aaEss mmiw ;W- '(H''(i7l' pt " n'-i"'injMi. "i 1- i- EVENING' PUBLIC . LEDGER PHILADELPHIA', FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1919 12 SOME NEW RECIPES UNUSUAL HAT TRIMMINGS CYNTHIA'S ADVICE THE GIRL WHO MOURNS ,i' V. nnp-N$ rR-STSyn- r ie. ( MRS. WILSON MAKES PLANS FOR ALL OF SUNDAY MEALS New Hat Trimmings A Daily Fashion Talk by Florence Rose Kidney and Tripe Pie With, (1 Flaky Crttst Is a Delicious Main Dish for the Dinner By MltS. M. A. WILSON CortrtoM, fllfl. i JJr. If. A. WUmn All lllohts Kcservett. rpHE English housewife will fre- quently during the fnll and win ter decide upon a kidney and tripe pie for the Sunday dinner and when It is served with either sweet potato pineapple or pone it makes a very delicious meal. A SUGGESTIVE MENU Sunday Breakfast Sliced Oranges Sausage and Hot Cakes Coffee Dinner Cheese Appetizer Radishes Celery Kidney and Tripe Pie Sweet Potato Pinenpple Braised Beets 1 Mrs. Wilson at Food Fair; What She Docs and When i .Mrs. Mary A. Wilson, food c pert nf the KtenhiR I'lilillc Ix-ileer. Is rIvIiik rooking ilrinoiistrntlons iliillv at tlip Food Fair In Ilic First ltcslmcnt Armorj, llroad and Cal louhlll .streets. Her program for loel.iy and to morrow follows: Toilaj IS p. 111. Fireless ronlipr) . lire .ids f i inn whole wheal, ildllrcl egg s.il.ul. iliresc? ninelllcs anil p.islry. Tonight H.OO llrrad, fane fruit mil, f.iiH) p.istr. Tiiiiuiirmr : p. in. l'lrrless rookery. Vienna tiremN, millers, laer rake. 8 p. in. Cnrnhreails, fruit sal-ails. Raisins Strudcl Coffee Supper i Finnan Haddie a lu King Toast Coleslaw Sliced Strudel with Fruit Whip Tea The markets are showing a splen-' did variety of fall and winter vege tables. Romaine and endive salad are also plentiful. The market basket, therefore, will require Two oranges, ' Three-quarters pound of sausage, Two ounces of cheese, One bunch of radishes, One stalk of celery, One beef kidney, One pound of cooked honeycomb iripe, One quart of sweet potatoes, One bunch of beets, One head of cabbage, One glass of finnan haddie, One package of pancake flour, One package of raisins, One quart of milk, and the usual staples that arc in the house. This menu would cost approxi mately about ?2.75. One-quarter teaspoon of tjiymc, One-half buy kaf, One faggot of soup herbs. Cook slowly until the kidney is tender and then thicken the gravy slightly and season with One tablespoon of 'orccstshirc sauce, i Four tablespoons of finely minced parsley, Two teaspoons of salt, One teaspoon of pepper. Now make some dumplings as fol lows, and then drop them into the stew; place in a bowl One cup of flour, Two teaspoons of baking powder, One teaspoon of salt, One-half teaspoon of pepper, Two tablespoons of grated onion, Three tablespoons of finely minced paisley, One tablespoon of shortening, Five tablespoons of water. Mix to a dough with the water and : then woik smoothly. Turn on a boaid and roll out one-half inch thick. Cut, into tiny blocks and then drop into i the stew. -Cook for fhc minutes and i then turn the cooked kidney and tiipe.into a casserole or baking dish and cover with plain pastry crust, cutting three gashes in the top to peimit the steam to escape. Bake Sweet Potato Pone in the Shape of Pineapple Is Something Neiv That ! Will Be Worth Trying I a baking dish and then take a table spoon and make the eyes of the pine apple. Brush with shortening and sprinkle thickly with brown sugar I and cinnamon. Placy in a moderate ' oven for twenty minutes to brown. Sweet Potato Pone Spiead the mashed sweet potatoes one inch thick in well-greased baking pan nnd then spread tho top with shortening and then spiinkle thickly! with blown sugar and dust with cin namon. Bake in a moderate oven for , twenty-five minutes. Cut into squares and lift en a platter and serve with the kidney and tripe pie. Finnan Haddie, a la King Pour boiling water over the haddie and let stand for twenty minutes. Drain well and tjion with a fork break into flakes. Now place in a saucepan Two cups of milk, Eight tablespoons of flour. Stir with a fork to dissolve the flour and then bring to a boil and Bp XSZr - I BPTSs. - J&ZXMZ. l 4K85'sfesw kMH! Tho first of these unusual hats adds embroidery of jet to the plqiianey of Its shape, while the second depends for Its attraction upon the waUng of the monkey fur that surrounds it. The third Is a Math satin model that proudly dlsplajs hands of while hid and liI.uW patent leather feathers hut there nic no nuur mm men uring 10 a uuu hiiu -vS'l'Illl'II wm i. uwu , ui. rtuu me ,,,B- w f fc n , ,,,, hnt nre paied finnan haddie and I Uo m(, t u jus, bK.n,p 1 wo green peppers, chopped nnc, f i,nt i ,nvo t sa about ostrich One and one-half teaspoons of ;i- featheis that I line seleeted three hats prika, One-half teaspoon of salt, , One-half teaspoon of mustard. Mix, using a fork to prevent breaking the flakes of tho haddie. j Heat until very hot and then serve j on toast. ' Raisin Strudel Place in a mixing bowl Three cups of flour. One teaspoon of salt, Three teaspoons of baking powder, . One teaspoon of cinnamon, Two tablespoons oftsugar. . Sift to mix and then rub in one half cup of shortening and then mix to a dough with nine tablespoons of ice-cold water. Roll out one-quarter ' Kidney and Tripe Pie 'v 'Cut the kidney into small pieces, , and then serve from the dish. 'discarding the tubes and fat. Wash well and then drain and place in a .saucepan and cover with cold water. Uring to a boil and cook for five min futjes and then drain. Let cold water Iriin on the kidney and return the l&idney to the saucepan and cover rfith boiling water. Wash the tripe ind cut it into inch blocks. Place 5n, a saucepan with the kidney and add. 4 , ,Onc cup of sliced onions. in a moderate oven for forty minutes ' - Bny ". - ki y uuuiu mm uit-'u spiuuu wiiu queu ed raisins. Dust lightly with brown . Sweet Potato Pineapple sugar and cinnamon and sprinkle i Small sweets may be used for this with grated rind of one lemon, also i dish. Boil one quart of sweet pota- j the juice of one lemon, toes until tender and then drain and I Now roll as for jelly roll, tuck- cool. Remove the skins and then mash and season with One teaspoon of salt, One-half teaspoon of pepper, One-quarter teaspoon of nutmeg, Two tablespoons of butter I THE WOMAN'S EXCHANGE u.iw Games ' u"'" to the LeaRue of Nations, but it Halloween Games u bctUr () hnvp th(m foo.sh To tlu Editor ottoman a Paaf S-M The lucky ours who draw the Dear Madam ill you kindly pub- blank (ans sit tul nud , u t lt-l. i .... ..n1.imn n liet- nt rfimPS .... v J1BU 1U juui ruiuum " t. - tne otlieis. suitable to play at n Halloween parU. i Anothor stunt ,hie!l r,.,lmres ,cry the guests being girls from fourteen to , K()lemn facos ou the imrt ot the m.tl)rs seventeen years of age .' is tllp orchestra. Have a master of A IJKL)11jU ItrjAUnlv. , :., ...i. ...in :.. :. - .. ., . iciiuiuuiint nu iu uiiiiuuiui- in iui it you senu me n mh-uuuicw -u ing in the ends very tightly. Place on a well-greased baking sheet and brush the tops of the strudel with beaten yolk of one egg. Bake in a slow oven for forty minutes. Use the white of egg and one-half glass of Form into shape of a pineapple on I Jelly for the fruit whip. Make an cggiess mayonnaise lur mu uuiusiuw as follows: Place two tablespoons of evapo rated milk in a soup plate and add On-hulf teaspoon of paprika, One-half teaspoon of mustard. Stir with a fork to blend well and then beat in two-thirds cup of salad oil and when thick and creamy add relnn I will send the games, 'lacy are too long to print in the columu. For an Evening Party Xo tht Editor of Woman's Pane- pressive tones that there will be a selection by the orchestra. Then hao the orchestra get up from various places about the table or tables, and march I soberly up to the platform. Tliey should take their places quietly and luaUe up One teaspoon of sugar, One-half teaspoon , of salt, One teaspoon of vinegar. Beat thoroughly to mix. Dear Madam Kindly tell me how i before tlie audience, putting on any the schoolgirl costume is made. What i ornate golu-lacou baud coats and av other costumes would suit a tall, thin irlrl something where the hair is woru in curls? When one goes to a party with a young man and neither cap dance what bhould they do go bit down until unmasking, when they can dee their friends? Is it proper to wear a coat buit to an informal evening affair? A RDADEU. A schoolgirl costume might consist simply of shirtwaist and skirt, but per haps the more picturesque idea of it would be a jumper and pleated skirt. with n Kcdnnl bar slunc over your back and your hair hanging down nnd tied i with a nuge niacu dow. jjiu i Hnouiiui i advise a tall, thin girl to wear that costumt. She would look better in a cap and black gown as the girl grail - uate. France and Itelgium. tbe peasant that they ho been able to get together and producing their instruments from behind their ihairs. The instruments i of course may be combs with tissue- paper, ukuleles, whistles, toy drums, an; thing that can be had. lint be sure j to have them play a real tune. Let it be something that cierlind knows, be- I cause that will be much funnier than it 1 they just plajed noises. The baikwaul drill is another funny one. In this about six people dies en tirely backward, wearing a hut or pull ing their hair down over their faces. and having n fuNe face on the br"k of their heads. They go through a num ber of calisthenics: a wand chill is funny, or a square dance. This nlwajs puts the audience in convulsions of laughter because the performers look so Don't Fail to See Mrs. Wilson's Movies costumes, wear curls, and the fuli skirts, helpless and so wrong side about. I bodices and aprons are becoming to the will send .ou some other games which slender girl. Janice Meredith wears rnrls. too. This answers II. V. , who wrote on the same subject. There will surely be some games of some kind for those who do not dance at the porty, and you and the young man can take part in the games until the unmasking. It might be better to wait until later to go to the pa-ty. so that you will get there just obotit in time for the unmasking. You can mingle with the rest of the guests be tween dances, nnd if any one asks you to dance ask him to sit out the dance With you. If you have a dressy waist to wear with your suit, and the affair is verj Informal, It would bo correct to wear the suit. But it is more of a compli ment to your hostess if you wear au afternoon dress Stunts for Banquet To the Editor ot Woman' Past: Dear Madam Kindly advise the writer on some of your valued sugges tions regarding the duties of an enter tainment committee for a banquet git en fop the executives nnd clerical force of a large corporation. Should you have an) amusing games, etc., 'which would be appropriate for this evening entertain ment, I would very much appreciate same, - fl; duties of an entertainment com ailfa for a banquet usually consist in getting up some kind of stunts to be elven during the atTair or just after ward. One stunt that is not ery new, but iir always amusing, i to have a tray passed to the guests, filled with cards. Some cards are blank, others have sub jects for speeches on them. Each guest ho receives a speech card must make a kfcort speech on the subject given him. jyiie subjects may be anything from the might do for later, after the banquet is over. 1 hope it will be u huge sue- i cess, ' i Some Difficult Questions I To the ktlitar of Woman's Paae: l Dear Madam As a leader of the j Evening I'uiimc Lkikimi, I would like ou to publish the answer to the I questions below. If a cannon was tired off the tear platform of a moving train would it muke any diffeience of the lange of the gun 7 Docs the weight of a ten-story brick building rest on the bottom course, in other words, does each and everj course .1.1 . .1... ..n...l..'J T.-I...1I.. .... 1.11. I. .... mm lu lilt' iii,iii. lYIuwi. jfiiuiisii utr i k nru in Clio KvrVlVf! PlMlr.lr I Ledokr. HEADER. If you go to the reference room of the Public Library, Thirteenth and Lo cust streets, jou will be nble to find books on this subject. Ask the libra nuns to help ou. It is not a thing that any one would know off huiid and requires mmc leseurch thun I have the time to do 1 mil sure you will be able to find jour answers at the library. It's so much easier to learn how to use a recipe when jou su( an expert use it first. You con have that opportunity nil this week when the cooking pictures will be shown as follows: LEIJANON CRl'MII CAKE Friday und Saturday The Apollo, Fiftj -second and Thompson stieets. CORN .MUFFINS Friday nnd Saturday The It.il tiniore, Fifty-first and Baltimore avenue. CHARLOTTE Kl'SSK Friday and Saturda.v The Lead er Forty-first and Lancaster ave uue. For copies of the recipes applj at box office, or send scdf-nddicsscd envelope to Editor of Woman's l'ngc. The Question Corner Today s Inquiries 1. AVluit simple lotion that can be made at home will help make flabby skin firm? 2. What exercise will help to dc elop thin legs? .'!. How- can a rubber double-chin bandage be made nt home when it is not possible to buy one? 1. What is the donkey or Spanish panier in vogue now for the eve ning gown? .". Whj should all senilis be pinned before they are busted? (5. What is Point d'AIencon? Yesterday's Answers 1. In the butterfly costumefor the I allow e'en part the bodice is of black velvet and the skirt of gold net or cheesecloth dotted with s oks in deeper gold and black velvet or paper. The wings which come fioni a little above the waist aie made of jellow or gold cheese cloth or gnure edged witli black nnd speckled with gold and black. Tue wings aie wired. White gnu?e can be dyed jellow for the wings. The headdress is u gold rap with a large' buttertlv ar ranged crosswise in the ft nut. "2. In n wedding after the ceremony the best man does not walk down the aisle with the rest of the wedding partj. ".. 'Pole is painted tinware. 4. To prepare paraffin' that hns been used for use again heat to a boil ing point and strnin through two or three thicknesses of cheese cloth. If this does not thoroughly cleanse it treat again in the same way. .". Oil of sassafras sprinkled where led ants arc seen will help drive them uvvuy. . (I. Ruining n sulphur candle will re move the musty smell from a cellar, but all food must be re moved for the fumes will pene trate it. Adventures With a Parse that are quite osti fellies for today's illustration We rei.llj seem to have gone ostrich mad. Ostrich-tiimmeil evening gowns. ostrich fans, handbags of ostrich tips. lounge cushions of ostrich fentners. eve nine cloaks with ostrich feather collars Rut then that is tho great faulti of us Americans. When we take up a new iden ip dress we take it, too seriously. Thcic are three other trimmings that nre every bit as new and smart as os trich jet. nioiike.v .mil kid, and they make n pleasant variation. And in the cut todaj jou mu.v see how they are used. At the left is u black velvet lint with the brim lolled buck from the face a shape that is decidedly new nnd generally becoming. The trimming is jet enibi older. The bat in the center is of brown velvet, the monkey fur being used ns an edge for the brim, nnd nt the light is n small hat of black satin with hands nf white kid striped with black patent leather. Copjr'ght. ll'll). by Florence KoBe Fads of Fashion The new coat linings arc quite dceoia-tlve. T ASKED her if she had mi) tiling to tell nic about for the Adventures. Together Vc walked around In her fas cinating little shop. "These boskets are nice," she said, pointing to flat straw baskets, looking somewhat like fiat purses, one fitting Into the other. "They cost only twenty-five cents," she explained. For n minute, I was not particularly impressed. And then 1 understood. "Wh). of course," 1 ex claimed, "If a woman were clever with n brush, she could paint stunning de signs on them. In bright blues, oranges, blncks apd greens." "Yes," she agreed. "And then sonic people cro chet bottoms to them, and decorate them with crocheted Mowers." Think of the possibilities of these little baskets with their modest price of twenty-live cents, I am one who loves cold weather. 1 love to come out on brisk mornings, and have to wall; fust to keep win in. And 1 thrill to cold clear nights when the' sharp nir brings a stinging color to the cheeks, ltut when I'm in my own home, with n comfortable chair, and a good book, I want wainith. I don't want to feel a diaft on my jieck, or any other part of my anatomy. Which may or may not be the reason for my having been nttracted immediately by the strips of felt, to tack around win dows to keen out cold air. You can get twelve-jaid pieces of this 'felt for-i ten cents. And I must say that con- ' sldering the prices we pay for eon I these da.vs, we want to do everything we can to get all the good fiom it. A delightful gift for the little boy ' or clrl who must he kept ill bed until a cold is broken up is one of thesurpiise boxes I diseoveiec today. It is inter estingly decorated, nnd contains seven fascinating little packages, one for each day in the week. Each is tied with n differently colored ribbon, a color for each day in the week, and the little rhyme on the front of the box tells which color belongs to wlu'ch da). The price of this bo is Sl.ti'i. I would strongly advise )oU to let tne tell ou now where ou can pin chase one, for WilllC .Mill 1I1U) IIIIL Mllll 1.111- 111.1, ,.MU will pioDaul ue vcr) giuu in l.nnvv oe it some da), when tired little legs be come restless from Inactivity, and et doctor's ordeis requite u longer time in bed. A charming guest loom set consists of a pitcdier. tumbler and cnnillestick of old-rose china. Thev lest ou u tra.v' which matches. The price is $.i.r0. It is in the guest loom above all other rooms that we love to put the little attractive cxtias. DO YOU ENJOY TROUBLE . LIKE THIS GIRL DOES? Life Would Mean Nothing to Her if It Yielded 'Nothing to Complain About THE young woman wns describing n a certain man's wife. f "She would be nil rlgW if she didn't mourn so much," she said. "What do .von mean, 'mourn'?" her companion asked. "Oh," was the reply, "she just sort nf loves to have something to wear a long face about." I oveiheoid this conversation on the street enr nnd It just occurred In me how easy it Is for any of us to fall Into the, habit of liking to be doleful about things. Ever, f'lnsthiii-e. have the cheer-nie-up-lf-jim-dnre' feeling? The other day 1 run Into a young friend who wns wearing a face two nnd a half sles too long. "It's always that way in our family." she; confided, "How?" I asked. "Well," she explained In n tone of resignation. "I wanti'd to take dancing lessons this year nnd now .lack comes home nnd sn)s he has to hnve a elress suit. Dad sa)s he ought to have It. too. and the family can't iitTnid both this full, so I have to go without the dancing lessons." A few minutes later the conversation turned to my little fiiend's wealthy aunt. "She gave me twenty live dollars for my birthiln.v," she volunteered. And it wns all so plain lu my own mind I couldn't help suggesting, "Well, why don't jou use it to pay for the dancing lessons?" "I did think of Hint," she mused, "but J. saw the best-looking beaver muff the other day nnd I've about made my mind up to get that." ''Hilt you've got that lovely seal muff. )oilr mother gave )ou last Christmas. Can't ou make that do?" I could not resist tr.ving to solve the pioblein some how. , "Oh. I suppose I could," thp little girl slghnd. "That's alwn.vs the way It is when you'ie the youngest in u family like ours. Always- making things do. 1 just wish I could stuit out sonic time with n "hci'i new outfit like other girls cnn. Honestly, sometimes 1 get the blues simply awful." WHAT, clear friends. I nsk you, can you dci -with n little: fiienel like this? This particular one walked away leav ing me very pensive. I lad I seemed -theS Mvmpnthetlc listener? Pi nimbly, in fact, that Is the whole trouble. When we ramble on about ouV woes, our friends do seem to lend a synitiathetlc ear. Itnt consider lnv leal feelings ns my little friend nf the twenty-five dollars went down the street. When I think of them now it makes me reso've "never to "en jo) " my troubles again ! mmmjm Syrup There is a coat skirts. now outwiird spring to Little frills still round necks. finish the shallow A charming tie on model has the ex tension of its skirt on one side only. The coiffuie, for evening wear is low, the knot being placed especially low. For the names of shops where ar ticles inentioued in "Adventures With a Purse" can be purchased, address Editor of Woman's Page, Evkmxo I'l in ic LLlHir.it. or phone the Woman's Department, Wnlnul .".(100. iberry mBER wm Are a Saving to the Toung Women of Fashion nourishing POMPEIAN OLIVE OIL "always fresh" Preferred by Particular People Everywhere Sold Everywhere 3u)o-Some Mmum. &aee7(idMmd& eAgHBBHHBHnBBHBBMM our STORE ORDER AKE AS GQOD AS CASH ad enabl you to buy at tba da Vrtmnt iand-arrlalty "torn you eraar. Our tartna ara baaed oo tba utbror craJlt ara (air and mod. .r?l - Writ, tar full rfetalla. IMAOMPTT BROS, 1118 CKtut FUR COATS In the Newest Exclusive Models Attractively I'riced We manufac ture any urtU ce tiioee of t'tir. JOSEPH GLASS JlmiiifuttLrliiE Furrlrra Hlnre IKS! 218 South 12tb St. Iluilltr 1'iir Allerluc oAid Katwlrlnf 1220-22-24 Walnut Street Adjoining the St. James Hotel y Special Values in Street & Afternoon Brasses Georgette, Satin, and Tricolette dresses, in a splendid variety of plain, bead- and braid-trimmed models. All coloK Specially Priced $45 rf-V v , ' 'lpl '. "UW ' - fi "' :.'?? I' ' $ i . i4 in I WHjK'iv ," X i Dark Brown Vamp Beaver Brown Top Their Duplicates Cost $ii.oo in Other Stores THOUGH there is a pleasing suvinjr on this new fashionable boot it is one of the many new up-to-the-miniite styles always to be found nt the DelMar Shop t.t from ?U.UU to ifLUiJ lower than any other store. Every DelMar shoe isa special value! Our upstairs loca tion antl our low over head expense is the reason. Upstairs St e for Women QeCHai&Compatii Downstairs Store for Men Ofl 1 . (r-"rV. AR -J 81 1 liOi!Z0 u saving comes having95 You will save money by buying "PURITY" Margarine. Its flavor is a joy to the taste ; its economy a de light to the pocketbook. Give "Purity" a trial if you are in doubt. You will bevon over at once to its continuous use. Your family" will make it unanimous. Put "Purity" at the top of your order to the grocer today. Your dealer has it or will get i for you. THE CAPITAL CITY PRODUCTS CO. 40 So. Delaware Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. L.nb. 147. Miio 2it(. Visit our booth at the Pure Food Show First Ret Armory. , Ths Pisf Spread for eHaiiSy Kiresaal " PvHiTT " Margarine u'churntd by Tht Cap ital City Products Co., Columbus, Ohio, High Grade Margarine Malert Since lS8.f. (Alio maitrs of Nut Margarine.) I'iS vbm fmG8LWmti& !&rail&&S& dn When you want to make flaky biscuit, delicious muffins and gems, real doughnuts and cake of fine texture then you need i i i H i i xg. h. Z4 OHE POUKC Iteraiiilil Baking PowdEJJ c&ra-scsH sJr-J' RUMFORD THE WHOLESOME HMf BAKjJ, PQWDEft Jim mil i i JUST as the spinning wheel had to gh e way to the gigantic looms of our modern textile factoriea, ao will the old fashioned, cumbersome treadle sewing machine have to give way to the new Electric Free-Westing- fnouse. No more will sewing be looked uoon as drudoervl Tho Free-Weatinuhouse. with ii Nnili.in i, !, controller and swilt, perfect action, makes it a delight. , '??" ," J'.".' ""'""' " " Ohio.lutr Lttctrtc Cleaner ond ,he : " ;: " y: "'" yum t.cr.MU firttivr tit .'& Kiwi iv.iiu ur jmvne us ana we will tell you where you can nee them, H. C. ROBERTS ELECTRIC SUPPLY COMPANY W holt, a, niilribiilor, PHILADELPHIA rrir .a JnMMuisHrMraiBHH af' V I. If . ,i V ": '?: h ,-Jl; m