ifwjpW 1-r i--wv)i 'i EViIN -PUBLIO tDBaBR--. 3?HHiAI)ELPHIA F&IdAY, Ml ' .'" ICY . I OCTOBER 24, 1919 'tf 'iftv "rWS ' '" -J'" "" " " J T Mi If? i.t m m i;:r V f ALUMNI OF PENN I' ' General Society Has Boon Con sidering Plan for 3 Years; to Eliminate Dues GAZETTE BACKS THE MOVE HDl General Alumni Society of the Univer sity o Pennsylvania is proposed in the report made public today of a special committee of the society. The subject will be discussed at the forthcoming convention of the Asso ciated Pennsylvania Clubs at Wilming totf, Del. Due to the war the problem of re organizing the alumni of the Univer sity has been "hanging lire" for nearly threo years. One feature of the now plan of or-' ganization is the elimination of the dues system! and the substitution of a budget, with the money raised by ap propriations from the alumni clubs throughout the country. Both systems have been tried at Har vard, iyincrton, Cornell nnd other uni versities. In every case the dues have been abolished nud the budget system substituted. When a man is graduated, acrording to the new plan, he automatical be' romes a member of the alumni society. "There are many alumni who are able (o givo many times the amount of the present dues," says the Pennsylvania Gazette, an alumni publication. "They wiH be encouraged to do so by the new system." Another proposal is the reduction in the size of the board of directors. LANSDALE BAKERY BURNED MOTHER NURSES SOLDIER SON 10 MONTHS TO SAVE HIS LIFE Ifoy Goes Back to Hospital, Where Tender Vigil Is Continued; Shell-Shocked at Chateau Thierry4 Parent Took Hun From Government Care HE mother of a stricken Philadcl' nh i i soldier whom she has nursct for ten month's in hcrhomc is' in the- Sugar, Flour and Other Supplies De stroyed In $15,000 Blaze Insdale. Pa.. Oct. 24. Fire de stroyed virtually the cntifo plant of the Kochlcr Brothers bakery nt Lans riale at o o'clock this morning. The nrlein of the blaze is unknown, al though there is a theory that defective linos caused it. The loss SS roughly estimated at SI 5.000. The bake house nnd other buildings, with two car loads of flour, much sugar and other baking supplies, wore destroyed. The Kochlcr home was the only build ing at the plant saved by the firemen. The Koehler bakery is the largest in this section nnd supplies bread through the entiro North Pcnn section. 15-TON FLYWHEEL BURSTS One Killed and Six Injured in Acci dent at Lancaster Mill Uincaster, Pa.. Oct. 21. By the bursting of a fiftceii-tou fly wheel at the plant of the Pcnn Iron and Steel Corporation, this morning, Ira 3. Weaver, thirty-two, of Kphrata, was killed and six other employes were in jured. The puddling mill of the plant was wrecked by the flying pieces. It is believed the governor on the engine jammed, allowing the machinery to run wild. A piece of the fly wheel weighing 1500 pounds struck Weaver, the engineer, crushing him. The in juries to the other employes were caused by steam. rpHE - phia soldier whom she has nursed Philadelphia General Hosnital continu inc her tender ministrations, -where Ih'e young man is now undergoing observa tion anil treatment. The motlicr rears ho will not recover. The boy, Joseph A. Morawski,.twen: ty-thrcc years old. left his home at 2515 Tilton street when the war started and sailed for France August .12, 1017. lie served wiith, tho aviation corps of the first army, studying to bo n observer. At Chateu Thierry iu .tuly of last year he was shell -shocked and gassedrTrcat ed at numerous hospitals in Praucc, be was finally invalided home and sent to the Walter Ttced Hospital for Crippled Soldiers in Washington. There his mother visited him. She wanted him to come, home, but tho physicians ndvised against it. Finally, however, the pleading of the mother and of the boy bimsn'f won them tho per mission. The boy came home. "Ho had been nway from me long sixteen months," Mrs. Joseph Mor awskl said today. And then'tcars rolled down her cheeks as she added, "I thought I could care for him and ho would get better." Soon after he returned the boy found employment at Cramps's Shipyard. But while he worked a feeling of dizziness would come over him nnd ho would wander' away, staggering, his memory gone and his sight weakened. Two wcks later ho was forced to give up his position. Iiw he was employed at the Frank ford 4 rsennl, where he had worked as a iiilhnnic before ho enlisted in the army. But he was also forced to quit his work there. His condition never improved and at times it seemed to become worse. The mother explained today that he often refused to go to bed at night. He would sit in a chair in the middle room on the first floor of his home when the faulty retired. In the morning he would still be there, always awake. For. some timo friends of tho family leaded with tho mother to send her ov hnck to the hospital. Finally she ereed to do so and arrangements were rnnde to take him' away. She assisted him into the vehicle that conveyed him to the hospital. Ho was in an excep tionally highly nervous state. "It's the rain," his mother said. "He simply can't stand the rain since he came home. I hope they can do some thing for him." HEARING IN "BULL PEN" FIGHT Testimony will lie.- heard in Camden City Hall tomorrow by Commissioner of the Supreme Court Kdwin Berry, to decide whether thq trolley terminal at Federal jjtrcet ferry, commonly called tho "bull pcu." shall bo removed. At a recent. meeting of the city council, Mayor Ellis called nttcution to the fact that the terminal was erected without permission and in violation of a city ordinance. Tim Public Service Hallway Company took the matter to tne supreme uourt. rc. (.' BIcnkley will represent tho city. tNavi da Guerra Degli Alleati in Movjmento net I'Adriatico L NUOVO CONSIGUO NAZIONALE A FIUW1E gla stablllto la nnova forma dl govcrtio! mento dl na per la cltta, di Flume, choconslstcra, dl "it la situ avl da guerra o' in rclnzlonc I vcilUe pcro url 181)3 nunmlol'ltaliame rubllshf1 nJ DlatrlbutM Under PEUMtT SO. 241 , . . Authored by the net of Ortebfr . 1017. ion file at the rostoftlce of Phila delphia. 1'a, . . ,.a. A. s. nurti.EsON, , roitmaater General, Homa, 24 attobrc. Vtt telcgramina da Flume'' dice chc il Consigllo Xazlo nale d! quclla citta, chc era stato, orga nlzzato il : Ottobrc del 101S alio scopo di prpteggcre la cltto, Itnliaim piintrn le mrne del jugo-slavi chc nit -rayano ad occuparla, ha reso noto chc 'U Consigllo stcsso e, stato sciolto per ordlne dl Gabricle D'Annunzio il quale ha ordlnato chc domcntCa prossinia nb biano luogo le elezionl generall per uu nuovo Conslglio Miinlcipnlc. II vecchio Consigllo Xazionalc aveva una assembles c dl uu gnblnetto con ilia (csta uu prcsldentc chc sara, scclto in seno nU'nssrinbk'a. Questo gabltictlo nvra, dlpartimeiitl per 1'liitcrno, per 11 tesoro, per II commcrcio, per t trnsporti, per l'lstruzionc e per la glustlza, Qui, n Ijoma si attendo con vivo Ititercsse il risultato dello elezionl, cho si rltlcno tin i anno una schiacciantc mnggloranza ngll Italimil. Tclegrafano da Parlgl i.'he c' arrlvato ''oia u inlnlstro seruo elegit nltnrl es lerl, Trumhfch, nuello stesso chc firmo' il Pntto dl ltoina, alio scopo di ap pnrre la sua lirma, per conto delln Serbia, al trattato ill pace con 1'Aus tria, clo. die la Serbia si era rlflutata di fare finora. SI npprende qui, chc nell'Adriatico M verllloa un nttivo iiiovimonto dl navi da guerra degli Alleati. l.a torpedi niera amcricajin Foote ha riccruto ordlne di recarsi a Spalato alia volta della quale citta' ed e' partita fin da icri sera da un, porto del Tlrreno dove era stnzionata. Anche le navi inglcsl e francesi sono in movimento. SI dice in ccrtl circo'i chc questo movi- azlonc a Finnic, Da Vienna mamlnnn die un tirofes- sore di storia di quclla citta ha pub nllcato alcuiil artlcoll del trattato delta Trlpllce Allranza cho finora crnno rl- masll segrrti. rii nrtlcolo Mnlmlwt! cho Germania cd Austria sarebbero nndato in dlfesa dell'ltalia nel caso ehe questo foss stata attaccotn senzn raglonc dalla Francia. l.a partcclpn zlono dell'Austrla alia dlfcsn della Germania sarebbe stata llmltata soltAnto nl caso dl un nttacco tin parte dl due potenze, c l Italia non nvrebbe preo to arml nel caso di una cucrra della Germania contro la Kussla. j L'ltnlln nveva anche otlemito die In Tripllne Allcanza si snrebbe nstcnuta I da qlialunquo Vlltlca anglofoha, Nella . rinnovnzionc del trattato avvenutii Jicl I 1S87 l'ltnlln nveva ottcnuto T.c la Ger- mania snrebbc nndatn in difesn del I'lthlia contro in Frnnrla iindie m , l'ltalla nvesso provocato1 la guerrn. j Ii'Austria pcro' si rllintn' di accettarei qilesta clausola e si llmlto' n promet tero l'aluto mio solo nel caso dl una guerra balcanica o dl uu nttocco nonl provocato. I l.a vera rrlsi nella Trlpllce Allranza nolo nl suol nllcatl cho cssa uou avrebbo parlcclpato ad alcuna guerra uclla quale Francia cd Itighlllerra fos scro state nlleatc. ' . f. Xel ntlovo trnttfllb flrmnlo nel IfWCi all'Italla. vcnlvtt data innno libera' in, Trlpolltaula c nel 11)12 Germania nil ,-, Austria riconoseevniio la sovrantla L Itallnna sulla Libia. m BRIGHT'S DISEASE Why Suffer Longer? Drink Mountain Valley Water The famous curative water from Hot SprUipp. Doctors Endorse and Kccommcnd It. Mountain Valley Water Co., 718 Chestnut St. I'llonr Wnlnut 3107 ficrert at Incline Clubs, Hotel, l'fa nnd P It It ituilng chts. SnM bv flrat'dasa irrofera, dnisslata. cti . nr direct by J Ian iy;iiilliili jlBrnlB? 'i EHBnMiifflniwM Trade Paper Advertising Man Wanted Tliqrc is an exceptional op portunity open in Philadelphia for an aggressive salesman, preferably with experience in selling newspaper or trade paper space. Must be of good address, not over 30 years old. Permanent connection with large organization. Salary to start not over $50. Speed and amount of increase depends strictly on the man. Write in confidence to A 327, LEDGER OFFICE I $ M II Ladies' Diamond Rings jl I Xlftir " J I 14 K. WhlL and Yellow CW (j fl KB (Wn W Mountinf, Handtomely Carved, l j M MRP II I 14". TlSS'r'whlu'Cold.Mauiit. i Mr- t W si I Inf, Handeomtly Carved. Fine V 5 CT OC Diamond, $900. . ffi 81 J J 14 K. Whit, and Yallaw Cold M. sr, sn Mi Mountlni, Handaomtlr Carved, ; : AS JiltS Fln Diamond, $700. V I -S" jmm X 14 K. Whit, and Yellow Cold '; I C9( JI9A III Mountlnr. Fine Diamond, S4S. ;,ij IP QMR WtSm W "14 K. Whlta and Yellow Cold ;IL I' JmtSp .1aSa iM Mountlnr, Thraa Ftdo Diamond!, ji,l It Orl 1A ffll J DUm'and Rlnr. 14 K. White jtp I . I l? JJ w Jaf UU Cold, Pierced Meunttni. 47JB. Ill 1 1 i r ml! I Knil lor Hoofc ff .Tl V.I j'J; 135 36 I! HSMftWtf. j fi iiiiitiiiiiiiiwii oiiiKn il Mini i i nil lit! hi gl aiunninnilillininiiiiiniiiniiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiMiiiiMM..i.,i,,, ;,. .,,i , ,...,,., , r-,-i l " ' I AT I(1'1U:SS & SONS ai-------a--m------ I kul Diamond vSffiuSlSk&JS Save Fire - 1 4&i Cutter, VM Midd,e" M 1 iZl5$r: Direct to VBsfa 5n' &r4fc ' 1 C You- dfiliKw Profiu' lslk .arrr JiaMAiiJa aaaaJ onBiaanaiilla' tVNkv ffffP afA' J&JT created colt, it behoove! every man kV. zwflflJkr ' w or women wno conicmpiaici Baaaini a XW, -"owv ILMa. X I'-i - rarnl lino a-rarat blnr- w li It dia mond! very brilliant l 14 K. aolid told indie' t,tn tnoontlnr Seltd for our SSO-pagc Free fjatatotj VM . ' F,,criiii!;p'ii'!iinra;siiiiiii!iiiii:';iiiii'i-hii!iii(ii!i;ffl!!;iiiiii;!!iaiii,if!!i!iiiiriiu!ii . A ; I fl ' " ' -m ataaH -- I B SnLmA. wgl.'&l-i mmi rnvKwiiiim -F-Tenln TenlnK 1029 MARKET STREET k&S?m L 'HHafllulHI BniatHaarlaHHak? Oh Boy! Oh Joy! 1 Heres A Sae- 1,000 OVERCOATS That will pat "Pep" in every man who wants to make a saving! Browns Blued Greys Greens Oxfords r1 - in Ker8eys-r-Heather Mixtures Homespun8--Melton8--Cheviote Large Ulsters and Ulstorettcs, singlo. and dou ble lircasted belters, haltbclted, waist'flttcd and more conservative styles'A size for every man'. w1 rllAT man won't welcome this news! They just arrived and we had to rush the glad tidings in the newspapers. "Why tell them, they cost more wholesale today," said Mr. Hill in his enthusiasm, but the adv. man thinks the announcement is enough especially when a glance reveals that they are the iniftiest styles ever gathered at so popular a price. - . i icarcitjr id comeqnentlr in I aeaoorei ererr m conteaplatei maki Durcki.-.e in DO IT NOW. Eincciallr wbo inleii buying a diamond for Christmas, we urje immeate selection. We will (ladlf re serre purchaii for fnlure delirerr on payment of snail initial vtpoiit. We nerer hid a larger slock of diamonds than NOW, and, all of our purchases dale back vefore the realljr big' ad". , vances in price took place. Srnd for Our ;0-rar lrtn (nlaloi Other Diamond Solitaire Rings HO to 3000 Prices include any style 14k. solid i.75Min ' ' go' 'a'es' or men's mounting. .nan unicrs xiiicu rom.my P4 - rarnl Hn uimlitj- hI? Ithifi KUtr il I u mon' r r y iirtllln , Hat II 1c U'. men,. 375l mount k Mull Oriteut I'lltciL Promptly 14 - carat fln qaalltr Jater btoe diamond. 14 oarat solid void ladlr H-K, solid cold m.in'ft S-(onft diamond c.vn m.v rintr. Total nelcht nt A I a mond li carats. 350' Beautiful Presslyn Pearl Necklaces , , I . . lfi.lnelt vradunlod parl necklaco. "rroljn" qualll. Tearla ara tf of a beautiful creamy Oriental color, of macnlflcent hhen nnd hitter nnil fruarantrrd Indoatruetlble. Xolld roiil elaip. Ilandaome velirt and llk. Ined lift box free, fipeclal nrlce I Same "I'resftlyn'' pearl iift-klate, VIZ. 00 8-00 nur thatXmaa usifn no and aaio the dlf f r - SPECIAL OFFERING For a Few Days Only WATCHES i v ln in- "MP eraaard MAT rout In , i i nl III Tlrceni- , iimjiiiii . 7 J? ?k fffiO HiVHLTON ft Vivvy I ftiP item! t j -Tfl!',,1SvNv mt ill fflBw s. ras& For Ladies nnd Gentlemen 17-Jwel ndjutted P. S. Bartlett Wnltham movement, 26-yr. sold. filled cate 12 aize, O. F. caae, 25-year gold filled, 7-Jewel Waltham 12 aize, O. F. gold-filled octagon cate, 7-Jewel Waltham 16 aize, 20-year gold-filled case, lS-Jewel Waltham 1G aize, 20-year gold-filled O. F. case, 7-Jewel Ellin 16 aize, 17 Jewel adjusted Hamilton movement. Guaran teed gold-filled caae 12 aize, 14K. solid-gold watch. 23-jeweled movement $CtO $27 $13 $16 $19 $11 $29 fte IB ala llamlllon arh. tunran red to.paaa railroad Inspection. I4h. aolld aold eitra hoar y raae. IB I ' 1 llamlllon Crro moteinent . , . . . , ,i , , . " 0 cold llamlllon ladlea' lirar. raae nnd brarelet'. are UK.' ml the moiement la I) C2iri ed llamlllon .... aiu miii .i.u.,.m in lirare- . let traU-h. patrd with Mne-whlta diamonds. Fine IS Cllfl Jeel leer movement f"" I IK. aolld Ul nalrh. aolld gold a Kuhr Jeueled UK. aolld nhlle or trren told Urlaeon llrarelet wafrli. 15 Jewel Amerl-.. JltO ran Tleautr motement ,;,-; ua Huarantenl cold flllrd round 0r oclacon nrarriei inicn, i .own piot ment ,.... ., $10 0aMfWf5iMS!L7(ciAMO'? ) V lla...' I"ier I.iialn...a03 I L'iwjaTriixi-ior v cuiis-dT 5AM0llOj MAUKET ST. N.WCon.a- ALU TJiBEE STORES OPEN EVENINGS 900 MABKKT ST. STNUT ST. .JfT- --s 833-35 Market Street Blauner 9 833-35 Market Street Great Sale of New Fall Coats for Saturday IWSiC fVfC JaBa1laBaaBaK.iVlV'''VV'T M :'''lV 1 'L: r-lfV I I aLaLaLaFaLaBaaHaBnrl 'WSt'f f- fAf.i-) -...' LKJr i iMLLKLBaiV M ;'' M'7 wvC-jtAT -jtv Vv lI iLLAiBf j4X' I It MP f:vf. 19.,.', 35 .00 Coats that proclaim their greater value in the fineness of their velours, silvertones, duvet de laines, broadcloths and polo cloths; in the grace of their loose b.ack lines and the richness of their fur collars. Wonderful values. 39.75 Coats of silvci'lonc, velour and broadcloth that are splendid bar gains! Various silhouette, and the chic fur collar combinations arc sure signs of fine Coat?. 49.75 Reproductions of higher priced Wraps in velour, broadcloth, sil vertone am! tinseltone with rich French Seal and Nutria collars. Luxurious silk linings. S9.J.1 33.011 Maimer's Second Floor SPECIAL SUIT SALE 7 1000 Suits Featured Tomorrow 25. 0038. 0045. 0049. 75 SECOND FLOOR For tomorrow we have planned a comprehensive Offering of fine Suits at special prices. The dis tinction of the modes, the large and excellent assortment of col ors, the fine tailorings the ultra finish each will, prove:. These are "the best to be had for the money." at 25.00 Velour, serge and tinseltone in,a num ber of smart models'. at 38.00 Silvcitonc, oxford, broadcloth and ve lour feature the newest lines. , at 45.00 VpIoup de laine, broadcloth, tinseltone, Hilvcrtone and velour. at 49.75 Silvcitonc, velour, tinseltone, serge, duvet superior and velour de lainc. Other Suits up to 1I9.75. Special Saturday Display of Fashionable New Dresses Blauner Low Prices! JH mm A If fM m 7 43.00 I y I ln Second Floor 19.9529.75 39.75 Distinctively smart models of serge, Jersey, velvet, satin, paulette, tricotine, velour and poiret twill. Laces; vestees, chenille embroidery, beading and braid ing are smart touches. Downstairs Store 10.9614.96 15 brand new, snappy styles have just arrived jaunty coat models of serge, tricotino taillcurs, elaborately braided jerseys and "dressy" velvets. Navy, brown, Copcn, black, taupe. Fine Furs! Low Prices! 7.9S 9.95 Manchurkin Wolf New! Stone mar- Scarfs in open ten Opossum, in animal effect. choker model. 6.95,( 7.95, 9.95 72-inch Seal plush Stoles. Smart pockets and belts. Main Floor Booth , .m IKlDblESFURif f'oiipy nnil Sets, nnlmnl ball MufT.- New inpliin hainl Muff nt I'onri nr l.alihlt liahliH Scarfs. 3.95 2.95 Taupe Kit Coney Set t ape Ktarr l.all Jluff 5.95 Main Floor (3 " v) ffl Unusual Values in Women's Furs Choker Scarfs 25.00 Vatural .Mini, in Hiuart i'IioKl'i SviiiTh Wolf Scarfs 29.5069.50 Open animal Wolf Nraiff lirrj ur broHii. Kit Coney Coats 59.5079.50 Taupe Kit four ":5 KHiits Coat Australian Seal Coats 115.00 of Alls- Ripplacl tiiiidPl Irallan f.eal. Natural Muskrat, 149.50 Spin le coai of Nalunil Mui-krai. This nioilel liniinied with lluUeon Sal. 11.1.00, Second Floor Thirae Specials in Skirts for Saturday The smaitest Skirts ever box pleated models' of fine quality plaid. Wide girdle and novelty buttons. Value 5,00. 5.50 7.SO A very special value swagger Skirts of tan heather. Shirred model features wide girdle. New wool velours, plaids and velve teens in m tt n y models feature the most deslqible colors. Wonder ful values. maimer's. T.hird Floor -r ';t .r-,: 4 -'i r: m 1 t Nil J Ml :M i P' cs: '" a .'fa - V a -5F- fn 1-5? I fWu ;,r, i.