patterns. Full rolls. Please bring sizes. No mail or phone orders filled, l.lt Ilratfirm I-'ourth Kloor 7' ym i.u . A SENSATIONAL BARGAIN IN SNAPPY SHIRTS MEN'S $2 STRIPED ) $ i a r PERCALE SHIRTS ( 1 O A 1 argc lot of high-grade shirts from a well-known maker. noio,i ior tile worknmns hit-, t o.i ii. ,' ... into his product. " C pUW vjimi iu us ai a bargain to enable him to make u quick turnover. N mail nr ? jmti rriv. AWMwrnm, wmm 1 ' m. mWc& Wf f l.lt llroN.w-t'ir.it, Tloor, ;tli fit. orders filled. Very Fine $6 Shirts, $4.98 High - grade silk-and-cotton mixeil materials. Striper1 ,'cffects with silk xjacquards. Soft cuffs. Men's $1 Silk Four-in- ICCc Hands. -DO Self and fancy' brocades', n e a't and novelty effects in desir a.b 1 e colorings. auae-oasy bands. Selected combed Egyptian yarns. Kcru coj01, Men' $3.50 Union Suits, $2.69 25c White Pine & Tar Gough Syrup 1 flc A barstaln fc-r Just J ' one d5". I. it BrotleriUH. Kloor, South A LUCKY PURCHASE OF THREE HUNDRED GIRLS' COATS i'ioea Intended to SeH for-mso ( & & 3" Cheviot in wanted colors. .Some have kit conev iur coiiara nnu lur-trimmcd pockets. Show belts and patch pockets. -Some lined throughout, blzes o to 14, r Big Gills' Polo Cloth Coate,,?2iB"l Reindeer, blue, mahogany and brown. Some j vJ0."5" bacls- S'ZC3 14 and 16. Sketched. ' Big Girls' Dresses, $14.98 to $23.98 SutKc.Jersey, velvet and silk. Some cmbroid- ercd. Sizes 14 and r 16. Navy Serge Dresses, $5.98 Trimmed with contrasting colors. Belt and ll' nc Pictured. l.lt nrothrra Second Floor "uiuens di Children's Underwear & Hosiery p5reCSaethtJHiCUltieff8 "ere overcome to ' ."&' "g8anSd '?r W own hoc i i8' on'' '" your "arm Fleece-Lined Cotton-Ribbed Undergarments Somen's Vests and Panls, ,. , each, n8& " nd Misses- &10 Suits. i ii . M.1U (-liildren's Vests and Pants, t- .'" un,on Suits, $1.75 stSi75:Lis:c ' B,ck, Children's Cotton Stockings, 39c, 45c & 49c DlacnkIeSwhitlPUbl,? t0C Uml hco' Ulack white and cordovan. Sizes , Lit Hro,t.i,nn jp.,. Sou(Ii I 'DEiD'fc i ; i g JBL y.- , JL U? JClu JL I J WINDSOR ROOM 1204 Chestnut St. Jl I ' 11" SOUTH 15 ST. . jl ' Hi rl rl rH Mwrm mAJr f "N. J I KffiSH!$N ! ::J' ., Tl 1 :W:WSllSlb i.ne narrie otearns is synonymous ' ' It-.-J with, excellence of construction, S' 'j "l?C beauty o"f.bb4y design, trouble- - , 10 ' -y . f ree v operation surDassino- rer- ' a i ' ''.( , rornrianqe.. The new!;Stearns pos- f A 'Asixi 'iJ y. -. sesses these;.qtialitiesito a marked J jfTjH fj degree.; j Amfjr , ?!ff&y ' MahyRenny-Scott ' w0 . ji f'1'',,;L-r' Motor : Company M J .,'; r 908 North Brola Street , XT '' i i' , ' X Poplar 1S0SJ' -i y X ;'".' 'Z m : 'V S ' '!'. " - J ' - Mii irmrniM... 'II V, St i' i MaWiSSSmMBiBMBHBBWMBi!BIPJfl'Bjaigs vJBtfJflHiE5HBMMHBHfllB9HHBHI't' Jfcs39V lin H OHaHHaHHBCHHHHHBBBBH He sHS9iBKi;'. ( , nin) iliHi llHBMnMMBlPaMHllir i i'h agHKH 1 1 1 1 HdSIHHKK?osI ll ("flt-JJ'tjOf ETqrtblor.t J.owe.1 l'rlt? .TenHUTIoor l or KW Building, 1tlr al.rket 8ti.3 UT OTIKMrs Mf iiiAifii-Vliiiiiiiiiliii ii iriii)iiiiiT4lfe--i--rV-1 HiiAiiiiiii-i 'Ri1i i WfiSJ . '- t -t i -- ifri(mtVi - fr t t -iwrip !? i "trdmBmiiit A- ..",. . 1