Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 24, 1919, Night Extra Financial, Image 1

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Kuenom Bubltc Wzbtt
Washington, Orl. SI. Showers
probable tonight nnil Sal unlay.
S II 1()
it i2 1 l a :t 4 r...
nil lr.it nu
57 ins rs n, I I I t
i if
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VOL. VI. NO. 35
Proposed City Ordinance Would
Do Away With Special
Lower Fares Predicted if Meas
ure Is Adopted by
All public laiicab stands In tills oily
mo to be thrown open to nil tnti com
panies and "individual taxi owners under
nn ordinance being prepared by 'ity
Solicitor Connelly, to be introduced in
f kiiiniiU next week
This nronoscd stripping away "f
aprri.il priviir gc on the city's streets ,
tp ii.ii im..i,s nnnonnocel
from a few companies was .nnn . A '
liy Mr
i-..llv nl ii lieni'inK oeioir
Servhe Commissioners Pnmiir ,
M Clement,
Jr., ami .lames " ll(,n"
Loner taxi fates are expected to ie
siilt an ben the bars .ire let cow for
general ,-ompctlfJnn. although n",1'.-;
Jarvis. president of the Quaker ( it)
M'nvipfll, Comnanv. urged that me pun-
He savings would be "mnultcssininl.
Minimum Accident Liability
The minimum accident liability in
...m Is to- lie $r,00ll. Commissioner
llenn stated. WJien n company cm-
!, g lnrire number of metered cans
he 'said. It was possible that a lowe
vafe per cab -would be pernujico.
Tlie 'iilling concerulnK inacbines used
for weddings and funerals and fur oc
casional theatre parlies was that the
owners musr iiikc oi ... ;" -
public coinenlence. In then case,
ion ever, it will not lie 'necessary to
install meters or to carry inscriptions
showing they arc 'public conveyances. ,
Several hundred ownrrsrf nicterecl
cabs, with a batlerv of attoineys, were (
at the hearing tocla.
City Solicitor Connelly and ljirectoi
Wilddn, w.cic present by invitation.
Weaker Tlepresents Klslity Owners
Former Jlnnr Wci-.-r nppeiire-1 .is'
counsel for the" Cniled Tnicnb Owners
Association, with a mcmuersiup ui
nearly eighty ixoprictors.
The Auto I.iven lrotcetic Associa
tion', embracing 2i owners, many of
Jliein' proprietors of one or two eiibs,
was represented by J'.dward It: .Mai tin.
T,Tnderlving the hearing was the com
mission's purpose- jo.reipiirc ui innu-v
ing of certificates of public convenience'
by every taxlcab company or Individual!
owner. t
Mr. "weaver, in referring to that pur-
pose, suggested that the association he,
lcpresents be permitted to, take out a I
certificate of public convenience lis nn,
association, instead of each individual j
member being required to do so, i
In a statement issued bj Commis-f
sloner Clement at the outset ot the
hearing: the object (.ought by the state
authorities was outlined in this lan
guage .
'The purpose is Io secure t lie public
interest bv establishing, in co-operation
with municipal authorities, a safe, ef
ficient, economical sjRicm oi mxi ser
vice which will be free of abuses and
which will be n benefit to legitimate
taxicab operators, as well as the public, i
No Sympathy Willi "llawher"
"The hawker nnd pirate wlio lobs
the public and discredits" the business
will have no countenance under the icg-1
Mr. Clement announced the Quaker
Citv Taxlcab Company is the only com
pan'v so far that has applied for a cer
tificate of nubile convenience.
Disclaiming any intent to tlnow
drastic regulations around the industry,
Mr. Clement continued:
"The Public Srrylc Commission will
lo-opeiate in bringing this public serv
ice Io the highest Htate. of efficiency.
"For Its part, the commission will
undertake to see that certificates of
public convenience shall not be issued
to nnv individual against whom there
can be sustaiiied any charges of un
fitness or- disqualification or to any
rnmpanies or corporations, employing
such individuals.'- '
"This means no ceitihcate will be
granted to drivers or companies ngain-t
whom sustainable complaints shall be
s entered by the Department of Publi
Safetv or any other ufliccr of the mu
..',; .:.l" ..tir..inU ln.l
bv the commission will be revocable at
any time upon sustainable complaint
ny ciry iiuiuoruies,
Mr. Clement asserted that inspectors '
of the commission will be on duty-here
to see that the taxlcab. regulations, '
when fully framed, are obeyed. ,
Representatives of the group of small
taxi operators sought to convince the I
comniissioneis they wore not common
carriers and therefore subject to regit- I
latioli. .
Five Remaining in Content Expect
Little Progress Today 2 Crash
Chicago, Oct. -M. (lly A. P.)
Little progress on their homeward
flights wns in prosperl today for the
live army aviators who remained in the
twice transcontinental reliability and
endiirani-e iaee. Cnfavomble Hying
conditions In the West promised to bold
bock the four men who lenialned in
that Fection. while' Lieutenant Sheri
dan. 810 miles"' from IiIh goal, faced a
day's layover at Chicago to complete
engine repali-K.
I.leiileniinl W. C, F. Ilrovvn and
Lieutenant T. Ilynes were out Of the
race today, lioth wrecking their en
tries. Ilrovvp seventy miles east of
Iletio, Ney., and Jlynes at itawllns,
In neither accident, however, was a
pilot or observer injured.
With the leader in point of actual
elapsed flying time again changed, the
men remaining In the contest today still
had a chance at being returned tho ul
timate winner. Latest figures an
liounced by the War Department veetccl
. the honor of winning, tcinpnrarily at
. leaM, to Lieutenant Alexander Pear
aonj. who was. fourth to return to li to
i. .. n..
i citifi- mnioua - , though they intended going on a not anange for the lease, t is a id
made .at the licanuc n I ommon 'Ja. hl pln h ,, , H.en offered only the X'M rent.
CP'ntLS-" '' (-.,: !?,,?, nce an lilieil A strangers in the neighbni hood , The landlord is sal. to have accepted
cldent indemnity In" a en I" ; i ,,, su,pi(.iotl,, , Ils it ,ail tl,c $(1 lent from nil of the lesldcuts
motorcait used for wedding nun ,...,i .i,t .... .. ,.f n, ,Jnf tl... Iilmk. with the execution of
r.nlfffl as Biond-CIs Mutter nt tlif Poslofricr. at Philadelphia, r.
Under the. Ad or March . 1 S7ti.
Eviction Called Off When
Crowd Gathers to Protest
Landlord Disappoints
pathizers Who Have to Content Themselves
With Open-Air Luncheon ami Speeches
An open-air luncheon and brief
spcceiics by meinbeis of the Tenants'
Protective Association entertained sev
eral hundred resident1, of Warrington
avenue and lluby sheet xvhn assembled
today to witness the eviction of l.eo 1".
(ilnbb. his vilfc nnil lliree children from
their home at 1141 South lluby street.
After the assembled cloud bad waited
patientlv for several hours wnid was re
ceived fioni counsel of the tcmiuN' as
soelatlon that the eviction would not
take plaic today.
Annoiiiicemeiil of postponement ot the
cvieilou was. made bv tilabli fioni the
poreh of his home. It was iccclved wilh
cheeis. The .crowd then dispersed
Flan Mass-Meeting
llefore It adjoiirneil, however, plans
wcie discussed for n mass-meeting of
tenants at the Academy of Music and
a big street parade.
As early as 0 o'clock this moining the
neighbois1 nnil meinbeis of the nssooln.
tion began to assemble.
While ninny In the oiowd wnie an air
,,f grim determination, ot
the nffalr as a or of
clny nnd spoke glibly of
others rcgaided
geiieial holi
the contem
plated eviction
Among the thiong wcie anxious
Wives, many of whom weie cm the verge
of eviction themselves and scenes of
husbands wiio remained home from
work today to witness the' proceedings
Tim slnns mill Inn 1 1 .if neilrlv rvprv
home In the block held nn audience. I
lteall'ing thai they might have a wait
of many boms most of the housewives
benvv wrnns: some weie ntlli eil !
cities had planted agents in tin
crowd '(ilahb
Belgian Prince Grins
Happily as Harrisburg Pays
Tribute, to His Father
King of Belgians Sends
Message, to Philadelphia
llarrisbiii'g. (Vt, IM. King Al
bert sends the following nicssjge to
"I look foiwaid to seeing jour
city. To me it lepiesents. as does
this whole state of Pennsjlvanin.
one of the, chief workshop of the
woijd. I was in Philadelphia once,
but then people did not come to greet
me. They did not know me o well.
"Industrial reconstruction and
progiess is what I lie woild needs
most just now. And the t'nitcd
States Is siipeiior in just these
things. The gieat plants, wheie
steel, cloth and other pioducts are
made in such ciunntities, so mitnj of
which I have scc.ii in' this couutry,
are a credit to your people.
"I look forwaid to my visit to
Hu a stuff Concsitomlcitt
Harrisburg. Oct. "M. The demo
I'latie king of the lielglaus bli
Albert, the hero
the hero monarch, wlio stood,
with Ids mlTering people fnur-souaie
against the (leinmn torrent, tinned led
to the tips of bis ears.
When (lovernor Sproul and Mayor
Iveislee nonrn.icheil lits iiinlnali :it tin
Pennsylvania Itailioad station a I !l
o'clock today, and when the cheeis of Says Ko Tried (o Pass llim
thousands-who clusteted c.uly outside .,. jtP1. k,.,i i," ,,.. .i,:,.,
the trainshed rose to a great , horns y(M! T$tl J , X."' Lu , ""m "
King, Albei smiled as a happy child in to pass llim. Ho speeded lis ,, .'
does and then flushed, cl nnson much , chine. He had just passed the ' x
after t he manner of a very ichiing. ,eslde,.ce when he heail th,-ca r bcl i ,1
self-conscious boy. , i lim hiiui-Ii it stone pillar at the
Ills good wife, the- epiecu, was in- gateway to the banker's giniiiiel.
disposed and did not leave Ibe tiaiii. lie looked back, he said, and saw
'llie prince grinned as anv oilier boy the Fox car bad been wrecked. Assist -would
"who admires his dad and who is ed by S. II. Martin ami several olliei
keen to see li,ini honored. men. he said, he look Mr. Fox horn
"No formality," was tlie winning ' Jjlp "'"''W car and carried hi
fiashed over the wiles to Covcrnor , ""'Abington Hospital.
Snroul i(ni Vance .McConnlck. ihairinaii , I1,","','' '",l ''"l 'novv that the in
of the lecentlon coinioiHee. nmi Ibe
I Chamber of Coinmeicc in advance of the
I an- vnl of I he rm.il n..t... -nSe-
i uuently tlu two-hour visit of Aiheil to1
this city was stripped of excess pomp
i ...... ,
King Hears Helglau Anthem
i.vcii nil- wciciocr resiriuneii icseii
It wns without golden splendor. The
sun concealed itself behind daik t lipids
and a cold drizzle was in the air, lint
the friendly king "who can wall: with
kings, nor lose tho common touch,
found occasion to blush
nnj way
Everywhere there was cheering anil
then- was plenty of that.
he royal paity, accompanied bv the
(lovernor and the may or and sonic sixty
membeis of the official leception com
mittee, walked down a lane of le
turned doughboys to waiting automo
biles, xv bile a navy band crashed out
the stirring llelglan anthem. In the
thirty cais the entlie party moved nut
Mniket street. People tlirouged the
sidewalks. Ilelglau and American Hags,
fluttered in festoons ncioss the street
ami from
the windows of the hade,"" " "! "vi i iiuouuu i .
thousand singing school
children on the heights. of the Cnpitol
grounds welcomed the party. The auto- I " "" """""y v.cx.m uuppc-. , riiismirsn Oct. - I lly A. 1,
ninblles. carnival abandon all about i A patrnlinan enptiired one of three Steel sti ike leaders in h,. Pittsbuij.ii
them., circled the Capitol to Its liupies- alleged hlghwaymeii nfter a chase at district were foriun biting pirns at union
sive entrances. A hundred girls JVnm ! !':"" o'clock-last night ly in find that' headquarters here- today for tl. taking
the Seller School sang the Ilrabanconne the victim nf the hold-up had hiurleil of a srike vole of railroad workers cm
in French.
'Inside the lotuuda of the Capllol
the royal paity- vvas leciveil by 100
woiinile'd Boldiers from the base hospital
at Carlisle and by lied Cross workers
and nurse, tiovernnr Spioul showed
the regal visitors the Senate and House
"This beautiful building," said the
king. "Is a credit to your state,"
King Albert uuil the prince were then
csooitrd to the Capitol grounds unci
both of them, along with the tiovernnr
threw Jtonie shovelfuls of drt about, a
,f vcpKOOira ci IT"
Csliimn Two
Neighbors and Sym-'
' to learn the possible moves of Hie lei,
ntits in the future.
Action Was Hxpcelcd
Those who enme out of nieie curi
olty were nctliall) dlsillipnliiteil at the
postponement of the eviction proceed
lugs, was evident that mniit c
lieclcd Mellon should the threat In em t
lllabb be euiricd out.
i Incidentally Iheie weie at least two
sioie of .voungstris in the assemblage
Piocccdings weie stalled against
('bibb. It is said, because he iefiisH to
1 pay an Increase In lent from S'.'li to MV.'
Delles Constables
lilnlih iccelved woicl scvcial dins ago
that his goods and household fuinili-
ings would be placed on the sheet to
day unless he paid an Increase in lent
For the last two months lie has defied ,
Constables who have come to collect hi I
I rent. He believes the lucicnsc to be i
i unwarranted, and the majority of Hie
I neighbors agree with Mm. All the resi
dents of the 1100 block oil South Ituhv
sheet arc members; of the tenants as
social ion. "
l Neighbors Halted protesting when tlie
landlord notified them two months ,ig
I the rent ill all the houses in me menu
hail been laised to !WJ n month.
I Signs appeared on Huby sheet houses
leading. "Show protest against piof
I Steering landlords. " and "Come and
see the lanclloiil put a ueceni .meriuiii
til the hit eel.
(ilahb claims the lesiclents refused to
pay the increase. Some of them, he
"aid. olTeied R'1) a month If they weie
iriien a nilie-montbs lease. 1 Hey coillcl
Financier Has , Dislocated Hip
and Fractured Breastbone.
In Abington Hospital
v ...
oiomliicnt banker of this
111' "II I V'A 'lOIUIII' "I U'"
..:.. .. i.. ... i.!....... i- :..i ii...
l.al..t. ?.-
'll.' IS M IIH' .lUllll'MI .'Uliiuiiui .--
pital suffering f,o,p au ij,rt
hip. a fractured Incastbone and other
l.i. ....... ....,.. i.ii
. '. . '
'.' W.'1 -t'oils?Jln.'1?A.'iilJ.vvM's..dilo-cate'd,
ha"s"been icset. and physicians
'at the hos'piinl today. said be was rest -
1 lug comfortably,
The aiiident. uccoi cling to witnesses,
resulted when Mr. Fo tried to diive
his car thiough the gateway of his
lesiilcncci on Old Yoik road. Ogout..
The uiachiiic clashed into a stone
pillar, ovcituiuecl, and Mr. Fox, the
only oiviipant. was crushed between the
damaged car ami the gutc post.
It was at first thought that Mr. Fox
would not live, but physicians at the
hospital say today he will piobably re
covei. '
I'allier of .Mrs. Kllilns,
The accident to Mr. l'o occurieil
Wednesday afternoon at about the
-ame time tJeorge W. Klkin was
' stricken with apoplexy on the golf links
of the Philadelphia Country Club. Mr.
, 1'ox is the father of Mrs. (ieoigo W.
I F.lkms, ,lr.
, Mr, Fox' was at the Pliilaclelphia
Cllllllh'.V Club ills) l.cf.ii,. tin. in,!, Ii.nl
He was still in his irollimr suit um! Ins
' golf sticks weie found 1n the wn-ekeil
Chailes P.utl
o( the Kvvanl
Alotor . Company
!II7 North
sheet, heard the crash and helped the
Danker from his wiecked machine
"".p" ."'auwiis the bauker until lie
7 S"", . .',,., ,0"!n!"?1 "" ,l". . " "
I ""i ""-" '""i loin ineni his name.
$25,000 Loss Because of Lack
... .
water to Fight Flames
t Media. Pa., Oct. ill, Fire destiny rd
in thiee-story garage on the ptopcity' of
Hoy Jackson, in Hnse Viillev. emit this
, inornlug. and iiiJnecl three high poweiei!
'cars. 'Ihc file was dise-ovcied by the
chaffeur. John Heaver, who with Ills
wife and baby occupied the thiid story
as an tiptu tineut. Heaver, uflrr learn
ing that the tire was on the first floor,
removed hisvvifc and baby to safety.
The .Media lire company lespoudeil,
but the liremeu were unable to save Hie
building because of lack of water. The
Juiksou pioperty is occupied by Dr.
C. A. Kinst mid family. The loss is
appioximalely .f.'i.OlKI.
, Un n MAM Mfl DDnOCr'IITnR
Arrested After
Alleged Footpad Is
SL.... D.LI iff... nl .
The rlefendant. Ani-eln Mm enn. Tenth'
sheet near Smith,, today was held with-
ouj ball for a further' hearing October
III by Magistrate O'Urlen to enable the
police to locate the prosecutor.
Accoiuing to mtrolpian llagen. hie
linlcl-nii occurred
at Rleveuth and noi.
footpads were a white
groes. As Hagan ran
man streets. The
man anil itto negroes. As liagan ran
up and llie alleged robbers tied llie
victim wipi mat he luu lieen rouoeii ouine ngui who ho- sein loinpaiiu... as
$'J.". I ,$.i a week tier man wouhLirepiJie iiionl-
Hagen eapghl Moreno nfler a chasp, (linn SJ.nim.iHM). but that the strike
but when ue returned the victim Jiairiommiiiee is appealing lqr .suffli teut
! - " - ...
V'' '"m
aaaaHaK iaBBH
Who TTis siiggestcil lliul the public
Riiiup rcpiiit to l'resldeut Wilsnii
Hint the inclnshl.il conference is
li.iiiliiupt, and recuiniiiend a coin
mission on unrest
" v u i v e i
evolver Accidentally Dis
charged in Struggle After
State Police Chase Truck
' .. ..n
I.ouis Iteiger, III jenis old. "i-l-Maiket
sheet. i fill nit 11 1 o cleiilei . wns
nil idi-niiy shot nnd killed at eleen
o'clock hist night lij a member of the
slate police dining a stiiiggle jm the
flout seal of an automobile truck on
which Iteiger was riding.
The shoot Jm; ncciiricit' at Oakfnid
llridge, two and a half miles ninth of
Iletger's truck, it is saiif? ran into an
aiiliiiiiohile on the Lincoln Ilighwiit.
at (ileun Lake, thiec miles cast of
Laiiglioiue, mid then cllove awnj. The
sniashiip occurieil last niglit, and im
iiiiilinlel. after the collision the owner
ol the wiecked automociilc, whose iclen
hli has not been learned, called up the
hciidipiaitcrs of the stme police at
"M, car lias been hit by n Irink on
the Lincoln Highway. The diiier
wouldn't slop, t'ahh him when lie get
to l.aiiglioine."
Tioopers Chase Trmk
Majer Wiiiilhaui and auotlicr sinte
hooper left the hcadiiinitei to hunt
Ibe Uuck. The tioopcr followed the
, auto huik after it had passed l.niig
borne and caiiglil up to it at the Oak-
'"' coM'ieU Urnlge.
1. . "i , ,.
Arioitliiiff tn tic Mnli nuhir llir.i
,. . f'- .. i
; -''d on Iteiger to st,,,, fon.-t lines ,,,,,
' "' "!' '' "'' ,"'k .is i-aigged Hom one
.side of the road to the oUiA- in an ef-
rent Io keep the aiiloiioble used lit; (he
lliioiiniu li'iiiu iiiiuumir I um
II""-VI - 1J1I, --lll III' 111.
Ar- O.lUloid.lil'illB.
it is said, lier-
ger stopped his machine and ran into a
garage and telephoned to his, hiothrr
in this city and explained why he had
been delayed in leaching the oltfi .
Merger then juinpc'd ciu his machine
and ordered his negiji chauffeur to drive
on. At this time Windham, and the
other hooper had overtaken the tl lick
and jumped on the step.
They told the men Hint they weie
under aiiest. IJeigcr. It N alleged, then
kicked iiidham. In llie struggle
which followed llie trooper's! revolver
was iici uleiitiilly discharged mid a bul
let entered IScrgcr's limit under the
ci in .mil took mi upward course and
sevciecl the jugular vein, llergcr died
shoitly alleiwaid. Hi hodv- was taken
to lean's Moigue in L.iiisilownor'
A negro iianiccKP.ulllck. of this citv.
who vvn- driving llie tinck. made li'is
' '"', Wsl during the excitement, ftov
AlevnDdei. another negio who was oil
Ihc seat ol the truck at the time of the
shooting, is' held as a witness bv the
stale police.
Coroner Harvey S, lhie. of Itristol.
who is investigating the shooting, has
not oideied the iincl (1f Windham,
and will nut do h, nnlis f mt hi- in-
iig.uioiis nn mai.es justify such no-
I onnier Kile has been uniih'e to learn
llie identity of the man who called up
the police lie;ihuai'tcrs, uklng-ior tin
nicsl of tin- men on the huck. -Tti
aiitoiiiohile has n N
it is not believed
I lei gel Was in
i disappeared,
thai any one
Canton Police Club Steel
Strikers Gary Troops Will
Fire if Attacked
Canton, (., Oct. L. i P,y A. IVP
Six persons. Including one woman
picket, aie under aric-st following ills
older near the Cnited Alloy Steel Cor
poiatlou plant heie last night in which
hundii-ils of shikers took part. Special
police used c-'ulis freely. The trouble
followed fighting yestculay when strik
ers stoned sliccL cars and automobiles
carrying workmen to the mills.
Two more plate mills at the Sharon
Steel Hoop Coinuaiiv's plant in
Vouiigstovvu lesunii'd operations today.
Chicago. Oct. LM.--i pop receiving
lepoits that federal hoops patrolling1'1'1' ""'
(in IV. I nil. . had been stoned hi-
union sy mpatbirrs. Col. W. S. Mil pes
oidered the patrols ciiiiiirel with
hench guns. He said attacks nn it...
soldiers would lie met with retaliating
lite by tump
. .'. ... ..
inoyi-o hi im.- nun-.
Johnstown, Pa.. Oct, L'l, (itv ,.
P.) William '.. Foster, secretni-v of
the committee for oiganuiug mj ;.,,.
ducting tlie steel strike, and James
.viaurer. picsiocni en nie rciuisyivaiila
I-edeintioii of Labor, edoirssed (. (0
jentlon of District No. .. 1 i,it0, Mine
Woikers, here. I osier su.ving that1! e-
vioikvis, urn-, osur suymg mat i
mar sirise oeuciiis um- impossible in
' I'"" " ..,-t-- ..,-.-,. ,.t. , tnui (i
fiintkc to "Uku carc'tif tlia tftirviac,
Hodge-Podge Personnel
duced Loose-Jointed, II
Assorted Conference
Unions Compelled to Withdraw
Because of Lurking Bol- '
shehvik Menace !
lly (.'KOItl.i; Ml Mtl'AIN
Mun t'urresiioiiilriil nf ir Kcfiiliu I'uhllr
oiwrioht. (30. hu I'ubhr l.iilott Co. '
Washington. Oct. !. The original
industrial confciciice, lomposed of tlnee
gioilis employers', people's anil labol
is deadend buried. The labor lead
eis lime leturnc'cl to tlieir duties and
Hi" employers hae -t iilli-ioil to their
The oiitshinilinir (iietin following
Hie spectacular iXllnpsp ( t,e confer
ence is;
""''""'en'eit will It bine in tlie minds
"f 'be people and upon distuibed labol
Iltions as they cist today V"
I he lesiilt. as far us the geiieial pub
lb' I c one ei ncd, will he an individual
one llrguui.ed labor will judge it in
muss formation. It will haci but one
opinion: that Ils lepiesciitatiu's wcie
for I into bolting the loufeicuce.
A dispassionate view of cue crisis is
accessary in tin- light f fuels IhaM
...... .M-rii unty picrcillliv UISCIOSCCI O
Ii ntn.l ... r.. :.. .;... t. . .,
cated on interviews with menihuis. oer-
s , '";",,," niciuiMs per-
soual coiilact with lie nmi nl ilm
.,,. . , . - . , I"",. llllllllllllllMIII OUCI UCCII ,JSl-UlilC'U
iciufercncc. and statements fiom louh- the ceutial dihiil. was the lirt wll- among tlie niineis. and there had been
, Hernial sources. ))(,sv i nun h talk of -hooting public officials
llie personnel of the confciciice wnsl ..,, ... ., , ..,,., .. , ,, 'and taking coutiol of the ginernnieiit.
a hodge-podge. No nioie loosely core- .. '" "', ' ""', ?'' "' '", '""'"''I' , "The leporteil outbrak bv mines is
iatcd body of men and women ever a- ' came when I Inef of Police loibis palpably untrue." said Mr. Lewis in
seinbled in Washington. It was tluowu came to Chicago fiom (hut -IM last ' Wnshinginii after leading that the gov
together with an otlicial pltihfoik. sp,-is with ,e,,uest for machine guns ' '"."'or had iiollfied him of serious ,-undi-llankeis.
biokers,arnieis. apostles of!,'. ",,,,, , ,' ' , ,i ti,m, ' "" "bin 1'ieek section. He
so-called advan 1 thought, haul- , u,1"1 """""J Intel ventiou. He lold us . ,Ki( )l0 ,nil p , ,,
lieaileil ami narrow -visiuned business
men. iloininaiit leadeis of labor con
servative and hopeful, ii'ul othcis,. im
patient under icstraint, wcie gathcicd
fiom all comers of the couiihy. set
down line in Washington without anv
piogiam wiiutevcr, and Icild to get
It began by establishing ceitain lules
on pioceduie. uuiipje and expeiiiucutat.
which subsequently were violated upon
the slightest provocation. Its times of
meeting and adjournment weie at the
capiicc of individuals and group-. Time
limits on tulk were diiegurdeil. Ux-
pediclicy was Its rule of practice. It
otiu tli.. n...it .... I.. I.... a- 1!.
was the most persistent little body of
adjoiirneis" ever 'tiitefnblpcl"licier
Fiom Mint to 1'hiIsIk- it was loose
jointed. il-iissiutocl and afflicted with
pailiiini7iitaiy locouiotor ataxia.
Thoroughly Aiuiricui
Hut II was thoroughly Aincriciu.
tiny diagnosis on its Americanism
each individual's heart would hi
found in the right place. A stranger to
these shuics witnessing its performance
for one day would have declared it
' 'chai in I erist ica lly A mericin . ' '
lllushatiiig Its incongruous group ar
i augment the lollcull furnishes llie fol
lowing :
Minis'" Llbeit II. (Jury, of the I'liilcd
States Steel Corporation, the great
est iiupliiyer of labor in the country,
was placed ill the people's group,
though iiijpulnr opinion would have se
lected him for the most i onspicuous seat r
at the employers' table. The same,
hiiation would have bei n given II. II
llndiiott. ot Vlilssachusetls, eniploicr
of tl.uiisands in his shoe tiii-tinii-s, to
A. A. I.aiidou, another great uiauu
factmer. head of the Aineriinn Itmli
ator Coiupaiiy. and Paul L. IVis. of
Cleteland. also ranked as a large ein
ploti r "
Willi llie cMcplion of Judge liaiv.
these iiien a e liberals. They h.ul syiu
piithctlc teiulcni'ies and wide cxpeiience
xtith labor. Had they been assign,
wheie they legitimately belonged in Hit
employers' gioup - they might have
swung the pendulum away from that
ulhii-eeiiirrwilisui which, with labor's
lluvieidiiig ih'iiiauils. must s,iie the
responsibility for the failui" of the con-ferenc-e.
As an ollsil to the aipoiuhncnt of
Judge llai.v. was the si'lrction of P.eil
M. Jewell, an othi'ial of the Aineriinn
I'celeiation of Labor, to the pconle's
g-oiii. Mr. Jewell siihsiiiicntl.v with-
ami iinoiiiei' lciii'incioii omciai,
Fori'sler. was iiiiiointcd in Ills
stead. Hut labor alieady had niueteeii
delegates, a solid group, and oni e more
public opinion Is entitled to iuuuiie
why a twentieth member should be
mimed to icpicsctit the public.
No Nonunion Hepiesent.it It e
Not a single iuiliviiliial wage worker,
trpic-cnlative of .unoiganied or tion
unioii labor, was iiniueil for a place
on any sioiiu. Chillies IMwuid Itus
sell. a Socialist and a militant cham
pion of hade unionism, however, oc
i upieil a fmnt seal in lln- people's
group. Again public opinion might
iiiopeilv uise the impiiry as to just
what Mi. llusM-ll iciicsented outsiel6
It has aliiiidy been poiutrd out ii,
pi c vlous dispatches that s far as
known no single lepicsoutatiie of the
people had ever won public eouliilcuec
or political distinction enough to .be
.,i.,..i.i in nubile otb'ce. in tills rcsocci
it was a public's gioup with the public
lint tin- public gioiiii vva not uniipie
in these lespei'ts me sn-iaueii eiu
iilnieis' gioini was almost, a farcical
reiiillioicl em I'"'
rniirttfii, Culiinin Onr
Committee Seeks Workers In Roose
velt Memorial Campaign
Voliiilleers wanted'
The -anipjign for meinbeis for llie
Kooscvelt Jleinoilnl Association will be
can led into Ibe theaties and moving
pie till e houses tomorion- flight The
Pliilailelihia committee of llie assooia.
tiou wants volunteers who wll reporl
... ilumlin. InillnlinW eiiMilnw I.
; ,J bl. ,,molinent blanks,
' "', Jm.' e , wish to lendee this serv
,",. hnnoi" of the fentner President
asked simply to icport to the man
uuer of the theatre neatest Ihclivlionic,
IU1I volunteer (heir services.
W'h9M nu think nf
thick of WIIITINO.
rublidud Ia lly l'xcnt Minda
Coprlfilit. IMP, b
. Albeit, King of the Belgians, nnd Queen Elizabeth, passed
through North Philadelphia station nt 1.33 o'clock this afternoon
on their way to New York City from a tour of the west. The
King, hatlcts, and clad In khaki, was seen In the last car of tho
special ttnin us it whirled by without stopping.
The body of Walter Franklin Darlington, said to be a rcsl
x dent of this city, was found on the Palisades near Hackcnsick
today. Investigation showen that death was due to bullet
wounds. Palling ton, who had been ill and depressed since his
l etui n from overseas, Js wild to bo the third of his family to
dio blucii the bcglnulug of the war, two oTIier brothers being'
killed in tltv service.
Army Intelligence Officer Reads
Booklet Urging Revolution
and "Open Combat"
' lly Die Asscicljlrcl 1'iess
Washington. Il(. ! - Kflrcts of the
slcel shl
Ike In (iiMc. Iml.. and sonic
on aiiaichistii activities in
the cllstu'cl weie i in llie Senate im-
mittee investigating the
trike today.
Lieutenant D. C. Van I'.uieu, an intcl-
'i-'',n''e officer cm the tafr of Major
lrr '"' , , '"' , '"" '" 'V
' tivneral l.eonan Worn comnuiniler. of
i"c uc nieie wcie planuiiig to parade
,. '""' ','"1'1 " leioliilion. "I sent lioeiiiiir (Jornwell a tele
"I wo uiiincs were gixen to us as gram last night, bill It was on au en
those nf hadeis nf the Aniirchl-t' club tlrelv cliffcieiit iiialtei ." he aclilcil.
at i.ai. lanlinll Minllie Ccoige. Thc
weie Kiissi.ins ,,r Austriaus. De Ceoige
irwas a chemist and vw leaiiifd later
that he was operating hear the Aetna
l.plo-ivo Yv oiks outside of (Jury , wheie j
guiicottoii was available fiom llie wastes
mil sole the mill.
Lieutenant an I'.ureu lend extracts
fiom a booklet selcd at liaiy. It
uigicl levoliilioii upon all winker in
all lands In tin name cif the "coiiipicr-in.-
tiioli'tiU'i'il of ltuvsia," and uld
"open coiiibiit" wo the only mud to
the I die-sMif grievances-.
l'i'(ipiliiiiiili.(s I sr .Malls
"All the uiiliials of Hie country aie
ii'iileriii'; on the puipagaiidn of Lcnine
and Trotsky," the witness continued,
"I call to your attention the fait that
it was pi luted in Chicago lit- the Aibi
Icr eitiiug Publishing Company, whicii
is siguilicaiit." ,
"Is this stun' going thiough the
niris?" Cliali mini Kruvon intiiied.
"Oh. yes." 'ui ISurcii teplled.
"Well, it'cl In Iter be stopped it our
goteiumciit i-n'c In Iciouie huiiotcnt."
iciiicikcil Mr. Ixuiyoii.
"Arc thele anv nl'l:llii..iliniis in Cumi
Si ii i!i
tb- - I
sniini't tin- iiio-'r.im.' n-keil
ui, i oioiado
I huit
II li-l of
l("Plyiug to Chairiiiati Kenton. Lieu
ten. nit Van liiiieii -niil a icpoii was
made to the Dep.u tineut ot Jusliie. but
so tar .is be knot iheiv bad been im
pros ciitioii. i. added tlml
men had left lja .
"We found in li,u-v after military
occupul'oii Iheie-, In iiieiuloiis ipiautities
of lid lltcl.iluic." the witness con
tinued, i iihiitiinv -'i.-.t loci I police and
iis-en-ialioiis ol i-iti.i n. had piep.ned
the way lor mills ,,n the storage pi ices
Itrds' Itin'r Is IJussl.ni ii
"'' Ic I iu . i ' el, the .llial'illist
mid .o si, ,.t. i i. m iiiilrsti, of th
cii-ii'im-ii I paitt or liiissin, put out as
tvii-ii is ,ui, veil ,i. ii,, 'iliinl interiia
tionil.' vvliich n si nli'iil at Iom-ow in
Maicb. Many Hiou-aiuls i opl,- of this
were in tlnry ."
IJe I'eiuinieui eel ooiiiiin; a scne of
clociiiiienls pi line, I in liussi.in with
names, of societies alliicind line! a huge
piiiiitity of I, W W. litii.ituic.
"How ui'iny loiei','inis ai'e taking
part iu lliis' sh ike at lliiiw';" asked
Senator McKellar. Dniiocial. ol Ten
uesec. "1 b.iveu'l I'liiiuil .iu Anieiiciii vet,"
the witness answeied. "though -mui' of
the leaders have scioud naluialiaiioii
papeih. Hen- aie some of llie pioclui
lions ol the liinoii
That's ii straight
if Hilssiau oikirs. I to Inl.c lip several in the siil,jei-ts sug
an.irchistii societv. gestecl in the message sent to him ve.
lle.e one of tin in. cut it lid -The I 'nuns
of find. 'jan aiiti-ieligioiis pamphlet ilis
Cllsslll-f vvur,"
A whole socles of funis ami pam
phlets in liussiaii, put mil by the union,
wen- rend into Hie hm-oiiI.
"Did von' get these in houses, m
how '" I'linli'iiiuu Kenton askid.
"I i. Iiiiiisi-j. and halle," Van liuien
lei'i-l "Soniehiiics ii.cn an otic'
Would bnvo I, W. W. liteiatuie iu theii
Keiiyon Hints at I'lauie-up
"It has been cbaiged tliat this ma
te, ml w.is Milt i'io liary to cieate
prejinlii-e -I'ralust tin- strikers," s,tj,
C'tl mil' K -nyon.
"We only know' tti- found il Iheie."
Van Huien returned. "These people
who had it usually Innl a lii',' picluie
of Lcnine and Trof.ky. We found lil
eially thousands of these iihotographs.
It w.is reported to u that Klclnml Vcr
hagin. vice- piesideut and heasiner of
the steel workei-M council at (Jury, was
a revolutionist."
Van Hiireu then read a Inui-ii ipl of
Verhagiu's exnmiuatinn before a mill
tary tribunal. XJwiingfu admitted lie
lief in icvoluliiiuury tactics. oiHisitjoii
In the existing form of government ami
faith only in organization along the
lines of soviet Russia,
"What is tills steel workers conn
cllV" asked Senator McKellar.
"II is the central body of unions en
gaged In the strike. was the leplv.
"All Aineih-au Federation of LabocTifflie coin nam to grant 'llie Iticie'iue iu
"I understand n, ,.
Van Huren criti'-ized llie "Wuikers'
lulernatlonal Defense I.ragire" asiised iu their franchise the borough
"nothing le-s than an itiiririiisitii- out would tlo so at its cost. According to
fit, working thiough the,i.' W W," .Superintendent Avery the company
f "We found severaL,of lu members would wllllpgl)' rid Itself of the trolley
J at liar), c uaici,
.charges Cabin
Creek Miners
Are Planning Another
Armed Attack
, lly Ibe Asfoclaleil Pi ess
I Ch.crlestiin, . Va.. f-t. 'Jt.-lini
i eiuor .lohii .1. Com well today sent a
message to .Inhn 1,. Lewis, pieideul of
the j'nited .Mine Workers of Amciica.
in winch uconaigMi niai a secouu aiiurci
invasion of the (iuyan allcy coal dis
trict wns being planned b,v the jiilnci
of the ('.thin Creek coal section
n,- R"vemor also ihnige.1 that arms
.....i !,.... i .. , ..." . ...-., ..... i
ubie( t fiom the goicinor.
Meanwhile, older have bet1!! leceived
at ( ani) Zaibary Taylor to hold four
piovisuinai iiattaiions of inranhy and '
machine gunners of the famous First
Division ic.iely for liot and strike duty. I
llie battalions will number 'J.iOO men.
Colonel I'ealiody. ctnet of stall, is
cpioted as having said no actual en-
hainiug older had been rceeivcil, bull
the older to hold the tumps jn readiness '
ununited tliut the .battailous uiigtit lie
sent in WVkt X'll'.rMii.i Mini l.,t.M.l.
'A .Ifiii.it Viiv1 ITi.r 'trXX tt'..l.:.,-
ton that the War Depjitinrnt lend or-
lend these hoops in lendliiess for riot i
and strike duty. It wns suggested that
if any oiclcrs had been received at Cump
Tiy lor they wcie issued b Major tleu
ernl "tVood, lomntancliiig the initi.il de
paitmciil with heailipia iters at Chicago.
Utticials of Oriraiii7ntinn; Affi i
ated With Federation to
Meet m Washington
Washington. O.-l. '. tlly A P. i
A eonfereuec of oliicials ot interiiahou.il
Unions aflilititeel with the American Fn.
oration of Labor wi'l be he'd in Wash
ington mioii to eon-lile' Inilustiial dis
pud's now iu progress and impending.
Tlii- wa. disi'losed Jodat in the fol
lowing telegram sent bv Samuel (ioni
pcrs, in i sj, lent i,( the fede'-atioii. to the
IHi-ni s!i,.',. rcdei-atiou of Labol In
session nt Peoria.
"H.xecurivc coiiin II Ano'i iciu Fed
euitiou of Laboi', hefoie its adjourn
ment Tucsil.iv evening, minuted a dec
laration lulling In' lonfeience to be
held in Washington at au early date
to deal with set e -at of the subject
contaiiii'd iu your message."
The date for the loufeicuce author
iiel by the executive e-ouncil has mil
yet been 'ill lei uiiliiil.
Peoiii. III.. Od. JL- illy A. P.l
Cheer- fioni the hundreds of delegates
to the Illinois stall- fecle-ntion of labor
meeliug gieelecl the- leading this hum ii -lug
of a iu "ss.ige fioiii Sami"i (lumpers,
ill whiib the ii'i"iileut of tin- AmeriiMii
Fei1er.it ion of Labor said that a cim
feieme would he held in Washington
telel.iy In Hie Illinois I'ourcutloit.
Employes Considering Proposi
tion Jake Over Trol-,-ley
Niiirislown, Pa,, Oct, -J I. The mo
toiineu and condiiciois n the Nonis
tottu division o ti llie Heading Transit
Coiniiauy are seriously considering n
nioposiil to take. 'otcr the tinllc)
lines, made by thp" coiupanv some tliue
ago in answer ly a demand for an iu
e lease iu pav from forty -eight to lifly
two ceut ii'i.luiiir.
The pioposal was (hat the em
ployes take' over and operate thr tiol
ley lines through Xoi ristown. The
i-oinpauy offered a fund of Sl'.l.lltMl as
a nucleus foi oiieratlou and any as
sistance il tophi lender.
With the faic Ini-ii-ased fioni five to
I'Jghl cents a year ago the employes
have nptlci'il a gradual decieasi, in
tiiivel and belle-t'e it could he built uji
by o'leturn to the old nickel fare.
following au inability' on the part
i wages, the boiough of Norri-tovvn a few
,aJS Bti served notice that if Hie emu-'
. nanv did not renair Ihe stieets as iiinio
i (lue.
Pub'OHnUon Pike Jfl a Ttur b
Public l.cdafr Com pan).
Immediate Dissolution Advised
in Accordance With Suggestion
Made by Rockefeller, Jr.
"Commission on Unrest" Pro
posed as Substitute Tenta
tive Report Prepared
Washington. Oct. -L Immediate
dissolution of the public gioup the v
niaining lenient of the national indil"'-'
trial coiifeieiice - is piopnscd in a Tcc
oniiiiendntliiii of the eoniinlttee of five.,
which will be mncle to the group tills
afternoon. Should the iccnmmcndnitoil
be adopted the coiifeieiue would "end
The coinmlllee also framed a tenta
tive leport for submission to Pirident
Wllsoil. oiilliiilng the woik of the con
fcreuce up to the time the lepresenta
lives of nrganied labor withdrew.
The action of the committee was III
line w ith a suggestion of its chairman,
.lohii 1). Itockefeller. .lr.. who thought'
a commission, should be created to deal
with industrial problems generally.
Whether this was iui iiileil in tlie com
lniltee's lecoiiniiciiiliilion whs not made
The pioponl of Mr. Itockefeller was
thai a leport be made to I'lesideut Wil
son inai hie conlerericp was nanKriipc
and uigiiig the apptiiutuicnt ot a "com
mittee on uniet" to take up the work
of Hie confciciice.
The proposal to adjourn has not met
with the nppiovaf of some members
of the public group, who hold that tbe
Piesideut desliccl the nienibies to cpn,
tiiiue tlie work of ' seeking some basis'
for industrial peace over the country,
Mr. Itockefciler's position was that
tlie public delegates havlug participated
In llie full conference would be handi
capped by unfavorable public opinion
and that au cut lie new body should be
Prior to the committee's report offl-"
i ials of the Amerlcr.li Federation of
Labor wen: aiioroachrd ns to their nl-
licude toward the
liuinosnl Hint iKn
puhlic gi imp go ahead with the confers
ence work and they were understood to
bate pioniised their co-operation.
I ...... ..... .. ..iiiiv... i, Miner vunir- - ia
man of the shipping board, wboi cnllfjl. 'j-Sa
at tlie White House today to idepiive ta
las to the Piesidcut's health. apprdv'il,jy'
l'.clwarel N, Iluilcy. former vbalr- , Vb
imp Niiinn ruKiM. ii. im 7:imis.p.i niinr in '' . '(
withdiuwing fioni tlie coufcrenc.etsi ffif j
"I do not see how Mr, (i'oNnsii-Ji
. ' - . ; -- ---"- -.v v
'cinilil have done nnUliinir different." Mr
TTindei 'Tiihl 1tt. .ill fhn nxi iUiue?.
fiom his standpoint and probably tfl.eitj&gj
ucst lliing lor tlie country.
1500 Indorse His Stand at Labor
Conference' In Washington
New Yorh. Oct. IM. llj A. I
More than l.'iOfl members of the Aineri
inn lion mid Steel Institute at a meet,
iug here todat unanimously adopted a
icsolntton Indorsing the stand taken
bv Flbeit II. liary. chalrmau of the
board of clii colors of the Cnited Stiites
Steel Corporation, at the national in
ilustiial conference in Washington,
The lesolution was carried after a
siiecch by Judge (Jury, with an ova
tion to Hie speaker whlth lasted several
In Ills speech Judge liary criticized
the make-up of the industrial con
ference lie said that iu the employers'
group theie were several persons, "some
of whom at le-.ist should have been
with tlie labor groit'i." In tegard to the
public gioup he .aid that thousands X)f
vocations, professions and other jlpcw
of indiistiy had been overlooked, "all
of which are men r or less affected by
the cost of production, the expense ,pf
living anil, therefore, the control aud
conditions of both labor and capital."
In lcgaid to the labor group the head
of the steel coipoiatiou objected that
then- vvis no special icpresentatiou o'f
iiiioigaincd labor.
"The same mistake M-ems to have
been made.' he cuuiiriCilte-iL "by a large
pen tiou of the- public that vvas made
lliioilghout the war, namely, that or
ganized labor ic.illy lcpresents oik
itien or wage-earners generally, not
withstanding, that as a matter of fact,
at least N", per cent of the total ace non
union not loeiiibeii- of anv union, or
Itcfi'iring to ladicil agitation. Judge
liary -.lid that much had been made
public lately about the attempt to sprracl
the doe trine of Bolshevism iu this
louiitry .
"All nf us have known for som
lime.' he added, "that this disease Is
iM'i-i-trnt ami that theie litis been some
inoculation iu the bed of tin- i'ou,utrlr.
Still we cleuv that theie Is danger of
serious iroiib'c Tlp-ie Is only one way
in tie.it t lit-s disease and that is to stamp
il out. to niecl it bolelly wheicver It
can be found, to expose (t anil give it
no e liuuci- for development, lu tbit
free lountry theie is no mom except iu
the prisons foi tlie uuai'chlsts, the
bolshcvists. or other individuals; ulni
seek to substitute the rule of foice for
the rule of law and ii'asoii "
. ,
Innocent in North Penn Pank Case, v-
He Says '
William T (inliell. a dlicctor of hl
North Peun Hank which was closrd
July IS. yesterday pleaded not guilly
to eight indictments found against hlin
iu cniiurctinii witn I lie cjasli
Through au rrior it was stutnl thet
tiabell had pleaded guilty.
Kuteiing of the pleas of Halph T.
Moyer, cashier, and Lopis II AI le-Iievl
piesideut of the bank, bus been defer
led (or two weeks to penult .trie coiln- '
J,. to make copies of the indictment'
ngaiust them.
Children at Play Start Fire
t'lillilien itlnytpg with uindiirs slartM -a
I'ue among bed ctotlilng ou the sees
uuil Hoor of the .Ioriis 1'olaii home IV'J
Canttell strfel, tvda) The house is. In
llie I ear of fife engine house No, HU,
and lllnfen were jfuie-kly on IlinMtM,
with extingulsherw. Jiittte djiiniie vVas
done. No oue wax lujutrd, A
j I
;,t ,
-"larijns eiu, .
.. r -J AiLok ... ... '
t.t.t: 1 t.
, . 'f?!,f7;.
"ms &
i"' '-"
1 i i
vunn .
. 'lku. Tift
;.? .
i. ; h Si,!
l . ..,? ui ' i.1., 1 s'..