T" i "'& uvs&v .. 1 1 14: , EVENING rUBLlC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER' 23, 19X91 ry DENKN E SMASHES E NEMY ON VOLGA Captures 3000 Bolshevik Sol diersMilitary Chiefs Plan Coalition in Russia FRENCH SHELL KRONSTADT lty the Associated Press London, Oct St. The Bolshevist forces lmvo Iweii flung hark to the Knmyshln sertlon (on the VoIrii, 1o tween Snrnton nml Tsiirizyn). losing 3000 men, token prisoners, nml ninny jnaclilue pint, nreordinu to n wireless pommuulcntion fiom (ienernl Dcnlkim Extremely hercc fislititiK Is reported In Hint district Anottier tnessaRO nsserts thnt com munlcntions hnve not been rut between Vetrosrnd nnd Mosr-my. A dispatch from HeMimiors reports thnt Fiench warships have been bom bardiiiR Kronstndt since Monday. Lliey nrc nble to keep bejond range of the fortress' nitillery owing to tlic long range of their guns. General Iol)r-iiikv. the olrieial rep rcscntathe of (ieuer.il Yiidcnilch, hn arrived in London fiom the front for tho purpose nf obtaining help for Yudcnitch s nrinv in fiieliiR llussm from bolshevisin. tlic success of which lie declared was asMired. In an intciwcw, (ienernl nobrjansk said wlien vietoij was nehieied fieii erals Yndenitch nnd Penlkino nnd Ad miral Kolchak would rliooe some cen tral place and there form a coalition government, the first duties of which would be tile 1 proration of order. hen order was attained, In added, an elec tion of a constituent nssembH on a democratic basis would follow. When the assembly was strong enough to stand alone, s.iid General Dobrjiin skv "it is the intention of the military chiefs to stand aside and become the servants of their conntr,." ITc added that then was no intention to attempt to restore the monarchy, but that the actual foim of the tutme Itti-smii Gov ernment would be detei mined by n con stituent nssemblj . BYNG BARON OF VIMY Vice Admiral Beatty Also Elevated to British Peerage London, Oct I1:!. -General Sir Julian 15ng, on his ocotion to the peerage, takes the title of Uarou IIwir of Viinj. Vice Admiral Sir Dawd Iieattv be comes Union lleatty of the Xoitli Sen and of T.rooksby t HABORD ELUDED l ARARAT BANDITS L FATO D! F1UME SAREBBE DEGISO? U. S. Mission to Armenia At tacked Just After Major Gen eral Had Passed La Proposta di Tittoni Virtual- mente Accettata Dalla Conferenza i&ja:zXZZZSZ.za8K&A MA.IOK OKNKKAL HAItliOKI) Head of Vnlteil States mission to Armenia, who is li.ich at Conslan dimple, after nan owl escaping lapturo bj bandits ucir Mount r.iiit TO CURTAIL BRITISH STAFF Churchill Gives Notice of Drastic Reduction by End of Year Ioiulon. Oct 12.1. (Itv A. 1'.) Col onel Winston Spencer Churchill, secre tary of state for war, has sent a mem orandum to (he general stiff giiug no tification of a drastic reduction in per sotitiel by the end of the jcni. The stall will be riduccd 10 per cent below tho number of oflneis em oiled on August I at which tune the staff had been al leady 1 educed b ."000 men. ALFONSO OFF FOR LONDON Concludes Visit to France, Leaving Paris on Special Train Paris, O.t 2! (ISv A. 1M Kin,; Alfonso, cnnduding bis buef isit to Tinncc, left here at U :."0 o'clock this morning on n special tiniu to eniluik for London. . , , . The king chatted with Lord Deib. the British ambassador, for a few min utes before the train stinted. Hep resentatives of President I'nincare and several persons of proniineiice, inrlud in" Oeneinl Lvautcy and Adolphe M i the noted burgomaster of lirussels, sau the king off. SOME WERE TAKEN CAPTIVE, It) Hie Associated Piess Constantinople, Oct. IKS. Mnlnr General .lames G. Ilnibnid, held ot tin- inerniin mission to Ainienin. was cuiRralulated upon his iinlwil heie on hiu esinpc fiom (iipture bj bandits n r, w miles ft nin Mount Ararat while tin mission was returning to lliluin. Pint of the mission was ntt-nkid and In lil piisoncis for u few hours on Sep t.inbir .".II hv Kinds, Tnitnis nnd Tuiks. who liicd upon tin nutoninbiles niriMiig the Anieiic.ins, -i-ieinl of the mission nai lowly (si aping death. The nt I a els came while the c.irnvan was pioi ceding tlnoiiRli the v.tlloj of the iiii's, but foiluniilch Geneial Hailioid's ear had icaihul the plain li.idmg to I'.iivau befoie the attaik wii made It is believed tht had he been mpliiied he would have been held for lansom bv (he b iiidlts. The in iginal ieason for the titlark up puns to be that bands who aie waning with the Aiiuenians doubled the mi tlonalit.v of the Ameinaiis After the bandit chiefs lmd nssuied themselves that then pi Nonets weie renllv Amer icans thev weie lelc.lsed. their aulo mobiles vveie icstoied anil most of their piopcity, which hail been stolen, was given back to them. The chiefs deil.it ed thev dcsiied peace, ,.... , ..... i.i.. Dili lissenea UlIU peiiee .wis i,i-,-.u,ii lllll.V te I'ulillilinl nnit ni(rll'UtI Under ' IT.IlMtT no ait Mlthnrlrnl hv the i,rt of OctoW 0. tnlT nil fill) at tho 1'ottoKlio f rhtln lelphU 1M A s ,.nI.r.SOj rnstmnutT (lencral II ll"l I IH I II 11 L " IH I l.u :ily if some sttong onNnle iiovver in- ...i ii,i... ............i iiw, r.,,,,. ii, ii ,, .rui'ii. I in', r.in , -,"., ,i ii" .. ' thousands would die of stnivntion this winter owing to tiusettleii loiiuiuoiis in AlllH'lli.1. What liappened to I lie mission N an almost dailv occ tut once in that section, while milling baniN in i nlinnst con stantlv destio.ving liiospnoiis villages both Ai median anil Moslem P.irlgi. 'i". ottobie. Notii-ie dn fonte autorevole laseinno (onipienderc clic lie . iii..H delln Confeieua de hi Pace 1 liliene ihe la piopnta dell On. lit -tonl. idi en, la soliis-ionc del probleinn ill Plume, si Pssii (onsideriirc come viitiialmente niLettata. Plume sniebbe dlilihiiata Sta o L bcro ed il teiiiloilo ci'inprcnilcrebbc, J00. 11(10 abitauli da il "'1' oiicntnlc del'Istrla e Itmcaii. id Ineluderebbe .. ... , .,..!.. i ...,,ft ill 1. iiiinn e .Men ill M, 'Villi", i !'" - Susnk colla fen ov ill ihe s inteina ncllu Cio.izin, snRKetti alia l,ign uene ,u loin. , ,, .,, , Plume saiebhe una speile tli btnto entin Stnto. iiianteiiendosi italiiina ed antoiionin. comuuie.inilo con n iveguo d'ltnli.i a Volosta. Washington, Dc. Z ottobie. Al ,,,.., !.., i,..ll.it,,i imitiniinno ll I .Vllionseiimi n. in, hi ......... -- ciungeie tcligranuul di (oiidoglinnjin dn Vntte In nnitl ileull Stati I niti. 11 i,.i,iii Wilson ha inviato il mio aiutnntc niilitine n piis.utaie Ic con difclhinc ul'n vedovu ed in du bambuit del Cotitc Mmchi di Celleic. AH'Amluscinta e' una i autumn pro lessinue di niiiici e di jinimiriitori del l'illustie defunto. II Segretmio di Statu Lansing si e' lei.ito personal -meiite alia Hegia Anib is. lata, luiom p.ignato dalla siKnont. I'.gli iippenii np pnse la moi te del Conte Macchi di Celleie ha inviato all'On Tittoni, Mitustro per gli Affiui INtcii in Italia, il se-;uente telcgininm.i : "Mi nlTietto ml invi.ule sincere con doglianze ier I'linmatiiia moite del Conte Macchi di Celine, Anib.iseintore lt.ili.ino piesso ipiesto Goveino. La mm perdltn, nnra nentltn inolto pro fondamento In tutto 11 pnese 11011 solo per le sue ill I qunlttn' perisonnll c In tlconosdiltn nmlcizln per il popolo dcgli StatI I'niti, ma niiche per il rnro tntto e gludlzlo elie illmostro' isempre nelle sue rclnzioui utlicinli. Lgll era tin uomo ihe io Rtimiil al pin' alto grado ed in nil ebbi plena e completn lidmiu. Le sue ottinic (puillta' lo ten devano oltremodo iulat,to a innutencie la (onliiile amlcba clic iiniscu 1 uostri due paesl." I fiinernll nvrnnno luogo domnnl venerdl, nlle ore 11, La fiiiizlone re llgiosa sura' fnttn nelln Chlesn Cat tollca ill Sau Paolo. Poscia In saliun sal a' invlalii a New York e postn a bordo di una nave da gueria aineiicann die In ennduna' in Italia, Si crede ehc la saliun nam' aecompngnata In Itnlla da lapineseutauti del Dlpiirtimrnto di Stato, deU'eserclto e della marina. Al funernli intctceriamio il Segre tmio Lansing, varl fiiniiinnarl go veinntivi, tutto il peisonnle dell'Am basciatit ed il Corpo dlplomatico, , dolph Leglcn, president of tho German Federation of Trade Unions, will not be nblo to attend, nnd Herr Grnffmnnn, second ebnlrumu genl'iiil of the federa tion, will tnite his place. Will Build Homes Without Profit Yurli, Pa., Oct. Kl. Tho Home liillldliig Association, which plntis to etict mid sell without ptollt ?l,00(r,000 vvoith of homes lu Yoik, was organised 4 at a meeting of local business; men. Max Gimnlmtlier wu chosen president; 12. Scott Unite, secretary; W. A. Cro?ler, assistant sect etary, and Charles II. Hear, .!)., tieasnrer, W'lienYoti Need A Bank's Advice- COME IN That's Wkat Were Here For Mueller May Come to U. S. lterlln. Oct. I'll. (Hy A. P.) Dr. August Mueller, fotnier food control ler, ptolmbl.v will bend the German delegation at the International Labor Congress nt Washington. Cnrl Itu- APPLE BROWN BETTY! The most delightful des sert. Economical, health ful. Be sure the apples are from Oregon, Wash ington, Idaho. Buy a box. Fresher, cheaper. Jonathans now plentiful. 'Delight in every bite" Order a llni from your retailer KetnllfrR (Irilrr from jour Johbfr of the fntlonlni; nirlot reechcrw .John II. Cnn rrhnoi I'. (. st?nrt & Co. i JmncN Stiu..prs V Cn.t II..lnnn S. Ilhermun. f6'. HH ',v" rf- WHEN you find yourself confronted by a difficult business problem, the ex perience and advice of our officers is; at your disposal. We are interested in the busi ness problems of small as well as of large concerns. With the co-operation of a bank a small business may develop steadily and development means more profit for us as well as for the owner. Commercial Trust Company City Hall Square West Member Federal Reserve System MSmmmAi mm mmm At the Booth D, First Regiment Armory, you'll find a vp.rv interestinfr exhibit of I S. & S. Gingerale (and other flavors) man ionic Apple Juice Preferred Stock Try these drinks you'll be delighted Farrar the famous soprano is coming To hear Farrar is a privilege and an opportunity which every music-lover will want to embrace. It presents the unique opportunity of a direct personal observa tion of her remarkably beautiful voice for comparative consideration with her historic Victor Records. Attend the concert and hear her exquisite interpretations, being particularly careful to observe the individual characteristics that so plainly identify the Farrar voice. Then come in and hear the Victor Rec ords by Farrar. You will be instantly convinced that on the Victrola her art and personality are brought to you with uner ring truth. It is this absolute fidelity that emphasizes the supremacy of the Victrola, so firmly established on a basis of great things actually accomplished; a supremacy readily recognized and acknowl edged by the world's greatest artists who make records exclusively for the Victor. There are Victors and Victrolaj in great variety of itvlei. We'll gladly demonstrate them at any time, and tell you about our easy terms. I UCTION of PACKARD to be Doubled NEXT Y S3 SS Ss.sii; ?S5S4 Ml mM war tm iss?' 2 &. 3tmKM?.i Si SSSKC Jsaaoasasgl w"ras3"St. j-Y I a. iSZn ftJ The PACKARD TW1N-SIX ENGINE 2V IsSiKF'2 irKZ'ta KKT-!t:l T, ?gh?jay WEYMANN 1108 Chestnut St. VICTR0LAS VICTOR RECORDS PIANOS PLAYER ROLLS SHEET MUSIC mm N September 2nd, 1919, the twenty-four thou sandth Packard Twin -Six Motor Car was delivered to its owner. It is worth noting that the engine in this twenty four thousandth Twin-Six was practically identical with the original Twin-Six Engine introduced to the motoring world in June, 1915. No experienced motorist will miss the importance of this fact especially when he knows that in doub ling our production for 1920 we shall still make no major change in the engine. A basic engineering principle such as the Twin Six embodies is not come at by cfyance npr easily "improved." The war aviation emergency, the greatest stimu lus to motor engineering the world has ever knqwn, confirmed definitely the 12-cylinder "V" type (Twin Six) motor as a success because never before had flexibility, power and lack of vibration been com 'bined to such a high degree in a single unit. Most people are used to seeing cars change year ' after year reflecting the faults found by owners on the road or for the sake of "talking" points or' indicating a desire to make the owner buy a new car every season. Established standards like the Twin-Six motor are certainly necessary but none too plenty in the automobile business today. To the man with a motor problem we have this to say especially if he has been looking for a motor car which cannot be wished out-of-date overnight. The Packard Twin-Six principle is Established a permanent contribution to the Passenger ' Transportation service of the world. With your experience with the best of other cars fresh in mind a single drive in "the Packard Twin-Six will show you by direct comparison a new standard for acceleration, smoothness, speed, comfort, safety. i H!rar1 "Ask the SMan Who Owns One" Packard Motor Car Company of Philadelphia 319 North Broad Street BRANCHES Atlantic City, Bethlehem, Camden, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Heading, Trenton, Williams port, Wilmington' i s. LIVE TOWNS GROW ALONG GOOD ROADS. Business'follows established trade routes. Encourage the building of good roads in your section by investing your profits in road bonds. - NSf 4 " ' V i.MHBJl HHtHIUffiHWH -X ft-